There ain't nuttin' wrong with these dumbass Millennials that a John Wayne couldn't fix:
Millennials... they just need a real man to pick 'em up by their britches and throw 'em into the cold water of reality. (The wimpy dolts!)
FYI: 'Hondo' (1953) is a movie about a real man, Hondo Lane (and his dog, Sam), who travels across the West teaching life lessons to Millennials. Nine out of ten doctors recommend it for their arrogant, knuckleheaded Millennials who don't know doo-doo.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Al Bondigas here. The problem with millennials is, look who raised them. Or better yet, who failed to raise them. Each generation of parents have gotten worse at fulfilling their most important responsibility. How many so called parents do you see uttering F-Bombs with every other word? Or parading around with stupid tattoos? Mothers and fathers and even grandparents with neck and behind the ear tattoos? It’s over!! Everybody out of the pool!!
ReplyDeleteBrother, you couldn't be more right if I gave you a year to work on it!
DeleteI always say the same thing. The people responsible, first, are their parents, who failed in their most important responsibility. Secondly, there is Uncle Scam, who has done everything it could to produce ignorant, piss-poor citizens who are dependent upon the kindness of government, and who couldn't even begin to define what "Americanism" means. They don't have a clue what is "American" about the United States of America. (And the same goes for about 95% of everyone living in the U.S. today, regardless of age.)
And then thirdly, I blame the Millennials themselves. Because implanted in every soul that God created is an innate, Divinely-stamped sense of what is right and wrong. So, no matter how shitty these punks were raised, and no matter how much the satanic Uncle Scam has contributed to their state, the buck stops at the Millennials' unwillingness to listen to that "Still, Small Voice" that their Creator placed in them. (In truth, it's not really IN them. It's an actual part OF what they ARE.)
I can understand and excuse some of the stupidity & selfishness that these Millennials exhibit. But by the time they've become 25 or 30 years old, the blame principally rests on them from then on.
Thanks for the comment, Bro. You nailed it!
~ D-FensDogG
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Fixing them might be a job even too big for John Wayne. Us Gen X kids were raised right - not sure why so many raised their kids wrong.
ReplyDeleteI thought ignorance could be fixed but stupid was the permanent deal?
Howdy, Diane. And welcome!
DeleteAs a Baby Boomer who had no kids, I'm completely innocent when it comes to the current disaster. Ha! :^D
You make a good point about ignorance and stupidity. I didn't differentiate and I should have.
Although studies show a marked decline in I.Q. over the last several decades, I suppose the average Millennial is more ignorant than stupid. And as you noted, ignorance can be overcome by education, whereas stupidity makes a person less able to learn, even at the hands of a good educator.
At this point, the only thing that gives me hope is the fact that I'm an earnest Bible student, and from what I can see, all the prophetic signs are now here indicating that the 2nd Coming of You-Know-Who is only about a decade away. If not for that, I'd definitely go back to drinking myself into a Mojito haze.
Thanks for the visit! (It gets lonely over here sometimes.)
~ D-FensDogG
Al Bondigas here. I always love the memes you put up. I take screen shots of a lot of them with my phone and send them to a liberal co-worker, just to needle him. Keep up the goot woik!!
ReplyDeleteHa!-Ha! That sounds like something my Brother would do!
DeleteWell, I'm glad to get the positive feedback, because I've often thought of discontinuing the "Monday Memes" series. But since I know you're putting them to such good use, I'll keep 'em coming.
~ D-FensDogG
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