[DOG POUND NOTES are simply random thoughts, ideas, and maxims that have occurred to me. I am totally convinced of the merit of some of them. Others may merely be food-for-thought or even outright Doggy Doo-Doo. I'll let you guess as to how I categorize each of them.]
1) What is the Council on Foreign Relations?
2) What is the Federal Reserve System?
3) Have you read The Declaration Of Independence and The Constitution Of The United States Of America in their entirety at least once?
Unless a person forty years old or older can give reasonably good answers to the first two questions and can honestly answer "Yes" to the third one, you are probably wasting your time in discussing politics with them.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Al Bondigas here, man, there’s no chance that more than 2 percent of the people forty and over could pass this test. Maybe one half of one percent for the folks under forty.
ReplyDeleteYeah, your percentages are probably pretty close to being accurate.
DeleteThe question I consider the most important is #3.
I suppose a person could be somewhat interested in politics and the well-being of the USA without having encountered much information about the CFR and The Fed. I would think that most intelligent people, however, having come across those names enough times would eventually start looking into those organizations if for no other reason than to satisfy curiosity.
But Question #3 is the one that REALLY reveals the degree of a person's genuine interest in politics and the USA. The Declaration and The Constitution ARE what makes America "American". I mean, no person can even claim to be a patriot and to care about the USA if they have not bothered EVEN ONCE to read the two documents that completely define what America IS.
I'm calling bullshit on anyone who claims to be an American patriot and claims to love America who has never once read those two documents.
And having read them once is just the very bottom rung -- it's the very lowest level of the threshold for claiming the label of "Patriot". In truth, those documents should be STUDIED, and that requires MULTIPLE readings of the documents, along with the reading of commentaries on them by various scholars and fellow students.
In short, as your percentages indicate, there are very few GENUINE American patriots in the country. It's mostly a nation filled with a bunch of pissants bickering with each other about shit they don't even know the first things about.
~ D-FensDogG
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