This is the debut installment of a new feature I’m adding to this Blog. We here at Xtremely Un-P.C. And Unrepentant (that is, me, myself, and my inflatable girlfriend Ariel) were initially tempted to call this segment “Miscellaneous Minutiae”, but then our gin-soaked and air-filled heads started thinking and we realized that no one was going to read something titled “Miscellaneous Minutiae.” If a blogger in the U.S. wants to gain the attention of American readers, he or she had better write about things that most interest the American People. And since nowadays it seems that nothing interests the American People more than sex, tattoos and violence, we decided to grab your attention by calling this feature just that. And it worked, too, didn’t it? (See how smart my inflatable girlfriend is?)
The majority of my posts on this Blog are rather lengthy… and long. The idea behind SEX, TATTOOS & VIOLENCE R US is to give me a forum where I can just post brief (and short) comments on a variety of related (and unrelated) topics. Like a kind of grab bag of crap. Sort of like what I did in “7 Remastered RANDOM THOUGHTS + 1 Previously Unreleased BONUS TRACK And 1 ALTERNATE TAKE", only in a continuing format.
So without further ado (and no more introduction), here’s three or four (or 10) things my girlfriend and I have been thinking about in recent days. If you don’t like what’s written below, don’t blame me - I just write what Ariel tells me to. If either of us wore pants in this relationship, it would be her:
My brother Nappy and I were watching some Andy Griffith Show DVDs last Sunday evening and periodically checking in on the score of the Lakers vs. Magic NBA Championship game. At one point, I caught a TV commercial for Coors beer. They were proudly bragging about how the mountains illustrated on the beer can now turn the color blue when the brew is cold enough to drink. I pity the fool who needs a damn can to tell him when the beer inside is cold enough to drink. Men have been guzzling beer ever since God created it at the close of the 6th Day and we never needed anything but our fingers (or the back of buddy’s neck) to tell us when it was an adequate temperature to quaff. Son-Of-A-Bitch! Has it REALLY come to this in America?! Are we now so dumbed-down that we need a picture on a beer can to clue us in to when it’s OK to “Tilt”? Oh, stick a fork in us, we’re done. (Uh… well, hold on -maybe we’re not done. Has the fork turned blue yet? Wait ‘til the fork turns blue, THEN stick it in us.)
A couple of days ago, I was at the .99 Cent Store buying toilet paper. (Why pay more? That would be just like flushing money down the toilet.) In one aisle I noticed a rack of pregnancy tests for sale. Uh… would anyone REALLY trust a pregnancy test they got for .99 cents? There are a few things that are worth paying a bit more for. Who needs a .99 cent heart attack?
Dear Abby Normal ~
Everywhere I look anymore is an inked-up broad and a woman driving a truck. Do you suppose American women will EVER stop tattooing their bodies and hauling nothing around town in pickup trucks? In other words, will American women eventually stop trying to prove their manhood and be at peace with themselves? Will they ever get over their “menvy” and rejoice in the privilege of being women? Yeah, I thought not.
Repulsed In Airheadzona
For those of you who think we are beginning to pull out of our economic woes, think again. Just last week a Whataburger near me went belly up. That is to say, doors and windows boarded up! Dang. I had only recently discovered the place, too. Being a vegetarian, I had always assumed that they didn’t have much on their menu that I could order. Then one day I wandered in and surprisingly found a couple of items that appealed to me – particularly a breakfast egg sandwich. It was cheap and it was good enough to start my morning with. Whataburger was there one day and gone the next. Poop! Anyway, keep your head down – the crap is still splattering off the economic fan.
For a couple of years in my boyhood, my favorite TV show was Kung Fu. I eagerly anticipated the fights (there was almost always one quick fight and one extended fight), but honestly, even as young as I was (12), I also eagerly anticipated the philosophical teachings. I still have a copy of “The Kung Fu Book Of Caine” published in 1993 by Herbie Pilato. In the Foreward, the show’s star, David Carradine, wrote: Our basic concerns to make this show what it was were absolute authenticity, historical accuracy, the chronicling of the troubles the Chinese immigrants experienced in America, a hint of the need for social revolution, lots of Chinese philosopy, caring for all life, a lot of heart, and superior technical quality in the films, in the writing and in our execution of all this. Somewhere right in the center was this character “Kwai Chang Caine” or “Little Grasshopper” who bound it all together.
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“Bound”, eh? [*Cough!-Cough!*]
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According to David Carradine, the fourth flute he used in the show was made for him personally by Jose Feliciano and Cannonball Adderley. Mercy, Mercy, Mercy! Now that’s pretty cool!
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I’m certainly not in the habit of speaking ill about the newly dead, however, not everything about Carradine was “cool.” For one thing, in the book he also writes:
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After all, kung-fu is not about being a warrior but about training the mind and body.
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Well, pardon my Buddhism but… “BULLSHIT!” I don’t believe that anyone has ever entered into martial arts training without first having a violent mind. If a nonviolent person wanted to train their mind, they would study and attempt to live The Holy Bible, wherein one finds the sayings of Jesus. These are the deepest and most challenging concepts ever articulated in “this world.” And if a nonviolent person wanted to train their body, they would take up golf. Or ice-skating, if they want an aerobic workout, too.
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I was never really a David Carradine fan to begin with, but he got eternally etched onto my Bad Boys list when he chose to play a part in helping Quentin Tarantino put his mental illness on the silver screen for the entertainment of The American People. Americans may have applauded that “Kill Bill” sh#t, but then, as we’ve already established, Americans love sex, tattoos and violence.
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Carradine and actress Barbara Hershey had a son they named Free. Yeah, Free. How “Summer-Of-Lovely.” Unfortunately, what Free will never be free of is the image of his dad dying in a closet with one end of a cord tied around his neck and the other end tied around his… kung-fu. A person ought to be more careful with his legacy… and his kung-fu. Now and forever, “David Carradine”, “Kwai Chang Caine”, and “Kill Bill” will conjure that sad, well-hung image in every person’s mind. What a REAL shame!
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I guess it was time for you to leave, Grasshopper, but did it have to be THAT way? Sheesh! Well, as Master Kan once said to you: “Be neither brave nor afraid, but at Peace.”
I keep hearing about this Twitter.com thing, but I know very little about it. What I DO know, however, is that I will NEVER participate in it. I won't have my name associated with something that calls itself TWITTER and where the messages one writes are called TWEETS. Sorry, that's just a little too faggy sounding for me. “Real Men don’t Tweet!” Now there’s a slogan the country should rally around. After they’ve changed the name to Mutter.com they can get back to me. Maybe I’ll play then. Maybe.
On Tuesday, my buddy The Great L.C. gave me his old copy of Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side Of The Moon.” He just bought the freshly remastered version and didn’t know what to do with his first copy of the compact disc. He offered it to me, thinking I probably already owned it and he was surprised to learn that I didn’t have ANY Pink Floyd in my music collection. Of course, his surprise was understandable considering my recent Blog Bit titled “NO DRUGS (EXCEPT FOR PINK FLOYD).” But, fact is, I never reacquired my Floyd stuffs when I made the transition from LP to CD in 1988. I’m generally more of a Jazz and Blues man now.
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I thanked The Great L.C. and told him I was glad to have “Dark Side Of The Moon” (DSOTM), while carelessly referring to it as “a true American classic.” L.C. rightfully corrected my error and I was a bit embarrassed at making such a silly and obvious mistake like that.
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Later that night, I got to contemplating how I could have said something so foolish when I know much better. I came to the conclusion that DSOTM has been with us so long now and is such a ubiquitous recording that everyone is familiar with and so many people own, that it’s almost become a part of the American culture. It spent an astounding 741 weeks on America’s Top 200 albums chart, and according to a Wikipedia article, “It is estimated that one in every fourteen people in the USA under the age of fifty owns or has owned a copy.” When I was a teenager, virtually every friend I knew had the LP. And to my dear departed friend Party Marty, track four, “The Great Gig In The Sky”, was one of the seven songs that most reminded him of me. (Neither Marty nor I could have ever imagined that he would be going to The Great Gig In The Sky before I would!) Yup, I guess it seems to this boy that Floyd’s masterpiece is now an “ADOPTED American Classic.”
Undoubtedly, there are millions of White Dumb-O-Crats (and even some White Repugnantcans) running around these days proud of themselves for having voted for USAP, believing their vote reflects their bleeding-heart open-mindedness and their sense of racial equality, yada-yada-blah-blah. I would like them all to know that I voted a Black man for president nearly a decade before they did. In 2000, I cast my presidential vote for Alan Keyes. So, not only did my vote come well before theirs, but my vote went to a Black American patriot born in America, not to an undocumented Black Marxist born in a foreign country. Yeah, uh-huh, that’s right: “I Was Voting Black Man When Voting Black Man Wasn’t Cool.”
From time to time, I have puzzled over the question why (after a full year) this Blog has failed to generate any following outside of my very small circle of personal friends. I wondered if it might be the subjects I address. But, no. Politics, humor, important book reviews? What’s not to be interested in? Could it be the writing? Perhaps. But then again, I have often enough received compliments from my friends: Aardvark, Ol’ WP, Mr. Paul, Br’er Marc – these are all individuals operating at a level of intelligence that I definitely respect, and all have had nice things to say about my writing at different times. A professional writer, Phillip Jennings, once even used the B-word to describe my writing. (No! Not “bastardly” or “bitchy.”) I question whether or not he was being sincere, but at the same time, I doubt he would have said something positive at all if he really thought my writing was stinko. [By the way, check out Phillip Jennings’ newest book being published by Regnery in January, 2010, titled “The Politically Incorrect Guide To The Vietnam War.”]
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I’m inclined to think that even a raving madman wouldn’t mistake me for a raving madman, and that most readers see my conclusions have some extensive research backing them. I’ll even venture to guess that the majority of people who have read my entries on the New World Order conspiracy recognize, even if only subconsciously, that I speak the truth. So, what’s wrong with this Blog then?
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I think the answer may have finally occurred to me late last week. I fairly regularly read the political Blogs of other writers here at Blogspot and beyond. It strikes me that they almost all have a certain something in common: Political blogs begin with a very pronounced “Us Versus Them” attitude. It’s either a Republican’s blog bashing the Democrats, or a Democrat’s blog bashing the Republicans. And they all primarily deal with the day-to-day political issues. They seem to share a micro-political viewpoint. Their concerns are on what dumbass thing USAP said yesterday, or what new piece of legislation Congress passed today, or who might or might not get a Supreme Court nomination tomorrow, etc.
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Xtremely Un-P.C. And Unrepentant, on the other hand, generally adopts a macro-political viewpoint. I am far more concerned with “The Big Picture.” I think most Americans are afraid to face up to the fact that the little goings-on really do not alter the broad path we traverse on the way to our eventual demise. They would rather hide their faces from the great truth and continue with their delusions; choosing to believe (falsely) that if they could just get the right man into the White House, or just gain party control of both the House and the Senate, or just get the right configuration of lawyers in the U.S. Supreme Court, everything will get better. I believe it is easier for most people to just choose sides (the side that SAYS – not necessarily does, but SAYS – the things they want to hear) and to pretend that things will eventually improve in America. If the people were to acknowledge that even their own chosen political party is in actuality their enemy, it would leave the people feeling alone and powerless in their struggle for truth, justice, and The American Way.
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It is the rare person indeed who can confront the truth and admit: I feel like a ten-year-old who has rooted for the "good guys" in professional wrestling with great fervor, and is just learning that the whole thing is fake--not on the level! "..no...it couldn't be...they don't mean it...you mean, you mean...everything I thought was....WRONG??!!" But that woman and I concur with Patrick Henry who said: “It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth ... For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and to provide for it.”
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It’s a hard thing for the average American to admit the fact that they really WILL NOT and CANNOT change the course of the country. Americans are afraid, and therefore they refuse to see the evil that is all around them and in plain view 24/7. The Big Picture is a darkness living brazenly in the light of day and which conspires against America, against humanity at large, against national sovereignty and personal liberty.
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So, the political Blogs that entertain an “Us Versus Them” micro-view acquire a following of readers because most Blog visitors share this mind-set. It is the prevailing political assumption in America. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that” but it simply doesn’t represent the greater political reality. It’s like concerning oneself with the red or blue colors of the spokes but never realizing they are all - regardless of color - part of an outer wheel. Or, to use a different analogy: If a person hasn’t first seen the big picture on the lid of the box, examining the separate jigsaw puzzle pieces and attempting to put them together is a waste of time and an exercise in frustration.
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In short, I think the reason Xtremely Un-P.C. And Unrepentant has only a few regular readers is because it scares people; it makes people uncomfortable. Well, so be it then! Henry David Thoreau wrote: “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” I like to think that this Blog makes me a “striker”, not a “hacker.” And I would not refocus on the political minutiae in order to gain a larger readership. This Blog will continue to emphasize the BIG, BAD PICTURE, and if that means only a few good friends will continue to check in here, that’s fine with me. I’m mostly writing to (hopefully) “Amuse Friends And Piss Off Enemies” anyway. And nothing I or any other blogger says can change the future anyhow because largely… “It is written.”
Hi. I am a very friendly person but I am also shy. I want to meet new people but this is not easy for me.
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I would like to share my pictures with you, only this website will not allow me to. However, I do have my nude photo collection - which is very tasteful and artistic - posted on a different site where it is permitted.
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If you would like to see my nude photos, please click here.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
"As a dog returns to his own vomit, so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11
Dont' you just love those stupid posts on myspace. "My nude photos are at ...." What a joke.
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad more people don't read this. Then again, they would A) have to look for it, B) have to look at reality and C) would have to be able to find it. Not as easy as other blogs, but no fault of your own.
BR'ER: I originally wanted to work the word or words "MySpace"/"my space" into that last segment, but when it didn't come to me easily enough, I just figured: Oh well, anyone who's ever had a MySpace account will probably recognize this anyway.
ReplyDeleteActually, my Blogspot profile has been visited over 800 times - an indication that this Blog HAS been found by a number of people who don't return later. (I base that last assumption on the lack of posted comments and the lack of "Following" readers.)
It's not like I've lost any sleep over it or anything, but I have occasionally pondered why so many other political Blogs are so much better received. Well, I believe my explanation above is at least pretty close to hitting the nail on the head.
But as we've agreed in prior conversations, no one is going to change America's fate no matter what they say or do, for God has already recorded our future in His Story. I can only hope to inspire an individual here or there think about God, and hope to make a friend or two laugh, and a commie or two curse. That's the best I can hope for. So, really, it doesn't make much difference how few people read Xtremely Un-P.C. And I'm satisfied enough just believing that I now know the primary reason why.
Yak Later, Bro.
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>
ReplyDeleteGood post, and the short snippets are a good idea.
Regarding the traffic on your blog, I could have told you the reason was your subject matter, and not your writing. The masses just aren't ready for the macro realities, including most self-proclaimed christians.
Plus, many bloggers heavily promote their blogs all over the web. As far as I know you don't do this. The length of some of your posts is probably also a hindrance considering the attention span of the average 21st century person.
I must be honest with ya I own both of the Kill Bill's on dvd (blood lust is an issue for me I admit), and I think A. Keyes is a total whack job, but I hope we can still be friends. : )
Hey guess what I had for a snack yesterday as I settled in to watch my beloved Yankees get beat by their retarded step-cousin the Mets? You guessed it, AOT!
(Ok, I know retarded isn't a PC term, but hey this is the home of xtremely UN PC right? Besides in this instance "mentally challenged" doesn't have quite the same panache.
Agreed, but I do have my friends visit your blog. I frequently add links to your blog on facebook, e-mails to others, and myspace. Though, I don't know how well their received on myspace. Those people are probably disappointed it's not porn.
ReplyDeleteLove ya brother,
P.S. If my video ever gets here I'll watch it and send it your way with Obama deception. Two for the price of one.
>>[Though, I don't know how well their received on myspace. Those people are probably disappointed it's not porn.]<<
ReplyDeleteActually, most Liberals probably DO consider Xtremely Un-P.C. to be "pornography." Ha!
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~Proverbs 26:11>
OL' WP (Kal-O) ~
ReplyDeleteThanks! Pleased you like the segmented post idea.
>>[Plus, many bloggers heavily promote their blogs all over the web. As far as I know you don't do this.]<<
No, I don't. I include a link to my Blogs on other sites where I also maintain a user profile, such as at I Can Has Cheezburger (where I use the pseudonym ProvDog), BigBitch.com, MySpace, and Politico.com. (But even I very rarely visit those last three sites.) Other than those links on those profile pages, I do not mention my Blogs. Self-promotion just ain't my gig.
>>[The length of some of your posts is probably also a hindrance considering the attention span of the average 21st century person.]<<
A very good point, WP, which I myself had failed to consider. I tend to think that if the writing is compelling, the length of the piece should be irrelevant (i.e., "size doesn't matter"). But you're probably right - it probably does. Oh well, I can't help it if I'm a non-shuttin'-up M.F.
>>[I must be honest with ya I own both of the Kill Bill's on dvd (blood lust is an issue for me I admit)]<<
Well, as they say on TV, recognition of an issue is the first step to recovery.
I had heard so much praise for Kill Bill that I finally rented it one day. Got about 20 minutes into it and was so disgusted I took it out and returned it. I don't necessarily criticize all violence in movies - there are degrees, purposes and motivations to be considered. But Kill Bill gave new meaning to the term "gratuitous violence." Plus, I thought the movie was just over-the-top ridiculous, without any redeeming quality whatsoever. I would put Kill Bill on a par with watching a "Faces Of Death" movie, only Kill Bill is far less realistic.
Furthermore, I think Quentin Tarantino is literally mentally ill. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if his career eventually ends with him doing an O.J., or a Phil Spector, or even a David Carradine. He's a sick pup.
Oh well, Bro, I guess we can’t see eye-to-fist and mouth-to-foot on everything. (By the way, you might find it interesting to know that yesterday I actually bought “Billy Jack” on DVD. Watch for a short Blog Bit on it someday.)
>>[and I think A. Keyes is a total whack job, but I hope we can still be friends.]<<
Of course we’re still friends (and brothers), but this intrigues me a great deal. Now, I’ll admit I don’t necessarily agree with Keyes on everything (I don’t agree with ANYONE on everything), but I share his views a good majority of the time. So, I’m afraid that if you think of him as a “whack job” you may need to change your opinion of me to reflect that same assessment. I mean, I can understand an occasional difference of opinion with the guy, but... a “whack job”? A “TOTAL WHACK JOB”? Please tell me specifically what leads you to that conclusion. This is worth an extended and serious examination, but be forewarned, you may be thinking differently of me afterwards.
>>[Hey guess what I had for a snack yesterday as I settled in to watch my beloved Yankees get beat by their retarded step-cousin the Mets? You guessed it, AOT!]<<
Stankees lost to the Mets? Boo-Hoo! Baseball’s Federal Reserve lost to baseball’s street thugs? As they say in the movie: “That sh#t could really happen!”
But, uh-oh... you didn’t have anything to say about the AOT. Does this mean it left a bad taste in your mouth, just like the baseball game did? Say it ain’t so, O!
>>[Ok, I know retarded isn't a PC term, but hey this is the home of xtremely UN PC right? Besides in this instance "mentally challenged" doesn't have quite the same panache.]<<
Absolutely, Bro. We don’t tolerate P.C. terminology in these parts. “Retarded” is quite alright. To say “mentally-challenged” would be retarded. Just like saying “gay” when one really means “faggy” is just plain faggy.
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>
First thing, the AOT was great, lots of salt is the key. I had it again yesterday.
ReplyDeleteActually I own all of QT's movies, but they just collect dust now as I am not of the same mindset and spirit as when I purchased them. I never praised his movies, but "Billy Jack", heck yeah!!!
You are probably correct with your mental diagnosis of him, and as far as my blood lust goes, well let's just say like many other things it's better than before.
My movie collection is quite extensive, so there are many movies I own that I probably wouldn't purchase today (though I did consciously and judiciously destroy the small "dirty movie" collection that I held on to).
In regards to Keyes, maybe total whack job was a bit strong. Obviously being conservative I also agree with him on many issues.
I can agree with someone on one or many points and still think they're a whack job, or even a total a**. Something about his persona just really rubs me the wrong way, and right or wrong that's usually enough for me.
I have some "race" issues with him too, but we can discuss that offline if you want to.
Anyway, keep up the good work, and I'll ignore your petty comments about the greatest organization in all of sports. : )
ReplyDelete>>[First thing, the AOT was great, lots of salt is the key. I had it again yesterday.]<<
I had some last night myself, and you're perfectly right, lots of salt IS the key. There's almost no such thing as too much salt on AOT. I think it's possible that my paternal grandfather may have invented this odd treat. (In almost 50 years, I've never met anyone else who ate it this way.) But either way, it's what I grew up on and is still perhaps my favorite meal.
>>[Actually I own all of QT's movies, but they just collect dust now as I am not of the same mindset and spirit as when I purchased them. I never praised his movies, but "Billy Jack", heck yeah!!!]<<
Good man! Billy Jack is coming to a "STUFFS" Blog near you... eventually.
>>[as far as my blood lust goes, well let's just say like many other things it's better than before.]<<
May our endeavors represent an effort toward improvement. That is one of the significant things asked of us. I'm working on a train-load of "issues" myself, Brother. It ain't easy... without martinis.
>>[(though I did consciously and judiciously destroy the small "dirty movie" collection that I held on to).]<<
The only ultra-violent movie in my collection is Peckinpah's "The Wild Bunch", but that is definitely not "mindless" violence, and is one of the true masterpieces of American cinema; a real "thinking man's" Western.
As for the "dirty movies"... wish I'd known you were jettisoning them - I'd have bought 'em off ya. :)
>>[I have some "race" issues with him too, but we can discuss that offline if you want to.]<<
Hmmm... Intriguing. Not sure what you are alluding to, but I would certainly be interested in exploring that further if you are. Compose an e-mail someday if you wish to and have the extra time for it. Feel free to clue me into what you're referring to, Bro. Maybe there are some things I'm not aware of.
>>[Anyway, keep up the good work, and I'll ignore your petty comments about the greatest organization in all of sports.]<<
Ha!-Ha! Glad you've received my remarks in the spirit in which they were offered. All's fair in love and war... and sports.
"GO DIEYERS!" (That's how they say it in East Los Angeles.)
Oh! I hear the AOT calling. Better run. Love ya, man (you know, in a strictly JOHN WAYNE kind of way!!!)
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~Proverbs 26:11>
Hi Stephen,
ReplyDeleteI recall an incident a few years ago. I’d spent 10 days at a meditation retreat, meditating from dawn to dusk in silence. On the 10th day the participants begin the process of ‘readjustment’ by communicating with one another in readiness for the outside world. However, on that day, I left early and missing that crucial step out.
Later that evening my wife was tuned into a film containing the usual level of swearing and violence that’s considered moderate today. I started to feel ill at ease and asked whether we could switch channels, but my wife was into the film. My unease steadily increased to the point where I was sickened each time the actors swore or violence erupted. Eventually, I became so uncomfortable I decided to leave the room, so my wife switched off the TV, and only then did I regain my equipoise.
That incident taught me just how desensitised we have all become to violence whether it’s verbal or physical. I’ve heard the argument that violent cinema does not harm society (from vested interests), with Japan cited as an example of a society with little violent crime yet has a violent film culture. But Japan also has a strict, homogeneous ordered society which acts as a counter balance. Also, outward expressions of anger in Japan are frowned upon. The harmful effects of exposing children to violence have been reported in many academic papers including this summary by Murray 2008 [Media Violence: The Effects Are Both Real and Strong. American Behavioral Scientist; 51; 1212. http://abs.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/51/8/1212] which reports on the correlation between children’s exposure to violence and behavioural changes.
When I saw the Tarantino film Kill bill I was appalled by the violence. I didn’t bother watching its sequel. I’ve come to the conclusion that a diet of violence, soap operas, and other inane offering are McDonald’s for the mind.
[Doggone it! Having trouble posting a comment ON MY OWN BLOG! Will try this in two parts and see wha- happens.]
ReplyDeletePart 1 Of 2:
Wow! ED, what a first-rate comment. Thank you!
I guess it was about 2 years ago, The New American magazine printed a piece on violence, the media, and film entertainment, and remarking on the relatively violence-free culture in the East, came to a similar conclusion to what you expressed here. They may have even cited that same American Behavioral Scientist report. It sounds familiar, and I will have to try to look into it further.
Of course, just our own common sense (which seems increasingly uncommon these days) tells us that there must be a correlation here. Mega-corporations and pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t be spending the money they do on television advertising if they didn’t know that their ads make an impression on minds and that what makes an impression on minds eventually impacts behavior. To believe that commercial advertising has an effect on the mind and behavior, but that lifelike images of violence does not, is extremely naïve thinking.
I watched about 20 minutes of the first “Kill Bill”, shut it off and immediately returned it to the DVD rental store. What I was seeing was so ludicrous and so obviously the product of a seriously disturbed mind that I cut my losses early. In fact, I can remember EXACTLY where I turned it off. After the protagonist (?) kills the little girl’s mother in the kitchen, she goes outside and drives away in a van that’s painted with the words “Pussy Wagon.” That’s the very moment where I said to myself, “Enough of this crap!” and took the movie out. I didn’t get far.
Man, ten days at a meditation retreat! I REALLY SHOULD do something like that! I first started meditating in 1994, and although I’ve never become proficient at it, I still try it on a near daily basis. Maybe a long retreat where I have nothing else to do but meditate might be the answer.
Honestly, I’m a bit surprised that I’ve never developed my meditation ability beyond a mediocre level (at best) because mental focus is normally one of my strongest traits. I laugh about it but it’s true: I’m so focused that more times than not, I eat all of the main course first, and then eat all of one side dish and then all of the next side dish. Ha! I thought that my mind would have a natural aptitude for meditation, but I still have trouble getting into that quiet mind state with pinpoint focus until that “other” state of peace takes over (you know what I mean).
Part 2 Of 2:
ReplyDeleteI’ve always said that lousy meditation (such as I practice) is still a thousand times better than no meditation at all. And I am absolutely convinced of its efficacy and have even had some rather extraordinary meditative experiences on those very rare occasions when I was really able to receive that “peace that surpasses all understanding.” At this point, I’ve probably already exhausted every meditative trick and technique known to man, but if you have any suggestions that you believe might improve my practice, I’m all ears, Brother!
Say, if this last question is of too personal a nature and you would rather ignore it, please do so. But if you don’t mind my asking and you don’t mind responding, would you give me a thumbnail description of your spiritual beliefs? I’m merely curious because one doesn’t often find meditation practiced by “orthodox Christians” and so I’m wondering if perhaps you and I share some basic spiritual ideas. Of course, I realize it’s possible that you are not “Christian Anything.”
As for me, at one time or another, I covered a good portion of the spiritual map. I’ve looked into a lot of different belief systems and (by the grace of God) eventually came to rely solely on The Holy Bible as my written guide although I am definitely not acceptable to the modern Christian church. Ha! I think my beliefs are a fairly unique potpourri; an idea borrowed from here, a concept borrowed from there, etc. I call it simply “Christian Mysticism” because I haven’t found a better phrase. I was strongly influenced early on by Joel Goldsmith and I guess I’m sort of a “Bad Christian Meets A Christian Science Laboratory Explosion.” Whatever that means.
Anyway, my Friend, please feel free to ignore the question if you’d rather not address it. But rest assured, I’m not itching for a discussion of religion, only curious to know in the most basic terms “where you’re coming from” spiritually. And thanks again for the great comment!
~ Stephen
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>
Part 1 of 2
ReplyDeleteDiscussing spiritual/religious matters can be like carelessly throwing a cigarette butt out of a car whilst driving off from the fuel station. But that said….and not wishing to conform to the self-censorship that is political correctness……
I don’t really have any fixed or firm opinions on the matter. I was christened in the Protestant tradition, but I realise that hardly qualifies me as a Christian, and I can’t be pinned down to any particular religious leanings. I have more questions than answers.
Which club to join? Catholicism? Given the unhealthy interest in children, by some, in the Catholic Church and the systematic cover-up by those who could have stopped it doesn’t really help to sell it to me. I think Pope John Paul’s ideas on contraception have only created more problems for Brazil’s poor (1). The Philippines is another country that has had its suffering exacerbated by the no contraception teachings (2, 3). These unwanted pregnancies must have also promoted many abortions. Cardinal Ratzinger appears to have no crisis of conscience in welcoming, by hand, the war monger George Bush (4).
Jehovah’s witnesses? Well, they are a good example of predict at your peril. The world was supposedly to end in 1914, and then they recalculated a new date of 1925 whilst rewriting their earlier pronouncements to mean that 1914 wasn’t the end, but the beginning of the end as signalled by WWI. Then 1975 came and went without a murmur and so these predictions were quietly dropped and thereafter, they mostly gave up on the predication business. I’ve known several JW’s and thought they were lovely decent, sincere people. I think they would have to be to put up with trudging the streets with the hope of saving souls, only to have the door shut in their faces.
Then there’s the Anglican Church, sitting on the fence. Why didn’t they condemn George Bush and Tony Blair for their crimes? If their role is to provide moral guidance and leadership, I don’t see it.
I happened upon a lecture by the late Evangelist Barry Smith, who had previously spoken of the globalist’s agenda and the banking scam of fiat currency, and thus appeared quite knowledgeable. But in an audio discussion (5) he makes the modern day analogy of David and Goliath, with Israel being today’s David. Well, I’m not aware that the Palestinian’s have nuclear, biological and chemical weapons stored underground, or hold some of the most technologically advanced militarily hardware in the world. Nor do Arabs simultaneously, finance, influence and occupy the political spectrum in the US to ensure favourable policies are drawn up, and they certainly aren’t the largest recipient of America’s foreign aid budget. And if they had, say, bombed the USS Liberty (6) it wouldn’t have been hushed up and buried from the public – there would have been hell to pay. Yet, Barry Smith is blind to this. It seams to me that Father Charles Coughlin was more clued up on international politics, 80 years earlier.
The Alpha course is another troubling development, now being promoted worldwide. Its methods have come under scrutiny because they appear to be teaching moral ambiguity by emphasizing feelings and looking at ways of interpreting ideas, rather that resting on core principals. And who is behind its funding?
Part 2 of 2
ReplyDeleteGiven all of the above, should we still seek God through intermediaries such as Priests, Vickers, Pastors, or find our own way? If we do choose an intermediary it’s apparent we need to be discerning. And which bible to use - isn’t the Scofield version deliberately compromised?
When I became aware of the realities of how the world really works I wasn’t prepared to accept it at face value, and spent much time looking into the details. After examining the information it was evidently true that a conspiracy does exist, and the only issues remaining were the minutiae of who, where, when and how. However, on discovering this conspiracy, a satanic element kept cropping up. For example, The Franklin Cover-up (7) and the Brussels Marc Detroux cover-up (8), which indicates to me that it is much more than craving money and power, and perhaps explains why they’ve been so successful up to now. The conspiracy is easily proven but the evidence for the satanic element is more circumstantial. I’ve gone slightly off topic, Stephen, but I would be interested in your perspective on these matters.
1. http://www.theonion.com/content/node/27702
6.Assault on the Liberty by James Ennes
7. The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska by John W. DeCamp
PART 1 OF 2:
ReplyDeleteHowdy, ED ~
Hokey-Smoke, Brother! I sure wasn’t expecting such a detailed response (with references and everything!) I figured you’d write a few sentences saying something like, “I’m a Christian This” or “I’m a Christian That” or “I’m a Buddhist Monk” or “It’s none of your business what I am.”
Anyway, thanks for your reply. I agree with your (humorous) opening comment about discussing religious matters being like throwing a cigarette butt out at a gas station. Ha!-Ha! I rarely have problems in this area because I have no organization to convert people to, and mine is such an individual path that I have no emotional attachment to a religious group which might be in competition with another.
Catholicism: Just last week, I finished reading a book titled “Goodbye, Good Men: How Liberals Brought Corruption Into The Catholic Church.” It was a very worthwhile read which explained a good many things to me about the Catholic scandals of late. At worst, the highest levels of church leadership allowed this behavior to continue and did not have a genuine interest in examining and correcting it. At best, the church is a massive bureaucracy which cannot police itself adequately. In short, a Catholic I have never been and a Catholic I will never be.
I do, however, support the Catholic church’s stance against contraception devices which are in actuality abortifacients, but I disagree with their position in discouraging married couples’ use of non-abortifacient contraceptives, namely condoms, diaphragms and spermicides.
A study into the history of the Jehovah’s Witness movement will show that it was founded by a shady character. The same goes for Mormonism, which in some details is bastardized Freemasonry.
I essentially support the Jewish state. I am no believer in Replacement Theology, and do not think that God is finished working with Israel. But having said that, I also need to point out that I share a viewpoint with many of our country’s Founding Fathers (Washington, Jefferson, et al.) that we need to mind our own damn business. I do not believe we should be entangled in alliances with military implications. The U.S.A. would serve the world best by following its own founding principles and letting our peace and prosperity shine as examples to the rest of the world. But, of course, that’s just a pipe dream, as those who set our foreign policy really seek to gain leverage in other global regions as a means of bringing to life their vision of world government (read: world control).
PART 2 OF 2:
ReplyDeleteI have read several articles about the attack on the USS LIBERTY; also read a book which attempted to defend Israel’s actions as an honest “mistake” written by (if I recall correctly all these years later) an Admiral of the U.S. Navy. I’ve also seen a documentary on the subject. The book made some good points, but the whole affair was highly disturbing and extremely suspicious (to put it most mildly).
I agree that “the satanic element [of the conspiracy] is more circumstantial” but I am no less convinced of it. As I told a couple of good friends recently: “Satan is the top of the pyramid.” The deeper I studied some of the non-mainline “Christian” denominations and the New Age systems that employ Christian terminology (e.g., Mormonism, A Course In Miracles, etc.) the more I found the satanic influence turning up. That luciferianism became the primary agency of Freemasonry is, in my opinion, totally apparent. And, of course, Freemasonry’s influence in political affairs has been well known for a long while.
It seems that you and I are largely “on the same page”, Ed. My spiritual path is a unique one. I do have a relationship with Jesus, and if some of my beliefs (e.g., I’m a non-Trinitarian believer in reincarnation – not soul transmigration) are way out of whack, Jesus has yet to correct them. Jesus came to me when I wasn’t especially looking for Him. And I have asked Him to send me to the church of His choosing. That prayer has gone unanswered – which in itself is probably the answer. I pray; I read The Bible daily; and I meditate. I honor the Sabbath in my own way, but I do honor it.
Ed, I’ve never been much of a “joiner” to begin with, but some years ago, I reached the conclusion that I should never join any organization that I myself don’t have ultimate authority over. I would hate to see my name sullied by its association with an organization that, unbeknownst to me, might be carrying on immoral or illegal activities in the shadows. For this reason, I do not even belong to any political groups whose patriotic work I agree with and endorse. I might promote their activities in my writings, I might even send them a monetary donation, but I will not attach my name to theirs in any “official” capacity. It’s too difficult to regain credibility after it has been lost, and it’s impossible to know everything that might be occurring behind closed doors. I trust only myself to represent me.
Always a pleasure to talk with you, Brother!
~ Stephen
<"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11>
Part 1 of 2
ReplyDeleteStephen said:
[At this point, I’ve probably already exhausted every meditative trick and technique known to man, but if you have any suggestions that you believe might improve my practice, I’m all ears, Brother!].
The challenge I’ve found with meditation is that in order to achieve a meditative state it is first necessary to quieten the mind, and that takes time. It requires withdrawing from the world of work, marriage, sport, news, worries, the jingles of advertisements running around in our heads, and a thousand other thoughts. Spending a few days away from all that ‘noise’ is insufficient to ‘off load’ all these thoughts, and therefore very difficult for a beginner [or a lapsed meditator] to experience the full benefits of meditation, and therefore they will come away from the experience without fully appreciating its value. Spending some time at a retreat is therefore essential to begin developing the deeper meditative states.
I have suffered with back problems on and off for years and have seen chiropractitioners, osteopaths, and doctors, but any benefits were only short lived and superficial. I did notice that my back pain was exacerbated whenever I was ‘stressed’ and had read reports of the mind body link in its relationship to health, and how this link had been severed by modern medicine and its descartesian approach to the human body. I recall an incident that alerted me to this inseparable mind-body link during a work meeting. I was so angered by an incident that my neck and upper back muscles went immediately into spasm, and left me with a painfully stiff neck. I then had no doubt of the mind-body link, and have since experienced it and observed it in others. That’s not to say all of our ills are the result of the mind but rather it’s another facet that contributes to illness and wellness. Just as a bad diet, long exposure to most pharmaceutical drugs, or exposure to environmental toxins are other factors that will damage health.
The back pain has been greatly improved since I began meditation, by about 90%. However, one time I did relapse after being run down with over work and ‘stress’ and my back problem returned, so I sat down and meditated and concentrated on the painful area. As my mind quietened and I started to go into that meditative state I shifted my focus onto the area of pain and was able to ‘dissolve’ the knots and muscular tension and became pain-free once more. Of course, the key purpose of meditation is not to improve physical health, but nevertheless one of the consequences of meditation can be an improvement in wellbeing. My powers of concentration are always improved after coming back from a retreat, although probably nothing compared with your dining exploits Stephen.
Part 2 of 2
ReplyDeleteI would wholeheartedly recommend spending time at a mediation centre and immersing oneself in mediation – specifically Vipassana meditation http://www.dhamma.org/. There are several Vipassana meditation centres in the States, and they operate as a charity and accept donations by only those who have attended a 10 day course. My scribbling doesn’t do justice to the subject, and it’s really a case of ‘just do it’, as writing can’t relay its abstract nature adequately. It’s not surprising so many Western anthropologists/adventurers didn’t get it when they first discovered Eastern cultures practising Buddhist meditation.
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumoured by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it”.
Gotama the Buddha
ReplyDeleteED, from the moment I read your first mention of a 10-day meditation retreat, something within myself responded to it. I thought: That sounds like just the thing.
I definitely will check out the website you left an address for. I don't have the vacation time from work left from 2009 to do a 10-day retreat this year, but I am genuinely intrigued by the idea of it. I will check out the site, think, pray and meditate on it, and give real consideration to using 2010's vacation time on a meditation retreat.
I kid you not, I "feel" that I would truly benefit from a chunk of time like that completely separated from the noise of "this world."
So, thanks again - GREATLY - Ed, for the suggestion and the explanation. I will contemplate this, and not lightly either.
Gratefully Yours,
~ Stephen
Dogs, Fools and such...
the regular gig.