[DOG POUND NOTES are simply random thoughts, ideas, and maxims that have occurred to me. I am totally convinced of the merit of some of them. Others may merely be food-for-thought or even outright Doggy Doo-Doo. I'll let you guess as to how I categorize each of them.]
I believe this with all my heart and soul:
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Or as one of my friends posted on facebook earlier this week:
ReplyDelete"I sure hope I don't die before November 6. I'm not ready to be a Democrat."
DeleteHa! Yeah, funny how people can change their political party affiliation to Dumb-O-Crat after they die.
And die in Chicago and you can have a dozen Dumb-O-Crat votes to cast. Chicago seems to be "The City Of Dead Democrat Voters".
Well, as the Communists have always said: "The end justifies the means".
~ D-FensDogG
STMcC Presents 'Battle Of The Bands'
Stephen O'Mafioso, I'm not going to argue nor debate, I'd like to know your word. Do you think the inept pipebomber guy is a false flag? Inept pipe bombs. Packages with stamps yet no black squiqly lines nor date stamp. Pristine packages - I've never seen packages delivered so un-thrown around and boxes with at least one corner smushed in. And the guy's backstory just seems perfect like Lee Oswald handing out pro and/or anti Castro leaflets out in New Orleans (I think that was the place). Maybe false flag is wishful thinking or a stretch. Like I said, no rebuttal here to whatever you say, just interested.
ReplyDeleteBruhthuh McDogG ~
Delete>>... Stephen O'Mafioso
Ha!-Ha! Goot juan! ;o)
I feel honored that you'd ask my opinion.
And I would not debate this topic even if I wanted to (which I don't) as I am not in the least prepared to debate it. The secret to having an undefeated debating record is refraining from debating anything when you don't really know yer shit. And I've only given a cursory examination to this subject.
But... I've already called the guy "Cesar Harvey Oswald" in a text that I sent to a friend. Ha! (Yip! N'awlins - that was the place.)
What I have seen so far, it has all the earmarks of a false flag perpetrated by the Commiecrats or the Shadow Government ("Deep State" if you prefer).
As you said, the #FakeBombs (not even designed to work and possibly endanger the Leftist recipients) didn't even appear to have been processed by the USPS. The timing - just before the midterm elections, when it's becoming clear that the Blue Wave is likely to be a Red Tsunami instead, and Libtards are desperate for anything that might help their listing ship. Cesar Harvey Oswald has a clean, undamaged (no dents, no broken windows, no keyed paint job) van covered in very precisely placed, immaculate pro-Trump anti-Liberal stickers. How he managed to drive that van without Antifa and other Liberals damaging it beyond recognition and readability is nothing short of a miracle.
And earlier today I saw what was purported to be a screenshot taken from the Wayback Machine website showing that Cesar had nothing but Democrat associations in his history. Suddenly, today, he's being portrayed as a "Trumpster". I can't say whether or not the Wayback Machine screenshot I saw was genuine or photo-shopped. But nevertheless, in my opinion (and with false flags quickly becoming the norm rather than the exceptions), everything points to a hoax with Cesar being used as the patsy or fall-guy.
Way too many odd inconsistencies and perfect timing for me to assume it's anything remotely close to an authentic event. In most major event situations like this (and mass school shootings, nightclub shootings, public event mass shootings), I have learned to begin with the assumption that it is likely a false flag, and if evidence emerges to indicate it may be genuine, then I gradually change my mind. But I think it's usually safer these days to use "skepticism" as the starting point before examining the available evidence and seeing if it's sufficient to change my mind.
Thanks again for asking, Bruhthuh DogG.
~ Stephen
'Loyal American Underground'
DeleteHere's a site to check out, Bruhthuh DogG:
~ Stephen
Kudos, thanks McBro, I see the link: https://web.archive.org/web/20181026155907/https://www.mylife.com/cesar-sayoc/e750795670848
ReplyDeleteI saw yesterday, how can such a messed up guy wash and wax his van twice a week and "detail it." I didn't see, as you noted, the pictures aren't overlapping, in perfect right angles. Ready for the cameras.
One of those things, as you note now, me thinking, "It's so obvious, can't believe I didn't see it before": The Deep State seems so innocuous yet synonymous with Shadow Government. "The Deep State" is mild Orwellian-speak for... Shadow Government.
I don't know. If liberals take out Trump the 24 ounce Vaughn hammer, they get Pence the sledgehammer. A hamfisted theory.
I've seen false flag docos with crisis actors seemingly wherever the action happens and a crowd of "2000" being 200 people walking in a circle 10 times. Something like that. If you'll excuse me I'm about to get "manic" and think something one not supposed to.
Yeah, these false flags (and I mean ALL of them since the biggie - 9/11) are done so poorly that one wonders how Uncle Scam could be so inept at this stuffs.
DeleteSome Red-Pilled people on the AlGoreNet have theorized that they deliberately do them so ridiculously poorly just to test how much wool they can pull over the eyes of the Americonned Sheeple.
It could be that. But I have my own theory (which may or may not be true, and which may even be true and used as another goal in addition to testing how much woolshit they can get away with).
My theory is that Uncle Scam COULD pull off these false flags without so many glaring flaws if he wanted to. But the reason (or one of the reasons) they make them so blatantly obvious is because they're hoping to trigger some of the less stable and more aggressive militia-type people hiding in the shadows.
If Uncle Scam can anger those true American Patriots enough that they come out into the open and begin perpetrating violence against Uncle Scam in retaliation, then Uncle Scam can pick off the most dangerous Patriots in smaller numbers and not have to worry about them when/if we reach the point of open warfare in a Civil War 2.0 scenario.
It's just a theory, but if it's correct, so far it hasn't worked the way Uncle Scam has hoped it would. The American Patriots (true Constitutionalists) have kept their powder dry but stayed undercover, waiting for the real thing.
Bottom line: Even as stupid as I consider most Liberals and the Shadow Government to be, I find it impossible to believe that they *COULDN'T* have (for one example) done a much better job of creating a bogus birth certificate for Barack Oliar. I mean, that counterfeit b.c. created for B.O. was so shabbily done, so full of errors and so easily recognizable as a fake that it HAD to have been intentionally made to be easily recognized as bogus. Even *They* could have done a much better job with all of this modern age's technology at their disposal and access to the recorded details of history.
I hate to give those evil-doers any credit at all for even a shred of intelligence, and yet even *They* can't be as inept as that phony birth certificate would seem to indicate that they are.
We live in "interesting" times, McDogG.
~ Stephen
'Loyal American Underground'
Stephen McBro's in the house, with the good stuff. Prior to 9/11 was Waco, the turning point the "I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore" for many folks.
ReplyDeleteI actually like Obama, good family man, he's doing what he knows. We know the numbers, right, how many Dems lost seats in the Senate, House, governorships, state legislatures, during his 8 years. Happy to see him on the campaign trail to do the same thing! Was going to say he not only has no coattails, he has no coat. Rewind. His coattails have grease and every Dem that wants/tries to ride them into electoral victory slips and falls. Banana peels. Ridiculous he's campaigning and Hillary putting herself in the headlines. Seems unprecedented for them to not go away. When's the last time you saw Michael Dukakis? He respects. If I was a Dem, I would tell Obama, "Go back to Hawaii. As a Republican, it's like, "Keep campaigning, Obama" (He still makes everything all about him, doesn't he. Bush was responsible for all his problems now Trumps's wins economically are all because of Barrack "Me! Me! Me!" Obama. His "magic wand" statements and "those jobs aren't coming back" statements, I'm wasting your time Stephen because you've heard it all before).
As an American, I would say to Obama, "Go back to Chicago and fix that war zone." Support the 2nd Amendment in the USA not just in Benghazi. On and on and on... He doesn't know any better. His campaign - which is what he's on - he can't handle his own loss as much as Hillary - theme song should be "I Me Mine" by the Beatles.
McBruhthuh DogG ~
Delete>>... I actually like Obama, good family man
Ha!-Ha! Always nice to wake up to a cuppa joe and a chuckle. Thanks for the latter!
Agreed! I mean, as far as homosexuals married to male-2-female "packaged" transgenders with children borrowed from friends for appearances sake goes, Barack is not just a good family man, but he is the VERY BEST family man! :oD
Yes, sir, Waco, also Ruby Ridge and the Oklahoma City bombings -- that's where the most astute of the American Patriots first began to feel the effects of the Red Pill. And, boy, have the false flags accelerated since then, eh?
I had been awake for almost exactly one year when the OK City bombing occurred. And I think I may have already a subscriber to The New American magazine by then, so I got on the Red-Pill Express pretty early - even before the term "Red Pill" was a thing.
I have begun thinking of the Democrat Party as the Wile E. Coyote Party, because every dirty trick they try now backfires deliciously on them. Ha! Watching the Democrat Party operate is now like watching a 'Road Runner' cartoon, with Trump and the Deplorables in the role of the Road Runner.
One would think that by now, having seen everything blow up in their own faces, the Democrats would stop using those ACME products but - NOPE! - they just ain't that smart. And insane people will never come to realize that doing the same things over and over and expecting different results is... well... insane.
It's a good, highly entertaining time to be a Deplorable!
I already suspected God was on the playing field, but when Trump named Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, I knew it to be the case. Everything that's happening now? "It is written", as the Good Book says.
All we gotta do is get right with our Creator, get a box of popcorn and enjoy the show. Interesting times, Brother, interesting times.
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews...
Brother man,
Delete"ACME products but - NOPE! - they just ain't that smart" ahahahahah that's some funny stuff.
Trump is the best showman (a positive) I've ever seen on stage joie de vivre. He enjoys it big-time. Politics has so much irony and humor. Many Republicans aren't exactly Kaufman noting theater of the absurd, but Dems seem consistently dour and humorless. Why. There's no good reason. There's no good perspective. If Kamala Harris has a daughter (not gonna look it up) I would ask her if Kamala is her sister... I know she's old but just to be polite and get a smile. The Dems are so dour, seemingly born of lack of faith in America and/or as you noted (big paraphrase) not much faith in anything.
I thought if Ruby Ridge right after I clicked "publish" which was a much more overt example... didn't think of Oklahoma City... and the accelerants.. accelerations. People are resilient - JFK iced wasn't enough to fuck our heads up.
"Turn up the volume."
Big ups for The New American reference. Just now seen the Robert Kiyosaki. At least I have a closet full of gold standard silver coins and wheat pennies. Not for money: My gramps (mom's side) was rather sharp and collected coins.. for a hobby not financial planning. "Coins aren't going to be wholly silver anymore?" (Walks into bank) "Give me 200 rolls of quarters and 100 rolls of silver dollars... and proof sets that aren't about money but rather.. A.. America. I helped him catalog the coins even more precisely. (Such and such a date, "S" or "P")… Now cases of coins sit in a closet that I don't look at. Overshare!
Cheers, Mc Bro. If the world ends, it ends. Nice to look at it with objective distance.
Great comment, McBruhthuh! I enjoyed reading it while drinkin' my joe and continuing on my quest to find the Top Three "Morning Music With Joe" albums.
DeleteGot Chris Botti's album 'A Thousand Kisses Deep' playing right now and he is hitting it outta the park (unlike Los Doyers last night). This definitely has a shot at the Top Three. More on this to follow as 2018 rolls on...
You are so right about "Trump the showman". In all our years, Brother, politics has never before been this crucial AND this entertaining. We must (reluctantly) give some credit to the Democrats for this. Without a Wile E. Coyote, 'Road Runner' cartoons wouldn't be worth watching! There *MUST* be an antagonist, and one couldn't hope for an antagonist more entertainingly screwy than the Loony Left. Without them, Donald "Road Runner" Trump would have no one to play off of, and where would that leave our level of laughter?
You are also right on about the Dems being consistently dour and humorless. With the vast majority of comedians being Leftists, one would think that their liberal fans would likewise have a sense of humor but... NOPE!, again.
I don't think I ever really realized just how lacking in humor the Libtards were until the 2016 Presidential Campaigns. I was ALL OVER the political website comment sections from late 2015 until the Wicked Witch Of Arkansas went down in a puddle, and I was astounded by the Left's lack of humor and pitiful lack of originality.
While my fellow Deplorables had me in stitches with their hilarious comments and quick-witted rebuttals to Liberals in the comment sections, the Libs had NUTTIN'! They were just angry and dimwitted and tossing out the same old trite labels (racist, Nazi, misogynist, hater, homophobe, etc.) and profanity.
I mixed it up with a fair number of them myself, and there were times where (I kid you not) I almost felt sorry for them and their lack of slur-slingin' ability. There were times where I just wanted to say: Look, dude, why don't you just go take a nap and I'll take over your part of this argument for you. Believe me, I could do a better job of insulting me and arguing against me than YOU are doing.
I know you don't need to hear this but, just to add my voice to your already informed view... McBruhthuh, let those coins ("collectibles" as I generally call them) be the last physical things you ever give away. As a person who has studied this subject six ways from Sunday, I can say that those little items may eventually be worth far more than even you can currently imagine. I'm very, very pleased to hear that you have some items of authentic value in your possession for the times ahead.
And one last thing:
>>... "If the world ends, it ends."
Agreed. And yet there's nuttin' to worry about in that department. We have it from (literally) the very highest Authority that the world will continue on for no less than one thousand more years from today's date. (Actually, if I wanted to try to be as precise as I know how to be, I'd make an educated guess of 1,011 more years of Earth's existence. No less.)
Have you a stellar week, McDogG! Me, I'm off for Carson City to further explore what I hope will be my new city of residence in 2019.
~ Stephen
'Loyal American Underground'