first the funny stuffs:
Floyd never sounded more relevant . . .
Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day... but give him section 8 housing, food stamps, welfare checks
and a $100 pair of sneakers... and he'll vote a straight Democrat ticket the rest of his life!
PHONE - Remix - #ObamaPhone
Thanks to
my buddy Arlee Bird and his eclectic blog Tossing It Out for calling my attention
to this ‘laugh-out-loud’
22-second video:
Tired of
Bronco Bamma and Mitt Romney
OK, and
now the serious stuffs:
without propaganda.
Political correctness not spoken here.”
News’ is a free Emailed collection of noteworthy news stories from G. Edward
Griffin’s Reality Zone website. It’s sort of a “Matt Drudge-like” collection of
links for the cutting edge ‘anti-New World Order’ American Patriots.
through the most recent edition of 'Unfiltered News', I was led to an article,
and that article led me to the following video:
Frank Gaffney: Obama's Middle East 'Fast & Furious'?
Shake hands with the devil
and you’re going to get burned!
think a dude from Harvard would have known
They just don’t edjukate ‘em like they used to.
They just don’t edjukate ‘em like they used to.
And from
World Net Daily comes this:
by Tom
The four
American deaths in Benghazi are a direct result of decisions
and actions by President Obama that undermine the national-security interests
of the United States . Those deaths may well be only a
foretaste of the catastrophe awaiting the United States if Barack Hussein Obama remains
in office four more years.
As we all
know, Obama may be removed by a vote of the people Nov. 6. But if not, if the
lapdog media succeed in hiding his malfeasance and incompetence well enough for
Obama to win a narrow victory at the polls, then Congress may summon the
courage to exercise its constitutional duty to impeach and remove him. [...]
In the
view of many, Obama had earned impeachment even before the Benghazi tragedy of Sept. 11. His open
abuse of power in making recess appointments when the Senate was not in recess,
his open defiance of Congress in his administrative amnesty for 2 million
illegal aliens, his misuse of “executive privilege” in withholding documents
pertaining to the illegal Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal – those actions
alone qualify as impeachable offenses under the Constitution.
if treason is added to the mix, Congress will find it hard to shirk its duty to
impeach him. [...]
The word
treason means a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance. Article III of the
U.S. Constitution defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war
against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. If
radical Islam is a self-declared enemy of the United States, as can be easily
demonstrated, Obama has certainly given them aid and comfort: Most Americans
will think that welcoming the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House and
appointing Muslim Brotherhood members to important posts does in fact
constitute “aid and comfort.”
If the Muslim
Brotherhood is not an avowed enemy of the United States , what else should we call an
organization that openly and officially calls for the replacement of the U.S.
Constitution by Shariah law? Apparently, an Islamist armed to the teeth must
carry an al-Qaida membership card to qualify for Obama’s distrust.
Here is
the brute fact of the matter. The attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi was a terrorist act. Obama’s
foreign policies and decisions not only left the consulate vulnerable to attack
but in fact invited the attack – and then he blamed an unknown American film
for the attack and turned a blind eye on the al-Qaida allied terrorists who
were responsible.
the establishment media’s best efforts to protect Obama from any fallout from
the Benghazi deaths, we now know that Obama
and his team lied about those events.
lied when he said the attack on the consulate was a spontaneous act in response
to an obscure film no one in Libya had yet seen. He knew
differently. He lied when he said the Libyan embassy staff had not requested
additional security for its Benghazi consulate. He lied in the weeks
leading up to the Benghazi attack when he said al-Qaida had
been “knocked back on its heels” and is no longer a threat to the United States .
To read
the full article, click HERE.
don’t forget to cast your vote for RON PAUL next Tuesday. Now more than ever,
we need a Constitutionalist in the White House!
~ Stephen
T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
The American people will get the entire "low-down" on Benghazi from the mainstream media several years from now...when a ratings boost or whatever is needed by one of the networks, long after Obama has left the building.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I tried to use that Barack Obama uninstall program but it keeps crashing at 47%. I suspect it has been infected with the HoPeChAnGe.bho virus. I guess I'll have to try again in four years ....when its not needed. Oh, the humanity!
With Regards,
Hopeless in MA.
(actually it's me, SigToo)
Ron Paul!!!??? You got something against Roseanne Barr and the Peace and Freedom Party?
ReplyDeleteAnything we find out about the Obama administration will not surprise me and I'd say a bunch of his fans out there wouldn't pay attention or care.
Tossing It Out
My favorite part of this blog post - PINK FLOYD
ReplyDeleteAs far as everything else goes, it's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt. There is no doubt in my mind that whatever happens tomorrow (Nov 6th), SOMEBODY is going to get hurt.
Everything can be manipulated, and it probably will be.
I keep reminding myself; God is in charge. His will, will be done and there are worse things than dying.
I hope that makes sense. I'm not trying to be cryptic just concise.
Thanks, Y'ALL, for the comments. No time to respond right now (work calls), but I'll return sometime tonight and get back to yaz.
ReplyDelete~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
SigToo ~
ReplyDelete>>...The American people will get the entire "low-down" on Benghazi from the mainstream media several years from now...long after Obama has left the building.
You, sir, are ENTIRELY correct. My past studies of American history have proven that the same pattern often develops:
The mainstream ("lamestream") media covers for the Leftists while they do their dirty work. The media lies, obfuscates, and redirects until all the nastiness that can be accomplished has been accomplished. Not until the horse has gotten loose does the mainstream media close the barn door.
Here are just two examples:
Back when Senator Joseph McCarthy was attempting to identify and remove communists who had infiltrated the U.S. Government, the media called him every name in the book (and some that aren't even found in it) and did all it could to block McCarthy's efforts and turn the uninformed American people against him.
But after McCarthy was finally beaten down and security measures that had been installed to keep commies out of the government had been disabled, only then did the media begin to admit that McCarthy had been largely correct. It was safe to admit this AFTER all the damage had been done.
When Castro was attempting to get control of Cuba, the mainstream media insisted over and over again to the American people that he was nothing more than a harmless, well-meaning "agrarian reformer". Many informed people cried foul over that, because the truth about Castro was apparent to anyone who did their homework.
But the mainstream media shouted down the critics, sold Castro as an agrarian reformer, and only after he had centralized and gained power in Cuba did the mainstream media finally admit that... "Oops! Looks like he really WAS a hard-core communist after all."
There are many more examples I could cite.
Similarly, all of the truth about Obama will eventually become common knowledge, but not until he's done all of the damage to the U.S. that he's capable of doing and departed from the scene.
There is no doubt that someday EVERYONE will know that Obama's real father was communist Frank Marshall Davis, that his Birth Certificate, Social Security Number, Selective Service Registration card, et al., were all bogus.
I just hope when that day comes, the people will not let off the hook the "bogus" conservatives who mocked those of us who were shouting out the truth about Obama. I'm referring to NeoCons like Ann Coulter, Glenn or Glenda Beck, Michael Medved, Bill O'Reilly, etc.
You are right, Sig Too, the truth will be known... eventually... when it's too late.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteRoseanne Barr is just concerned that a vote for Romney is a vote against Big Bird; and a vote against Big Bird is a vote against Kermit the Frog; and a vote against Kermit the Frog is a vote against Kermit's wife, Miss Piggy (also known as Roseanne Barr).
Are you following this? Politics has become a long and winding road, and it ain't easy bein' green. "Green" politically, I mean.
>>...There is no doubt in my mind that whatever happens tomorrow (Nov 6th), SOMEBODY is going to get hurt.
Yer damn right!
If Obama gets re-elected,
the American people are going to get hurt.
And if Romney gets elected,
the American people are going to get hurt.
It's a win/win situation for the Illuminati, and a lose/lose situation for US (that is, US and U.S.)
How come the realistic view always shows the glass as half empty?
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
"I just hope when that day comes, the people will not let off the hook the "bogus" conservatives who mocked those of us who were shouting out the truth about Obama. I'm referring to NeoCons like Ann Coulter, Glenn or Glenda Beck, Michael Medved, Bill O'Reilly, etc."
ReplyDeleteHell, the people won't hold ANYONE accountable, but I think they are far more likely to hold the Lord Chamberlains accountable than the actual Hitlers.
FYI - I cast my write-in vote for Ron Paul today.
ReplyDelete>>...FYI - I cast my write-in vote for Ron Paul today.
At least, when the shit finally hits the fan and splatters, YOU and I, and some of my other friends will be able to say that we voted FOR the U.S. Constitution, rather than the lesser of two evils.
Not one candidate whom I have cast my presidential vote for since the time I became fully aware of the 'New World Order' (1994) has been elected president. And yet, I am very proud of ALL my votes and wouldn't hesitate to shout them from a rooftop. (And I'm also proud to say I voted for a 100% Black president years before anyone voted for Barack Obama - the 50% Black president.)
It's a good feeling to be able to say, "I voted for the BEST candidate", rather than, "I voted for the lesser evil."
Good work, Brother 6. (You are NOT a number; you are A FREE MAN!)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'