interrupt this America-bashing blog bit series – that hasn’t even gotten
started yet – to bring you this important commercial announcement:
Has the
spark gone out of your romance because you’re not quite ready to "get on it" when
your honey’s feeling sweet on you?
by a real doctor to improve the quality of his patients’ lives, DOCTOR WOODY’S
LIBIDO LINIMENT is the big answer to your little problem!
Research studies
show that 100% of men 100 years of age or older suffer from some form of
erectile dysfunction, and ten out of eight johnsonologists surveyed would recommend
DR. WOODY’S LIBIDO LINIMENT to their patients who chew gums.
Take the
“if” out of your Love Life with DR. WOODY’S LIBIDO LINIMENT. A little
dab’ll do ya! Just rub it on prior to a “close encounter” of the naked kind and
you’re good to go, hot to trot, providing maximum performance in bed, on the
kitchen table, or wherever true love finds you!
WOODY’S LIBIDO LINIMENT may not be right for everyone; check with your
physician first to see if you are healthy enough and desperate enough to use
this product. Side effects may include headache, dry mouth, internal bleeding,
excruciating pain, and death.
erections lasting longer than 6 hours, take a good look at the stale onion
bialy in the following photograph, as this should bring the swelling down:
to Mr. C.H. Freedman for presenting in his excellent book, ‘Manhood Redux’, The
Gloria “Preparation H” Steinem Cure for excessive sexual readiness.]
there isn’t much I dislike more than those disturbing “erectile dysfunction”
commericals, but Barack “Marxslim” Obama’s 666 lies is 666 examples of things
that DO make me cringe even more than do those embarrassing, distasteful
advertisements broadcasted regularly now that we’ve entered ‘Generation Text’.
I’m always going to interrupt whatever I’ve got going on here (or not going on
here) to bring you the latest about the White House’s resident Liar In Chief.
following story appeared at WorldNetDaily last week. There are only three
legitimate options to choose from: either you believe that 1) Barack “Marxslim”
Obama was born in Kenya, or 2) he was born in Hawaii, but he has hidden his
authentic birth certificate and shown the Americonned People a fake one because
the authentic birth certificate shows that card-carrying communist Frank
Marshall Davis is his biological father, or 3) you believe that the liar in the
White House was born in Kenya AND that his authentic birth certificate
proves that well-known commie Frank Marshall Davis is his biological pop.
Me? I
think I’m going to pick Door Number 3.
Who Is
The Dad Who “Taught Him To Love Jazz”?
Jerome R.
Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff reporter.
father taught him to love jazz?
claims an
email dispatched this week from the Obama campaign soliciting a
donation for a chance to have “Dinner with Barack,” with airfare “on us.” But the
claim is not credible, contends Joel Gilbert, whose documentary “Dreams
from My Real Father” has just been released.
“How is
this possible?” Gilbert asked.
official life story claims he was with Barack Obama, the Kenyan, only one time,
in the early 1970s, and then briefly, for a week or 10 days,” he explained.
“How was
that enough time to teach 9-year-old Obama to love jazz music? Besides, jazz is
uniquely American. Besides, what evidence is there the Kenyan dug Coltrane?”
on Monday Gilbert received an email solicitation from Julianna Smoot, deputy
campaign manager of Obama for America .
The same
announcement also was posted on the campaign website, encouraging voters to try
to win a dinner with President Obama.
spelled out some of the benefits the winner will enjoy.
“You can
learn a lot: His dad taught him to love jazz, his girls get crazy-embarrassed
when he dances or sings in public, his dream job is starting point guard for
the Chicago Bulls – and he really looks forward to sharing these meals with
supporters like you.”
campaign donation solicitation, Sept. 16]
first reaction was to assume the Obama campaign was conceding to the major
premise of his documentary: that Frank Marshall Davis was the real, biological
and ideological father of Barack Obama, not Barack Obama, the Kenyan, who came
from Africa in 1959 to attend the University of Hawaii in Honolulu .
can be no arguing that there never was an opportunity for the Kenyan Obama to
teach Barry to love jazz,” Gilbert told WND. “However, there was a man who
raised Obama who was a jazz aficionado, his name was Frank Marshall Davis.”
viewed the ad as a breakthrough.
appears the Obama campaign is finally admitting I’m right, that Frank Marshall
Davis, the Communist Party USA propagandist and Marxist, was his real father.
So there you have it, Obama is a red diaper baby.”
contrast to the Kenyan Obama, Frank Marshall Davis was widely recognized as a
lover of jazz and an expert.
coming to Hawaii in 1948 to help organize the
communist-controlled ILWU trade union, Davis wrote a column in the communist-run
Honolulu Record newspaper in which he regularly wrote about jazz.
One of
his “Frank-ly Speaking” columns can be seen here:
“Dreams from My Real Father,” Gilbert displays nude photos of Obama’s mother,
Ann Dunham, taken at what he determined was Davis ’ house at 2994 Kalihi Street in Honolulu .
In the
one of the photos, a record player and record collection are clearly visible.
Two jazz
record albums are easily identified – Nat King Cole’s “Love is the Thing” and
Stan Kenton’s “Cuban Fire.”
Obama needs to come clean and tell us what Davis taught him about Marxist ideology
and destroying the middle class,” Gilbert said. “I would love to go to dinner
with Barack Obama and find out all the things his real father taught him, not
just “a love of jazz music.”
Gilbert does not plan to donate to the Obama campaign to enter into the contest
to win the dinner, but he encourages others to do so.
a line from Smoot’s email, he quipped: “If you win, I will expect a full
See the
“Dreams from My Real Father” trailer:
from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception
By the
way, last week a friend of mine directed my attention to an old Obama bio
produced by his literary agency that stated the Communist Muslim was born in Kenya . I actually learned about that
from the World Net Daily website back in May, but it occurred to me that I may
not have passed that info on to all y’all. So here is an excerpt, months late,
but still valid:
As WND reported, Breitbart News originally
found a brochure from two decades ago in which literary agency Acton
& Dystel promoted Obama as the author of the never-produced “Journeys in
Black and White” by declaring Obama was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii .” Twelve years later, however,
the Dystel of Acton & Dystel was busy promoting Obama’s new book, “Dreams
from My Father,” and still touting the author as “born in Kenya .”
the Internet archive Wayback Machine, WND found an August 2003 listing of
Dystel & Goderich’s author bios, including the following: “Barack Obama was
the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and
a Kenyan finance minister, and was raised in Indonesia , Hawaii and Chicago . His first book is ‘Dreams from
My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.”
Even if
the original 1991 brochure’s listing of Kenya as Obama’s birthplace was in
error, as the agency has since claimed, it apparently was an error Obama
allowed his publicist to persist in for over a decade, right until after he was running for president.
For the
full story, click HERE.
If this
had been an actual Constitutional emergency, you would have been told where to
go to obtain your free ObamaPhone.
biological Pa was not a card-carrying commie, but he did enjoy Jazz
vocals, especially the aforementioned Nat King Cole. However, Pa dug Deano
quite a bit as well. So, the following song is for my Pa (not for
Obama’s pappy), an American male who passed his work ethic down to his sons and
who had nuttin’ to hide (no communists in his closet). And that, of
course, explains why a free-market Capitalist like me would never be permitted
to occupy the White House. If I did somehow get elected to the presidency, I am
absolutely certain that the International Bankers who really run America ’s system would make sure that “BOOM!” was the last sound I ever heard.
Nat King
Cole & Dean Martin - Open Up The Doghouse (Two Cats Are Coming In)
We now
return you to your regularly scheduled blog bit program in progress.
~ Stephen
T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
My biological Pa was not a card-carrying commie, but he did enjoy Jazz vocals
ReplyDeleteDoes that mean you were born in Kenya?
I KNEW all that stuff about California sounded fishy!
I am surprised that the author bio has not been more widely circulated-if you posted it before I do not remember it.
That's a pretty big "error."
ReplyDeleteNo, I can't recall having posted it before. I know that when I first learned about it, I thought about posting it, but I think the thought was as far as I got.
I'm not really surprised that the bio bit has not been more widely circulated. At least not by the mainstream media (Leftist with a capital "L") nor by the Republican party. Stuff like that could really hurt Marxslim's chances of getting reelected.
There is enough information out there right now to impeach and remove Obama from office within 24 hours - his entire life is one big lie to the Americonned People. The fact that NO big-name Republicans want to touch this evidence, and even publicly mock those of us who ARE telling the People the truth about Obama is actually the best evidence yet for a massive conspiracy involving both major political parties.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
No, no, no, my friend. You have it all wrong. Barack Obama wasn't born... at all. He was built as a Build-a-bear teddy bear. This is his incredibly adorable birth certificate, which is 100% legitimate and made in the good ol USA.
Take THAT, birthers!!
ReplyDeletek, one more try. Let's see if Blogger eats my comment again. Apparently, it has no sense of humor.
First, I can't help but comment on your little infomercial. While I couldn't agree with you more about the annoyance factor of these 'little' messages, it's only the type of thing women have been subjected to for years with regard to 'feminine products'. Sheesh! Of course, I'm sure those 'feminine hygiene' ads annoyed you dudes too. Talk about taking the romance out of life.
Since I really don't believe in that 'sins of the fathers carp', it really doesn't matter to me who Barry's pop might be. There's plenty enough to worry about in who he is himself. Personally, I believe his pop is the 'father of all lies'. Can there really be any doubt?
And just a side note to all those free cell phone toting mamas out there; Do you really think you and your stinking vote matters. Does anybody remember all those little Florida chits sticking to Al (another big fat liar scumbag) Gore's a$$. The most common consensus was that Big Al won the popular vote, but gee whiz he was never the President (Thank you Jesus!) Because, unless your one of those little wizards hiding under the skirts of the bigger wizards, who really run the show, you might as well take your vote and stick it on the beach in the Caribbean. I know I did. The next President of the US was decided upon years ago, at some cozy fireside mansion of one of these wizards. While millions toiled away under the promise of the American Dream.
Was that too strong a comment for a nice blog space like this? Sorry. Sometimes I get carried away. In the end I probably will get carried away, Literally.
More interesting information. It's good to know that the mainstream media has been doing such a good job of covering up what Americans need to know. But then again most Americans probably wouldn't listen to any of it anyway.
Tossing It Out
ReplyDeleteThanks much for that URL. I went there and checked it out and... I stand corrected. It seems an authentic birth certificate HAS been posted online and B.O. was in fact born in Hawaii. Damn! I knew I would eventually be wrong about something, but I just didn't expect it to happen so soon in my life. I'm only 53!
Well, it's not so much a question of "the sins of the father" being applied to the son. It really does matter who Barack Oliar's pop is because he has told us (We The People) it was one person when in fact it appears to have been a very different person. And it seems that the pop who taught him to love Jazz is also the pop who taught him to embrace Marxism.
But the bottom line is: THE LIE. The lie spoken, and the lie reinforced on the (obviously) fake birth certificate.
However... I liked your reference to 'the father of all lies'. It's too bad only readers familiar with The Bible will "get it".
>>...Al (another big fat liar scumbag) Gore's a$$.
Most people don't know this, but Al has a well-known communist in his closet as well - a communist who funded his political career from the very beginning. (I once thought of writing a blog bit about it, but decided Loser Al is so long gone that nobody would care to read it now.)
Great comment! Probably the best one you've ever submitted to my blog. (I likes it when you tells it like it is.) Thanks.
Yeah. Really, we should all probably stop referring to the mainstream media as "the mainstream media" and call them what they really are: Socialism's Gatekeepers.
Good comments all. Thanks.
Gotta apply my Woody's Liniment now and go to bed.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'