Stephen Sez: I’m on the corner of Drunk and Staggering, And I need an ear to bend. How about you, my ferret-faced fascist friend? Ain't you got an ear to lend? -- Stephen's Motto Iz: May our tolerance of diversity empower our non-judgmental, non-meanspirited multiculturalism. Can't we all just get along, give peace a change and vote for "Chance"?
So many tears, so much silliness. I wonder how the left would be acting toward the right had their candidate won. I'm sure they'd be utterly disgusted by the same behavior from the right--if it ever would actually happen that way.
To LEFTISTS, every street runs ONE WAY: their way.
And the worst part of that is the fact that LEFTISTS are the most STUPID GROUP one could name. The MOST IGNORANT are the most noisy and belligerent.
Wiping that group off the face of the Earth is the best thing that could happen to the Earth. And that's exactly what God is going to do, sooner than later. ..."The Bible tells me so."
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So many tears, so much silliness. I wonder how the left would be acting toward the right had their candidate won. I'm sure they'd be utterly disgusted by the same behavior from the right--if it ever would actually happen that way.
ReplyDeleteArlee Bird
Wrote By Rote
To LEFTISTS, every street runs ONE WAY: their way.
DeleteAnd the worst part of that is the fact that LEFTISTS are the most STUPID GROUP one could name. The MOST IGNORANT are the most noisy and belligerent.
Wiping that group off the face of the Earth is the best thing that could happen to the Earth. And that's exactly what God is going to do, sooner than later. ..."The Bible tells me so."
~ D-FensDogG