Lately, ‘Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends’ has been emphasizing Product Reviews (and ‘Woe Is Me’ lamentations) over the usual politics (and spirituality). I promise to get back to form soon, but not so fast...
Just the
other day, our friend Robin spoke of her upcoming vacation to "Vegas, Baby!" I had
already begun typing a comment in the comment section window about my favorite
bar in Las Vegas when I suddenly got the idea to turn it into a full blog bit.
Back in
2010, on my defunct ‘Stuffs’ blog, I posted a multi-installment blog bit about
a trip to Vegas titled ZOUNDS!-REALLY!-OOPS! (Or, “MEET ME AT THE FREMONT AT NINE O’CLOCK”). Therein I
described my evenings at the PEPPERMILL FIRESIDE LOUNGE. It’s located
essentially across the street from where the ‘Stardust’ used to be, if that
helps ya. If not, then try these directions: A block or two South of the Riviera, on the same side of the street.
Below are some paragraphs excerpted from my 2010 ‘Stuffs’ blog bit ‘bout Vegas
I found myself in the ‘Peppermill Fireside Lounge’ and lovin’ it!
I’d heard that this was an Old School Vegas type of bar, and I’d heard right.
One of the bartenders told me it is the last casino-free, stand-alone bar on
The Strip, that it has been standing in the same place for 39 years and that a
couple of scenes from the movie ‘Casino’, involving Sharon Stone, were filmed
there. I gotta tell ya, if you’re a watering-hole connoisseur, this is a
“must-visit” bar; the low-cut “little black dress” cocktail waitresses are all
horny and I was hot! Uhm... ‘scuse me, I meant to say that the cocktail waitresses
are all hot and I was... well, you get the idea.
No lie, I had fun at the Peppermill Lounge. It was great – people
were smoking, drinking, talking, and laughing. The Black guy to my left and the
blonde bartenderette were talking about deep-sea fishing. No, seriously. (Am I
on ‘Candid Camera’?)
And the platinum blonde to my right was... uhm... she was... hmmm.
Well, it may be that I’m insane – certainly this has been suggested before on
more than one occasion – but if I were a betting man (which I’m really not,
despite my presence in Las Vegas), I would bet that the platinum blonde
(PlatBlo) to my right was trying to pick me up. And this despite my recent
ultra-short “skeetch” haircut. I mean, I acknowledge that I’ve been out of the
hunt for a long time now, but unless I’ve forgotten EVERYTHING
gobs, I think she was coming on to me! (Alright, where’s Allen Funt?)
At the lounge, while we watched music videos on the TV screen behind
the bar, the Black fisherman (who was going to feel sick as a dog tomorrow, but
who was certainly enjoying tonight), the blonde fisherwoman mixologist, PlatBlo
and I, found our conversation turning to Donny & Marie Osmond, David and
Shaun Cassidy, Leif Garrett and Rex Smith. Fisherwoman said that when she was
young, she had a crush on Donny Osmond and Lou Rawls (sure, I get that; they’re
so much alike), and son-of-a-gun if ten minutes later a Lou Rawls music video
didn’t play.
An hour later, when I walked back into Circus-Circus, I would hear
Lou Rawls singing “You’re gonna miss my lovin’” through the casino’s sound
system. When you have a bunch of coincidences related to Lou Rawls occurring
over a short span of time like that, I think it’s called “Synchronsoulcity”.
But anyway, I loved the Peppermill Fireside Lounge and knew that I would return
before this trip was over.
recommend the ‘PEPPERMILL FIRESIDE LOUNGE’ to everyone, but these videos
are for you, Robin:
32 seconds in paradise - the
Peppermill Fireside Lounge
Fireside Lounge @ The Peppermill
Raves & Faves: Peppermill
Restaurant and Fireside Lounge
but ‘Real Men’ don’t drink out of
Pink And
Blue Firesidedly Yours...
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Wow. It's a rare thing that I get a Here's To You dedicated to me. It's even on Thursday:)
ReplyDeleteIn the spirit of full disclosure, I read your Stuffs blog bit on Vegas already, but it was interesting to read it again. Watching the vids (particularly the last one) indicates that many people go there to EAT. Sounds like it has a very good rep for excellent food. I will tell Mom about it!
I was wondering why they called it The Fireside Lounge until I saw the first video. Asked and answered.
Let me just say for the record that I love Synchronicity.
Thank you Stephen!!!
Delete>>... It's even on Thursday
No coincidence: I planned it that way (I waited a day to post so it would be on Thursday).
I started to type a comment on your blog installment and was going to include a video link, but then I found so many vids at YouTube I decided to post a few and turn my comment into a full-fledged blog bit dedicated to you and your trip to... "Vegas, Baby!"
I've never eaten there, but yes, the restaurant's in front and the lounge is in back. There are several videos at YouTube featuring the food, and it looks good. Here's what some folks had to say about it: Taste Test Tuesday: The Peppermill
>>... Thank you Stephen!!!
You're welcome. Report back to me on how the food is, if you wind up going to the Peppermill restaurant (the lounge, I already know, is great!)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I clicked over to watch the Taste Test Tuesday video. I am amazed at how many videos there are featuring The Peppermill.
DeleteThanks again for the Here's To You post and the good information on The Peppermill!
As both a bar and food connoisseur (see today's post in reference to mustard and Lucky Charms casserole) I'm gonna have to check this out next time we're in Vegas, which may be later this year. I'm loving that atmosphere. Not just the fire, which is quite spectacular, but the look as a whole.
ReplyDeleteThe reason this comment took so long is because I had to e-mail the wife and ask her if she'd ever been. She has not. So it'll be a fun new experience for both of us.
I think it’s called “Synchronsoulcity”.
Ain't that the truth. With us (the wife and I), it's always music. Like when we first started dating there was this cheezy Michael Buble love song we'd hear, and it would ALWAYS come on during key moments of our relationship. First date, first time she met my parents, first time I met HER parents (in Vegas, no less). Hell, the first time we said "I love you" we were watching TV (romantic, I know) and I kid you not, 10 seconds later that damn song came on. Apparently it had (an equally corny) music video to go along with it.
Now who said the Good Lord doesn't have a sense of humor?
And now, with apologies to FAE, I have to distract you from other matters by talking more about beer...
You have done it. You have gone and done it. You've given me the inspiration I needed for my next next beer (after I brew the one I'm brewing now) in the Coconut Porter. I've actually never even heard of one, but I'm already getting an overwhelming rush of ideas on how I want to brew it. It sounds like a fantastic beer. It'll be a few months, but I'll keep you posted and let you know how it turns out.
As for the beers I tested, there were some winners and some losers.
1. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale - as mentioned, I liked this one when properly chilled. I'll probably be buying this one a lot more than before. You know, that previous number being zero.
2. La Fin Du Monde - A fantastic beer, and at almost 10% alcohol, it can really knock you on your ass. I loved it, but then again I love a good Belgian tripel, and it's got a bit of that coriander/orange peel taste without being overbearing, which I'm definitely a fan of (as long as the beer has some actual beer behind it - I'm looking at you, Blue Moon).
3. Odell Five Barrel Pale Ale - you mentioned that you might have tried it before but it probably wasn't very memorable. I'd say that hits the nail right on the head. I'd actually prefer Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale to this one, hands down. A little disappointing considering how good Odell usually is.
4. Odell Cutthroat Porter - the only one I haven't tried yet. I'd probably only report back on this one if it was truly amazing, considering you aren't a huge fan of porters.
5. Great Divide Denver Pale Ale - Not spectacular, but better than Odell's. It's pretty good. Interestingly enough, I still think SN wins, but not by much. Would buy again.
6. Great Divide Collette Farmhouse Ale - this was okay. It has a bit of a grapefruit taste, which I liked, but it's too much grapefruit. Too sweet and sour. Blegh. This is a beer, not Chinese food.
7. Zywiec Porter - first off, you're right. The normal Zywiec is a Polish Coors pisswater. The porter is an asskicker (9.5% alcohol) and thick as mud. Not one I'll be looking to try again. I have a Polish friend who swears that Polish beers are some of the best in the world, and while I've had a decent one (whose name I can't remember because they all look like consonants got trapped in a blender and then spat out) I have yet to have one that's truly good.
So overall a few winners, a few losers, and a few "meh"s. Overall, it was a pretty good experience.
And unfortunately, I still haven't been to a liquor store that carries either Canoe Paddler or SN's Summerfest. What gives, Colorado??
I think you've mentioned the Peppermill before on another blog post and I probably commented about it. I hung out at the Peppermill one night several years ago when the Halloween trade show was at the Riviera. One evening I went with a group of the costumers and hung out for a while. The place seemed nice enough, but I was not all that into being out and the company was not all that thrilling. No bad memories for me here. In fact I don't really have that many memories about that particular evening at all.
A Faraway View
>>... In fact I don't really have that many memories about that particular evening at all.
DeleteHmmm... Well, where I come from, that means the drinks were strong and the evening was fun.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Part 1:
Yeah, I saw that mention of mustard and Lucky Charms (it sounds like they're "mustardly delicious!") Do you recommend a dijon mustard with Lucky Charms, or horseradish mustard, or just the basic plain yellow American hot dog style?
>>... I'm loving that atmosphere. Not just the fire, which is quite spectacular, but the look as a whole.
Yeah, it's super-cool! After I had been there, I rented the movie 'Casino' and sure enough there's a scene early on in the movie with Robert De Niro and Sharon Stone in the Peppermill Fireside Lounge.
>>... Like when we first started dating there was this cheezy Michael Buble love song we'd hear, and it would ALWAYS come on during key moments of our relationship.
I guess sometimes you don't get to select "your song", it selects you. If you get to the Peppermill Lounge, whadaya wanna bet that song's music video will play on the TVs while you're there? (If not Michael Buble, then Lou Rawls.)
>>... And now, with apologies to FAE, I have to distract you from other matters by talking more about beer...
Ha! She's a-gonna kill ya!
Yeah, let me know how the Coconut Porter turns out. You may need to experiment with it until you get it down the way you want. Wish I had that recipe my former Brother-In-Law concocted so I could share it with ya.
It was a number of years ago, and all I can remember (other than that I liked it real well) is that it was slightly on the lighter side (not quite as heavy as an ordinary Porter) and the coconut flavor was fairly pronounced although not overwhelming. But it was definitely there - you didn't have to go "looking" for it. But the beer was "coconutty" without being sweet (I really don't care for sweet beers).
Since you posted that "beer photo" I have also tried the Odell '5 Barrel' (again?) Not bad, but indeed, nuttin' to write home about.
I also tried the Odell 'Myrcenary Double IPA'. Definitely a "DIPA", and at 10%+. I usually prefer IPAs to DIPAs. This one was OK but the aftertaste was a little sweet. With all the beers out there that I really dig, I won't be buying a second bottle of this.
La Fin Du Monde - I'm going to try that this weekend, on your recommendation. That's not a style I normally care for, so I don't really expect to like it the way you do (and maybe not at all), but I won't know if I don't try it.
I know I have had at least 3, maybe 4 different 'Great Divide' brews in the past and so far have found nothing I thought was outstanding. The Colorado brewing companies I like are Odell (of course) and I've found a few by Boulder that I've liked, including that 'Flashback' which must be a seasonal because I haven't seen it since I recommended it to you.
Continued Below...
Part 2:
Delete>>... And unfortunately, I still haven't been to a liquor store that carries either Canoe Paddler or SN's Summerfest. What gives, Colorado??
Oh, that's odd, because they're readily available here, even in most of the regular ol' grocery stores. I'm going to also try 'Canoe Paddler' this weekend. I'll let ya know what I think, but I'm not optimistic because I don't think Brother Martin and I have similar taste in beer. (I know he doesn't like IPAs, and I think he leans toward light Lagers and American adjunct beers. And SN 'Summerfest' is about as close as my taste gets to those.)
Say, can I ask you a slightly technical computer question?
Since you're the person who taught me how to "embed" videos on my blog, can you also tell me how to size them better? I'm sure you've noticed that sometimes the YouTube videos I embed here are too big for the margins of my blog and a sizable portion of the image overlaps the right edge and is lost.
I have always used the smallest embed code - 560x315 - but obviously even that's too big for my margins. I see I can "Customize Size" and I'm wondering what size you would suggest I try. I'm sure I could figure this out by trial and error, but you could probably save me the time and trouble. You think I should start with... what?
Thanks, 4-B!
~ Stephen
Do you recommend a dijon mustard with Lucky Charms, or horseradish mustard, or just the basic plain yellow American hot dog style?
DeleteI recommend Grey Poupon, both for the taste, and the childish hilarity of the name.
So I'm just curious to see if my Coconut Porter actually ends up tasting like Coconut. While researching others, I found this now defunct beer (not sure if you've ever even heard of it, let alone tried it) but it's gotten really high ratings. However, one of the most fascinating things is how everyone agrees that it doesn't actually taste like coconut. So I'm curious not only to see how mine comes out, but if it actually tastes like coconut or not.
So technical YouTube stuff - yes, it chops off a lot. So try 400 x (blank). In other words, when you put that first number, Youtube will automatically adjust to proper width. So if 560 length is the smallest and that's still too big, try 400. I think that might just fit.
Oh, and did you end up trying Canoe Paddler and La Fin Du Monde? I still have seriously not found a place that sells Canoe Paddler or any kind of SN that isn't just Pale Ale. I think that means I need to stop at the big, BIG liquor warehouse. The kind that makes me wants to grab a shopping cart and fill it.
DeleteThanks for the response, my friend. No time for a proper reply this morning (bills to pay, shower to take, work to cry about), but I shall return this evening. See ya then.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Part 1:
Delete[I wrote 99.95% of this comment last night, but then I was too pooped to post.]
4-B ~
Are you old enough to remember those Grey Poupon TV commercials? ["Pardon me, have you any Grey Poupon?"]
Those were excellent commercials because they were entertaining but also managed to etch the product into the viewer's brain. Some commercials are really entertaining, even funny, but they somehow fail to lock the product into the viewer's mind. So years later, you remember the humorous line or scenario but, for the life of you, you can't recall what product was being advertised. [FAIL!]
I had never even heard of that coconut brew before. And I have never had a coconut-flavored beer other than my former Brother-In-Law's concoction. I was sure he didn't "invent" the concept, but his is the only one I've had and I thought it was EXCELLENT! (And that's coming from an ordinarily Porter non-fan. And my Sister recently said that R's 'Coconut Porter' was her favorite of the many brews he... uh... brewed.)
I've said this before, but I will repeat it: R's 'Coconut Porter' most DEFINITELY tasted "coconutty". And I don't mean just "a note of coconut in the aftertaste", but the coconut flavor (minus "sweetness") was right upfront in the flavor. You could give any blindfolded person a sip of that Porter and ask them what they thought it was made with, and other than hops and malt, I can guarantee that every single person would say, "Coconut".
I see that the consensus at Beer Advocate had that coconut beer at a grade of "90" (impressive!) I can hardly imagine how those reviewers would have graded R's 'Coconut Porter' (where the coconut flavor was highlighted rather than buried into oblivion).
>>... So technical YouTube stuff - yes, it chops off a lot. So try 400 x (blank). In other words, when you put that first number, Youtube will automatically adjust to proper width.
Thanks a lot, Bryan! I'm in the process of putting together my 'BOTB #3' blog bit for this Friday. In copying the embed codes for the two videos, I noticed that YouTube automatically gave me a smaller size. I wrote the size down and have now momentarily misplaced the note. (It's f'ing hell to get old, Old Soul!) But I recall that the first number was 400+ and the second number was 315. Anyway, I'll find the note (or just note the number when I post the vids). But you have given me the foundation I need to fix my "bigger is... uhm... better" problem. Thanks, Bryan!
Got ‘Getz/Gilberto’ playing right now (unquestionably one of the greatest Bossa Nova albums ever recorded), and I got Four Peaks ‘Hop Knot’ in my Tervis Tumbler. (Life is good. But give it another 90 minutes and check back with me on that. Life can turn on a dime and give you .09 cents change back.)
>>... Oh, and did you end up trying Canoe Paddler and La Fin Du Monde? I still have seriously not found a place that sells Canoe Paddler or any kind of SN that isn't just Pale Ale. I think that means I need to stop at the big, BIG liquor warehouse. The kind that makes me wants to grab a shopping cart and fill it.
Sir, yes, Sir! I did try them both over the weekend. A bottle of ‘La Fin Du Monde’ I picked up at ‘Total Wine & More’. I have tried that style several times before and determined that it’s just not my type of beer. (Remember, I am almost strictly an I.P.A., Pale Ale, Red/Amber, and occasionally Lager kind o’ guy.) The ‘La Fin...’ was certainly the best ‘Belgian’-style beer I’ve had. Unfortunately, though, that’s still not a type that’s in my wheelhouse.
Continued Below...
Part 2:
DeleteI read on a website (Beer Advocate? Rate Beer?) where some reviewer described the “mouthfeel” as “silky”, and I would say that is EXACTLY right (and a plus!) Also, I thought it was an amazingly smooth brew for one that is 9%. And, truthfully, the more I drank it, the better I liked it. But... although I can fully appreciate why people who appreciate that type of beer appreciate ‘La Fin Du Monde’, for me, it still gets back to the fact that I really only love coffee-flavored coffee and beer-flavored beer. As soon as they begin adding notes of clove and cinnamon, or whatever, they begin losing me. I love Vanilla and I love Hazlenut and I love Irish Crème, but I don’t want them in my coffee any more than I want clove and cinnamon (and other spices) in my beer.
So, although I truly could understand why ‘La Fin...’ is so universally loved by Belgian-style beer fans, it’s not exactly my type of beer.
Now, ‘Canoe Paddler’... yes, I did find and try that one this weekend as well, but it was easier said than done.
You recall that I said ‘Canoe Paddler’ was available in many of the Phoenix grocery stores? Well, I don’t lie (often), and that WAS true. But, of course, as soon as I decided to buy it, I couldn’t find it anywhere. Even ‘Total Wine & More’ was out of it. I was scratching my noggin’ and thinkin’: What gives? I thought ‘Canoe Paddler’ was a Summer seasonal beer. This is only late August!
And that’s when it occurred to me that for the sane part of the U.S.A. (i.e., every state except for Airheadzona), Summer ends when August ends. ONLY in Airheadzona does Summer weather last through Halloween Night! (What a fu*ked-up state! Somebody shoot me! They shoot horses, don’t they?)
I checked with TWO ‘Total Wine & More’ stores: “Try next year.” I checked at Albertson’s and Fry’s grocery stores – where I KNOW they’ve had it for months - ...nuttin’.
Nappy says, “They had that at Target.” So he drops me off. Certain that they won’t still have it (if two ‘Total Wine & More’ stores didn’t...), I tell him not to wait for me... I’ll just walk home under the nice cloudy sky (for a change). So, I stroll into Target, go to their refrigerated section and... they have ONE six-pack of ‘Canoe Paddler’ left. I buy it, and now I have to carry it home with me. (I’m thinkin’: If I told Nappy to wait for me in the parking lot, Target would NOT have had this six-pack left! Yes, 4-B, I’m a “the glass is half empty” kind of guy and a “Murphy’s Law will rape you every time” kind of guy!)
So... I walked home with the last six-pack of ‘Canoe Paddler’ in Hell, Airheadzona.
Continued Below...
Part 3:
DeleteWhat did I think of it? It was almost exactly what I expected but perhaps half-a-shade better. It’s made by an independent brewer in Wisconsin, and it’s described as “Kolsch-Style with Rye”, and (presumably) 5% ABV.
I would describe it as “a thirst-quenching, mowing-the-lawn beer”. You can taste the rye, slightly. If I were invited to a party and found an ice chest filled with ‘Canoe Paddler’, Coors, Bud, Michelob, and Pabst Blue Ribbon, I would grab a ‘Canoe Paddler’. But throw Deschute’s ‘Mirror Pond’ into the mix and I’d go for the latter with no hesitation.
I’d say that my favorite “Summer” seasonal beer is definitely ‘Sierra Nevada’s SUMMERFEST’, but I’m just not particularly a fan of such light, fizzy, sessional-type beers. If it’s The Fourth Of July, give me ‘Mirror Pond’. In my opinion, you just can’t beat ‘Mirror Pond’ when it comes to an easy-drinking, refreshing, sessionable ale that is light and yet has some “there” there. ‘Mirror Pond’ is not easily beat, especially on a hot day after you’ve just cut the lawn (or composed an entertaining blog bit).
Incidentally, the last time I visited ‘Total Wine & More’, I picked up two of the free booklets, ‘TOTAL GUIDE TO BEER’, for you and Brandon. Put your address in a separate comment that you DON’T want published, and I will copy it on paper, delete the comment, and then send you the booklets via Snail Mail (if you want them). They contain quite a bit of good and interesting information. And you CAN’T beat the price!
Say, if you DO make it to that “big, BIG liquor warehouse”, please check to see if they carry ‘BIG SKY I.P.A.’ (I feel confident that you will like that one) and maybe Four Peaks ‘HOP KNOT’ as well (I’m curious to see what your impression of that IPA is).
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
Are you old enough to remember those Grey Poupon TV commercials? ["Pardon me, have you any Grey Poupon?"]
DeleteI actually am, and that's exactly what inspired my response. It's been damn near 20-25 years since I've seen that commercial, and even as young as I was, I can still remember the way he said it as he rolled his window down. Come to think of it, I can't remember any other commercial so vividly that's that old, probably with the exception of "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" or "Where's the beef?" but those were more memorable for being the stupid kind of funny and not so much the quirky kind of funny.
Also, I thought (La Fin) was an amazingly smooth brew for one that is 9%. And, truthfully, the more I drank it, the better I liked it.
For me I think that's La Fin's charm, that it's smooth and it still tastes pleasant until the last sip. Now mind you, I do like Belgian-style brews, and I do like a bit of citrus in my beer, but those styles of beers are not my favorite. Like you, if I want a beer, I want it to taste like a beer. Those are always the best.
I'll tell you, one time we had a dinner party and a friend brought over some blueberry beer (Wild Blue Blueberry Lager), and it tasted like one of those hard ciders. I took one sip and handed it off to someone else. It was possibly the worst beer I've ever had. In addition to just tasting like blueberry koolaid (as opposed to just a subtle hint of blueberry flavor), it was probably the sugariest beer I've ever had. Like a lemonade. He seemed to really like it, but as I told him, "sorry bud, but this isn't beer. This is Mike's Hard Blueberry Wine Cooler with 1% beer additive."
On the other hand, I once brewed a raspberry ale about 3 years ago, and everyone that tried it loved it. It had a very, very subtle hint of raspberry in the body, and was not sweet at all. 99% beer, 1% raspberry... as it should be!--NOT the other way around.
So... I walked home with the last six-pack of ‘Canoe Paddler’ in Hell, Airheadzona.
It's funny you mention that, because I've still had no luck tracking any Canoe Paddler down. And if you go to a grocery store here, they have plenty of Leinie's. The Honey Weiss and the Original practically grow on trees here. But no Canoe Paddler... yet. I still do want to give it a try, but since it's seasonal (and since summer is technically just about over) I have a feeling I might not get a chance until next year.
If I were invited to a party and found an ice chest filled with ‘Canoe Paddler’, Coors, Bud, Michelob, and Pabst Blue Ribbon, I would grab a ‘Canoe Paddler’.
If I were invited to a party and found an ice chest filled with Coors, Bud, Michelob, and PBR, I'd find another party... and possibly new friends. :)
Oh, and speaking of summer beers, since I had good fortune re-trying SN recently, I still do want to try the Summerfest. I think I'm going to take a trip to the big, BIG liquor warehouse this weekend, and I plan (if all goes well) to pick up the Summerfest, some Big Sky, and some Hop Knot. I'll report back on how that all went.
Oh, and the comment that follows this will have my address. I'm looking forward to checking out that total guide to beer booklet, and I know Brandon will be happy to have one too. Thanks in advance for sending it, Beer Brother!
DeleteTwo (literally!) Laugh-Out-Louds in that comment above.
I will have a "PROPER" ['League Of Soul Crusaders' member Pooh would get that inside joke, but nobody else would] response posted soon.
Tonight, I'm too bummed to reply "PROPERLY", because FAE wasted my whole night (and three glasses of Bombay 'Sapphire" gin) teasing me with the idea that she was going to watch this really good 'Blues music' movie with me (i.e., simultaneously in Nevada) and then she later told me that she FAILED(!) because of "a hairline crack on the back".
"WOMEN!" Apart from being undependable, they "weaken legs" (just ask the "Mick" in 'Rocky '76').
Got the "other" comment with the address. Thanks. I will save it until I copy it on paper, delete it, and send the booklets. I will let you know as soon as the booklets are "in the mail". Later this week, I expect.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
>>... and then she later told me that she FAILED(!) because of "a hairline crack on the back".
Delete"...[O]n the back"... of HER copy of the DVD, I meant to say.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
DeleteFirst, I'd better mention that I was just joking around about FAE's "failure" (or she done gone be mad at me... maybe). It wasn't her fault that NetFlix sent her a defective DVD.
>>... "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" or "Where's the beef?" but those were more memorable for being the stupid kind of funny and not so much the quirky kind of funny.
I think "Where's the beef" worked because I can still remember it was a Burger King ad. (Uh... it WAS Burger King and not Wendy's, right? Hmmm... Maybe it didn't really work.)
>>... I'll tell you, one time we had a dinner party and a friend brought over some blueberry beer (Wild Blue Blueberry Lager)... "sorry bud, but this isn't beer. This is Mike's Hard Blueberry Wine Cooler with 1% beer additive."
The only one of those "flavored malt beverage" concoctions that I kinda sorta like is the Bacardi 'Mojito'. It's a fairly refreshing thirst-quencher but, of course, it isn't trying to pass itself off as a beer-flavored drink, but a rum-flavored drink (sans rum). I guess I can accept that.
>>... I've still had no luck tracking any Canoe Paddler down.
Hopefully I'm wrong, but I have a feeling you won't find any more of it this year. Maybe if you were living in Wisconsin there'd still be some shelves holding it but...
>>... If I were invited to a party and found an ice chest filled with Coors, Bud, Michelob, and PBR, I'd find another party... and possibly new friends.
:-) Classic response!
If you don't find the SN 'Summerfest' in stock, you haven't missed out on too, too much. I'd say, "Just grab a 'Mirror Pond' and enjoy."
>>... I'm looking forward to checking out that total guide to beer booklet...
I'm planning to package them up after work tonight and mail them tomorrow, so you may have them as soon as Saturday... or else Tuesday since no labor gets done on Labor Day. (Shouldn't it be called Leisure Day?)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
A funny thing happened to land me in this here comment box.
DeleteAs you know I had not commented on this blog bit. I read it back when you posted it, but never left a comment. This morning, I was making the rounds, checking to see who had new blog posts up (as I may have mentioned, my dashboard is all screwed up and we all know that ‘blogger hates me’, so I manually check the blogs I follow regularly). Anyway…I type in your title in my search engine and it brings me to this blog post, but not at the start of the bit, but to the beginning of Bryan’s comments. I was sure you two were going on and on and on about beer, so I almost didn’t bother to read the comment, but then…
Imagine my surprise to find myself maligned mentioned here with regards to the crack in the movie. Ha, ha, ha. Apparently, someone isn’t about to let you get away with much Mr. McCarthy. At least you said you were bummed. Imagine how I felt. Dang Netflix.
So, who do you suppose is doing the checking up on you this time?
BTW, I too thought that ‘I would get better friends’, remark was hilarious. Who in their right mind drinks blueberry, raspberry or lemonade beer. Oh yeah, I forgot who I was talking to.
>>... So, who do you suppose is doing the checking up on you this time?
DeleteI don't know, but the spirits are (always) restless.
And I'm glad I saved some of my spirits for Take Two of 'CROSSSCREWS".
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
DeleteAre you planning to post BOTB #3 on Friday morning or Friday evening? (I'm leaning toward the morning, because I'll probably be packing and doing other last minute stuffs after work.)
~ D-FensDogg
I was planning on putting the post up in the morning. I've already begun writing it.
DeleteOK, sounds good, because Arlee Boid always posts in the mornings too, so that should work.
DeleteAnd... I am not aware of any way of striking a line through a word in the comment section. As far as I know, all you can do is make a word bold, italicized, or converted into a link.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
My hubby went to Vegas on business several times, but I've never had the pleasure. Maybe we'll go for our fiftieth anniversary and renew our vows with an Elvis impersonator. That's be a hoot. Then we can play some blackjack, and eat ourselves silly at the buffets. THEN we'll visit your lounge. Looks like a really neat place.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a great time, SUSAN. I have a feeling you would really dig The Peppermill Fireside Lounge. It's got that "old school" cool I think you go for.
Delete~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Lately, ‘Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends’ has been emphasizing Product Reviews
ReplyDeleteSo your blog has sold out to Corporate America? Typical...
I've read the comments a few times....I know I am blind but how do you know who is who from the Beer For The Shower duo? Is that only one is a brewer?
I never know which one leaves me comments....
LC ~
DeleteI may have sold out, but I'm not endorsing ObamaCare yet.
Funny you should axe about which Beer Boy leaves me comments. The reason it's funny is because when he first began commenting on my blog, I axed him which Beer Boy he be, but he said something along the lines of: The mystery is part of the fun.
But shortly afterwards I began addressing him as Bryan and he never axed me how I determined that he was him and not the "other" Beer Boy. (And, no, it was NOT just a guess. I knew.)
So... how DID I figure out it was Bryan and not Brandon? ...The mystery is part of the fun.
But, I am quite certain that the same Beer Boy who yaks wid me be the Beer Boy who be yakkin' wid you. (Go ahead and call him "Bryan" and you be right.)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Nya ha ha ha. You'll never find out who I am, LC, because that's part of the game. It's going to take some extreme sleuthing to figure out whether it's Brandon or whether it's me, Bryan.
DeleteYou have NO IDEA how much I needed that laugh tonight.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
It's been years since I visited Vegas and don't think I stopped there.
ReplyDeleteDecided to join you guys this week for Battle of the Bands and my entry is up a day early.