For a week or two, behind a large grocery store not far from where I live, I kept seeing a small, scroungy-looking group of Millennials hanging out like a pack of dirty dogs. (Millennials: EVERYBODY'S favorite Generation of Americans!)
Eventually, they moved on. I'm guessing they probably went somewhere to protest the dumping of chemicals into our lakes and streams. Or to protest the drilling for oil and the building of a pipeline. Or protesting the use of coal. Or air pollution; and Global Warming; and the cutting of timber where the endangered long-whiskered, short-eared, gray-spotted, fetid brown rats live.
Or maybe they just went off to protest the color white.
At any rate, wherever they went, they left something for the rest of us to remember them by:
It looks like someone came along afterwards and posted a sign to remind everyone why the area was strewn with trash, half-eaten food, and used Q-tips. (Who would do such a thing? ...Post a sign like that, I mean.

~ Stephen T. McCarthy
That's great! Is that the Sack N Save? Looks like they DIDN'T sack NOR save. They un-sacked and strewn.
ReplyDeleteThere is a truly great essay that Ayn Rand wrote in the 1960s or maybe 1970. I'm going to send it to you. I subscribed to "The Objectivist" newsletter when I was in high school, and it describes these mindless cretins precisely. It is called "The Anti-Industrial Revolution." These hypocrites would have us all living in a cave with no heat, just to pretend to be concerned about "the environment," while trying to rig the system to loot as much lf what was left to keep for themselves.
McSixgun ~
DeleteYeah, they DID un-sack and strew. But it was actually behind a grocery store North of S'N'S.
Looking forward to reading the article.
The majority of the Millennial hypocrites are always just virtue-signaling. Doing as they have been brainwashed to do.
But the so-called "brains" behind this operation (i.e., the influential SJWs in positions of authority, the brain-washers of the brain-washed) are in fact communists. (I know you know that already.) And indeed, every good Communism propagandist is a dictator-wannabe looking to climb The Ladder Of Tyranny to grab as much as they can for themselves.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Al Bondigas here. Now who would do a terrible thing like that?
ReplyDelete[Who put that hole in my sombrero? Who put that bullet through my hat? ... I can't figger who pulled that trigger.
DeleteWas it Pancho 'round the rancho? Did he do this because I kissed his wife?]
I can neither confirm nor deny your accusation.
...Huh? Oh. You WEREN'T accusing me of having done anything?
...Well, I've said too much.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
That's him. That's the punk.