and again and again and again and again and...
This morning, my co-worker was scrolling through some humor website in our last 30 minutes of work, and I was looking over his shoulder. Then he came upon this one video and I began howling with laughter.
This morning, my co-worker was scrolling through some humor website in our last 30 minutes of work, and I was looking over his shoulder. Then he came upon this one video and I began howling with laughter.
I later located it at YouTube.
The following remarks are found in the YouTube 'Comment Section':
. The following remarks are found in the YouTube 'Comment Section':
A good dad always takes one for the team. :D
Your dad is soooooo stupid.......that
he got hit by a parked car!
this one's my favorite:.
If the car hadn't been there, he'd probably still be going.
If the car hadn't been there, he'd probably still be going.
can't even THINK about this video without
Out Loud' all over again...
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
I just love that in the age of the Internet we don't have to watch things like America's Funniest Home Videos that have lame, awful narration by someone like Bob Saget. No, we can just watch the video directly. And we can slow it down. And we can set it to music. And we can watch it again and again and again.
ReplyDeleteThat, people, is called progress.
I just feel sorry for... that poor car.
6-B ~
DeleteI agree with you completely!
And Bob Saget... WTH?! Who ever told that guy he was funny? (He must have had a powerful relative in "The Business".) I mean, Marlon Brando in 'A Streetcar Named Desire' was a "laugh riot" compared to Bob Saget!
However, I will say one thing in defense of 'America's Funniest Home Videos'...
In 1991, at the end of Season 1 they put out a videotape titled 'The Best Of America's Funniest Home Videos'. Saget was his usual unfunny self, but that tape got me through many times when I was feeling down.
This was before people were "faking" videos to try to get on the show, so they were all authentic and that tape was hysterically funny. I still have the videocassette because they never released it later on DVD (that I know of) and I couldn't bear to part with the tape.
Two things that still stand out in my mind are the fat woman who tries wind-surfing, and a montage of kids having problems on their feet and in water, all to the tune of Bobby Darin's 'Splish Splash'. (My very favorite was this chubby Asian toddler with a too-big head at the beach. He loses his footing and - like the fat guy on the skateboard - his big-head momentum carries him down to the water where he falls. I swear, I couldn't watch that without tears of laughter rolling down my face! I guess have a thing about overweight people falling down.)
Anyway... part of me will always remain grateful to 'AFHV' for that 'Best Of' tape that I played practically to death.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteI have not seen the movie you pictured above. In fact, I don't even remember hearing about it. When did this gem come out????
ReplyDeleteThat skateboarding video was hilarious. What did we do before YouTube????
DeleteYou're referring to the "Dogtown" stuffs?
Those are two different movies, actually. The second one pictured, 'Dogtown And Z-Boys', is a documentary; the first one, 'Lords Of Dogtown', is the "Hollywood" take on it.
Back in the mid-1970s the whole "Skateboarding" and "Extreme Sports" culture got started in a place called "Dogtown". I lived there and then, so I saw it all being born. In fact, my best friend at the time got really into it and once shared a hospital room with one of the biggest names in "Dogtown": Tony Alva.
When these guys weren't surfing they were "sidewalk surfing", also known as "skateboarding". When that wasn't enough, they started skateboarding in empty swimming pools, trying to get "over the rim" and "getting air". That was essentially the beginning of "Extreme Sports" in America.
One of the most famous "Z-Boys" was Jay Adams, and my Brother and Sister (both slightly younger than I am) went to school with him, and my Sister was a friend of his back then.
The movies are pretty interesting, especially, I suppose, if you were there then and saw it all happening before it became a national phenomenon.
Pretty soon independent magazines were being created and devoted to these Dogtown "athletes" and being distributed across the U.S. Long-haired, post-Hippie dudes were being fantasized about by young girls in the Midwest on the East Coast. And then "Extreme Skateboarding" took off as a new fad across the country.
Trivia Question: Where was "Dogtown", officially speaking?
Some people will answer, "Venice" (a Western beach town segment of L.A.) Others will say, "Santa Monica" - an independent city on the beach, just West of L.A. and just North of Venice.
I grew up in "Dogtown" when the whole skateboarding cultural thing took off, so I can give you an authoritative answer.
"Dogtown" was actually the very Southern most part of Santa Monica (where I grew up from 5th grade through high school) AND the very Northern part of Venice. It wasn't one place OR the other, nor was it ALL of either place. It was that section where the two places - Santa Monica and Venice - met each other.
OK, teacher's tired... class dismissed.
~ "Wiped-Out" STEPHEN
Ahhhh -- clumsy guys falling. A long-loved staple of slapstick comedy, made better by the fact that it was totally real.
ReplyDeleteThe comedic effect is amplified by the guy's, "here -- lemme show ya!" attitude at the beginning and helped by the fact that he was obviously not seriously hurt.
The psychology always fascinates me... Why do we find this funny? If the guy had been seriously injured, or fallen onto his innocent kid and seriously injured him, would we still think it funny? Less funny? Or more funny?
It's like the Three Stooges. I've always loved them (primarily with Curly more so than Shemp, and even less during the later Curlie Joe era). But some people (especially women) hate them and find them juvenile and hurtful. In the same way, some people will see this video and think, :Awww. Poor guy! Don't laugh! I'm just glad he's not hurt!"
Why? Does finding humor at someone's car-ramming-head-slam buffoonery imply a lack of empathy and compassion? Nah -- I don't think so. I'd have helped the guy up. Laughing while I was doing it, but still glad to lend him a hand....
But I'm probably over-analyzing what's intended as just a funny video. Maybe it's because you always get me to thinkin' on this blog...
DeleteThanks for the compliment.
Yeah, I too have spent time analyzing humor the way you have, and it's still a mystery to me.
Agreed that if the guy had been seriously injured (e.g., he knocked all his teeth out) this is not something I could have laughed at; that would have changed the whole tone of it.
I'm that rare breed of "guy" who didn't really find The Three Stooges funny, even when my Brother and all our friends did. But one time The Stooges were on TV and I was in the other room doing something. I could hear the show but not see it, and suddenly I found myself surprisingly amused.
I kept hearing all the crazy sound effects ("Why YOU!" ...*shleek-BONG!-doi-oey-oey-oey*...) and I'm wondering: What could one guy do to another guy that would possibly make that sound?
And when my imagination had to supply the action, I found myself laughing out loud at The Three Stooges for the very first time.
I soon came up with the saying: "The Three Stooges should be heard and not seen."
I always said that someday I was going to throw a party and instead of music, I would have the soundtrack of Three Stooges episodes playing.
Another dream I failed to realize.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteI'd seen this one. He probably had no teeth to begin with, and if he did he certainly does not now.
My only beef is that the poster put Mozart's 40th Symphony as the music! That does not fit at all. Something more "yakkety-sax-ish" is needed.
That Dogtown info was interesting, Professor.
Did you see that lightning struck Venice Beach yesterday?
ReplyDeleteNo, I didn't see the story about lighting and Venice Beach. But the night before last, we had a lightning storm here like I have never seen before! It was downright "awesome"!
I hardly knew what a lightning storm was before I moved to Phoenix. But last night's storm topped what was already A-list. Incredible!
Actually, without that music in this video, I might not have made the “Baryshnikov connection" (which is sort of like "The French Connection" but without drugs).
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'