In a video from a fundraising function in May, Mitt Romney said he was not going "to worry about those people." The “people” Romney referred to – by his calculation, 47% of Americans - are what the Republican presidential nominee thinks of as locked-in Barack Obama voters who believe that they are "entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it." (Romney didn’t name the “you name it” part, so I’ll do it for him: How about free cell phones?)
response, Barack “Marxslim” Obama said on David Letterman’s show that "I promise you, there are not a lot of people out there
who think they are victims; there are not a lot of people who think they’re
entitled to something.”
The Late Show with Dav... : David
Letterman - President Barack
apparently the po’ dogs on the street never got that memo from Obama explaining
to them that they aren’t supposed to go around acting like they are entitled
to “you name it” (free
Obama Cell Phones?). Below is a video of an actual Obama supporter who was paid
$11.00 an hour by the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) to travel
around the state of Ohio publicly protesting Mitt Romney’s
presidential campaign.
Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone
‘SEIU’? Are you serious? You think it’s a good Obama campaign
strategy to pay people like that woman there $11.00 an hour to publicly speak
out in support of Barack Obama?
I think
it would be a BETTER campaign strategy to pay people like that woman there $11.00 an hour to pretend that they are voting for Romney and have never even heard of
Obammy (or his White mammy!)
the truly ironic thing about Barack “Marxslim” Obama. Although he is 50% Black
and 50% White, he is 100% Liar!
~ Stephen
T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
ReplyDeleteWhat percent American is he?
Isn't it sad that both campaigns are 100% mudslinging?
Not one speck of information from Romney on what he would do different or what would be better in four years under his guidance.
Could it be that neither candidate has a plan of any kind?
That is one irritating woman there. I wouldn't think the Obama campaign would want her being their spokesperson. They probably give people like that free phones so they can call them to remind them to vote. I don't think they'd remember on their own.
Wrote By Rote
ReplyDelete>>...What percent American is he?
Ha! You know that.
>>...Could it be that neither candidate has a plan of any kind?
Not to worry. When the International Bankers pass a plan down to the Council on Foreign Relations, the Council will then pass it on down to Romney or Oliar - whichever one of those puppets is occupying the White House at the time. Someone somewhere ALWAYS has a plan.
>>...They probably give people like that free phones so they can call them to remind them to vote.
Ha!-Ha!-Ha! BRILLIANT! Wish I'd thought up that one.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
You're right. The better campaign strategy would be to hire "Obamaphonelady" to say she supports Romney. I would probably switch my vote if there was even the slightest thought in my mind that I had something in common with "Obamphonelady".
ReplyDeleteMaybe Romney's only hope now is for you to become his lead strategist in these final hours. He needs someone who can think a couple or three steps ahead.
I can't wait to see my 1 Massachusetts vote for Ron Paul flash across the TV screen on election night.
This 47% issue reminds me of something the Dan Quayle once said...
"Republicans have been accused of abandoning the poor. It's the other way around. They never vote for us.”
I'm convinced that dude was just misunderstood.
On an unrelated topic, I saw you give your aorta to a fellow soldier the other night. It's now become an addiction to find SJM in the background. I think this could develop into a new drinking game.
Hope the royalties are on the way.
ReplyDeleteAre the elite trying to piss off everyone? They must be so far into their plan they can just slap us in the face with it so to speak. It's like their saying, "Ya were rubbing the fact you have two douche bags running for president in your face."
Br'er Marc
Part 1 Of 2:
ReplyDeleteWell, Boys, it's Friday night, I'm sitting here with a Bourbon & Seven, listening to Bob Dylan's album 'BLOOD ON THE TRACKS' (because I-- *WAIT!* ...
[Sorry, Boys, but 'You're A Big Girl Now' started playing, and I had to stop typing, close my eyes, and just listen. That particular song always stops me dead in my tracks. Any dude who can listen to THAT song and not feel something, that is a dude who has never loved and lost a really first-rate woman! It would make me cry but for fear of losing my "Man Card".
Now, where the Hell was I? ...Oh, yeah.]
because I just sent off an Email to our mutual friend Sheboyganboy Six and I told him it is my opinion that Dylan's masterful 'BLOOD ON THE TRACKS' album is one he really ought to have in his collection. So thinking of it myself, I simply had to hear it again, for the eleventy umpteenth time).
And now, Boys, I'll address you each individually:
SigToo ~
>>...Maybe Romney's only hope now is for you to become his lead strategist
Actually, Brother, (not that it matters at all for the Americonned People but...) I still think there's a very good chance that Romney is going to win the election (please curb your enthusiasm). I mean, unless someone picks her up at her government-supplied housing project, drives her to the polling place, and shows her specifically which box to check, does anyone really think that "ObamaPhone Woman", on her own, could find her friggin' polling place and mark her ballot correctly ("Dumb-O-Crat")?
Rush Limboob is right about one thing: The Democrats MUST count on the "moron vote". And can you really count on a moron to do ANYTHING correctly?
>>...I can't wait to see my 1 Massachusetts vote for Ron Paul flash across the TV screen on election night.
HA!-HA! [:-)}
Oh, man, I LOVE IT! I know I've said it before but, damn-it, I'm gonna say it again: My blog may have only 6 regular readers, but they're the 6 smartest blog readers in the whole ruined country!
>>...I saw you give your aorta to a fellow soldier the other night.
I take a licking and keep on... blogging.
>>...It's now become an addiction to find SJM in the background.
Ha! Have you really spotted me in other episodes?
>>...I think this could develop into a new drinking game.
Can you even imagine how much I would truly LOVE THAT?! OK, maybe I never became a star, but... anyone who becomes a "drinking game" IS SOMEBODY!
In a world like the one we're living in, is there any greater sign of success?
Let's see, how does this work? If you spot Stephen, you drink 1 shot. If he's wearing his Army cap, you drink 2 shots. If he's dead, dying, being operated on, or recuperating from an operation, you drink 3 shots. At the end of the episode, the person who can best say "He sells shotgun shells down by the seashore, sweating in a sweater in a shitty city that sucks" wins the game.
Although I'm definitely open to better suggestions. (Seriously... I'd LOVE to be the inspiration for a drinking game! DudeToo, you're a genius!)
Continued Below...
Part 2 Of 2:
ReplyDeleteBR'ER MARC ~
How was "The Happiest Place On Earth"? Did 'Alice In Wonderland' say she missed me?
She didn't? That bitch! Alright, see if I EVER play Dylan's song 'You're A Big Girl Now' again and pine for Alice's love! (Wait'll she finds out the Cheshire Cat is really gay and just using her to advance his career... kinda like the way Barack is using Michelle!)
>>...It's like they're saying, "Ya were rubbing the fact you have two douche bags running for president in your face."
Uh... unlike 2008, when we were offered a choice between John McLame and The Manchurian Candidate?
In the last two presidential elections, the Americonned People have been offered 3 steaming piles of shit to choose from (thank you, Pink Floyd, for inspiring that line). You'd think that at some point the Americonned People would catch on to what is goin' on. But then again, if they did, they wouldn't still be "Americonned".
But you can tune in to your local pseudo-conservative radio station any day of the week and hear clowns like Rush Limboob and Sean "You're A Traitorous American" Hannity fighting for their "conservative" candidate Mitt Wrongney as if voting for him will save the country. Oh, God save us from the Americonned People!
Well, me hearties, check back here again tomorrow 'cause I got some new Anti-Obama thang going up. It's already written except for some finishing touches, and it begins with a satirical take on those "erectile dysfunction" commercials. You KNOW you don't wanna miss that shi-- uh, "stuffs". (But once that is posted, I must - damn-it! - get my multi-blog-bit Anti-America swan song thang posted here so I can get on with the life God created me to live... or sumpthin' like that.)
Thanks, Boys, for the great comments!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'