Stephen Sez: I’m on the corner of Drunk and Staggering, And I need an ear to bend. How about you, my ferret-faced fascist friend? Ain't you got an ear to lend? -- Stephen's Motto Iz: May our tolerance of diversity empower our non-judgmental, non-meanspirited multiculturalism. Can't we all just get along, give peace a change and vote for "Chance"?
Saturday, August 13, 2016
A couple weeks ago I was visiting over at and happened to read the article 'Virtue And The Streets: A Dummy's Guide To Police Work' by ever-the-cop-apologist Fred Reed.
There were several negative comments about the article and about Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) in general, and I decided to add one of my own to the collection. Checking back later, I found that someone going by the name UTU had complimented me on my comment and then afterwards had gotten into a back-and-forth argument / debate with two fellas -- SteveRogers42 and JoeF -- who were obviously involved in "law enforcement" (uniformed trough-feeders, as William Grigg refers to them).
I left a comment for UTU, telling him that in my opinion he had made mincemeat out of the cops in their debate. And that's when the fun started...
JoeF couldn't resist responding to my comment to UTU and, ladies and gentlemen, that was the starting gun and... we're off!
I decided to turn this debate into a blog bit by posting the comments below, and you can make your own determination about who crossed the finish line first. I'll remain in "classic black" and put the LEOs in "porcine blue":
STEPHEN T. McCARTHY (August 1, 2016)
There are some good comments above, and the nature of my own comment will indicate quite clearly which of them I have in mind when evaluating them positively.
Fred Reed is a very talented, clever, and humorous writer, but I’m beginning to lose my patience with his (too-frequent now with his advancing age) outdated viewpoints.
(That stat may not be 100% accurate, but it’s close enough.)
It’s always been bad with the cops — it’s always been an “Us Against Them”, or “Blue Against Every Other Color” attitude — but it’s much worse today than ever before. I’m as “blue collar” as it gets; as “conservative” as it gets; I’m a gun owner who grew up in an exceptionally racially diverse area of Los Angeles; I despise Communist front organizations like BLM, et al. And I have known many cops on a personal, friendly level, which helps to explain my hatred of most cops today.
My Grandfather was a police reserve officer, and as a teenager (14-17) in the 1970s, I was a high-ranking member of my local Police Explorer program. That’s where I first got to know cops very well in a relaxed, personal way. They took us on campouts, introduced me to underage drinking and porno movies. Yeah, they’re strictly law and order guys through and through! Many of them were blind-drunk and driving 4 hours after their shifts ended.
The reason they’re even worse today than yesteryear is that most cops today have come out of the military where the only skills they learn are how to break things and kill people. Then you give these steroid-raging psychopaths a badge and turn them loose on society where they can let their little power trips play out with little to no oversight. “Break Things And Kill People” isn’t exactly a mindset that’s compatible with the motto “To Protect And Serve”. LEO wasn’t always an automatic professional step from post-military goon.
I hereby sentence in-the-dark and out-to-lunch Fred Reed to 3 years of daily reading at the websites “Police Misconduct”, “Police State USA”, and William Grigg’s “Pro Libertate”. Then we’ll see if he still holds the same opinion of these Thugs-In-Blue that he does today.
STMcC (August 8, 2016)
UTU, surely you know it plenty well enough without me even having to state it, but I will state it nonetheless: You thoroughly crushed your opponents SteveRogers42 and Joef here — both of whom are LEO apologists with blinders on. (Probably cops themselves or somehow related to or associated with LEOs.)
At any rate, you did a good job providing evidence / examples to support your arguments. Hopefully more and more people will regularly visit the websites I previously mentioned (“Police Misconduct”, “Police State USA”, and William Grigg’s “Pro Libertate”) so as not to be fooled by propagandist characters such as the ones you crushed here.
If I were the benevolent dictator of the USA, a rule I would immediately establish is that no former military personnel would be allowed to hold any LEO job. As I also stated earlier, the “Break Things And Kill People” mindset is NOT compatible with the motto “To Protect And Serve” the general populace. I’m convinced that the BIGGEST problems we have with cops today stems from the fact that the vast majority of them have come with a military background (and so many of them raging on ‘roids).
JoeF (August 8, 2016)
He is detached from reality, and would probably make a great crime victim so I wouldn’t recommend him leaving his bubble fantasy world. He never answers any questions, he just repeats his talking points. I guess you do not understand the concept of statistical outliers, which always exist.
I am not making up things as I go along like you guys, and I am not going to let your silly freedom fighter fantasies supersede the reality of over a half century of life experience. You guys are sheltered and obviously have no street smarts. I have dealt with real violence on a personal level within arms reach (not from a 100 yards away, nor sparring in some amateur hick town mcdojo school); This is not school yard fights, its a lot more serious than that; I know people from my neighborhood who were killed or maimed, or hospitalized, (stabbed and shot), because their attackers really wanted to hurt you and play for keeps. If you cannot understand that, thats fine, but do not expect people who live in the real world to go along with your infantile pseudo freedom fighter fantasies.
I know that you prefer to use arrogance instead of real knowledge/experience when making statements, but maybe its time for people like you to grow up.
STMcC (August 8, 2016)
First of all, my comment wasn’t directed to you, but your LEO-related ego couldn’t resist responding with 200 words of assumptions about me.
>>… I guess you do not understand the concept of statistical outliers, which always exist.
Well, you got me there. Clearly you are a man possessing far greater intellectual capacity than I have, as this never even occurred to me. “Statistical outliers”… ooohh, fancy!
I don’t even know what a “freedom fighter fantasy” is, but if you’d read my first post, you’d know that my views are based on a LOT of first-hand experiences. I also have over half a century of life experiences under my belt. Born and raised in the hick town of Los Angeles, and have only the street smarts I acquired while living in racially-diverse lower economic areas. I’ve lost count of how many people I grew up with who are dead now due to drugs and crime. (And my BEST friend was killed by a car thief in 1989.)
And I hold all the Social Justice Warrior opinions one would expect from a guy who is a strict Constitutionalist, Bible-studying follower of Jesus Christ who has about 20 years of Security experience.
This just goes to show you how completely out of touch you guys are with the Everyman’s opinion of cops . Yeah, buddy, even the vast majority of us law-abiding, conservative, senior citizens distrust and dislike you boys in blue. An intelligent person would acknowledge that reality and then contemplate and seriously, objectively analyze the reasons for it. But a person of lesser intelligence would just continue whitewashing that fact and continue defending the LEOs while making dozens of false assumptions about those with critical opinions.
SteveRogers42 (August 8, 2016)
Whew! Just wanted to stagger up from under the burden of being “crushed” to send this out. The irony is heavy with this one:
All rugged individualists and cop-haters run to the police when they need help. The cognitive dissonance in their minds must be “crushing”.
STMcC (August 8, 2016)
Oh, hey, that one story changes everything! Good job. Everything I’ve personally experienced, read, studied, and heard from trusted others for several decades was just wiped out by that one article!
The last thing I’d do is call a cop. I’m a staunchly pro-2nd Amendment guy who exercises that right. Speaking solely for myself, I won’t be needing or wanting your help. Besides, you’d probably just show up and shoot my dog anyway.
JoeF (August 9, 2016)
Did not include me??? Hmmm, you mentioned my pseudonymic handle in your post????
Now by using a simple concept from statistics as ‘statistical outlier’ is not trying to be fancy as much as just seeking objective truth. Your type seems unable to examen things objectively on a case by case basis. That is because you are completely consumed with resentment, and a desire to condemn your political enemies. And since you claim to actually have lived in an area that had real consequences in regards to criminal violence, there is even less of an excuse for you to contradict reality.
If you stated that there are inherent problems with policing like summons quotas and the abuse of stop & seize, I can agree. If you stated that some cops are aggressive egocentrics who abuse their authority (that even some of their peers do not like to work with), again I can agree that such individuals exist. However you want the rest of us to accept that you are clairvoyant & omniscient, and can determine, from your localized living location, that all 400,000 cops throughout the nation, whom you never met before, are all as you say they are. Sorry but that is either arrogant, hysterical, stupid, or insane.
And that is the answer to utu’s question of why people do not wake up & agree with him – - because what he says sounds like he is a wack job to the majority of people who are capable rationally discerning distinctions. Instead anti cop types wants the rest of us to accept their ranting emotional outbursts as well reasoned factual content. And if they do not get 100% compliant agreement, they get upset and name call (I must be honest, I do not remember you doing it, but utu cannot contain himself).
And your right I do not prefer self professed social warriors, who are just a bunch of panderers wanting to do the politically correct thing in order to feel good about themselves (at the expense of the rest of us who work hard and pay our taxes). And why am I concerned with this? Because you may have forgotten when urban homicide rate was ubiquitous, but I remember those days clearly. And your methods will just bring those days back again. And all the blacks that you social warriors claim to love so much (to pander & feel good about yourselves) will be the majority of those victims. But after all, why should you care, ideology prevails over all other considerations in the social warrior world view. [And if I am wrong about any of this I will stand corrected]
STMcC (August 9, 2016)
This is the last time I intend to respond to either of you LEOs, as it’s clear you are incapable of “LISTENING” beyond your own assumptions and worldviews. I have intellectually honest people waiting on replies from me at other sites and via Email while I’m wasting valuable time here in a fruitless effort to get you to see any color other than “Blue”.
>>… Hmmm, you mentioned my pseudonymic handle in your post?
Your “pseudonymic handle”? Oh, you mean your pseudonym? Your pen name? Your nickname?
I never write “metropolis” for seven cents because I can get the same price for “city.” I never write “policeman” because I can get the same money for “cop.”
~ Mark Twain
Some of what has still to be learned by the West may appear to be almost absurdly simple and elementary, but it is important nonetheless. For example, never to use a long word where a short one will serve equally well, never to write with the idea of proving one’s own erudition but rather in order to ensure that one’s ideas shall be made as understandable to the reader as possible.
~ Douglas Hyde
(from his book “Dedication And Leadership”)
>>… Now by using a simple concept from statistics as ‘statistical outlier’ is not trying to be fancy as much as just seeking objective truth.
A point I have clearly alluded to several times in my posts here is that decent, honest, “To Protect And Serve” law enforcement officers (I’ll call them “Sheriff Richard Macks”) are the statistical outliers. It has become increasingly obvious to the vast, vast majority of decent, honest, law-abiding citizens (another point I’ve made repeatedly) over the last few decades that the vast majority of cops are “militarized”, thuggish, fascistic revenue collectors for the state who entered law enforcement after leaving the military because they were considered prime applicants for that work and to appease their aggressive natures and thirst for adventure. (NOT because they are great lovers of mankind, law and order, and relish the idea of providing a service to the common citizen.)
You can deny this until your face is as blue as your uniform but it won’t change the fact that it’s a fact. I base this view on the opinions of 98% of the civilians I know (none of which have criminal backgrounds). I mentioned my two decades of Security work. 98% of all the security officers I’ve worked with distrust and dislike cops as much as I do. But this is a meaningless fact, right? It’s the prevailing outlook of civilians and security officers, but it couldn’t POSSIBLY have anything to do with the majority of their LEO interactions and the LEO interactions of their families, friends and neighbors, right? When most of the “good citizens” dislike cops, the problem is with the cops. It ain’t even laundromat science. You are deep in denial, and obviously nothing I say here is going to alter your professional tunnel vision.
>>… Your type … is … completely consumed with resentment, and a desire to condemn your political enemies.
I’ve already cautioned you against making grand personal assumptions about me but the authoritarian LEO mindset can’t seem to help it. What is this resentment I have? What has any of this to do with “political enemies” I might have? I’m a Constitutionalist, and despite your second attempt to lump me in with them, my anti-SJW credentials are AT LEAST as numerous and vigorous as yours. I am not a “type”, but all of my years working around and with cops at the police station and on countless ride-alongs showed me that, to police officers, there are essentially two “types”: The Blue and everything else.
On your behalf, however, I can applaud the fact that you acknowledge inherent problems with summons quotas and stop and seize policing concepts. Now if we could only get you to wake up and admit to the many other serious ongoing issues in so-called law enforcement.
>>… Because you may have forgotten when urban homicide rate was ubiquitous, but I remember those days clearly. And your methods will just bring those days back again. And all the blacks that you social warriors claim to love so much (to pander & feel good about yourselves) will be the majority of those victims.
One of the misconceptions you are laboring under is an overestimation of the value of police forces. I have scholarly studies that show a majority of armed citizens cut crime far more than police forces do. But I’m not going to waste any more time here by digging them out and copying them here.
And if I ever needed an object lesson in how useless police forces are when TSHTF Big Time, I got it during the “Rodney King Riots” when the cops literally disappeared from all the streets of Los Angeles for three days. Understandably, they were bunkered down in their own homes protecting their own families. The rioting Blacks, interestingly, did NOT venture outside of their own neighborhoods, knowing that there are one or many more firearms in at least 50% of the homes of White people. Due to numbers, firepower and superior strategizing, if there ever is a full-on race war in this country, it will end surprisingly (to some) quickly and without the need of LEOs.
I’ll leave you with these websites. I do not believe one whit that you could objectively, diligently, with intellectual honesty read these posts for an entire year and still maintain your belief that bad cops are the “statistical outlier”. And bear in mind that these are accounts of “bad cops caught” and can by no means be considered a comprehensive view of the total number of bad cops currently employed to “protect and serve” the general populace.
Off duty: End of report.
JoeF (August 10, 2016)
Thanks for your comment but all this unidimensional anti cop obsession talk is getting boring, along with the arrogance pretending to be omniscience. Have a good day sir and enjoy trolling with your other friends. I will not waste anymore of your time with reason because you are obviously completely controlled by your negative emotions and resentments.
And that's how easy it is to reason with cops. They always listen well because they're always interested in hearing what the public, whom they protect and serve, thinks of the job they're doing. This was a positive interaction I had with law enforcement officers which has gone a long way toward convincing me that my former opinion of them was misguided and in need of reevaluation.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
I am not making up things as I go along like you guys, and I am not going to let your silly freedom fighter fantasies supersede the reality of over a half century of life experience.
ReplyDeleteSo you're a freedom fighter, and he's fighting you. I guess that makes him a real Freedom Fighter Fighter™!
Besides, you’d probably just show up and shoot my dog anyway.
I GOL'd at that, and at that instant had already declared you the winner. What an A+ zinger.
But really, I feel like this is one of those fights where the other guy asks, "Are your fists tired yet? Because my chin is whupping their ass."
A lot of things stand out to me, but I think this one really drives it home for me, especially after using that pathetic 'Let's see how you feel when you need to call us in an emergency and suddenly you need our help har har!' thing.
… Your type … is … completely consumed with resentment, and a desire to condemn your political enemies.
I’ve already cautioned you against making grand personal assumptions about me but the authoritarian LEO mindset can’t seem to help it.
Yeah, if I'm ever in trouble, let me call someone who can automatically tell what 'type' of person I am, because that's never gone wrong. Someone who thinks he's way smarter than he is lumping someone into a 'type' and basing his judgment completely off of that... who WOULDN'T want that on their side!
I'm much like you. I prefer to handle things myself. In an emergency I have no desire to wait 10+ minutes for someone to come and do nothing. At the absolute least, I can do nothing myself, and almost instantly at that.
The very few times people around me have called the police for something serious, nothing has come of it whatsoever. Just last year my cousin stole thousands of dollars from my grandmother. We know this because he was living with her for about 3 months, then one day she came home and he was gone and so was all of her stuff and her checkbook. Kinda obvious, right?
Well, grandma called the police. The extent of their investigation? They went over to my cousin's house, and knocked, and he wasn't there. And since they didn't KNOW for sure if it was him, the investigation fizzled out. Nothing ever came of it.
Damn! The case is a dead end! Another evil mastermind gets away!
So yeah, I know it's been joked about before, but when morons like SteveRogers use that tired old line about suddenly changing my tune when I need the police, I like to tell them that it's true, I won't rule out having to call them in the future. But if I do, it's only going to be to come pick up the body after I exercise Colorado's Make My Day Law.
Bring plenty of Febreeze, SteveRogers. This one's extra ripe.
6-B !
DeleteMea culpa! Mea culpa! Sorry I'm so damn late responding to you here. It all comes, I suppose, from liking beer so much.
>>... So you're a freedom fighter, and he's fighting you. I guess that makes him a real Freedom Fighter Fighter™!
Yeah, and he certainly has the smarts for it.
My dog line actually came from the fact that I have read, over the years, some accounts where people called the police for help for one thing or another, and the officer responding actually wound up shooting the caller's own dog.
Friggin' cops, man, they just want to shoot and kill something. Freakin' psychopaths, Brother! Not all of them, of course, but damn sure most of 'em.
>>... Yeah, if I'm ever in trouble, let me call someone who can automatically tell what 'type' of person I am, because that's never gone wrong. Someone who thinks he's way smarter than he is lumping someone into a 'type' and basing his judgment completely off of that... who WOULDN'T want that on their side!
This character unwittingly walked right into and validated the very first point I made in all of my comments. I wrote:
>>... It’s always been bad with the cops — it’s always been an “Us Against Them”, or “Blue Against Every Other Color” attitude — but it’s much worse today than ever before.
And then before you can say "Cops see people as groups not as individuals", this guy was yakking about my "type". Just as you said, he thinks he's superior and thus able to automatically determine which sort of category I fall into, despite having just now learned for the first time that I even exist.
It was like I'd said, when you get right down to it, to most cops there are really only two types of people in the world: Cops and Civilians. And most civilians are perps, suspected perps, or potential perps. Cops are jacked up in their brains. Few of them really care about people, they just seek excitement and want to bully civilians. Yeah, it's a mind-set, a type, but a REAL type (for the most part), not some imaginary, all-encompassing type that billions of people can be arbitrarily lumped into.
These Big Boys in Blue failed to address any of my legitimate points, and of course they won't follow those websites like I suggested because they already know that those sites will PROVE every point I made.
Instead, they just pretend that my first-hand knowledge of police officers means nothing. You can't teach anything to anyone who refuses to learn!
Your grandmother's story reminds me of the last time (and it WILL be the LAST time, too) I called the cops...
Some years ago when a drunken driver went across our front lawn in the early morning hours, took out a large shrub and left his car on our front porch, literally preventing the front door from being opened. Remember that story? I wrote a blog bit about it.
Well, by running the car's license plate they knew where the guy lived (about two blocks from us), and what did they do? Go to his house and test his blood alcohol content? No, of course not. They did..... nuttin' at all.
Cops are utterly useless except when it comes to strong-arming more tax money for the city and state and filling out paperwork after a crime has been committed.
Communities need to go back to enforcing the laws themselves with Vigilance Committees like in the Old West. It's less expensive and more efficient. No more trough-feeders needed, thank you very much. Civilians openly carrying firearms will take care of things and free-of-charge, too.
Thanks for the comment, Brother. Again, I apologize for my lateness in replying.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
My mom still subscribes to the mindset that the police are to be revered and buys into the propaganda that the media sells every time a police story makes headlines. But, I think a big part of that is generational thinking. Let's face it, my parents want Mayberry to exist and all sheriffs to be Andy Griffith. My mom says my dad actually fancied himself to be Andy and did a fairly decent impression when he was younger (and alive, obviously when he was alive). So, it's really hard to make the leap from cops are Andy Griffith to cops are thugs in blue. My mom can't make that jump. She can accept that some cops do bad things, but most cops are good. I think the actual stats would be enough to make her lose sleep at night. The crimes against dogs would... well, let's just say I'm not sure either of us could take it.
ReplyDeleteBTW, is that target of the dog for real? Please tell me that is just a graphic making a sad point about police shooting way too many dogs and NOT a real target that police are actually using for target practice.
As you pointed out in your comments, the need for the 2nd Amendment is actually more domestic than foreign, which is sad... but true. When we lived in Yulee we felt very safe (one of the few places we all agree we could have probably NOT locked the doors at night), but that was because it was an area where pretty much everyone was a gun owner. There was NO crime in this neighborhood. Just none. And that is the beauty of gun ownership. Honestly, I wish we'd waited until we could've found a house in that same area because I don't feel that same level of safety here.
Note for all those who don't want to own a gun: invest in wasp spray. It has a distance of 20 feet or so. I keep a can close to the front door by my desk chair. I consider it my first line of defense. Nobody wants me to use my second line...
GIRL WONDER, mea culpa, mea culpa to you, too! Too much stuffs going on and not really feeling good. Not sleeping well, a nagging ailment, BOTB, and so on and so forth...
DeleteThanks for the A-list comment though. It deserved a quicker acknowledgement.
Yes, I agree with you that when it comes to cops there is still generational bias out there. The really old people don't realize how much has changed in LEO attitudes. For one thing, they were brainwashed for decades by cop TV shows that made these people out to seem like heroes.
Also, they don't realize how much the former military personnel infiltration into Law Enforcement and the unnatural use of steroids and other HGH-like chemicals have altered not just physiques but mentalities.
There are still some decent, moral, caring cops out there, but they are few and far between. And most of them will leave law enforcement before long, not wishing to associate with the New Cop Goons and their support of the national Police State which is quickly coalescing.
The New Cop Goon (who isn't really all THAT new) is a willing tool of the New World Order enslavement. Cops are the street level revenue generators and enforcement arm of the Elite Dictators who are the demonic Wizards Behind The Curtain. But we're not going to be able to deprogram the geriatrics who have spent their entire lives thinking of cops as the "good guys".
I'm happy to report that I'm sure the dog target was just something that someone who thinks like I do came up with. Cops are unnecessarily shooting dogs all the time, but they aren't going to broadcast their fun by creating an actual dog target for practice.
Do you carry a can of mace (pepper spray) with you in your purse? You should, if you don't. And you should have a can of it in your car, too, that's within quick, easy reach. The shit can happen quick: you're pulling the car door closed behind you and suddenly someone is pulling it open and right out of your hand. You need to be able to reach and defend yourself at a moment's notice. If you have to go fumbling through your purse while seated in your car, it's too late.
~ Stephen