Back on Wednesday, July 29, 2009, I posted a blog bit titled #1 RULE OF POLITICS. It was filled with truth, but it was also very lengthy. It opened with a parable I had written which I have decided to publish as a stand-alone blog bit, minus all the other lengthy truth that followed it in its original form.
I realize
that the parable seems annoyingly repetitive, but that’s actually part of the
point it is making. If you hang in there long enough, you will discover that
like ALL Merry-Go-Rounds, it too will eventually stop.
Here you
go, my parable about ‘Political Reality, U.S.A.’
(Or, ‘The Socialists Who Cried Conservative’)
(Or, ‘The Socialists Who Cried Conservative’)
Once upon a time,
there was a number of conservative Americans. When the conservative people saw
how Socialists (read: “Marxists”) calling themselves “Democrats” or “Liberals”
had stolen their liberties guaranteed to them by the Bill of Rights and, like
dogs, had pissed all over the U.S. Constitution, they knew something had to be
Then a group of
politicians calling themselves “Republicans” said, “We have seen the
destruction done by the Democrats. Like you, we are political conservatives,
and if you vote us into authority, we will reverse the damage done by the
Democrats. We will reduce the size of government, we'll cut federal spending,
and we'll return your individual rights to you and honor your individual
state’s right to govern itself.” And the Republican media pundits said, “Yes!
Protect the Constitution by voting Republican, and things will improve!”
So, the
conservative people voted Republicans into power. And the Republicans stole the
liberties guaranteed to The People by the Bill of Rights and, like dogs, they
pissed all over the U.S. Constitution.
So, in the next
election, the majority of people voted the Republicans out and the Democrats
back in. And the Democrats stole the liberties guaranteed to The People by the
Bill of Rights and, like dogs, they pissed all over the U.S. Constitution. The
conservative Americans knew something had to be done.
Then the group of
politicians calling themselves “Republicans” said, “We agree with you
conservative Americans. If you vote us into authority, we will undo what the
Democrats have done. We'll reduce the size of government, cut federal spending,
return your individual rights to you and honor your individual state’s right to
govern itself.” And the Republican media pundits said, “Yes! Protect the
Constitution by voting Republican, and things will improve!”
So, the
conservatives voted the Republicans back in again. And the Republicans stole
the liberties guaranteed to The People by the Bill of Rights and, like dogs,
they pissed all over the U.S. Constitution.
So, a majority of
The People became disgusted and brought the Democrats back into power, and the
Democrats stole the liberties guaranteed to The People by the Bill of Rights
and, like dogs, they pissed all over the U.S. Constitution. The conservative
Americans were angry and they said, “Doggone it! Something MUST be done
about this terrible situation. Our country is being destroyed!”
And the group of
politicians calling themselves “Republicans” said, “We agree with you
conservative Americans. If you vote us into authority, we will undo what the
Democrats have done. We'll reduce the size of government, cut federal spending,
return your individual rights to you and honor your individual state’s right to
govern itself.” And the Republican media pundits said, “Yes! Protect the
Constitution by voting Republican, and things will improve!”
And the
conservative Americans dug up the graves of George Mason and Thomas Jefferson
and they beat the Republican politicians and the Republican media pundits to
death with the bones of patriots past.
The moral of this
story is: Beware of Socialists in Republican clothing.
[Feel free to share this with
anyone you think might be able to understand and appreciate it.]
Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted").
After all, this isn’t,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
I laughed out loud at the ending. I see so many quotes on Facebook from true patriots. And I KNOW KNOW KNOW that the people posting them are trying to say, "This is what we want." And I think (some) politicians are catching on and saying - again - what people want to hear.
ReplyDeleteWhen we start paying attention to what they DO before we elect them we have a better chance at determining what they will DO after they are elected. We need to stop listening to what they SAY.
Great poem. It is a vicious cycle.
DeleteYep, you got it! That is precisely what I said in the longer, original post. I wrote (in part)...
Do you wish to understand a politician’s real beliefs? Then put aside the things he or she has said and examine the history of their actions. How have they voted? What organizations have they joined? Whom have they previously supported? This is where you’ll find the answer you seek. (Yes, it will require a little homework on your part. If that’s too much effort for you, then you shouldn’t be voting. Voting is a responsibility best left to the Big Boys and Girls.)
For the media, the rule gets a slight twist:
Remember people, it is only your belief that mainstream politicians mean what they say that perpetuates the illusion of political options. Do your homework, investigate the background of your “conservative” politician of choice - or even your “liberal” politician of choice - and you will eventually wake up to see the reality behind the illusion. An illusion deliberately fabricated to keep you dreaming of “Change” without any real possibility of experiencing it.
Here’s the bumper sticker slogan:
The truth about a person ain’t in YAK, it’s in ACT!
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
‘Beware of socialists in Republicans clothing.'
ReplyDeleteWhile I .think that’s an excellent closing line, I personally like to think of all politicians as being completely naked. Probably not in the way you’re thinking right now, but more along the lines of the ‘Fairy Tale; The Emperor’s New Clothes’.
You remember that one. It’s where the vain and greedy emperor is sold a bill of goods by some very crafty men (now, who might they be?), who tell him they will make him the most marvelous set of new clothes. They also tell him that these new clothes are so wonderful that they can only be perceived (seen) by the most intelligent and discerning of persons. Anyone, who cannot see them (the new clothes) and perceive their stunning brilliance is unwise and of no consequence to society (quite possibly even a threat). Therefore, who dares proclaim that the emperor is naked, including the poor deluded (stupid) emperor himself? And the crafty men…they are counting up the souls of those whom they have deceived, and led by a velvet cord of their own vanity, into the bondage of the damned.
It is my opinion that today the citizens of this once great republic are no different than the silly subjects of that fictional empire. No matter the name, party, or affiliation their leaders go by, the couture by which they are arrayed (integrity) is virtually nonexistent: they are naked – having been fooled into believing, or being part of the depiction themselves – they are wearing the finest of garments. And almost no one has the courage to proclaim that they are naked.
The citizenry is asked to believe in their ridiculous ‘party’ (or any set of ‘good’ guys vs. ‘bad’ guys) system. To listen to the experts (buffoons) on the tube, who tell them what to think. To act in a manner that is cloaked in decency, but in reality reeks of total subservience (political correctness). To in effect, proclaim just how splendid the emperor looks and is, in his invisible finery, as they are all doomed to an ever escalating state of bondage.
I realize that my comment probably takes your parable one step further, and it may be that step that will move it beyond the understanding and appreciation of most, but it is in my opinion, it is the natural progression of this ‘conditioning’ process to which we have all been exposed for generations.
There are very few real choices left. The ‘lesser of two evils’ do seem to have finally met at that point where there is absolutely no difference whatsoever. Voting for our leaders is certainly a job that should be accomplished by ‘grown-ups’ who will take the time to study the actions of those who would lead them, and not simply believe their promises (lying tongues). But, in the final analysis it appears that anyone who is up for the vote in this day and age, has been placed there by the ‘crafty men’, and are already clothed in the invisible fabric of world domination.
As you can see, I’ve been trolling the news channels lately, and am once again appalled, at the overall naiveté, and all out greed of the general populace of the world.
BTW, all I originally came here to say was that this is some good advice when also looking at our circle of friends and most trusted companions. As in to be sure their words are consistent with their actions. I guess I got carried away…AGAIN.
Good comment, FAE ~
DeleteYeah, there are a number of parables and metaphors we could use to describe the political reality today.
Politicians dressed up in clothing that doesn't really represent them and their goals accurately: a beast in a tuxedo.
A Socialist wearing a Republican's suit of clothing to misrepresent his true beliefs to the the voters.
A Marxist draped in the American flag.
All politicians wearing nothing because they believe in nothing but their own naked egos and the mainstream media telling the mASSES that if they can't see the clothing it's because they aren't wise enough to discern the finely crafted threads.
In the end though, the naive voters get EXACTLY the sorts of leaders they deserve, and in the final analysis... the world will be a totalitarian ghetto from which only God can save it.
Profound comment, FAE. Thanks! I still maintain that I get the cream of the crop in my Comment Sections.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Or "By their fruits you will know them" is another apt quote. This bit is not so much a parable as it is a political commentary and analysis with a punchline.
ReplyDeleteDem bones dem bones
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
DeleteYeah, but sometimes however it takes awhile for the fruit to develop. But if people would simply spend more time studying the seeds before they "plant" them, they would have a pretty good idea beforehand what sort of crop they can expect in its season.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I think that this advice - which I am sure you have followed for a LONG time - is becoming easier to see as correct. They have all screwed us and lied so many times that even dunces like me see it. Earlier in the cycle, I did not see it. Now, I cannot see how I missed it. DOH! (envision slapping forehead with palm of hand.)
ReplyDeleteSometimes it takes a while for the facts to come out or for the telltale signs to become apparent, unless you spend gobs of time investigating. One case in point with me is MARSHMALLOW HEAD. Yes, you were right and I was wrong. Puddin' cheeks crybaby Marshmallowhead BECK talked a good game for a while, delving into the Constitution, recommending good books (accurately) and sounding conservative. He even discussed some NWO stuffs and I thought he wasn't too bad. You argued with me and said he was a lying hypocrite.
You were right.
That SOB #!&^#@&@ lately has bashed the tea party, endorsed global warming, and laughed it up about "tin foil hat wearers" and false flag operations. BOO HISS!
DeleteYes, I NEVER trusted 'Marshmallow Head' Glenn or Glenda Beck.
You're right though, at one point he began to present himself as if he had finally "seen the light". Interviewing G. Edward Griffin, for example, and praising the man's great book 'The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look At The Federal Reserve', etc.
But my intuitive sense told me to be wary, not to buy into the appearance too quickly.
And sure enough, it didn't take long to see that Glenn or Glenda Beck was pulling off some type of "bait and switch" tactic.
The truth was as obvious to me as an elephant in the room during the last presidential primaries when Beck turned so hard against the ONLY genuine Constitutionalist in the field, Ron Paul, and began to criticize Paul and his voters. There was nuttin' else I needed to see - Glenn or Glenda Beck had definitely... "come out of the political closet".
A closing joke here:
Do you know why Marshmallow Head's new media project is called "The Blaze"? I think it's because he's such a flamer. If Beck and Obama would ever ditch their spouses, I think the two would get along fagulously!
OK, now that I've taken my Comment Section to new lows... I thinks I'm done. Ha!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteEr... now that I have your attention...
I just want all y'all to know that I'll be back purdy soon to reply to yer comments.
Right now though, sleep is work... and "work calls".
"See you soon!", as Ike Clanton said in 'Tombstone'.
(Who else quotes Shakyspeare and Ike Clanton in the same minute?! Huh? Who?)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I loved this. Not sure if you saw the comment I made to Robin when she honored you on her blog, but I said the summed up version of this (much, much less eloquent and clever). Which was this...
ReplyDeleteGreat to see Stephen on here. And yes, I too once drank the Koolaid and was so excited to vote and make a difference. Then it became, "Man, this Democrat sucks, let's get a Republican in here!" only for that to turn into, "Man, this Republican sucks, let's get a Democrat in here!"
Doesn't take long before you start wondering why nothing ever changes and why your vote doesn't really matter.
Which does make me wonder something, though, because I noticed this pretty quickly (if you count mid twenties as 'quick). Why is it so hard for everyone else to notice this trend?
I mean, we're nearing the end of his term and the general public seems sick of Obama. So any takers on the next president being a Republican coming in to "clean house"?
6-B ~
DeleteHa! You're not drinking the Kool-Aid (or Flavor-Aid) anymore, that's for sure.
Well, yep, if we don't get a woman (Hillary) brought in to "clean house", then it will likely be the Republican party's turn again.
One thing we know for certain, however, based on the past, is that WHOEVER is brought in to "clean house", the absolute most they will really do is perhaps rearrange the furniture a little bit.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'