you’ve all heard today’s big story about the confidential e-mails leaked by a U.S. government source to the
mainstream news agency Reuters. The e-mails indicate that the Obama Administration
had every reason to believe that the September 11th attack in Benghazi that
killed U.S. Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans was a premeditated and
well-orchestrated terrorist act and NOT a spontaneous uprising of
Muslims protesting some old anti-Mohammad YouTube video, as Barack “Marxslim”
Obama and his officials tried to claim for about 2 weeks after the murders
If you’re
really so out-of-the-information-loop that this is all news to you, then you
can read the original article by clicking the title below:
White House Told Of Militant Claim Two Hours After Libya Attack: Emails
White House Told Of Militant Claim Two Hours After Libya Attack: Emails
This story, first published by Reuters, has now been picked up and published by many other mainstream media outlets.
This story, first published by Reuters, has now been picked up and published by many other mainstream media outlets.
Of course
the so-called “conservative” talking heads were yakking about this all day, tearing
into the story like a hungry dog gobbling up a bowl of menudo! I listened to
Barry Young, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity giving their perspectives on this
breaking scandal for hours and hours today. And yet not one of these
professional pundits really struck the mother lode of truth at the center of
this story.
I’ll tell
you what this e-mail scandal REALLY
means: The 2012 Presidential election, 13 days from now, is already over and
Mitt Romney is the 45th president of the United States of America .
But WAIT! It’s not what you’re thinking . . .
Barack Obama did not lose the election because a mainstream media
outlet published this scandalous story. No. The mainstream media outlet
published this scandalous story because Barack Obama had already lost the
you know that the mainstream media leans so far Left that it always protects,
as much as possible, all the commies and socialists. The mainstream media
covers up for, makes excuses for, and leads the cheering for the Liberals in
politics. At the same time, it investigates and castigates all the Watergates (i.e., Republican politicians).
The Bill
Clintons and the Barack Obamas are the darlings of the mainstream media; the
Richard Nixons and the George Bushes are the enemies of the mainstream media. If
Barack Obama were a Republican instead of a Democrat, do you think he would
have had a prayer in hell of getting away with that fake birth certificate? Allah’s
unholy trousers! A Republican Obama would have been impeached and removed from
office long ago.
Why was
it Matt Drudge who broke the story about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewdinsky?
Because Newsweek (a mainstream media organ), who had the story first, refused
to publish it. That’s just the way it is, that’s just the sort of relationship
the mainstream media has with Democrats in Libbyland.
So, the
question is: Why in this instance did Reuters, a mainstream media site,
suddenly throw their messiah, Barack Obama, under the bus? It’s because the
Insiders have already seen the hand writing on the wall; it has become clear to
them that Mitt Romney is destined to win the upcoming election. Romney is
polling well ahead of Obama with registered Independents; and even the
left-leaning pollsters show him being in a dead heat with Obama, or 5 to
6 points ahead of him in the “swing” or “battleground” states (depending upon
the poll and the state).
clear that even the Democrats – masters of “Deceit ‘N’ Cheat” – can’t rig this
election enough to save Oliar's presidency! If the mainstream media thought there was a real chance Obama might win this election, it would have sat on this story, not published it. However, it's been determined that the
messiah is toast, he has become expendable. And by breaking this story, they are attempting
to chalk up a point for the perception that they are objective and credible. In
the future, they will be able to point back at this story and say, “See? There is NO Leftist conspiracy in the mainstream media!
Didn’t we break the Benghazi e-mail scandal that
brought down Barack Obama’s presidency?”
by Tempie
That’s what this surprising story is really all about; this is the real agenda behind the mainstream media’s perceived abandonment of the Obama Administration.
by Tempie
That’s what this surprising story is really all about; this is the real agenda behind the mainstream media’s perceived abandonment of the Obama Administration.
Romney is your next president, America . But just tonight, a couple hours
ago, I wrote in the name “RON PAUL” on my early ballot, which I will mail at
the post office tomorrow morning.
I also voted for Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
There’s a first time for everything.
There’s a first time for everything.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Another Ron Paul vote! That makes two. Now...we wait!
Reaction times getting faster and faster. The wife picked you out of an angry mob on the left side of the screen in what had to be under 1 second. (Charles refused to share his newspapers with the rest of the 4077.) More addictive than "Angry Birds" from what I hear.)
SigDos ~
ReplyDeleteHey, thanks for checking in!
>>...That makes two. Now...we wait!
The suspense is KILLING me!
Ha!-Ha! You always make me laugh!
Well, I know DiscConnected did (or will) vote for Ron Paul also. So that makes tres! Look out Asshole #1 and Asshole #2, the Good Doctor is closing quickly!
>>...Reaction times getting faster and faster. The wife picked you out of an angry mob on the left side of the screen in what had to be under 1 second.
And I'm STILL laughing... seriously!
The scene you described sounds vaguely (only vaguely) familiar. Do you know the name of the episode or what the PRIMARY subject matter was concerned with?
'Angry Birds'... I've never played it, but Xiezilla is a big fan of it, and now he has my Brother playing it too.
And speaking of Xiezilla... the week before last, Nappy and I shot our first ever video starring... Xiezilla. The video is approximately a minute and fifteen seconds long and it is tentatively titled 'Kung Pao Rucky' - a spoof of Sylvester Stallone's 1976 movie 'Rocky'.
It's pretty funny and we're planning to post it at YouTube. As soon as we do, I will either post it here at F-FFF also, or at least post a link to it at YouTube. So, stay tuned, Bro.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Well there's three votes for Ron Paul-I mailed mine in earlier this week.
ReplyDeleteBut I still think Obama's going to be reupped.
I know the brain dead of America will not let me down!
THREE VOTES?? Almost makes me want to recite some Arlo Guthrie lyrics...
ReplyDelete"You know, if one person, just one person does it they may think he's really sick and they won't take him. And if two people, two people do it, in harmony,
they may think they're both faggots and they won't take either of them. And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out. They may think it's an
Season 10, Episode 6 Communication Breakdown according to Wikipedia. Definitely centered around the fued between Charles and the rest of the camp over his unwillingness to share.
Just saw the piano scene a few days ago (the one that is on YouTube.) And I'll test your memory again and see if you remember the Christmas party where you were standing behind Klinger as he was teaching a little Korean orphan girl how to say "Yuck". I think you are in the background in almost all of the later episodes.
Looking at the list of episodes, I thought it was interesting that many of the actors were allowed to direct. Maybe that kept the show "fresh" so to speak. Watching these again after so many years and I still think the writing was exceptional. Maybe the limited laugh-track helps.
Putting a "Super 8" camera in the hands of SJM is kind of like handing over the match to the dynamite, isn't it? You'll have the Muslims rioting in the streets before you know it.
Can't wait to see the movie.
DiscConnected ~
ReplyDeleteWell, if he is, I owe ya TWO Blizzards. If not, we're "even Stephen".
I could be wrong, of course. It's happened before (once). But me don't thinx so. I believe we be waving 'bye-'bye to the White House liar real soon.
Even so, though, we be waving hello to Mitt. Not exactly a cheerful thang.
Oh well, Oliar or Romney, we know how this thang will ultimately play out because... "it is written".
But I think the pundits predicting a Romney landslide victory are closer to the truth than are the pundits predicting a second term for Oliar. We'll see.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
SigDos ~
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not, I had never actually heard the song 'Alice's Restaurant' before. I knew OF it, but I never knew IT.
Back in the old days, when I was young and raisin' 'ell in L.A.'s Westwood Village, there was an actual restaurant there called 'Alice's Restaurant'. It kinda looked like a "hippie joint", so I never ate there. (Bet they served GREAT brownies for dessert though!)
M*A*S*H S*T*U*F*F*S:
Season 10 - I have the DVD. Maybe I'll watch it later tonight. (C if I C me.)
>>...I'll test your memory again and see if you remember the Christmas party where you were standing behind Klinger as he was teaching a little Korean orphan girl how to say "Yuck". I think you are in the background in almost all of the later episodes.
Yeah, I'm definitely (somewhere) in the vast majority of the episodes from the last 5 seasons.
The "Klinger/Yuck" bit does seem vaguely familiar to me, now that you mention it. But had you not mentioned it, I NEVER would have 'thought of/remembered' it on my own.
>>...Looking at the list of episodes, I thought it was interesting that many of the actors were allowed to direct.
To tell you the truth, directing a TV episode is actually pretty simple. After the 7 or 8 years I spent on TV and movie sets, I could have directed one myself.
There's a basic formula that 95% of TV directors follow. It's like writing a Pop song (it's almost done like a paint-by-numbers kit)...
Intro; Verse; Chorus; Verse; Chorus; Bridge or Guitar Solo; Verse; Chorus; Ending.
In TV it's... Long Shot (or "Establishing Shot"); Medium Shot; Two-Shot (or Over-The-Shoulder Shot); Close Ups. [Scene done! Moving on now to the next scene.]
There are some subtle variations from time-to-time, but the basic formula is always adhered to by everyone directing a TV episode.
>>...Putting a "Super 8" camera in the hands of SJM is kind of like handing over the match to the dynamite, isn't it? You'll have the Muslims rioting in the streets before you know it.
Ha!-Ha! Oh, they don't really riot in the streets. It's always a premeditated, well-orchestrated terrorist attack. (Even Obama and Hellary Clinton know THAT!)
Our video was shot on Nappy's cell phone camera (in a single unedited take). And it was Nappy who came up with the idea; he just called me in to help out and I added the music and fleshed the idea out with some additional little details.
I think it's funny. It won't win us an Academy Award, but if Barack Obama could win a Nobel Peace Prize... maybe that's an attainable goal(?)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
So should I tear up my ballot now or even bother to fill it out? Since, you know, those wizards are already pulling the strings and my vote doesn't really matter. Or, well, maybe it never did. Did someone say Ron Paul?
ReplyDeleteBEER BOY ~
ReplyDeleteI have come to the conclusion that
a vote for Ron Paul is a vote for...
Ron Paul.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underdog'
So glad I waited to comment. Like I keep saying, I hope your right, but I still think Barry O will be IT for another 4 years. NOW, we have the 'Perfect Storm' to make him look like the kind, caring commander in chief we all know he is NOT.
ReplyDeleteThe regular folk might be tied of Barry and his BS, but it's still the Elite of he EC (Electoral College) that call the final shots and Barry's their boy.
BUT, I'll bow to your 'Super Smarts' here and still HOPE you've called it good.
ReplyDeleteBut we also have the Benghazi scandal. And while the mainstream media is trying to pretend it never happened, the alternative news sources are hammering it home, and it looks worse and worse with each passing day. (The Benghazi story is so repulsive that if Oliar were a Republican, he'd have been publicly hanged by his "man-stones" over it ...if he had "man-stones".)
On top of that, I heard yesterday that Romney is now leading by a couple of points in the all-important swing state of Ohio. I'm more sure than ever that Oliar is out and Romney is in.
And I sure hope I'm right. Not because I support Romney, but because I despise Obama (and that thang he calls a "wife").
Well, we'll know one week from today.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'