[Note To All: Feel free to copy and paste this into an Email and send it to everyone you know.]
It’s me, it’s me, it’s Stephen T! - here again with some new “junk” about the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
It was an article in the current issue of The New American magazine by historian Becky Akers in which she re-addresses the TSA situation and warns that soon the TSA will begin employing these same scanner/private parts-groping tactics in train and bus stations and at ferry locations, that reminded me of my blog installment titled “TSA: Totalitarian Sexual Abuse & The Hegelian Dialectic”.
Well, that installment on this blog inspired a greater than usual number of comments. One of those comments, submitted by my friend Mr. Sheboyganboy Six, questioned me about what I believe We The People could do, short of bloodletting, in response to the sexual abuse that is taking place in American airports by federal employees in the name of “keeping us safe.” (If only they could keep us safe from sexual abusers!)
The Becky Akers article prompted me to transform the response to my friend’s question into its own blog bit and place it front and center in the light of day, here at ‘Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends’, for others to possibly discover and hopefully act upon. So below is Mr. Sheboyganboy’s question again, and my (slightly edited and expanded) response.
Here’s the way my friend put it:
I am interested in your thoughts on what people should do OTHER than protest and squawk when the TSA implements this shizzle. Obviously, not flying is something to do, but what if you MUST fly? Wear one of those "4th Amendment Shirts"? Big deal. Let TSA grope instead of scan, and complain to their supervisor? Little good that will do, but it is better than nothing. All people can do (short of the Sam Adams route) is to complain to their legislators and demand that they follow the Constitution or they'll be voted out.
There has to be SOMETHING to hang a hope on!!!
Now it’s true that Thomas Jefferson once wrote:
What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. ... The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
But I feel too bound by the principles of Jesus Christ to resort to that kind of solution.
So I responded to Mr. Sheboyganboy’s question and, naturally, proposed a nonviolent remedy.
…All people can do (short of the Sam Adams route) is to complain to their legislators and demand that they follow the Constitution or they'll be voted out.
Yes, there's that. There's always THAT! But there's more they can do. The People ALWAYS have all the power, they just don't know how to use it, they aren't usually effective organizers, and so many of them are so brainwashed and apathetic that it's difficult to rouse them to action when the action might actually inconvenience them a little bit for awhile.
In my opinion, all the people who are not REQUIRED to fly (i.e., in order to perform their professions) should IMMEDIATELY BOYCOTT all of the airlines. Drive, take the train, or just don't go.
I believe the trick is to put the fear of company bankruptcy and collapse into the airline industry. Attack Uncle Sam via the third-party entity that needs our money in order to survive and make more money (i.e., the airlines). We need to pressure the airlines to pressure Uncle Sam to "cut the B.S!" So, I say, absolutely BOYCOTT flying altogether as much as possible. And those who MUST fly, should all agree to avoid using one airline.
If all of the airlines began to lose a startling amount of business, and one major airline in particular began to lose ALL OF ITS BUSINESS, watch and see how fast and how hard those airlines will begin pressuring Uncle Sam to "get those TSA goons and their procedures out of the way!”
Allow me to reiterate the idea here in greater detail: Americans should simply reduce their flying of the friendly skies to the minimum amount necessary. We don’t need to cease flying altogether, but simply to decrease our air time sufficiently that the monetary drain on the airline industry becomes readily apparent to all commercial airlines.
In conjunction with that, and much more importantly, Americans need to specifically boycott entirely just one of the major airlines. I would suggest it be Delta. Why? Because ten minutes worth of Internet sleuthing turned up that overall Delta is the most significant airline company in the U.S. today.
The idea is to monetarily hurt one major airline so severly that the airline company itself will begin to pressure Uncle Sam to “cut the crap and leave the airline customers alone!” You see, a billion dollar company carries a lot more clout and will get the ear of Uncle Sam a lot quicker than millions of Americans operating in a willy-nilly fashion ever could. Long before Delta Airlines will allow the American people to bankrupt them, they will take that Federal Dog by the ear and yank it!
Furthermore, it would reflect horribly on Uncle Sam if He allowed procedures instituted by Homeland Security to result in the bankrupting of a billion dollar company at a time when Uncle Sam is expected to be doing everything possible to revive us from an economic depr-/rec-ession (which, by the way, Uncle Sam is responsible for in the first place!) How would our good Uncle explain allowing all of those jobs to be lost after the bankrupting of Delta as a result of public backlash against excessive security measures on the part of Aunt Janet and her Homeland Security goons?
Believe me, it would never get to that point. Uncle Sam would call off the dogs the moment he perceived that We The People mean business and that Delta was losing all of theirs.
We need to focus our boycotting on one major airline so that airline will in turn focus on TSA. Not until one major airline is nervously howling and applying pinpoint pressure on Uncle Sam and Aunt Janet will the government be persuaded to cease its trampling of the American people’s Fourth Amendment rights!
So, that’s the plan. One last time in a nutshell:
Cut back flying as much as possible, and pick on one major airline in particular. I say Delta; if you simply must fly, select any airline except Delta. Then watch how quickly Uncle Sam sees the light! I believe this is a viable, nonviolent (sorry, Thomas Jefferson; thanks, Henry Thoreau), approach that will bring forth the desired result fairly quickly.
[Note To All: Feel free to copy and paste this into an Email and send it to everyone you know.]
I mentioned Becky Akers above. Who is she? “Becky Akers, is an expert on the American Revolution, and she writes frequently about issues related to security and privacy. Her articles and columns have been published by Lewrockwell.com, The Freeman, Military History Magazine, American History Magazine, the Christian Science Monitor, the New York Post, and other publications.”
I suggest you read a couple of her articles that have appeared recently in the pages of The New American magazine and on its website. Becky’s ticked off! And I love it! But she’s not only angry at the thugs in TSA uniforms, she’s disgusted with YOUR apathy, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss and Ms. America! Becky wants to know . . .
By Becky Akers -- December 6, 2010
By Becky Akers –- December 29, 2010
This has been a nonprofit public service provided by . . .
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
‘Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends’
“Saving The Country From Totalitarianism One Blog Bit At A Time.”
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
What? No bloodletting? What kinda revolution are you plottin?
ReplyDeleteSadly, I think the Americonned Peeps have already bought into this is all for their own safety, so they'll shuffle like the sheep they are into the gas chamb...er, X Ray machines.
I like the "no fly" idea, but I'd also add that people send a message to the airline about the trip they did not take. One or two e-mails, it's idiot fringe groups. Several thousand e-mails and a drop in revenue...it's a boycott!
i sent it out via e-mail.
ReplyDeletebrer marc
ReplyDelete>>.....the Americonned Peeps have already bought into this is all for their own safety, so they'll shuffle like the sheep they are into the gas chamb...er, X Ray machines.
HA! "gas chamb...er, ...
That was sooooo Stephen T. McCarthy-esque that I can't help but LOVE IT!
>>.....but I'd also add that people send a message to the airline about the trip they did not take. One or two e-mails, it's idiot fringe groups. Several thousand e-mails and a drop in revenue...it's a boycott!
Don't just not fly, tell 'em you didn't fly... and why!
Of course, they'll figure that out anyway when the results of their "bottom line numbers" get crunched, but hell, tell 'em anyway! Let 'em know WHAT we're doin' and WHY we're doin' it! No reason not to emphasize the point.
They'll GET THE POINT anyway - right where they keep their wallet - but might as well verbalize our boycott too. Like I did when I first started my own personal crusade: I didn't Email Uncle Sam - I Emailed the airlines operating out of Terminal 4 at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and told them they had permanently lost my business and WHY they had lost my business.
Yes! I believe in "Sticking It To Them", but also in "Telling Them WHY I'm Sticking It To Them".
God bless you, my friend. I know you have a full plate these days and so I didn't take personally your absence, but I wasn't at all sure you were still here with me.
Glad to know you are, even though I myself won't be here much longer - and am genuinely looking forward to the day I sign off on this blog.
At this point, the few readers I have probably think I'm the Brett Favre Of Blogging, but I'm not! I really will be calling it quits sooner than later. But there's still a few blog bits I MUST write and post before I can say "Goodbyeboy".
Anyway, I thank you for your efforts. When this country goes to hell (if we're not there already), at least you and I will be able to say we did what we could to prevent it. The American People just wouldn't listen.
Love Ya, Bro (JW!-JW!)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Brett Blogger-
ReplyDeleteYou blog too long and some woman will surface with pictures of your junk on her cell phone!
Taken, no doubt, by the TSA...
ReplyDeleteHa! Yeah, no doubt.
And because I ain't no "Football Hero", I'll actually get in trouble for it. Charged with Indecent Exposure - Overexposed Photos - something along those lines.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Hi Stephen,
ReplyDeleteDonald here... just passing through.
Why don't you review the talmud?
See this link for an overview of it's satanic contents, including it's anti-Jesus message.
Thanks for the link, DONALD.
ReplyDeleteI'll take a look at it.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I'm back to this one that I missed because I saw a new post announcement come up on my Blogger reading list that you had a new post titled "Fuck You All". ?????Not sure what that was all about, but it somewhat shocked me.
ReplyDeleteRegarding this TSA post, my last trip in December as you will recall did come down to not flying and driving instead. I had 3 weeks to do it and that worked for us. If I only had 2 weeks or 1 week to visit my mother or daughters, flying would be my only option.
The boycott route sounds good in theory, but in practical application it would probably not work since most people would not follow thru and if they did they might want to go with a different airline to boycott for whatever reason they might have.
National boycotts rarely seem to happen on any broad scale. Exxon is still around--few jumped on that boycott bandwagon.
Tossing It Out and the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2011
ReplyDelete>>.....I saw a new post announcement come up on my Blogger reading list that you had a new post titled "Fuck You All". ???? Not sure what that was all about, but it somewhat shocked me.
Don't let it shock you. It's just my undiluted thinking. (I accidentally hit the "Publish" button before I had fully composed and cleaned up my latest blog bit. That's all.)
>>.....The boycott route sounds good in theory, but in practical application it would probably not work since most people would not follow thru and if they did they might want to go with a different airline to boycott for whatever reason they might have.
In other words, what you're saying is that the boycott would not work because Americans would not be able to refrain from acting like selfish, short-sighted Americans. No argument from me!
It's only because of Americans
that America is #%&!ed.
>>.....National boycotts rarely seem to happen on any broad scale.
Right-O! With Americans being what they are: selfish, lazy, apathetic, gutless and dumb as hell!
In a country where you vote for your leaders, you ALWAYS get exactly what you deserve!
Nothing personal, but I'm done talking about this.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I know you are done talking about this, so I expect no response: but I want a 1/2 share of all the profits you are making from this blog bit. It is only fair, after all, since it was my insightful question that inspired it! Mail the check AIRMAIL to... well, I think you have my address.
ReplyDeleteThe TSA thuggery has affected airlines numbers already. I think many people - even without considering the deeper questions you pose - think it is bullsh*t to have some fat, imperious, jack-booted thug inspect their junk and more and more people are driving or staying home. The consarned airlines are just reducing the number of flights and cramming more people onto them, trying to keep their profits up.
I don't mean to imply that the common man's annoyance alone will do anything. The boycott idea is a good one, and Delta is fine with me. THEY'RE OUT.
I am going to drive on a trip in early March instead of fly. I have to fly in late March, though. Need to go and driving would be 8 days minimum on the road!
This issue has to potential to wake a lot of people up to what's going wrong. Of course, I may be wrong about that myself.
Maybe when these *&$#=ers ban salt it will get their attention. Or perhaps not.
ReplyDelete>>.....I want a 1/2 share of all the profits you are making from this blog bit.
You got it, my friend. It's the least I can do for you and no more than you deserve.
Your quarterly check of $000.00 is in the mail!
>>.....Mail the check AIRMAIL to... well, I think you have my address.
Sorry, but all of my checks go "Ground". Boycotting the airlines, remember?!
>>.....The TSA thuggery has affected airlines numbers already.
Ya know, I was wondering about that just last week, and was thinking how I'd like to see some numbers pertaining to American airline customers today as compared with this time last year.
But, of course, if the number really is down significantly, it's the last thing the mainstream media would announce, since it is so THOROUGHLY in bed with our incredibly corrupt government! If people are indeed declining to fly on a large scale, the mainstream media pointing that out could only inspire MORE Americans to follow suit.
So, I don't expect to hear anything about it - if it's truly happening. And if it isn't - if flights are just as numerous as ever - the media will be only too happy to report that. But then again, can one BELIEVE anything one finds reported in the mainstream media? I know I never do!
>>.....I have to fly in late March, though. Need to go and driving would be 8 days minimum on the road!
Yes, I understand that for you, flying is sometimes unavoidable. That's where the specific Delta boycott comes in.
But since this movement isn't going to pick up any steam at all beyond maybe two or three persons known to me, I don't think you should give it any thought. Three persons boycotting Delta ain't diddly, so don't feel obligated to act on my suggestion, Bro.
I mean, if I thought this had any chance of catching on, that would be different, but Arlee Bird is right: we can't count on Americans in any way, shape, or form. We no longer have the stuff(s) of our Founding Fathers (if we ever even did!)
>>.....Maybe when these *&$#=ers ban salt it will get their attention. Or perhaps not.
Honestly, I think the most we can expect from the average American citizen today is that he or she might request a dab of Vaseline upon rolling over for Uncle Sam and Aunt Janet.
We're a sad people!
If anything is going to throw a monkey wrench into the TSA works, it would be an "airline customer's bill of rights", such as Ron Paul has proposed in Congress. But, unfortunately, I think Dr. Paul can expect about the same amount of support for that in Congress as I can expect to get for my "Refrain From Flying/Boycott Delta" idea.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'