You've all heard of TDS ("Trump Derangement Syndrome"), right? Well, I just came from the TDC ("Trump Delusion Center"), which is also known as The Conservative Treehouse.
Essentially, The Conservative Treehouse (TDC) is a website for those folks who are suffering from the opposite of TDS. These folks are apologists for President Donald Trump. Led by a blowhard calling himself Sundance, most of the readers / commenters there worship Trump to such a degree that they cannot acknowledge a single mistake or error of judgment that the president makes. If it appears to be a bad action, or a miscalculated decision, or a poor assessment of someone's character, it's NEVER a mistake on Trump's part. It's always explained as Trump playing "3-Dimensional Chess" -- which only Trump and Sundance are intelligent enough to understand. The Conservative Treehouse (TDC) is practically a religious temple dedicated to god Trump.
Yes, there are sometimes good articles on that website -- I don't want to knock it completely. And I was reading it fairly regularly during the 2016 Presidential Campaigns. It had some great stuffs! But since then, I've gotten tired of the pretzel logic and the goofy explanations for some of Trump's screw-ups and bad decision making that routinely get introduced into many of the Conservative Treehouse articles.
And don't get me wrong. I have no buyer's remorse about voting for Trump. First of all, there was NO OTHER viable choice. (I mean, it's not like Ron Paul was running -- whom I surely would have voted for.) And although Trump has a long way to go before I feel satisfied that he's lived up to his campaign trail promises, I understand that not just the Democrat and Republican parties are at war with him. This ENTIRE world (ruled by satan, as The Holy Bible makes perfectly clear) is at war with him. It ain't easy bein' Trump.
However, overall -- and despite some decisions I vehemently disagree with him about -- Donald Trump is already the best president of my lifetime. (I just turned 58, in case you were wondering how long my lifetime has thus far been.) Of course, that presidential bar has been set really low, so it's not like it was going to take a whole helluva lot for Trump to surpass all the other presidents to begin with.
Now, like I was saying, I've just come from a rare visit to Trump Delusion Center where I skimmed an article titled Washington Times: Fed Policy Powerless To Influence Inflation. The title alone is laughable. And then we come to the sentence, "While the issues inherent within economic influences can be riddled with complexity, we remain optimistic that MAGAnomics will be very very successful." Which appears to be code for: "I'm not really sure what I'm yakkin' about, but I still believe in Trump!"
Some of the commenters at TDC seem nice enough, but the vast majority of them come off like know-it-alls. And Heaven help you if you say anything that could even remotely be construed as anti-Trump, because you will be called a "shill" faster'n you can spell the word, and surrounded as if by a pack of rabid, ravenous wild dogs!
In the aforementioned article, one person (they call themselves "Treepers") began his comment with this:
"The big elephant in the room is not inflation it is actually the decline of the value of the US dollar."
Ha!-Ha! Way to go, Treeper! The only error I see in that statement is that... [*wait for it!*] ..."inflation" IS "the decline of the value of the US dollar". These are synonymous!! What do you think "inflation" is if not a decline in the purchasing power of the dollar? Sheesh!
Finally, I get to the point of this post: The most important book you could ever read on the U.S. economy (and thus by extension, on secular politics) is THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND: A Second Look At The Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin. You can read my own review of this exceptional & essential book by clicking [link:) HERE. ...You're welcome.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
I remember us talking about these treepers during the election cycle. They were so in the tank for Trump from day one. I'm glad he won too, but an honest person has to point out mistakes when they're made as well. The only person these people worship more than Trump is this dude Sundance. Man, I've never seen an ass kissed so often.
DeleteYou are so right! And I get the feeling that Sundance really eats it up.
Awhile back in some comment section there, I said something to the effect that at The Conservative Treehouse, it seemed to be the general perception that Trump was God and Sundance was his son, Jesus Christ. Although I may have had that backwards.
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Al Bondigas here. That's funny. How did they react to that?
DeleteSurprisingly, there wasn't much of a reaction to it. I guess maybe they recognized it as the truth. Because normally, there's a lot of back and forth in those comment threads.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
(link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I also agree that Trump is the best president in my lifetime. Or if nothing else he's the most fun.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind excess positive energy focused in Prez Trump's direction as he's got more negative crap being thrown at him than anyone I've ever seen and he keeps battering through it.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
DeleteYeah, I would agree on the "most fun" angle, too.
Regarding Senator Joe McCarthy, for many years I have written that he was "one of America's greatest heroes, and the most unjustly vilified individual in our country's history!"
Trump may have now surpassed him in the "unjustly vilified" department. Trump could bring peace on Earth, give everyone everything they ever wanted, and make each and every one of us a multi-billionaire, and the Left would find some way to criticize him for all of that. (And/or give all the credit to the Russians.)
Communists are clinically unhinged, and every Leftist is a Communist at heart.
~ D-FensDogG
(link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I've not read that website, but it sounds as though their defenses of Trump at times are not well-done, silly, or are at least unconvincing.
ReplyDeleteBut they may be subscribing to the position I took almost immediately after Trump's election: I am (at least publicly under my own name) NEVER admitting his fault's. I consider him the LAST TRAIN OUT with a chance to drain the swamp. If they feel that way then will go to any step to publicly defend him. They should try to avoid the appearance of "ass-kissing," though. So publicly, you will not hear me complain about him.
Privately, and commenting here under my macro-aggressive nom de plume to my ferret-faced fascist friends - I am very troubled. They guy has fired all the people on his staff that had been telling Washington to shove it up their collective ass. All that are left are leftists, and now this guy Kelly. His tough military background may stop those incredibly annoying info leaks, but it will get us way more involved in military activity in places we ought to avoid.
So, yeah... I'm worried.
Excellent comment, as always, my "macro-aggressive" Itchyfingered friend! (Ha!) I appreciate the feedback.
DeleteA funny thing happened on the way to my forum. I had a brief discussion with another Trump supporter on a blog where I was a guest. And in my reply to the gentleman, I clarified my outlook on President Trump. I'm now thinking that it might make for a decent and well-timed stand-alone blog bit here.
So, please keep an eye out (either the blue one or the brown one) for an upcoming blog bit. Same Batblog, same Batchannel.
~ D-FensDogG
(link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
~ D-FensDogG
Have you spent any time yet looking at the Charlottesville incident? As predictable as a drink in my hand, it was just another false flag -- fake as phuq!
I want to add something, though: MOSTLY, I blame the professional GOP politicians. Not the Dems... we knew them as commie a-holes all along.
DeleteBut the Paul Ryans and Mitch McConnells are turncoat, self-serving, lying hypocrites. If Trump had had just 20% cooperation from those snakes he would be far ahead down the road towards a BIG, BEAUTIFUL WALL, tax cuts, deportations of criminals, and even jailing as many Clintons as we can get our hands on. The Russia BS woulda/coulda been dismissed with just a modicum of cooperation and push back from those weak-kneed sisters and professional dick-suckers (pardon my French, but I'm getting myself worked up about this) then WE would be on the offensive, exposing BLM and Antifa people as the violent terrorists that they are. Instead, we are all defending our votes last November and trying to prove we are not racists just because we be white.
Hell, I might soon be forced to burn my 50+ Civil War history books just because they discuss the Confederacy.
So, to reiterate: I blame the RepugniCANTS.
I am in TOTAL agreement with you, BROTHER SIXGUN!!
DeleteIn fact, my next blog bit (probably coming later today) will hit on that note a bit.
It's not so much Trump as it is "The Swamp". The Swamp has been entrenched since 1913, and draining it is really too big a job for any one person.
Yak Again Soon, Bro.
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...