[DOG POUND NOTES are simply random thoughts, ideas, and maxims that have occurred to me. I am totally convinced of the merit of some of them. Others may merely be food-for-thought or even outright Doggy Doo-Doo. I'll let you guess as to how I categorize each of them.]
1 Renoite + 1 Steering Wheel = Instant Retard
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
"Retard" is a politically incorrect term these days. I think you know that already. I think you're just trying to stir up trouble you durn retard.
Tossing It Out
Actually, LEE, I was under the impression that the slang term "Libtard" had legitimized the word "Retard". Is that not the case?
Delete>>... "durn"
I wish you wouldn't use that kind of language in my comment sections. I'll ask you to try not to be so insensitive.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...