Very often, people see and hear me criticizing the pure propaganda of the mainstream (I call it "mainscum") media. So, some might ask, "Where do D-FensDogG get his information at?"
Well, not from the TV, that's for sure! I don't even own a working boob tube.
There are several reliable, alternative sources - websites and video channels - that I regularly use to keep up on the truth, while avoiding all the New World Order deceit coming from 'The Wizards Behind The Curtain'. There are a small handful of sources that I want to share with you right now.
LewRockwell.com [anti-state * anti-war * pro-market]
https://www.lewrockwell.com/ is a source I have been using for many years. One of the things I particularly like about it is that it regularly features articles written by former Congressman Ron Paul. Had Ron Paul been elected president the couple of times that he ran for the office, this country would not be in the terrible shape it is today!
You can sign up for daily mailings to your Email InBox and LewRockwell.com will send you the latest articles about WTP(!) is happening all around you.
Another really big favorite website of mine is...
G. Edward Griffin's 'NeedToKnow.news'
Griffin wrote two books that I consider absolutely ESSENTIAL MUST-READ publications: 'WORLD WITHOUT CANCER' and [link> 'THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND: A Second Look At The Federal Reserve'.
There are no political pundits I trust more than G. Edward Griffin and Ron Paul, and [link> Selwyn Duke, too.
Rush Limboob? Sean Hannity? Bill O'Reilly? Fuhgeddaboudit! And Donald Trump? I can't for the life of me understand why anyone smarter'n a rutabaga still trusts that clown! (I strongly suspect Trump sold us out during his pre-election meeting with Henry "Illuminati Puppet" Kissinger.)
Anyway, below are some links and excerpts of recent G. Edward Griffin website snippets. What Griffin does is search the Internet for the best, most important Liberty and Constitutionally relevant articles available day-to-day, then he writes up a very brief synopsis and links you to the original article that he is referencing.
And, like LewRockwell.com, one can sign up for daily updates from G. Edward Griffin's 'NeedToKnow.news' site, and the most important articles of the day will appear magically in your Email InBox. It saves you from having to bounce from one website to another looking for the real news gems and the truth that the mainscum media is deliberately hiding from you.
And that, Peoples, is why I am nearly always learning the freshest, most important information sooner than most of the blokes in my circle of... blokes. The reason I am generally ahead of the curve is because I pay attention to sources like Griffin's 'NeedToKnow.news' and LewRockwell.com... plus a few others like [link> Selwyn Duke HERE & HERE (he is the most talented political writer in the country!), and [link> The New American.
Examples now from G. Edward Griffin's NeedToKnow.news, here ya go:
Rockefeller Foundation Paper Published in 2010 Predicted How a Pandemic Can be Used as an Excuse to Establish Global Authoritarian Power
March 16, 2020
The Rockefeller Foundation published a report in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz. It was called Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. The first scenario, titled, “Lock Step”, describes a world of total government control and authoritarian leadership. It envisions a future where a pandemic would allow national leaders to flex their authority and impose airtight rules and restrictions that would remain after the pandemic faded. The first half of this scenario already has unfolded. Will it continue as predicted? The information on Lock Step begins at about the two-thirds point of the article. The Rockefeller report in its entirety can be downloaded here. [The importance of this document cannot be overstated.] -GEG
First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children Shows Vaccinated Kids Have a Higher Rate of Sickness, 470% Increase in Autism
May 7, 2020
The first-ever, peer-review study has been published comparing total-health in vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Dr. Anthony Mawson led a research team that investigated the relationship between vaccination exposures and acute or chronic illnesses in home-schooled children. The vaccinated children had a much higher rate of autism and ADHD, at a rate of 470% higher than those who received no shots. Vaccinated children were also more vulnerable to allergies and eczema. Unvaccinated children contract mild childhood diseases more frequently, but their vaccinated counterparts suffer pneumonia and ear infections more frequently. The finding that vaccination introduces a significant risk for autism is devastating to the vaccine industry and, therefore, will be vigorously attacked. –GEG
COVID-19 Had No Impact on US Death Rate So Far in 2020
May 11, 2020
The CDC website says the average US death totals since 2015 from all causes has remained unchanged so far in 2020. That means the huge numbers of reported COVID-19 deaths either never happened or they were deaths from other causes mislabeled as COVID-19. Hospital records show that almost all the COVID deaths were attributed to people with other medical condition. In New York, the 86% of those who allegedly died of COVID-19, had other conditions that could have been the cause of death. The fact that the overall death rate did not increase proves that the pandemic is a hoax. [Incidentally, the same thing happened with the grossly false reporting of HIV deaths in Africa.] -GEG
Suspicions Raised Over COVID-19 Tests after a Fruit was Declared Positive
May 11, 2020
The PCR test is in the news again after a man in Georgia, who was scheduled for surgery, tested positive and, four hours later, tested negative. Last week, President John Magufuli of Tanzania said he ran a secret experiment on test kits provided by the World Health Organization. He submitted swab samples from a goat, a sheep, and a piece of pawpaw fruit, which is similar to a papaya. The fruit and the goat tested positive for COVID-19. This would be funny if the consequences were not so serious. The economy and personal liberty around the world are being crushed, based on absurdities such as this. -GEG
Bill Gates Really Does Plan to Vaccinate Everyone in the World
May 11, 2020
In the first video of this series, James Corbett explains how Bill Gates leveraged his great wealth to gain control over all global-health institutions. He has funded research and public relations campaigns that, in the guise of philanthropy, have returned his money many times over. Gates is held up as a hero for donating billions of dollars to the quest for vaccines but, during this time, his net worth has doubled and now stands at $103.1 billion.
In the second video, Corbett continues to follow the trail of ‘philanthropy for profit’ and shows how Gates made a $10-billion commitment to develop vaccines for the world’s poorest countries in 2010, kicking off what he called a “Decade of Vaccines.” The story of how many people were maimed or killed by these vaccines is sickening. Gates now insists the world will not go back to normal until a vaccine has been developed. His plan includes unproven technologies, including DNA and mRNA manipulation. It is sad to realize that millions of people will be propagandized into accepting them, not realizing there likely will be massive casualties that follow. -GEG
Trump Mobilizing US Military to Deliver 300 Million Vaccines By the End of the Year
May 14, 2020
President Trump is mobilizing the US military, and “other forces”, to distribute a coronavirus vaccine that he predicted would be available at the end of the year. The program will focus on older Americans first. The White House has set a target of having 300 million vaccine doses by the end of 2020. No vaccines have been approved , though a number are under development. Producing and distributing a vaccine are seen as key steps to jumpstarting the US economy. President Trump, who has earned a lot of support in the past for criticizing the overzealousness of the pandemic, has now forgotten his words.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
D-FensDogG of the
Loyal American Underground
You said:
ReplyDelete>>So, some might ask, "Where do D-FensDogG get his information at?"
Your grammar be incorrect. It should read:
"So, some might axe, 'Where do D-FensDogG get he information at?' "
I agree about needtoknow. Along with a few other site, I've been reading that since, since... I can't remember. Years ago when you recommended "The Creature From Jekyll Island" to me. It is indeed essential reading and knowledge.
I've stolen that Patrick Henry meme as my new email signature. It is great!
Sixgun McRutabagafinger
Delete>>... It should read:
"So, some might axe, 'Where do D-FensDogG get he information at?'"
You right! I don't know what I was thunking. (In those immortal words of Ed Wood: "My next one will be better.")
I suppose it's fair to say that there are various levels or degrees of being "Red-Pilled". But in order for a person to be FULLY "Red-Pilled", I believe that person needs to be familiar with 'The Creature From Jekyll Island', [Link> 'One World' by Tal Brooke, and 'The Holy Bible' by God. Because there is most definitely a Spiritual / spiritual component to the New World Order. In fact, truth be told, the New World Order is an ENTIRELY Spiritual / spiritual agenda. It only has the appearance of being political.
My friend Doc Cherdo sent me that Patrick Henry meme, and the moment I saw it, I knew it would wind up in a future F-FFF blog bit!
And speaking of future F-FFF blog bits... Believe it or not, neither you or the Napster even entered my mind when I thunk up and wrote down that sentence about the Trumpster. However, you may be interested in a F-FFF blog bit I have planned for the future. It won't be my NEXT blog bit here, but perhaps the one after that. And it will be titled something like 'Trump Derangement Syndrome II (Or TDS, The Sequel)'. Because, you see, it has occurred to me that a second form of TDS is sweeping the land. And this secondary form, rather than afflicting the Libtards, is actually impacting Conservatives. Stay tuned - same Bat-Time, same Bat-Channel!!
~ D-FensDogG
>>Believe it or not, neither you or the Napster even entered my mind when I thunk up and wrote down that sentence about the Trumpster.
ReplyDeleteThat's good. I deliberately did not take offense, although I actually DID think you were thinking of me. Good to know that Nappy and I are at least in the same ballpark of rutabagahood. I am not yet at the place you are with Trump. It is a long way to come from believing he was providential and God-sent to where you are with him.
As I said to you in a recent email, I am NOT saying you are wrong. In fact, you are one of the few people that I listen to very carefully because I usually find that you are right. There are NOT many folks that I pay that much attention to. Maybe E.F. Hutton. (Not music. In the case of music you are often totally full 'o it.)
You are not infallible, however, and not every conspiracy theory is going to be true. I don't feel you are any more "red-pilled" than I am. I gather info and analyze, but there is a lot or information to sort out to determine truth. I don’t like to be wrong.
For example, I have read material that indicates that the bio lab in Wuhan:
1) were idiots and accidentally let a natural virus out of the lab. 2) were idiots and accidentally let a man-made virus out of the lab. 3) were malicious and let a man-made virus out on purpose, first on its own people, then restricting travel within China but allowing international flights. 4a) were malicious and deliberately sent people on planes last a) Nov. or b) Dec. to western countries to crash the world economy. 5) that they did that to punish us for pushing back on their quest to dominate the world economy. 6) that Fraudci not only funded this virus, but is behind it getting out because his lifelong goal was to handle a pandemic. 7) that Bill Gates funded it and is behind it, because HIS lifelong goal is one-world government and massive depopulation. Frankly, there are other theories.
The world is way more full of conspirators than anyone knows or thinks, and there is evil running to and fro. Without doubt there are many conspiracy theories that are true. Which ones? I wait for more information, and retain hope until then.
I won busta cap in yo ass when yo wrahte da b-bit telling homey Nappy n me that we be full of shizzle.
Ha! I was wondering where this comment went to! It was right here under my nose all the time.
DeleteIn short, after about 2 years, it became clear to me (and Ann Coulter, too) that Trump wasn't really following through on promises. And when he actually DID do something, if I dug deep enough into it, I would invariably find that what Trump did was undermined by something else he did... or didn't do.
Example: He was going to stop sending our tax dollars to Planned Parenthood, right? And early on, he DID cut off funds to P.P. facilities not located within the U.S. But today, our tax dollars are STILL going to P.P. - those murderers and sellers of baby parts - in the U.S.A.
Was going to audit the Federal Reserve, right?
Build a wall?
Cut back on visas for foreign employees?
The list just goes on and on...
At some point, I simply had to face the facts that what I voted for, I wasn't getting. It was just a bunch of snarky tweets and hand gestures.
No one scores any brownie points for pointing out the truth after nearly everyone has finally recognized it:
All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
In my view, the details aren't so important. I stopped reading up on the New World Order because long ago I reached the point of diminishing returns. Plus, The Bible (e.g., Daniel, Revelation, etc.) very clearly tells us where we are headed - the BIG picture - and I don't sweat the details anymore.
Truthfully, I never thought Trump could do any more than possibly buy us a little more time to perhaps help others see the Light, while making a choice was still an option for them.
To end on a very blunt note:
I like to believe I am a pretty good judge of character, and I still tend to think Trump was being sincere while on the campaign trail leading up to the 2016 election. But I also suspect that his private meeting with Henry Kissinger was likely the point where the true Wizards Behind The Curtain laid down the law to Trump. I don't think he's been the same person, genuinely committed to MAGA, since then. And, sadly, I don't believe anyone has ever let me down more than Trump has. He tops my 'Disappointments' list.
But the Good News is that late 2022 or early 2023 will probably start the clock running on the Biblical 7-year Tribulation period, culminating with Armageddon and then the return of our Savior. We are so close now to that long-awaited Day and then 1,000 years of peace and paradise on Earth. I can handle any future letdowns that Trump is responsible for.
~ D-FensDogG