DogGs & DogGettes ~
There's a scene in the movie FIGHT CLUB where The Narrator asks Tyler Durden which celebrity, alive or dead, he would most like to fight...
A couple days after watching FIGHT CLUB, I texted my brother, Napoleon, and asked him the same question. He wanted to know if the person needed to be a boxer and I replied, "No. Anybody famous. Not necessarily a boxer. Male or even female." And here's how the rest of our textversation went:
Nappy: Hillary.
Me: Ha! OK. I get it.
Nappy: Who would you fight?
Me: My first thought was Springsteen. *Personal!* But then I changed it to Barack Ocommie.
Nappy: Yeah, I thought about Ocommie, too. A toss-up, really.
Me: Yeah. Close one. Hillary might last a few seconds longer.
Nappy: Ha-ha. True. We know she can pitch better.
Me: Who can't?
And to illustrate...
Barack Ocommie Ruins The National Pastime
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Before I seriously start pondering who I'd fight (I need to be careful here because I throw and fight like a girl...), I want to comment on what you've got going on. That Obama pitch makes me laugh every time I watch it. Frankly, you'd get a better fight with Michelle. Have you seen her arms. She's definitely the toughest compared to Barack and Hills. Speaking of Hills, she fell down again (as I'm sure you've heard) and they had to cancer her book tour in Europe. Did she really fall or was it lack of interest??? Hard to say... But, she does fall a lot, so it could be she really fell down... again.
ReplyDeleteI think I might choose someone I had a chance against in the MSM. Those people make me crazy. Maybe Anderson Cooper. Definitely Rachel Madcow. She'd kick my ass. Unless it was a war of words...
G.W. ~
DeleteSorry for the late response but I was in Virginia City all day yesterday until late this afternoon.
Your mention of "Rachel Madcow" made me laugh. Yeah, I've heard it countless times, but coming from you, it just seemed... I dunno... surprising... humorous.
My friends are all MSM-hating conservatives. I'm beginning to suspect that it's not a coincidence.
There is no question that Michelle would kick Barack's ass in a real fight. But then "Michelle" was most likely born a male ("Michael"?), so that doesn't mean much. Yes, I strongly suspect that Joan Rivers spoke the truth.
Obviously, I've never seen you fight. (And if you throw and fight "like a girl", there's no shame in that, because God created you female and you're Spiritually aware enough to thank the Lord for what He did, and not try to prove Him wrong.) Nevertheless, in all seriousness, I would bet my money on YOU in a fight against Anderson Cooper. Seriously.
Thanks so much for reading and commenting, my friend!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I wonder if he took his jacket off it would help his throw. Naw. I doubt it, too!
ReplyDeleteMMQE ~
DeleteNope. Removing that jacket, AND PROVIDING AN AUTHENTIC, NON-FORGED BIRTH CERTIFICATE would not help Barack Ocommie's throwing ability. I'm afraid she was gonna throw like a girl no matter what.
Thanks for your $00.02, Mary!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
I don't like fighting--actually never been in a fight--and I don't want to get hurt so I guess I'd pick the person least threatening to me. How about someone like Stephen Hawking? I don't think he'd even get in one hit when up against my mighty slugs.
Tossing It Out
DeleteYou've got mighty slugs?
Well, I've got some pretty tough snails. And my tough snails challenge your mighty slugs to a fight!
Now, Lee, how can you say you "don't like fighting" if you've "never been in a fight"? That's a rather prejudicial belief, isn't it? I would think you'd at least try a fight or two before deciding how you feel about it. I mean, it could turn out that you're really good at it, and then you'd quite possibly find you like it. Most people like what they're good at. I fear you have rushed to judgment.
Ha! "Stephen Hawking". That literally made me laugh-out-loud. Yeah, I think you'd stand a real good chance of winning that one.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Hmmm... this is a fun thing to contemplate. I think I want a whole series of bouts lined up. Can I fight DEAD celebrities? If so, rack up Lenin, Lennon, Marx, Galbraith, Wilson, Roosevelt. I'd really kick that cripple's ass.
ReplyDeleteOf people still "with us" (they were never with us, they were against us from the start): all the nincompoops mentioned above (except poor Stephen Hawking), plus Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Chuckie Schumer. Hell, I'd fight AMY Schumer but she'd kick MY ass. I would love to pummel Michael Medved!!!!
More than anyone I can think of, though, I really would enjoy slugging it out with Stephen Colbert. I'd like to beat him till he agrees to shout "Trump is the best President in 200 years!"
Delete>.... (they were never with us, they were against us from the start)
Ha!-Ha! I'm STILL chuckling over that one!
It really is kind of an interesting question because there are different ways of looking at it. If you're reduced to naming just one, which direction should you go in? (But Liberals are like potato chips: no one can kick just one's ass.)
I mean, do you select the person who murdered more people than anyone else in history? Well, then Stalin is your man. Or maybe the person who didn't necessarily murder the most but was the most ruthless and barbarous, killing babies like it was a game. Then Pol Pot is your guy.
Or perhaps you just wanna kick the ass of the person who personally annoys you the most. Well, then it might be Michael Medved. (Glad you mentioned him. I didn't think of him but he's definitely one who'd be on my short list!)
Another one I didn't immediately think of, being overly hasty, but who would definitely be on my short list is Quentin Tarantino. In fact, I still have high hopes of one day beating that ugly face of his to a pulp. There's always a chance I'll find myself in the same place at the same time with him. And, yes, I will initiate; I will hit the "Launch" button.
In the final analysis, however, I think I gotta stick with my aforementioned #1 pick: Ms. Barack Obama. It's a combination of personality, bald-faced lies, murders, and the false imprisonment of the soldier who challenged his (totally bogus) birth certificate and was court-martialed for it.
It IS an interesting Q. And thanks for playing along, McBrother.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Don't worry. If Amy "The Whale" Schumer whales you, I've got yer back, Bro. I'll cut her to pieces and use her for fishing bait. Ha! ;^)
I guess I did bend the rules, but as you said: liberals are like potato chips. I kept thinking of more and more that I would seriously enjoy bashing.
DeleteI'm glad I remembered Medved, too. Putting him top o' the list was very tempting. And I thought of Quentin Tarantino also. Almost mentioned him.
I thought of another person that REALLY needs a butt-whoopin'. It has to be John McCain.
Oh, yeah, traitor John McStain. For sure! I'm afraid The Big C is going to get him before we get a round in the ring with him. Too bad.
Delete~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...