So, on my computer’s homepage the other night I see this story headline: ‘Romney's Wife Says Woman Being Eyed For Ticket’.
I clicked on it and it takes me to, I dunno, some dog-doo “entertainment” website where I read the following:
Mitt Romney's wife has confirmed a tidbit about the vice presidential search process her husband largely has been keeping secret: He's considering choosing a woman.
"We've been looking at that, and I love that option as well," Ann Romney told CBS News in a joint interview with her husband that was broadcast Thursday. She added: "There's a lot of people that Mitt is considering right now." […]
Officially, the campaign says Romney is doing what he's done for the past decade — enjoying family time during a weeklong holiday in New Hampshire . […] But unofficially, the bit of down time is a chance for the contemplative Romney to consider who to tap for the No. 2 slot, how the campaign is going and whether to adjust strategy in a contest that polls show is close.
Romney declined in the interview to describe the status of the vice presidential search, saying: "That's something I'm keeping close with my team." He also didn't respond to growing calls within Republican circles for him to shake up his staff after a series of missteps. Among them: his campaign's initial refusal to side with Republicans who agree with the Supreme Court that the penalty included in President Barack Obama's health care mandate amounts to a tax. Romney eventually agreed with that assessment and, in doing so, broke with a key spokesman.
All that has conservative opinion leaders, including media titan Rupert Murdoch, calling for Romney to shake up his top staff. GOP officials in key states also are increasingly calling on Romney to talk about issues beyond his key message - that the economy remains weak under Obama - and to be more specific about what he would do as president.
The first thing I want to comment on is this: “All that has conservative opinion leaders, including media titan Rupert Murdoch, calling for Romney to shake up his top staff”?
Rupert Murdoch, the main man behind Fox News, is a “CONSERVATIVE” opinion leader? If you think so, you don’t know much about the American political paradigm. (And you sure don’t read this blog on a regular basis.)
Oh, sure, Rupert Murdoch is a “faux-conservative opinion leader”, but as a member of the global government-promoting, U.S. sovereignty-dismantling ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR), his beliefs are as far removed from the conservative ‘Constitution of the United States of America ’ as are the beliefs of Marxist president Barack Obama, our Kenyan leader.
Do I really think that Mitt Romney might be considering a female running mate? Well, it’s certainly possible. You don’t think his Mormon wife (the only one we’re aware of anyway) would have stated it publicly without Mitt’s direct or at least tacit approval, do ya?
Now is Mormon Mitt REALLY considering putting a female on the ticket, or is that just to make him appear open-minded? Or was this a ‘trial balloon’ meant to gauge the American voter’s response to the idea?
Knowing that Barack Obama has pretty much cornered the market on the Black vote (not that there’s anything “racist” with that), and with Obama’s recent political move to gain a monopoly on the Latino vote by un-Constitutionally legislating an amnesty for many illegal Mexican immigrants, perhaps Mitt feels he needs to try cornering the market on the non-Black female vote. And perhaps Mormon Mitt thinks that naming a woman as his running mate (a la John McCain’s similar, unsuccessful ploy in ‘08 with Sarah Palin) might buy him the White female vote.
I’m going to propose a completely different viewpoint for you to consider: as the article said, this is “a contest that polls show is close”. Perhaps it’s too close for comfort. Mitt Romney is probably in serious danger of winning the next presidential election and it is imperative that he do something to hurt his chances.
You have no idea what I’m yakking about, do ya? Read on...
Would naming a woman running mate gain Mitt some female votes. Yep, undoubtedly. But it would also lose him some White male votes because, 1) there are no really ‘household name’ female political leaders, so anyone he taps will be viewed as ‘Palin II’ by the media, and 2) there are men who will refrain from voting for Mitt if a woman is just a bullet’s width away from the presidency. In the final analysis, I personally believe that naming a female for the vice presidency would result in ‘few or no-votes-gained’ for Mitt, and that’s the “best case” scenario.
But if it is determined that making that move might help cost him the election, Mitt will likely be urged by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) members to make it.
See, the bottom line is this: The ‘New World Order’ agenda (a One-World Global Government) can be advanced quicker under the stewardship of a “progressive” (i.e., Democrat/Marxist), who doesn’t need to pretend he’s ‘CONSERVING the traditional, old-school, Founding Fathers’ American Constitutional Republic position.
Under the “leadership” of a supposed “conservative” (a Republican) the socialization/globalization process of the U.S. must occasionally be slowed down slightly for the sake of public delusion. Because the Republican party must pretend that it stands for smaller government and individual liberty in order to keep We The People divided ‘n’ deluded into believing that there is a real cultural/political war going on (between Repugnantcans and Dumb-O-Crats), the Republican party must sometimes apply the brakes slightly on our descent into totalitarian corporatist slavery.
The truth is, the International Banker Oligarchy (or “Illuminati”) directs the CFR, and the CFR directs both major political parties. Any perceived differences in the two major political parties is a (thin) smoke screen for public consumption purposes only. And whenever possible, it is preferred by the Elites that the Democrats (read: “Marxists”) win the presidential elections so that the road to the “New World Order” can be driven at top speed.
This next election is going to be close. Too close for comfort for the Illuminati. Naturally, the Democrats/Marxists will do everything they can to steal votes, and naturally the Republicans/Corporatists will allow them to get away with most of it. And I have little doubt that Mitt Romney will shoot himself in the foot when directed to do so.
In my third issue of ‘Sex, Tattoos & Violence R Us’ (August, 2009), under the heading “JOHN McLAME”, I wrote the following:
Did you notice how when the principal concern of Americans was the war in Iraq, and when it was clear that most of the country was tired of it and wanted to see the troops returned home, John McCain publicly said he would be fine with it if we maintained American soldiers in Iraq for one hundred years? He said the last thing that most Americans wanted to hear at that time.
And then when our financial system started to tank and the economy superseded the Iraq War as the single most troubling issue for most Americans, McCain chose that time to publicly announce that he thought “the fundamentals of our economy are strong.” Again, the worst thing he could have said if he wanted to be elected president of the United States . How odd that McCain had a special knack for saying the last thing he should have said in each instance. It’s almost as if HE SECRETLY DIDN’T WANT TO WIN THE ELECTION.
Having his wife mention the possibility of a female running mate for Mitt Romney may have been a “trial balloon”. More likely it was just a ploy to make Mormonboy seem contemporary, or “with it”. However, if the Insiders doing the deep research determine that selecting a certain woman can be “sold” to the public as a viable, “kinder and gentler” Republican move, while simultaneously undercutting his chances of actually winning the White House, I am sure that Mitt Romney will be told by the Wizards behind the curtain, “that’s the ticket!”
Hell, it’s all here:
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
ReplyDeleteAs I've told you before, "I'll take my communism without a filter. If I'm going to have marxism shoved down my esophagus I don't want the republican filter on it." They didn't vote for Paul so it really is just a waiting game for tyranny, and I've always hated waiting. I met regret thinking and saying that when it's here, but I grow tired of the marxists in conservative clothing. That nauseates me more than Obama (which is saying something). Besides if (ya right who am I kidding) we do have a chance at turning this around we have to elect a real constitutionalist. So the more we screw around with pseudo conservatives the less hope we have. IF (ya right) there is a snow balls chance in you know what it would be better to have Obama. Saying that makes me sick. I won't vote for either of them so from my perspective I already know it's going to be a write in for Paul or the constitution party candidate.
Br'er Marc
You are like Morpheus who offers us the red pill so that we can see the real world rather than live in the Matrix.
ReplyDeleteI was at the checkout counter and the cashier, a cute, oriental-looking teenage girl, dropped a dollar bill and quickly grabbed it with her other hand before it hit the floor. She looked at me and said, "Hey, the Matrix!" I didn't know what she meant at the time but then figured it out and had to watch the movie. (Girls that look like her can easily convince me to watch a Keanu Reeves movie...or confess to the JFK assassination for that matter.) Hence, the Morpheus/SJM comparison.
And all this time I thought John McCain was just a maroon. Those guys are good.
Manipulation of the voting public must be like child's play to these 'Insiders'.
Reminds me of a Mark Twain quote. “If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.” Turns out, it can make a difference and they end up pulling the lever for us.
You make some very valid points about comments made by Romney. Not long ago, maybe at one of the debates, Romney said he would not re-appoint Ben Bernanke as chairman of the Federal Reserve if elected. Maybe I am giving Bernanke too much credit but I'm sure he can move the stock market in any direction that he wants. I saw an interesting chart showing odds of an Obama win versus the performance of the S&P500. The lines move in tandem; as the market goes up so do Obama's chances of re-election.
That headline ‘Romney's Wife Says Woman Being Eyed For Ticket’ caught my eye the other day, and I didn't know why exactly. Thanks for red pill, Morpheus...I mean Stephen.
Oooh! A couple of excellent comments!
ReplyDelete. . .
My full and proper replies will be posted later today, sometime after 8 hours of sleep. (Well, OK, I'll probably have to settle for 6, but I take what I can get.)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteThanks for continuing to come by here and comment.
>>…They didn't vote for Paul so it really is just a waiting game for tyranny, and I've always hated waiting.
As I’m sure you’re well aware, if we were still a Constitutional Republic, as our Founding Fathers devised it, the office of President wouldn’t even be all that important because according to our Constitution, the president’s duties are clearly defined as being rather limited. Therefore, in theory, even a poor president couldn’t hurt the country much. ALL legislation is supposed to be passed solely by Congress (the true representatives of We The People).
But the traitorous Insiders encouraged and supported the presidents as they gradually usurped more and more authority from the Congress until, as it is today, the Executive branch is virtually a dictatorship. The Insiders are brilliant in their evil scheming, and they knew they could control and manipulate a single dictator easier than they could control a large body of the peoples’ representatives (i.e., transform the presidency into a dictatorship and then control the dictator from behind the scenes).
As such, the presidential elections have become far more important than they ever should have been. Of course you know perfectly well that Ron Paul was “my guy” and still is (as I too will write him in on my ballot come election day, for all the good that will do him and us).
But I had a kind of revelation shortly after the last election in ’08. I’m surprised it took me so long to see such an obvious thing. As I was in the midst of a political discussion with DiscConnected at work, he asked me, “What do you think would have been the result if Ron Paul had been elected?”
I’m pretty sure DiscConnected was asking me what major changes I thought Dr. Paul would have been able to institute in our federal government. But in that moment, my mind immediately looked past that question to the TRUE, ULTIMATE ANSWER. Instead of responding to the Little Picture question, I answered the Big Picture question: I said, “Ron Paul would have been assassinated well before his first term ended.”
And right then and there, I was reminded of the simple fact that even if we did manage to elect the right man for the job of presidency, it wouldn’t do us any good. There is too much at stake (the devil’s agenda) and a “good man” would become a “dead man” very quickly. In other words, there is no hope in man; the only hope can be found in The Word Of God.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words, Bro!
>> . . . Girls that look like her can easily convince me to watch a Keanu Reeves movie...or confess to the JFK assassination for that matter.
Ha!-Ha! Ya know, I always did suspect it was YOU on the grassy knoll!
>> . . . And all this time I thought John McCain was just a maroon. Those guys are good.
Yes, they are. They’ve had a long time (and a lot of supernatural help) in perfecting their diabolical deceptions. (I also enjoyed your use of the word “maroon”, an epithet I myself often use. Three cheers for Bugs Bunny!)
>> . . . Reminds me of a Mark Twain quote. “If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.” Turns out, it can make a difference and they end up pulling the lever for us.
Dude, that is a GREAT Mark Twain quote! I can’t recall having come across it before even though I am a HUGE fan of his. I think Twain was THE genius of letters, and I have read a biography and have a number of his books on my shelves (including a first edition copy of ‘Roughing It’ from 1872!)
It’s hard to believe he said something like that and it didn’t get etched into my mind immediately. But then again, he said so many gems that I’m sure I have yet to encounter them all.
>> . . . Not long ago, maybe at one of the debates, Romney said he would not re-appoint Ben Bernanke as chairman of the Federal Reserve if elected. Maybe I am giving Bernanke too much credit but I'm sure he can move the stock market in any direction that he wants.
The Fed could certainly bring about a second ‘Great Depression’, just like the first one, which occurred by design. He who controls the currency controls the nation.
I seem to vaguely recall that remark by Romney, but I paid it no real mind because I figured that 1) he was probably just trying to siphon off some of Ron Paul’s votes while impressing The Tea Party, and 2) when push comes to shove, Mitt Romney will do EXACTLY as he is told to do. Not one of these presidents is independent of the Wizards behind the curtain.
>> . . . I saw an interesting chart showing odds of an Obama win versus the performance of the S&P500. The lines move in tandem; as the market goes up so do Obama's chances of re-election.
Thanks for the URL; I did go there and check it out. Yes, that actually makes perfect sense, because a large percentage of the people in general (erroneously) perceive the stock market to be an accurate indicator of the health of the economy. If it seems to be improving, they credit the president for it.
For that reason I am sure The Fed will be happy to pull as many strings as possible to make things “appear” as rosy as possible as we near election day. I have also been telling people to watch for a drop in gas prices shortly before the election. Anything that can be temporarily manipulated to give Obama the best chance of reelection will indeed be manipulated on his behalf. The Insiders LOVE having a full-blown Marxist on the throne, rather than a man who has to pretend to honor the Constitution and throw the conservative people a bone every now and then as (false) evidence of his faithfulness.
Sig, you came to mind the other day. I was speaking with a friend on the phone and my blog bit “Buck Dharma And Xiezilla” came up. I said that I loved the comment that someone left which said, “It's amazing how those Chinese kids just suddenly fall out of the Arizona sky like that.” At that moment, I couldn’t recall which of my friends had written that, but I later went back to see and it was YOU, Super-Sig! A memorably funny line.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
ReplyDeleteJust remember, You need Mitt to win to get out of the Blizzard hole, and I said more than a year ago, Kenya-Born is a shoe-in.
I think if Mitt chooses Palin or Newt the bet is void.
The Supreme Court decided the election. Had they found ObamaCare unconstitutional, he was done. By upholding, now all of a sudden people are pointing to all of his accomplishments.
Yet, there are no accomplishments.
Americans, however, are far too stupid to let a little think like facts sway their vote.
Four more, baby!
ReplyDeleteWell, if it were a "shoe-in", I don't think it would be nearly so close in the polls. (At times, some polls have even shown the Kenyan behind.)
However, these things are true:
1) The Wizards behind the curtain want him reelected (as I mentioned in this blog bit). And the Wizards usually get what they want.
2) The Supreme Court decision on ObamaCare does help establish his policies as legitimate. (How many "Republicans" were surprised that a supposed "conservative" Supreme Court justice tipped the balance in favor of ObamaCare? Answer: ALL of them! Because the conservatives who really understand American politics are registered as "Independents".)
3) (Also as mentioned in this blog bit...) True to their old pattern, the Democrats [Marxists] will steal as many votes as they possibly can. Many dead people will vote for Obama and all of the illegal Mexicans who vote will vote for Obama.
4) For Romney to win, he will need to win big enough to overcome the cheating of the Democrats, the lying of the media, and the will of the Wizards.
All that being said, I'm still not convinced that it's 4 more years of the Kenyan. It might be, and I'll believe it when I see it, but I'm not prepared to concede it this early, for all the reasons I've previously stated:
A good number of the Democrats and Blacks (which is a bit of a redundancy, I realize) who voted for him last time won't do it this time. Not that they will vote for Romney; they just won't bother to vote.
A lot of Obama's previous worshipers now realize that he was not true to his word about bringing home the troops; that his economic remedy has utterly failed; and that he is nothing more than another friggin' politician.
In addition to that, his coming out in favor of gay marriage was a blunder. Did he really think gaining the Gay vote was worth losing a significant part of his previous Black vote?
Romney won't pick up ANY of the Kenyan's previous voters, but a sizable portion of them simply won't bother voting this time; the novelty of casting your vote for a Black president is gone.
And that's why I STILL think Romney might very well win this thing. A person responding to a poll tells the pollster who they would vote for, but that's no guarantee the respondent is actually going to go out and cast that vote.
Don't be surprised if there's a surprise after all the recounts. (But at least a Romney win would provide ample reason for rioting in the cities.)
>> . . . Four more, baby!
It wouldn't bother me much if you turn out to be right, as I always want to see the American people rewarded with what they deserve!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I was almost going to reply with "I am not as hopeful as you that Romney will prevail," but I did not want to insult you.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that really qualifies as hope.
I am not even sure it qualifies as the lesser of two evils.
I guess it's kind of like being caught between a rock and a hard place...
ReplyDeleteFirst things first. Yes, of course your absolutely right about the presidency never should have as much power as it does today. You and I both know that. But it is your last statement (which you've said to me over the phone prior but for some reason really struck me this time).
"And right then and there, I was reminded of the simple fact that even if we did manage to elect the right man for the job of presidency, it wouldn’t do us any good. There is too much at stake (the devil’s agenda) and a “good man” would become a “dead man” very quickly. In other words, there is no hope in man; the only hope can be found in The Word Of God."
They will get their way no matter what. Murder Paul to get the vice president. Pull a scandal out of thin air on Paul's vice president after and poof the Speaker of the House is president and all is good. Heck if you could have them both shot together and just make the speaker the President that way it would work better for them. Plus, your 100% and then some correct about the word of God being the only way out. Too bad no one believes in that anymore.
Br'er Marc
P.S. your blog was good but your comments are better. Well done sir.
ReplyDeleteHa! Yeah, I appreciate that, because indeed I am NOT "hopeful" that Romney will prevail. (Can I vote for a mid-air collision of the two hopefuls' planes as they jet toward D.C.?)
If Romney is the lesser of the two evils, it's only because (as I said in the blog bit) they generally drive us toward the "New World Order" at a slightly slower pace when it's a Republican leader, in order to keep up the pretense for the American people that the Republican party stands for something different than the Democrat party stands for.
It's only the necessary "illusion" that must be maintained for which we can thank the Republican party for a slightly slower decline into economic/social ruin. (But sometimes we can't even count on THAT! For example, both Ronald Reagan and G.W. Bush outspent all of the Democrats who preceded them, and it was under "W" that we got Homeland (In)Security, the Patriot Act, and the TSA - Totalitarian Sexual Abusers.)
Sometimes I think Br'er Marc is right: If you know you are destined to get lung cancer regardless, maybe it's better to go ahead and smoke the unfiltered cigarettes (Democrat), rather than the filtered variety (Republican), and just get it over with quickly.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDelete>> . . . They will get their way no matter what.
The Bible tells me so.
>> . . . Heck if you could have them both shot together and just make the speaker the President that way it would work better for them.
How about a convenient plane crash? Or crashes? They have actually gotten very good at killing their enemies with aeronautical malfunctions.
>> . . . P.S. your blog was good but your comments are better. Well done sir.
Thanks a lot, Br'er; I appreciate the encouraging words.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
A few days late and a few dollars short...'but then you know me'. Of course,it's really not my fault, you see I do live where that 'utopian totalitarian' government already exists (maybe we are the test model for what you can look forward to). Here in the 'territories' the government runs everything - the power & water, the hospitals, education, you name it and believe me they take corruption to a new level. So anyway...power has been off more than on since the 4th of July. While the iphone works, when I try to connect with the internet, it tells me I have no G's. Go figure.
ReplyDeleteHere's what I wanted to say:
I couldn't AGREE with you more. Maybe everyone else heard the sound of his wife's voice suggesting he's considering a female running mate, but to me it sounded more like Mitt placing the barrel in his mouth and clicking off the safety.
After the Pallin fiasco, the mere suggestion of another potential woman VP, is certain political suicide.
While I understand you reasoning in the comments already given and it does make sense, I hold with my original prediction; they/them have started to speak and I believe the US is in for 4 more years of Barry O. All of this Mitt 'mumbo jumbo' rhetoric about a running mate seems to seal the deal.
One more thought - maybe he should go for the double negative and try to draft Condolezza Rice. That might cause a little heartburn for B.O.
ReplyDelete>>...One more thought - maybe he should go for the double negative and try to draft Condolezza Rice. That might cause a little heartburn for B.O.
Ha!-Ha! We are SO MUCH on the same wavelength there!...
At the time I composed this blog bit, as I was typing the words "there are no really ‘household name’ female political leaders", I actually, instantly, had the thought of Condoleezza Rice enter my mind. And I thought to myself: Well, if he's serious about selecting a female, she would be ideal.
Condoleezza Rice is not only female, and not only Black, but she is well established with the Insiders. The Shadow Government knows that Condi can be trusted to keep her mouth shut, because she knows damn-good-and-f**king-well that 9/11 was an inside job, and she covered for it, never once spilling the beans during the (fake) Congressional hearings.
Good comment, FAE.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'