Stephen T. McCarthy’s qualifications:
My mother was a woman but my woman was a mutha. (Smile!)
What follows is only the crème de la crème of the Anti-Feminism books and the books related to Feminism that I have read.
If you haven’t read these books ‘cause you’re waitin’ for the movies to come out, I’m afraid yer gonna remain ign’ant ‘bout this subject for da rest O’Yer Life. "Fat, drunk and feminist is no way to go through life, son."
I’m not saying I don’t like women. I’m not saying that.
But I think youz ought to read these books:
The Declaration Of Independence And The Constitution Of The United States Of America
by Our Founding Fathers
The Declaration Of Independence says, "All men are created equal." It does not say that women are created equal to men.
Just a joke to break the ice. Women ARE created equal to men, but also DIFFERENT.
The Communist Manifesto
by Karl Marx
Marx's Manifesto says, "Communists everywhere SUPPORT EVERY REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT AGAINST THE EXISTING SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ORDER OF THINGS. Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible OVERTHROW OF ALL EXISTING SOCIAL CONDITIONS."
And Clara Zetkin writes, "Comrade Lenin frequently spoke to me about the women's question. Social equality for women was, of course, a principle needing no discussion for communists. In 1920 he said, "We must create a powerful international women's movement."
Weak Link: The Feminization Of The American Military
by Brian Mitchell
Feminism is one of the most destructive weapons Socialism ever unleashed on our society. Bear in mind that Socialists attack en masse any book damaging their agenda, so many of these titles will show many negative reviews. No, this is not to imply that EVERY dissenting voice is that of a socialist or card-carrying Communist, but I strongly urge you to be wary when considering them.
The Kinder, Gentler Military: How Political Correctness Affects Our Ability to Win Wars
by Stephanie Gutmann
Dedication And Leadership
by Douglas Hyde
I believe you will find every title I have included on this list to be a good buy. Some are now out of print, but used copies are available.
DEDICATION AND LEADERSHIP is not specifically about Feminism, but it shows how socialists operate and why they are so successful, making such an impact with few numbers. This is a very valuable book for a variety of reasons!
Why Women And Power Don't Mix
by J.P. McDermott
As far as I know, this remains the most comprehensive book on Feminist psychology. It also explains the methods and the consequences. For every man or woman, the path to understanding starts here. (Overlook the poorly chosen title. You can't always judge a book by its title.)
The Gender Agenda: Redefining Equality
by Dale O'Leary
An absolutely essential publication for gaining an understanding of Feminism's hidden agenda. This is one of only a few books to make the valid Feminist/Marxist connection. It simply doesn't get any better than this one.
Manhood Redux: Standing Up To Feminism
by C. H. Freedman
Here's one of the best books ever written on the subject (and definitely the most humorous). About 'feminist males', Freedman writes: "Some especially obedient little dogs bring their masters their leash when they want to be harnessed up for a walk."

Women Who Make The World Worse: And How Their Radical Feminist Assault Is Ruining Our Schools, Families, Military, And Sports
by Kate O'Beirne
The Privilege Of Being A Woman
by Alice Von Hildebrand
A truly powerful little book if you don't mind just a bit of Catholic flavoring. (I myself am not Catholic.) This book made me almost sorry I was born male.
Real Men Don't Eat Quiche
by Bruce Feirstein
OK, look, this is included strictly for comic relief. Only emasculated males lick the black boots of Feminists. And eating quiche? Aww, come on, fuhgeddaboudit: "Real Men" can't even pronounce it!
Spreading Misandry: The Teaching Of Contempt For Men In Popular Culture
by Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young
The Feminists and their emasculated boy puppets are Spreading Misandry throughout society, and they're spreading it on THICK!
Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame To Systemic Discrimination Against Men
by Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young
A tour de force about the atrocious inequality that Feminism has "legally" leveled at men. One reviewer wrote: "It ought to be read by every man who considers getting within 500 yards of a female."
The ACLU Vs. America: Exposing The Agenda To Redefine Moral Values
by Alan Sears
One of Feminism's most effective supporters has been the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) - a Marxist organization since its founding. There is a symbiotic relationship between Marxism and Feminism. Gender is to Feminism what class is to Marxism. (Since Secular Humanism is essentially a modernized form of Marxism, you will find the "Humanist Manifesto" crowd also endorses Feminism.)
The Party Of Death: The Democrats, The Media, The Courts, And The Disregard for Human Life
by Ramesh Ponnuru
One of Feminism's most carefully protected gains is the (pseudo-Constitutional) legal right of a woman to murder her unborn child. Read this book and see if your previously held beliefs about abortion can withstand scrutiny.
Everything Starts From Prayer: Mother Teresa's Meditations On Spiritual Life For People Of All Faiths
by Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa was one of the great embodiments of Womanhood: caring, giving, forgiving, nurturing, selfless and Loving. I rarely cry when a person dies, but my tears fell the day this poor old world lost Mother Teresa.
Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fatherhood, Marriage, And The Family
by Stephen Baskerville
'TAKEN INTO CUSTODY' by Stephen Baskerville is an absolutely shocking look at the tyrannical judicial system that is ruining fathers and deliberately undermining "the family" (i.e., society's fundamental group unit). The Constitutional rights of men are being trampled on and obliterated by the courts of this country. Read this book if you give a damn about anyone other than yourself!
Holy Bible: From The Ancient Eastern Text
by George M. Lamsa
The biggest enemy the Feminist movement has is God: Genesis 3:16; Isaiah 3:11,12; 1st Timothy 2:11-15; Titus 2:3-5, et al. Atheistic radical Feminists won't care, but female Believers are expected to know!
Evidence For Faith: Deciding The God Question
by John Warwick Montgomery
And if you've ever wondered whether or not THE HOLY BIBLE truly was inspired by The Biblical God, this great book will certainly put that question to rest for you once and for all!
The Fountainhead
by Ayn Rand
by Ayn Rand
A politically liberal, self-professed "feminist" female psychologist and former friend of mine recently wrote the following to me in a letter:
I don't believe I am being naive or "seeing what I want to see" if I focus on what is good and compassionate. I see the results of ugliness daily in my practice. I also believe that what you oppose grows, and what you put your attention on grows. I personally want to see the beauty and kindness that is all around me. So, really, I'm not interested in reading any anti-feminist articles.
That is the reply I received after recommending that this feminist psychologist read a few of the books on this list. It should be noted that decades ago, this same "liberal" (i.e., "socialist") introduced me to the writings of Ayn Rand, whose philosophy had a major impact on her at that time.
As for my former friend's current political views, I guess it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind. But her response to my suggestion that she read a few of the outstanding books on this list says a great deal about a Feminist's lack of objectivity and feigned interest in discovering truth. Her motto might as well be: "See, hear, and READ no truth."
Bonus Material:
Demographic Winter
Fuhgeddabout Paul Ehrlich's "Population Bomb." One of our real and most serious socioeconomic problems will soon be revealed to be a lack of population replacement resulting from a number of factors, not the least of them being the effects of "Feminism." This one-hour documentary is loaded with facts that pack a punch and will knock the teeth right out of your optimism. Stick a fork in us: we're done!
And always remember to Just Say, “NO!” to Hellary Clinton
And always remember to Just Say, “NO!” to Hellary Clinton
and to Popeye Palin!
and to Popeye Palin!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
You've mentioned some of these in the past and they all sound like interesting reading. Maybe I'll get to some of these eventually. I'll be interested to see if any female readers comment on this and if so what thoughts they might have.
Tossing It Out
ReplyDeleteHa!-Ha! You ARE kidding, right?
Other than a few comments from "All The Usual Friends", this blog bit - like all my others - will elicit only the sound of silence.
Blogging: it's like onanism in a deep-sixed coffin.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I've seen most of these books but haven't read any. Just too busy. Besides, I'm buried in my beliefs and I'm too stubborn to change.
ReplyDeleteStephen Tremp
Hmmm... OK, STEPHEN, what the heck, I'll bite: What are those beliefs that you are "buried in and too stubborn to change"?
ReplyDelete~ D-FensDogg
I agree with the feminist movement in one area only-equal work (note I said equal) equal pay. I think most of the problems with children and young people today is that there hasn't been a mother at home to guide them. But I also blame men for allowing a lot of this movement to happen. I just never understood men buying into the idea. And men have had to or a lot of the legislature passed or allowing men's role in the home to diminish take place. Do not interpret my comments as meaning "beat your wife", because that isn't what I mean. The Bible says the man should be the leader in the home, a lot of men haven't and don't-they leave or run away, making it necessary for a woman to become the leader in the home, the bread winner.Interesting, Stephen. Also, I did delete your first comment from my blog. Have you ever noticed how close together the word publish and delete in the email notifying that a comment is waiting to be handled is? Suffice it to say, very close. Though I would like to know if you were being sarcastic about what I wrote. I didn't quite understand about "no longer being in Kansas."
ReplyDeletePart 1 Of 2:
ReplyDeleteHi, JUDY!(x3) ~
What are you doing over here? I’m not used to ‘STUFFS’ “Followers” making it over here to this blog. And that makes two of you now (Stephen Tremp also).
Well, I agree with you about equal pay for equal work. I doubt there is more than two or three oddballs in this world who wouldn’t agree with that. However, I also believe there are a few (and only a few) jobs that women ought not to be doing. (Namely, military combat, police and fire, and priests and ministers [because God says so].) Otherwise, certainly, equal opportunity (NOT affirmative action), and equal pay for equal work.
>> I think most of the problems with children and young people today is that there hasn't been a mother at home to guide them.
I definitely agree with that. But I will add that due to the incredibly high divorce rate, just as often there is no male authority figure in the house either, and this plays a very significant part in the corrupting of our youth as well.
>> But I also blame men for allowing a lot of this movement to happen. I just never understood men buying into the idea. And men have had to or a lot of the legislature passed or allowing men's role in the home to diminish take place.
Actually, by and large, men have NOT bought into the idea of this movement. Oh sure, there have always been a few Alan Alda and Phil Donahue types out there, but these kind of fellas are the rare exception, not the rule.
There has been an insidious revolution that has taken place (not from the outside, but from within), brought about by Marxists, “Progressives”, Secular Humanists, non-profit foundation “philanthropists” and other similar socialists of various stripes, to undermine the traditional family and reengineer society. They having largely gained control of the legislature, the judicial system, the media, the world of entertainment, (the White House), etc., what choice has the average man had but to accept the system that has been foisted on him? Get out of line, and believe me, he’s going to jail NOW! (see ‘Taken Into Custody’ by Baskerville.)
It must be understood that the males who have infiltrated the system and helped to install Feminism are neither Americans nor men first. A Marxist is a Marxist, first and foremost. That is how he identifies himself - THAT is the group to which he is devoted; not to his fellow males nor to his fellow Americans, etc. A socialist is dedicated to his utopian dream above all else. Other categories which might also apply to him are of lesser importance.
>> The Bible says the man should be the leader in the home, a lot of men haven't and don't-they leave or run away, making it necessary for a woman to become the leader in the home, the bread winner.
That a small number of men (and women as well) have abandoned their families or become deadbeats is a fact. Humanity is imperfect and there will always be the selfish. But the mainstream media has (as usual) sold the American people on what is mostly a big, fat, inflated lie. (Again, see ‘Taken Into Custody’.)
And, of course, let’s not forget that some of those aforementioned Marxists and “Progressives” have also infiltrated the church – as any intelligently organized group of Marxists and “Progressives” should be expected to do.
Continued below...
Part 2 Of 2:
ReplyDeleteSo, one might ask, “How have these Marxist and other socialists, relatively small in number, overcome manhood in general and so effectively installed the destructive Feminist movement in America?”
The answer is provided in large part by Douglas Hyde in his book ‘Dedication And Leadership’. As it says on the back cover:
On March 14, 1948, Douglas Hyde handed in his resignation as the news editor of the London Daily Worker and wrote “the end” to twenty years of his life as a member of the Communist Party. A week later, in a written statement, Hyde announced that he had renounced Communism and, with his wife and children, was joining the Catholic Church. ...
In DEDICATION AND LEADERSHIP, he advances the theory that although the goals and aims of Communism are antithetical to human dignity and the rights of the individual, there is much to be learned from communist methods, cadres, and psychological motivation. Hyde describes the Communist mechanics of instilling dedication, the first prerequisite for leadership. Here is the complete rationale of party technique: how to stimulate the willingness to sacrifice; the advisability of making big demands to insure a big response; the inspirational indoctrination; and the subtle conversion methods.
In other words, the Communists know what they’re doing. They’ve mastered the art of inspiring individuals and small groups to work harder for their socialist cause than are the defenders of liberty, traditional morality, and family values willing to work for THOSE causes. The minority CAN overcome the majority if the minority works harder and smarter. And THAT is why the Feminist movement succeeded, despite the fact that most American men opposed it.
>> I would like to know if you were being sarcastic about what I wrote. I didn't quite understand about "no longer being in Kansas."
No, Judy, I wasn’t being sarcastic at all. I was merely trying to be (very, very mildly) humorous. I forget exactly which of your sentences I had copied and pasted into my comment, but it went something like this:
>> “It seemed that I had just closed my eyes when I was jerked awake by this blaring bugle and someone knocking on the door … One thing was for sure, I was awake!”
And you weren’t in Kansas anymore!
I was just borrowing that old (and now trite) expression from the movie ‘The Wizard Of Oz’ to make the point that your normal, everyday life had been suddenly turned upside down.
Surely you’ve heard many persons use the phrase “We’re not in Kansas anymore” when something has occurred to turn the status quo on its head. That’s all I was saying, that your life had suddenly changed in a crazy kinda way. (…And should I “stop calling you Shirley?”) [Surely you’ve heard that one before too, right?]
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal Amercan Underground’
Actually, I had never heard the one about shirley. Goes to show I can still learn. After reading your response I can see some of your points, but I still say "men" have allowed this to happen. For example, even though we were poor, my dad made the decision that my mom would stay at home and not work outside the home, in the 60's and after, there came a push to change this acceptance, which raises the question of who pushed to work outside the home, who pushed for a $200,000dollar home even though the man's salary couldn't provide the payments for such a house. Which markets did advertisers go after saying "look at what you could have and should have because you deserve it", the market was women. The husband, man, had to start giving away control to the idea of living and being content within our means. Because up to that point, the husband was head of the househould and women accepted this. That's not to say there weren't discussions and sharing, because I think there should be agreements between the spouses, but someone had to give a final yes or no, and according to the Bible is is the husband. At what point did it start being the woman who is now the dominating force in the household, you know the expression "the woman wears the pants". I've lived through this era, and I know that at some point I started thinking like the feminist, maybe because I was going through the pain of having a child and the only response I received, from what I thought was my soulmate, was "sorry, I know I promised this and that, but now I've decided I can't help you". Then we never saw or heard from him again. Surely there weren't that many painful episodes happening to turn women into men haters, because to me, that's what a large percent of the feminist movement is about. I would read some of the books you've suggested, but I don't know if I want to bring up the past, because I've worked through the feminist idea and see it for what it is. And you can't change the past, we just need to open our eyes to the now and try to repair the damage. I found this blog from your profile. After I deleted your post, I was playing around with trying to find what you had sent and when you wrote again I clicked on your name which took me to your profile. The blog name intriqued me.
ReplyDeleteStephen and Judy
ReplyDelete"I think most of the problems with children and young people today is that there hasn't been a mother at home to guide them."
Not to pile on, but I was just saying the other night to Mr. McCarthy that a lot of the blame for the sexual revolution and the decay of the family really lies with women.
For centuries, the sexual appetites of single men were curbed by women's thigh muscles keeping their legs closed.
One women got sold on "being free and liberated" it all fell apart!
Men of course were willing participants, and society jumped right in, so I don't write these words as an attack on women, but if you think of how much change has happened from 1960 forward, it is kind of mind boggling considering how little changed for thousands of years prior.
So ladies, if you want some changes in the world, you've got to stop putting out!
Think of yourselves as modern-day Lyssistrata's!
Yes, it is so simple to label it "sex", but there's more to it than that, the loss of self-respect by women and then men stepping in there and taking advantage. Hey you know the old saying, "It takes two to tango". What really matters though, is repairing the damage. Men, being the leader, should learn to guide and say no, be the one to turn the tide, as the leader. They should be the one with the control, not women controlling the man. I don't think men, contrary to popular belief, can't say no to sex. I don't believe men are that weak! Just because they're offered sex doesn't mean they have to take advantage, that would mean women really do have the controlling power. If it all boils down to sex, we are in a world of hurt!
ReplyDeleteJ-3 ~
ReplyDelete>> Actually, I had never heard the one about shirley.
It’s one of the many one-liners from the movie “Airplane”.
>> Surely there weren't that many painful episodes happening to turn women into men haters, because to me, that's what a large percent of the feminist movement is about.
Yeah, well, that’s definitely one aspect of it.
With women being wired in a way that makes them generally more emotional than are men, it also makes them more susceptible to those who know how to manipulate their emotions. It was a rather easy task for the socialistic social engineers to convince women that they were victims of the patriarchy and that they needed to fight for their rights and put those domineering men in their places.
Those who know which strings to pull in order to generate an emotional response from women are also able to move women in predetermined directions. Because of their natural emotional responses, women need(ed) to be especially careful and attentive to deliberate manipulation, unless they should find themselves being slyly led by those who claimed to have their best interests at heart. Unfortunately, they weren’t attentive enough.
The above idea is perfectly illustrated on my list by the Clara Zetkin quote which I provided under Karl Marx’s ‘Communist Manifesto’.
Also, the communists employ a “pincers” techinique, sometimes referred to as “pressure from above and below”. They can reconfigure society by bringing “official” pressure from respected organizations that they control or influence (i.e., from the system itself, or from “above”) as well as by creating and fomenting dissatisfaction amongst the masses. They find a small seam in society and they begin working on it, prying it open, widening it until they have created a movement of unhappy (and better yet, angry) people who will unknowingly do the communists’ bidding.
So, is it any wonder then that with the mainstream media and well respected organizations calling the ‘unfeminized’ men “unenlightened misogynists” and “anachronistic defenders of a dead patriarchy”, and with so many women referring to men as “Neanderthals” and “male chauvinist pigs”, is it any wonder that men gradually caved into the shrieking demands of organized feminists and strident, unwitting women? Men were just men, after all, not supermen. And they couldn’t have been expected to forever hold out against the pressure from above and the pressure from below.
>> After reading your response I can see some of your points, but I still say "men" have allowed this to happen.
So men were damned if they didn’t and they’re damned ‘cause they did.
But that’s OK, Judy, because men have become rather acclimated to the idea that regardless of what they do, it will be wrong in the eyes of many women. As the old joke goes:
If a man speaks in the forest and there are no women around to hear, is he still wrong?
I think too often the answer is “Yes”.
>> I would read some of the books you've suggested, but I don't know if I want to bring up the past, because I've worked through the feminist idea and see it for what it is.
And Stephen Tremp would read them except that he’s too busy, and besides, he’s buried in his beliefs and too stubborn to change.
The personal reasons are not really important. What IS important is that everyone avoid reading these books. I put this blog bit together as a warning for others – it’s a list of books I hope people will steer clear of, so that we as a society may continue down the path we are currently on. I mean, everything is going so well that it would be a shame to change horses now in midstream.
So really, it doesn’t matter so much to me WHY a person chooses not to read these books, I’m just grateful that they don’t.
(And, yes, now I AM being sarcastic.)
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
Thanks for the comment you left on Sixty. Discussion is invigorating!
ReplyDeleteMade me think of my younger days and realize how much I miss a group getting together for "discussion". Looking forward to more of your posts. I meant to come back and post one final comment, one that you touched on-I think we both are on the same team! We have the same desire for the future. Again, good post!
Hey, thanks, JUDY!-THREE ~
ReplyDeleteYeah, this was one of the better, more in-depth discussions I've been involved with in the comment sections of my blog posts. It gave me an opportunity to expand on the subject and explain some of the communist tactics used for social change that I have learned about over these many years of study.
So, thanks again for opening the door and coming in for awhile. I truly enjoyed the discussion!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Ok I'm a little late to the conversation. Honestly, feminism has happened in every civilization that has collapsed that I've read on. Just read up on Ashteroth worship in the old testament. Though I haven't read alot on the Roman Empire I've read enough to know that were doing many of the same things that destroyed them. My point is simple. This is not new!!! Every form of feminist thought, sexual perversion from both sexes, and disgusting behavior can be found in the study of old pagan religions. The Bible mentions many of them in passing, but read up on these things. The owl molech, Ashteroth, Baal, Nimrod and more. The Communists are good at what they do because ultimately their leader is a satanist. All you have to do is look at what they have done. Their objectives are to replace The Bible with a new system a new order. The ultimate book that is on Mr. Mccarthys list is The Holy Bible. In it you will see that the history of spiritual wickedness is very predictable. What happened in Ezekial? In Judges? Isaiah? Genesis? "Ye shall not surely die" is what the serpent said to WHO? Who was fooled originally by the serpent? The serpent got to the man through who? Ya it's that old. So why did Lenin need a womens movement?
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm not a women hater. Married 8 plus years, and make all decisions with my wife. Doesn't mean we agree all the time, or that I like the direction were going in all the time. I do agree that men and women are giving into lusts of the flesh and sacrificing their childrens moral future for gratification today (could be sex but not always).
I would gladly live in a run down one bedroom if I had to to raise my children the right way. Money and possesions are far over valued. THe only real impact we have here is in what we do for God. That includes what we do for others in Gods service, and most importantly how we raise the next generation. I will fight like a caged animal to stop any moral depraved point of view from influencing my children.
Great post brother,
Brer marc
ReplyDeleteAn EXCELLENT comment, BR'ER MARC.
I only wish you were able to come around more often and weigh in like that, but I do understand your situation and all of the more important things you have going on in your life right now.
>> The Communists are good at what they do because ultimately their leader is a satanist.
Heck, I'll go one step further and speculate that their real leader IS satan!
Well stated, Brotherman.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
"Heck, I'll go one step further and speculate that their real leader IS satan!"
ReplyDeleteYes brother your correct. My point was that most followers of this movement are in fact deceived. They must believe there is some benevolent purpose to it or they wouldn't follow it. However, the elites who originated it and stand to benefit the most know what they worship. That I have no doubt on. The others are as I believe Stalin called them, "useful idiots." This compromises the vast majority of the too ignorant (I call them too ignorant to be taken seriously socialists) we deal with on a daily basis in our lives. Too bad people don't realize that the same people they help come to power today will be the ones murdering them tomorrow. Look no further than Stalin. But thats OK because they can't be bothered to read A BOOK (like your former friend), or they only read books that give them what they want to hear.
By the way I never understood that about people. Why would you not do a check up from the neck up by looking at the opposing view? I know I personally look to challenge my own beliefs to biblical accuracy and look at opposing points of view. Not saying I consume myself with it. However, can one really say they've done their homework if they don't at least check where their beliefs come from? Ya know make sure they have their stuff straight.
For example, I've actually gone out of my way to read a book by a former christian who doesn't believe in God anymore. Do I spend numerous hours doing this? NO!!! Just enough to keep myself honest. plus, I actually agreed with the anti christian writer on some of christianities sacred cows (which are not based on biblical truth). Which is not to say I believe in his conclusion that God doesn't exsist. I know my father and Lord exsist.
Ok I'll stop rambling now. I have one question for you my beloved brother in Christ. Outside the bible which book would you recommend from the above list if an individual was just going to read one?
Love ya,
Brer Marc
>>Outside the bible which book would you recommend from the above list if an individual was just going to read one?
ReplyDeleteWow! That's not such an easy question to answer because it depends upon which facet of Feminism a person is most interested in learning about.
To understand the effect it has on male psychology, I'd say read 'WHY WOMEN AND POWER DON'T MIX'.
To see how it is being institutionalized via the United Nations and to understand some of the similarities with Marxism, I'd say read 'THE GENDER AGENDA'.
To understand the way the media promotes it while undermining the public perception of men in general, read 'SPREADING MISANDRY'.
If I were the father of a daughter (which I know you're not), the one book I would INSIST that she read is 'THE PRIVILEGE OF BEING A WOMAN.'
My all around favorite book on this list (because of the writer's passion AND humor) is 'MANHOOD REDUX'.
To reach an awarness (from a secular source) of how Feminism is destroying society's regard for life itself through the un-Godly act of abortion, read 'THE PARTY OF DEATH'.
Every anti-Feminism book on this list is really important in its own way, so this is a tough call, but...
BR'ER MARC, knowing how much you love liberty and detest the tyranny of big government, and knowing that you are a married man (with a child and another one on the way), a man who cherishes the Constitution, I would say that if you are going to read only ONE book on this list, it should be 'TAKEN INTO CUSTODY' by Stephen Baskerville.
In fact, I think that if I had the ability to get every single person (man and woman) to read just one book on this list - that they REALLY WOULD read one - my selection would be 'TAKEN INTO CUSTODY', because Americans need to understand that men are being jailed and robbed without due process. Men are routinely having their Constitutionally guaranteed rights stripped from them and hardly anyone is aware of this because it's mostly done behind closed doors with no oversight and no media coverage.
Yeah, Bro, if you're going to read just one, make it 'TAKEN INTO CUSTODY'.
Actually, I have a spare copy that I could loan to you if you'd like to borrow it.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I'll read it. And mail it back.
ReplyDeleteBrer marc
P.S. thank you for the excellent blog bit. Too bad more don't read this one.
I went ahead and bought it. So never mind. Thanks though.
ReplyDeleteBrer Marc
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliment, my Brother!
Well, I would have been more than willing to loan it, but at least now you will have your own copy which you can loan out to others. And that's something I highly suspect you will want to do.
We need to awaken others to what evil is being done to men outside of the public's view.
Be sure to let me know your thoughts after you've read the book, please. I'd be interested in your take on it.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
You forgot Andrew Jackson’s Big Block of Cheese with nary a macaroni in sight.
ReplyDeleteANONYMOUS ~
ReplyDeleteNo, it's in there. You just read the piece too quickly.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I just found this old gem! Sweet!
ReplyDelete"I’m not saying I don’t like women. I’m not saying that."
Doesn't even need saying. What NEEDS saying is telling feminists (and I have, many many times) to stop equating woman with feminist. Woman does NOT equal feminist; never has, never will.
I have the Kinder, Gentler Military; very important book. I got that right around when I got "Heterophobia" by Daphne Patai.
The Privilege of Being a Woman; good on you for recommending that one.
Real Men Don't Eat Quiche! Hehe, blast from the past!
I haven't read Spreading Misandry, but Katherine Young is excellent. At any rate, I was hanging around online for years with the anti-feminist pro-men's rights men, and I read everything they wrote, so I absorbed a lot of this stuff anyway.
I think I have "Taken Into Custody" - wonder where that came from? Hmmm... ;)
I would heavily recommend "The War Against Boys" by Christina Hoff Somers, PhD - it is chock full of all the things our "educational" system is doing - and yes, often deliberately - against our most innocent young boys. She also wrote "Who Stole Feminism", which preceded War. Excellent work there.
I got started on the non-feminist road after Mary Pride's "The Way Home" - she was a radical feminist become Christian and one of the founders of the Full Quiver Movement among homeschoolers. She was one of the pioneer homeschoolers; also she wrote "The Child Abuse Industry" which is a heavily researched look into the abuse rampant in the abuse industry. Follow the money! (Did *I* heave a sigh of relief each time one of my kids hit 18? Hell yeah. Then you knew no one was going to try to steal them.)
"But her response to my suggestion that she read a few of the outstanding books on this list says a great deal about a Feminist's lack of objectivity and feigned interest in discovering truth."
Feminism as a philosophy actually oppposes actively the very NOTION of "truth". They oppose any possibility of "objectivity" and replace it with a feminine epistemology they call "A woman's way of knowing" (which is also a book, which I have.) Apparently observation and repetition are a man's way of knowing things, and women just KNOW somehow. Never mind that it defies all logic and in fact actively resists logic. That's the point. Which takes you to some REALLY strange places. Such as women's studies majors and professors. Holy crap; you ever see Mary Daly? That old whackjob who wouldn't allow men into her classroom, so she was always like being threatened with firing but they just never did it? Talk about your psychos. I waded through some genuine radical feminist literature, and it is not a pretty site. I wonder if your "friend" has read any radical feminism? Talk about NEGATIVE vibes! It's plain scary.
As to equal pay for equal work; if feminists would stop LYING about the "wage gap" it would show that women generally make exactly what men do, if not MORE, for actual equal work. Factor in hours, years put in, flexibility of position, etc. and the "gap" magically disappears. If there were a gap like that, businesses would get rid of men and hire women, because they're cheaper. There is one real gap though; men make up 97% of the work-related death toll each year. Don't see anyone fighting to narrow THAT glaring gap. And dangerous work equals more money. Go figure.
If one had to pick one book only, I'd have to go with "Who Stole Feminism". It's completely comprehensive.
ReplyDelete>>> . . . I think I have "Taken Into Custody" - wonder where that came from? Hmmm...
Ha! Yeah, I wonder.
>>> . . . As to equal pay for equal work; if feminists would stop LYING about the "wage gap" it would show that women generally make exactly what men do, if not MORE, for actual equal work. Factor in hours, years put in, flexibility of position, etc. and the "gap" magically disappears.
You are exactly right!
>>> . . . feminine epistemology they call "A woman's way of knowing"
I was forced to reevaluate the validity to the claim that women possess some special intuition after considering how many of them wind up in relationships with bad men. If there's such a thing as "Woman's Intuition", then it seems to suddenly go AWOL when it comes to dating and selecting a mate, that is if we are to believe the non-lesbian Feminists regarding all the lousy men they wound up living with.
Sorry, Feminists, but you can't have your cake and eat it to. You can't proclaim your special powers and at the same time admit to us that you've found yourself in one bad relationship after another.
>>> . . . If one had to pick one book only, I'd have to go with "Who Stole Feminism".
I've not read that one, but I have encountered numerous quoted passages from it in other anti-Feminist literature that I have read.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
"I was forced to reevaluate the validity to the claim that women possess some special intuition after considering how many of them wind up in relationships with bad men."
ReplyDeleteInternalized misogyny. They know what they're doing but they've been conditioned to hate themselves and subjugate their needs and desires to the whims of evil men. (Omg I hate that I know that.)
"Sorry, Feminists, but you can't have your cake and eat it to. You can't proclaim your special powers and at the same time admit to us that you've found yourself in one bad relationship after another."
But...MEN! Bad MEN! That's all there are, yanno. And if he's a "nice guy" now (they always put that in quotes) it's a sure sign he's really saving up lots of abuse for later. Because, misogyny. MEN! Bad bad men. Gah.
It's funny, but I found the War Against Boys to be a much smoother read than Who Stole Feminism; she took it down a few levels and spoke to layman without losing her thorough research style. Really hit her stride with that one. And it's sickening to know how much they hate and want to re-socialize boys. Innocent little boys. Really I learned so much from her in there - like how boys are more stoic and don't like to have their freaking heads pried at all the time...which helped me in raising my own son. Girls will chat about their "feelings" all day, many times (unless they're like me; I didn't like my head being pried at either, and wouldn't say a word, ever, about my internal dialogue) and yet with boys, sometimes they don't even speak the language, and don't want to. So leave them alone. Let them learn and grow. She questioned this whole idea that we had to socialize them in that aspect to be more like girls...she said IS it really "better" to wear your heart on your sleeve and cry all the time? (Hint: it isn't. Objectively.)
Well this part is sticking out in my head so I'll say it; she talked about one day when her son came to her completely stumped by a question in his homework. One of those "what do you feel about X and why?" He's like, I don't know what they want!!! He had answered something like "Ok. I don't know" but it was supposed to be longer. She said she had to laugh because it was just so typically "boy", and she adores her boys. (Refreshing change from many feminists who tell us their son is growing up to be a rapist; they're sure of it! for whom all masculinity is to be feared and even hated and certainly, stomped out.) But yeah, she's a PhD - I always mention that because aside from something idiotic like "women's studies" you don't get a PhD for being dumb, and she isn't - in philosophy. Which means she's dug into the biggies, the ones I don't even bother with - Locke and Hobbes and Calvin and so forth. I miss her; wonder if she's got anything new?
ReplyDelete>>> . . . Really I learned so much from her in there - like how boys are more stoic...
This made me think of one of those moments in that YouTube video you linked me to: the guy says into the camera (which represents his woman) something like this: "Just shut up. Just shut the fu#k up."
Look, facts iz facts, and most women YAK! Women talk much more than men do. Did you ever see that book some female biologist wrote about how Women are wired to be Communication Machines?
I forget the number quoted, but it showed how many more words the average woman will speak than the average man will speak on any given day, and it ain't even close.
And I know it's true, too, just based on my own observations. Where I work, 8 out of 10 women will be yakking on their cell phones while walking from the building to their parked cars at the end of the day. 9 out of 10 will be yakking on their cell phones as they're driving out of the parking lot.
How many men by contrast? I dunno, maybe 1 out of 10 (and those are probably the gay guys).
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'