So, there I was the other day, sitting in that room in my house where I eat sandwiches, and eating a sandwich. I had gotten it at ‘Sprouts’, which is where I get my sandwiches. It was mayonnaise, lettuce, red onion, salt ‘n’ pepper, avocado, and extra provolone cheese on multigrain bread. (I know all this because I fished the ‘Sprouts’ Sandwich Order Form out of my trash can. And I see now that I somehow forgot to order tomatoes. Hmmm… Odd. I ALWAYS order tomatoes.)
Anyway, while I was eating my sandwich, I happened to glance to my right at my biggest bookcase, and it occurred to me that my reading habits are all over the map. That’s a good thing. Not as good as tomatoes, but a good thing nonetheless.
Being a voracious reader (as well as sandwich-eater), I own four bookcases to hold all my books. You see, I’m a bookaholic with a severe reading addiction. In fact, I have a $500-a-day reading habit. Unfortunately, in order to feed my habit I have begun breaking into peoples’ homes to steal . . . their books.
My favorite of the four bookcases is the biggest one. It’s my favorite not because it’s the biggest but because my Grandfather helped me to build it from scratch when I was just 14 or 15 years old. After it was constructed, he asked me what color I wanted to paint it. I told him, “Blue and brown”. So, he took me to the hardware store and I selected the shades of blue and brown that I wanted. Grandpa told me some time later that he was very skeptical of my color scheme, but after he saw it on the bookcase he really liked it.
Anyway, while I was eating my sandwich, I happened to glance to my right at my biggest bookcase, and it occurred to me that my reading habits are all over the map. That’s a good thing. Not as good as tomatoes, but a good thing nonetheless.
Being a voracious reader (as well as sandwich-eater), I own four bookcases to hold all my books. You see, I’m a bookaholic with a severe reading addiction. In fact, I have a $500-a-day reading habit. Unfortunately, in order to feed my habit I have begun breaking into peoples’ homes to steal . . . their books.
My favorite of the four bookcases is the biggest one. It’s my favorite not because it’s the biggest but because my Grandfather helped me to build it from scratch when I was just 14 or 15 years old. After it was constructed, he asked me what color I wanted to paint it. I told him, “Blue and brown”. So, he took me to the hardware store and I selected the shades of blue and brown that I wanted. Grandpa told me some time later that he was very skeptical of my color scheme, but after he saw it on the bookcase he really liked it.
[Corners cracking but loved no less.]
Setting my sandwich down for a moment - (we’re back to that part of the story) – I got up, walked to the bookcase, looked at the title arrangement and chuckled. All over the map, I tells ya! I decided to take a few pictures of my bookcase, front and center (or rather, top and center), and show it to ya.
These are some of my books photographed in their natural habitat; as a man of my word, I give you my word that not even one title was artificially placed for effect – this is the honest hodgepodge or my name isn’t Honest John. Which it isn’t. But don’t trouble me with the details (the devil’s in ‘em).
You’ll undoutedly notice that at one time there was some sort of theme or organizational concept dictating book placement, but over time, haphazardness eroded the order.
Setting my sandwich down for a moment - (we’re back to that part of the story) – I got up, walked to the bookcase, looked at the title arrangement and chuckled. All over the map, I tells ya! I decided to take a few pictures of my bookcase, front and center (or rather, top and center), and show it to ya.
These are some of my books photographed in their natural habitat; as a man of my word, I give you my word that not even one title was artificially placed for effect – this is the honest hodgepodge or my name isn’t Honest John. Which it isn’t. But don’t trouble me with the details (the devil’s in ‘em).
You’ll undoutedly notice that at one time there was some sort of theme or organizational concept dictating book placement, but over time, haphazardness eroded the order.
Here’s what you’re looking at, from left to right, top down, beginning with the books that have their spines facing away from the camera:
‘A Parenthesis In Eternity’ by Joel Goldsmith [bad book]; ‘The Judas Goats’ by Michael Piper [bad book]; ‘Blowback’ by Chalmers Johnson [mediocre book]; ‘Holidays In Hell’ by P.J. O’Rourke; ‘Economics In One Lesson’ by Henry Hazlitt; ‘Green Eggs And Ham’ by Dr. Seuss [great book]; ‘The Law’ by Frederic Bastiat [Yeah, I’m that guy Karl Marx warned ya about.]
‘The Most Scenic Drives In America’ by Reader’s Digest [Literally “all over the map”.]
‘Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers, Marriage, And The Family’ by Stephen Baskerville; ‘Alien Encounters’ by Chuck Missler [Although I am an Airheadzonan, this is not about THOSE aliens. It’s about aliens from “out there” somewhere.]; ‘Alive And Well’ by Dr. Philip Binzel Jr.; ‘World Without Cancer’ by G. Edward Griffin
‘The Making Of America’ by W. Cleon Skousen
First real shelf: ‘Joseph McCarthy’ by Arthur Herman; ‘McCarthy’ by Roy Cohn; ‘The Naked Capitalist’ by W. Cleon Skousen; ‘The Assassination Of Joe McCarthy’ by Medford Evans; ‘Who Promoted Peress?’ by Lionel Lokos
[Out of the camera’s view: ‘McCarthy: The Answer To ‘Tail Gunner Joe’’ by Roy Cohn; ‘America’s Retreat From Victory’ by Senator Joseph McCarthy; ‘The Lattimore Story’ by John T. Flynn]
[Out of the camera’s view: ‘McCarthy: The Answer To ‘Tail Gunner Joe’’ by Roy Cohn; ‘America’s Retreat From Victory’ by Senator Joseph McCarthy; ‘The Lattimore Story’ by John T. Flynn]
‘Time’ magazine of April, 1998, featuring “The Shroud Of Turin” cover story; ‘The Resurrection Of The Shroud’ by Mark Antonacci; ‘Foundations: Their Power And Influence’ by Rene Wormser; ‘None Dare Call It Treason …25 Years Later’ by John Stormer [Like the tail fins on a 1959 Cadillac, it’s a true American classic!]; ‘The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look At The Federal Reserve’ by G. Edward Griffin; reprints from ‘The New American’ magazine article “How The Monetary Mayhem Began” by James Perloff; Xeroxed sections from the book ‘Treason: The New World Order’ by Gurudas; ‘End-Time Prophecies Of The Bible’ by David Haggith; ‘Women: Theory And Practice’ by Bernard Chapin [Yeah, I need a LOT of practice!]; ‘Women Who Make The World Worse’ by Kate O’Beirne; ‘Why Women And Power Don’t Mix’ by J.P. McDermott [Not to be confused with P.J. O’Rourke. Bad title; excellent book!]; ‘The Gender Agenda’ by Dale O’Leary [Not to be confused with Mrs. O’Leary’s cow]; ‘Manhood Redux: Standing Up To Feminism’ by C.H. Freedman [My favorite anti-Feminism book.]
[Out of the camera’s view: ‘The Privilege Of Being A Woman’ by Alice von Hildebrand]
‘An Enormous Crime: The Definitive Account Of American POWs Abandoned In Southeast Asia’ by Hendon and Stewart; ‘Standard Operating Procedure’ by Gourevitch and Morris; various anti-military clippings and newsletters; ‘Legalizing Misandry’ by Nathanson and Young
Well, there you have it: two small sections of my biggest bookcase. Man, if those subjects were a map, I’d be all over it!
I hope you enjoyed the tour. Donations to feed my reading habit are gladly accepted. Send your books to:
Stephen T. McCarthy
Florence State Prison
P.O. Box 629; Cell 29
Florence, AZ. 85132
I’ll get caught breaking and entering and be there soon enough.
My friend Br’er Mark turned me on to a new blogger, and what I have thus far read of his two blogs, I dig this dude’s writing a lot! Not only is he funny, but when it comes to political reality, he appears to know the gig! Please take a look at his blogs and see if it’s your cup of sake.
‘Barquedust’s Babbleon’
‘The Conspiracy Exposed’
And that’s not all! My buddy DiscConnected recently posted a new blog bit titled “Of John Lennon, Thomas Jefferson And Buster Douglas” which you MUST read! So read it, and start following his blog, too. Two great blogs (well, three, actually) that go great together!
It’s not too late, People! We can save our Republic yet!
(Ha! Well, not really, but what the hell – fat, stupid and tomatoless is no way to go through life, son. Drunk? Well… a man’s gotta do something to keep warm.)
Roddy McDowally Yours,
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
D-FensDogg of the ‘Loyal American Underground’
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
‘Time’ magazine of April, 1998, featuring “The Shroud Of Turin” cover story; ‘The Resurrection Of The Shroud’ by Mark Antonacci; ‘Foundations: Their Power And Influence’ by Rene Wormser; ‘None Dare Call It Treason …25 Years Later’ by John Stormer [Like the tail fins on a 1959 Cadillac, it’s a true American classic!]; ‘The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look At The Federal Reserve’ by G. Edward Griffin; reprints from ‘The New American’ magazine article “How The Monetary Mayhem Began” by James Perloff; Xeroxed sections from the book ‘Treason: The New World Order’ by Gurudas; ‘End-Time Prophecies Of The Bible’ by David Haggith; ‘Women: Theory And Practice’ by Bernard Chapin [Yeah, I need a LOT of practice!]; ‘Women Who Make The World Worse’ by Kate O’Beirne; ‘Why Women And Power Don’t Mix’ by J.P. McDermott [Not to be confused with P.J. O’Rourke. Bad title; excellent book!]; ‘The Gender Agenda’ by Dale O’Leary [Not to be confused with Mrs. O’Leary’s cow]; ‘Manhood Redux: Standing Up To Feminism’ by C.H. Freedman [My favorite anti-Feminism book.]
[Out of the camera’s view: ‘The Privilege Of Being A Woman’ by Alice von Hildebrand]
‘An Enormous Crime: The Definitive Account Of American POWs Abandoned In Southeast Asia’ by Hendon and Stewart; ‘Standard Operating Procedure’ by Gourevitch and Morris; various anti-military clippings and newsletters; ‘Legalizing Misandry’ by Nathanson and Young
Well, there you have it: two small sections of my biggest bookcase. Man, if those subjects were a map, I’d be all over it!
I hope you enjoyed the tour. Donations to feed my reading habit are gladly accepted. Send your books to:
Stephen T. McCarthy
Florence State Prison
P.O. Box 629; Cell 29
Florence, AZ. 85132
I’ll get caught breaking and entering and be there soon enough.
My friend Br’er Mark turned me on to a new blogger, and what I have thus far read of his two blogs, I dig this dude’s writing a lot! Not only is he funny, but when it comes to political reality, he appears to know the gig! Please take a look at his blogs and see if it’s your cup of sake.
‘Barquedust’s Babbleon’
‘The Conspiracy Exposed’
And that’s not all! My buddy DiscConnected recently posted a new blog bit titled “Of John Lennon, Thomas Jefferson And Buster Douglas” which you MUST read! So read it, and start following his blog, too. Two great blogs (well, three, actually) that go great together!
It’s not too late, People! We can save our Republic yet!
(Ha! Well, not really, but what the hell – fat, stupid and tomatoless is no way to go through life, son. Drunk? Well… a man’s gotta do something to keep warm.)
Roddy McDowally Yours,
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
D-FensDogg of the ‘Loyal American Underground’
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
ReplyDeleteDo you really have "Green Eggs And Ham" or is that because I brought it up on your reincarnation post?
Thanks for the plug!
ReplyDeleteNo lie, man. It's been sitting right there at the bottom of that stack for... hmmm... some time now. I'm a gentleman of good breeding and cultured tastes, and there's no substitute for classic literature.
You EARNED the plug! Wish I was able to do more to bring you a greater readership, but first I'd need to have a greater readership myself. And seven "Followers" after 2 years of bloggin' ain't nuttin' to boast 'bout.
~ Stephen
"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11
Thanks for the mention of "The Conspiracy Exposed"
ReplyDeleteI read a couple of his posts and enjoyed them-now I'm following him.
I hope I didn't offend him with my accountant's point of view on his cash for clunker's post.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what was in your comment, but I kinda doubt you'd offend him. I saw somewhere on that site where he makes a reference to the PrisonPlanet website, so I think we're all probably pretty much on the same page.
I haven't read his "Cash For Clunkers" blog bit yet. So far, I've focused on his other blog's posts. In fact, I don't think I've read any posts on his Conspiracy blog yet; I only just glanced over it. But seeing him urge people to read the Declaration Of Independence and U.S. Constitution and his promoting of a pro-life website was good enough for me.
Soon as I get a chance, I'll head back over there and see what his view of the Cash For Clunkers crap is.
~ D-FensDogg
McReader Boy -
ReplyDeleteCool look into your world! I really liked the story about your Grandpa.
After reading this, I decided to count my bookcases. There are two upstairs, but we have a library, too. There we have about 24, depending on how you measure them. I have managed to gather about half of Jefferson's library (in numbers, anyway). IKEA loves me.
This is due mostly to the fact that my parents only had one kid, one aunt had none, and my other had had only one kid who does not like books. As older family members have passed, I have inherited all the books. Plus, when I was in H.S. I subscribed to three book clubs: Heritage, History, and The Folio Society in G.B. I always worked, so I had money to spend on stuffs like that. Plus, since I was a nerd, I saved money that would have normally been spent on dating women.
I am not sure I spent the money wisely, in retrospect.
Lots of books, but not enough time to read 'em!
I will definitely look into the other blogs (especially L.C.'s), but as I am so far behind on YOURS, I refuse to sacrifice precious FFF-F time for others.
Mr. Paul
He started following my page, and I figured I had better see who this guy is. Once I read some of his stuff I was like, "Oh ya, Stephen and his friends are gonna like this guy."
ReplyDeleteF-FFF VI ~
ReplyDeleteThanks, Brother.
>> IKEA loves me. <<
Yeah, I would guess so!
>> I am not sure I spent the money wisely, in retrospect. <<
Well, you know me: I would say you done da right thang.
~ Stephen
"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11
ReplyDeleteYeah. The "guy" I'm not too sure about yet, but his "stuffs"? I likes it.
~ D-FensDogg
I would like to exchange links with your site
ReplyDeleteIs this possible?
ReplyDeleteYes, it's possibly possible.
Feel free to send me your URL so I can take a look at your site and then I'll get back to you about it.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'