Hokey-Smoke and Hoo-Wee! Git along little dogies, git along! Can it really be that Glenn or Glenda Beck has finally seen the light?
Just last week, I received an Email from G. Edward Griffin stating that he had been interviewed by Glenn Beck and that he would be appearing on Ol’ Marshmallow Head’s program. It seems that Glenn or Glenda Beck has now read Griffin’s book ‘THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND: A Second Look At The Federal Reserve’ (or claims he has read it, anyway) and he decided to promote it on his popular television program.
I made it a point to watch the program – even though watching Glenn or Glenda Beck prance and sashay around has always made me uncomfortable. And I will admit that for the first time EVER, I actually gained a little bit of respect for Glenn (or Glenda).
I don’t know how sincere Ol’ Marshmallow Head is about this. Was it just a one-time deal to try to get the genuine conservatives off his back? Is he really beginning to understand what genuine “Constitutional conservatism” means? Or is this just some slick ploy that he or she cooked up for reasons not yet discerned by us?
Frankly, I don’t trust Glenn or Glenda Beck, and even if he is honestly trying to inform We The People about some
new-old revelations that he’s suddenly come to grasp within the grey matter of his marshmallow head, it will be a long time before I can let my guard down with him... or her.
But for now anyway, I will give him credit for one good show that presented to the Americonned People an hour’s worth of truth about a crucial economic matter.
[Bravo, Marshmallow Head! Kudos… for now. I hope this is the start of something big.]
In case you missed the show, below is a summary review of the program which was published on the ‘New American Magazine’ website:
By Raven Clabough
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Politically astute viewers of the Glenn Beck program know that he is sounding more like Ron Paul and less like a neoconservative every day. Regular viewers also know that Friday’s episodes tend to be a break from the monotony of current events, with a greater focus on foundations, whether it be the founding of this nation, or the foundations of progressivism, etc. The Friday, March 25, episode of the Glenn Beck program focused on one of the foundations of America’s economic woes: the Federal Reserve.
Beck acquired much of his knowledge about the Federal Reserve from the book The Creature from Jekyll Island written by G. Edward Griffin. According to Beck, G. Edward Griffin’s book has been handed to him on a number of occasions as suggested reading, while others simply encouraged him to read it. Having done so, Beck highly recommended the book to his viewers, calling it a “fascinating read.” (The book will likely make its way to the Top 25 Bestsellers on Amazon, as most books recommended by Beck do.)
With a focus on the book, Beck’s episode offered insight into the growing Leviathan that is the Federal Reserve and how it has been a contributing factor to America’s struggling economy.
Beck began: “During the financial crisis, most Americans heard about the Federal Reserve, but most Americans don’t know anything about it — how it works, what it is, or even how it's run.” He added, “We know that it buys our debt, it sets up interest rates” — and “it has a lot to do with the economic well-being of our nation. But where did it come from?”
The Federal Reserve Act was signed into law by Woodrow Wilson in 1913, but despite what the money interests would have Americans believe, it was not drafted in Congress, but in great secrecy at a private estate on Jekyll Island, Georgia. In fact, the meeting of the drafters was so secretive that Senator Nelson Aldrich, the Chair of the National Monetary Commission and GOP Whip, sent his own private railroad car to a New Jersey railroad station where each participant was instructed to arrive at the railroad car alone and pretend not to know the others.
Aldrich was the business associate of J.P. Morgan and the father-in-law to John D. Rockefeller, Jr. “No special interests there,” joked Beck.
The other drafters included Abram Piatt Andrew, Frank Vanderlip (who represented John D. Rockefeller), Henry Davidson, J.P. Morgan, and Paul Warburg (who represented the Rothschild banking family). Collectively, the men represented one quarter of the world’s wealth.
G. Edward Griffin explains the reason for the secrecy:
If the American people had known that this bill, which was supposed to protect the American people from the big, bad bankers, was actually written by those bankers, then the scam would have been out in the open.
Mutual competitors, the drafters’ original purpose was to form a bank cartel so that they no longer had to compete with each other. Their goals included the following:
• Stop growing competition from newer banks;
• Put in place the mechanism for creating money out of thin air;
• Gain control of the reserves of all the banks so the reckless ones wouldn’t be exposed to currency drains or bank runs;
• Shift the losses from the bank owners to the taxpayers; and
• Convince Congress that the purpose was to protect the public.
Under the new system, the federal government can go to the Fed to obtain as much money as it needs to finance its deficit spending, meaning that the federal government can spend as much as it wants over and above what it collects from taxpayers. Money is created out of nothing to finance government and other debt, and pumped into the economy.
What’s worse is that the Federal Reserve is privately owned and accountable to no one. But who owns the Fed? No one knows who owns the Federal Reserve, according to Beck.
The Federal Reserve explains away this strange secrecy on its website:
Although they are set up like private corporations and member banks hold their stock, the Federal Reserve Banks owe their existence to an act of Congress and have a mandate to serve the public. Therefore, they are not really “private” companies but rather “owned” by the citizens of the United States.
Despite the flowery language found on the Fed’s website, history dictates that it has been a source of America’s financial woes virtually since its inception.
Beck’s guest, Mark Calabria, director of Financial Regulation at the Cato Institute, described one area in which the Federal Reserve played a devastating role. “The Federal Reserve played a key role in creating the housing bubble to begin with ... by cutting rates to historic lows, the mortgage and housing market took off, and eventually that bubble was going to burst.”
Calabria adds, “They’re trying to create more bubbles today, if you look at the quantitative easing, at the interest rates we’re seeing now.”
Calabria contends that the Federal Reserve attempts to give Americans the illusion of individual wealth through the manufactured bubbles so that it may encourage spending.
Griffin adds, “We have to recognize the principle of the Ponzi scheme. This system really is a Ponzi scheme; it works as long as the money supply continues to expand ... but when it finally stops the whole thing comes to an end.”
“When you create money out of nothing, you also face the fact that the money goes back into nothing,” Griffin continues. “This kind of system makes the expansions and contractions inevitable. The booms and the busts are inevitable. If the money were backed by something solid like gold, there wouldn’t be these expansions and contractions.”
When Beck asked whether those who own the Federal Reserve are getting richer from the Ponzi scheme, Griffin responded:
Their vision now is much bigger than just making money. Their vision is in terms of controlling nations, controlling society, controlling the world. We’ve all heard that phrase a “new world order.” They use this phrase over and over again. It’s their phrase and they’re really serious about it.
Pointing to the heads of influential spheres who are seemingly in line with the Federal Reserve, Griffin added, “They’re taking the money and buying up political leaders, media outlets, large organizations, influential labor unions, etc.”
Beck questioned Calabria on the accuracy of claims that President Ronald Reagan “rattled some cages” at the Federal Reserve after taking an interest in its inner workings, and was ultimately “put in his place” by the agency. Calabria replied:
There was a lot of pushback on the regulatory side. That’s the reason Reagan did not reappoint Volker the second time because at that point they were not getting along all that well, and there were pretty big differences in policy. This is despite [the fact that] Reagan was very supportive of Volcker's efforts to bring inflation down; most of the disagreements were really on the regulatory side. Reagan and his treasury department wanted to redo banking regulations in a way that Volcker did not agree with.
The regional presidents have to be approved by the Federal Reserve here in Washington. And so there are a number of people that Reagan wanted to get approved to regional Federal Reserve banks - and these were hard money people, people that were inflation fighters - and Volcker vetoed them.
Beck’s guests also addressed the Federal Reserve’s false assertions that they would not monetize the debt, even after they’ve already done so.
When asked if we are headed for “real tough times,” Calabria definitively answered yes.
Griffin asserts that the American people can be rid of the Fed since it was created by an act of Congress and can therefore be eliminated by an act of Congress. Whether it’s likely is another story.
“What must happen before Congress has the backbone to do that? There has to be a complete change in Congress because they are beholden to this creature,” remarked Griffin. “Challenging the Federal Reserve power, there’s no question in my mind that they will pull out all the stops and try and ruin the economy and blame it on the fact that we were challenging the Federal Reserve.”
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RAPING THE WHOLE WORLD (And Getting Away With It)
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
When was "Creature" originally published?
ReplyDeleteGranted, I only read it a few years ago, and that was more than a year after you gave it to me.
But I would think a conservative advocate should have been aware of and read it ages ago.
Do you really think it will make the Amazon best seller list?
Maybe if it had Fabio on the cover. Or a centerfold.
Or a Fabio centerfold.
ReplyDeleteThe first edition was 1994.
I think Beck is probably teaching his vast television audience stuffs he himself has only learned about 10 days earlier.
I don't know, of course, but I would guess that it might really have a chance of becoming an Amazon bestseller. Millions of Americans watch Glenn Beck on a regular basis.
>>.....a Fabio centerfold.
Ha! (You're even worse than I am!)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I, uh, haven't watched the guy. He came late to the Tea Party and I tend not to trust that; especially since he's sort of tried to take credit for it and people think it's HIS movement. Happily ignoring all the work the grassroots people did in getting the whole thing going before he was involved. Besides, it's bad enough people think I get all my "talking points" from him; I don't want him clouding up MY mind and accidentally to sound like him or something.
ReplyDeleteANNIEE ~
ReplyDeleteI have made no secret of it on this blog that I neither like or trust Glenn Beck.
First of all, he's a major player on Fox News, which is the product of a rich and powerful Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member - Rupert Murdoch.
Secondly, I find him almost impossible to watch with his fake crying and his effeminate way of talking and moving. (Hence my clever - yes, I said it: "clever" - nickname for him, 'Glenn Or Glenda'.
Third, I have caught him on several occasions stating nonsense and seeming to spread dis- and/or mis- information. I still believe he's likely an infiltrator working for the Elite.
Nevertheless, I don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water, and I need to give credit where it's due. Glenn Or Glenda FINALLY got around to doing something very right by promoting G. Edward Griffin's highly important book "The Creature From Jekyll Island", and I need to honor him or her for that.
Is Marshmallow Head finally seeing the light? (Meaning he will soon be fired from Fox News.) And/Or is he now turning on the traitorous bastards who hired him? Or - as my friend John has suggested - is Marshmallow Head finally delivering the straight dope only because the Elite Insiders know that it doesn't matter at this point as it's just too late for We The People to do anything to thwart the "New World Order"?
At any rate, ol' Marshmallow Head, Glenn Or Glenda, finally did an A-List thing I approve of, and I figured it was good for one blog bit.
Thanks for reading and commenting, my friend.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Hahahahhaha. Stephen you are funny. If I didn't know you like I know you I would think you are a funny guy. But, I do know you, and you are not funny,except when you are being funny, like now. Ok, maybe I have seen too many "get smart" episodes.
ReplyDeleteOhh, sorry bro. Sorry people too. I am Nappy. Not
ReplyDeletestephen. I should have made that clear before. The last post was from "NAPPY". Stepen is funny. Nappy said that. Sorry Stephen. Dont chastise me!!! I will never interlope again. Sorry. I left a Sierra Nevada beer for you in the fridge.