[DOG POUND NOTES are simply random thoughts, ideas, and maxims that have occurred to me. I am totally convinced of the merit of some of them. Others may merely be food-for-thought or even outright Doggy Doo-Doo. I'll let you guess as to how I categorize each of them.]
Every time I see the divorce rate in the U.S.A. printed in some book or article, again I am reminded of the myth of "Women's Intuition".
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
"I know *you* can't see it, but Chad's actually a great guy."
ReplyDeleteThose words have never, in the history of ever, ended in happily ever after.
Indeed. So many times I was at a party or some other social function, and as soon as the gal left with her new boyfriend, I or one of my buddies asked, "What the hell is she doing with THAT guy?!"
DeleteGuys are a much better judge of guys than women are. Women's Intuition? Pffft! Pish 'n' Pshaw!
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...