[From the STMcC archive; written on April 28, 2005.]
Shortly after moving to Phoenix in 1995, I took a job in a health food store. I had not been there long when one day a gentleman approached and asked if we carried GRANULAR LECITHIN. I took him back to the refrigerated section, and in the course of conversation, he happened to mention being (as I recall) 80 years old. Well, I almost fell over! Never in my life had I met a person who looked so much younger than their age! Many people have told me that I look considerably younger than 45 (I always respond that I'm pickled from the years I spent LIQUIDATED on "Mad Dog" 20/20, Night Train, Thunderbird and other fine wines), but this guy was in a league by himself!
I called the assistant manager over and told her to guess his age. Like me, she nearly hit the floor upon learning that her estimate of 50 was 30 years shy of the truth. I wondered if it was genetic, but he said that neither his parents nor his siblings exhibited the same trait. He attributed it to LECITHIN, which was the only dietary supplement he had been using religiously for many, many years.
Not long after, I purchased Dick Quinn's book, 'LEFT FOR DEAD' which includes a chapter on Lecithin, and explains the 12-Day Flush. Lecithin is a type of water-soluble fat derived from eggs and soybeans. Experts say the choline in Lecithin liquifies cholesterol and dissolves deposits. Check the ingredients of ANY candy containing chocolate and you'll find Lecithin listed. Without Lecithin, the fat would separate from the cocoa, and coagulate. The Lecithin keeps it all in a smooth, liquified state. Supposedly it does the same thing in your bloodstream, preventing plaque buildup in the arteries which results in heart attacks and strokes. While the 12-Day Flush (3 heaping tablespoons of granular Lecithin taken once a day for 12 days) may have a mild laxative effect on some people, it is actually designed to clear clogged ARTERIES.
In 2002, my Mom suffered a small stroke. Afterwards, I remembered what I had learned in 'LEFT FOR DEAD', and - unbeknownst to her doctor - two weeks before a scheduled test to determine the degree of blockage in her carotid arteries, I convinced my Mom to go on the 12-Day Flush as an experiment. When the doctor got the test results, she was quite surprised to find that the blood flow through my Mom's arteries was similar to what she “sometimes finds in 17-year-olds”, and she was at a loss to explain how the stroke had occurred in the first place. Because we didn't have a test done PRIOR to the Flush, I can't unequivocally prove that the Lecithin was responsible for the unexpected results. You can draw your own conclusions.
In 1992, Dick Quinn wrote, "I had a double coronary bypass about 14 years ago - four times longer than a bypass is supposed to last. The comedian Jackie Gleason had his first bypass the day I had mine. He subsequently had three more. Then he died... According to 'modern medicine', I should be dead now, but I am very much alive, thanks entirely to 'ancient medicine.' My bypass was actually a failure from the very first. It closed within a week. Herbs reopened my arteries and saved my life... If I die tomorrow, that's OK. I'm already a winner, years ahead of the game."
Well, Mr. Quinn lived another 3 years, and when he did die, it wasn't from heart failure, but from an entirely unrelated ailment that had been diagnosed 17 years earlier.
If you want to regain or maintain your good health, I strongly recommend that you read his book, 'LEFT FOR DEAD.' Also read 'WORLD WITHOUT CANCER' by G. Edward Griffin; 'ALIVE AND WELL' by Dr. Philip Binzel, Jr.; and 'YOUR BODY'S MANY CRIES FOR WATER' by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj.
If you want to preserve your youthful appearance, I recommend imbibing copious amounts of cheap wine, gin, sake, and suds. But substitute Lecithin if you want to preserve your liver, too!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
I read that book and forgot about the lecithin; I only remember something about copious amounts of cayenne pepper.
ReplyDeleteSHERRI ~
ReplyDeleteYeah, Cayenne. Lots 'n' lots 'n' lots of Cayenne.
I'm impressed that you've read this book! What, are you as rebelliously cutting edge as I iz?
Do you like the old TV show 'Moonlighting'?
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteWe've had this conversation before, but I'm halfway through "Many Cries For Water" and the author often makes a statement of "science has proven..." with zero reference to what science.
I guess my years as an English major leave me grading things even now-his failure to provide footnotes would have led me to flunk him.
However, the underlying premise is sound enough, as not so long ago there just was not the proliferation of caffiene drinks readily available 24 hours a day. In fact, soda was pretty expensive to purchase up until sometime in the early eighties (it's cheaper to buy a twelve pack now than it was when I was in high school).
So, one hundred years ago, people mostly drank water, and we did not need all these drugs for depression, ADD, bi-polar disorder, restless leg syndrome, indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, you name it.
I am interested though, in your thoughts on his claim that hydration will cure arthritis, as we have both known people who suffered from that ailment.
I've actually been overloading on water to see if it might lessen my carpal tunnel symptoms (so far it seems to make me pee a lot).
-Betty Rubble's Secret Love
ReplyDeleteWell, I certainly agree with you that there should be footnotes or endnotes to point a reader in the direction of where they will find information that substantiates major claims.
However, consider that the Doctor/Author is of Middle Eastern descent, where the protocol is likely different, and also remember that this is not a textbook or scholarly scientific journal, where such things would be pretty much required. Consider the "type" of book it is: a simple, inexpensive, popular book that is more likely to be found selling from the shelves of health food stores than in bookstore chains.
So I say, while extensive references would have been nice, it doesn't diminish in my mind the value of his book. And anyone who wants to attempt to verify an overarching claim he makes can do so easily enough by engaging in a little Internet surfing.
I've read 'Your Body's Many Cries For Water' twice, but it's been years since the last time, so I don't recall it in tremendous detail. Increased water intake certainly has not cured my psoriatic arthritis, but then I doubt he makes the claim that water will cure all forms of arthritis all of the time.
There may be multiple different root causes of various ailments and certainly water is not going to be the answer each and every time. But I have no doubt that many of our ailments are a result of chronic dehydration, just as the author states.
I'm not saying it's a perfect book or that it contains all of the answers to remedy poor health, but it IS an interesting book that I think most people would benefit from reading. (I myself question his positive view of tap water, although that opinion may have been edited out of later editions. I believe I own a first edition copy.)
Just the explanations alone of how the body uses water is testimony to a Creator! Are we really expected to believe that such a complex, amazingly intricate system developed by itself, apart from a Designer? C'mon, give me a break! I ain't THAT gullible!
>>> . . . (so far it seems to make me pee a lot).
Ha! :o)
Just think, you're not only flushing your bodily system, but you're flushing your toilet system too!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
That was another thing that struck me as odd-he dedicates the book to the Creator but discusses evolution a couple of times.
ReplyDeleteCertainly, as I noted above, the proliferation of colas in our diets would have a dehydration effect, and the fact that many of the ailments for which drugs are handed out like candy has surfaced in the last half-century makes the book worth reading.
I was curious if the water intake did anything for your arthritis, although you'll notice how I cleverly did not out you!
Mr. Rubble
ReplyDeleteI don't recall any references to evolution, but then again, I didn't recall a dedication to the "Creator" either. I took a look at my copy and sure enough, it's there.
And I also discovered that, contrary to what I stated above, I have the 1995 Second Edition, not the first edition, as I believed.
Which edition are you reading?
I wonder how much editing has taken place over the years.
>>> . . . although you'll notice how I cleverly did not out you!
Yes, actually, I DID notice that, but wasn't sure if you worded it that way deliberately or by happenstance.
I've made my life something of an open book on these blogs, so I wouldn't have been bothered by it if you had made a direct reference to my arthritis. But nevertheless, I do appreciate your mindfulness and your "play it safe" approach.
Pretty much the only thing I wouldn't want revealed publicly is my terrible cocaine addic--
...Er, scratch that. I'm not even sure where I was going with that!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'