[This is Part 3 Of A 3-Part Blog Bit. For Part 1, click HERE. For Part 2, click HERE.]
Coming Who
Don't Need Your Vote!”
Don't Need Your Vote!”
~ Todd Snider
“Jesus Is Coming
And, Boy, Is He Pissed!”
~ The Bellamy Brothers
“Jesus Saves” sign near ‘Hope Street’,
downtown Los Angeles, circa 1984.
downtown Los Angeles, circa 1984.
always treated with respect my debate opponents who have treated me with respect
(you reap what you sow). But whenever an Atheist and/or Liberal has started
right out of the chute with that arrogant, demeaning, snotty attitude they’re
so infamous for, I have been happy to intellectually slap that snottiness out
of ‘em (sometimes maybe even a little TOO happy to do it).
I once wrote a review of a book that investigated the claims and counter-claims of Darwinists and those who believe in Intelligent Design. I was immediately set upon by eight atheists who attacked me en masse like a starving wolf pack seeking to devour a piece of raw meat. I single-handedly took them all on using facts and humor as my weapons. There was much weeping and gnashing of teeth, and when the dust settled and the smoke cleared, I was still standing, looking good and smiling big. Anyone can do it; anyone can consistently frustrate Atheists and Liberals in debates. You just need to do your homework first, gather your facts and then wield words like weapons.
During that dispute, where I was doing my “Debate Martial Arts” - as my friend Aaron called my style of arguing – some gal (one of the eight atheists) posted the following comment:
May 31, 2007
Regarding the Bible: you "know that it is a supernatural document given by God through His chosen prophets"? How do you KNOW this? (Don't bother responding; I KNOW you have zero proof for this belief ;-)
For an ostensibly educated person, you certainly are gullible.
I immediately responded to the “atheistic genius gal”, providing three astounding and mathematically verifiable facts proving that The Bible must have been inspired (even largely dictated) by an Omniscient Source.
So how did the arrogant, self-assured, atheistic genius gal respond? The same way they usually responded to my proofs: dead silence. That’s how you know you’ve just kicked a Liberal’s/Atheist’s butt – they very quietly go away to find some less knowledgeable person to pick on. Anyone can do it; anyone can consistently frustrate Atheists and Liberals in debates. You just need to do your homework first, gather your facts and then wield words like weapons. (Hmmm… Ever get that ‘déjà vu’ feeling?)
(~ 1 Peter 3:15)
I have occasionally been anything BUT “meek”, but I have always been ready to give an answer in support of my faith. Over the years I’ve read a number of books “in defense of the Christian faith” (or as it’s technically termed, ‘Christian Apologetics’). Below are a few of my favorites that I recommend to one and all:
I once wrote a review of a book that investigated the claims and counter-claims of Darwinists and those who believe in Intelligent Design. I was immediately set upon by eight atheists who attacked me en masse like a starving wolf pack seeking to devour a piece of raw meat. I single-handedly took them all on using facts and humor as my weapons. There was much weeping and gnashing of teeth, and when the dust settled and the smoke cleared, I was still standing, looking good and smiling big. Anyone can do it; anyone can consistently frustrate Atheists and Liberals in debates. You just need to do your homework first, gather your facts and then wield words like weapons.
During that dispute, where I was doing my “Debate Martial Arts” - as my friend Aaron called my style of arguing – some gal (one of the eight atheists) posted the following comment:
May 31, 2007
Regarding the Bible: you "know that it is a supernatural document given by God through His chosen prophets"? How do you KNOW this? (Don't bother responding; I KNOW you have zero proof for this belief ;-)
For an ostensibly educated person, you certainly are gullible.
I immediately responded to the “atheistic genius gal”, providing three astounding and mathematically verifiable facts proving that The Bible must have been inspired (even largely dictated) by an Omniscient Source.
So how did the arrogant, self-assured, atheistic genius gal respond? The same way they usually responded to my proofs: dead silence. That’s how you know you’ve just kicked a Liberal’s/Atheist’s butt – they very quietly go away to find some less knowledgeable person to pick on. Anyone can do it; anyone can consistently frustrate Atheists and Liberals in debates. You just need to do your homework first, gather your facts and then wield words like weapons. (Hmmm… Ever get that ‘déjà vu’ feeling?)
(~ 1 Peter 3:15)
I have occasionally been anything BUT “meek”, but I have always been ready to give an answer in support of my faith. Over the years I’ve read a number of books “in defense of the Christian faith” (or as it’s technically termed, ‘Christian Apologetics’). Below are a few of my favorites that I recommend to one and all:
by Robert
J. Hutchinson (2007)
From The
Back Cover:
The Bible was once regarded as the “Good Book”, but today it is
under relentless attack from leftwing academics, novelists, and screenwriters
to justify their own political agendas. But fear not: award-winning religious
journalist Robert J. Hutchinson turns the truth about the Bible – as well as
the latest Biblical scholarship – against the mockers, skeptics, and deniers to
show that not only is the Bible true, but it is the source of Western ideas of
charity, justice, reason, science, and democracy. Hutchinson takes you on a
fast-paced, politically incorrect tour of the most important book ever written.
“Comfortable and cocky atheists better brace themselves. Robert Hutchinson’s book systematically dismembers the old, haggard arguments in this naysayer-slaying tome. Read this book, find some annoying atheists, and let the good times roll. They won’t stand a chance.”
“Comfortable and cocky atheists better brace themselves. Robert Hutchinson’s book systematically dismembers the old, haggard arguments in this naysayer-slaying tome. Read this book, find some annoying atheists, and let the good times roll. They won’t stand a chance.”
~ Pastor
Doug Giles, nationally syndicated radio host, columnist, and author
I almost didn’t acquire this book because I figured there wouldn’t be much in it that I hadn’t already been exposed to. But because I had already read and enjoyed several other books in the ‘Politically Incorrect Guide’ (P.I.G.) series, I decided to give it a try and was glad I did. It’s true that there wasn’t much in these 255 pages that I hadn’t previously been exposed to, but I loved the book because it addressed so many interrelated topics (e.g., you’ll learn about Judeo-Christian Natural Law Theory; Social Contract Theory; Legal Positivism and Legal Realism), and also because, like myself, the author has a feisty attitude – he sure ain’t no Ned Flanders or Mr. Guder. Hutchinson refers to Bible-haters as “the village atheists”. Ha!
I urge everyone to read ‘THE P.I.G. TO THE BIBLE’ in conjunction with at least one of the following three books:
THE CASE FOR CHRIST: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation Of The Evidence For Jesus
I almost didn’t acquire this book because I figured there wouldn’t be much in it that I hadn’t already been exposed to. But because I had already read and enjoyed several other books in the ‘Politically Incorrect Guide’ (P.I.G.) series, I decided to give it a try and was glad I did. It’s true that there wasn’t much in these 255 pages that I hadn’t previously been exposed to, but I loved the book because it addressed so many interrelated topics (e.g., you’ll learn about Judeo-Christian Natural Law Theory; Social Contract Theory; Legal Positivism and Legal Realism), and also because, like myself, the author has a feisty attitude – he sure ain’t no Ned Flanders or Mr. Guder. Hutchinson refers to Bible-haters as “the village atheists”. Ha!
I urge everyone to read ‘THE P.I.G. TO THE BIBLE’ in conjunction with at least one of the following three books:
THE CASE FOR CHRIST: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation Of The Evidence For Jesus
by Lee
Strobel (1998)
From the
back cover: Retracing his own spiritual journey from
atheism to faith, Lee Strobel, former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune,
cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates from schools like Cambridge,
Princeton, and Brandeis who are recognized authorities in their own fields.
Strobel challenges them with questions like How reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence for Jesus exist outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the Resurrection was an actual event? ... What will your verdict be in The Case For Christ?
From page 254: Now, if you were a Martian looking down on the first century, would you think Christianity or the Roman Empire would survive? You probably wouldn’t put money on a ragtag group of people whose primary message was that a crucified carpenter from an obscure village had triumphed over the grave. Yet it was so successful that today we name our children Peter and Paul and our dogs Caesar and Nero!
From page 267: If Jesus did rise from the dead, He’s still alive today and available for me to encounter on a personal basis. ... If Jesus has Divine power, He has the supernatural ability to guide me and help me and transform me as I follow Him.
Although I am not in 100% agreement with Strobel and all of his Biblical experts (e.g., I most definitely am NOT a Trinitarian, and I believe “the Jewish concept of agency”, as explained on page 140, best describes the true role of Jesus), I feel confident in saying that Strobel’s ‘THE CASE FOR CHRIST’ is, overall, probably the best Christian Apologetics book for most Bible students. This one’s a real winner! (Strobel’s book ‘THE CASE FOR A CREATOR’ is also very highly recommended.)
Strobel challenges them with questions like How reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence for Jesus exist outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the Resurrection was an actual event? ... What will your verdict be in The Case For Christ?
From page 254: Now, if you were a Martian looking down on the first century, would you think Christianity or the Roman Empire would survive? You probably wouldn’t put money on a ragtag group of people whose primary message was that a crucified carpenter from an obscure village had triumphed over the grave. Yet it was so successful that today we name our children Peter and Paul and our dogs Caesar and Nero!
From page 267: If Jesus did rise from the dead, He’s still alive today and available for me to encounter on a personal basis. ... If Jesus has Divine power, He has the supernatural ability to guide me and help me and transform me as I follow Him.
Although I am not in 100% agreement with Strobel and all of his Biblical experts (e.g., I most definitely am NOT a Trinitarian, and I believe “the Jewish concept of agency”, as explained on page 140, best describes the true role of Jesus), I feel confident in saying that Strobel’s ‘THE CASE FOR CHRIST’ is, overall, probably the best Christian Apologetics book for most Bible students. This one’s a real winner! (Strobel’s book ‘THE CASE FOR A CREATOR’ is also very highly recommended.)
by Dr.
Chuck Missler (2002)
From page
2: After the events of the Old Testament, there was a
four hundred year period called “the silent years”. No prophet’s voice was
heard. God appeared to be silent until He sent His messenger, John the Baptist,
who ushered in the New Testament period. ... The central theme in the entire
panorama is the advent of Jesus Christ who came, ministered, and went to the
Cross. Then, after the New Testament period, came the Diaspora when Israel was scattered all over
the world.
Finally, miraculously, just as predicted in the Bible, on May 14, 1948, Israel was again restored. For centuries scholars debated whether prophecies in the Old Testament and the New were literal or symbolic (would Israel ever be regathered?). Those debates should have ended in 1948 when Israel became a nation again.
While there is obviously some overlap in Christian publications, I'd also say that one of these books should not necessarily be read in exclusion to the others, as they all explore some aspects of The Bible which are unique unto themselves.
For example, Dr. Missler’s book explains the astonishing Messianic prophecy in the Old Testament book of Daniel, and also the heptadic, or seven-fold, structure in Scripture that seems to act as a signature of its Divine authenticity. The Messianic prophecy in Daniel and the Coincidences Of The Sevens (which appear to be something well beyond mere “coincidences”) are not addressed in Strobel’s aforementioned fine book, so there is no reason to think that reading one of these recommended books will cover ALL of the fascinating facts about The Holy Bible.
Finally, miraculously, just as predicted in the Bible, on May 14, 1948, Israel was again restored. For centuries scholars debated whether prophecies in the Old Testament and the New were literal or symbolic (would Israel ever be regathered?). Those debates should have ended in 1948 when Israel became a nation again.
While there is obviously some overlap in Christian publications, I'd also say that one of these books should not necessarily be read in exclusion to the others, as they all explore some aspects of The Bible which are unique unto themselves.
For example, Dr. Missler’s book explains the astonishing Messianic prophecy in the Old Testament book of Daniel, and also the heptadic, or seven-fold, structure in Scripture that seems to act as a signature of its Divine authenticity. The Messianic prophecy in Daniel and the Coincidences Of The Sevens (which appear to be something well beyond mere “coincidences”) are not addressed in Strobel’s aforementioned fine book, so there is no reason to think that reading one of these recommended books will cover ALL of the fascinating facts about The Holy Bible.
God Question
edited by John Warwick Montgomery (1991)
edited by John Warwick Montgomery (1991)
From the
Preface: This is a book for believers and for
unbelievers. Its authors – many of them scientists and all of them trained at
secular universities – became and remain Christians because the evidence for
the truth of Christianity overwhelmingly outweighs competing religious claims
and secular world views.
This volume is literally capable of changing lives, and the lives of more than one of its contributors were in fact turned upside down by the force of the evidences here set forth. ...
This volume puts together their thinking. We call it the Cornell Symposium on Evidential Apologetics. This name is appropriate because (1) the arguments given for the existence of God are concerned with evidence, not with philosophical or theological presuppositions; (2) the papers were presented “far above Cayuga’s waters,” in earshot of the carillon that still plays the evensong at twilight, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of Eckelmann’s congregation; and (3) Cornell has served as a locus sacrissimus for most of the contributors. Indeed, this book may be said without exaggeration to benefit both from a holy place (Cornell University) and from a tutelary spirit (Herman John Eckelmann)!
The fervent desire of the Editor and the contributors is to take the reader on an intellectual and existential pilgrimage. Consider well the evidence this volume presents to your mind and heart. Then act on it. You won’t regret it – either in time or in eternity.
This volume is literally capable of changing lives, and the lives of more than one of its contributors were in fact turned upside down by the force of the evidences here set forth. ...
This volume puts together their thinking. We call it the Cornell Symposium on Evidential Apologetics. This name is appropriate because (1) the arguments given for the existence of God are concerned with evidence, not with philosophical or theological presuppositions; (2) the papers were presented “far above Cayuga’s waters,” in earshot of the carillon that still plays the evensong at twilight, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of Eckelmann’s congregation; and (3) Cornell has served as a locus sacrissimus for most of the contributors. Indeed, this book may be said without exaggeration to benefit both from a holy place (Cornell University) and from a tutelary spirit (Herman John Eckelmann)!
The fervent desire of the Editor and the contributors is to take the reader on an intellectual and existential pilgrimage. Consider well the evidence this volume presents to your mind and heart. Then act on it. You won’t regret it – either in time or in eternity.
~ John
Warwick Montgomery
Strasbourg, France
The Feast
of the Epiphany
6 January 1991
Alright, if your eyes have already glazed over then this book is probably not for you. (Maybe start with Strobel’s ‘The Case For Christ’.) I gotta say, I LOVED this book! And remember that I was merely a Straight C student in high school. Nevertheless, my mind was geared by God for scrutinizing details, details, and details. But even a lot of very bright people – much smarter than I am – are put in ‘Snooze’ mode by the wee little details and deep, deeper, deepest thinking. (My own Brother, who is quite bright, tried twice to get through ‘EVIDENCE FOR FAITH’, but both times he got bogged down by the numbers and the scientific minutiae.) So, this book definitely is not for everyone. But if the above paragraphs intrigued you more than they bored you, you might want to explore this fine publication.
How much evidence is there to indicate that we have entered what Jesus referred to as “the beginnings of sorrows” – that stage in the process which would just precede the Biblical ‘Tribulation’ time period? Well, there’s a heckuva lot more evidence for it than I can illustrate in this limited space. But here are just a few things to consider:
In order to clear the way for the coming of satan’s Beast and his false prophet, the life and teachings of Christ need to be marginalized and eradicated as much as possible. And we see that process in full swing everywhere we look around us today. In his surprisingly good and thoroughly documented 2004 paperback ‘PERSECUTION: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christianity’, lawyer David Limbaugh writes:
Most universities are bastions of politically liberal thought. ... There is simply no room for dissent in the politically correct atmosphere of the college campuses today. The sponsors of these speech codes pretend they are vindicating minority rights and preventing harassment of protected groups, but no matter how nicely they dress it up, in the end it amounts to no less than mind control and speech regulation for political purposes. ...
Thus it is no mystery that Christianity is unacceptable to the postmodern paragons of tolerance. ... Postmodernists – those who peddle the euphemisms of tolerance, diversity, openness, multiculturalism, and the rest – view Christianity as inherently in conflict with their subjective assumptions about the world... Postmodernism gives rise to such ideas as that tolerance requires us not just to permit the free expression of all ideas, but also to accept all beliefs as equally valid. This mindset discourages reason, because reason itself is tainted by our socially constructed realities. ... The postmodern rule, more accurately formulated, is that all ideas must be tolerated except those that refuse to accept the doctrine that all ideas are equally valid. For all these reasons, postmodernism is innately anti-Christian.
Alright, if your eyes have already glazed over then this book is probably not for you. (Maybe start with Strobel’s ‘The Case For Christ’.) I gotta say, I LOVED this book! And remember that I was merely a Straight C student in high school. Nevertheless, my mind was geared by God for scrutinizing details, details, and details. But even a lot of very bright people – much smarter than I am – are put in ‘Snooze’ mode by the wee little details and deep, deeper, deepest thinking. (My own Brother, who is quite bright, tried twice to get through ‘EVIDENCE FOR FAITH’, but both times he got bogged down by the numbers and the scientific minutiae.) So, this book definitely is not for everyone. But if the above paragraphs intrigued you more than they bored you, you might want to explore this fine publication.
How much evidence is there to indicate that we have entered what Jesus referred to as “the beginnings of sorrows” – that stage in the process which would just precede the Biblical ‘Tribulation’ time period? Well, there’s a heckuva lot more evidence for it than I can illustrate in this limited space. But here are just a few things to consider:
In order to clear the way for the coming of satan’s Beast and his false prophet, the life and teachings of Christ need to be marginalized and eradicated as much as possible. And we see that process in full swing everywhere we look around us today. In his surprisingly good and thoroughly documented 2004 paperback ‘PERSECUTION: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christianity’, lawyer David Limbaugh writes:
Most universities are bastions of politically liberal thought. ... There is simply no room for dissent in the politically correct atmosphere of the college campuses today. The sponsors of these speech codes pretend they are vindicating minority rights and preventing harassment of protected groups, but no matter how nicely they dress it up, in the end it amounts to no less than mind control and speech regulation for political purposes. ...
Thus it is no mystery that Christianity is unacceptable to the postmodern paragons of tolerance. ... Postmodernists – those who peddle the euphemisms of tolerance, diversity, openness, multiculturalism, and the rest – view Christianity as inherently in conflict with their subjective assumptions about the world... Postmodernism gives rise to such ideas as that tolerance requires us not just to permit the free expression of all ideas, but also to accept all beliefs as equally valid. This mindset discourages reason, because reason itself is tainted by our socially constructed realities. ... The postmodern rule, more accurately formulated, is that all ideas must be tolerated except those that refuse to accept the doctrine that all ideas are equally valid. For all these reasons, postmodernism is innately anti-Christian.
The last chapter of the Old Testament book of Daniel includes the following prophecies: “But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase. ... Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.”
Regarding that, Grant Jeffrey wrote the following in his book ‘ARMAGEDDON: Earth’s Last Days’.
Knowledge And Travel Shall Increase In The Last Days:
The last chapter of the Old Testament book of Daniel includes the following prophecies: “But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase. ... Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.”
Regarding that, Grant Jeffrey wrote the following in his book ‘ARMAGEDDON: Earth’s Last Days’.
Knowledge And Travel Shall Increase In The Last Days:
Twenty-five centuries ago the Book of Daniel predicted that there
would be an explosion of knowledge and a huge increase in travel in the last
days. ...
Throughout thousands of years of history the level of knowledge only increased incrementally. In some generations the level of general knowledge actually decreased. Yet, in the last century and a half, there has been an explosion of knowledge beyond anything ever experienced in human history. There are more scientists alive today than have lived in all of the rest of history. Recently, it was calculated that the sum total of human knowledge is growing so quickly that it literally doubles every twenty months. This is staggering in light of Daniel’s inspired prediction from the ancient past that “knowledge shall be increased.”
In addition, Daniel stated that a characteristic of the last days would be an awesome increase in mobility as “many shall run to and fro.” The speed of transportation has also exploded in the last century. For thousands of years, until 1900, most people never traveled faster than a galloping horse. ... While most people in past centuries seldom traveled more than twenty miles from the place they were born, millions of people now travel across the globe as part of their normal course of daily business or for their annual vacation.
Steve Miller, a freelance investigative journalist in Las Vegas, says: “Hopefully in the next year or so we’ll clean up our act, because we really need to. We’re hitting rock bottom, not only our economy but our morality. The bar’s been lowered and it’s laying on the floor now."
Hokey-Smoke! Look here, when a writer who was born in, and lives in, and works in Las Vegas - America’s ‘Sin City’ - says that even Vegas is now hitting rock bottom, that’s rock bottom of the rock bottom! And if THAT’S not a sign of the Apocalypse, I don’t know what is.
However, for me, the best evidence may actually be obtained by simply evaluating our current condition and comparing it to a passage from The Bible which foretells the condition of “this world” during the Biblical End-Time period. In the third chapter of 2nd Timothy, Saint Paul wrote the following warning:
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God ... always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. ... Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.
Regarding that passage, David Haggith, in his superb and exhaustive 1999 tome ‘END-TIME PROPHECIES OF THE BIBLE’, says, “Such people have existed in all ages, but the last line indicates they will increase significantly in the final age. The last two or three decades of the twentieth century saw more...multibillionaires and -millionaires than at any other time. The Bible does not speak against money or success, but it does speak against becoming absorbed by money or by one’s own interests. How many other generations have read so much news about children killing parents and children killing children, drive-by shootings, and unwed mothers who dump their babies in garbage dumpsters? One is hardly a social worrywart to question the spirit of such an age.”
Indeed, that Biblical passage seems to be a spot-on description of many Americans and many other affluent people of “this world” today. Oddly, in times past, people with the characteristics described in 2nd Timothy 3 would have been considered social outcasts but today they occupy positions of great power and influence; today they are Presidents and Congressmen and Judges and CEOs and Actors and Athletes and Rappers and Pop Music Stars. The “lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, unthankful, unholy, brutal, despisers of good, and lovers of pleasure” have become today’s “heroes” - myriad unholy professionals worshipped by countless people.
One word that especially attracts my attention there is “traitors”. It is a fact that American politicians, judges, and mainstream news outlets and personalities – Democrat AND Republican – are following orders given by International Bankers and their think tanks to deliberately, traitorously manipulate the United States of America into a coming ‘New World Order’ – satan’s totalitarian global government as described in The Holy Bible’s final section, ‘Revelation’.
All of the interlocking pieces of the satanic worldwide tyrannical jigsaw puzzle are now falling quickly into place - from the Federal Reserve System and IMF/World Bank, to the machinations of the Freemasons, CFR, and Banker-controlled Foundations, to International Treaties and Executive Orders, to illegal (un-Constitutional) legislation, and the assaults on Christianity and the Second Amendment – it’s all coming together now in preparation for the satanic World Dictator. Any educated person who can’t discern that fact is a Pinball Wizard – deaf, dumb, and blind (and I do mean that other “dumb”).
Nothing and no one can prevent satan’s ‘New World Order’ from manifesting in “this world” because . . . “IT IS WRITTEN”.
Erwin W. Lutzer wrote the following in his book ‘IS GOD ON AMERICA’S SIDE?’:
Our sins as a nation have been committed in the context of great opportunity and great light. ... No nation has turned away so much light in order to choose darkness. ... Therefore it is entirely possible that the God who has already begun to judge us will continue to do so with even greater intensity and more widespread devastation. ... He just might let our enemies defeat us because as a nation we continue to insult the living God. ... There is no doubt we will be judged nationally and individually with stricter judgment for “unto whom much is given, much is required.” We’ve done plenty to expect judgment, not blessing. ...
When approaching Jericho, Joshua saw a man with a sword in his hand, “Are you for us, or for our adversaries?” he asked. This heavenly soldier answered, “No; but I am the commander of the army of the Lord” (Joshua 5:13-14). In effect God was saying, “I am not here to take sides; I am here to take over!”
As the brilliant C.S. Lewis says in his classic masterpiece ‘Mere Christianity’: “When the author walks on to the stage the play is over. God is going to invade, all right: but what is the good of saying you are on His side then...? ... It will be too late then to choose your side. There is no use saying you choose to lie down when it has become impossible to stand up. That will not be the time for choosing: it will be the time when we discover which side we really have chosen, whether we realised it before or not. Now, today, this moment, is our chance to choose the right side. God is holding back to give us that chance. It will not last for ever.”
Oh, you can absolutely bet the farm that Jesus is going to keep His promise! He said that He would return to gather His own, to immediately punish His Father’s enemies in “this world” and in the spiritual realm, and then He would rule the Earth during 1,000 years of peace. In other words: adios, Atheists; adios, Liberal social engineers, such as the ACLU; adios, lying, pseudo-patriotic Republicans! Was your willful rebellion against God worth it? Were you able to keep what your traitorous ways gained for you?
That day is coming! It may be tomorrow; it may be next month, next year, or ten years from now. But regardless, that day is approaching, and when it arrives, some human beings will find it glorious and joyful; others will cringe, then run and hide – but there is no place to hide from the Eyes of The Lord.
Throughout thousands of years of history the level of knowledge only increased incrementally. In some generations the level of general knowledge actually decreased. Yet, in the last century and a half, there has been an explosion of knowledge beyond anything ever experienced in human history. There are more scientists alive today than have lived in all of the rest of history. Recently, it was calculated that the sum total of human knowledge is growing so quickly that it literally doubles every twenty months. This is staggering in light of Daniel’s inspired prediction from the ancient past that “knowledge shall be increased.”
In addition, Daniel stated that a characteristic of the last days would be an awesome increase in mobility as “many shall run to and fro.” The speed of transportation has also exploded in the last century. For thousands of years, until 1900, most people never traveled faster than a galloping horse. ... While most people in past centuries seldom traveled more than twenty miles from the place they were born, millions of people now travel across the globe as part of their normal course of daily business or for their annual vacation.
Steve Miller, a freelance investigative journalist in Las Vegas, says: “Hopefully in the next year or so we’ll clean up our act, because we really need to. We’re hitting rock bottom, not only our economy but our morality. The bar’s been lowered and it’s laying on the floor now."
Hokey-Smoke! Look here, when a writer who was born in, and lives in, and works in Las Vegas - America’s ‘Sin City’ - says that even Vegas is now hitting rock bottom, that’s rock bottom of the rock bottom! And if THAT’S not a sign of the Apocalypse, I don’t know what is.
However, for me, the best evidence may actually be obtained by simply evaluating our current condition and comparing it to a passage from The Bible which foretells the condition of “this world” during the Biblical End-Time period. In the third chapter of 2nd Timothy, Saint Paul wrote the following warning:
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God ... always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. ... Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.
Regarding that passage, David Haggith, in his superb and exhaustive 1999 tome ‘END-TIME PROPHECIES OF THE BIBLE’, says, “Such people have existed in all ages, but the last line indicates they will increase significantly in the final age. The last two or three decades of the twentieth century saw more...multibillionaires and -millionaires than at any other time. The Bible does not speak against money or success, but it does speak against becoming absorbed by money or by one’s own interests. How many other generations have read so much news about children killing parents and children killing children, drive-by shootings, and unwed mothers who dump their babies in garbage dumpsters? One is hardly a social worrywart to question the spirit of such an age.”
Indeed, that Biblical passage seems to be a spot-on description of many Americans and many other affluent people of “this world” today. Oddly, in times past, people with the characteristics described in 2nd Timothy 3 would have been considered social outcasts but today they occupy positions of great power and influence; today they are Presidents and Congressmen and Judges and CEOs and Actors and Athletes and Rappers and Pop Music Stars. The “lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, unthankful, unholy, brutal, despisers of good, and lovers of pleasure” have become today’s “heroes” - myriad unholy professionals worshipped by countless people.
One word that especially attracts my attention there is “traitors”. It is a fact that American politicians, judges, and mainstream news outlets and personalities – Democrat AND Republican – are following orders given by International Bankers and their think tanks to deliberately, traitorously manipulate the United States of America into a coming ‘New World Order’ – satan’s totalitarian global government as described in The Holy Bible’s final section, ‘Revelation’.
All of the interlocking pieces of the satanic worldwide tyrannical jigsaw puzzle are now falling quickly into place - from the Federal Reserve System and IMF/World Bank, to the machinations of the Freemasons, CFR, and Banker-controlled Foundations, to International Treaties and Executive Orders, to illegal (un-Constitutional) legislation, and the assaults on Christianity and the Second Amendment – it’s all coming together now in preparation for the satanic World Dictator. Any educated person who can’t discern that fact is a Pinball Wizard – deaf, dumb, and blind (and I do mean that other “dumb”).
Nothing and no one can prevent satan’s ‘New World Order’ from manifesting in “this world” because . . . “IT IS WRITTEN”.
Erwin W. Lutzer wrote the following in his book ‘IS GOD ON AMERICA’S SIDE?’:
Our sins as a nation have been committed in the context of great opportunity and great light. ... No nation has turned away so much light in order to choose darkness. ... Therefore it is entirely possible that the God who has already begun to judge us will continue to do so with even greater intensity and more widespread devastation. ... He just might let our enemies defeat us because as a nation we continue to insult the living God. ... There is no doubt we will be judged nationally and individually with stricter judgment for “unto whom much is given, much is required.” We’ve done plenty to expect judgment, not blessing. ...
When approaching Jericho, Joshua saw a man with a sword in his hand, “Are you for us, or for our adversaries?” he asked. This heavenly soldier answered, “No; but I am the commander of the army of the Lord” (Joshua 5:13-14). In effect God was saying, “I am not here to take sides; I am here to take over!”
As the brilliant C.S. Lewis says in his classic masterpiece ‘Mere Christianity’: “When the author walks on to the stage the play is over. God is going to invade, all right: but what is the good of saying you are on His side then...? ... It will be too late then to choose your side. There is no use saying you choose to lie down when it has become impossible to stand up. That will not be the time for choosing: it will be the time when we discover which side we really have chosen, whether we realised it before or not. Now, today, this moment, is our chance to choose the right side. God is holding back to give us that chance. It will not last for ever.”
Oh, you can absolutely bet the farm that Jesus is going to keep His promise! He said that He would return to gather His own, to immediately punish His Father’s enemies in “this world” and in the spiritual realm, and then He would rule the Earth during 1,000 years of peace. In other words: adios, Atheists; adios, Liberal social engineers, such as the ACLU; adios, lying, pseudo-patriotic Republicans! Was your willful rebellion against God worth it? Were you able to keep what your traitorous ways gained for you?
That day is coming! It may be tomorrow; it may be next month, next year, or ten years from now. But regardless, that day is approaching, and when it arrives, some human beings will find it glorious and joyful; others will cringe, then run and hide – but there is no place to hide from the Eyes of The Lord.
My thanks to Annie McPhee /
Anniee451 for this one:
There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to
God, “Thy will be done”, and those to whom God says, in the end, “Thy will be done”. All that are in
Hell, choose it. Without that self-choice there could be no Hell. No soul that
seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it. Those who seek find. To
those who knock it is opened.
~ C.S. Lewis
(from his book ‘The Great Divorce’)
~ C.S. Lewis
(from his book ‘The Great Divorce’)
As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly.
~ Proverbs 26:11
(from ‘The Holy Bible’)
so a fool repeats his folly.
~ Proverbs 26:11
(from ‘The Holy Bible’)
foolishly return to your folly by continuing to deny or question the
existence of God, your Creator, and Jesus, your Savior. Jesus said that when
you “know the truth ... the truth will make you free.”
All evidence points to The Truth which you can know – pray to God and
ask to receive it; humbly request that The Holy Spirit teach and guide you. But
seek The Truth now because time is running out.
It was DiscConnected of the political blog ‘Back In The USSR’ who, maybe 4 or 5 years ago, turned me on to what has become one of my all-time favorite songs about Jesus and the Second Coming. So, let’s close with this powerful song that I love, Love, LOVE:
It was DiscConnected of the political blog ‘Back In The USSR’ who, maybe 4 or 5 years ago, turned me on to what has become one of my all-time favorite songs about Jesus and the Second Coming. So, let’s close with this powerful song that I love, Love, LOVE:
Tell anybody that ain't got nobody
Somebody's coming ...
Tell everybody walkin' tall and proud
That their money talks, but it talks so loud
That there's Somebody coming
That's gonna change everything ...
Tell everybody in the KKK, in the FBI, in the CIA
That there's Somebody coming
That's gonna change everything ...
Somebody's coming Who’s been here before
If you think you're outta chances, well you've got one more
'Cause Somebody's coming
That's gonna change everything ...
Somebody's coming Who don't need your vote
Gonna rattle your cage and rock your boat
Somebody's coming like a thief in the night
Gonna stand by His people when we're too weak to fight ...
TODD SNIDER Somebody's Coming
Somebody's coming ...
Tell everybody walkin' tall and proud
That their money talks, but it talks so loud
That there's Somebody coming
That's gonna change everything ...
Tell everybody in the KKK, in the FBI, in the CIA
That there's Somebody coming
That's gonna change everything ...
Somebody's coming Who’s been here before
If you think you're outta chances, well you've got one more
'Cause Somebody's coming
That's gonna change everything ...
Somebody's coming Who don't need your vote
Gonna rattle your cage and rock your boat
Somebody's coming like a thief in the night
Gonna stand by His people when we're too weak to fight ...
TODD SNIDER Somebody's Coming
Dare to be a Daniel;
Dare to stand alone;
Dare to have a purpose firm,
And dare to make it known.
~ Anonymous
Dare to stand alone;
Dare to have a purpose firm,
And dare to make it known.
~ Anonymous
T. McCarthy standing below
“the Name which is above every name” ;
“the Name which is above every name” ;
downtown Los Angeles, circa 1984.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
To read
Part 1 of this series, click HERE.
Joel Richardson Believes Nation Could Be Half Christian Within 20 Years
Evangelists Report Nagging Dreams Leading To Conversions
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
I could only add to this, I hope you will explain further "the Jewish concept of agency." My on belief in a triune God is based on that we are made in His image; we have body, mind, and soul, independant but bound together; and if we are a reflection of the glory that is God, then the Trinity makes perfect sense.
ReplyDeleteCW-BRO ~
DeleteI actually do believe in a form or type of the "Trinity" but it is considerably different from the orthodox Christian view of it - consisting of ONE God of three equal parts: God the Father; God the Son; God the Holy Spirit.
Time doesn't permit me to explain all of this in detail in the course of a massive Theological discussion (even though I have always enjoyed them), but I will happily copy the nutshell description of the Jewish concept of agency as mentioned in Strobel's fantastic book 'THE CASE FOR CHRIST' :
"Jesus thought He was the person appointed by God to bring in the climactic saving act of God in human history. He believed He was the agent of God to carry that out - that He had been authorized by God, empowered by God, He spoke for God, and He was directed by God to do this task. So what Jesus said, God said. What Jesus did was the work of God.
"Under the Jewish concept of agency, 'a man's agent is as himself'. Remember how Jesus sent out his apostles and said, 'Whatever they do to you, they've done to me'? There was a strong connection between a man and his agent whom he sends on a mission.
"Well, Jesus believed He was on a Divine mission, and the mission was to redeem the people of God."
~ Ben Witherington III, PH.D.; page 140
CW, that is basically the way I view the mission of Jesus. Now, having studied and read The Bible as many times as I have, I am already completely aware of every single passage and verse that a Trinitarian would put forth to support their Trinitarian belief.
But, in my opinion, there are way too many passages and verses that also appear to contradict the Trinitarian concept, which I believe became a tradition that is flawed.
A few years ago, my buddy BR'ER MARC and I were discussing this topic - he is a Christian man but also a nonbeliever in the Trinitarian tradition. In our discussion, he recommended a book to me titled 'ONE GOD & ONE LORD'.
I read the book, and although it is MASSIVE, and although it illustrated extremely well the abundance of Biblical evidence that calls the Trinitarian concept into question, I could still think of a couple other more minor points that the tome failed to mention.
Nevertheless, I think it's an exceptional Biblical examination of the questionable nature of the Trinitarian dogma, and I highly recommend it to you like Br'er Marc recommended it to me. Below is a URL to its product page at Amazon.com, in case you want to take a look at it:
Ultimately, though, I don't think it's crucial one way or another whether or not a person accepts the Trinitarian view or the Agency view. I'm sure we're all right and all wrong about certain aspects of our individual beliefs.
The main thing - which I suspect you'd agree with me about - is that we acknowledge our personal Savior and the Savior of the world, Jesus; gratefully accept the Atonement He made possible, reconciling us to our perfect Creator; and attempt to follow His teachings and live the life He displayed for us.
I think all the Theological details will be sorted out for us in time.
Thanks for reading and commenting, Bro.
~ Stephen
There are many things I would say with regards to this wonderful three part essay. Your love of the Savior is evident in every word. More than any words you could possibly employ to help convince the reader that the time to form a sincere and lasting relationship with God our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ is at hand, you have obviously allowed the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts and study to present to us a clear and concise treatise for doing so. Therefore, I will not try to add my own words or comments to those already spoken (written) and risk distracting anything from this heartfelt plan for coming unto Christ through the study of His Word.
ReplyDeleteYou have yet to steer me wrong with reading suggestions. I am forever grateful that I took your advice to read ‘One World’ by Tal Brooke and plan to work the remainder of the list given here, into my study.
Thank you for the time, study and prayer you have put into this discourse (it is far too rich in meaning and texture to simply be called a ‘blog bit’). At least for today, I think it’s fair to say; “Mission accomplished in a most spectacular way.
DeleteThanks so much for the exceedingly complimentary comment. I'll take it!
Yes, 'ONE WORLD' by Tal Brooke is excellent and I sincerely believe everyone ought to read it. I, of course, am not in full agreement with all of Tal's theological beliefs, but we're certainly close enough. And he's a powerful writer, in my opinion. He pretty much nailed down every aspect of the 'New World Order' in that book.
Remember back to, like, three weeks ago, when you and I exchanged Emails and I wrote that I had been listening to some old Chicago songs because I'd just quoted the lyrics to one of them in a blog bit I was working on about how to study The Bible and about the End-Times?
I can imagine you must have thought something like: How does one work lyrics to a Chicago hit into a blog installment about The Bible and the End-Times?
Ha! Well, now ya know. Those lyrics to that old Chicago song (my favorite by them, incidentally) immediately came to mind when I was working on that section about reminiscing and remembering simpler, more innocent times.
The dramatic changes that have occurred in American culture just in the last 4 decades leave me almost stunned. Hell, one could even just isolate and focus on a single thread - say, movies and what passes for entertainment today - and still be stunned by what's happened.
Seriously! The general immorality; the sexuality; the violence; the reversal of gender roles - brutal cage fighting as a form of entertainment? It's like ancient Rome all over again. Disgusting!
Thanks again for the very nice comment, Sister.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I hope my coming back to comment on your comment does nothing to take away or distract anyone from the things you have said here. I did want to say something about the rate of speed at which the world seems to be plummeting over the edge of reason.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was living in Colorado, a friend worked at one of the major television stations in Denver (this is about twenty years ago) said that the major stations were gearing up to bring full frontal nudity and homosexuality into the living rooms of the American public on a regular basis. I thought he was nuts and that people wouldn’t stand for that, at least not in my lifetime. HA!
I haven’t had commercial television in my home for ten years now, and prior to that it was intermittent as to whether or not we were in a location that it was available. Every time I travel or visit with someone who has commercial TV and I might catch a snippet of something, I am surprised to see what people are watching. (I’m sure they are watching, because nobody is putting something out there if it isn’t selling and since the various channels are all filled with the same carp…)
Recently I rented a series that was produced by a major cable channel. While this channel is ‘cable’ it has been around so long, it seems to be almost considered mainstream, similar to the big ‘networks’. Anyway, they produced a series based on a popular book I had read and I was interested to see what they had done with it. This particular novel, while a work of fiction, included a lot of political intrigue and therefore the characters indulged in quite a bit of exterior and interior dialogue to explain their personal political positions and how they would accomplish various scenarios. I wanted to see how this would be portrayed in film.
One nefarious character, who while politically well connected in the storyline was also the owner of at least one brothel. He had many interior dialogues that gave the reader insight to his personal life and plans for his country. The screenwriters and or producers of this creation decided to have this character deliver a portion of this interior dialogue (think out loud) while two women had sex in the background (just previous to his monologue he had been coaching them on various techniques). After immediately clicking the TV off I’m thinking REALLY – that was the best you could do to bring those thoughts to life on the screen, and do you think many people actually paid much attention to what this guy was saying.
Anyway…I’m probably way off topic, but when I read your comment this is what I thought of. I also thought; if you think the past four decades where bad, fasten your seat belt because things seem to be accelerating at a rate that is almost incomprehensible. I can think of several examples of things that were beyond taboo in the past and are now commonplace. People are being desensitized to all manner of evil as Satan prepares to take center stage in the world.
DeletePlease don't hesitate to comment - here, there, anywhere, anytime.
Work calls now, but I'll respond to this later, for sure. Thanks!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
DeleteI am in complete agreement with you about the rate of our social decline now. We're almost in free-fall.
I have no intention of watching it, but I'm curious about which TV series you were referring to. Would you mind telling me the title here?
One thing your last paragraph made me think of is this:
You know how The Bible tells us that in the End-Time, during The Tribulation period, God's Two Witnesses will be murdered and left lying in the street while the whole world celebrates their deaths?
When I first read that passage in 1994 or '95, it seemed so difficult to believe. I'm NOT saying I disbelieved it. Only that it was hard for me to wrap my mind around the idea that Two Witnesses, sent directly to "this world" by God and to speak His Words, could be murdered, left in the streets, and THE WHOLE WORLD would party like it's 1999!
Here we are only 18 or 19 years later, and considering how Biblical principles are now considered "hate speech" in America, and how utterly disgusting our American society has become, I don't really find that bit about the Two Witnesses the least bit hard to believe anymore. That is SAD! And it's also an indication to me about how amazingly fast we're falling into satan's trap.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Interesting that you would mention the ‘prophecy of the two witnesses’ from the Book of Revelations; I thought of that while reading this entire essay. I have often thought as you, how can something like this happen in our times? Then I am reminded, the people on the earth today are essentially no different than the people who walked with Jesus Christ during his life here, and they murdered, even Him.
DeleteEvery time someone mentions ‘hate speak’ with relation to The Holy Bible, I’m reminded of the passages from Matthew where the Savior taught the people from the mountain. Matthew 5:11-12
Since I DO believe that there is no such thing as ‘Bad Publicity’, I am loathe to mention the name of the popular HBO series, based on the very successful series of books written by George R.R. Martin, least I direct anyone to view it.
DeleteHa-Ha! Thanks for your "non-answer". Methinks I has enough of a clue to go on.
~ SherlockDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I said my piece on Part 1, but I can only add this one, simple, humble thought. We need more Christians like you. Hell, I read this and it makes me want to be a better Christian (I don't think I'm a bad one, but you know what I mean). Your message is said out of love, not hate, which is ironic because I know that there are probably quite a few people who would see this and just think you're ranting and spreading more hate speech.
DeleteMan, thanks! But, honestly, what I wrote also makes ME want to be a better follower of Jesus. (Ironically, I never really refer to myself as a "Christian" because my anti-Trinitarian belief - as well as a few other "Biblical" but "unacceptable" beliefs - would pretty much get me expelled from most "orthodox" Christian churches.)
In some respects I do fairly well. I mean, for instance, if I found a man's wallet in a gutter and it contained his driver's license and $25,000 dollars, I would return that idiot's wallet to him with every single dollar accounted for. (Yes, I did call him an "idiot". But let's face it, any man who would lose his wallet when it contained... his driver's license... that man is an idiot!)
However, I am currently driving professionally for a living, and some of the things I call these Airheadzona drivers, God and Yeshua would definitely frown upon.
On the other hand, God and Yeshua have Divine knowledge, so they KNOW that these Airheadzona drivers are awful and would try the patience of a saint!
Maybe my "fudging" profanity is forgiven?
Yeah, Bro, if what I have written here is "ranting hate speech" according to "this world", then I figure I'm on the right track. "This world" hates the lovers of God.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
There’s much to contemplate here, and not much comment from me. (Most of my comment consists of your post.)
ReplyDeleteSometimes I’m glad I read slowly; I not only get the message but I can also have time to appreciate the passion, and the art contained within the text. This was a great three-part post to say the least.
>>While ‘Hot Fun In The Summertime’ by Sly And The Family Stone was playing it suddenly hit me how bizarre, how surrealistic it seemed that The Biblical End-Times were probably going to occur in my own lifetime.
I’m still betting on a rogue asteroid to start things off in 2015, but thinking about it, I don’t think I’d be “lucky” enough to time the End-Times correctly. I haven’t won the lottery yet either.
I still think that society has many more opportunities to screw itself deeper into the abyss; plenty of depravity that hasn’t played out yet…Dennis Rodman elected as North Korean Vice President, the crowning of the first MMA cage match high school state champ and prom queen, the invention of tiny drone-type locusts…that spread Lyme disease. The possibilities are numerous.
>>I also believe that anyone who knows me also knows that I’m no dummy (no Howdy Doody or Charlie McCarthy) despite my Straight C report cards in high school.
I’m sure we may have had little in common in high school but I can say that we both were straight C students. High school algebra didn’t understand me for one thing.
>>You see, I think there’s a misconception out there (and prior to accepting Jesus, I myself entertained this misconception) that once a person accepts Jesus they become some boring, staid, shell of a human being; Jesus robs them of their personality and they become a lifeless “McChristian”.
I have met a few McChristians, but you are right, it is a misconception.
>>Yes, you’re going to be required to surrender your “life” but you will be trading it for “LIFE” . . . and you will get to keep your personality – goofy and/or feisty though it may be.
Is that good or what?
>>Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
~ 'Revelation', chapter 13
You know, the worst trading day of 2011 resulted in a 6.66% one-day drop. The price of the S&P500 back in March of 2009, at the bottom, was 666. (Actually it was 666.79). I often wonder if these are examples of coincidence, typical earthly market manipulation, or something far more devious.
Part 2
ReplyDelete>>I like that about her! Short Little Rebel is no “Mrs. Guder” or “Nadine Flanders”.
True, and she's about as subtle as a Molotov cocktail. She has some serious unresolved issues; it’s apparent in her posts and comments. Worst than a McChristian, I think she represents the biggest reason why so many people run away from the Bible, and reject the idea of getting to know Jesus. Who knows, she may be in for a rude surprise come judgment day. (Wow, no love here…let’s move on.)
It’s unfortunate hearing about her constant back pain that she mentions in “Jesus Heals People Everyday” post. Not sure if you communicate often with her but if you do, maybe you could pass along that daily use of an inversion table might help take some pressure off the spinal disks. It has done miraculous things for some people depending on the source of the pain. I would tell her about it myself but I don’t think she would understand honest compassion.
I have this brand:
Teeter Inversion Table
>>Unfortunately though, the George Lamsa translation of The Holy Bible comes only in one gigantic edition and it isn’t very practical for carrying with you.
A pre-order Kindle version is available now, I think. I’d rather read a regular book but I can see the benefits of a Kindle sometimes; easier on the eyes, and also good for the self-conscious types who aren’t comfortable carrying around The Bible.
Is that “Jesus Saves” sign still there? If so, can you see it through the smog now?
Was there a reason you were taking photos of it back in 1984? I noticed the composition with the Hope Street sign in the foreground.
>>The “lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, unthankful, unholy, brutal, despisers of good, and lovers of pleasure” have become today’s “heroes” - myriad unholy professionals worshipped by countless people.
I know that place, man. I read about it in DC Comics, man. Place is called “Htrae”, you know “Bizarro World”… up is down, good is bad… (using my best Tommy Chong voice).
>>Steve Miller, a freelance investigative journalist in Las Vegas, says: “Hopefully in the next year or so we’ll clean up our act, because we really need to. We’re hitting rock bottom, not only our economy but our morality. The bar’s been lowered and it’s laying on the floor now."
Las Vegas? Not even a cockroach has ever successfully limboed under that bar.
Part 1 Of 3:
An excellent and entertaining comment, as always!
>> . . . There’s much to contemplate here, and not much comment from me.
‘EVIDENCE FOR FAITH: Deciding The God Question’. After that, ‘THE CASE FOR CHRIST’.
>> . . . Sometimes I’m glad I read slowly; I not only get the message but I can also have time to appreciate the passion, and the art contained within the text. This was a great three-part post to say the least.
Wow! Thank you, Sig! (I’m getting a little teary-eyed, damn it! You think I’m joking? YOU THINK I’M JOKING???!!! I’m not, and...) I thank you!
>> . . . I’m still betting on a rogue asteroid to start things off in 2015...
Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. And a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
~ Revelation 8:8-9
>> . . . I still think that society has many more opportunities to screw itself deeper into the abyss; plenty of depravity that hasn’t played out yet…Dennis Rodman elected as North Korean Vice President, the crowning of the first MMA cage match high school state champ and prom queen, the invention of tiny drone-type locusts…that spread Lyme disease. The possibilities are numerous.
Well, I laugh... and agree. But as FarAwayEyes and I have said, we seem to be falling friggin’ FAST! The Bible doesn’t tell us how long “the beginnings of sorrows” or “the beginning of birth pangs” lasts before we enter into the actual 7-year Tribulation period of “the beast”. It could be 5, 10, 15, 20 or more years. But if we equate it to a woman going into labor before giving birth, it’s probably not too long a length of time. I may be speculating too much but... speculating is part of the fun in Bible study!
Continued Below . . .
Part 2 Of 3:
Delete>> . . . I’m sure we may have had little in common in high school but I can say that we both were straight C students. High school algebra didn’t understand me for one thing.
Ha-Ha! Shit, I didn’t even get far enough in math (my weakest subject) to give algebra the chance to misunderstand me. But that surprises me because I had YOU figured as a stellar student in high school (Sheboyganboy Six, too [2]). So, I’m in good company as an “average” high school student then. My best subjects were P.E., Lunch, and Girl-Watching. (Hopefully, at least, Sheboyganboy rocked in high school.)
But, seriously, it only further confirms for me the rightness of that line in Paul Simon’s song: “When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school / It’s a wonder I can even think at all.”
I mean, truthfully, I struggled to pass basic math... and science... and history... and even English! But today, most high school history teachers would not do well against me in a debate about American history and the U.S. Constitution. And a high school science teacher who believes in Evolution would get wiped out in a debate against me.
This only goes to prove that my interest in these subjects was inherently there, just waiting for the right teacher to come along and awaken the sleeping dogs.
Unfortunately, I still stink at math, and my English is only blog-worthy.
>> . . . I have met a few McChristians, but you are right, it is a misconception.
Oh, I agree, there really ARE some “McChristians” – I’ve known a few myself – but they are the great minority, and most Christians are still very much in possession of a genuine “personality”. Some of the funniest people I’ve ever encountered are actually Christians!
>> . . . You know, the worst trading day of 2011 resulted in a 6.66% one-day drop. The price of the S&P500 back in March of 2009, at the bottom, was 666. (Actually it was 666.79). I often wonder if these are examples of coincidence, typical earthly market manipulation, or something far more devious.
I don’t know. But now you’re starting to sound a little bit like Alex Jones and his explanation for why the mysterious black-out during the Super Bowl lasted 33 minutes (to be sure, a very significant number in the Masonic Order).
>> . . . I like that about her! Short Little Rebel is no “Mrs. Guder” or “Nadine Flanders”.
>> . . . True, and she's about as subtle as a Molotov cocktail.
I like that about her!
Basically, she’s Ann Coulter high on Jesus.
>> . . . She has some serious unresolved issues; it’s apparent in her posts and comments.
Please elaborate.
Continued Below . . .
Part 3 Of 3:
Delete>> . . . I think she represents the biggest reason why so many people run away from the Bible, and reject the idea of getting to know Jesus. Who knows, she may be in for a rude surprise come judgment day. (Wow, no love here…let’s move on.)
No, let’s not move on so fast.
In a recent comment on her blog, I told her that one reason I like her is that she reminds me of me. Other than the “obvious”, I’m really not sure what the difference is between her and me. Sig, as you said in regards to SLR, “No love here”. But you seem to like me. And I, honestly, don’t see where there’s a whole lotta difference between her and me.
Well, I have recognized that there doesn’t seem to be a trace of humor in her posts. And I hope that my readers do occasionally see that I have a sense o’ humor. But other than that, I don’t think there’s a real notable difference between Short Little Rebel’s views and my own.
In fact, in one of my F-FFF posts within the last year or so (I tried but couldn’t locate it), I stated that it was time for Christians to begin fighting back against what the New World Order fascists are perpetrating against us. It seems to me, that is exactly what SLR is doing. So, seriously, I’m a bit mystified by why you seem to dislike her so. But I value your opinion enough to request and consider it.
>> . . . Not sure if you communicate often with her but if you do, maybe you could pass along that daily use of an inversion table might help take some pressure off the spinal disks. It has done miraculous things for some people depending on the source of the pain. I would tell her about it myself but I don’t think she would understand honest compassion. I have this brand:
Teeter Inversion Table
Hmmm... Well, actually, the WordPress comment system seems really buggy so, no, I have not communicated with her much. Plus... although time will tell, I must confess, something has occurred recently (or, “NOT occurred recently”, to be more precise) that causes me to doubt... about... her... a little bit. But I urge you to make at least one attempt to pass that info on to her, as your computer system might be more compatible with the WordPress comment section than mine is.
>> . . . Is that “Jesus Saves” sign still there? If so, can you see it through the smog now? Was there a reason you were taking photos of it back in 1984? I noticed the composition with the Hope Street sign in the foreground.
Smog... Ha! No, it was removed sometime in the very late ‘80s or very early ‘90s. I remember reading about it in one of the L.A. newspapers and being quite upset about it. My early fascination with the sign(s) [actually, two of them on opposite ends of the building] was something of a mystery to me. As I wrote in an Email recently to another friend of mine: “I always LOVED that “Jesus Saves” sign for some reason. Even long before I knew who He really was and what He had really done. I guess it was just that deep, inner knowing at the soul level that hadn’t yet surfaced to my conscious mind.”
However, one of the signs – although moved to a different location in downtown L.A. – may still exist. See the blog bit below:
>> . . . I know that place, man. I read about it in DC Comics, man. Place is called “Htrae”, you know “Bizarro World”… up is down, good is bad… (using my best Tommy Chong voice).
That ALSO comes outta The Bible, ya know? A warning against those who put bad for good and dark for light! Google it, Bro.
>> . . . Las Vegas? Not even a cockroach has ever successfully limboed under that bar.
Exactly! Even the devil is now concerned about the reputation that Vegas is giving him.
~ Stephen
>>So, I’m in good company as an “average” high school student then. My best subjects were P.E., Lunch, and Girl-Watching.
ReplyDeleteWell, it WAS California. I had the habit of reading the required material and then spending twice as much time re-reading between the lines; you know, where the information is. Of course it makes keeping pace with the other students difficult.
>>(Hopefully, at least, Sheboyganboy rocked in high school.)
I'll bet on that.
>>Unfortunately, I still stink at math, and my English is only blog-worthy.
Yeah, sure. You probably snuck some haiku in there when I wasn't looking.
>>I don’t know. But now you’re starting to sound a little bit like Alex Jones and his explanation for why the mysterious black-out during the Super Bowl lasted 33 minutes (to be sure, a very significant number in the Masonic Order).
Saw that on Short Little Lightning Rod's site. I'm fooled by simple magician's tricks so I don't know what to think. Kind of weird. Some of these things remind me of the movie, "The Number 23". There's either something to it or it falls under the category of "what you focus on grows."
>>I don’t think there’s a real notable difference between Short Little Rebel’s views and my own.
It's amazing how similar they are. Almost seems like fraternal twins on the surface.
>>So, seriously, I’m a bit mystified by why you seem to dislike her so.
SLR is obviously very intelligent, well-versed, and she puts together an immaculate post. She seems to keep a short leash on her comment section, though. I would have liked to hear some of the comments that she didn't allow just so I could read what she considered unimportant, frivolous, and a waste of her time.
I don't think of her as "feisty" so much as angry, and self-righteous. In one post, "Jesus Used FaceBook to Rebuke Me", it seems like she had a moment of self-awareness or clarity where she admitted that anger had gotten the better of her. Seems like a recurring theme. It amazes me how such an intelligent person doesn't have the ability to communicate in a manner that could actually further her cause. (If she actually has a cause). She would rather rant about her atheist attacks, or call Facebook or whoever "evil", instead of using her gift and accepting the challenge of stepping out of her comfort zone and actually trying to change the hearts and minds of people who aren't already in her Christian camp. What a wasted opportunity when someone with her ability continually tries to put out fire with gasoline. (Only you can get away with that!)
It's not dislike; it's more like disappointment. It's her blog, though. Maybe it's just way for her to vent, or kick up some dust, and nothing more. Admittedly, she's un-humorously entertaining in a way.
You don't see where there's a whole lot of difference between you and her? Read between the lines. You'll never be like her; you're smart enough to realize that to catch a fish you sometimes have to put a little slack in the line. There's only two people who ever got me to crack open a Bible, and you're one of them. Smart as SLR is, she would never have accomplished that feat.
SigToo ~
DeleteWhoa! Well, first, thanks for replying and for addressing my questions. I DO intend to respond to this, but I actually want to read through it a couple more times first and really think about what you've written here. So... it may be a couple of days before I "really" reply, but I'll definitely have something more to say eventually ...no later than sometime this upcoming weekend.
>> . . . There's only two people who ever got me to crack open a Bible, and you're one of them.
Man, you have NO IDEA what a compliment I consider that to be! I mean, that's like a King Kong Compliment! (I would have spelled "Compliment" with a K but it would have been exactly the WRONG number of K's in a row, ya know?)
You might be interested to know that another friend of mine Emailed me today and, in part, wrote the following:
I'm interested to see what SigToo comes back with about SLR. I tend to agree with him that often she uses a sledgehammer to get her point across. While you and she have a similar passion for The Bible and Truth, your delivery is more logical, based in facts, and although you don't pull any punches, the love of the Savior is always present. She has a delivery that comes across more like, "This is it and you better believe it, or else".
Certainly she stands up for what she believes, but your posts follow more... like, "Let those who have ears to hear, hear". ... She ... is hard to like. ... [S]he does bring up some interesting points, and follows up with good links, but her basic delivery, is... very different from yours.
So, Sig, it seems like you're not alone in your perception when comparing and contrasting 'SHORT LITTLE REBEL' and 'FERRET-FACED FASCIST FRIENDS'.
I want to reread this and ponder it a bit more. I will say though that I think my blog has a better F'-ing title.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
SigToo ~
DeleteI have NOT forgotten that I promised to return and say more about your last comment here. I'm just not ready yet.
I have been thinking about what you and my other friend wrote, and I have been reading some of Short Little Rebel's recent posts, and I have been running all of that through the 'Rinse and Spin Cycles' of my mind.
I'm chewing on some ideas which I still intend to spit out here sooner than later. Nothing earth-shaking (like an 'End-Times' 12.5 Quake') but I want to see if I can discern what you and my other friend seemed to notice quickly when comparing and contrasting the SLR blog with the F-FFF blog.
I WILL be back here again, so please don't give up on me too soon, Brother.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Finally made it to the end of your epic. Sorry it took me a while as I have been having some very frustrating computer issues that have interfered greatly with my computing time.
ReplyDeleteGreat job in getting information out there to those who might be interested. Hopefully it was not all preaching to the choir and maybe someone will pick up on one of the recommended books if not turn directly to the Main Book.
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
DeleteThanks, McBuddy! I have often fretted about, and openly expressed anxiety over, the idea that this entire blog has never been anything more than preaching to a choir of about seven (of which you have always been one).
But with this particular 3-part blog bit (series), I don't have that customary concern. I feel that I was really MEANT to write this 3-part One. I believe God used the 'Short Little Rebel' blog bit to inspire me to compose this piece - and that may have been the primary reason I was directed to the 'Short Little Rebel' blog in the first place.
I was meant to find Susan Shannon's blog because it was going to plant in my mind the seed to grow this 3-part blog bit of my own.
I could be crazy (again), but I have this "inner knowing" sense that this 3-part series was meant to be, and whoever it was meant to reach - maybe only two, or three, or four persons - it WILL reach. Eventually, over time, the few folks this blog bit series was composed for WILL find it.
This is perhaps the only time I was SURE that I wrote a blog bit that wasn't just "preaching to the choir". I was inspired to write this for someone, or perhaps a few "someones", whom I might never meet or know, but God will send them here for this.
It's weird but from the moment I got this 3-parter posted, I've felt like... "I'm essentially done".
I post-publication dedicate this 3-part One to 'The Unknown Readers'. They WILL find it, because God inspired me to write it for them.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteGreat series. You are a far better christian than I. Unfortunately, I've been distracted by life lately. However, I have almost finished a book called, "the doctrine of the trinity. Christianity's self inflicted wound." By anthony buzzard. It hss taken me six months due to time (not length). It really delves into history, jewish thought, how they see certain passages. He does this exceptionally well. Also a book called, "when jesus became god." Is exceptional historically.
As for me I really need to get back into my bible. Distractions.
Br er marc
Thanks, BR'ER!
DeleteThe title 'When Jesus Became God' sounds extremely familiar. I think I may have that book stored in a big plastic box in my closet with other books I hope to find time to read someday.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'