Stephen Sez: I’m on the corner of Drunk and Staggering, And I need an ear to bend. How about you, my ferret-faced fascist friend? Ain't you got an ear to lend? -- Stephen's Motto Iz: May our tolerance of diversity empower our non-judgmental, non-meanspirited multiculturalism. Can't we all just get along, give peace a change and vote for "Chance"?
The press doesn't even pretend to be impartial anymore. And to think that they have constitutional protections. What a joke. They are downright evil and I say that without a trace of hyperbole.
And the fact that the mainstream press no longer even PRETENDS to be impartial goes to prove that 'The Wizards Behind The Curtain' KNOW that they are in TOTAL CONTROL and need not worry about truth, justice, and the American way (i.e., we're phuqed).
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You really need to let the whole Obama thing go, need to make room for disapproval of the second Clinton White House!
ReplyDeleteUnless they kill him (which of course is quite possible), I think Donald's in by a Trumpslide.
Delete"They" seem scared, and I believe with good reason.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
The press doesn't even pretend to be impartial anymore. And to think that they have constitutional protections. What a joke. They are downright evil and I say that without a trace of hyperbole.
ReplyDeleteWell, I -- PHUQIN'! -- agree with you.
DeleteAnd the fact that the mainstream press no longer even PRETENDS to be impartial goes to prove that 'The Wizards Behind The Curtain' KNOW that they are in TOTAL CONTROL and need not worry about truth, justice, and the American way (i.e., we're phuqed).
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'