Last night I had a dream that I started a new company called LAWYERS SUING LAWYERS.
The idea behind it was to find a vicious attack dog of a lawyer and use him to sue another lawyer. The ultimate goal of the company is to sue 75% of America's lawyers into bankruptcy.
See, we'll sic half of the lawyers on the other half, and when only 50% of the lawyers in the United States are still practicing, then we'll split them up and sic 25% on the other 25% until only one quarter of today's lawyers still have a dime to their name.
In this way, we can truly MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
What are we gonna sue all these lawyers for? Who cares? Does it matter? They're lawyers, for crying-out-loud! How hard could it be to dig up dirt on 75% of the country's lawyers? This ain't Rocket Science. Hell, it doesn't even rise to the level of Laundromat Science.
So, who's in? We just need to scrape up enough money to sic that first lawyer on another lawyer to get the ball rolling.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
POSTSCRIPT: I've told y'all before about my wild and vivid dreams. In case you were wondering -- YES! This was a real dream I had last night. It's not just a joke I've made up for this blog.
Stephen Sez: I’m on the corner of Drunk and Staggering, And I need an ear to bend. How about you, my ferret-faced fascist friend? Ain't you got an ear to lend? -- Stephen's Motto Iz: May our tolerance of diversity empower our non-judgmental, non-meanspirited multiculturalism. Can't we all just get along, give peace a change and vote for "Chance"?
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Monday, May 22, 2017
Six memes I made and one I found...
~ The above memes by D-FensDogG
This one I found online this morning and it made me laugh...
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
'Loyal American Underground'
Six memes I made and one I found...
~ The above memes by D-FensDogG
This one I found online this morning and it made me laugh...
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
'Loyal American Underground'
Friday, May 19, 2017
"This is a test. This station is conducting a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. This is only a test."
"This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. The broadcasters of your area in voluntary cooperation with the Federal, State and local authorities have developed this system to keep you informed in the event of an emergency. If this had been an actual emergency, the Attention Signal you just heard would have been followed by official information, news or instructions. This station serves the Re(no)tard, Nevada, area. This concludes this test of the Emergency Broadcast System. You may now go back to your bottle of beer."
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
aka D-FensDogG
Doggtor of Alcohology &
King of Inebriation Nation
"This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. The broadcasters of your area in voluntary cooperation with the Federal, State and local authorities have developed this system to keep you informed in the event of an emergency. If this had been an actual emergency, the Attention Signal you just heard would have been followed by official information, news or instructions. This station serves the Re(no)tard, Nevada, area. This concludes this test of the Emergency Broadcast System. You may now go back to your bottle of beer."
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
aka D-FensDogG
Doggtor of Alcohology &
King of Inebriation Nation
Sunday, May 14, 2017
[Be Forewarned Peoples: This ain't gonna be pretty, but it's the way I deal with Anti-American traitors who seek to undermine America's principles and try to turn Her into a totalitarian state. This blog bit will include some profanity, so proceed at your own risk and the protection of your own sense of decency.]
I was having a conversation in the comment section of a political article with a guy named Sam and using my usual comment sign-off block:
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
When suddenly a dude I'd never even heard of before butted into the conversation. He goes by the pseudonym General-Zod (a comic book villain opposed to Superman) and describes himself as: "Villain to anti intellectuals, cynic of all things right wing, and a proper centrist tyrant."
Well, General-Zod is no centrist. He's just another liberal (aka Anti-American) hiding under a different label. He's a very vile character who freely engages in name-calling and innuendo. Zod spends so much time arguing with conservatives on the Internet that I suspect he's probably a paid shill. Meaning, that's his job, to post comments attempting to discourage conservatives and condition young minds toward Socialism while undermining traditional American values and ideals. You should not feel bad for him when you read how I dealt with him. He's like Andrew Leon in several ways, so you know he got what he deserved from me.
Originally, General-Zod was using the following avatar:
But then he changed it to this:
The remark he left for me, right out of the blue, was this...
General-Zod: Stay underground Nazi.
Then in a second comment he wrote:
There is nothing more pathetic than signing your own name onto a comment. People don't care who you are Vanilla Lice.
My response went like this:
D-FensDogG: Private-Zodski, I can think of nothing at all that I value LESS than your opinion about ANYTHING!
This signature is just for you!....
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
And we were off to the races...
Zod: You should care. I know who your employer is and where you live. Not that I care about where you live. But your employer would be interested in seeing what you have written I am sure. I am very good with a computer. It's not hard to trace IP addresses and footprints online if you know what you are doing.
I wrote:
Tell him, jackass.
~ D-FensDogG
At some point in the middle of those exchanges, this pseudo-intellectual, big-mouth blowhard, anti-American libtard submitted a comment here at FERRET-FACED FASCIST FRIENDS on the old blog bit (Link:] D-FENSDOGG: LOYAL AMERICAN UNDERGROUND (Or, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOE!")
Here's his highly civilized, "intellectually" constructive commentary: Zod has arrived to take over your page. Fake Tyrants and racists are the crusted shit in between the unwashed ass cheeks of America. Your America is nothing more than a breeding ground for failure. Fucker.
And now you know why I always employ the Comment Moderation feature on my blogs. That imbecile's comment never saw the light of day -- I dumped it straight into the Spam file, and then I posted my own comment at the bottom of that blog bit's thread:
Try it again, but next time without the profanity, Private Zodscum.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
A day or two later I happened to run across General-Zod trolling other conservative commenters and spewing more of his crapola in the comment section of a different political website article. Here in part is what he said:
Gay marriage is something I am against. It's a desecration of the Bible. Marriage is between a man and a woman in God's eyes.
I harbour no hatred towards homosexuals, lesbians, transgender etc - but I feel that the states should be putting more resources into protecting them from discrimination. Gay marriage being legalized is not that.
So that's were I jumped in with this:
>>... "It's a desecration of the Bible."
COMIC BOOK BOY, you're highlighting The Bible now? Using The Bible to support your positions? That's pretty rich. Tell me, how do you personally feel about the following verse?...
"You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another."
I'm especially interested to know how seriously you take that "deal falsely, nor lie" segment.
'Loyal American Underground'
He ignored my comment for a full day (it's pretty rare for him to keep his mouth shut that long), so on the second day I followed it up with this:
Private Zodscum, why have you not answered my direct question? Could it be that you are a bald-faced liar and that's the reason you've avoided answering?
He finally replied to that with this:
Zod: I don't see a question. Not that I care about what you have to see. I've read your blogs and found some of your stuff online. You might as well tattoo a swastika on you forehead.
His fake obtuseness -- the pretending to be oblivious to my question -- was the final straw for me. So that's when I let my inner Attack Dog loose on him:
>>... "I don't see a question."
Alright, blind bih-tch, here it is for a second time then:
QUESTION: How do you personally feel about the following verse?...
"You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another."
Did you see it THAT time, Private Zodscum, you blind bih-tch?
>>.... "Not that I care about what you have to see."
"what I have to see"?
Good English. May I suggest that you not post comments while intoxicated?
>>... "I've read your blogs and found some of your stuff online."
NEWS FLASH!: ALL of my "blogs and stuff" are online. (Ask your boyfriend, "What is the meaning of the word 'online'?" He might know.)
>>... "You might as well tattoo a swastika on you forehead.
You mean like the one you have tattooed between "YOU" tiny wee-wee and "YOU" anal orifice?
Sober up, Zodscum, and answer my simple question.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
So then he came back spouting a bunch of irrelevant Bible verses supposedly proving that I'm a hypocrite who is destined to dwell in hell. Essentially, it was the usual libtard spaghetti-throwing evasion tactics. But then he finally did make the mistake of answering my question in the middle of some nonsensically deranged, typical liberal mental disorder rant. In part, he made the mistake of writing this:
Zod: I feel fine about that passage. [Leviticus 19:11] I haven't stolen anything, I haven't lied about anything and nor dealt falsely when it comes to you. I haven't just looked up your old blog, I found you on social media as well. You picked the wrong person to fight with.
I wouldn't call it hacking, it's more like tracking. No need to break into anything. I call it my civic duty, my holy duty to fight against hatred in the name of God. ... You're going to the lake of fire.
I belong to a small group of people, small enough, that actively searches and outs radicals and radical groups online. Whether it be a small fish or a big shark. ... My intention to out you has just intensified.
Well, that's what I'd been waiting for. I've had a godzillion and one debates with liberals over many, many years and never lost a-one of 'em. Debating libs is both a science and an art and I've got a whole lotta experience in it. I know that if the comment exchanges go on long enough, eventually the libtard / progressive / socialist / communist will hand you the rope to hang them with. And that's what Private-Zodscum did when he made the mistake of finally answering my question and fell into the trap I'd set for him.
I wrote:
You mad, bro? You gonna be even MADDER when I reply to these comments of yours tomorrow.
Sweet dreams, Comic Book Boy!
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
General-Zod replied:
I am not mad. I pointed out that you are a hypocrite. There are countless passages in the Bible that speak of blasphemy and the punishments for blasphemy. I am not concerned about your comments. Unrepentant sinners go to Hell.
And my response the following day was this:
>>... "My intention to out you has just intensified."
Oooh! You've got me shaking in my steel-toed boots! Please don't! Please DON'T!!
PRIVATE ZODSCUM, you wrote: "I feel fine about that passage. [Leviticus 19:11] I haven't stolen anything, I haven't lied about anything and nor dealt falsely when it comes to you."
No? Well, I feel quite certain that your entire life is nothing but one gigantic tapestry of lies. But let's count ONLY the ones that pertain to me up to now, shall we?
LIE 1: You wrote: "You picked the wrong person to fight with." FACT: I was having a discussion with some guy named Sam in a different comment section when you -- whom I'd never even heard of before -- broke into the middle of our discussion to say to me: "Stay underground Nazi." That was the start of this fight. It was actually YOU who picked the wrong guy to start up a feud with and you have no one to blame but yourself.
LIE 2: You said to me: "I know who your employer is and where you live. Not that I care about where you live. But your employer would be interested in seeing what you have written I am sure. I am very good with a computer. It's not hard to trace IP addresses and footprints online if you know what you are doing." FACT: That was one huge whopper. It was literally impossible for you to have obtained that information. We both know that. It was a total lie and a completely empty threat. I'm going to give you 2 options now: 1) Post right here and now the name of my employer and my full home address; or 2) confess that you are a bald-faced liar and that implied threat was a blatant lie. It's 1 or 2 for you. And if you do neither, then it automatically defaults to 2.
LIE 3: You wrote: "I don't see a question." FACT: You saw it. You were just trying to avoid it.
LIE 4: You wrote: "I haven't just looked up your old blog, I found you on social media as well." FACT: Hmmm.... That's quite a neat trick, seeing as how blogging is my ONLY social media endeavor. I have NEVER had a Facebook or Twitter account. I am not involved in ANY social media platforms whatsoever other than the aforementioned blogging activity.
FOUR BLATANT LIES from a guy who said, "I haven't lied about anything and nor dealt falsely when it comes to you." That word "lie"... I do not think it means what you think it means.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
And what did COMIC BOOK BOY have to say to all of that? You guessed it! Nuttin'.
Chalk up another debate victory against a libtard for me. That makes it a godzillion and two.
*This blog bit brought to you by . . .
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
[Be Forewarned Peoples: This ain't gonna be pretty, but it's the way I deal with Anti-American traitors who seek to undermine America's principles and try to turn Her into a totalitarian state. This blog bit will include some profanity, so proceed at your own risk and the protection of your own sense of decency.]
I was having a conversation in the comment section of a political article with a guy named Sam and using my usual comment sign-off block:
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
When suddenly a dude I'd never even heard of before butted into the conversation. He goes by the pseudonym General-Zod (a comic book villain opposed to Superman) and describes himself as: "Villain to anti intellectuals, cynic of all things right wing, and a proper centrist tyrant."
Well, General-Zod is no centrist. He's just another liberal (aka Anti-American) hiding under a different label. He's a very vile character who freely engages in name-calling and innuendo. Zod spends so much time arguing with conservatives on the Internet that I suspect he's probably a paid shill. Meaning, that's his job, to post comments attempting to discourage conservatives and condition young minds toward Socialism while undermining traditional American values and ideals. You should not feel bad for him when you read how I dealt with him. He's like Andrew Leon in several ways, so you know he got what he deserved from me.
Originally, General-Zod was using the following avatar:
But then he changed it to this:
The remark he left for me, right out of the blue, was this...
General-Zod: Stay underground Nazi.
Then in a second comment he wrote:
There is nothing more pathetic than signing your own name onto a comment. People don't care who you are Vanilla Lice.
My response went like this:
This signature is just for you!....
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
And we were off to the races...
Zod: You should care. I know who your employer is and where you live. Not that I care about where you live. But your employer would be interested in seeing what you have written I am sure. I am very good with a computer. It's not hard to trace IP addresses and footprints online if you know what you are doing.
I wrote:
Tell him, jackass.
~ D-FensDogG
At some point in the middle of those exchanges, this pseudo-intellectual, big-mouth blowhard, anti-American libtard submitted a comment here at FERRET-FACED FASCIST FRIENDS on the old blog bit (Link:] D-FENSDOGG: LOYAL AMERICAN UNDERGROUND (Or, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOE!")
Here's his highly civilized, "intellectually" constructive commentary: Zod has arrived to take over your page. Fake Tyrants and racists are the crusted shit in between the unwashed ass cheeks of America. Your America is nothing more than a breeding ground for failure. Fucker.
And now you know why I always employ the Comment Moderation feature on my blogs. That imbecile's comment never saw the light of day -- I dumped it straight into the Spam file, and then I posted my own comment at the bottom of that blog bit's thread:
Try it again, but next time without the profanity, Private Zodscum.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
A day or two later I happened to run across General-Zod trolling other conservative commenters and spewing more of his crapola in the comment section of a different political website article. Here in part is what he said:
Gay marriage is something I am against. It's a desecration of the Bible. Marriage is between a man and a woman in God's eyes.
I harbour no hatred towards homosexuals, lesbians, transgender etc - but I feel that the states should be putting more resources into protecting them from discrimination. Gay marriage being legalized is not that.
So that's were I jumped in with this:
>>... "It's a desecration of the Bible."
COMIC BOOK BOY, you're highlighting The Bible now? Using The Bible to support your positions? That's pretty rich. Tell me, how do you personally feel about the following verse?...
"You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another."
I'm especially interested to know how seriously you take that "deal falsely, nor lie" segment.
'Loyal American Underground'
He ignored my comment for a full day (it's pretty rare for him to keep his mouth shut that long), so on the second day I followed it up with this:
Private Zodscum, why have you not answered my direct question? Could it be that you are a bald-faced liar and that's the reason you've avoided answering?
He finally replied to that with this:
Zod: I don't see a question. Not that I care about what you have to see. I've read your blogs and found some of your stuff online. You might as well tattoo a swastika on you forehead.
His fake obtuseness -- the pretending to be oblivious to my question -- was the final straw for me. So that's when I let my inner Attack Dog loose on him:
>>... "I don't see a question."
Alright, blind bih-tch, here it is for a second time then:
QUESTION: How do you personally feel about the following verse?...
"You shall not steal, nor deal falsely, nor lie to one another."
Did you see it THAT time, Private Zodscum, you blind bih-tch?
>>.... "Not that I care about what you have to see."
"what I have to see"?
Good English. May I suggest that you not post comments while intoxicated?
>>... "I've read your blogs and found some of your stuff online."
NEWS FLASH!: ALL of my "blogs and stuff" are online. (Ask your boyfriend, "What is the meaning of the word 'online'?" He might know.)
>>... "You might as well tattoo a swastika on you forehead.
You mean like the one you have tattooed between "YOU" tiny wee-wee and "YOU" anal orifice?
Sober up, Zodscum, and answer my simple question.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
So then he came back spouting a bunch of irrelevant Bible verses supposedly proving that I'm a hypocrite who is destined to dwell in hell. Essentially, it was the usual libtard spaghetti-throwing evasion tactics. But then he finally did make the mistake of answering my question in the middle of some nonsensically deranged, typical liberal mental disorder rant. In part, he made the mistake of writing this:
Zod: I feel fine about that passage. [Leviticus 19:11] I haven't stolen anything, I haven't lied about anything and nor dealt falsely when it comes to you. I haven't just looked up your old blog, I found you on social media as well. You picked the wrong person to fight with.
I wouldn't call it hacking, it's more like tracking. No need to break into anything. I call it my civic duty, my holy duty to fight against hatred in the name of God. ... You're going to the lake of fire.
I belong to a small group of people, small enough, that actively searches and outs radicals and radical groups online. Whether it be a small fish or a big shark. ... My intention to out you has just intensified.
Well, that's what I'd been waiting for. I've had a godzillion and one debates with liberals over many, many years and never lost a-one of 'em. Debating libs is both a science and an art and I've got a whole lotta experience in it. I know that if the comment exchanges go on long enough, eventually the libtard / progressive / socialist / communist will hand you the rope to hang them with. And that's what Private-Zodscum did when he made the mistake of finally answering my question and fell into the trap I'd set for him.
I wrote:
You mad, bro? You gonna be even MADDER when I reply to these comments of yours tomorrow.
Sweet dreams, Comic Book Boy!
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
General-Zod replied:
I am not mad. I pointed out that you are a hypocrite. There are countless passages in the Bible that speak of blasphemy and the punishments for blasphemy. I am not concerned about your comments. Unrepentant sinners go to Hell.
And my response the following day was this:
>>... "My intention to out you has just intensified."
Oooh! You've got me shaking in my steel-toed boots! Please don't! Please DON'T!!
PRIVATE ZODSCUM, you wrote: "I feel fine about that passage. [Leviticus 19:11] I haven't stolen anything, I haven't lied about anything and nor dealt falsely when it comes to you."
No? Well, I feel quite certain that your entire life is nothing but one gigantic tapestry of lies. But let's count ONLY the ones that pertain to me up to now, shall we?
LIE 1: You wrote: "You picked the wrong person to fight with." FACT: I was having a discussion with some guy named Sam in a different comment section when you -- whom I'd never even heard of before -- broke into the middle of our discussion to say to me: "Stay underground Nazi." That was the start of this fight. It was actually YOU who picked the wrong guy to start up a feud with and you have no one to blame but yourself.
LIE 2: You said to me: "I know who your employer is and where you live. Not that I care about where you live. But your employer would be interested in seeing what you have written I am sure. I am very good with a computer. It's not hard to trace IP addresses and footprints online if you know what you are doing." FACT: That was one huge whopper. It was literally impossible for you to have obtained that information. We both know that. It was a total lie and a completely empty threat. I'm going to give you 2 options now: 1) Post right here and now the name of my employer and my full home address; or 2) confess that you are a bald-faced liar and that implied threat was a blatant lie. It's 1 or 2 for you. And if you do neither, then it automatically defaults to 2.
LIE 3: You wrote: "I don't see a question." FACT: You saw it. You were just trying to avoid it.
LIE 4: You wrote: "I haven't just looked up your old blog, I found you on social media as well." FACT: Hmmm.... That's quite a neat trick, seeing as how blogging is my ONLY social media endeavor. I have NEVER had a Facebook or Twitter account. I am not involved in ANY social media platforms whatsoever other than the aforementioned blogging activity.
FOUR BLATANT LIES from a guy who said, "I haven't lied about anything and nor dealt falsely when it comes to you." That word "lie"... I do not think it means what you think it means.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
And what did COMIC BOOK BOY have to say to all of that? You guessed it! Nuttin'.
Chalk up another debate victory against a libtard for me. That makes it a godzillion and two.
*This blog bit brought to you by . . .
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Friday, May 12, 2017
It's my belief that the four things under my bed constitutes the world's best home protection system and is solely responsible for my sweet sleep and pleasant dreams:
4-Cell MAG-LITE manufactured by Mag Instrument in Ontario, California. It helps you to locate the intruder in the dark. Also doubles as a heavy noggin-basher.
A fully loaded Noisemaker manufactured by my good friends Smith & Wesson.
The Holy Bible manufactured by The Prophets Of God, Unlimited. Sleep is always sweeter when you're resting on The Word Of God.
~ meme by D-FensDogG
Last but not least, Killer Dust Bunnies manufactured by... my laziness and poor housekeeping. If you're a bad guy and the first three things don't get you, the fourth one will.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
It's my belief that the four things under my bed constitutes the world's best home protection system and is solely responsible for my sweet sleep and pleasant dreams:
![]() |
4-Cell MAG-LITE manufactured by Mag Instrument in Ontario, California. It helps you to locate the intruder in the dark. Also doubles as a heavy noggin-basher.
A fully loaded Noisemaker manufactured by my good friends Smith & Wesson.
The Holy Bible manufactured by The Prophets Of God, Unlimited. Sleep is always sweeter when you're resting on The Word Of God.
~ meme by D-FensDogG
Last but not least, Killer Dust Bunnies manufactured by... my laziness and poor housekeeping. If you're a bad guy and the first three things don't get you, the fourth one will.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy