When I learned about this at 1:00 P.M today, my first thought was: I wonder which government agency or combination of government agencies is responsible for this.
When I learned about this at 1:00 P.M today, my first thought was: I wonder which government agency or combination of government agencies is responsible for this.
I expect
this story to get weirder and weirder as the days, weeks, and months go on.
There will be questions. There will probably be few logical answers. Just call
it a “hunch” on my part.
Paul Joseph Watson
April 15, 2013
An eyewitness to the two explosions at the Boston Marathon today said that a “drill” was repeatedly announced before the bombs exploded and that he “thought it was odd” bomb sniffing dogs were in place before the blast.
University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15 News, “They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about. “It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill.”
The news station also reports that Stevenson “thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.”
Stevenson then describes hearing the explosions as he ran away from the scene, having just completed the marathon.
If this report is accurate, it clearly suggests there could have been some degree of prior knowledge of the bombing, which killed two people and injured at least 23.
The fact that the explosions were preceded and overlapped by a "drill" of an almost identical nature mirrors other major terror attacks, such as the 7/7 bombings in London.
It is important to emphasize that the New York Times recently reported that most of the recent domestic terror plots in the United States “were facilitated by the F.B.I.,” suggesting that today’s incident in Boston may have been part of such an operation.
It remains to be seen how the media and the Obama administration will exploit this incident depending who gets the blame, but Rahm Emanuel’s “never let a serious crisis go to waste” advisory is sure to be in play.
More on this story as it develops . . .
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of 'Order Out Of Chaos'. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
This article was posted: Monday, April 15, 2013 at 4:22 pm
April 15, 2013
An eyewitness to the two explosions at the Boston Marathon today said that a “drill” was repeatedly announced before the bombs exploded and that he “thought it was odd” bomb sniffing dogs were in place before the blast.
University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15 News, “They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about. “It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill.”
The news station also reports that Stevenson “thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.”
Stevenson then describes hearing the explosions as he ran away from the scene, having just completed the marathon.
If this report is accurate, it clearly suggests there could have been some degree of prior knowledge of the bombing, which killed two people and injured at least 23.
The fact that the explosions were preceded and overlapped by a "drill" of an almost identical nature mirrors other major terror attacks, such as the 7/7 bombings in London.
It is important to emphasize that the New York Times recently reported that most of the recent domestic terror plots in the United States “were facilitated by the F.B.I.,” suggesting that today’s incident in Boston may have been part of such an operation.
It remains to be seen how the media and the Obama administration will exploit this incident depending who gets the blame, but Rahm Emanuel’s “never let a serious crisis go to waste” advisory is sure to be in play.
More on this story as it develops . . .
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of 'Order Out Of Chaos'. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
This article was posted: Monday, April 15, 2013 at 4:22 pm
INFOWARS.COM - Boston Marathon: Bombing Drill Coincided With
Why is it
that so often when a major terrorist attack occurs, nearby government employees
are conducting some “drill” that seems to mirror the circumstances of the attack?
9/11, the London subway bombing, Sandy Hook Massacre, Boston Marathon
So, lots
of police and National Guard personnel, including bomb-sniffing dogs, couldn’t
prevent a man, suspiciously carrying two backpacks, from placing bombs in trash
And what about the bombs reportedly discovered before they exploded? And
the explosion/fire at the JFK Library? How many villains were involved in this
terrorist attack? And how many of them were working for Uncle Sam? As the old TV commercial used to say: The world may never know.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Another sad commentary on life in the USofA. Already there are discrepancies in the stories of 'what rally happened'. Already anyone with a brain is left wondering why EVERYTHING is a moving target (pun intended). All the moments of silence and good intentions by a people so deceived won't put the republic back together again. When a government turns on it's own people it's far past the beginning of the end.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment, FAE. I'll post a brief reply tonight.
Delete~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Again, I forgot to click that button that tells me of follow of posts here. Carp! I'm thinking you replied to this serious comment and instead I'm getting all the 'pussy cracker' comments from the last one. And golf, you're talking about golf. Sheesh!!!
ReplyDeleteI hadn't heard this take about the "drill". But I probably makes sense that bomb sniffing dogs might be checking the route of a high profile event like the Boston Marathon. I understand that in New York they take precautions like sealing manhole covers on the marathon route and other things like this.
ReplyDeleteIt's sad that we have to worry about things like this, but I'm not going to admonish vigilance when it's intended for security that has some justification.
I guess time might tell us something, but then again we may never hear any truth. Nowadays who knows what is really going on? We'll see.
An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Great. Now the TSA will be searching me for concealed pressure cookers.
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard anyone mention drill announcements yet from the dozens of first-hand accounts. The local sports station is 24/7 Marathon Bombing coverage. Some people are sure they heard a third explosion. Then again, if you're standing that close to one of the initial explosions, you can't tell me that your ear drums might be a little off kilter.
It sure is hard to find the "Family Guy" episode "Turban Cowboy" on the internet now. It came out about a month ago. Peter, the main character, set off two explosions with a cell phone and ran down the Boston Marathon runners with his car.
On that 24/7 sports radio station, one of the DJ's was asking why the government can't flag people who visit bomb making sites on the internet. Luckily, the other DJ set him straight on that one. It's so easy for the government, after an event like this one, to put cameras on every street corner and garbage can, and monitor the internet with the blessing of at least half the population.
Maybe I'm naive, but I think this was done by some intelligent, electronic-savvy, 18-28 year old middle class kid who spent too much time watching bomb-making videos, and was inspired by a recent Family Guy episode. On the other hand, I once believed Oswald was the lone gunman.
ReplyDeleteARLEE BIRD,
SIG26.2 ~
This one response is directed to all y'all, because it's the same thing I have to say regardless of who I'm addressing:
I'm certainly not (yet) saying that Uncle Sam was behind this, but... as ALWAYS, Uncle Sam is my first suspect. Let's just say it has something to do with years of in-depth research and a certain Uncle's track record. Experience has taught me that if you make government your Number One suspect, you will eventually be proven right far more than you're wrong.
So, yes, Uncle Sam is Suspect Number One for me; I just don't have the necessary evidence (yet) to prove Him guilty.
The worst case scenario is that Sam pulled this off for some reason. To ramp up investigations of, and color public perception of, militia groups? To give Barack Oliar justification to (again) ignore his promise to bring home the troops and leave them in the Middle East indefinitely? To increase military and government security force intrusion into our daily lives with MORE TSA, ATF, FBI, NSA, WTF, etc., etc., personnel watching our every move? Time will tell.
The best case scenario is that Sam is so inept He can't even keep Americans safe at a public event, despite the use of over 400 National Guardsmen and uniformed police officers up the yin-yang! (Those videos! Have you ever seen so many yellow/orange safety-vested cops in one place in your life? Money well spent? Isn't security supposed to PREVENT tragedies like this, not just REACT to them? There's our tax dollars hard at work, eh?)
Even the best case scenario (government retardation) will probably be sold to us as a need to increase security everywhere - more militarized cops, more street corner video cameras, more random checkpoints, etc. It's a lose-lose situation.
Frankly, I do NOT believe one person acted alone in this. There were too many bombs involved - 3 or 4 at minimum (and already stories of unexploded bombs discovered are being scrubbed from the public consciousness). Two bombs exploded; one bomb was found and "controlled detonated" according to many early reports, and I do NOT believe that the incident at the JFK Library was merely an unrelated fire. It was quite possibly a fourth bomb.
Too many bombs for one bomber, in my opinion.
Also, I find it very difficult to believe that this could have been pulled off with as much security as was present at the Marathon unless someone was in a position to allow it to happen. We're talking multiple bombs being placed. We're talking about suspicious bags or packs just being walked in and dropped in trash cans or set down and left, and no security personnel noticed anything unusual, huh?
Not buying it. Time will tell, and I'm sure the "facts" will be changed many times as the questions increase. Me, I ain't buyin' it; I remain HIGHLY suspicious.
And, Sig, yeah, I heard about the whole "Turban Cowboy" 'Family Guy' bit yesterday. Just a coincidence? Yeah, maybe. But I also remember those very strange "coincidences" in the Batman movie and how they seemed to relate to 'Sandy Hook'. How many coincidences is one coincidence too many?
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteSomething just occurred to me that I should have mentioned in my previous reply to all y'all:
You wrote:
>> . . . I haven't heard anyone mention drill announcements yet from the dozens of first-hand accounts. The local sports station is 24/7 Marathon Bombing coverage.
Please don't forget that everything that gets aired, whether on TV or radio, is subject to editing. Someone goes through the images and sound clips and decides what will and what won't be broadcasted to the public.
I'm not saying this is true but for all we know, for every one interview you've seen or heard from locals describing the tragedy at the Boston Marathon, there could be ten people interviewed who said that it was publicly announced that some sort of "drill" was taking place. The person in charge of what will air is in charge of what will air.
In other words, at this point, all of us are seeing and hearing ONLY what someone somewhere has decided we should see or hear. For all we know, there could be thousands of people who, like Ali Stevenson, heard public announcements that some sort of "drill" was taking place.
Obviously, I can't state the above as a fact, but I can say for a fact that The Wizards Behind The Curtain control the mainstream media, and right now we can be certain that the mainstream media is showing and telling us ONLY what The Wizards Behind The Curtain want us to know. As always, non-mainstream media outlets (and perhaps even foreign news sources) are our best resources for determining what is the truth about the Boston Marathon terrorist attack.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Good point, as always. The station is owned by Entercom Communications and operated by The Walt Disney Company. (Both traded on the NYSE)
ReplyDeleteSorry to have plagued you with golf comments. That was rolling before this more serious subject, so I answered that one first. Plus, this subject is, undeniably, more depressing and less fun and often it takes me time to draw up the intestinal fortitude to comment. BTW: I am sure YOU are charismatic!
StMc ~
Through you, I have come to suspect Sam first also. I have a feeling here that perhaps it was independent, and Sig's idea sounds pretty plausible, but it would not surprise me if the Uncle has at least some hand in it or foreknowledge about it.
We shall see. Or not.
DeleteIf I had to guess (or bet some hard-earned money on it), I think I'd go with the idea that Sam learned about it, had foreknowledge of it, and permitted it to occur. That way our Uncle got "a serious crisis" that He won't let "go to waste”.
That's my "Guess Number One".
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
First off, that Family Guy thing is a hoax. It was strung together from two completely unrelated gags.
ReplyDeleteSecond, no matter who was behind it, it's sad that so many people were badly injured. Like with some of the conspiracies (example, Sandy Hook), there's no real visual evidence that anyone was killed. But with this, the news is littered with people bleeding profusely, legs blown off, dead, etc. It's like they wanted us to see how badly hurt everyone was.
Also, I too asked, "How the hell could these bombs be placed at an event like this?" There's no security? No one noticed someone leaving backpacks? I did a 5k marathon about 2 years ago in Denver that was dinky by comparison (maybe 500 people?) and it was littered with police, standing along the sidelines, just watching everyone. Hell, I saw them yell at a guy for leaving a water bottle on the ground.
3-B ~
DeleteNo, my friend, the 'Family Guy' video (since deleted from YouTube) was not a hoax. The following explanation comes from InfoWars.com:
In addition, it is now being claimed that the whole issue is an “abhorrent hoax” merely because the two scenes from the same episode were spliced together. The fact that the episode depicted people being killed at the Boston Marathon, in addition to a separate clip which depicted two explosions, is not a hoax.
Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane created a cartoon which made fun of terrorist bombings and depicted mutilated Boston Marathon runners, yet he is labeling people who merely talk about the episode as “abhorrent”.
An episode of the popular show Family Guy which was first aired less than a month ago eerily predicted aspects of the Boston Marathon attack, depicting the main character detonating two bombs in addition to winning the marathon by killing the rest of the participants.
The episode, named Turban Cowboy, centers around Peter becoming embroiled with terrorists who plan on blowing up bridges in Boston. The show aired on March 17, just under a month ago on the Fox network and has been repeated in recent days.
The image of Peter killing the Boston Marathon runners even shows blood and missing limbs, a chilling reminder of the very real scenes of carnage we saw yesterday.
It is important to note that the video shows two clips from different points of the show edited together, but they are from the same episode.
Critics responded to the episode by remarking that it “feels like an episode made in 2002 and left on the shelf for a decade.”
The plot was so similar to the tragic events in Boston yesterday that scenes have been deleted for rebroadcasts.
3-B, so unless that information is false (and I confess to never having seen the episode or the video myself), I don't think we can label the video as a "hoax" of any sort.
I am totally with you on the "security" question. Any American who goes to a professional football or baseball game these days knows that all bags, packs, and purses will be checked before entering the stadium. So... what? There were NO checkpoints at the starting and finishing lines of the Marathon? Anybody could have walked up with anything, totally unchecked, despite all that huge security presence?
That makes no sense to me.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Thanks for the comments, my friends. The replies will have to wait until my 8-hour Monotony shift ends this evening.
ReplyDeleteI hope to post a new blog bit here tonight with some much needed humor in it, but it depends upon how I'm feeling later.
Let me give y'all a piece of advice: NEVER drink a 750 ml. bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 just before going to bed for the night (or at any other time!)
Yak Later, 'Magnificent Seven'.
~ Stephen
>Let me give y'all a piece of advice: NEVER drink a 750 ml. bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 just before going to bed for the night (or at any other time!)
ReplyDeleteHe-he! I remember my brother yakked that stuff up all over the insides of my mother's car once (or twice). Car never did smell the same.
Well, as Father Mulcahy once said (to you), "Perseverance, my son, perseverance."
DeleteHa! He did say that, didn't he? Man, what a memory you have! (Woo-Hoo! Father Mulcahy called me his "son". Well, before he became a priest he WAS our milkman.)
I may have actually had one beer more than was advisable last night, but I was only joshing (Jocularity! Jocularity!) about the Mad Dog 20/20. I haven't tasted that stuffs since I was under the legal drinking age.
In that same category is Boone's Farm wine. I yakked that up in my teens once or twice my damnself. Ugh!
These days I only vomit expensive booze, like Grand Marnier and Bombay Gin. I have gained a lot of class as I've aged.
~ Stephen J. McDrunkenhearted
ReplyDeleteThank you very much kind sir. While I certainly don't have Sophia's ah...er...assets or qualifications for charisma, I appreciate the sentiment (even if it's just a comment to make up for all the gold talk). I do agree that it's hard to think of a woman who is charismatic, but that may be that most people (men) are too distracted by their other attributes to notice. Also, I don't think women feel a need to cultivate charisma as men do, although I'm not sure it's something that you can produce. Either you got it or you don't.
I do have to agree with whoever said Ronald Reagan had charisma. Like him or not he was certainly more than charming. BUT, then someone else mentioned Barry and I simply have to disagree, the guy's a cold fish, and without a good speech writer he comes across like an idiot(of course, I suppose it's evident that I don't like him). Now Bubba, was another charismatic devil(most pathological liars are). Come to think of it Barry and Bubba do have something in common there. Just the opinion of one dumb blonde.
Sorry...STMc all of that charisma carp probably belonged under that other bit, but I just couldn't help myself.
The BBC news (which is what we get more of down here) started picking up on the 'right wing domestic terrorist theory' with respect to Boston. They seem to being spoon fed by the US media.
Also, now matter how much Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young beg, I would not go to the city they requested you visit back in the latter 60's. Think on that for awhile.
DeleteNo problem if topics of conversation cross over from one blog bit to another.
Were you thinking of the song 'Please Come To Boston'? If so, that's not CSNY.
My .02 cents on these other topics:
>> . . . Also, I don't think women feel a need to cultivate charisma as men do, although I'm not sure it's something that you can produce. Either you got it or you don't.
I agree with the latter part of your statement. I don't believe one can "cultivate" charisma; it's a natural attribute that a person either has or hasn't.
Also, I agree that Ronald Reagan had charisma. I don't believe the Republican dogma about him being a good president, but he did have charisma.
I think Barack and Bubba both have ZERO charisma. But that's just the way they come off to me. Charisma is nearly impossible to explain, so obviously it's going to be a subjective matter.
Thanks for your comment.
~ Stephen
And thank you for the comment back.
ReplyDeleteNo it is CSNY and it's not Boston. Come on this ain't that hard. You know me.
"OHIO"? No, it can't be that. For one thing, Ohio's a state.
DeleteI dunno. I wasn't a huge CSNY fan (only owned 3 of their albums in the Licorice Pizza era and none in the CD era).
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteUncle Sam had been aware of the older brother for a couple of years, following his suspicious activity and obvious Islamic radical ties.
As Gomer Pyle said: "sur-PRISE, sur-PRISE, sur-PRISE!"
I learned about that while listening to the radio on my drive home from work at about 17:00 today. Supposedly some (as yet undisclosed) foreign country notified the FBI that the older brother was a radical Muslim and quite likely a potential terrorist.
The FBI - those people we pay with our tax dollars to keep us safe - investigated, interviewed, and dismissed the potential threat.
Interesting how a similar thing happened (i.e., advance notice to the FBI, who dropped the ball) in regards to the Murrah Building bombing in Oklahoma City, and again later in regards to the World Trade Center towers "bombing" (with airplanes... and bombs) in New York.
Anyone noticing a pattern here?
As I wrote previously, how many coincidences is one coincidence too many?
And as I also said to my brother Nappy about an hour and a half ago: How is it that with over 400 National Guardsmen and too many cops to count, the national and local law enforcement communities couldn't manage to secure the two most likely spots subject to a terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon: the starting line and the finishing line?
And now that the second terrorist has been captured, the people of the Greater Boston Metropolitan Area are out in the streets (after hiding in their homes all day long), chanting "Let's go Boston!" and waving the American flag like World War II has just ended.
Why? Because more than 100 cops managed to capture one friggin' nineteen-year-old moronic punk?!
Six, I ain't kidding, this whole country has turned into one massive, never-ending, incredibly stupid, full-color cartoon!
Where did the "real" American People go?!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteI know. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll? Or, how many times can we get people to believe the same lie told two million different ways? The world may never know. The false flag went true to form. However, I did learn a little something. Look how quickly they had Boston in a police state. One of the worlds largest cities, and they had it pretty much locked down in less than 24 hours. Expect more of that in more violent fashion if we lose our gun rights.
Br'er marc
"peace peace but there was no peace."
DeleteThat was an excellent, excellent observation! Indeed, much of the Boston area remained in lockdown for pretty much the entire day. (Probably just another "trial balloon": If faced with a threat and told to imprison themselves by a person in authority, how much of the populace will comply? Now they know.)
They "never let a serious crisis go to waste"; there is so much that can now be implemented and so much to learn from it.
But, if we ever lose our gun rights - as I've said and written a thousand times - tanks will be rolling down Main Street U.S.A. within 24 hours.
Anyone who wants to truly understand what will become of the U.S.A. if ("when", actually) the Second Amendment is overturned needs to look no further than to the history of Soviet Russia and Communist China; history will repeat itself.
It's very sad to say but 'THE BLACK BOOK OF COMMUNISM' is a history book that tells America's future. What will become of us is largely already written in that tome.
Well, Uncle Sam pulled it off again (or, perhaps more accurately, allowed it to be pulled off) and now the Americonned People will celebrate law enforcement's quick killing and capturing of the two main terrorists, never pausing to wonder HOW those two dimwits were able to get away with the act in the first place. "Rah!-Rah! U.S.A.! Thank you, thank you, FBI, DHS, and Boston P.D. for closing the barn door so quickly after the horses' asses got out!"
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
DeleteI also meant to add this: How convenient it is and what a stroke of "good luck" it was for Uncle Sam that a few days after the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon - which was based solely on bombs - the terrorists had a massive shootout with law enforcement personnel (assuming the sound clip we've all heard is authentic), which once again highlights the necessity to do something about guns and especially high-powered "assault weapons" and large magazines holding many rounds of ammunition.
Didn't that encounter between the terrorists and the cops, that occurred very early today, play very nicely right into Uncle Sam's overt agenda?
What a "lucky" son-of-a-gun our Uncle Sam is!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I couldn't have said it better. I was on FB today and they were calling for more gun control, more registration, more banning of high magazine assault rifles (we should really start calling them liberty implementation rifles as they are the only thing physical that is preventing uncle sam from rolling out the military dictatorship). I calmly pointed that after hurricane Katrina the national guard used gun registration to confiscate legal guns. All while leaving the illegal ones in the hands of the criminals who were running their version of the wild wild west during the crisis. Uncle Sam has a poor track record when it comes to gun legislation and registration. As a matter of fact I keep telling people registration is just one small step away from confiscation. They are going to get more registration for sure. Truly, that is all they need. Confiscation will come via propaganda and force.
Br'er Marc
P.S. My beautiful wife helped take care of little man so I could have a minute to reply thoughtfully. Thanks to my beautiful wife.
>>...we should really start calling them liberty implementation rifles as they are the only thing physical that is preventing uncle sam from rolling out the military dictatorship
ReplyDelete"Liberty Implementation Rifles" - I like that!
And, yes, of course anyone with two brain cells to rub together already knows that national gun registration is simply one step closer to national gun confiscation. The history of other countries (which eventually became overrun and ruled by ruthless communists, socialists, and other fascists) tells us that.
As you and I have discussed many times and agreed upon, there is NO HOPE for the United States of America, so each individual must, personally, "get right with God".
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'