I was
planning to post here, in this spot, a blog bit about atheists and how they
failed to kill the Christmas ‘Nativity Scenes’ in Santa Monica , California , this year. However, it’ll have
to wait a week.
With 2013
less than half an hour away from me, I just received an Email from a good friend of
mine which included a link to an article posted on a website I’ve never visited
before. My friend wrote: Read this and see what you
Well, I
read Part I and just the beginning of Part II. Here’s what I thought: I don’t know if any of this information comes from a genuine
Department of Homeland Security insider or not. However, the information is
easy to believe because those of us who have spent many years studying in-depth
the Illuminati plans for a ‘New World Order’ know that the scenario described
in the following article is considered pretty standard as a means to the ‘New
World Order’ end. I could have easily speculated as much based solely on my own
research since 1994.
Is this
“whistle-blower” a true Department of Homeland Security (DHS) insider? Or is
this just another case of misinformation or disinformation? I don’t know. But
it’s worth reading, so I’m posting a link to it below.
In this
article, there was nothing really NEW in terms of agenda or method, but
two things in particular got my attention. One was this:
. . . they [the Insiders who seek to disarm
We The People] are riding the wave of emotion from Sandy Hook , which, by the way
and as tragic as it was, well, it stinks to high heaven. I mean there are many
things wrong there, and first reports are fast disappearing. The narrative is
being changed. Look, there is something wrong with Sandy Hook , but if you write
it, you’ll be called a kook or worse.
I have
barely even examined the tragic ‘Sandy Hook Massacre’, and probably won’t spend
much time studying it in the future (because I got ‘The Big Picture’ many years
ago), but what little I’ve looked at already has me big-time questioning Uncle
Sam’s “official” story about it. (Surprised? Why should you be? Almost everything Uncle Sam tells us is
eventually exposed as a lie.)
In a
December 24th Email to the same person who sent me the following link, I wrote this about a certain aspect of
the ‘Sandy Hook Massacre’ :
You axed, “WTF?” I really don’t know
WTF. … All I am willing to state as a fact is this: Something is VERY WRONG…
very, Very, VERY WRONG!
passage in the following article which really got my attention was this:
Then look at the voter fraud [in
the 2012 Presidential election]. And not a peep from
the Republicans. Nothing. His [Barack Obama’s] second
term was a done deal in September. This was planned. Frankly, the Obama team
knew they had it sewn up long before election day.
I find it
easy to believe that. In the first place, it would explain why Obama showed up
sleepy-eyed and disinterested in the first Presidential Debate against Mitt
Romney. (Afterwards, someone with “real” authority probably told the
Liar-In-Chief: “You Son-of-a-Frank Marshall Davis! You'd better at least
make it LOOK like the debates matter! You can easily be replaced, you know?”)
And are
you, my dear reader, aware of how much (and obvious) voter fraud by the
Democrats was committed in a number of precincts in the most crucial “swing
states”? Google it! We’re talking about significant segments of counties in
which zero or just a single voter cast their ballot for Romney! Ridiculous! Impossible!
And yet, other than a brief, occasional, casual mention of it, the Republican
Talking Heads let it pass without contesting it. Why? Well, if you’ve spent any
time reading this blog in the past you already know why. Because the whole
Left/Right, Liberal/Conservative, Democrat/Republican paradigm is just a big
show to keep We The People divided. The conquering comes next. (Rush, Glenn,
Sean, Bill, Ann – they’re ALL in on it, and you’ve been played for a sucker.)
Obama’s patently phony birth certificate.
Republican Party has declined to comment on this
here comes the article. Read it. Regardless of whether or not the unnamed
Source is genuine, this is basically what you can expect at some point
in the horrible future:
Is Inversely Proportional
To The Size Of Government"
~ Stephen
T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
ReplyDeleteIt was obvious from Kenya Boy's speech from CT a couple of weeks ago that he was going to use that event to begin to thrash the second amendment as soundly as he has the first.
While Catholic and Baptist hospitals scrub up to perform Federally-mandated abortions this September, Americans who own guns will probably be coming to the curb and letting their postal carriers collect them.
"Ain't that America?
From one flea to another: I think 2013 is gonna be worse than 2012!
ReplyDeleteThe stuff in that article reads like cheap fiction, but it may be true. Who knows for sure?
But SOME of the points I KNOW to actually be true. There absolutely, positively IS clear evidence that the dollar is being cheapened and will be replaced as the world's reserve currency. What will replace it? the Euro? Renminbi? There is some talk of a new currency that is a combo. It is not clear, but think about exactly who will be making that decision. It ain't you and me. It will be the absolute top-level international bankers, and you can BET they'll be making new arrangements that benefit them, not us, nor the U.S. Whatever new comes along will include new controls, new surveillance measures, and eventually will be entirely electronic. Will we be able to tell if the accounting is correct? Can we now? (AUDIT THE FED!)
The U.N. wants our guns gone by whatever method. They are trying to do it by treaty, but all the better if they can do it by our own Congress and the well-meaning sheeple that support taking our guns. As all 7 of Stephen's readers know, the 2nd Amendment was not written so that the American people could hunt. It was specifically included so that we could defend ourselves against tyranny, including the sort that they rebelled against. With our guns gone, a tyrant can do what he (or she) wants.
You said that you found it easy to believe Obama's reelection was rigged prior to the election. Me too. You and I were both very surprised (pretty naive, huh?) that Obama won, given the pre-election polls with 9-11% oversampling of Democraps still showing an even heat. Well, it is WAY easier to believe in a rigged election than in THAT big a last minute swing because of the hurricane.
Yea, I don't know what is really true, but I sure know what is NOT!
Two EXCELLENT comments from two of my blog's 'Magnificent Seven'.
You're entirely correct. From Obama's crocodile tears (how pathetic that Americans really fall for that shit time and time again) to his rhetoric about ending these tragedies (i.e., we're coming for your guns, America), it makes me sick that Americans have been so dumbed-down that they can't see through this very thin film of Illuminati excrement.
Honestly, the general American public is so intelligence-challenged today that it truly deserves to be ruled over by its intellectual superiors (even if their superiors ARE determined to do the devil's work).
But it's just like Nappy has been saying for years: When the Illuminati shit hits the fan and the American people find themselves trapped in a totalitarian fascist nightmare, most of them will wail, "BUT HOW WERE WE TO KNOW?"
And as Nappy often says, the answer to that is, "How is it that you DIDN'T know?"
What a fine comment you posted, Brother! I wish every American would read what you wrote and then do some extensive, objective research into the things you referenced there.
The Second Amendment: What you wrote was spot-on! I recently posted a comment on some bimbo's blog - she is a typical American who has been convinced by the tragedy in Connecticut that all Americans should be forced to surrender their automatic and semi-automatic weapons.
Like the vast majority of the dumbed-down American mASSES, she is totally oblivious to the fact that history shows our Founding Fathers insisted on Second Amendment rights first and foremost so that the American people could defend themselves against a power-mad, out-of-control, militarized government EXACTLY like the one we have today!
So what did the bimbo do? Ask me to elaborate? Debate the subject with me? No, of course not. Like any good Liberal, she deleted my comment. Censorship Before Enlightenment! - that's their motto. (She'll be one of those morons who, in The Last Days, will wail, "BUT HOW WERE WE TO KNOW?")
SBB-6, to you and DiscConnected, I recommend you read one of William Grigg's recent installments on his 'Pro Libertate' blog which addresses the Connecticut Elementary School Massacre and Barack Obama's transparent response to it. The blog bit is (appropriately) titled, 'Sandy Hook Massacre: Sympathy from the Devil', and below is the URL to it:
Thanks again for such an extensive and insightful comment.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
During my Time in ‘computer hell’ I missed this post. Probably a good thing, so as not to mar the Holidays any more than necessary. Today when I found it I had just finished watching a YouTube presentation about Homeland Security preparing for civil War in the US (there’s a deal made in hell). Unfortunately, I’m not surprised by any of this. I was the pariah saying that Barry would be reelected far back last year, he is THEIR boy, after all.
ReplyDeleteIt does seem to me that the Welfare checks will have to stop before there can be Civil War, because nobody cares much beyond getting their ‘check in the mail’. I had been hearing for years (while I lived in Idaho) from an official in the Wheat Growers of America that the things the government was doing were setting the country up for food shortages. That outta rile the general public up a bit. But, more likely it will only serve to have them screaming for more control. Last fall the territory passed a measure that came to us from the Feds, to fully deputize (as in make full fledged law enforcement officials) of all TSA/Homeland Security personnel down here. It’s supposed to be a measure to help curb gang warfare in the islands. Ha, ha, ha.
Fasten your seat belts, this is only the beginning.
ReplyDeleteWell, you're entirely right, of course!
Truthfully (as you already know), the Federal Government has been incrementally increasing it's control over We The People for many decades.
Controlling our crops and food production goes back to Franklin Delano Roosevelt's socialistic regime. Gaining control over our monetary system goes back even further, to Woodrow Wilson's diabolical presidency.
And, obviously, the communistic Muslim, Barack Obama, has managed (with the help of a Republican president-appointed Supreme Court traitor) to do what Bill and Hill Clinton attempted but failed to accomplish: gain control over our healthcare system.
And the sleeping public still wakes up in time to catch 'American Idol' and vote into the White House the new Illuminati puppet president.
How long, O Lord? How long?
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'