Stephen Sez: I’m on the corner of Drunk and Staggering, And I need an ear to bend. How about you, my ferret-faced fascist friend? Ain't you got an ear to lend? -- Stephen's Motto Iz: May our tolerance of diversity empower our non-judgmental, non-meanspirited multiculturalism. Can't we all just get along, give peace a change and vote for "Chance"?
Saturday, March 3, 2018
. Below are 4 memes that I saw and liked, plus one meme that I made all by my lonesome. Click on 'em for enlarged views: .
The man of a thousand great nicknames! Ha! Thanks for the visit, Sixgun Sixwell.
What kind of a fruit would be seen in public in a shirt with Bernie Sanders' ugly mug plastered all over it? That libtard might as well be draped in the Russian flag.
The Bible for the soul. And the flashlight so one can see what they're shooting at. I don't go to bed at night without them within arm's reach. ;^D
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Particularly like the Home Emergency Kit.
ReplyDeleteIt keeps me safe from the Little Red Riding Hood:
Delete"My, what a big gun you have!..."
~ D-FensDogG
STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'
So much truth here that in a way it's scary. And it's getting scarier every day.
ReplyDeleteArlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Yeah, ain't that truth, LEE! As the old Chinese saying goes, we do indeed "live in interesting times".
DeleteThanks for stopping by and commenting.
~ D-FensDogG
STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'
I loved the memes again. I always do, even if I don't make it by for a comment.
ReplyDeleteParticularly the letter to God shirt! HA!
AND! AND... that EXCELLENT one of the Holy Bible, the revolver, and the flashlight! One is essential, and two are really nice to have!
ReplyDeleteThe man of a thousand great nicknames! Ha! Thanks for the visit, Sixgun Sixwell.
DeleteWhat kind of a fruit would be seen in public in a shirt with Bernie Sanders' ugly mug plastered all over it? That libtard might as well be draped in the Russian flag.
The Bible for the soul. And the flashlight so one can see what they're shooting at. I don't go to bed at night without them within arm's reach. ;^D
~ D-FensDogG
STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'