I - I - I - am feeling very sentimental today, as I'm sure you could tell by the title of this blog bit. ["Big boys don't cry. Big boys don't cry. Big boys don't wet their beds."]
There is a theme here but you'll seek it in vain like an amnesiac dog digging for a bone he buried in a soap opera. Best to just accept this blog bit as a potpourri and enjoy what you can at face value.
S. "MA" D.
May 13, 1931 --- July 9, 2005 (8:21 PM)
"She's Old School
Thru And Thru
Hates The D.H.
And Steroids Too"
Therefore, “Come out from among them
And be separate", says the Lord.
"Known By The Scars"
"If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."
"And the prophet walked down the mountain
With the Word of God."
I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.
"Go tell My disciples to meet Me in Galilee"
"Writing's On The Wall" --- Part One
"Time to call bullshit" on "every fucking thing"
It looks like my comment from Saturday didn't take. I saw Todd Snider on Thursday and he played this song (written about his father) that I thought might be relevant.
LC ~
DeleteThanks for the comment, Brother. I never saw the one from Saturday. Guess it fed the Blogger Bug.
Yep, that song was relevant. This blog bit was about the significance of the day for me personally, and about re-committing myself to the purpose of God.
There's such sincerity in Snider's voice, it's a shame his politically correct liberal views kind of ruined things for me. But I still think that first album is an "R" and I still play the CD you burned for me with those songs from other early albums that I love so much.
Lyrically, the guy is a genius.
If you've never seen the movie 'THE BIG SHORT', do yourself a favor and do so. One of the best new movies I've seen in many years! I watched it twice in 24 hours.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
My Saturday comment was essentially what I wrote yesterday-Snider performed the songs Thursday, and I listened to it a few times on Friday-while I'll have a similar couple of days on 8/1 (Mom) and 8/7 (sister), I read your post and was pretty sure I knew what you were feeling-if not exactly, at least somewhere in the zip code.
DeleteAnd I thought of the song because he really nails what I feel on those days (the other is 12/1-Dad).
Yeah, he is liberal, but I'm not sure I'd call him politically correct. During the show, he still seemed to refer a lot to faith, which surprised me a little.
I will check that film out-assuming I can Netflix it.
At first I was surprised you liked that Keaggy album-would have thought it too poppy for you...then I remembered you love Brian Wilson...that's the only one of his albums I own, and I bought it by mistake but liked it a lot.
DeleteYeah, you were definitely in the correct zip code. (I like the way you put that.)
DeleteWell, I can't think of any position that Snider takes on ANYTHING that is not politically correct. The only possible exception being that maybe he's still a soft, very-inclusive believer in Jesus. But Jesus Himself was not an "inclusive" Guy at all. He even said that He came as a Sword to divide; that family members would be at odds over him, and that the door to Heaven is narrow, NOT wide.
Snider obviously didn't get that memo. And Snider fits very comfortably under the Democrat umbrella. I'd bet everyone's life that he votes for Hellary. Is there even one thing he espouses that the Huffington Post would take exception to? If not, then that's as politically correct as one can get.
That Keaggy album is pretty Poppy, but you'll note that the two songs I posted here sound raw and POWERFUL! But I do like some of the mellower tunes, too.
It's kind of freaky how much he looks and sounds like Paul McCartney on that album.
~ D-FensDogG