Perhaps my favorite portion of Barack Obama’s inaugural speech was this:
“To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.”
Hey, guess who I thought of first, Obama, baby! YOU! You cling to power as the country’s new president by deceit and the silencing of dissent. The deceit will be found on your birth certificate, if you ever allow We The People to actually see it. And you silence dissent by hiring lawyers to help you keep that birth certificate hidden away rather than showing it to The People – The People who have a Constitutional RIGHT to see it. Yes, you, Obama. YOU!
When will you extend YOUR hand, Obama, with your official birth certificate in it? Hmmm? Heal thyself, physician.
Heal thyself, messiah:
"Why do you see the splinter which is in your brother's eye, and do not feel the beam which is in your own eye? ... O hypocrites, first take out the beam from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to get out the splinter from your brother's eye."
Or is that particular passage not included in your copy of The Bible, O mighty messiah, O Mr. "Christian" man? [*Cough!-Cough!*]
You deserve Barack Obama. Just like you deserved George W. Bush and Bill Clinton before him. You ignorantly elect these wild dogs to lead you and then you cry foul when the dogs turn and bite you in the ass. If you did your research first – and I mean “INTELLECTUALLY HONEST” research – you wouldn’t be casting your vote for your own executioners.
Well, you’re a dying country, that’s for sure. But if it wasn’t for the fact that at least a small minority of your People dislike the taste of Kool-Aid, you would have been laid to rest long before now.
THE END IS NEAR, America. Nearer than you know.
And since I gave up “HOPE”
I feel much better.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
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What, Is He From The Womb Of The Mother Ship Sent By Planet Malcolm-X?
At some point people either take accountability for the poor voting choices they have made, or they don't. When we the people don't do our homework and elect officials based on propaganda we get what we deserve.
ReplyDeleteI fully admit that I had voted for Clinton when I was 18 and Bush the first time he ran. But at some point you have to wake up. A logical person has to start to recognize that nothing has changed and has only gotten worse. It means taking personal accountability for the idiots in office. I did that and I started doing my own research. I didn't have to look hard or long. I just had to look. More Americans should do the same. Sadly they won't. Then they will blame Obama, just like Bush, just like they did Clinton. But when are these same people going to start looking in the mirror and go, "Oh ya I voted for one of those guys." Then and only then will they truly start to question the system and see it for what it really is.
ReplyDeleteVery well said, Brother. Very well said.
>>[I did that and I started doing my own research. I didn't have to look hard or long. I just had to look.]<<
And that (above) was BEAUTIFULLY said. Exactly right, my man. The Truth is bashing us in the head all day long, 365 days a year. All we have to do is look up sometime, acknowledge it, and then confirm it, so we will KNOW it. And when we KNOW The Truth, The Truth will make us free.
But the American People find it easier to just punch out the chad next to the Marxist with the "R" beside his name, or the Marxist with the "D" beside his name, and then settle down in front of the TV set, believing that they have done their patriotic duty.
Like a dog that returns to its own vomit, these fools repeat their folly.
"To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.”
ReplyDeleteOf course you know he means, "I will extend A hand to you as long as you agree with me, and do what I tell you to do.
Why you gotta be so cynical for, Marc? Why can't you just "CHANGE" trains and hop on the "HOPE" train? You are obviously a nonconformist and a rebel. Can't we all just get along? Do as the messiah says (not as he does).
ReplyDeleteHere!-- Put on these Hope-Colored glasses; that should help.
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>