The actor Ed Asner (‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show’) is a liberal ass. In my blog bit "McCarthy At Hollywood And Vine" (Episode #71) when I wrote that many Americans are “political dogs in heat, nosing after the underside of their own party, and lifting their leg to urinate on anyone from the ‘other’ team”, it was people like Cynthia “
Ain’t it
funny how Ed Assner has always reminded me of that loud, dumb elf in the
animated Christmas classic ‘Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer’?
![]() |
Asner: A jowly, droopy-eyed, socialist Basset Hound... elf. |
here’s what I know about “Swimming Pool Communists” like Ed Assner: If 9/11 had
occurred under HillBilly Clinton’s watch...
under Elmer Obama’s watch,...
Ed Assner wouldn’t have shit to say about the way World Trade Center tower #7 (WTC-7) collapsed on September
11, 2001.
The ONLY reason Ed Assner is willing to publicly question the way the
WTC #7 collapsed on 9/11 (which was obviously a controlled demolition!)
is because a Repugnantcan was in the White House on that tragic date. Had
HillBilly Clinton or Elmer Obama been in office on 9/11, Ed Assner would be
calling people like me (who have long ‘n’ loud publicly stated the obvious
– that WTC #7 was a controlled demolition!) an idiotic, tinfoil hat-wearing
whacko. Ed Assner can kiss my ass-ner, which is still smarter than anything
inside his no-brainer.
in this case, I must admit that Assner got it right. He has narrated a video on
behalf of ‘Architects & Engineers 9/11 Truth Organization’. The video is
only 15 minutes long and very much worth your time to view.
& Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 -
“Tools” in the White House (i.e., George W. Bush and Barack Obama) have urged
us not to question the government’s official story about 9/11. But what you
need to know is that presidents are just “Yes-Men” for the International Banker
(I.B.) 'Wizards Behind The Curtain', and they do whatever the I.B.’s tell ‘em to.
In Obama’s case it’s, “Yes, suh! Ah will tells the
Ameruhconned Peoples what yuh tells me tuh tell um, boss!” And in George
W(ish I Had A Brain) Bush’s case (easily the dumbest man to ever reside in the
White House), it was more like, “Yep, Mr. Rockefeller,
I will pass your holy word to the masses no matter what language they speak,
whether French or English or Mexican.”
Warns Not To Challenge Official 9/11 Story
If you
believe Uncle Sam’s official story about 9/11, you are clearly psychologically
damaged. But there’s no need to fear, shrinks are here!
help 9/11 truth deniers
For years
some people have been claiming that Alex Jones is really working for the “New
World Order” demons, and also that he is secretly a Zionist. All I know is that
he tells the truth and, just as importantly, he makes me laugh. In times like
these, a person who can make you really laugh is like gold!
In a possibly
upcoming blog bit pertaining to why Barack Obama may or may not be the Biblical
anti-Christ, I will possibly address this issue about Jews and Zionism
and explain why, in reference to the “New World Order”, it’s bovine excrement.
(For now let me just say, run
from anyone who tells you that the “New World Order” is a Jewish plot to
control the world! The "New World Order" is a plot to control the world, but it is NOT Jewish.)
But while
you’re waiting for that blog bit that may or may never be, watch the following Alex
Jones video and let his sarcasm make you laugh. Seriously, if you don’t laugh
about it, thoughts about the “New World Order” will kill you!
Jones Comes Out Against 9/11 Truth! ½
Did any
of that make you laugh? If so, then I just saved your lousy life. You can
thank me with money – "how about tens and twenties?"
~ Stephen
T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Hey Stephen-
ReplyDeleteWhen was the O'Kenya video filmed?
I'm curious what prompted him to speak on it...
If Barry says these are not to be debated, that's good enough for me!
After all, if he's not Hawaiian, he's lyin'!
My first inclination is to say that Obama is too frigging stupid to be the antichrist, but he's not totally stupid, is had demonstrated himself to be the perfect puppet leader.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the person who uploaded the video at YouTube, it comes from a speech delivered in "Egypt, Cairo June 4th 2009".
I'm sure you'll remember that even before Barack Oliar was first elected in 2008, while he was campaigning for his first term as president, many people were publicly claiming that he is the Biblical Beast - alluding to that whole "messianic aura" bit that his worshipers and the media was building up around him.
Back then I too said that he was nowhere near smart or slick enough to be the anti-Christ, remembering that The Bible says this character will be so persuasive that he will fool nearly the entire world and would even fool God's elect if it were not for God's intervention.
I looked at Oliar and saw right through him ("transparency" indeed) to the communist he really is. For that reason, I thought there was no possible way he could be "the Beast" - his evil intent was too easy to see!
I still don't think he is the Beast, but lately I have been forced to reconsider the possibility and take the seemingly ridiculous charge a little more seriously.
I can still think of valid reasons for dismissing the possibility (beyond just the fact that he's a very bad liar and pretty damned stupid), but one thing that makes me wonder about it now, whereas I didn't before, is the way he has been AMAZINGLY PROTECTED. He could easily be in prison today, but he has been protected to a greater degree than any politician I've ever seen.
And I'm not referring to the mainstream media, which has ALWAYS protected Democrat commies in power. What amazes me is the way all of the most influential REPUBLICANS have protected Barack Oliar. If the Republican Party truly wanted him gone, he'd have been gone LONG before now!
It's the Republican protection that Barack Oliar has enjoyed which I will address in the forthcoming blog bit (should I decide to put it together).
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Don't hold back. Tell us what you really think of Ed Assner.
ReplyDelete>But what you need to know is that presidents are just “Yes-Men” for the International Banker (I.B.) 'Wizards Behind The Curtain', and they do whatever the I.B.’s tell ‘em to.
Those who refuse to question the events of 9/11 seem like the same people who want guns banned from everywhere. They all trust the government. The sad reality is that they don't realize who the government really is. International bankers, Wall Street/CIA, the corporatocracy, and a few other low-key masters of the universe are the government. Accepting this makes it much easier to understand how orchestrating 9/11 was so beneficial to the "government".
Imagine, gaining control over much needed Iraqi oil reserves, ridding the world of a dictator who dared challenge the oil purchasing U.S. dollar, and thinning out the world population by 100,000 or so...all for a small down payment of 3,000 American lives,and only 10,000 more over a 15 year period... and for only a few billion in monopoly money. What a bargain! It's all perspective.
Did any of that make you laugh? If so, then I just saved your lousy life.
I'm conflicted. Is Alex trying to make me happy or sad? How can that be dry wit when it's dripping with sarcasm?
You can thank me with money – "how about tens and twenties?"
The check is in the mail. Hotels on Park Place and Boardwalk are a goldmine. Has anyone come out with an inflation adjusted Monopoly board yet?
DeleteWhich do you prefer? I'll let you select your own nickname (a singular honor, I assure you).
>> . . . Those who refuse to question the events of 9/11 seem like the same people who want guns banned from everywhere. They all trust the government.
BINGO! Treat yourself to Grand Marnier!
>> . . . How can that be dry wit when it's dripping with sarcasm?
Ha! What I like so much about that video is how much REAL information Jones packed into a seemingly sarcastic speech. I can easily imagine Americans thinking: What's he talking about? That can't be true, can it?!
I don't know why exactly, but Alex Jones does make me laugh. I love his passion (except when he's yelling at buildings through a bullhorn) and his commitment to deep research. Let us never forget that it was Jones who sneaked a video camera into the pagan (demonic) Bohemian Grove festival. I own that DVD - creepy crap, man!
I've watched that video (above) three times now, and every time Jones says "Two plus two equals whatever I'm told" it makes me laugh! Could anyone possibly capture the general Americonned mindset better than that?!
>> . . . Has anyone come out with an inflation adjusted Monopoly board yet?
Oh, man, you just gave me a great idea! (I probably shouldn't publicly post this because I think it might really be a money-maker, but...)
How about a new board game, based on the 'Monopoly' model (why reinvent the wheel?) called 'The New World Order'? (OK, we can probably come up with something better, but that's an acceptable "working title".)
In this game, each player is attempting to gain control of the entire world. Think of the possibilities...
You land on "LUCIFER'S LUCK - Take A Card". The card says, "You just gained control of the Caspian Oil Pipeline; take half of the money from your most prosperous competitor."
Or, "Doctor Dinglehoff has scientifically proven that Laetrile prevents and cures cancer, but you have him killed before he can publish his findings in a peer-reviewed medical journal. Confiscate all of the hospitals on the board and add them to your property."
Or, "A bill is proposed to 'Audit The Federal Reserve', but you manage to buy enough votes to kill the bill in the Senate. Help yourself to a trillion dollars and treat yourself to Grand Marnier!"
The game will be played with three dice, and anytime a player rolls three sixes (666) the game is immediately over and that player, elevated to the level of "The Beast", is the automatic winner.
Sig, we need to work out the details, because I think we have here the makings of a cult classic board game.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
>Which do you prefer? I'll let you select your own nickname (a singular honor, I assure you).
DeleteI actually like the flexibility…multiple names, passports, addresses, security deposit boxes in multiple countries…
>I can easily imagine Americans thinking: What's he talking about? That can't be true, can it?!
I like how Alex sums everything up at the end, basically saying that “you can’t stage any more terrorist attacks because the first place we'll look is government…”
How about a new board game, based on the 'Monopoly' model (why reinvent the wheel?) called 'The New World Order'?
Sounds like a winner, and it’s educational too. Based on your quick, off-the-cuff examples you could easily fill the board in one night with paper, pencil, and a quarter of a bottle of Grand Marnier. Your stacks of “Community Chest” and “Chance” cards may be much larger than the standard Monopoly set since there is so much NWO material rolling around inside your brain. You’d blow my doors off on the creative side for sure.
Think of the little player’s pieces that could be used. The standard hat, iron, race car, and thimble could be replaced with _____. (I’ll let you fill in the blanks here too.)
Any creative voids could easily be filled in by some of the regular characters in this comment section. Then, pitch it to Alex Jones, let him handle the manufacturing and distribution, while you take the lump sum, or a percentage of every game sold.
When I look at my resume it’s interesting to see that for most of my working years I had been paid a decent salary for destroying things, but I actually tested toys and board games for a while. So, just slap a “Not for Children Under the Age of Three” label on it, don’t use any paint that contains lead and you’re good to go.
Oops! Cart before the horse, I guess. Well, maybe do a Google search first for “new world order games” to see the competition. It never fails to burst my bubble.
This year I was building my brother-in-law a little mailbox light that uses a simple circuit with a magnetic reed switch to turn the light on and off. It started off as a joke but my “original” idea was actually pretty good, I thought. Then I did a Google patent search and saw that someone patented the exact idea 12 years ago. Not sure why I was surprised. (Gee, now I know how Tesla must have felt when Marconi stole his radio idea.) Still, it will make a good Christmas gift and finally end a long-running joke that gets re-hashed every Christmas.
Sig Cheney
DeleteI guess I could always just use your own self-selected pseudonym "SigToo" but... I didn't come up with that one. I do like Two Sig Night because of your youthful enthusiasm for the band Three Dog Night. But Master Sig II "sig"nifies your intelligence and sounds like some high-tech computer game that kids would love.
I dunno... maybe we'll just keep it flexible, as you suggested.
Yeah, I guess it wouldn't surprise me if someone has already come up with a "New World Order" game, although I'm unaware of anything like it. Regardless, we'll just make ours better, that's all! We'll invent a better mousetrap.
Actually, I think it would probably be a blast if a bunch of friends who knew a lot about this subject (e.g., my Magnificent Seven) had a brainstorming session one night. Just sit around drinking some good beer and tossing around ideas about the game's procedure and invent all the fun details.
I do like my idea that a person who rolls 666 immediately acquires all the power of "The Beast" and wins the game, even if he/she was dead last at the time.
You're trying to gain control of the world, so you need to acquire first and foremost control over the economy (i.e., The Federal Reserve). You also need to get control over the media and the judicial system; disarm all of your opponents (to prevent uprisings against your dictatorship) and have authority over the military, etc., etc.
Instead of "Collect $200 as you pass GO", as in Monopoly, ours will be: "Bypass Congress and collect $2 million in stimulus money."
We could have some stuffs like "The Warren Commission Cards": If you possess the "Magic Bullet" card, you can play it to get yourself out of a jam (like the "Get Out Of Jail Free" card. If you have the "Oswald Doppelganger" card you can frame one of your opponents and let him/her take the blame for your wrongdoing when you get caught.
"You have successfully infiltrated a Patriotic Militia Group; help yourself to 1,000 hollow-point bullets."
"Your assassination attempt on Senator Joe McCarthy failed; give up your Communist Membership Card to the player on your left."
"You got caught selling military technology to the Communist Chinese in exchange for money deposited into your reelection campaign fund; give up your seat on the Federal Reserve Board to the player on your left".
"Your courier attempting to deliver an important document was struck by lightning and the discovered document incriminated your involvement in the Revolution. You lose your membership in the Masonic Order."
And on and on and on. I'm sure each person would bring their own neat ideas to the table. Even if it didn't result in the creation of a new board game, it would still be a fun evening!
>> . . . The standard hat, iron, race car, and thimble could be replaced with _____. (I’ll let you fill in the blanks here too.)
Hmmm... Let's see - just off the top of my head here...
How about a small replica of The U.S. Supreme Court building? Uh... A Stealth Bomber (or maybe a Drone instead). A Marshmallow with a face (Glenn Beck). A Hollow-Point Bullet. The Masonic Symbol. A Goat Of Mendes Pentagram. A Pyramid with the capstone missing. If we can legally do so (or get permission), I propose that we keep the Top Hat, to represent Rockefeller, Morgan, and Lincoln.
This would be a lotta fun!
~ Stephen T. McGameboy
Ha-ha! Whoa! Damn! Got Game? I didn't know fully-automatic keyboards were legal in AZ.
s2 ~
DeleteYeah, well, we're kinda backwards here.
Heck, we STILL wouldn't be honoring 'Martin Luther King, Jr. Day' if "they" hadn't threatened to take the Super Bowl away from us.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'