A rock-solid
American exercising his Second Amendment right.
known as McDoggs & McDoggettes)
in America knows that the hottest topic
burning today is Second Amendment gun rights versus gun control.
wanna guess which side of this argument I am gonna support?
soon (read: “coming this weekend”) to this blog will be my view of this
crucial, divisive, and crucially divisive topic which is both crucial and divisive
. . . and topical.
As you’ve
come to expect from me, I will be framing the subject in a slightly unorthodox
way, but my “different” approach to the subject might very well have you
thinking a little ‘outside-of-the-box’ you ordinarily do your thinking in.
(Seriously, wasn’t it awfully cramped 'n' claustrophobic in there?)
So, be sure
to check in here again at Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
this Saturday or Sunday for something completely different. And don’t forget to
bring your George Mason shot glass and 150,000 rounds of ammunition. But, shhh!... It's Libewal Season, and we be hunting Libewals, so be vewy,
vewy quiet!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Here we go!
ReplyDeleteI'll be back.
but..but...but there were only 35 gun murders in Great Britain versus 11,000 in the United States...and...and... Oh. This debate hasn't started yet. Never mind.
ReplyDeleteSTM, I hope you fixed that annoying "leak" in the comments section of your last post..
ReplyDeleteHa!-Ha! You really had me laughing out loud!
Why you wanna go and steal some Libewal's thunder for? If you use up all that Grade-A ammo before the debate begins, what are all the Loony Libewals going to have left to post?
No promises, but I'm hoping to compose and send an Email to you tonight before I pass ou-- er, I mean, before I go to bed for the night.
>>... STM, I hope you fixed that annoying "leak" in the comments section of your last post.
HA! That was no "leak"; that was my brother Nappy. We were playing a game of 'Dueling Andy Griffith Show Dialogue Posts'.
He's going to be tickled when I tell him what you wrote. Funny stuffs, Bro!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I'm not a libewal! I'm not a libewal! (I just look and act like one... and I'm only hugging this twee because it's my FWIEND.)
ReplyDeleteMy hubby is a long-time NRA life member, and it seems like half the population of Georgia (and a few other states, as well) has been sending me emails and videos about this issue, so it'll be interesting to see what kind of new slant you have to put on it.
One interesting thing you may or may not already know: the most deadly attack on an American school happened like in the '20s, (Sorry, it's late, and I've had an adult beverage, so I'm not sure about the exact date at the moment.) and it involved a bombing. Horrific stuff. Forty-some children were killed, if I remember correctly. And it had nothing to do with guns.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment. And thanks for clarifying that you're NOT a Libewal.
>>... the most deadly attack on an American school happened like in the '20s, (Sorry, it's late, and I've had an adult beverage, so I'm not sure about the exact date at the moment.) and it involved a bombing.
Intewesting! I don't think I knew that. (Then again, it's quite possible that I DID know that but don't remember it because it's late, and I've had 12 adult beverages, plus some beer.)
I always put a new slant on EVERYTHING... except for those things I don't put a new slant on.
And, I'm not a Libewal too! (I just look and act like one... and I'm only hugging this twee because if I didn't I'd fall down! Twelve adult bevewages plus some bwewskis will do that to anyone.)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I am glad you chose the image of Renaissance Man Elmer Fudd for this blog!
ReplyDeleteThe men want to be him, the ladies swoon when they see him, and rabbits dress up like ladies and try to get next to him!
As you know, I am not a gun owner, and as you know, I find local gun measures palatable (after all, Tombstone didn't let you carry a gun in town...of course that didn't work out so well).
But what Kenya Boy and his puppet Biden are planning should alarm ALL Americans, even the ones who voted this ticket TWICE because they thought it would be progressive to have a black man...excuse me, African-American, in the White House.
Let me hearf your balalaikas ringing out...
LC ~
ReplyDeleteYou are so right about Elmer - now that was a "weal man".
>>... Tombstone didn't let you carry a gun in town...of course that didn't work out so well
Ha!-Ha! Very true.
Those Ukwaine gals weally knock me out... they leave the West behind.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Okay, in the light of day, that bombing happened at an elementary school in Bath, Michigan, on May 18, 1927. Forty-five killed, thirty-eight of whom were children.
ReplyDeleteThanks, SUSAN.
ReplyDeleteI don't recall having come across that before. Wow! A long time ago, before the USA was quite so insane.
Do you know anything about the motive?
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Yeah, the guy was upset about taxes. His name was Andrew Kehoe, and he was a school board member.
ReplyDeleteSUSAN ~
ReplyDeleteI thank you so much for the follow-up!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Where's the "that's all folks." Gotta get some porky in here too.