sculpture located on United Nations property which was donated by the
(Illuminati) Rockefeller family.
Therefore My people have gone into captivity,
because they have no knowledge.
~ God (Isaiah5:13 )
~ God (Isaiah
As one who cherishes the
First Amendment, I also recognize the importance of upholding the Second
Amendment, without which there would be NO First Amendment right. (The
good people in Russia , China , Cambodia , et al., had no freedom of speech because they had
no means by which to defend it against their dictators and tyrants who had
authority over the military.) Lose the teeth in the 2nd Amendment and you’ve
lost the tongue in the 1st Amendment – guaranteed! Lose the Second right and
the First right will also fall very quickly.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Federal Government is NOT your friend. The Federal Government, or “Uncle
Sam”, is not genuinely concerned about your welfare. What your not-so-Good
Uncle really desires to do is limit your liberties and keep you under as much
control as possible. You may or may not be politically astute enough to
recognize that Uncle Sam is your enemy but regardless, you can be certain that
Uncle Sam views the Americonned sheeple as his enemy. Any American who
is unaware of this has a hell of an awful lot of history to learn before he or
she may begin to consider theirself an educated citizen and informed patriot.
It’s not
that Uncle Sam is merely inept or morally bad. Uncle Sam is a wicked agent of
the devil; his capacity for evil cannot even be imagined by the average
American who does not generally entertain thoughts of such malevolence.
Who is
“Uncle Sam”?
Uncle Sam
is the United States Government, which is owned and operated by International
Bankers and other Illuminati characters who are in the process of setting the
stage for the eventual entrance of the satanic human “Beast”, as described in
The Holy Bible’s book of ‘Revelation’.
let’s move on to some relevant quotes and verifiable facts . . .
principal purpose for our Founding Fathers insisting upon our Second Amendment
(gun ownership) right was so that We The People could defend our country and our
way of life against a foreign invader and against a tyrannical, militarized
American government that might someday develop and attempt to steal our
The Second Amendment reads thus: “A well
regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State , the right of
the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” This prohibition
indicates that the security of liberty against the tyrannical tendency of
government is only to be found in the right of the people to keep and bear arms
in resisting the wrongs of government.
~ John Randolph Tucker; 1899
(Attorney General of Virginia and President of the
American Bar Association)
The right of self defense is the first
law of nature: in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine
this right within the narrowest limits possible. Wherever … the right of the
people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever,
prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of
~ St. George
(Founding Father twice wounded during the American
It [is] a chimerical idea to suppose that a country like this could
ever be enslaved. How is an army for that purpose to … subdue a nation of
freemen who know how to prize liberty and who have arms in their hands?
Theodore Sedgwick
Revolutionary War soldier and a framer of the Second Amendment in the First
Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed – as
they are in almost every kingdom in Europe . The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust
laws by the sword because the whole body of the people are armed.
~ Noah
soldier, Congressional Founding Father and legislator)
What America has most to fear is … our
own good-hearted, well-meaning fellow citizens of the liberal persuasion, whose
unintended effect has been to sap the survival powers of free societies
~ William
Counsel to the Internal Security Subcommittee of the U.S. Senate)
Cockburn attended a gun/militia rally of 2,500 and in 1995 reported that he was
pleasantly surprised to discover that the populist issues raised were similar
to the concerns of the left. … When given a copy of a speech just presented,
Cockburn said, “Most of it could have been delivered by
a leftist in the late sixties without changing a comma.” Cockburn asked why people who object to oppressive
governments and economic regulations as in Mexico are hailed as heroes by
progressives, but when Americans try to defend their rights over similar
oppressive government policies, progressives call these people right wing
extremists and paranoid racists.
If you are going to maintain a large national security state, there
must be a threat to justify its continued existence. … For the security state
to continue, there must sometimes be large terrorist acts in the U.S. The last thing the
national security state wants is peace and no enemies.
~ Gurudas
[Ronald Lee Garman]
It has
often been stated by pro-gun control advocates that because the various states
now have organized National Guard units, the Guards form the modern day
militia, and therefore the American citizens have no right to be armed with
powerful weapons and the Second Amendment no longer applies to the people at
First of
all, history shows that the National Guards ultimately take their orders
from the president, NOT the governors of the individual states. (John Kennedy
schooled Governor George Wallace on that fact in 1963.) So pretending that the
National Guard is the new militia that would protect the American people from a
tyrannical federal government is complete nonsense which our Founding Fathers
would shout down immediately:
To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the
people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to
use them. … The militia shall always … include, according to the past and general usage of the States, all men capable of bearing arms. … A militia … are in
fact the people themselves … [and] are for the most part employed at home in
their private concerns.
~ Richard
Henry Lee
of The Declaration Of Independence and a framer of the Second Amendment)
The militia is composed of free citizens.
~ Samuel
of The Declaration Of Independence known as “Father Of The American
Revolution”, and a brewer of fine ales)
The militia … are … the people at large.
~ Tench
General of Pennsylvania and Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury under President George Washington)
Who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people.
~ George
of The Bill Of Rights”, and my very favorite Founding Father)
On May
10, 1994 ,
300 Marines at the Twenty-Nine Palms Marine Corps base were instructed by Lt.
Commander Guy Cunningham to fill out a 46-question Combat Arms Survey which
included a number of disturbing questions including whether or not they would
swear allegiance to the United Nations. Question 46 proposed this scenario . .
. The United States government bans all non-sporting
firearms with a 30-day amnesty period. After 30 days, if U.S. citizens refuse to
surrender their weapons, the survey asks whether or not they would follow
orders to fire upon U.S. citizens who refused or
resisted confiscation of firearms banned by the U.S. government.
While the
U.S. Defense Department and the Department of the Navy claimed that this survey
was given to troops at only the one military base, the truth is that it (or one
very similar) was administered on many military bases, including to Navy Seal
units in Sept. and Oct. of 1993. And there is reason to suspect that the
traitorous ‘Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) organization may have played a
part in the dissemination of this survey. [About 80% of
the soldiers answered “No” to the question about killing American citizens who
refuse to give up their guns.]
A House
of Representatives member from California , Bob Dornan, wanted to conduct a
Congressional investigation into the survey’s origins and intentions, but the
House leadership blocked his efforts.
the 80% negative response to these disturbing military surveys is the reason
that so many foreign soldiers and their foreign military equipment have been brought
onto military bases throughout America .
On September
21, 1992 ,
[president George] Bush said at the United Nations: “The
U.S. is prepared to make
available our bases and facilities for multinational training and field
exercises.” Today,
there are growing reports of foreign troops and military equipment in the U.S. In 1994, the Pentagon admitted
that there were then 5,000 foreign troops in the U.S. That same year, NBC reported that
500 Russian troops would be in the U.S. in 1995.
By 1996,
the latest Russian military equipment began showing up across the U.S. , including SA-13 missile
launchers, BTR-60 armored personnel carriers, T-72 and T-80 tanks, etc. There
were clearly too many Russian tanks and armor here to simply be used in target
practice and training exercises as the government claimed. And suspiciously,
the Pentagon failed to list them among inventories of military equipment.
to the Sept. 25, 1994 ‘Daily News’ in Alamogordo , New Mexico , there were “500 (foreign) operational tracked and wheeled vehicles”
at the White Sands Missile Range in Alamogordo . The article included a photo of
a long row of T-72 tanks which “stand at the ready”.
Ready for WHAT?
For a
couple decades now, military and paramilitary exercises involving live
ammunition have been conducted at night in urban areas in various states across
the nation. Will large numbers of foreign troops eventually be used to disarm
Americans while much of the U.S. military is weakened and
stationed overseas? Meanwhile, reports of Russian, Chinese, and German troops
on American soil continue to surface in stories from alternative news
[Much of
the preceding eight paragraphs was excerpted, and in some places paraphrased,
from the excellent book ‘TREASON: The New World
Order’ by Gurudas - real name: Ronald Lee Garman.]
Over the
years, I have periodically stated that “Thirty minutes
after the American people are disarmed, Russian, Chinese, and German troops
will be driving tanks right down Main Street U.S.A.” Of course, that’s
give or take fifteen minutes.
To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose
under heaven: A time to reason, and a time to fight. And when it comes to the
infringement of our Second Amendment rights, the season to reason has passed. It’s time to fight.
Jones first made a name for himself by sneaking a video camera into the
Bohemian Grove and recording one of the secret pagan rites of the elite ‘New
World Order’ architects. What’s the ‘New World Order’? That’s a plan that has
been in place for a long time whereby the world’s wealthiest villainous rats
intend to dissolve all national sovereignty, to be replaced with a single
Global Government that they
will control – a tyranny of worldwide proportions by which you and I will be
ruled by an iron fist. (Think: George Orwell’s ‘1984’ ruthlessly magnified 84
times in terms of power, control and torture.)
There is
nothing – LITERALLY
NOTHING! – the New World Order’s evil architects would not do
to We The People if they thought it would help them achieve their global goal
(which The Bible tells us WILL be
achieved for a time.)
patriotic Americans will not be disarmed and enslaved without a real fight to
the death. Clearly, Alex Jones is one of those patriots. A lot of idealistic,
knee-jerk jerks of the Liberal persuasion believe along the lines of dead John
Lennon: “Imagine there's no countries - it isn't hard
to do. Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too.” These folks
don’t think, they only FEEL
(and in so doing they fall right into the hands of the ‘New World Order’
architects). Now try to imagine a patriot like Alex Jones embracing that Pop
fluff of stupendous, stupefying stupidity.
Like I
said, the real American patriots understand history too well to ever allow
themselves to be quietly disarmed piece by piece, gun type by gun type, in
order to be enslaved by arrogant Elite masters of a fearful ‘New World Order’
Morgan is an “Englisher” who’s been in the news lately by floating gun control
“trial balloons” and doing the bidding of the NWO rats by debating American
anti-gun control proponents of the Second Amendment. He recently made the
mistake of inviting Alex Jones on his program for one of these debates. Jones,
who knows the gig, showed up in NO MOOD for any of that
foreigner’s pantywaist, foppish Liberal views.
Alex Jones has been greatly criticized for his unprofessional, over-the-top
antagonistic demeanor on Piers Morgan’s show, I actually applaud his passion
and commitment to his Constitutional right. Alex Jones ripped into Morgan like
a ravenous dog tearing into a big British meat pie! Right from the get-go Jones
was all roostered up, and at one point was even on the brink of leaping out of
his chair and thrashing that moronic meat pie on television. He even went so
far as challenging Morgan to a fight in a boxing ring (Jones didn’t mention
whether or not he thought they ought to respect the Marquess of Queensberry
And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not
warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance?
Let them take arms.
~ Thomas
Basil Barnhill said: Where the people fear the
government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have
I got the
feeling that at times Alex Jones was not speaking so much to Piers Morgan as he
was to the NWO Wizards Behind The Curtain who are using Piers Morgan to
condition the American people to the idea that greater gun control is necessary
and coming. I think Jones was really attempting to put a little fear into Uncle
Sam, letting him know that there WILL BE a fight in the future,
and not a rolling over and surrendering on the part of the informed American
Part 1 Of 2 of the Piers Morgan vs. Alex Jones debate:
Alex Jones Piers Morgan Part 1.
1776 Will Commence Again' If Guns Taken
Below is
the second part of the interview. I was particularly amused at the 5:40 point, where Jones begins to mock
Morgan’s accent.
Jones speaking with a faux upper crust English accent:
“I probably own more than fifty firearms; many of them have
increased in value two, three, or even four times. I sleep very comfortably
outside Austin , Texas , knowing that I can
defend my family.”
Alex Jones Piers Morgan Part 2.
1776 Will Commence Again' If Guns Taken
Some of
my readers may be unaware of what Alex Jones is shouting about when he refers
to “False Flag” operations and prescription drugs being responsible for the recent
spate of tragic indiscriminate shootings. I’ll explain:
Flag' operations are when a government or people in power within a government commit
acts of terrorism against their own people or deliberately allow others to
commit acts of terrorism against their own people as a pretext to further an
Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany was most likely a False Flag act. Unfortunately,
False Flag events are not uncommon in the U.S.A. The sinking of the Lusitania , the bombing of Pearl Harbor , the Gulf Of Tonkin affair, the Murrah Building bombing in Oklahoma City , and 9/11 in New York are all examples of False Flag
acts committed against American citizens.
shocking how many Americans are still utterly oblivious to “The Smoking Gun” of
the 9/11 False Flag crime. I know my good buddy Sig believes the inordinate
number of American Airlines and United Airlines ‘put options’ recorded in the
stock market just prior to 9/11 constitutes “The Smoking Gun”. I’ll concede that
with 9/11 there were multiple “Smoking Guns” and the ‘put options’ was
certainly one of them.
But I
personally consider the smoking rubble of the collapsed World Trade Center Tower number 7 late in the day of September
11, 2001
(although it was NEVER struck by a hijacked airplane) to be the more
dramatic “Smoking Gun”. For one thing, it’s something you can actually SEE:
4409 -- (Unseen Footage) Tower 7
blasted into rubble from NEW angle!
It’s not
surprising that Tower 7 has not been commonly recognized as a 9/11 “Smoking Gun”
considering the fact that most Americans still don’t know the first thing about
Last week
while at work, I polled 15 individuals with this question: “As a result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, how many buildings fell
to the ground in New York City ?” Here is the final tally:
building: one
buildings: six
buildings: three
buildings: one
buildings: one
“I have
no idea”: three
correct answer, of course, is three buildings – Towers 1, 2, and 7.
So, did
three of the folks polled know that 9/11 was a False Flag event? No, only one
did. One person who got the answer correct thought that Tower 7 fell because
one of the other Towers fell on top of it; and another person who answered
correctly thought that “earth tremors” caused Tower 7 to fall. One of the three
women who answered “I have no idea” explained her ignorance by saying, “I don’t follow bad news.” A good American patriot
that one is, eh?
What did
Alex Jones mean when referring to drugs turning people into killing machines?
regardless of their type (fully automatic, semi-automatic, single-shot rifles
and revolvers), have not become more violent in recent times. What has become
more violent is the American people. The reason we are having so many
nonsensical public shootings is three-fold: 1) The God of The Bible and His
principles have been all but systematically removed from the public square. 2)
Extreme forms of violence (e.g., movies, video games, “sporting” contests, etc.)
are now universally considered to be forms of “entertainment”. 3) The American
people are being “juiced up” on psychiatric drugs that have terrible and often
extremely dangerous and even deadly side effects.
The common
denominator in the vast majority of tragic gun-related rampages in recent times
is the presence of psychiatric drugs prescribed to people by doctors for a variety
of reasons ranging from depression to “attention deficit disorder”.
following excerpts from the important article, ‘THE GIANT, GAPING HOLE IN SANDY HOOK REPORTING’ by David
Kupelian, more than hints at the problem:
Columbine mass-killer Eric Harris was taking Luvox ...
Patrick Purdy went on a schoolyard shooting rampage in Stockton , Calif. , in 1989. … Purdy, who
murdered five children and wounded 30, had been on Amitriptyline, an
antidepressant, as well as the antipsychotic drug Thorazine.
Kip Kinkel, 15, murdered his parents in 1998 and the next day went
to his school, Thurston High in Springfield , Ore. , and opened fire on his
classmates, killing two and wounding 22 others. He had been prescribed both
Prozac and Ritalin.
In 1988, 31-year-old Laurie Dann went on a shooting rampage in a
second-grade classroom in Winnetka , Ill. , killing one child and
wounding six. She had been taking the antidepressant Anafranil as well as
In Paducah , KY. , in late 1997,
14-year-old Michael Carneal … traveled to Heath High School and started shooting
students in a prayer meeting … killing three and leaving another paralyzed.
Carneal reportedly was on Ritalin.
In 2005, 16-year-old Native American Jeff Weise, living on Minnesota ’s Red Lake Indian
Reservation, shot and killed nine people and wounded five others before killing
himself. Weise had been taking Prozac.
Joseph T. Wesbecker, just a month after he began taking Prozac in
1989, shot 20 workers at Standard Gravure Corp. in Louisville , KY. , killing nine.
Kurt Danysh, 18, shot his own father to death in 1996, a little more
than two weeks after starting on Prozac.
John Hinckley, age 25, took four Valium two hours before shooting
and almost killing President Ronald Reagan in 1981.
Andrea Yates … drowned all five of her children – aged 7 years down
to 6 months – in a bathtub. Insisting inner voices commanded her to kill her
children, she had become increasingly psychotic over the course of several
years. … Yates had been taking the antidepressant Effexor. In November 2005,
more than four years after Yates drowned her children, Effexor manufacturer
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals quietly added “homicidal ideation” to the drug’s list of
“rare adverse events.”
12-year-old Christopher Pittman, … struggled in court to explain why
he murdered his grandparents, who had provided the only love and stability he’d
ever known in his turbulent life. … his doctors had him taking the
antidepressants Paxil and Zoloft just prior to the murders. Paxil’s known
“adverse drug reactions” – according to the drug’s FDA-approved label – include
“mania,” “insomnia,” “anxiety,” “agitation,” “confusion,” “amnesia,”
“depression,” “paranoid reaction,” “psychosis,” “hostility,” “delirium,”
“hallucinations,” “abnormal thinking,” “depersonalization” and “lack of
emotion,” among others.
The preceding examples are only a few of the best-known offenders
who had been taking prescribed psychiatric drugs before committing their
violent crimes – there are many others. …
So, what ‘medication’ was [Adam] Lanza on [when he
started shooting at the Newtown , Connecticut , elementary school]?
Was the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting a “False Flag” event? I
am nowhere near proclaiming that it was, but there remains a number of
unsettling questions, and Uncle Sam and his representatives don’t seem eager to
finally set the story straight:
You can
be certain that when Uncle Sam finally decides he’s ready to completely disarm
all of the American citizens, whoever is in control of the Supreme Court at
that time – be they Democrat or Republican judges – they will somehow
“magically” find that disarming We The People is a Constitutionally valid
concept. A few judges will likely voice dissenting viewpoints, only to keep up
the pretense that both political parties really hate and oppose each other’s
That is,
of course, unless we are disarmed not by a Supreme Court decision but by
presidential Executive Order and a FEMA-controlled declaration of martial law.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
That was epic and very excellent, neither of which is no surprise to me. This would be sure to raise the hackles of all anti-conspiracy theory folks though they'll be unlikely to read it since they probably wouldn't get past the Bible verse (liberal Kryptonite).
ReplyDeleteThanks for giving us all the great quotes and the Alex Jones piece is something I'd have never seen since I don't watch Pierce Moregums.
You've covered plenty of bases here including a few topics I have slated for upcoming posts in my further of examination of the people-not-guns problem.
Great stuff as always.
Tossing It Out
Arlee Bird posted a link directly to this blog so you may very well see some traffic.
ReplyDeleteI am very much opposed to a gun ban. Every single time it has been done it has failed epically and to the detriment of The People. As you very rightfully pointed out, the 2nd Amendment exists to protect the 1st. If people do not step up for this one, all of their freedoms will be TAKEN.
I was aware of Tower 7. The Pentagon has always been a big ole mystery, too. I was unaware of all the foreign rolling military hardware in this country. Makes a person think they ought to subscribe to foreign news outlets if they want to get any actual NEWS. ::sigh::
You certainly did a lot of research to put this post together, and I respect that. You can call me naive if you want, but I cannot and will not accept the premise that the government is our enemy. Sure, I recognize a lot of political weaknesses and problems, but the alternative to government is what? Anarchy? No, the best way to deal with stupidity and incompetence in government is to vote the incompetent dolts out of office. I do, however, appreciate the irony in that statement. In order for that to happen, the populace has to give a crap, huh?
ReplyDeleteI thank you, friend, for the very nice compliment(s). I'm pleased that you found it worth the reading (I know it's very lengthy, but I felt it needed to be). I momentarily thought about breaking it up into two parts, but then my second thought was: Nah.
I'm lucky if I can get a person to visit this blog ONCE. Thinking a person might actually return for a second helping of Conspiracy facts on parade was more than I could realistically hope for.
>>... though they'll be unlikely to read it since they probably wouldn't get past the Bible verse (liberal Kryptonite).
Ha!-Ha! "Liberal Kryptonite"... I like that one! It really made me laugh.
Thank you for visiting, for reading, and for leaving a good comment.
I realize that many people would read what I've posted here and think I'm wacko. However, I have spent more than 19 years studying the topic I addressed in this post, along with many others of a related nature. How many college degrees could I have earned in that time? DOH!
The people who would dismiss what I have to say here (and in many other places on this blog) out-of-hand, have not, I would guess, spent as much time studying information that debunks what I have to say as I have spent studying information that confirms it.
Your remark about subscribing to foreign news outlets in order to learn some truth is not at all off the mark. Indeed, I have occasionally learned things related to America from foreign sources that were entirely blacked-out by the (completely controlled and censored) American mainstream media.
Fortunately though, we don't really need to rely on foreign news to learn the truth about America: I follow several alternative news sources in this country that are really excellent and shine a light on the dark underbelly of contemporary American government and society.
I rely totally on the alternative media for my news because I learned long ago that NPR, Time magazine, The New York Times, etc. are merely propaganda organs for the Wizards Behind The Curtain.
Thanks again, Robin.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Thank you for the thoughtful comment (about my comment). I actually subscribed (not just a one time visitor). See the dog in the tree in your sidebar... that's me. So, I am looking forward to your next post.
ReplyDeleteI, too, loved Arlee's comment about Liberal Kryptonite. hahahaha.
You actually had some really fantastic quotes running all the way through. I had one pacing the back of my mind, but could never quite pull it up (and still can't). It is something about the minority needing to hold strong, because when has the majority ever been right? I know that isn't right, but it is sort of close.
I also watched Ben Shapiro take on that idiot Piers about guns. There were no challenges to duels, but I think that Ben came off looking smarter at the end of the whole thing. Piers just looked like the ass that he always is. But maybe I am biased since I think he looks like as ass before he opens his mouth:D
Stephen, I got part way through this post and then realized how long it was. Did not want to short-change you or myself so I will be back to read it at my leisure. Fascinating so far...
ReplyDeleteSUSAN ~
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your taking the time to read this and to comment. (You're becoming one of my small handful of "regulars" on this blog, and I'm grateful for that.)
>>... You certainly did a lot of research to put this post together, and I respect that.
Well, I thank you for saying that, but in truth, I did absolutely zero research to put this post together. Everything I wrote here, I have been aware of for years. Only the Alex Jones videos and Connecticut Cop videos were new.
I did, however, spend a lot of time pulling information together from various books in my bookshelves and typing it up... like the Founding Fathers quotes and the info from the Gurudas book.
I DID spend a lot of time and energy putting this post together, but all of the "research" behind it was done long ago - some of it as far back as nearly two decades.
>>... but the alternative to government is what? Anarchy?
Susan, you may have gotten a wrong impression from this blog bit. By no stretch of the imagination am I an anarchist, nor do I believe that anarchy is any sort of answer to our many problems. (I sure hope that is not the message that readers will come away from this blog bit with!)
I am wholeheartedly convinced that our Founding Fathers were brilliant men and together they crafted the best form of government in human history: The American Constitutional Republic.
I am so convinced of that fact that I think it would be a really fantastic thing if America actually governed itself according to the documents our Founding Fathers crafted and bequeathed to us!
Susan, I am NOT a Democrat, a Liberal, a Republican, a Conservative, or a Libertarian. I AM A "CONSTITUTIONALIST".
I believe in wholly following the U.S. Constitution according to the way our Founding Fathers understood its meaning - nothing more and nothing less.
Yes, "I heartily accept the motto, 'That government is best which governs least'." ...Just as Henry David Thoreau wrote, and just as our Founding Fathers believed (with the exception of Alexander Hamilton and maybe one or two other Founding Oddballs).
But note that the government that governs "least" is still a government and governing to some minimal degree. If it governed not at all, it would no longer be a government at all, but anarchy, as you rightly pointed out.
I believe in the MINIMAL amount of government permitted to the Feds by the Constitution and not one iota more!
Unfortunately, though, our national government today more closely resembles the Communist Manifesto than it does the U.S. Constitution, and that is by design, NOT by accident:
"Without exception, we operated under directives issued by the White House. We are continuing to be guided by just such directives, the substance of which was to the effect that we should make every effort to so alter life in the United States as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union."
~ H. Rowan Gaither (President of the Ford Foundation) to Norman Dodd (Director of The Reece Committee, investigating Foundations) in 1953.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteI thank you, sir, for taking the necessary time to read my blog bit thoroughly! I hope you will return with another comment should you have any questions, or possible insights, or views of your own that you'd like to share.
Hey, thanks for signing up to 'Follow'! Do you also blog? It sounds like you're definitely my kind of "people".
I would click on your icon and right now except that what time I have left tonight before going to bed I already have scheduled for writing an Email to a friend. I have owed her this Email for the longest time and I am completely committed to getting it written and sent THIS VERY NIGHT.
However, as soon as time permits, I will look in on your own blogging and see whatcha has to say. You certainly sound like you know which way is UP. (Heck, you liked my wacko 'Gun Control' post, so you're either as informed as I am or as insane as I am. Obama and FEMA will probably decide which it is in the next four years.)
>>... I also watched Ben Shapiro take on that idiot Piers about guns. There were no challenges to duels...
Ha!-Ha! Yeah, I saw it too - not live but on a YouTube video. Piers Morgan probably wasn't physically intimidated by Ben, which explains why he would pick up Ben's copy of the Constitution and shake it, referring to it as Ben's "little book".
Had Alex Jones presented Morgan with a copy of the Constitution, do you think Morgan would have picked it up, shook it, and said to Jones, "...your little book!"?
HA! Me neither. That would have DONE IT! Jones would have kicked some British booty right there on the spot, on live television, boxing ring or no boxing ring!
Anyway, I'm always pretty busy, especially during the workweek, but I will definitely look you up when I catch a break, because I already likes ya.
By the way, when Ben Shapiro's first book was published in 2004 ('BRAINWASHED'), a friend of mine sent a copy of it to me, asking in return only that I write a review of it, which I did.
I've occasionally thought about posting that old review here on my blog but have always decided against it. You now have me re-re-re-reconsidering it.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Late to the party again, and short of time for a proper comment so this will be brief.
ReplyDeleteGreat, great blog bit! I don't have any PROOF that the latest mass shooting was more than a random act, but there is certainly something VERY curious about much of it. If you spend any time on YouTube watching videos of news conferences of grieving parents you see that many just do not look normal. Some don't seem real. I realize that many casual thinker/readers would see my comment as somehow callous just for mentioning it, but some of the people just behave very strangely. What parent laughs just before coming the microphone and then strains to call up tears? There are others as well.
As you so clearly displayed, the whole argument about guns is misplaced. Violence in our society could be 20 times what it is now and it still would never mean that the government could legally or morally take action to restrict them. Gun ownership has nothing to do with hunting or sports; ownership is a right for both personal safety and to keep government in check.
What prompted the Founders to put in the Second Amendment? The recent conflict against their prior government was all that was on their minds. Nothing else but the knowledge that without arms, an imperious ruler would have taken their liberty and would do it again in a heartbeat.
Oh... and NO WAY did Tower 7 come down on its own. One look at how the blasts evenly appear simultaneously along one side and then it falls straight down should show even the "casual voter" that it did not collapse because of fire from another building!!!
Excellent post. But, then I’m not surprised. It is important, relevant, and shows a respect for the intelligence of your readers that you don’t ‘preach’ from an emotional soap box but state the facts and allow the reader to draw their own conclusions. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE that you have let the Founding Fathers express themselves, rather than explaining your interpretation of their intent and hearts.
ReplyDeleteA short look through history shows what can be expected by a people who trust their government completely. I responded to a comment on another blog, where the person said that although he didn’t trust the government, he doubted that a holocaust would occur on American soil. I responded that although I did agree with most everything he said, I and a great number of Native Americans probably would not concur on that holocaust statement. He came back and agreed and reminded me that the massacre at Wounded Knee came AFTER the confiscation of their guns. A fine example of how the US Government responds to keeping the people ‘in line’.
I normally don’t respond to other comments in a blog post. I did yesterday. Today I would say to Susan two things; first I’m not sure we should think of the US government as the enemy, but rather more like ‘Big Brother’. Sorry Stephen and Susan, I simply couldn’t resist.
Second and more seriously; the alternative to no government at all would most likely be chaos and anarchy, but as I see it, an alternative to ‘tyrannical government’ (my personal opinion of what exists in the US today) is Freedom. Specifically freedom from tyranny, as you so beautifully put forth in this post, being exactly what the Founding Fathers of this nation were hoping to create.
ReplyDeleteNo time for a proper response at the moment (the shower and work calls, loudly). But I wanted to get your comments posted as soon as possible.
I will return with a little mo' later, but for now I just want to add that I hope people will take time to play the two videos (Part 1 and 2) that I posted in this blog bit concerning the "CONNECTICUT COP'S" discussion about inconsistencies and unanswered questions concerning the SANDY HOOK Elementary School shooting tragedy.
I know the videos are "boring" (no images to speak of) but please just play them and think of them as a guest being interviewed on a radio program where there is audio but no visuals.
I think much of what is being said in those videos is well worth pondering as it raises some truly puzzling and disturbing questions.
Thanks all!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
That anti-gun sculpture is also anti-Constitution. Luckily for the artist, many Americans still respect the First Amendment as evidenced by the fact that no one has turned that Colt .45 into a snub-nose...and sold the excess scrap to make more guns.
"And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.
~ Thomas Jefferson"
Great quotes throughout, including yours. (This post confirms my suspicions that there is still more gold in them thar hills.) The founding fathers had real vision as to where they wanted this country to go. The quotes alone should, at the very least, fan the flames of curiosity in the readers' mind which would hopefully lead to a better understanding.
Where are all the great quotes today? Have they been banned? Or is that not fair because a certain amount of time must pass before great quotes become great quotes?
“As a result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, how many buildings fell to the ground in New York City?”
One building: one
Two buildings: six
Three buildings: three
Four buildings: one
Six buildings: one
“I have no idea”: three"
Was that a trick question? I would have said five...WTC1, WTC2, WTC3, WTC7, St. Nicholas Church. No matter, point taken... smoking guns, and false flags, and thermite residue still waving in the breeze and more time passes eroding the possibility of uncovering the real truth.
I know there is a post somewhere with pictures that you had taken of the towers while in NYC. Did you go inside either tower?
I made four business trips to NYC between '98 and '00. On my first trip, I admit that I was completely lost since I had never been there before. Rushing around in the morning I threw a slip of paper at a cabbie and told him to take me to the address on the paper. I stepped out of the cab and found that I was standing between those two massive towers. Turns out my meeting was in WTC 1.
My recollections may be tainted by the events of 9/11 but as fascinating as those building were, they definitely creeped me out a little. Not sure if it was the congested feel, narrow corridors, long elevators rides, or just the fact that they were high-rise buildings. I definitely felt safer in the Empire State building, most likely because it had survived a small plane fender-bender, and a gorilla attack.
The distance between WTC 7 to WTC 1 (maybe a football field in length) makes it seem like a long way from the ground zero bulls-eye but looking down at WTC 7 from WTC 1 one-thousand feet up makes it seem like spittin' distance.
My own opinions about the proximity and construction of those high-rise buildings enhance my doubts about WTC 7 being a "smoking gun". Trying to examining the real evidence is often clouded by too much bad science disseminated by pseudo-experts, and weak documentaries on the subject. I do still sleep with one eye open if you know what I mean...sometimes two.
Nice "Sig" reference in the blog, by the way. As always, thanks for respecting my opinion, or naiveté. Are you sure my government doesn't love me? (Actually, I would never have thought about questioning Sandy Hook, for instance, if you hadn't brought it up.)
long-winded comment continued...
I don't know much about Alex Jones or Piers Morgan. Jones is entertaining and you are probably right that he is speaking to the bigger evil. Even so, if he is the de-facto spokesman for all gun-owning patriots in America, seems like he missed an opportunity to gain a larger following by deciding to rant his way through the "debate". I find people who act like that either are afraid of something, or don't have the "ammunition" to sustain their side of an argument. Jones had all the right information to easily put Morgan in his place but chose not to use it effectively. On the other hand, if he got his point across to the right people, kudos to him.
ReplyDeleteUnlike the Morgan-Jones exchange, this blog bit is far more convincing and would do more to defend the 2nd Amendment if it had an audience of equal size.
"The common denominator in the vast majority of tragic gun-related rampages in recent times is the presence of psychiatric drugs prescribed to people by doctors for a variety of reasons ranging from depression to “attention deficit disorder”.
...but let's ban guns instead. Food companies and big pharma...as evil as the television coverage. "Continuing coverage of this latest shooting rampage sponsored by ___________." (fill in your favorite drug company)
Is that irony? I don't really know. I overuse "irony" like doctors over-prescribe drugs.
Anyway, I have no problem with a gun-less society as long as all the weapons and mean people are permanently wiped off the face of the earth first. Call me a pessimist but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
From comment section in one of your responses:
"I follow several alternative news sources in this country that are really excellent and shine a light on the dark underbelly of contemporary American government and society."
What are your top two?
Thanks for clarifying, Stephen. But I still say, no matter how long ago you started doing research on this topic, you clearly spent a LOT of time on it, and on putting it altogether for this post. (Which, I might add, is longer than some books I've read... HA!)
ReplyDeleteGreat comment, farawayeyes.
Oh, and just so ya know, it's all YOUR fault, Stephen. I wasted waaaaaay too long reading about the Oregon Vortex and associated topics today. Will be posting about it tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteA Brief Follow-Up:
>>… Violence in our society could be 20 times what it is now and it still would never mean that the government could legally or morally take action to restrict them.
An excellent point, written like it came from a man who fully understands our country’s founding principles and the intent and concerns of our Founding Fathers. (And, hey, SURPRISE! – Whaddaya know? That’s exactly the sort of man who wrote it.)
>>… Oh... and NO WAY did Tower 7 come down on its own. One look at how the blasts evenly appear simultaneously along one side and then it falls straight down should show even the "casual voter" that it did not collapse because of fire from another building!!!
Our Constitution-loving, fellow American patriot Sig mentioned something in his comment (above) about Tower 7 that I am going to briefly address here soon, and you may find it worth reading. (Feel free to add your own .02 cents if ya wanna. You and Sig are two of the smartest people I know, and I would decline to enter an I.Q. contest against either of ya.)
FarAwayEyes ~
A Brief Follow-Up:
>>… I and a great number of Native Americans probably would not concur on that holocaust statement. He came back and agreed and reminded me that the massacre at Wounded Knee came AFTER the confiscation of their guns. A fine example of how the US Government responds to keeping the people ‘in line’.
Yes, I read your original comment and his reply. That was an excellent example and it displayed great insight on the part of both of you.
The fact is, human nature being what it is, if you give 100 persons a great deal of authority over their fellow man, and likely 97% of them will eventually abuse their power. And we’re supposed to believe that government will always have our best interest at heart, and a single global government run by International Bankers will be a peaceful paradise on Earth? Call me a cynic, but I think not.
>>… I’m not sure we should think of the US government as the enemy, but rather more like ‘Big Brother’.
I’m such an idiot that I had to read that two or three times before I realized what a joke you were making. (However, in my defense, I’m extraordinarily tired, having stayed up ‘til 1:35 AM and 2:00 AM the last couple nights in order to semi-keep a promise to a friend of mine. Wink!-Wink! Nudge!-Nudge! Was it as good for you as it was for me?)
A Brief Follow-Up:
After mentioning the Oregon Vortex to you on your blog, I myself spent close to two hours surfing the Web and reading stuffs about it.
I look forward to your post (The humor is almost built in, isn’t it?), and will definitely read it and comment, but probably not until sometime after I get home from work tomorrow night.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
Part 1:
ReplyDeleteMASTER SIG II ~
First, a huge “THANK YOU” for the greatly appreciated compliment(s) and the “Double-Great” comment(s).
>>… That anti-gun sculpture is also anti-Constitution.
Indeed. But would you expect anything less on Rockefeller property?
>>… Luckily for the artist, many Americans still respect the First Amendment as evidenced by the fact that no one has turned that Colt .45 into a snub-nose...and sold the excess scrap to make more guns.
(Siggin’ BRILLIANT?)
Only you, man!
>>… Where are all the great quotes today? Have they been banned? Or is that not fair because a certain amount of time must pass before great quotes become great quotes?
That’s a good question. I do occasionally run across contemporary quotes that should someday be considered “classics”, but not many.
I think there is something to be said for ‘The Test Of Time’. Ronald Reagan had some really good verbal moments that are now being repeated often. (But, of course, you know I don’t believe Reagan believed most of his best quotes; regardless of the words, he was one of “them”.) Have Reagan’s quotes passed ‘The Test Of Time’? How much time is needed? I still consider Reagan’s quotes to be at least semi-green in terms of time, but he DID say some good stuffs. (Speak classics but carry a rigged stick.)
>>… Was that a trick question? I would have said five...WTC1, WTC2, WTC3, WTC7, St. Nicholas Church.
Ha! Only you, man!
No, it was not a trick question, but you raise a good question. Obviously, I assumed everyone would understand that I was asking how many buildings collapsed to the ground ON September 11th. But the assumption would definitely disqualify my question and responses in a “serious”, formal survey.
Nonetheless, I can state confidently that had I phrased my question more specifically, it would not have altered the end result. I’m fairly certain that most if not all of the people I spoke with assumed the same thing I was assuming. But even if they weren’t, I could tell by their reactions that only ONE of the 15 had a clue about 9/11.
>>… I know there is a post somewhere with pictures that you had taken of the towers while in NYC. Did you go inside either tower?
I know the one. It was a picture I took looking up (the nostrils) at my friend Eric, with Tower 1 and 2 in the background and above him. I posted that at ‘STUFFS’, and I think it must have been the blog bit where I wrote about us getting lost in the Okefenokee Swamp (an October ‘Halloween’ blog bit). And, no, I did not enter either WTC Tower (I think there was a bar nearby that caught my eye).
>>… I definitely felt safer in the Empire State building, most likely because it had survived a small plane fender-bender, and a gorilla attack.
Ha!-Ha! Ahh, yes, but you forget that the World Trade Center Towers had ALSO survived a gorilla attack in 1976 (Jessica Lange and Jeff Bridges were eyewitnesses to it).
>>… My own opinions about the proximity and construction of those high-rise buildings enhance my doubts about WTC 7 being a "smoking gun". Trying to examining the real evidence is often clouded by too much bad science disseminated by pseudo-experts, and weak documentaries...
Hmmm… That comment most definitely surprised me. Without trying to explore this topic too deeply and extensively in a “comment section”, I will simply point out a couple of things and see what you think of my reasoning:
Continued Below...
Part 2:
ReplyDeleteFirst, please go back and watch again that short (1:23) TOWER 7 video I posted above in my blog bit. You’ll see an excerpt from a documentary made a year after 9/11 in which WTC Tower 7 leaseholder, Larry Silverstein says:
"I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, ‘We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.’ And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."
We all know that the controlled demolition of a building, causing it to fall into its own “footprint” to avoid damaging surrounding buildings, is a precise science that takes plenty of planning and plenty of thought. That’s why few people specialize in controlled demolitions and those who do make big bucks.
So, it’s totally unrealistic for anyone to believe (and no one has ever suggested) that WTC Tower 7 was rigged for controlled demolition on Sept. 11th, while a few of its floors were burning (due to falling debris from WTC Tower 1) and there was smoke and rubble and people jumping from buildings everywhere.
If WTC Tower 7 was a controlled demolition, it HAD to have been explosively rigged PRIOR to 9/11 (just like Towers 1 and 2). As the video shows, Tower 7 came down later in the day in the exact same manner that Towers 1 and 2 did earlier in the day, after being struck by airplanes. But Tower 7 was never struck by an airplane.
What did Larry Silverstein mean when he said, “ ‘…maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.’ And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."?
That is the subject of the blog installment ‘Silverstein Answers WTC Building 7 Charges’, which you can read by clicking HERE. Please see whatcha think.
As it says in the article:
Building 7 occupied a city block immediately north of the World Trade Center complex. Photos taken minutes before its collapse show small fires on two or three floors. Building 7 became only the third steel building in history before or since 9/11 to collapse from fire damage. The other two were the North and South towers of the World Trade Center.
>>… Actually, I would never have thought about questioning Sandy Hook, for instance, if you hadn't brought it up.
Ha! Well, all my years of studying this conspiracy stuffs has led me to the wisdom of the following ‘starting point’ of any investigation into anything bad anywhere:
Consider ‘Uncle Sam’ guilty until he’s proven innocent beyond so much as a scintilla of doubt.
>>… if [Alex Jones] is the de-facto spokesman for all gun-owning patriots in America, seems like he missed an opportunity to gain a larger following by deciding to rant his way through the "debate". … Unlike the Morgan-Jones exchange, this blog bit is far more convincing and would do more to defend the 2nd Amendment if it had an audience of equal size.
I thank you so much for the compliment. And, for the record, I DO understand your opinion about the possible “shot-to-his-own-foot” approach that Alex Jones employed in his debate with Piers Morgan. It’s probably a valid point you make, from an intellectual angle, or from any other angle for that matter.
But, at the same time, there’s an “angle” or “facet” of my own personality that not only understands Alex’s demeanor but appreciates and applauds it.
Continued Below...
Part 3
ReplyDeleteHaving participated in so many debates against strident Liberals through the years, I know that there sometimes comes a moment when, despite the fact I KNOW I could defeat them with completely accurate information, I really just want to kick their ass in a personal confrontation.
I have rarely if ever chosen that approach myself, but sometimes Liberals have gone down that path with me, and when THEY have initiated it, there have been times when I’ve thought: THANK YOU FOR TAKING OFF THE GLOVES. “ALRIGHT, LUNGER, LET'S DO IT!”
Sig, I don’t know if you’re aware of this (I may or may not have mentioned it on one of my blogs at some point), but I played football and wrestled in high school. Despite the poetry I wrote in my early twenties, there’s also a “contact sports”-mentality in me that occasionally still surfaces. So, I do “get” Alex Jones. You may possess all the factual ammo you need to easily win a civilized target-shooting contest, but sometimes, some topics are such hot-button issues that you’d almost rather decide the matter by hand-to-hand combat. It’s a more satisfying victory. You know what I mean?
>>... this blog bit is far more convincing and would do more to defend the 2nd Amendment if it had an audience of equal size.
I truly thank you for saying that and I wish I agreed, but I don’t think I do. As one of the paragraphs in this blog bit stated, sometimes the season to reason has passed, and it’s time to FIGHT. I think that’s what Alex Jones was feeling in his Piers Morgan interview.
In Part 2 of the interview, there’s a point where Jones flares-up and gets especially fiery, but it seemed a shade “calculated” to me. However, there’s a similar but totally authentic moment in Part 1 that pretty much made the hair stand up on my arms and the spirit within me leap.
To my mind, Alex Jones won the entire debate, saying everything he really NEEDED to say in the first three and a half minutes, which was close to being a monologue. There was enough spot-on info in that first 3:30 to make any uninformed person who gives the slightest damn about America say, “WHAT?!”, and commence to Googling.
But the truly greatest moment in the whole thing, in my opinion, occurred at the 2:15 mark, when ‘The American Spirit Of Rebellion’ against tyranny truly rose up in Alex Jones naturally, and in an unexpected flash of genuine anger he said to Piers Morgan: “And I’m here TO TELL YOU, 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN IF YOU TRY TO TAKE OUR FIREARMS!”
I see nothing but 100% sincerity in Alex Jones at that exact moment. We were talking above about whether or not there are any more great quotes. I’d say THAT ONE is a great quote. To me, the authentic passion I saw in Alex Jones when he said that, and the feeling it inspired within me while watching it, leads me to say that “And I’m here TO TELL YOU, 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN IF YOU TRY TO TAKE OUR FIREARMS!” is the 21st Century version of Patrick Henry’s, “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”
It was that ‘REVOLUTIONARY JONES’ moment at the 2:15 point in Part 1 of the interview that convinced me I ought to post the video on my blog.
Continued Below...
Part 4 of 4:
ReplyDelete>>... "Continuing coverage of this latest shooting rampage sponsored by ___________." (fill in your favorite drug company) Is that irony? I don't really know. I overuse "irony" like doctors over-prescribe drugs.
Only you, man!
That is SO CREATIVE!!!
>>… From comment section in one of your responses: "I follow several alternative news sources in this country that are really excellent and shine a light on the dark underbelly of contemporary American government and society."
What are your top two?
Hey, thanks for axing! (Leave Lizzy outta this!)
I can’t give you my “top two”. I have to give you my top three, because each one supplies a slightly different general theme to their coverage, and all of them are important. Here you go (in no particular order, although I probably think to visit the first one first, most of the time)…
(where I first learned of the book ‘The Harbinger’)
THE NEW AMERICAN website / magazine:
(Go to G. Edward Griffin’s website, ‘Reality Zone’, then scroll down and click on the icon that signs you up to receive his free Emailed newsletter ‘Unfiltered News’. It will be Emailed to your InBox weekly and it is a collection of links to important news articles and video postings.)
There are other sites I visit from time to time, but those are definitely The Big Three for me.
>>… SigTooMuch
Fantabulous comments, Brother!
No need to reply until you’ve got the time and the inclination, but… GOT EMAIL?
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
ReplyDeleteFirst, I received your e-mail. Thanks for the reply, I'll get back. Secondly, I'm going to try to I keep this under 1300 characters. You need to sleep sometime.
Regarding that poll that you conducted...let me guess, the person who said one building fell is from the temp agency, right?
>>"Ahh, yes, but you forget that the World Trade Center Towers had ALSO survived a gorilla attack in 1976 (Jessica Lange and Jeff Bridges were eyewitnesses to it)."
Pretty sure that was a guy in a monkey suit. Translation: Oh yeah, that's right!
>>"What did Larry Silverstein mean when he said, “ ‘…maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.’ And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."?
>>"That is the subject of the blog installment ‘Silverstein Answers WTC Building 7 Charges’, which you can read by clicking HERE. Please see whatcha think."
I remember playing that clip of Silverstein over and over again to try to understand was he meant. Pull out, pull it, pull...demolition?, pull with cable?, pull what?. That was several years ago and I can see how it can be confusing and be interpreted more than just one way. You know that I think there are quite a few dirty deals regarding the events of 9/11, and Silverstein could be included in the mix.
As for how WTC 7 fell, I still rely more heavily on the multiple accounts of the firefighters who were on the south side of WTC 7 and who were "pulled" from the area, and the possibility of more extensive structural and fire damage on that side of the building that ultimately lead to the collapse. Silverstein's comment, in my opinion, is nothing more than a poor choice of words, or he misspoke. He might have added the word "it" where it didn't belong sort of like Neil Armstrong forgot the word "a".
With that said, you know you can't stop blogging. Cut the snakes head off and it grows seven more. See above paragraph...moon landing a hoax?, Israel a major player in the 9/11 attacks?
>>"Well, all my years of studying this conspiracy stuffs has led me to the wisdom of the following ‘starting point’ of any investigation into anything bad anywhere:
Consider ‘Uncle Sam’ guilty until he’s proven innocent beyond so much as a scintilla of doubt."
I actually think more Americans understand and agree with that. Just seeing "The Creature..." smack dab in the center of the bookstore displayed for all to see a year or two ago must say something. I saw Ben Bernanke on a live web cast taking questions at a college in Michigan a few days ago. Do his "handlers" feel a need to promote a more transparent Fed?...or the illusion of. If so, why? Maybe alternative new websites, blogs, books like Griffin's that are gaining popularity and are having an impact. (I think that was a hint of optimism.)
>>You may possess all the factual ammo you need to easily win a civilized target-shooting contest, but sometimes, some topics are such hot-button issues that you’d almost rather decide the matter by hand-to-hand combat. It’s a more satisfying victory. You know what I mean?
I do. I worked several years in middle-management which blows sometimes because you have to take it from both sides. I remember lambasting a salesman via e-mail and face to face. I got my point across for the moment, and it felt good, but I lost, and never regained, much needed support from others. Sometimes people stop hearing the words and hear only the emotion, and then the message gets lost.
I heard that.
Wow Stephen, great read and I'm glad to see that you're still blogging.
ReplyDeleteBeing a CT resident and a concealed permit holder here since 1989, the Sandy Hook incident, and the following "gun law craziness" has been something I've been following closely.
Yes if you haven't guessed by now it's me, your old internet pal the WP.
I knew you would have some enjoyable knowledge and opinion to read on the subject matter if you were still actively writing. So I decided to see if you were, and lo and behold here you still are. I knew you couldn't give it up. : )
I'm glad that you popped into my head, and I gotta say...I MISSED YA MAN!
Love and blessings to you my friend. Keep fighting the good fight.
Your friend, and spiritual brother.
Part 1 Of 2:
ReplyDeleteMASTER SIG II ~
Thanks. No rush, of course, on the Email response. Just ‘whenever’ will work.
>> . . . I'm going to try to I keep this under 1300 characters. You need to sleep sometime.
I’ll sleep when I’m dead.
>> . . . the possibility of more extensive structural and fire damage on that side of the building that ultimately lead to the collapse. Silverstein's comment, in my opinion, is nothing more than a poor choice of words, or he misspoke.
Alright, you’re starting to scare me a little bit. Who are you working for? Who are you REALLY, and what have you done with Sig?
I jest, of course. But . . . - ahem – I think I need a little clarification on something, because I suddenly feel confused about where you’re coming from on 9/11.
Are you saying that you believe the three buildings (WTC Towers 1, 2, and 7) all collapsed “controlled demolition-like” as a result of fires in them? [If so, then that’s the first and only time where skyscrapers fell in a matter of seconds (one or more of them at near free-fall speed) into their own footprints as a result of fires.]
Or do you believe that Towers 1 and 2 were set with explosives prior to 9/11 and were brought down as controlled demolitions, but that Tower 7 really did fall as a result of the fires alone?
Or are you saying something completely different from the two examples above?
I’m bearing in mind the remark you made in a previous comment which seemed to indicate that you suspect a controlled demolition of SOMETHING:
>> . . . and thermite residue still waving in the breeze and more time passes eroding the possibility of uncovering the real truth.
And, of course, what you said is true: Unexploded particles of some form of “super-thermite” was indeed discovered in nearby dust that resulted from the September 11th destruction.
So I’m a little confused about what your general belief is regarding the Towers’ collapse.
Continued Below...
Part 2 Of 2:
ReplyDeleteOne last thing about Larry Silverstein and the lease he held on the property:
http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/background/owners.html ,
the writer concluded his piece with a parable meant to illustrate what good fortune Larry Silverstein seemed to have when it came to his “loss” on 9/11. I only wish I had such good bad luck:
A Parable:
To put these events in perspective, imagine that a person leases an expensive house, and immediately takes out an insurance policy covering the entire value of the house and specifically covering bomb attacks. Six weeks later two bombs go off in the house, separated by an hour. The house burns down, and the lessor immediately sues the insurance company to pay him twice the value of the house, and ultimately wins. The lessor also gets the city to dispose of the wreckage, excavate the site, and help him build a new house on the site.
Too much curious timing leading to good luck, rare and bizarre circumstances, and poor word choices or misspeaking for me to accept the “official story” about Tower 7. In fact, the decision of the 9/11 Commission to ignore Tower 7 altogether in its final report on the 2001 tragedy speaks volumes to me about the nature of its collapse.
I guess we’ll just have to disagree about that one.
>> . . . I actually think more Americans understand and agree with that. … Maybe alternative new websites, blogs, books like Griffin's that are gaining popularity and are having an impact. (I think that was a hint of optimism.)
Well, I’m sure there’s truth to what you said there. When I first learned about the ‘NEW WORLD ORDER’, I could mention it to 100 people and it’s highly unlikely that even one of them would have been familiar with the phrase, let alone what it actually stands for.
But now, I’m constantly being surprised by how many people seem to have become aware of it since 1994, due no doubt to the things you mentioned. In my last place of employment, I discovered in just a few months that at least two of the nurses and one of the pharmacists knew about the NWO.
The fact that some people are beginning to wake up makes me wonder if “they” aren’t feeling pressure now to really accelerate the program and move us to the “checkmate” as soon as possible. If so, watch for new disasters and tragedies coming “Fast And Furious”.
Thanks for the response, Bro.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
ReplyDeleteI have to come back and finish watching the clips and reading the comments, but wanted to say kudos on the research into the effects of the drugs that are pumped into children like they are Flinstones vitamins.
Americans have been so willing to let the government decide what's best for their kids in the class room abd in the medicine cabinet that they buy into the "ban guns" argument very easily and forget that there simply were not mass shootings fifty or sixty years ago.
Well there was one mass shooting on a campus in Ohio in the early seventies, but that was either the Army or Neil Young....
Uncle Obama has our schools and now our health care under his thumb.
And people keep drinking the kool-aid...
ReplyDeleteHey, good to hear from ya! Thanks for checking in. I hope all is well wid ya, Brother.
It just so happens that I briefly mentioned you in a fairly recent blog bit. Here's the URL to it, if ya wanna take a look:
I hope your 2013 is a winner!
Bless And Be Blessed.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
You did a great job here. I'm going to now address anyone who might come by here years from now.
I have friends who were at the Oregon mall shooting. I have a quote on quote "special needs child" a number of which were ruthlessly murdered at Sandy Hoke. My own wife couldn't make it home from work due to the Oregon mall shooting. I was at that mall less than a week prior to the shooting with my two year old daughter in the very area that guy unloaded on those innocent people. So let me be the guy who first says let us all pray for those who lost their lives, and those who were emotionally harmed by this.
However, you have to have emotional intelligence here. Knee jerk feel good mandates are what the gun grabbing nazi's are all about. "We need to protect our children." And other quotes of absurd proportions. They could care less about your children. They want to disarm you, and enslave you. If you believe anything different you need to do some serious research. Governments who disarm their citizens will end up murdering them. Read history. I don't own a stock pile of guns. I don't know the first thing about using a semi automatic weapon. However, I would rather have my neighbor have one than soldiers marching down my street. Make no bones about it. Once your guns are gone your freedom is over. Criminals who don't have guns will find something else. A country of private law abiding citizens who don't have guns are lambs for the slaughter. The second amendment wasn't written for duck hunters and fisherman. It was written to protect you from dictators arising such as Stalin, Mao, and Hitler. Don't kid yourself people. Every government needs to fear it's citizens. It needs to know it can't just come in and "take over." Read what our founders said in the federalist and anti federalist papers about our constitution. Read the Bible!!! It's filled with the very same types of mistakes were making now, and it didn't work out so well for them.
Br'er Marc
ReplyDeleteRegarding the events of 9/11, we agree much more than we disagree. Someone once wrote,
"I studied the subject of Joe McCarthy for years and years and years. I have on my bookshelves all of the A-List books published on him (yes, including the anti-McCarthy books, because I believe in studying the opposition’s viewpoints, too)."
Gold I tell'ya! Admittedly, there's plenty still "blowing in the wind" when the subject of 9/11 come up in discussion, at least in my mind. We can debate the presence of molecule 1,3-diphenlypropane, sulfur, potassium, titanium, manganese; all components in various forms of thermite, thermate, paper thermite, sol-gel thermite, or super thermite and also found in normal everyday construction materials and computer components. Or, try to determine the effects of 45,000 tons compressing a weakened lightweight perimeter tube frame design. It doesn't matter. We are both on the outside looking in, and we both seek the truth.
I'm only interested in the macro view at this point. Why did the event take place and who was behind it; and I believe those answers will be found nowhere near ground zero. The evidence captured at the WTC and D.C., both captured on video and through scientific study are done. The 9/11 Commission completed their illusion of due diligence.
I heard Michael Ruppert say something like, "there is no point in conducting a forensic investigation at this point, someone on the inside knows what went on, and getting them to talk should be the focus." Not a direct quote and he was referring to the financial side of the 9/11 issue. I hope he is right.
I know that you know how lucky you are to have the type of friend/followers that you do. TODAY, let me say out loud, in your space, I'll trade about 250 of mine for your Magnificent 7 or probably I should say 6.
ReplyDeleteWhat a load of horse puckey got dropped on my site today. I knew I had the potential to 'take a beating' but that depiction of me as a mass murderer was a little over the top.
Apparently, I have got to get out of my own house to listen to an intelligent conversation. Sheesh!
DiscConnected ~
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kudos!
Yeah, guns be guns (or should that be "guns r guns"?), and they've always been (were?) guns. Guns haven't changed. So why are they now killing so many people in public places as a result of senseless shootings?
I think it's time we reasoned with the guns and maybe enrolled them in some sort of anger management courses.
Either that or STOP DOPING EVERYONE UP on psychiatric drugs with their deadly side effects.
One or both of those remedies ought to be beneficial to our communities.
Righty-O, my friend!
I did not know you live so close to where that mall shooting occurred.
>> . . . It was written to protect you from dictators arising such as Stalin, Mao, and Hitler.
That's a little harsh, don't you think? I mean even megamurderers need peas, love and understanding.
>> . . . Read what our founders said in the federalist and anti federalist papers about our constitution. Read the Bible!
Yeah. Either that or read Time magazine, The New York Times newspaper, and listen to NPR. Education is so vital to a healthy society.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Thanks for checking in and for the compliment. Something I meant to include in my response but momentarily forgot was this:
>> . . . It was written to protect you from dictators arising such as Stalin, Mao, and Hitler.
That, of course, is the primary reason for the Second Amendment, and the principal argument for why our Second Amendment right should NEVER be reduced to the least-powerful handguns made.
Reading so many blog articles lately as a result of the Sandy Hook shooting, one point seems to get repeated so frequently by pro-gun control commenters.
They keep asking us pro-Second Amendment people what we're so afraid of. They say they can't even imagine what sort of unrealistic "holocaust" we could possibly be afraid of. They keep telling us that we are ridiculously, sadly, unnecessarily fearful of imaginary monsters (and claptrap like that).
These well-meaning and peaceful Everyday Johns and Joans are convinced that our concerns are unfounded, suggesting that people like you and me and my other readers are somewhat paranoid.
But, of course, the truth of the matter is that the pro-Second Amendment Everyday Johns and Joans who insist on "clinging to their guns" understand history far better than their opponents do.
We know that tyrannical governments have moved from gun registration to gun confiscation to tyranny and innocent deaths in the murdered millions. We also know that if given the chance, American tyrants would do the same damned things that their Russian, Chinese, and German counterparts did.
The naive always think "It couldn't happen HERE", just before it does.
And that's why, when I sat down to compose this blog bit, I decided rather than just talk about Second Amendment rights as a protection against some 'POSSIBLE' but 'IMPROBABLE' diabolical dictatorship in the faraway future, I would use some examples that bring it closer to home.
I selected some information that would seem to indicate that our good ol' Uncle Sam may have some surprise in store for the naive pro-gun control crowd.
There were plenty more examples I could have included (in fact, I coulda gone on all week with examples), but decided this was enough to make most reasonably intelligent people realize that maybe all of our concerns are not necessarily so unfounded after all.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDelete>> . . . that depiction of me as a mass murderer was a little over the top.
I hear ya! But, you notice how after I said something about him in my comment to you, he returned to say that he had been 'MISUNDERSTOOD'? These Libs, they're always just so misunderstood, aren't they?
>> . . . Apparently, I have got to get out of my own house to listen to an intelligent conversation. Sheesh!
Ha! Yep. But as one of my "Magnificent Seven", you'll always be welcome to join the intelligent conversation that takes place on this blog.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDelete>> . . . Someone once wrote, "I studied the subject of Joe McCarthy for years and years and years. I have on my bookshelves all of the A-List books published on him (yes, including the anti-McCarthy books, because I believe in studying the opposition’s viewpoints, too)." Gold I tell' ya!
Oh, shee-it! Don’t tell me you’re paying attention to what THAT idiot says! I know the dude, man, and he’s a Maroon Cartoon.
>> . . . I heard Michael Ruppert say something like, "there is no point in conducting a forensic investigation at this point...
Well, really, there is no way of conducting a fully informed forensic investigation since all of the most important physical evidence at the scene of the crime was quickly collected, quickly sold, and quickly put on a fast boat to China.
Thanks for returning to explain your viewpoint, Brother. I appreciate it.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
I don't live near that mall shooting but I work by it too. A couple of blocks actually. I know people who were there that day, and lost one of my coworkers (though I didn't personally know her). It hit where I'm at pretty hard. As a matter of fact it hit me personally very hard. My nephew knew the shooter. Hung out with him biking a year ago. I have told him for years he's hanging with people that are going to get him nowhere fast and if that ain't proof well then I don't know what is. I can't personally imagine sending my child to school to never see them again because some a hole coward decided to slaughter five year olds. I mean how do you get there? Then I think, "wow I'm a lot closer to that guy on the righteous index than I am to God." At that point Jack Daniels starts looking pretty good (though I didn't). I also finished the Harbinger (great recommendation by the way) and I think the guy nailed it. I haven't double checked his research or anything. Doesn't matter too much, after all the old testament is for our learning (romans 15:4 if memory serves me correctly). Between the Harbinger, the gun shooting, the propagandists working on gun confiscation, and my putting the pieces together it's been a active few weeks for me. Just to think, one of our sins that we don't view as being all "that bad" is so far away from what God is that it really is that bad. I can only describe it as us being closer to being Hitler than being righteous. thank God we have a savior. What a merciful thing our savior did for us, and our father allowed his only begotten son to die a death he didn't deserve for us, people who are closer to Hitler than true righteousness. I think about the old testament prophets who over and over again were overwhelmed by Gods holiness and their own unrighteousness. Once they got a taste of how far away from God they truly were of their own accord over and over again it shows them humbled. I personally can't imagine.
I have been truly humbled the past month (nothing to do with the shootings) in a very positive and profound way. Not on knowledge I didn't know (I could always recite it) but knowledge that my heart is now beginning to truly understand. I asked God to help me make the next steps in my faith, and wow I wasn't ready for that one. Humbled is all I can describe it as. I have become very conscious in a very positive way of all my short comings and it has motivated me to truly START making the next step or two to becoming a better man. I'm not bad by man standards by any stretch, but man standards are not what is of interest to me. Anyway, you kinda get where I've been these past months. Poking around here time to time, but also spending more time reflecting.
Br'er Marc
>>Well, really, there is no way of conducting a fully informed forensic investigation since all of the most important physical evidence at the scene of the crime was quickly collected, quickly sold, and quickly put on a fast boat to China.
ReplyDeleteNo problem, you can just buy it back at Walmart.
ReplyDelete>> . . . My nephew knew the shooter. Hung out with him biking a year ago. I have told him for years he's hanging with people that are going to get him nowhere fast and if that ain't proof well then I don't know what is.
WHOA! I should say so!
That was a fine comment, Brother. Thanks for posting it here. (I'm always conscious of the fact that all this political stuffs is so completely tied in with the spiritual, with God's prophecies and His plans.)
As for the recent leaps you've made in your spiritual understanding, I can only chalk it up to the fact that I prayed for you after that last Email. (Which I still haven't responded to, but have retained it in my InBox so I will not forget about it completely.)
Yes, I'm sure that my prayers alone are responsible for your spiritual enlightenment recently. What else could it be?
Glad you liked 'THE HARBINGER'. That one has so many 'WOW!' moments in it.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDelete>> . . . all of the most important physical evidence at the scene of the crime was quickly collected, quickly sold, and quickly put on a fast boat to China.
>> . . . No problem, you can just buy it back at Walmart.
You know what's kinda 'funny'? After I typed that remark above about the 'fast boat to China', I had the idea to add one final sentence. This:
It's probably returning to us now in the form of children's toys.
I even paused for several moments, thinking about whether or not I should add that sentence. Then, for whatever reason, I decided to just leave it 'as is'.
Maybe my subconscious mind sent me the message, "Leave something witty for Sig to reply with."
Regardless... how's that saying go? "Great minds stink alike"?
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
POSTSCRIPT: Got the Email. Thanks! Replying coming... eventually.
ReplyDeleteMy comment and your response are way up there (lotsa good discussion on this post), so most people reading this one will think "what the f@#k?"
...but you may be onto something.
Maybe we need to get the GUNS on medication!
The answer was right in front of us all along!
ReplyDeleteOf course the Americonned sheeple have been so dumbed down that many of them can't even get to second base in thinking about this issue. (Second Base: WHY have these mass shootings become so common when they were so rare just three or four decades ago?)
The sheeple have not been taught any skill whatsoever in 'Critical Thinking', so they immediately go from "Mass Shootings" to "Gun Confiscation" in their 100-pound weakling minds.
But don't they look cool in all their tattoos?
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'