In an effort to keep my vow to you readers (both of you) of posting more regularly here, I've tossed together this News Of The Week blog bit. Just because I've tossed it together quickly doesn't mean it's not good stuffs. Haven't you ever had a good tossed salad? (Yeah, I haven't either. But this really is a pretty good tossed blog bit.)
Up to this point, I'm giving Don an overall grade of "B". And that's a pretty impressive grade considering the fact that I am a Constitutionalist and Don isn't. (I've never been under any delusion that Trump was a Constitutionalist and would govern exactly how I - or Ron Paul - would govern.) And a "B" looks especially stellar considering that I would give a grade of "F" to every single other president I've suffered under during my 57 years of life.
So far, I have no "buyer's remorse" regarding my vote for Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential election. (What other choice did I have, anyway? Vote for Crooked Clinton or Goofy Gary Johnson, a liberal in "Independent" clothing?)
Trump's First 100 Days
by The New American
In just 2 months, President Trump has already done more good for this country than any other so-called "conservative" Republican during my lifetime. Below is a list of just some of the things Trump has done - or is attempting to do - that I approve of:
“America First — A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again”
Immigration Executive Order
Executive Order directing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to review and reconsider the “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) regulation
Rescinding transgender bathroom and Locker-room rules
Signed an executive order to “immediately plan, design, and construct a physical wall along the southern border” of the United States.
Reviving the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline projects
President Trump fulfilled his campaign pledge to withdraw the U.S. government from the “free trade” regime known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Nominating Judge Gorsuch for the Supreme Court
Regarding that last item, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said:
“Judge Gorsuch has also stated that he believes judges should look to the original public meaning of the Constitution when they decide what a provision of the Constitution means. This is personal, but I find this originalist judicial philosophy to be really troubling. In essence, it means the judges and courts should evaluate our Constitutional rights and privileges as they were understood in 1789. However, to do so, would not only ignore the intent of the framers, that the Constitution would be a framework on which to build, but it severely limit the genius of what our Constitution upholds.
"I firmly believe the American Constitution is a living document, intended to evolve as our country evolves. In 1789, a population of the United States was under 4 million. Today, we’re 325 million and growing. At the time of our founding, African-Americans were enslaved. It was not so long after women had been burned at the stake for witchcraft, and the idea of an automobile, let alone the Internet, was unfathomable. In fact, if we were to dogmatically adhere to originalist interpretations, then we would still have segregated schools and bans on interracial marriage, women wouldn’t be entitled to equal protection under the law, and government discrimination against LGBT Americans would be permitted. So I am concerned when I hear that Judge Gorsuch is an originalist and a strict constructionist.”
Now, what's wrong with all that? Can anybody tell me why that's 16 tons of bullshit? Anyone? How about you, Leon Cobarde, you wanna take a shot at it? (No? I didn't think so.)
Now, on the other side of the coin, some of the things President Trump is doing that I DON'T approve of can be found in the following article:
Will Donald Trump Let Paul Ryan Make Him A One-Term President?
by Pastor Chuck Baldwin
The best, most intellectually and morally sound conservative writer I am currently aware of is Selwyn Duke. Below is a very eye-opening article about Liberalism's phony savior, the commie Bernie Sanders. I'm not going to say you're an idiot if you voted for him... but I'm certainly thinking it.
Twitter Is Irate Over Bernie Sanders’ Tweet That US ‘Worships Wealth’
by Selwyn Duke
Last but not least, the best news of the week is that David Rockefeller is now being licked by flames...
David Rockefeller, “Mr. Globalist,” Dead at 101
by William F. Jasper
That's all I gots (for now) but stay tuned -- same BatTime, same BatChannel.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Hi Stephen, I think one of my favorite things about President Trump is how much he is supporting our veterans and taking the VA hospitals to task on wait times to be seen. I love how much he loves them.
ReplyDeleteHowdy, ELSIE! Nice to see you here.
DeleteYes, you make an excellent point and I fully agree with you on that. Glad you added it to the things I've mentioned.
It is absolutely criminal the way Uncle Scam has treated its veterans after they are sent to fight wars on foreign soil and then come back to find they're treated like second or third-rate citizens.
As a matter of fact, although my forthcoming vote for Trump was already firmly established in my mind before I saw this particular photo, the photo served to convince me that my vote was clearly going to be the right one:
Link To Photo:
I saw that photo and KNEW that Trump was NOT faking his concern. That wasn't a politician just trying to hustle votes, but a human being who genuinely cared about another human being who had lost so much and was being taken for granted.
Thanks for the nice comment, Elsie. Feel free to return anytime. It's nice to hear from others out there who aren't ridiculously brainwashed into thinking our president is a Nazi.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Trump would be doing an amazingly outstanding job if he and his administration weren't battling against 85% of the country. I'm surprised that they've been able to get as much as they have considering what they're up against. I think most of our government and our media would love to see the country collapse into ruin just so they could blame Trump.
ReplyDeleteArlee Bird
Tossing It Out
DeleteI agree that Trump would be off-the-charts in his efforts to MAGA if he weren't forced to fight for every inch against the Dumb-O-Crats, the Repugnantcans, and the International Bankers who own them both.
Now, granted Trump is no Constitutionalist, unfortunately, and he has some people I strongly oppose in cabinet positions (CFR, Trilateral, Goldman-Sachs, etc.) But all-in-all, I think he's trying to do a great job. (Glad that POS RyanCare bill got dumped though.)
You are right that most of the government officials and the Mainstream Media would love to see the country collapse, because A) they can blame Trump, and B) they are communists and want to see it collapse no matter who gets the blame.
On my 'STMcC Reviews' blog, I recently posted a book review about Joe McCarthy. Sheboyganboy asked me if I saw any parallels between Joe and Donald. Below is an excerpt from my reply:
Yes, the Wizards Behind The Curtain will stop at NOTHING when trying to derail Trump and his goals.
My biggest worry is that The Fed is going to crash the economy (like it did in the 1930s), and because not one in ten thousand people have the slightest clue how our economy operates, it will be very easy to convince the Americonned Sheeple that Trump is to blame for the economic devastation.
Without a doubt, the Wizards have been planning for a long time to eventually -- when the timing is right for them -- utterly wreck our economy so they can propose a new, true global economy (see Revelation 13).
So, should Trump begin to really get traction and start making America great again, I think they would either assassinate him, or destroy the economy, leading to his "dishonored status" with the Americonned Sheeple.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I agree with you.
ReplyDeleteBefore I read anyone else writing this thought, I felt that Trump finally made his first big mistake in supporting Paul Ryan... or for that matter ANYTHING that was not just an immediate rejection of Obamacare.
As for the infighting, I never trusted Ryan's claim that they would later have two more amendments to the legislation. I figured they would just be satisfied with the crap of stage one.
What Trump should have said to America was: "I said we would repeal Obamacare, and I want it repealed NOW. This infighting withing the GOP is proof we need to drain the swamp because you are acting like politicians, not public servants. The President does not legislate, the HOUSE AND SENATE do that. So, after the repeal if you want more health laws of some kind, go get your sh*t together and send me another bill. Oh... and the new legislation will NOT be called Trump Care, because YOU guys are creating it, not me."
Had he said something like that, his voters would have loved him AND he would not be tied to that snake Paul Ryan nor any crappy law he sends Trump.
But he didn't and it was his first major mistake... tying his fate to Ryan may cost him everything.
And if he snags and prosecutes either Snowden or Assange, Trump will make my permanent poop-list.
McItchyfinger ~
DeleteFunny how we almost always agree on everything... except music.
I love the bill that Mo Brooks has introduced to repeal Obamacare, period. (Especially since the 10th Amendment precludes Congress from meddling in healthcare.)
It's always tough to figure out Trump as he's much smarter'n libs think and he's punked them several times now. A lot of times, a "wait and see what he might be up to" attitude is the best idea.
Some still think he's been setting Ryan up to lose the House Speaker position. It doesn't seem that way to me but... I'm still waiting and watching. It's not totally outside the realm of possibility.
For now though, I'm just glad that crappy bill failed. (Thank you, Rand, son of Ron! ...and others!) Because I totally agree with you that there would have been no Part 2 or 3. They had NO INTENTION of doing anything more with it if they had gotten Ryanocare to pass. The traitorous phuqs!!!
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Great job here brother.
ReplyDeleteI thank you, BR'ER MARC! And I'm always happy to find you've checked in here.
DeleteI expect to become more and more active on this blog. My BOTB blog's days are numbered, and eventually I'll have more time for F-FFF again.
~ D-FensDogG
Check out my new blog @
(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...