Stephen Sez: I’m on the corner of Drunk and Staggering, And I need an ear to bend. How about you, my ferret-faced fascist friend? Ain't you got an ear to lend? -- Stephen's Motto Iz: May our tolerance of diversity empower our non-judgmental, non-meanspirited multiculturalism. Can't we all just get along, give peace a change and vote for "Chance"?
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
. Below are three memes I found and liked, plus one I made. .
Okay, that last guy, did he actually shave out the middle of his mustache, where that big bald patch is? He wants everyone to know that he's definitely not a Nazi, so he gave himself the reverse-Hitler?
Ha! Yeah, I think it's either a case of "Un-Hitler" shaving, or perhaps he had some big nose ring hanging there which blocked both sunlight and hair growth.
Another instance of a Millennial having no idea why bills are put on baseball caps.
Nice to see you're an equal opportunity dissenter, Stephen. ☺ I thought for sure you'd be a fan of Fox News, but I was totally wrong. Shame on me and preconceived notions! What's with the guy and the 'reverse-Hitler' moustache? Your nose ring theory sounds likely.
HiYa, DEBBIE! In the same way that I am a "Maverick" Christian, I am also a maverick when it comes to politics.
Fox News was founded by Rupert Murdoch to condition Republicans in the same way that CNN and other news sites condition Democrats. The name of the game is "Divide And Conquer".
Despite the differences in things they may say publicly, people like Rupert Murdoch, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Ronald Reagan, etc., all represent the same thing. It's all political theatre, like a "Punch And Judy" show on a global scale.
You might find it amusing to know that during the 2016 presidential campaigns, in various website comment sections at different times, some Republicans called me a "Libtard", a "Shill For Hillary Clinton", and a "Leftist". And in the past, I have not only debated Liberals online but also debated NeoConservatives.
So, yes, I am without a doubt an objective researcher and independent thinker who is sometimes despised by BOTH Democrats AND Republicans.
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Okay, that last guy, did he actually shave out the middle of his mustache, where that big bald patch is? He wants everyone to know that he's definitely not a Nazi, so he gave himself the reverse-Hitler?
ReplyDeleteHa! Yeah, I think it's either a case of "Un-Hitler" shaving, or perhaps he had some big nose ring hanging there which blocked both sunlight and hair growth.
DeleteAnother instance of a Millennial having no idea why bills are put on baseball caps.
~ D-FensDogG
(link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Nice to see you're an equal opportunity dissenter, Stephen. ☺ I thought for sure you'd be a fan of Fox News, but I was totally wrong. Shame on me and preconceived notions! What's with the guy and the 'reverse-Hitler' moustache? Your nose ring theory sounds likely.
ReplyDeleteHiYa, DEBBIE!
DeleteIn the same way that I am a "Maverick" Christian, I am also a maverick when it comes to politics.
Fox News was founded by Rupert Murdoch to condition Republicans in the same way that CNN and other news sites condition Democrats. The name of the game is "Divide And Conquer".
Despite the differences in things they may say publicly, people like Rupert Murdoch, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Ronald Reagan, etc., all represent the same thing. It's all political theatre, like a "Punch And Judy" show on a global scale.
You might find it amusing to know that during the 2016 presidential campaigns, in various website comment sections at different times, some Republicans called me a "Libtard", a "Shill For Hillary Clinton", and a "Leftist". And in the past, I have not only debated Liberals online but also debated NeoConservatives.
So, yes, I am without a doubt an objective researcher and independent thinker who is sometimes despised by BOTH Democrats AND Republicans.
~ D-FensDogG
(link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...