First, I want to say that I have NOT abandoned this blog again. I hope to become regularly (or at least semi-regularly) active on it again soon. And I do have a lot of blog bit ideas on the back burner -- one or two of which are partially written already. The problem is that I currently have three active blogs and that's one too many. Something is going to have to get 86ed at some point.
Now that the preliminaries are finished, it's on to the the main event. Are you ready to rumble?!...
Yesterday, I was in my local Sak 'N Save. I hate this grocery store. Their prices are too high. They rarely have enough cash register lines operating. But most of all, I've lost untold hours of my life waiting 8-persons deep in lines behind illegal Mexicans! I would guess that at any given time, 50% of the store's customers are illegal aliens. (I don't use the word "undocumented" on this xtremely un-P.C. and unrepentant blog.) And I would guess that 85% of the store's customers are on Welfare.
So, why do I still shop there? In a word, convenience. The store is so close to my abode that I can walk to it. The ONLY positive thing I can think to say about Sak 'N Save is that it was in this very store where I voted Donald Trump for president (and forced that "mentally enslaved moron" to remove his "Hillary Is My Homegirl" T-shirt, as I wrote about HERE).
I picked up a few items at that store yesterday and found myself in line behind two White Trash-aged women. (You know how it's hard to tell the age of Trailer Park Women because of what all the booze, drugs, and cigarettes have done to their faces?) I'd gone in for a frozen dinner, a gallon of water, and some sunflower seeds. But while waiting in line, I also picked up a dose of mad.
First of all, these two women were paying for their groceries with an EBT card. "Electronic Benefit Transfer" cards is just a fancy way of saying "Welfare", and Welfare is just a fancy way of saying "theft from the Working Class taxpayers".
Secondly, let me tell you that neither of these women had missed a meal in awhile. Yes, they were overweight. How poor could they be? In my book, they were both at least 40 pounds too wealthy to be eligible for Welfare.
Apparently, someone at the Trailer Park was celebrating a birthday because one of the items they were purchasing was a custom decorated cake that cost almost forty dollars. I've worked like a dog my whole life, never once been on Welfare, but I have NEVER had a forty dollar birthday cake! WTP?! (What The Phuq?!)
And guess what else they were buying. No, guess!
They were also buying a big bottle of Cactus Poison:
I don't recall the actual brand of Tequila they were purchasing -- Patron, Jose Cuervo, Fozzie Bear's Pechoolo Especial -- it's all Cactus Poison to me. Thankfully, they were unable to use their EBT card for the hootch; THAT had to come out of their own pocket, not mine.
But here's the part that really gave me a case of the mads:
Miss Trailer Park #1 couldn't remember the Personal Identification Number (PIN) for her EBT card, so she asked Miss Trailer Park #2. However, Miss Trailer Park #2 didn't know it. So then Miss Trailer Park #1 hollered over to a third friend, whom I was unaware of because she was sitting about 25 feet away. And from her seat in front of the slot machine that she was playing, Miss Trailer Park #3 shouted back the PIN.
You got that? These women make so little money (probably don't have one job between the three of them) that they qualify for "theft from the Working Class taxpayers", and yet they can somehow afford to drink lots of Tequila, eat $37 custom-made cakes, gamble money on slot machines, and remain at least 40 pounds overweight.
And some mentally defective jerkoffs out there still can't figure out how Donald Trump got elected president.
There's nuttin' wrong with most Marxocrats that a 60 I.Q.-points upgrade and a hundred dollars couldn't fix.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Tattoos? Did they have those necessary to fit in tattoos?
ReplyDeleteYou could bet a wheelbarrow full of money and your bottom dollar that they did. But I can't honestly state that as a fact because yesterday was a really cold, snowy day and we were all bundled up in heavy coats. So, they could have been covered in ink but it wouldn't have shown.
DeleteUncle Scam -- what a lousy, deLIBerately traitorous government!
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
You haven't asked, but I'm still reading The Creature From Jekyll Island. It's intense reading. Then I get really mad when I finally understand what I'm reading. Then I have to put it down for a while. And rinse, repeat.
ReplyDeleteFrom where I'm sitting right now (which is not the most educated I hope to be), I think that Trump needs to kick as many things back to the states and out of the Federal government as he possibly can. And that includes welfare. When the Federal government stops paying for things and the states must decide... I think there is hope for change. The states, in turn, can begin to kick more things to the local level. People who genuinely need help should get it. But this idea that the government is supposed to take care of you when you're perfectly able to take care of yourself (but just don't want to)... well, that will stop flying when you're face to face with your local representative. They will have less taxpayer money to work with, so it will have to be managed better.
Again... I could be all wrong here. Or oversimplifying. Or both. But, if one thing is obvious... this path we're on is a sure way to hell. (But if there's booze, cake, and slot machines... it's a hell of a way to go!)
DeleteWelcome back!
In my opinion, 'THE CREATURE...' is the granddaddy. No one can claim to really understand our political landscape until they understand 'THE CREATURE...' It makes sense of so many seemingly "nonsensical" things that Uncle Scam does. That is the heart of the evil beast!
No argument from me. This country -- and with it, "this world" -- is doomed. The ONE THING we need to do, from a political perspective, is go back to the TENTH AMENDMENT and take it seriously, as our Founding Fathers intended.
Can you imagine how different this country would look if we had never abandoned the TENTH AMENDMENT? Consider that probably 90% of all Federal laws that have been enacted since the death of our Founders have been un-Constitutional. Our Founding Dads would have never stood for it!!!
It would be great, but we'll never get back to the Bill Of Rights. We've gone too far, and there are just too many Americonned sheeple among us now. How do you 'splain to someone who expects free cake that in the long run they'd be better off without it?
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I would bet big bucks that they also smoke tobacco and weed, and probably use harder illicit drugs as well.
ReplyDeleteThey are certainly on numerous legal government-paid medications as well... some sort of heart pill, et al, to counteract the extra weight and smoking habit.
Really, Trump is the last train out for even a chance of fixing this stuff. You are right that "we've gone too far." Never again will we have the opportunity to even slow down this collectivist/socialist BS... prior to the probable coming "altercation."
SBB-6 ~
DeleteNot only that, but they hang out in male strip clubs and tuck $20 taxpayer-provided bills into the strippers' Speedos!
Yes, and that "altercation" is getting closer and closer. Have you noticed how Trump supporters at rallies are starting to fight back now and busting some heads open?
This thing could escalate to full-scale warfare -- unless the cowardly commie phuqs decide that George ain't payin' 'em enough to actually have to receive blows and not just deliver them.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
The sad thing is, women like that will breed like rabbits. Because, you know, Idiocracy.
ReplyDeleteAnd in my 33 years of life, I've never had a $40 cake, either. I think a $25 Dairy Queen cake is about the most 'fancy' I've ever gotten.
My mother worked in a grocery store for 25 years. Retired 2 years ago. She could tell you so many stories about the people who came in with EBT cards. Especially the ones who got belligerent over not being able to buy alcohol, or cigarettes, or the greasy fried chicken in the deli (I guess you can't buy hot foods with it).
Some terrible stories for you:
1) My mom will never forget the time a guy bragged about having been on welfare since 1990, mostly because 1990 was the year my mom started working. This man had been on welfare as long as she'd been working at the longest full-time job she'd ever had. Just think about that.
2) You can't buy alcohol or cigarettes or hot food, but there's no restrictions on cold food. She said you wouldn't believe how many times people would come through her line with things like lobster, crab, or steak, and then hee-haw over the fact that they were 'eatin' gud tonight!' while swiping their EBT card. I've always wanted to try filet mignon. Maybe I just need to get on welfare first.
3) There was always so much entitlement. If something went wrong - the card didn't scan, or was declined, or they didn't have as much as they thought on it - it was my mom's fault. Always. They'd get mad at her. Swear at her. Some would even insult her job. "Oh, I bet it's SO hard to scan items and shove them in a bag. A monkey could figure this out, but you can't!"
And even though my mom couldn't say anything back, she always got a kick out of that line, knowing that these idiots were basically saying, "A monkey can do this job... and yet I still can't."
6-B ~
DeleteThat's an E-Ticket comment! I would reply now but I need to get to bed, as I have an overtime, underappreciated extra 10.5-hour shift to work early tomorrow morning. (Can't buy myself a $40. cake if I don't work some overtime, ya un'erstan'.)
But I will return with a "proper" comment later. (If you don't un'erstan' the meaning of the word "proper", ask my buddy, Pooh. He can 'splain it to ya.)
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
6-B ~
DeleteSorry I'm so late getting back to this. (Sometimes it takes me days to sober up enough to comment.)
That #3 item would absolutely frost me. That would pretty much be the end of my job... and the end of the Welfare pig. (All "customer service" jobs are a bitch.)
And then to top it all off, those Welfare pigs get to vote, and guess who they vote for. Right! The candidate that promises them the most free stuff. The fact that those candidates always have a "D" after their names is pure coincidence. Let us not read too much into that.
[*Oops! Sorry, LOLeon. I'm sounding like a racis', sexist, homophobic xenophobe again, aren't I?*]
Well, my hat's off to your Mom, because she did a job I probably couldn't have lasted 25 days in, let alone 25 years!
What it really all comes down to is... people suck. Yeah, I know what it says in The Bible... and I agree with it. People suck.
Well, I'm off to meditate now so that I too can suck... some suds.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...