In honor of EARTH DAY, it is my fervent hope that everyone will toss at least one Liberal into a recycling bin on April 22nd. With any luck, he or she will be reconstituted as a cardboard box for Marlboro cigarettes. Either that or a chapter in Ann Coulter's next book. The fat Liberals like Michael Moore might even return as an entire Coulter book! Wouldn't THAT be the epitome of "turning an ass into an asset"?
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>
Not only would Mikey become an asset but it just might make me CRACK a smile.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention "crack a Coulter book", eh?
Hey, great to hear from ya again, BR'ER. I was beginning to think my Blogs were down to ZERO readers.
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>
No brother I'm here. Until they rip the internet away from us or one of us is in the grave I'll be reading you blogs. It's what real buddies do especially when his brother has so many good things to say.
ReplyDeleteMuchos gracias, BR'ER.
ReplyDelete~ STMcC
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>