[1 4 U, Robin...]
“George W. Bush was a deceitful thug.”
~ Alex
Obama Deception’; 2009, March
The single most disturbing thing in any Alex Jones documentary is
the sight of Jones looking like a bulldog and seemingly shouting bullshit
through a bullhorn at a building.
~ Stephen
T. McCarthy
Jones made a name for himself by being the only person to sneak into a Bohemian
Grove (Luciferian) ceremony and videotaping it. For that reason, I’d say his
most important DVD is ‘Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove’ coupled with ‘The
Order Of Death’. Those programs represent something you can’t find anywhere
The other
Alex Jones documentaries contain information that you can gather from other
sources – and likely already have if you’ve extensively researched the ‘New
World Order’ subject intensively for about two decades, as I have.
Even so,
some of his ‘New World Order’ (NWO) documentaries are very much worth seeing,
particularly if you have not yet reached the point of “diminishing returns” in
your NWO studies.
I think the best NWO documentary is probably Aaron Russo’s ‘America: Freedom To Fascism’. But amongst
the Alex Jones DVDs I’ve seen, I would rate ‘Endgame’ on the weaker end of the
scale (despite the coolest cover). I thought ‘TerrorStorm’ and ‘Fall Of The
Republic’ were both quite good.
But after
his outing of the Bohemian Grove ceremonies, I think I’d most recommend Alex
Jones’ documentary ‘THE OBAMA DECEPTION’.
"Hope And Change"? Pshaw!...
Is ‘The
Obama Deception’ a flawless presentation? No. Not close. And in fact, I could
probably go through the documentary chapter by chapter, pointing out what I
disagree with and why, and by the time I got to the end, I would leave you with
the impression that I thought the program was total garbage.
sometimes one needs to overlook some of the questionable or even outright wrong
details and evaluate something in an overall sense. That’s how I feel about
‘The Obama Deception’ which in the main is very accurate, even if I would
dispute various points along the way as the program played.
examples of divergent views:
1: To quote Abraham Lincoln as
opposing the Money Powers leads a person who has not looked deeper into Lincoln’s agenda to believe that Lincoln really meant to save the nation
from the Money Powers. In fact, Lincoln utterly shredded the Constitution
not to save the Union, but to save and TRANSFORM the Union. And on whose behalf, the Yankees
or the Confederates? And on which side would you find the Money Powers, the
Yankees or the Confederates?
2: Again we have reference made to
an anguished confession on the part of Woodrow Wilson, lamenting that he had
been duped by International Bankers into ruining the United States of America. This same quote was utilized in
Aaron Russo’s otherwise excellent documentary ‘America: Freedom To Fascism’. I’ve studied
president Wilson enough to know that he was a conscious and willing agent of
the International Bankers, and I do not believe he ever regretted being their
puppet. If anyone can actually authenticate that supposed quote of remorse from
Woodrow Wilson, I would love to see their evidence. Right now, I don’t believe Wilson ever said that.
3: For anyone to propose the idea
that John F. Kennedy was the last independent-thinking president in this
country is preposterous. You’d have to go back a lot further than JFK. Yes,
Kennedy was murdered by Insiders (almost certainly with the help of the Mafia),
but to try to sell the idea that Kennedy was killed because he opposed the ‘New
World Order’ is simply wrongheaded.
So, you
see, I am not in full, 100% agreement with every detail you will find expressed
in A.J.’s documentary ‘THE OBAMA DECEPTION’. Nevertheless, the overall theme of
the production is spot-on, and the vast majority of the information presented
can be easily determined with objective, independent research to be factual.
I would
strongly urge everyone to watch at least the first hour of
‘THE OBAMA DECEPTION’. That will take you through the ‘Meet The New Boss – Same
As The Old Boss’ segment of Barack Obama’s administration appointments. You
will clearly see that the so-called “Mr. Change”
carried the same organized criminals into his administration that George W.
Bush had surrounding and advising him.
I’ll ask
you to watch it for one hour, at least up to the point where
former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan admits
in an interview that our president’s relationship with the Federal Reserve is
irrelevant (because The Fed operates beyond the control of the president of the
United States).
you believe me or not, I really don’t relish playing the part of Elihu to an
old codfish’s
codger’s Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar (see Job chapter 32+), and even
I find it embarrassing that I know more about this stuffs than does a
representative of the so-called “Greatest Generation” who has 30+ years on me,
but here it is:
“In the real Executive power structure, the president serves
the Military-Industrial Complex, itself owned by the International Bankers.”
~ ‘The
Obama Deception’; 2009, March
unfortunate that every old codger hasn’t yet figured that out.)
The Obama Deception HQ Full length
in March of 2009
“It is very disturbing to see well-meaning people falling for
high-tech propaganda over and over again.”
~ Alex
Obama Deception’; 2009, March
In case
you didn't realize it, this blog bit was yet another stalling tactic until
I can find the time to get my next A-list post put together. But you gotta
admit, my ‘stalling-for-time’ installments are still pretty interesting, eh?
(No one does B-list blog bits better’n I do.)
Beer: Stone ‘Smoked Porter’
Music: ‘Living
Water: The Surfer’s Mass’ by The Malibooz
‘Your Daily Dose’ & ‘A Beer For The Shower’
. YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
No substantive comment on the post... I did enough fighting with the atheist elite yesterday I don't even wanna think about conspiracies.
ReplyDeleteI think it would be a worthwhile literary project if someone ran with the theory, "A president is best judged by the people he brings with him" and then dug into the topic. I think a lot of presidents might be judged differently.
Have I not been paying attention, or did you just start the "ABFTS-style" ending?
DeleteWell, you would find that every president has loaded his administration with Council on Foreign Relations members, Trilateral commission members, etc. Sometimes the Republican president will keep some of the Democrat's CFR people, and vice versa (as illustrated in a couple of instances in 'The Obama Deception').
So I'm afraid that project would not yield any interesting results. It would only prove yet again that regardless of which party has the White House, it's a case of "Meet the new boss - same as the old boss".
In one of my very oldest F-FFF posts, I showed name-by-name the CFR members that were included in four different administrations - 2 Democrat and 2 Republican (Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton). Every one of those administrations was overflowing with CFR members.
So, I'm afraid that if "a president is best judged by the people he brings with him", then they ALL get an "F".
I've only copied the ABFTS sign-off twice - both times as a kind of tribute to Bryan. It's a great idea, but I wouldn't steal it for regular use. Only to pay homage to the originator.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Okay. I watched the entire video. Obviously, I read the post.
ReplyDeleteBest quote:
The single most disturbing thing in any Alex Jones documentary is the sight of Jones looking like a bulldog and seemingly shouting bullshit through a bullhorn at a building.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Man, you got that right. I don't know why he does that. His arguments are completely rationale and then he loses his credibility in public by standing outside with a bullhorn screaming at a building. Just sayin'.
Moving past his Building Screaming, that video makes a lot of really excellent points. I believe I just read something a few days ago about Obama donating a bunch of U.S. tax dollars to Africa. I didn't like it when I read it (I was thinking Agenda 21 and their many clauses about spreading the money around to countries less fortunate that never made sense because it was a worldwide view of redistributing the wealth). After watching this piece, I now see why it is so important for that to happen. You deplete every country so that all of the money is in the hands of the International Bankers. All of the resources are in the hands of International Bankers. When that happens, the International Bankers will remove themselves (and the money) to a remote place and let everyone else duke it out with the nothing that is left. It is brilliant.
Evil and brilliant.
The thing is that socialism and communism has never lasted forever. So, as you say, it is written in The Bible that it will happen for a time. However, it will not last. The thing about The Bible that always gets me is that "a time" can be one year or hundreds of years. ::shudder:: Of course, if it happens in our lifetime, I don't think it will really matter.
If I understood all of that correctly, in order to really change things we'd have to 1) Get Congress to vote the Federal Reserve out (not likely given the current political stage) or 2) Revolution? Upsetting the entire apple cart. Or would that just give the World Government it's opportunity to put the FEMA camps to good use? Honestly, I don't see either happening. I think the sheeple will accept their poison and like it.
DeleteI don't think Alex Jones does his bullhorn bit as often as he used to. I agree that it only made him look foolish and insane to anyone who didn't already know that what he was saying was true and verifiable.
The End-Time scenario in The Bible is open to various interpretations, and no doubt by Divine design. But the generally held view is that the Tribulation period when The Beast rules and controls the world economy via his 666 mark, is seven years long. But even then, there's a rebellion that occurs after 3.5 years.
However, that doesn't mean "hell on Earth" will last only 7 years. There's an indeterminate period of time leading up to the Tribulation. The Bible equates it with the labor pains a woman feels prior to giving birth. That Labor Pain period could last any number of years and it too will be awful.
For a long time, the basic premise has been this: Wreck the American economy and make the USA desperate enough to accept any solution that the Insiders propose as a remedy. The solution they propose, of course, will be a Global Government / Global Economy.
That is why for so many decades our leaders have siphoned off our wealth with foreign aid, foreign projects, foreign wars, goofy grants to study the mating habits of fleas and ticks, or whatever. When you hear of the military buying toilet seats for $500. and crazy things like that, it's by design and meant to divert our money and bring us down economically to the point of desperation.
Inflation, increased taxes, increased cost of health care, increased cost of energy, you name it... it's all part of the same evil goal.
It's as I've said so many times, verbally and in writing: Once a person possesses the key to understanding the geopolitical maneuvers, all the crazy crap that never seemed to make sense before suddenly appears totally logical. Evil, but logical.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I think we are feeling The Labor Pains even now. I think that they will get much worse. How long this will go on... I have no idea. As you say, it will last until the economy completely bottoms out and this country opens it's arms to the solution of a Global Government/Global Economy. It makes me sick to my stomach when I understand that all of this is Done By Design.
DeleteOf course nothing else makes sense. How else could you explain the endless stupidity? The wasteful spending? All of the things that you listed above and more are all part of this "evil but logical" plan to take this country, and other countries, down one step at a time. It's sickening.
ReplyDelete>>... I think we are feeling The Labor Pains even now. I think that they will get much worse.
I and many other Believers "in the know" agree with you. I have previously posted on that subject and stated that I believe we are well on our way toward the Tribulation. There are so many signs that seem to confirm that. (And I can say that without even getting deeply into the more esoteric clues in The Bible.)
>>... It makes me sick to my stomach when I understand that all of this is Done By Design. Of course nothing else makes sense. How else could you explain the endless stupidity? The wasteful spending?
Right! When one understands the true goal, suddenly the ridiculous "stupidity" doesn't seem so "stupid".
A couple years ago, my favorite Blogspot.com buddy was a woman named Anniee. She and I never met. She was a "mainstream, Constitutional conservative". Over the course of our friendship, I was gradually attempting to open her eyes to the larger Political Truth regarding the NWO.
Anniee was great because she would go "toe-to-toe" with Liberals; she was a real fighter who absolutely despised Liberalism and Feminism. Her ideals were spot-on, but she had not yet recognized the TRUE ENEMY who was utilizing BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES to DIVIDE AND CONQUER the Americonned People.
Some time back, I posted what I still consider one of my better blog bits, which used a paragraph or two from my friend Anniee's blog to illustrate a point about the deliberate destruction of the American economy as a part of the "Insiders" Global Government agenda.
I actually Emailed Anniee ahead of time and got her specific permission to copy and re-post her comments from her own blog. She and I had some fantastic discussions in the comment sections of her blog and mine.
If you're at all interested, Robin, you will find the blog bit I composed (inspired by my #1 blog buddy Anniee) about the deliberate destruction of the American economy posted here:
Robin, I know this subject makes you sick, so please don't feel obligated to click on that link above. But if you think you can stand it, and if you want to explore a little more of my own research into this topic, it's there for you.
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return"
In other words,...
Bless And Be Blessed.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
DeleteOne last thing... I neglected to mention in my comment above that my friend Anniee (real name: Linda Haley) unexpectedly died on July 5, 2011.
When she passed away, it took a great deal of fun out of blogging for me, and I still think of her and miss her quite a bit. "Lindanniee" was a hoot to interact with.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I commented on your old post on the content there. I am very sorry about your friend. I think that every time we lose someone that we care about here (due to death or just lack of participation), there is a bit less shine on the experience than there was before. I think the same holds true for life. Each time one of the bright lights in our Own Personal Universe goes out, it makes our experience just a lit less colorful and wonder-filled than it used to be. Anyway, that is my extremely verbose way of saying that I am very sorry for your loss. I feel confident that you shall meet again (in a much better place), but it does make this one just that much tougher to bear. Hang in there:)
DeleteThanks, ROBIN.
DeleteIt's OK. Lindanniee was a firm believer in God and Christ, and she would be the first to remind me that she couldn't have departed this world without God's knowledge. If He objected to that idea, she'd still be here. And who are we to argue with the Ultimate Authority, eh?
I just wish it could have been me instead of her... but The Father makes those determinations.
Apparently the Blogspot Bug (or the NSA) ate whatever comment you submitted to my old 'Owen Lattimore Model' post, because it never found its way to my Dashboard for approval and publishing.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I like the new sign off. You should keep up with it. I don't think of it as 'stealing.' We probably took it from some other blogs we saw when we first started blogging, just to add some more character to our posts. I rather like seeing what people are drinking/listening to/reading/watching/etc while they're posting.
ReplyDeleteSo... What a video. It took so long to comment on this because I didn't have enough time to watch it until this morning.
The single most disturbing thing in any Alex Jones documentary is the sight of Jones looking like a bulldog and seemingly shouting bullshit through a bullhorn at a building.
Like Robin, I had to quote this bit, too. It hits the nail on the head. I just can't stand Alex Jones because of his incessant yelling. In my experience, I've always found that the guy who has to yell to make a point is yelling simply because he has no point. I know Alex Jones has some good information in there, but it's really, really easy to dismiss it when he's yelling like a madman.
So hey, I'll openly admit to you, I voted for Obama in 08 back before I actually knew anything about the real world. I was young, I was idealistic, I didn't know much about politics (or even anything about the real world, as stated), and all I knew was that George W Bush was a piece of shit and I was sick of him. So the logical conclusion after having a terrible, terrible Republican is to vote in the cool new Democrat guy, right? It's kinda funny now, seeing that that's pretty much exactly what they want you to think.
It's also funny to see Joe Rogan on there, even for a few seconds. As a big MMA guy, I like watching him. He can come across as a New York goon sometimes, but at the core of it he's a very smart, well thought out guy, and I know he's talked about stuff like this before. He had a great podcast I heard once upon a time ago where he basically stated that the reason critical thinking and personal responsibility aren't taught in our schools is because they're not a requirement to live in the society they're "building" for us. We're purposely teaching kids to be the wrong kind of smart. I mean, if you raise a generation of voters to seek out only the truth that's hand fed to them, then how much easier does it become to vote in the puppet? "I'm cool, I'm down with the young people, and I'm going to bring change." Suddenly people are smart AND cool for voting him in. Who doesn't love that feeling?
Part 1:
>>... I like the new sign off. You should keep up with it. I don't think of it as 'stealing.'
Well, thanks for the permission. It's a great little idea that only adds to the uniqueness of your blog. (I can't believe you got the "Beer" blog bit bit from any other blog. That's just too you.)
I'll consider it... but I wouldn't want anyone to think I was stealing from your very entertaining ABFTS blog.
To my way of thinking, that's just something to "borrow" (not "steal") rarely, just as a nod and wink toward you - in the same way I once borrowed a line from your book 'Demetri And The Banana Flavored Rocketship'.
You know, Bro, I sometimes can't fall asleep nights, lying in bed awake trying to think up ways to prove myself as an "original", and if I stol-- er, I mean... if I BORROWED your clever ending bit and began using it routinely, I might begin to feel that I'm not 100% naturally original anymore. So, thanks, but I think I'll just keep tossin' & turnin' and sweating while I concoct more ways to be my authentic, natural, original self.
(Do you have any OTHER clever ideas you've NEVER used before that I could buy the rights to?)
I actually like Alex Jones, and I chalk up his yelling to genuine passion. But I am also able to step back and view things from other perspectives (I guess it's the old actor in me), and I can easily see how bulldog Jones yelling through a bullhorn at a building could easily be interpreted as bullshit by the uninitiated and uneducated.
Although Jones seems to largely miss the spiritual component that is the true foundation of the New World Order, I have yet to hear him say anything that I thought was completely incorrect.
Yes, he has included the viewpoints of others in his documentaries and some of those viewpoints I dispute. But I have not yet heard Jones himself say anything that I knew to be wrong.
If you're interested, Alex Jones once produced a documentary in which he simply interviewed Aaron Russo. (That was before Russo died... just so ya know.)
I have seen that Jones / Russo interview on DVD (borrowed from my friend Br'er Marc), but it was also available at YouTube the last time I checked, which was maybe two years ago.
That is a very interesting and informative interview that you might find worth watching. From a filmmaker's viewpoint, it's rather static - just two guys sitting in a room and discussing various NWO related topics. But if watched solely for the information, sans any "entertainment" value, it's well worth the time. Aaron Russo had plenty to reveal from a somewhat "insider" position, and he comes across as a very likeable guy.
Continued Below...
Part 2:
DeleteI generally vote for The Constitution Party's candidate. In '08 and '12 I wrote in "Ron Paul", because he was available as a Republican Party candidate, and I knew Paul had a better chance of being elected than did any third party candidate. But normally, I vote 'TCP'.
When I was young and idealistic - before my 'New World Order' education - I too was easily deceived. We all travel the same basic road to Political Reality (except for those who never learn to look and think outside of the mainstream box).
And, seriously, when the choices you're being given by the mainstream media are Obama vs. McCain, or Obama vs. Romney, what friggin' difference does it make? As Br'er Marc once said: They want you to choose unfiltered or filtered cigarettes. You're only voting for how soon you'll contract lung cancer. Or as I said: You only get the choice of gulping or sipping your arsenic.
>>... It's kinda funny now, seeing that that's pretty much exactly what they want you to think.
Yep. To quote professor Carroll Quigley:
"...the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy."
>>... It's also funny to see Joe Rogan on there...
At the risk of seeming terminally old and uncool, I'll admit that I didn't even know who Joe Rogan was - never heard of him before. I knew he was a comedian only because the documentary said so.
I did, however, know of one of the two Rappers who were interviewed in 'The Obama Deception'. And one out of three doesn't make me uncool... right?
Alright... I'm appealing now to the higher court and introducing as proof of my 'coolness', Exhibit Number One: The photograph of me sucking Jack Daniels' whiskey straight out of the bottle at the base of the Statue of Liberty.
Your Honor, that's... uh... well... er... to be honest, Your Honor... that's actually... uhm, what I mean to say is that... that, Your Honor, is pretty much our only piece of evidence proving the defendant's 'coolness', sir. And, uh... well... the Defense rests, Your Honor... sir.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
You consider THIS a "B" post? If the B sides of records were like this, no one would know which side was supposed to be the B and which was supposed to be the A.
ReplyDeleteYou fill heads with more ideas than a smorgasbord fills bellies after people hit the lines half a dozen times. Really. Our heads just might explode when you post your A game.
Happy 4th of July.
Ha! Well, thanks a lot, SUSAN, for the very nice compliment!
DeleteBut, yeah, this really was just a "B" blog bit. I knew I was due to post something new, however, I didn't have the time to organize the stuffs for my next A-lister. I'd seen 'THE OBAMA DECEPTION' some years back and remembered thinking it contained a lot of good info.
So when I found it at YouTube, the decision to stall with 'TOD' was made. Anytime I can knock out the text in 20 minutes or less (as I did with this installment), I consider that "B" list.
But thanks again, and a very Happy 4th O' July to you and yourn.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'