[Stephen T. McCarthy is...] "The King of hostility and actual name calling"
~ Andrew Leon
(It's good to be the king!)
"McCarthy ... who is about as intelligent as a box of rocks."
~ Andrew Leon
(That's still smarter'n a bag o' gravel!)
[Stephen T.] "McCarthy, who takes his name from one of the most deplorable persons in American history"
~ Andrew Leon
(Wot? Senator Joe McCarthy, a "Deplorable"?)
I guess it goes without saying then that I am (a proud!) "Deplorable". But being as dumb as a box of rocks, you ought to take the rest of this blog bit with a shaker of salt. (And don't upset me or I'll get hostile and call you names.)
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As I'm sure most would agree, the 2016 Presidential Election was like none before in our lifetimes. It included so many unusual facets and revelations that one almost needed a program to keep track of all the players and all the "news flash" revelations which seemed to manifest every couple of days. It was really fascinating, full of intrigue and excitement for the politically interested.
An "October Surprise"? As in one? Fuhgeddaboudit! The entire month of October was full of surprises and they continued into November and right up through November 7th. Oddly, the quietest day in terms of breaking news was November 8th -- election day.
But as fascinating and exciting as it was, this election was also very important. The most important presidential election in our lifetimes, I firmly believe. Why? Because it may have (will have, unless "They" JFK Donald Trump) bought the USA a little more time before Armageddon or the Apocalypse (coming soon to a world near you). Nothing and no one can save the USA because "it is written", but maybe we have a wee bit more time to repent and come to Christ before the arrival of the anti-Christ (coming soon to a planet near you).
This campaign period included so many outside-the-box elements, so many peculiar players jockeying for position that for those who didn't understand The Big Picture, it was impossible to keep up, impossible to wrap their minds around the viewponts of the various factions.
The 2016 Presidential Election was so strange!
Well, I'll put it this way: I was fairly active in political website comment sections. That is to say, I was AWII and NSTPU (Arguing With Internet Idiots and Not Shutting The Phuq Up). And at different times in different comment sections on different websites, I was accused of being a "Leftist", a shill for Hillary Clinton, and a "Libtard". How could I, a staunch Constitutionalist of the George Mason Anti-Federalist variety, be thought of as a Liberal? Well, that's proof that this election period was like none other and it left a lot of people confused about who was representing what! So many of the convenient, old political labels were being ripped, torn, and Rip Torned, and it left many who don't understand "Deep Politics" (or "Eschatological Politics") mystified about who wore the white hats and who wore the black hats. Obviously, I was mistaken at times for a black hatter (not to mention the usual "tinfoil hatter").
If you didn't really grasp The Big Picture that Trump was maneuvering in, it was possible to think that Hillary Clinton was an old school Liberal, Ted Cruz was a Constitutionalist, Bernie Sanders a legitimate presidential candidate, and Stephen T. McCarthy a Leftist Libtard Shill for Hillary! How weird is THAT?!
If you didn't understand The Big Picture and therefore some of the things I'm writing here seem like enigmatic incongrutiating (look it up!), then just consider this as Lesson 1 in some foreign language. I'd try to 'splain it mo' better but... "what difference, at this point, does it make?"
Instead of backstory details, I'm just going to launch into my main point in... 3, 2, 1--
At Breitbart.com, the day after the Presidential Election, I found an article titled 'LIMBAUGH: BIG GOVERNMENT LIBERALISM WAS TOLD TO GO TO HELL'. Seeing as how Rush Limbaugh has been a secret NeoCon shill for Big Global Government his entire career, this kind of irked me. Suddenly, after Donald Trump had just pulled off this amazing feat of becoming "President Underdog" , Limboob wanted to pretend like he was a real supporter:
Limbaugh told his listeners Republicans should not interpret the outcome as a message that they should reach across the aisle and work with Democrats. He urged them not to do that, saying it was a message that “big government liberalism” was rebuked by the American voters. ...
“Folks, they [liberals] don’t give up,” he said. “Their purpose for living is to beat us. We are their number one enemy. And even when they lose, that remains their objective. I’ve watched them. I’ve studied them. I know who they are. I know what’s going to happen. What needs to happen on our side is what needs to be different. We need to stop kowtowing to it. We need to look them in [sic] face, laugh and say, ‘You know, the corner of the room is over there. You guys lost. Learn it. Love it. Live it. And leave us alone. We’re in the process of fixing the mess you made.’ ...
“Look, I hate to be redundant here, folks,” Limbaugh added. “You couldn’t have a more clearly defined reason for the Democrats losing yesterday and the Republicans winning than what we got. And God bless everybody involved for making it happen. It couldn’t be more crystal clear. There’s nothing ambiguous about this at all. Big government liberalism, whether people know it or not, was told to go to hell."
I couldn't let that pass without a comment, so I wrote:
Look at Fatty Limboob running as fast as he can, trying to catch the caboose of the Trump Train and grab onto it as it roars outta town. If he wasn't so fat, he'd catch it. And that's when I'd whack him in the face with his golden EIB microphone and wave goodbye while he rolled and rolled back down the track where he came from.
~ D-FensDogG
My comment received immediate replies:
~ Trump Won, Get Over It
Rush did everything but grab the Pom pons. Not sure what you are talking about.
~ Stuffitcommies
Rush laid those tracks.
~ Dropkick
I responded to those blokes with the following. That was on November 9th. No "But-But-But-" reBUTTals from them yet.
Wow! You guys really don't get it. You STILL don't even realize what happened yesterday.
RUSH has ALWAYS been a NeoCon plant for the International Bankers. And as such, he did what he could to hurt Trump and promote the Bankers' candidates. That is up until he realized that Trump was going to get the nomination. Then he slyly shifted to Trump and tried to pretend he'd been a Trump Train enthusiast all along.
And you suckers with short memory spans are falling for it. Here are 3 links to articles that just might jog your memories about how Rush USED TO BE prior to seeing the Trump handwriting on the wall.
Limbaugh told his radio audience, "If conservatism is your bag, if conservatism is the dominating factor in how you vote, there is no other choice for you in this campaign than Ted Cruz…."
Limbaugh described Trump as a non-ideological candidate. "Trump's not a Republican; he's not a Democrat," he said.
Limbaugh described Trump as a non-ideological candidate. "Trump's not a Republican; he's not a Democrat," he said.
"He's running as a Republican, but he's way beyond any of this. His definition of conservatism was we're gonna conserve. We're gonna conserve our money. We're gonna conserve our whatever…. Donald Trump is not an ideological candidate."
"This is not a criticism of Trump. But for those of you that conservatism's the answer and conservatism is the way, you have no choice here. Ted Cruz has got to be your guy. There's nobody even close. Nobody."
Excerpts:"He's running as a Republican, but he's way beyond any of this. His definition of conservatism was we're gonna conserve. We're gonna conserve our money. We're gonna conserve our whatever…. Donald Trump is not an ideological candidate."
"This is not a criticism of Trump. But for those of you that conservatism's the answer and conservatism is the way, you have no choice here. Ted Cruz has got to be your guy. There's nobody even close. Nobody."
However, Rubio did find time to vote for ObamaTrade (TPA), even though he never read it.
And Rubio is infamous for his “Gang of Eight” affiliation for illegal alien amnesty, including his votes with Democrats to block amendments that would have forced border security first.
Yet this is who Rush Limbaugh chooses to call a “full-throated conservative”?
And Rubio is infamous for his “Gang of Eight” affiliation for illegal alien amnesty, including his votes with Democrats to block amendments that would have forced border security first.
Yet this is who Rush Limbaugh chooses to call a “full-throated conservative”?
Limbaugh played an audio clip of Trump telling “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace that Cruz doesn’t have the “right temperament” because the Texas senator behaves “like a little bit of a maniac.”
Limbaugh played an audio clip of Trump telling “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace that Cruz doesn’t have the “right temperament” because the Texas senator behaves “like a little bit of a maniac.”
“Whoa! Wait just a second here,” Limbaugh said, according to an online transcript of his show. “Doesn’t that kind of describe the way Trump has been dealing with people he disagrees with? I mean, he’s been calling them stupid, he’s been calling them incompetent, he’s been saying you can’t get anything done with these people.”
Limbaugh said he wasn’t sure if Trump’s comment would damage him because he argued “the majority” of his base “is not conservative,” but instead is made up of independents.
The famed radio host said that the attack on Cruz seemed like it was ripped from a page out of the Democratic handbook.
“It doesn’t make a lot of sense,” Limbaugh told his audience about why Trump would use an “establishment” line of attack. ...
“These are two things that, if you’re a conservative voter in the Republican primary, these two things have gotta raise some red flags for you people, I would think,” he said.
“For any of you who are holding out hope that Trump is a genuine conservative. A genuine conservative, even in the Republican field, would not go after Cruz this way,” Limbaugh later added. “So that just raised a red flag for me, made me somewhat curious.”
Yeah, there you have it -- fine examples of Rush Limboob "laying the tracks", waving the pom-poms, and fully onboard the Trump Train "Drain The Swamp" Revolution! With fiends like that, who needs enemies?Limbaugh said he wasn’t sure if Trump’s comment would damage him because he argued “the majority” of his base “is not conservative,” but instead is made up of independents.
The famed radio host said that the attack on Cruz seemed like it was ripped from a page out of the Democratic handbook.
“It doesn’t make a lot of sense,” Limbaugh told his audience about why Trump would use an “establishment” line of attack. ...
“These are two things that, if you’re a conservative voter in the Republican primary, these two things have gotta raise some red flags for you people, I would think,” he said.
“For any of you who are holding out hope that Trump is a genuine conservative. A genuine conservative, even in the Republican field, would not go after Cruz this way,” Limbaugh later added. “So that just raised a red flag for me, made me somewhat curious.”
And now, Limboob, O'Really?, Lyin' Levin, and the other (link-->) NeoCon traitors will all try to pretend they were with President Deplorable all along, hoping that their fan bases won't remember where they really stood and the damage they tried to do to Trump's campaign while faking their "Conservatism".
And Glenda Beck? Awww, she lost her marbles 40 miles back down the track. She won't ever be able to collect them all and catch the Trump Train now!
In closing, for your reading pleasure, I give you Andrew "LOL" Leon at his intellectual best. Take it away, Andy: 'DYING OF CANCER'
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Leftist Libtard Shill for Hillary
StMcC - Part One-
ReplyDeleteI THINK - though I am not sure - that I listen to Limbaugh more than you, and in my experience I have a different take on what he's said than you do.
He may very well be some sort of shill for the banking community. I know that your belief is that from his position of prominence he must know some of the background on the cartel... yet he never talks about it or exposes it. Hence he is a shill. Maybe so.
I listen to him live for two or three hours a week (if I am driving and sports talk radio gets boring.) I also get and read a daily digest of stuff Limbaugh says, so I am pretty familiar with what he is yakking about. My take on him is that he never endorses ANY candidate, early or late... except the GOP candidate over the democrap in the final election. In the primaries he merely mentions their differences without promoting one over the other.
I don't have a lot of dispute about the quotes you posted, though they don't tell the whole story about any candidate. When he says that Cruz is the obvious choice for conservatives, he means that of the traditional conservatives, Cruz is the one that is speaking the most conservative line. That does NOT mean that whomever speaks the most conservative line is actually gonna DO conservative stuff. They all talk a big, tough game and then fail to do it. The problems with Cruz (or Rubio, or any of the traditional GOP candidates except Ron Paul) are there to see for any who look. They ALL are hypocrites and cowards at a certain level, and have warts and flaws and lies and skeletons, and they are unwilling to do right at all costs. They chicken out.
However, Trump in the past has said all sorts of things that would place him at varied points on the political map. He supported HRC at times in the past, he has supported gun control in the past... all sorts of positions that might (and did) scare those looking for a true ideological conservative. But the trouble with looking for a true ideological conservative is that they all SAY things that might appeal to a true conservative, but then they always fall short in their actions. I decided that any traditional candidate this time was just going to be another failure… and I was right. As were you.
You my not, but I agree with Limbaugh that Trump is not an “ideological” candidate. I am not sure he has a truly consistent philosophy, as I believe I do. I don’t care. I want a guy that will spit in the face of the D.C. elites at every turn… and I think we may have that guy in Trump. Will he be perfect? No way! He already is appointing a CIA chief that wants the death penalty for Snowden and that REALLY PISSES ME OFF. But he sure as hell is better than HRC!!!
I have been hearing very positive comments from Limbaugh concerning Trump since before the middle of the primaries. Rush recognized that Trump appealed to a broad group of people pissed off with the elites in Washington.
Part Two -
ReplyDeleteHe said something long ago on the air that I thought was correct: Trump's enemies take him literally but don't take him seriously. Trump's supporters take him seriously but not literally. Meaning that when Trump says something along the lines that “we aren't going to let any Muslims into the country,” what he means is that we are going to REALLY check who is coming in - which we should do, but are not. When he says "I'll make Mexico pay for the wall" what he means is that we'll get the money for it by making fairer trade deals so we have the money to do it... a net use of Mexican money to build it.
I used to like Glen Beck and thought he was better and different than the other hosts. I now have seen that he is awful, terrible... a clown, a shill, and a nincompoop. So, perhaps at some point I'll feel the same antipathy for Limbaugh that you do. At this point I wish he would talk deeper issues, but often agree with his take on these more minor ones. But not always… and if you ask me if I like Rush, I would answer: “sort of.”
But for now, from what I have heard with my own ears, Limbaugh has been supportive of Trump for a long time, and certainly as supportive as he has been for any GOP candidate.
My take... You old Hillary Shill Libtard, you! HA
I forgot to add: I went to read LOL's blog. Hokey smokes! What a maroon! I wrote a really long excoriating comment before I realized that he has it blocked for people to comment unless you are also a blogger (or some other stupid credential I don't have.)
ReplyDeleteI'd love to post it... without having to go start a Google account just to point out his mental deficiencies. I'll probably just let it go, but I really nailed him.
SBB6, I wish you'd post it somewhere. Here on this blog if nothing else. I want to read what you had to say to our buddy Andrew.
DeleteArlee Bird
Tossing It Out
First, I thank you for the detailed and thoughtful comment. You presented your view very well. As you knew I would, I disagree with it, but it's articulately and intelligently written and makes good points.
I haven't listened to Rush Limbaugh in ages and ages, so all I know of what he's saying is what I read in current articles or see in YT clips when he's featured. So, without question, you listen to Rush 100% more than I do.
I stopped decades ago when I realized he was an International Banker NeoCon gatekeeper. I am no less than 100% sure of that. I learned so much in the 1990s, even to the point of being able to spot these gatekeepers almost instantly.
I remember when Brother Nappy bought a book by Mark Levin and suggested I read it and listen to him on the radio. Just one single Mark Levin program was enough to let me know that he was a pseudo-Constitutionalist and a NeoCon gatekeeper for the bankers.
Unfortunately, Nappy too has a difficult time letting go of his traditions. He still watches Fox News and I'm pretty sure he still listens to Limboob at times. So, if I've been unable to fully convince my own Brother that he's being deceived by these "other-side-of-the-exact-same-coin" agents, there's no way I'll convince you.
Without a doubt, I would agree with the vast majority of what Limbaugh says. But as I've pointed out time and time again on this blog, it's what these people DO and DON'T SAY that matters. It's easy to find points of agreement and highlight those while avoiding the REALLY IMPORTANT TOPICS THAT MATTER MOST.
Below is a quote from a very old blog bit of mine:
It's reported that Rush Limbaugh once dismissed the CFR as "Just a social club for rich people" ... this would make Limbaugh either an unbelievably ignorant dumb-azz, or else a deliberate deceiver. But either way, he obviously doesn’t deserve your trust. ... Mention the CFR conspiracy to any of these phony conservative radio/TV clowns and see how fast you are removed from the phone line.
I totally agree that TRUMP is not an ideological candidate, and he had a history of highly questionable beliefs or stances. He's certainly no Christian and certainly no Constitutionalist. But over the years he appeared to have sincerely changed his positions on certain ideas and people and was UNQUESTIONABLY being seen as a genuine threat to the New World Order (NWO) system. Hence the fight against him from every single person and organization that represents the New World Order (NWO) establishment.
Honestly, his remarks about Cruz can't be viewed as anything other than an endorsement for him. Yes, Cruz the non-Natural Born Citizen with the ties to the CFR and the International Bankers. THAT Cruz!
Can it really be just a coincidence that whenever a real threat to the status quo NWO system rises up, Limbaugh attempts to harm that cause?
Here's a video clip I featured on this blog back during the 2012 presidential election:
DeleteAnd here's an example of Rush Limbaugh being completely embarrassed, destroyed and "outed" by a (loony) Leftist:
Following is the URL to a very old (and way too long!) blog bit here in which I use Ronald Reagan to illustrate the false-reality, so-called "Conservative" myth-making that these "ideological" NeoCon gatekeepers like Limbaugh employ to fool the masses. They condition the registered Republicans to believe that the Republican Corporate Fascists (the RNC) represent genuine "Conservatism" and that these non-ideological, non-Establishment gate-crashers are "nuts on parade" (to quote Rush) and not to be elected:
According to Chuck Baldwin's definition of a NEOCON (which I linked to in my post), Limbaugh falls neatly into it, once you strip away all the patriotic rhetoric.
For one thing, they endorse trade deals that enhance globalism at the expense of the USA, as exhibited here...
...and note Cheri54's comment:
"I clearly remember Rush preaching the wonders of NAFTA back in the day."
At any rate, I'm sure some day you will come to realize that most of Rush's words notwithstanding, he's always been a NWO gatekeeper for the International Bankers' dream of Global Corporate Fascism (as described by Ned Beatty in the movie 'Network'). Today, however, is not that day.
Still I appreciate the extensive and intelligent feedback on this blog bit, my Brother Sixgun!
As for Andrew LOLeon, have you seen his post in response to Arlee Bird's "TRUMP SERIES"? LOLeon didn't mention Lee by name, but it's clear his blog bit was specifically aimed at him, and generally aimed at the rest of us deplorable people who voted for Tump:
I encourage you to post your LOLeon comment right here in this comment section. Sure, LOLeon will never see it, but I will. And it IS on-topic as this post featured LOLeon as well as Rush Limboob.
I'd hate to see an anti-LOLeon comment go entirely to waste, SBB-6.
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
I was going to give my nod to Andrew Leon in my post for today (Fri 11/25) but got sidetracked or whatever. Guess I'll finish composing it today or over the weekend so I can get it on site on Monday.
ReplyDeleteThis has been the strangest, most interesting, most exciting election ever. I'm sure people will be studying it for years to come. I pretty much got what was going on from that moment Trump first came down the escalator to make his candidacy announcement. From that moment I sensed that Trump was going to be a tough contender and the next president.
The media didn't get it, the politicians didn't get it, and most people didn't get it. They were looking at the wrong stuff and looking at everything in the wrong way.
I don't know if any politicians or media people learned much from what happened. You can't teach dumb dogs new techniques or even make them understand what's going on even though it's all right in front of them clear as day. They'll all just keep on talking and analyzing without figuring out much of anything.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
LEE, in the late 1980s I was interested in politics but I was viewing it from the standard Left-Right Republican-Democrat paradigm. I was under the common delusion that the Republicans really opposed the Democrats (whom I did not yet know were predominately really Marxists).
Delete1994 was the watershed year for me when my Spiritual and political life really blossomed and went into hyper-overdrive or something.
That's when I learned there were Wizards Behind The Curtain and that politics was not at all what they led us to believe it was. That's also when I learned that politics and spirituality were both VERY MUCH parts of the same story. That was when I became INTENSELY INTERESTED in politics BECAUSE I had become INTENSELY INTERESTED in spirituality. The one fed right into the other.
And, yes, since that time to now, this was without question the wildest most exciting (and SIGNIFICANT) presidential election for me, and all of us, I believe.
The reason being, in my opinion, is that all Bible prophecy is now on the verge of being fulfilled and as The Good Book says, the devil, knowing his time is short, is very active. And no doubt forces in God's unseen realm are actively arranging things to play out as prophesied. So we are living in the most interesting times.
We'd better be Spiritually prepared because I think this roller coaster is about to get even crazier as everything begins to happen just as "IT IS WRITTEN".
~ D-FensDogG
Thanks for your supportive comment in disagreeing with mine. I want to emphasize that the disagreement is more one of degree, I think. I think that the banksters DO run everything behind the scenes, and I loathe neocons. I also think most hosts are pure shills for those in true power. But I also - at least to my ears - noticed a pronounced shift in "Limboob" after the 2008 elections. I was really mad at the wimpy and hypocritical behavior of the "conservatives," and I was furious at Rush for his support of it.
ReplyDeleteAnd then after it was over I was listening to him on the radio the day after or maybe the day after that, and he said "I'm through carrying water for the Republican party." And since that time I have noticed that he has been markedly more critical and complains frequently about the "blue-blood east coast republicans."
Now, whether this is just a minor spat, or a ruse, or something else, I don't know. All I know is that I've agreed with him way more than before, and felt that his stances on issues (verbally, at least) have fallen way closer to my own libertarian... no, OBJECTIVIST viewpoint. Not entirely, and frankly... all these talk guys annoy the crap outta me.
But Rush I can listen to sometimes without smashing my radio. Medved and Levin and (yuk) Beck have cost me many a portable radio!
Here is my comment for Andrew Leon. I wish I could have posted it there, but - as is SO often the case in life - I lacked the "credentials."
My, what a pleasant and measured response you had for Lee! I’d think you owed him at least some courtesy after all the exchanges of the past with him. Apparently not. You are NOT a thinker, so this comment will probably be beyond you. I’ll try anyway.
OK, fine. You don’t want to debate the merits of Trump (since you are so closed minded and you know you'd lose.)
Why don't we turn it around? Say Hillary won the election. Imagine it. Feel it.
Now: YOU are a criminal because of YOUR vote. By voting for her, you are voting for bribery, lying, selling the State Department to the highest bidder. You are saber-rattling with Russia and will plunge us into WWIII. I sell arms to Saudi Arabia so they can be funneled to ISIS. YOU PERSONALLY are all these things. Because of YOUR vote, you too are also an enabler. You live with a rapist who still cycles women in and out the back door, according to secret service retired personnel. And you intimidate women into silence to protect the Clinton facade. You are a hypocrite for saying you are for women's rights, all the while not giving a damn about anybody but yourself and your ever increasing, bribe-filled Swiss bank account.
YOU PERSONALLY set up a server in you basement, had it hacked by at least FIVE foreign governments - stealing classified info - then lied to the American people about it. You immediately smashed all your devices, had your computer people wipe the hard drives and then ALL of them “plead the fifth” when asked about it under oath by the FBI. You, personally, did this to avoid prosecution. You also had your buddy Loretta Lynch order everyone in the investigation to “stand down.”
YOU PERSONALLY are surrounded by secret service people that HATE you (read all the biographies... I've read three of them) because you are a vile, elitist human being that mistreats virtually everyone.
But you know, I only dropped by to have a look here. I know you won't want to debate this any more than any other subject. You are content to have created a site open to public view but which is just a vehicle for you to post your fantasies about life. You don’t want feedback, and reason is not welcome here at all.
You myopic Hillary people are literally the stupidest people on the globe... and yet you have the gall to call anyone else "dumb as a box of rocks"?
I'll leave you now so you can go get your felt marker and cardboard. You need time to draw your "Will Write For Food" sign and your protest sign that says "Rape Melania."
SBB-6 ~
DeleteSheeeee-it! Man, that is A-List and E-Ticket through and through. (If there were any grades higher than A-List and E-Ticket, THIS would get 'em!)
Brother, I have nuttin' to add to that comment... and how often do you see THAT happen?! Well, shut mah mouf!
Thanks so much for posting that here. It's perfect and it would have been a crying shame if it hadn't seen the light of day SOMEWHERE!
I think Trump should have named you as White House Press Secretary.
~ D-FensDogG
SBB6, wish this would have made it to Leon's site, but he would have likely deleted it so it's good that it's here.
DeleteYou make a point that I am going to be making in my Monday post about "Racism".
The comment for Andrew Leon, that I had insufficient credentials to post there and then which was consequently and mysteriously deleted by some "Russian hacker" here.
My, what a pleasant and measured response you had for Lee! I’d think you owed him at least some courtesy after all the exchanges of the past with him. Apparently not. You are NOT a thinker, so this comment will probably be beyond you. I’ll try anyway.
OK, fine. You don’t want to debate the merits of Trump (since you are so closed minded and you know you'd lose.)
Why don't we turn it around? Say Hillary won the election. Imagine it. Feel it.
Now: YOU are a criminal because of YOUR vote. By voting for her, you are voting for bribery, lying, selling the State Department to the highest bidder. You are saber-rattling with Russia and will plunge us into WWIII. I sell arms to Saudi Arabia so they can be funneled to ISIS. YOU PERSONALLY are all these things. Because of YOUR vote, you too are also an enabler. You live with a rapist who still cycles women in and out the back door, according to secret service retired personnel. And you intimidate women into silence to protect the Clinton facade. You are a hypocrite for saying you are for women's rights, all the while not giving a damn about anybody but yourself and your ever increasing, bribe-filled Swiss bank account.
YOU PERSONALLY set up a server in you basement, had it hacked by at least FIVE foreign governments - stealing classified info - then lied to the American people about it. You immediately smashed all your devices, had your computer people wipe the hard drives and then ALL of them “plead the fifth” when asked about it under oath by the FBI. You, personally, did this to avoid prosecution. You also had your buddy Loretta Lynch order everyone in the investigation to “stand down.”
YOU PERSONALLY are surrounded by secret service people that HATE you (read all the biographies... I've read three of them) because you are a vile, elitist human being that mistreats virtually everyone.
But you know, I only dropped by to have a look here. I know you won't want to debate this any more than any other subject. You are content to have created a site open to public view but which is just a vehicle for you to post your fantasies about life. You don’t want feedback, and reason is not welcome here at all.
You myopic Hillary people are literally the stupidest people on the globe... and yet you have the gall to call anyone else "dumb as a box of rocks"?
I'll leave you now so you can go get your felt marker and cardboard. You need time to draw your "Will Write For Food" sign and your protest sign that says "Rape Melania."
My post in response to Andrew Leon's is now up. So far not much response to my post and I would expect that a lot of people will stay away from it. But that's just fine. I had my say and I'm not finished unless I decide not to pursue any further.
ReplyDeleteArlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I saw it, LEE. Man, when you finally come out of your shell you do it in a big way.
DeleteI'm unable to comment on your blog from work. For whatever reason, now I'm even unable to post by piggybacking my comment onto another person's comment via "Reply". But I'll come by there with a few words of my own when I can.
Good job. You said what needed sayin'.
~ D-FensDogG
It's still real to me dammit!!
DeleteI jus' wanna thank you for sayin' what needed to be say-ed.
Delete~ D-FensDogG