Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?
Revelation 13:4 (The Holy Bible)
A huge
portion of last Saturday I spent watching YouTube videos about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. I spent a good deal of
last night doing the same. Hours and hours of my time have now been devoted to
studying the controversy surrounding the “tragedy”.
sincerely hope that no children were really killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School . If in fact innocent little kids were
truly murdered, then it was indeed a tragedy of heartbreaking proportions and
the family and friends of the victims have my very deepest sympathy.
after the hours and hours (and hours) I’ve spent looking at this infamous
event, I have found no conclusive evidence whatsoever to indicate that anyone
was killed at Sandy
Hook . (I
sure hope that’s the case!) I could be mistaken, there may be some real evidence somewhere, but I’ve
yet to run across it. All the evidence I’ve found points to the concept that
the entire event was staged and that the United States government has lied to us . . .
again. The blatant discrepancies in Uncle Sam’s and the mainstream media’s “official”
story are almost too numerous to count.
I have
also found a lot of DRY EYES when friends and family members of the “victims”
discuss their loss. Is there a genuine teardrop anywhere to be found? Oh, sure,
there’s a lot of pained expressions and strained voices, but not one teardrop
flowing down someone’s face from a single eye. (At least not that I’ve found.
If someone can show me some authentic Grade-A tears captured on film or video,
I’d appreciate seeing them.)
Below is some footage of the MULATTO MESSIAH wiping away
invisible tears:
Newtown, Connecticut Shooting:
Obama Tears up in Emotional Statement – ABC News
here’s a “heroic” teacher also wiping away invisible tears:
now-famous Emilie Parker is probably the most recognizable child murdered by
Adam Lanza (?) at the elementary school in Newtown , Connecticut . Here’s the little girl’s Aunt
Garrett doing the popular “Dry-Eye Cry” :
Emilie Parker laid to rest
What was
in the white casket? A Barbie doll? A dead dog? Maybe just darkness and stale
air? I’ll tell you what I DO NOT believe was in it: a little girl
named Emilie Parker. If there is
an Emilie, and if Emilie was
in that casket, I strongly suspect “Aunt” Garrett might have done some leaking
from the eyes, instead of the usual Dry-Eye Cry.
note that Jill Cottle Garrett, Emilie’s “Aunt”, apparently forgot what was in
the script there for a moment when she referred to Emilie’s “big sisters”. Emilie was supposed to be the eldest of
the Parker girls, remember? (Who is John Galt “Emilie Parker”?)
Odd that
even Emilie’s “Aunt” couldn’t manage to get a single tear to roll down her
cheek on the day they buried poor little Emilie. We all know that many women –
more emotionally-wired than most men - will cry at the drop of a daisy, but a BAD ACTRESS can’t cry even when it’s in the script!
Did This Shooting Really Happen Or
This Just Wicked Media!? The Sandy Hook Shooting Exposed
In Part 1
Of 4 of Max Igan’s video series, he actually makes a good deal of sense. The Sandy Hook hoax is just WAY TOO
OBVIOUS! (In a sense, it reminds me of Barack Obama’s long-form birth
certificate which is phonier than a four dollar bill. Anyone of average
intelligence and objective mind could have investigated the flaws in the
Mulatto Messiah’s birth certificate and KNOWN it was fraudulent in 30
minutes or less!) Yes, I think the Wizards Behind The Curtain are deliberately
mocking and goading We The American Patriots.
I doubt that the Illuminati - the Wizards - really
want to start a “civil war” as Igan speculates. That would be too messy and
take too long. (History shows what trouble the Nazi scum had in getting
complete control over lightly-armed Warsaw . Now imagine trying to get
control over the United States with firearms in probably 50% of
the U.S. homes!)
But I do
suspect that Igan is likely right that the Sandy Hook hoax is about trying to
confiscate our firearms (they want them “by Hook or by crook”) AND it is about placing restrictions on our
alternative news sources like the Internet.
The Real Reason for Sandy Hook - An American Coup d'état – part
You had
better wake-the-f##k-up, People, because ‘The Plan’ is now in “Fast And
Furious” mode. When Uncle Sam resorts to a stunt like ‘Sandy Hook ’, you better believe that he’s
convinced his “checkmate” move is not far off. And there is no excuse for
anyone being taken by surprise because it’s prophesied in ‘The Official Rule
Book To Life’.
I Am God, and there is no other; I Am God, and there is none like Me.
I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to
come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.
~ Isaiah 46:9,10
(The Holy Bible)
Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?
Revelation 13:4 (The Holy Bible)
People, go to your Bibles and start studying in earnest. Learn to pray effectively, because The Time is near . . . very near!
People, go to your Bibles and start studying in earnest. Learn to pray effectively, because The Time is near . . . very near!
stinks in Newtown , Connecticut , and
I’m pretty sure it ain’t burnt sulfur.
I’m pretty sure it ain’t burnt sulfur.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Isaiah chapter 8:
ReplyDelete11For thus the LORD spoke to me with mighty power and instructed me not to walk in the way of this people, saying,
12“You are not to say, ‘It is a conspiracy!’
In regard to all that this people call a conspiracy,
And you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it."
Sometimes, a duck is just a duck. While I grant you the current administration is opportunistic with that which happens, I guarantee you there are a million reasons behind not seeing tears at a funeral. I went through about 100,000 of them myself through 99% of my mother's funeral.
I appreciate you are just trying to dig deeper, but to say that the deaths didn't happen is as cynical- and unintentionally disrespectful- as the cynicism that allows others to take political advantage of it.
C.W. ~
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting, Brother. As it says in the YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY, "all comments, pro and con, are welcome" and I do mean that.
You should always feel free to submit comments that disagree with me and the positions I take, for I am always willing to discuss issues in a civilized way.
I will return later today, when time permits, and fully address the points you raised in your comment. Thanks for taking the time, and please do check back.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Just so you know, you weren't the first person I heard in the last 10 hours that brought this up, and I went on to discuss it this morning on my blog.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to tell you, I don't see you as some sky-is-falling nutbag or anything like that. I know you research your topics well and draw your convictions from them. In a case like this, I just feel you have your focus in a debatable area and are drawing conclusions that aren't well supported as a result. But I thought the Pats would have beat the Ravens, too, so whadda I know?
I thought at first that you were being sarcastic but as I continued to read I didn't find your disclaimer anywhere. The dictator in Iran stated the holocaust didn't happen and that is also hard to wrap my brain around. I will be checking back as well because I have to think you were using sarcasm to make your point that the government jumped on this as part of its gun control (now conveniently renamed gun violence) agenda. Am I just not catching on?
ReplyDeleteWhether a hoax or just a true tragedy being exploited by the Feds, the simple truth is that Americans are doomed because they do not know their history.
I have had multiple debates with people over the past few weeks who simply do not understand the reason the second amendment is there!
Their argument is ALWAYS the same-you do not need assault weapons to hunt.
Does the second amendment talking about hunting in a different version of the Constitution than the one I have?
I thought it spoke to a "militia," and I believe the intent was to prevent the Federal government from doing what King James had tried to do to the colonists.
In other words that I know are not news to you and most of your faitful readers, the second amendment protects the people from a federal government usurping power....like ours has done for the last several administrations.
With that in mind, I say YES-the people need the assault weapons.
But since the media has put up pictures of little children, the Americonned sheeple will let the Kenyan-born pretender steal away MORE of their freedom on a slide to a darker, bleaker future for those same children they hope to benefit.
Part 1:
ReplyDeleteC. W. ~
To begin, I will admit that I too expected the Patriots to beat the Ravens. (Hopefully though, the Ravens can win one more game this season.) So, we both acknowledge that we’re fallible. We’re also reasonably educated and are serious students of The Bible, so there is some common ground.
I have not seen what you’ve posted on your blog regarding this matter but WILL make time to read it later.
>> . . . In a case like this, I just feel you have your focus in a debatable area and are drawing conclusions that aren't well supported as a result.
Responding a little out of order, I want to address this first. The real focus of this post – the purpose behind it – was to call attention to the fact that not all is as it seems and that indications are the noose is tightening. Therefore, people need to focus on the ONE thing that they can count on as the Biblical End-Times are quickly coming together before our eyes. Stockpiled guns, food, water, fuel and generators will be helpful for a very limited time. Ultimately, one’s relationship with God and Christ is the ONLY thing that can save them.
Therefore, the real point of this post is to be found in its five final paragraphs.
I’m not clear on your intent when you referenced the Isaiah chapter 8 verse. To me that passage is expressing God’s command that the conspiracy of man should not be entered into nor feared; that God alone is the ultimate authority, man’s conspiracy notwithstanding.
I’m sure you were not implying that there are no conspiracies, because you are too knowledgeable in history not to know that the story of mankind is essentially a patchwork quilt of conspiracies and that conspiracies are the norm, not the exception. We both know that even our Savior’s crucifixion was the result of a conspiracy between Judas and the Jewish hierarchy at the time. Conspiracies have always been common.
The conspiracy I am alluding to frequently on this blog is code-named ‘The New World Order’ (NWO), and it implies that influential people (some of them behind the scenes) are in the process of eradicating national sovereignty, which will be replaced by a single world government – a Global Government – which the Beast or anti-Christ will eventually control.
There is nothing speculative about this, and it should have ceased being referred to as a “conspiracy THEORY” long ago, when some of the participants in the conspiracy began publicly revealing it to be a “conspiracy FACT”.
Should we alert our fellowman to signs of the conspiracy when we see it in action (as I do with regards to ‘Sandy Hook’)? Yes, I believe so. Primarily so that our fellowman will become aware of the true diabolical forces at work in our world and turn to God and Christ while he/she still has that chance.
Continued below...
Part 2:
ReplyDeleteC.W., it sure is not my intention to engage in a tit-for-tat Bible verse exchange, but I think the following one is extremely relevant to this discussion:
Before sending out His apostles, Jesus told them: “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”
Well, we know what the serpent represents in Scripture, so Jesus is telling them to be aware of and alert to the ways of the devil lest they be deceived and ensnared by them. The apostles needed to be able to recognize wolves in sheep’s clothing. And today, as the building blocks of the Tribulation are being so quickly laid, WE must be watchful, knowing that satan disguises himself as an angel of light, and his servants disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. [Chapters and verses not included because you know where to find them as well as I do.]
As much as it’s possible, we need to be able to recognize the diabolical designs of the devil; we need to be watchmen on the wall, in order to alert our Brothers and Sisters to the approaching danger and the need to get right with the Creator.
>> . . . I guarantee you there are a million reasons behind not seeing tears at a funeral.
The videos I carefully selected to display here illustrate a fairly large number of discrepancies and inconsistencies and flat-out bizarre behavior. Even so, there is a good deal more of that sort of thing not represented here.
I am hardly basing my suspicions on the fact that one victim’s “Aunt” is not crying at the funeral. In fact, thus far I have found NO ONE crying anywhere! I mean “real” crying with visible tears. But I do see people pretending to wipe away tears that clearly do not exist.
If you have not fully watched the videos, I hope you will do so. In hindsight, I kind of wish I had posted the last video first, to sort of “set the table with background info”. You should perhaps watch ‘The Real Reason for Sandy Hook - An American Coup d'état – part 1/4’ first.
C.W., if this were only about some missing tears and one, two, or three discrepancies, I wouldn’t be making anything out of it. Almost all multiple eyewitness testimony to anything includes some anomalies. Even our own Bible includes a few details that don’t seem to jibe with other accounts in Scripture, but it would be foolish for us to conclude as a result that The Bible is false.
But we are talking about MANY and HUGE anomalies – way too many and too meaningful to be indicative of anything other than deliberate deception.
Continued Below...
Part 3:
ReplyDelete>> . . . but to say that the deaths didn't happen is as cynical - and unintentionally disrespectful - as the cynicism that allows others to take political advantage of it.
The NWO conspiracy I have been studying extensively, in great detail, for nearly two decades, and I have a long history of debates with Liberals behind me. Because some of the info I share is of such an esoteric-like nature, I may at times seem like a loose cannon, a sloppy researcher and loony toon wacko. But I assure you that what I say in public is first well thought out and my words are chosen carefully.
I did not say that no deaths actually occurred at Sandy Hook, but that I have found no conclusive evidence to indicate that any did (as one could expect to find in such a tragedy). To the contrary, I have found evidence to indicate that some people are lying about various things. It’s all too suspicious, and the story about Emilie Parker is MORE than too suspicious.
Knowing how devious the U.S. government is, based on my years of research, my best guess is that one of the two following explanations are accurate:
1: No children died at Sandy Hook and the entire event was staged, primarily to gain support amongst the sheeple for gun confiscation. (Incidentally, it is ONLY the Second Amendment right in America that has prevented the New World Order conspiracy from being fully installed across the world. The conspirators want our guns in the worst way; American gun confiscation is the ONLY thing holding up the demonic plan from completion.)
2: Some children really were killed at Sandy Hook but Uncle Sam’s mainstream media has released to the public only information that makes it look like an obviously staged, phony event took place. After enough people like me make a big issue out of it, publicly challenging the official account, Uncle Sam will release GENUINE photos and videos that will then make people like me appear to the rest of the world as paranoid and insane. In that way, Uncle Sam will have a chance to kill two birds with one stone: Eradication of the Second Amendment, AND new restrictions placed on alternative news sources (e.g., the Internet), which will lead to 100% propaganda 100% of the time (think Orwell’s ‘1984’) and the completion of the Biblical ‘New World Order’.
C.W., I hope this has helped to explain where I’m coming from with this post. My response was written between doing laundry, organizing bills, and other household duties, so if I missed anything, please call it to my attention. And feel free to respond, Bro.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
ReplyDeleteI trust my response to C.W. (above) will also serve to answer your questions about this blog bit.
>> . . . The dictator in Iran stated the holocaust didn't happen and that is also hard to wrap my brain around.
Why try? That’s typical Jew-hating nonsense that’s been promulgated for some time now.
As far as sarcasm goes . . . I remember being sarcastic only when I referred to Barack Obama as a “mulatto messiah”. He’s definitely no messiah.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
DiscDude ~
ReplyDelete>> . . . Whether a hoax or just a true tragedy being exploited by the Feds, the simple truth is that Americans are doomed because they do not know their history.
But I want to emphasize the point that there is UNQUESTIONABLY a hoax element to the 'Sandy Hook' story.
The only real question that needs answering is: How MUCH of the 'Sandy Hook' story is a hoax?
Was anyone really killed? If so, who? Any children? Any staff and faculty? Adam Lanza?
But if you will take the time to watch all the videos I have included here, even if you don't believe or concur with every single item in all of the videos (as I don't), I am certain you will come away with the firm conviction that at least some elements of the 'Sandy Hook' story are the results of a deliberate attempt to deceive people.
On the 'FAR AWAY SERIES' blog of FarAwayEyes, someone posted a link to a thoroughly informed examination of the Second Amendment vs. Gun Control issue.
I read the article, and this guy covers the whole thing from A to Z and from a very firsthand knowledge of the entire question. It's highly detailed and totally blows up the "pro-gun control" argument every which way and twice on Sundays.
If you want to read it, here's the URL:
Lastly, when you have the time, would you shoot me an Email and explain to me how to reconfigure my Comment Section so that I can respond to each submitted comment directly below it?
I see you have switched to that format, and I spent some time yesterday trying to do so also but could not find the option in my Dashboard. Thanks, Buddy!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Didn't mean to remotely make it sound like the tear thing was what you based your arguments on- only that it was the one that made me sit up and take notice.
ReplyDeleteThe Isaiah post, to me, says that we shouldn't be worried about it, whether it is a conspiracy or not, there are more important things to keep in mind.
"Ultimately, one’s relationship with God and Christ is the ONLY thing that can save them." That, I think, is the point of Isaiah.
I grant you, there are anomolies in any major news story such as this. If I were seeking out evidence of the Antichrist, I'd be more concerned over the British government's recent statements about not becoming part of a centralized EuroState, setting them up as one of the three "horns" that will have to be broken.
However, when you combine the Isaiah line with Jesus stating that no one will know the day and time, I feel that my focus as a Christian is to live day-to-day life for Him and not worry about what games "they" play, or if they are playing them. I think that by the time the signs of the end become obvious, those to whom those signs are obvious will have been removed from the board.
Not to fault what you are doing. Just that I feel my first ministry is to share the Christ I know. Yours is a differnt ministry, that's fine. I think we need people who dig a little deeper. Personally, I have to warn myself against it, because it distracts from the goal for me.
That said, I said on my blog I don't think this government (or any other) has the mental wherewithal to pull such a thing off. And sometimes I think the debate on such things makes Satan smile because it distracts us from the ultimate goal, which is not on this earth.
Before reading this blog I never suspected that Sandy Hook didn't happen. I always felt like this Administration really took advantage of the situation to push their Agenda on guns (which is all-out confiscation no matter what they say). Of course, they cannot say THAT because Americans would NEVER go for it, but they are good at making things happen to get what they want. I watched that last video and I think the reason our military is being downsized is because our President wants as few US soldiers on American soil possible when he makes his move. As this guy said, there are many soldiers here for training from all over the world (U.N). I have always felt that the greatest threat to this country is the U.N.
ReplyDeleteIronically, I think it actually makes MORE sense for the tragedy to have occurred and for them to knock out two birds with one stone (guns and internet news). However, I have a hard time discounting the joviality of the broadcasters on scene in front of the families who had just lost loved ones right after the event when they thought the cameras were off. That is just ODD. Add to that the fact NO ONE can actually work up an actual tear and it makes me wonder. If these folks really did lose their kids and were told to not cry while talking about it (but look like you are) I just don't think that they could do it. I don't think EVERYONE in that town can act that well. But, maybe I am underestimating things. Maybe this has been a plan in motion for a long time. And they have been rehearsing for months. I just don't know.
I think this Administration is corrupt for using a tragedy involving the deaths of children to push their Agenda on guns. If it is actually WORSE than that... well, I am out of words.
Part 1 Of 2:
ReplyDeleteC.W. ~
Thanks for reading my response and for your follow-up.
>> . . . If I were seeking out evidence of the Antichrist, I'd be more concerned over the British government's recent statements about not becoming part of a centralized EuroState, setting them up as one of the three "horns" that will have to be broken.
Possibly. But I think prematurely speculating on the horns is a difficult - maybe even impossible – road to go down. Over the years I have read so many different theories about the “horns” and many of them sound plausible. But wait a few years and suddenly a new geopolitcal alignment seems to suggest a new interpretation.
I have believed for some time that there are references in the End-Time prophecies such as Revelation and Daniel, et al., that will not be understood by anyone until those very times are being experienced and lived through. Then some people will say, “Ah-Ha! I get it: THAT was THIS, and THIS was THAT!...”, etc.
>> . . . I think that by the time the signs of the end become obvious, those to whom those signs are obvious will have been removed from the board.
Mmmm . . . I have to disagree there. My years of deep study of the NWO subject have convinced me that the “signs” are ALREADY obvious, and I’m still here.
It sounds as if you’re a firm believer in a pre-Trib Rapture. If I were forced to bet on it, I’d bet on a relatively small pre-Trib Rapture, leaving many people who are currently saying “Lord! Lord!” here to deal with the End-Time scenario and their lukewarm faith.
What my own fate is in that situation, only God knows, of course.
>> . . . Not to fault what you are doing. Just that I feel my first ministry is to share the Christ I know. Yours is a differnt ministry, that's fine.
Well, you MUST follow the path you feel God and Christ have called you to, and far be it from me to try dissuading you from it.
I wouldn’t necessarily say I have been assigned any “ministry” from The Lord. But I do know that there are many different types of people and they often find God in many different ways. Some undoubtedly will be able to see the world aligning itself like a Divine ‘Rubik’s Cube’ exactly as foretold in the Biblical prophecies and from that recognition become inspired to seriously study ‘The Word of God’.
Continued Below...
Part 2 Of 2:
ReplyDeleteA book that I would recommend to you (and everyone else) is ‘ONE WORLD’ by Christian writer Tal Brooke. I once wrote a review of it in which I recounted the following moment of insight:
I can still clearly recall that night, sitting at my desk and believing that I was engaged in two separate studies: religion and politics. And then suddenly, in a moment, it was as if the curtain on the stage was pulled back to reveal all of the props, the painted backgrounds, and the costumed players who were acting out the play called, "The New World Order", just as it had been penned by the unseen playwright, the Prince Of Darkness. I was astounded to realize that all of the different scenes actually formed acts, and that the acts formed a unified but very dark story. I found there were no independent nor secular parts; they all coalesced into a single production. And to carry this analogy one step further, one could argue that The Holy Bible is the review written by a Critic [God] who has seen the dress rehearsal. He says it's a bad show and it will close before its scheduled run is completed. And since the Critic owns the theater, we can take His Word for it.
>> . . . I don't think this government (or any other) has the mental wherewithal to pull such a thing off.
Ha! My Brother, our government has already pulled off much bigger and more complex plots than ‘Sandy Hook’. (And, in fact, Sandy Hook wasn’t even pulled off very well . . . which, as I speculated in my previous comment, may have actually been deliberate sloppiness.)
Regardless, any government that is actually a servant for satan has the diabolically-inspired “mental wherewithal” to pull off anything the devil wants it to, so long as God allows it. The entity that was granted the authority to promise to Jesus that He could rule “all the kingdoms” of “this world” if Jesus would only fall down and worship him, certainly has the authority to help an evil government pull off a ‘Sandy Hook’.
I fear you may be drastically underestimating our common “adversary”, Brother.
Anyway . . . GO, RAVENS!
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading with an open mind and for the fine comment!
>> . . . Before reading this blog I never suspected that Sandy Hook didn't happen. I always felt like this Administration really took advantage of the situation to push their Agenda on guns (which is all-out confiscation no matter what they say).
You are entirely correct! The desired “endgame” is TOTAL gun confiscation, but they would never dare reveal that too soon, so they speak of meaningless terms like “assault rifles”, just to condition the American people to the idea that they don’t really have any need for more accurate firearms.
As in everything the (modern) Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals, and Diabolical Governments do, the name of the play is “incrementalism”. They know they can’t get everything they really want all at once, so they exercise patience and acquire everything they want gradually, by degrees, over a period of time.
It’s a form of the Hegelian Dialectic, which both of our major political parties are engaged in – conspiring together secretly – and which I have illustrated very clearly on this blog in the past.
>> . . . I watched that last video and I think the reason our military is being downsized is because our President wants as few US soldiers on American soil possible when he makes his move.
The timing is interesting, because back on January 13th, before I had discovered Max Igan’s video at YouTube, I posted my “Gun Rights Vs. Gun Control” blog bit (where you first submitted a comment to my blog), and in that installment I made a major point out of the fact that a lot of foreign troops and military equipment have been in the U.S. since the early 1990’s. When I saw Igan’s video and his mention of that very fact, I knew this dude knew the gig.
>> . . . I don't think EVERYONE in that town can act that well. But, maybe I am underestimating things. Maybe this has been a plan in motion for a long time. And they have been rehearsing for months.
One of the videos points out that one of the couples who supposedly lost a child at Sandy Hook are really from Florida and the “mother” is an actress (she is shown performing on a stage).
Only one of the “performers” I’ve seen so far was somewhat convincing, but even she couldn’t produce a single tear in two tries.
Thanks again for the comment!
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
Lenin said: "A lie told often enough becomes the truth."
ReplyDeleteRahm Manuel said: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste."
I think it's always good to ask these kinds of questions and ask for the truth... unfortunately, those people who continually called Bush a liar continue to support the actions and words of a liar...
And so it goes...
Great post!
1 of 2 (I hope)
ReplyDeleteFirst, let me say this is a fine blog post on a matter that many would want to paint you as a monster for even discussing.
I would like to address some of these issues from my perspective.
DRY EYES - Before I comment, I want to make it perfectly clear to your readers, who don’t know me, that I am a woman who is a mother and a grandmother (first time I’ve said that on the Internet – lucky you, you get the ‘exclusive’). I have a six year old granddaughter who is in the First Grade and she is very close to my heart. Keep in mind I have just admitted to you that I am a part of the population (women) thought to me emotional (maybe overly so) and ruled by hormones, intuition and those emotions,
BUT make no mistake. If I was a mother showing up on the scene of my child’s school where a shooting was supposed to have occurred it would have been a ‘media event’ in itself. I can promise you that upon my arrival at that school, if my child was not produced within two minutes time, there would not have been enough law enforcement personnel or bullets available to stop me from trying to get into that building while screaming, kicking, biting and using anything at my disposal to gain access to my child.
If I was told that my child was one of the victims, it would have been a ‘media event’, but of a different kind. They would have literally had to scrap me off the pavement as a quivering mass of humanity, screaming to see and hold her child, if only for one last time.
Does anybody honestly think the MEDIA would not have zeroed in on this? That they would have respected a parent’s privacy and grief in this time of a national ‘scoop’. This is something my daughter and I both felt uncomfortable about from the first few moments we were aware of this tragedy. Of course, my daughter would think like me, after all I raised her, but many other women I know, have expressed the same feelings.
Something else that your readers most likely don’t know about me. I have indulged in the acting profession. Ok, I admit that obviously I was not that good, else wise you would probably know my name and I would not hide behind FAE, but I do have all the training and spent my elongated time at university as a Theatre Major. Anyone who has even dabbled in the theatre arts knows that for an even mediocre performance it’s best to get in character before you step on the stage. In the theatre you are also trained that there is no such thing as ‘over exaggeration’, (especially in a stage performance) your actions should be larger than life, not minimalist. The interviews with parents and near relatives that I have seen other places and here on this blog show people who seem more like they live in STEPFORD (both husbands and wives) as opposed to Sandy Hook.
ANOTHER FACTOR – Something else about my life, I come from a ‘cop family’ Daddy, uncles, cousins and very good friends, including my Godson who died in the line of duty on the streets of Chicago. I have been exposed to their way of thinking and actions for a lot of my life. Daddy talked often about men who had been ’on the job’ for 20+ years sobbing uncontrollably and puking their guts out at the scene of crimes, especially those involving children. He admitted to this happening to himself. Yet in all the video tape we see these seasoned professionals, exiting a scene that we are told was a slaughter house, where they witnessed the bodies of 20 helpless children executed and from what has been reported about the use of an automatic weapon and the amount of ammo expended the place should have been riddled with holes, while blood and carnage lay all around. Yet from the Medical Examiner to every one of the enforcement personnel, everybody just seems to be ‘going about their business’. From my frame of reference, I just can’t buy it.
Part 2 of 3 (I hope)
ReplyDeleteGUN CONTROL & CONFISCATION – On my own blog I tried to address this issue in a rather innocuous manner. In that space I was attacked and a commenter tried to portray me as a potential mass murder for my position. So please bear with me if I a little ‘gun shy’ (pun intended) on this issue.
Most of the persons in favor of ‘gun control’ cite the US Presidents current actions as a means to keep guns out of the hands of people like Adam Lanza (the alleged shooter at Sandy Hook) and YET, to my knowledge Mr. Lanza never purchased or owned a gun. He never went through a background/personality check to see if he was ‘fit’ for gun ownership. The weapons in questions belonged to his mother.
Are we to take the next step and wonder if Mr. Obama’s stricter gun control to keep weapons out of the hands out of people like Mr. Lanza might mean that if we know or have ever know, or should be related to, no matter how distantly, someone of unstable mental character, or say someone of a perceived unstable mental character should live in our neighborhood and might have access to our home, we would be deemed ‘unfit’ for gun ownership. There’s something to ponder. We start making a whole lot more of the general population, ‘unfit’ for gun ownership under these standards. Watch out for the details, for that is where the devil lives.
You have posted some interesting videos. I viewed all that the Internet allows in my area (and people say someone wants to restrict alternative new sources – what a silly notion) Another tidbit that many of your readers may not know about me. I do not live in the USA, although I am a US citizen. There are many interesting questions raised in these videos, BUT the final one where Mr. Igan discussed the fact that the government may be goading the sheeple to civil war is an interesting concept. I have wondered for a long time why ‘these people’ you know ‘they’, ‘them’, who have all manner of deceit at their disposal, were not able to produce a better birth certificate or social security number for the ‘big cheese’. The answer – they are trying to make trouble. Not a whole lot different than Mr. Lincoln’s ‘civil war’. Where there was also a conscious effort to keep the people ‘off balance, angry, and afraid’ in order to promote a war of righteousness rather than a battle for power.
While I intend to agree with you that a civil war would be very messy and probably take much longer than they would like, I’m pretty sure it IS one of the options, should they not be able to proceed in a quicker more efficient manner. At any rate keeping the general populace angry and afraid certainly serves their purposes. Attacking anyone who asks any questions is the first sign of a tyrant, whether they are a toddler who throws a tantrum because they don’t want to go to bed or a government that requires a complete and total surrender of free will along with our weapons.
3 of 3 (I'm pretty sure)
ReplyDeleteI was glad to notice, in one of your comments; you left a link to Larry Correia’s lengthy blog post regarding gun control. It’s nice to hear from an expert. It’s also nice to know that his post has gone ‘viral’, which means a lot of people are being exposed to it. I were able I would post the link here again and tell anyone, that whatever time it takes them to read this 10,000 word post, it is well worth it, no matter where they stand on this issue. BUT, alas this dumb blonde (who BTW, is really neither dumb nor blonde) is unable to post links in the comment box. Go figure.
This comment alone is coming in at just under 1500 words and probably should be a post on my own space, but if you don’t mind, the bruises are still healing from the beating I took over that innocuous post of my own. At least here, your followers seem to be more intelligent and articulate even when they don’t fully agree.
FINALLY, (Ha, I bet you guys thought I was done – not quite!) You statements at the very end should have been posted in all CAPS. I agree wholeheartedly. In the end it isn’t our food supplies, generators and fuel supplies or stockpiled weapons and ammo that will save us. The only true salvation, come from an enduring relationship with God our Father in Heaven and his son Jesus Christ. There are worse things than dying a physical death.
Part 1:
DeleteFarAwayEyes ~
As I type this response I am listening to ‘LIVING WATER (The Surfer’s Mass)’ by The Malibooz because, God knows, I need some spiritually soothing music to get me through this situation and these thoughts I have.
To begin with, I want to congratulate you for a completely EPIC comment and one of the best this blog has ever received.
You said so much so well, that I don’t really feel a need to post an extensive reply. But I will make add some remarks in response to a few of your observations.
I thank you for supporting my position on this. You are so knowledgeable about the hidden truths and the shadow government that I knew you would not be contradicting my overall assessment, but I did not expect such a monumental post touching on so many of the elements evident in this Sandy Hook hoax, scam, tragedy, double-tragedy – or whatever label a person chooses to apply to it.
[I won’t get to the SES #10 Addendum tonight, but I consider the time spent here in the comment section of this blog bit to be of greater value. Everything in its Divinely-ordered time, eh?]
>> . . . If I was a mother showing up on the scene of my child’s school where a shooting was supposed to have occurred it would have been a ‘media event’ in itself. … there would not have been enough law enforcement personnel or bullets available to stop me from trying to get into that building while screaming, kicking, biting and using anything at my disposal to gain access to my child. … Does anybody honestly think the MEDIA would not have zeroed in on this? That they would have respected a parent’s privacy and grief in this time of a national ‘scoop’.
Especially considering that your anguish, replayed on millions of TV sets around the country week after week and month after month, and appearing on the covers of Time, Newsweek and USA Today, would have been of inestimable value to the mainstream media which is fully on-board with the Liberal ideal of confiscating guns from the American people.
That is an A-1, Top Dog point you make!
>> . . . The interviews with parents and near relatives that I have seen other places and here on this blog show people who seem more like they live in STEPFORD (both husbands and wives) as opposed to Sandy Hook.
Exactly! The “performances” are so bad that, like Max Igan, I simply must conclude that they were MEANT to be bad. Otherwise, obvious flaws (like Robbie Parker coming into the camera’s view grinning, and Kaitlin Roig wiping away an obviously nonexistent tear while seen clearly in a close-up) would have been edited out of the footage before it was released to the mainstream media for broadcasting across the nation.
>> . . . BUT the final one where Mr. Igan discussed the fact that the government may be goading the sheeple to civil war is an interesting concept. I have wondered for a long time why ‘these people’ … who have all manner of deceit at their disposal, were not able to produce a better birth certificate or social security number for the ‘big cheese’.
Exactly! Does anyone (who has bothered to study the details) really think that the smiley face placed on Obama’s birth certificate, and the word “the” misspelled as “txe” in the supposed rubber stamp image, were just slip-ups or sloppy workmanship in the forging of Obama’s fake birth certificate? Nonsense! As I said on this blog long ago, even Democrats - as stupid as they are - could do a better job than that if they really wanted to. The “Insiders” are blatantly thumbing their noses at the 18% of Americans who still have at least two brain cells left to rub together.
The vast majority of the Sandy Hook coverage I have thus far seen could be accurately described as being nothing more than the Illuminati giving you and me “the finger” with a big, evil laugh to keep it company.
Continued Below . . .
Part 2:
Delete>> . . . While I intend to agree with you that a civil war would be very messy and probably take much longer than they would like, I’m pretty sure it IS one of the options, should they not be able to proceed in a quicker more efficient manner.
Well, I’ll concur that militarized force against the American people on a large scale will always be an option that “they” would consider as a last resort; but I am certain that there are many other options they would prefer to explore first – an anti-gun knee-jerk reaction to Sandy Hook on the part of the uneducated sheeple being just one of them.
The sole reason that they have proceeded so slowly in their goal to form a single Global Government (going back to 1913, at the VERY least, but probably much longer) is because they do not want an all-out war against the American people. Could they win it? Maybe. But it would be incredibly protracted, and the Illuminati knows that some of their members and some of their friends and family would not survive it. (Some of us know who “they” are.)
The USA is too big, and there are too many firearms in the hands of private citizens. Should they tip their hand too much, the Illuminati knows that they themselves would represent the British in a new American Revolution for Independence (and they remember how that first one turned out). Best not to awaken the big, stoopid, sleeping American dog lest he see the danger, begin to organize his fellow canines and go to war against the tyrants. As it is, the Illuminati knows that many “Loose Dogs” (my term) are already awake, thanks to non-mainstream publishing houses and the Internet.
I’m sure the Wizards would risk an all-out war against We The People if they thought it was their last opportunity to achieve their goal of world domination. But as I said above, I also think it will always be their ‘move of last resort’ on the chessboard of life, because their victory is not a certainty. Like the turtle, slow but steady advancement has always been their method. Nevertheless, I do see some leaps and bounds now occurring, where in the past “incrementalism” has always been their way. As I’ve speculated many times in the recent past, I think the awakening of the masses by alternative news sources, such as are found on the Internet, are beginning to greatly concern our Puppet Masters.
>> . . . At least here, your followers seem to be more intelligent and articulate even when they don’t fully agree.
My readers and commenters, although few in number, are as true, as educated, as Constitutionally-aware as you’ll find anywhere. What that really means is that most of the time my blog is merely a preaching to the choir.
>> . . . In the end it isn’t our food supplies, generators and fuel supplies or stockpiled weapons and ammo that will save us. The only true salvation comes from an enduring relationship with God our Father in Heaven and his son Jesus Christ.
See? I told you I was only preaching to the choir.
~ Stephen
I sent this once but my server is acting up so, you may not have received it. When you have a minute can you publish a 'working link' to the post the Beer Boys mentioned and the YouTube Lee referenced. I would like to see them. Thanks.
DeleteI'm reminded of a conversation/debate one of my sons and I had some years ago. I ended up saying, "Tony, Tony, Tony! You're too young to be so damned cynical!" to which he replied, "Mom, Mom. Mom! You're too old to be so damned naive!"
ReplyDeleteSo, maybe I'm still too damned naive... but it's hard for me to believe our governmental leaders could possibly be that diabolical. Then again, I'm not convinced that gun confiscation is a governmental goal, either. Just call me Pollyanna. Or gullible. But I still see more goodness in my fellow man than I see evil or underhanded conspiracies.
DeleteI guess I can understand a person not taking my word for anything, regardless of how long and how diligently I’ve studied a subject.
That’s why it’s always helpful to be able to point to someone more respected and with more recognizable credentials than I have to back me up.
Please click here:
Obama To Top Brass: Will You Fire On American Citizens?
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
Coming to this conversation late I am going to talk about facts. To paraphrase Tim Geitner (spelling) "It's important to not let any tragedy go to waste." He works for Obama, and he didn't get fired after saying that. The fact that a shooting in Oregon happened is a "FACT." I know people who were there, and I know people who had relationships with one of the victims. I also know that my nephew was a former friend of the Oregon mall shooting.
Do copy cat shootings happen. Sure. In this case the Sandy Hook shooting happened a week or less after the Oregon shooting. Would I put it passed our government to stage such an event. NOPE!!! Do I think they did? Can't prove either way. Honestly, I would like to think they did. I would like to think that there are not a bunch of dead children 7 years or younger. Do I think there was a Sandy Hook shooting? Probably. But at the same time nothing really surprises me anymore.
This is what I do know and truly care about. Sandy Hook is being used as propaganda to disarm and enslave us. Ultimately, if you understand the history of the federal reserve, world war 1 and 2, and a basic understanding why our founders wrote the second amendment you have a good enough foundation to see the purpose behind the propaganda being pushed after Sandy Hook. As far as our freedom is concerned what they using this "tragedy" for is all that matters. If it's a hoax it's a disgusting one and shows a certain level of desperation. If it is reality it is a disgrace to use the death of innocent children to push the propaganda of enslavement. Either way, this event could be used to initiate the disarmament of the american people. After were disarmed, you need look no further in your history texts than to Stalin and Mao.
Br'er Marc
ReplyDeleteTrue as can be. Well said, Brother.
I too can't say with any degree of certainty that there was or was not a shooting at Sandy Hook which took the lives of innocent children and/or adults.
All I can say with total confidence is that some sort of hoax was indeed perpetrated and if anyone was in fact killed at Sandy Hook, I've yet to see any conclusive evidence of that.
There is, however, plenty of evidence to support the idea that at least some of the event was a show for public consumption; some aspects of the "tragedy" were staged... and staged quite poorly (probably by design).
Thanks for checking in, my Friend, and for submitting some of your own thoughts on this matter.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I'll admit I never stopped to think of whether this really happened or not. Come on, who would make up a school shooting? But I just watched those videos, and wow, there's definitely some weird stuff going on.
ReplyDeleteI love the news reporter chick who says she talked to the school nurse, and the nurse confirmed that Adam Lanza's mother was a great kindergarten teacher... then we find out she didn't teach at all. So... whuh?
Also, that clip of Robbie Parker blatantly laughing, asking if he should start, and then suddenly just breaking down into tears before starting his 'speech' is extremely offputting.
And the assault rifle was in the trunk the whole time...?
My mind is blown, man. Truly. I know you're not some wacko dummy, and this is definitely something that I want to keep researching. Off to the YouTube!
DeleteThanks so much for your comment!
>> . . . I'll admit I never stopped to think of whether this really happened or not. Come on, who would make up a school shooting?
I know, buddy! Just the idea alone seems off-the-charts insane, and that's a major reason it's difficult to get people to even entertain the possibility for a second. Say something like that and IMMEDIATELY you are thought to need psychiatric help. (Just say "NO!" to psychiatric drugs!)
There is only one thing I feel I MUST correct you about regarding your comment. You wrote the following:
>> . . . Also, that clip of Robbie Parker blatantly laughing, asking if he should start, and then suddenly just breaking down into tears before starting his 'speech' is extremely offputting.
I want to stress the fact that Robbie Parker (supposedly the father of Emilie Parker, who was supposedly killed at Sandy Hook) did NOT break "down into tears". He never displayed one single tear. Nor has any other parent, teacher, nurse, or reporter I have seen.
Robbie Parker began hyperventilating and trying to conjure up the image of a distraught father who had just lost his little girl a day earlier to some psychotic killer. But he never managed to pop a single tear.
Now, Brother, I am going to share with you something I left unsaid in this blog bit:
Shortly after seeing that Robbie Parker interview for the first time, I sent a link for it in an Email to a friend of mine. In the Email, referring to Robbie Parker, I wrote the following:
And then there’s [Robbie Parker's] eyes (the “windows to the soul”). Did you notice them? I can’t put into words what it was about his eyes that creeped me out, but during the course of his “semi-memorized speech”, he occasionally flashed “big eyes” at the camera and they struck me as . . . (I apologize in advance for the “sensationalism”) . . . DEMONIC! (In my opinion, there was DEFINITELY something UNSETTLING about that phucker’s eyes!)
Well, Bryan, guess what. In doing some research into the Sandy Hook episode some weeks later, I was surprised to learn that according to a few sources, that little town in Connecticut, Newtown, is supposedly a hub for a group of "satanists".
I left all of that out of this blog bit because I have not done enough research to confirm or deny that rumor. But the (admittedly) little I've read about it so far seems to indicate that there may be some truth to it. Nevertheless, I'm always choosing my words carefully, so I would not make a claim like that until my own research proved it to me beyond any reasonable doubt.
However . . . isn't it odd that my first mental reaction to Robbie Parker's interview was "DEMONIC", only to learn later that some people have stated Newtown, Connecticut, is a hot spot for satanists? Coincidence? Maybe.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Aye, perhaps bad wording on my part, as I just meant the act of breaking down into tears, not "real" tears. I know a lot of method actors say that's how they get into a part, and yes, he really looks like he's just trying to sell a scene. It's... well, creepy.
DeleteIt's interesting you mention the Satanism thing, because a few people have referenced some of the children holding up hand signs in their pictures, particularly the little girl in the Parker family picture who's sucking only her middle 2 fingers. A lot of people especially question why a family that's getting a professional family portrait taken would choose one where she's sucking on her fingers. "All of these look great, hon, but let's pick the one where our little darling is snacking on her hand." Uh, what? Also, those are just very odd fingers to want to suck on. Seems unnatural compared to the thumb/index finger.
Or why in the photo taken with Obama much later she was making the exact same sign by sucking the exact same fingers.
It's all so odd. Jury's still out on that one. I mean, hey, maybe the middle and ring finger are the tastiest fingers and I've been suckling the wrong digits all these years. I'm out of touch with the kids, you know.
I'll keep checking in here. I'm curious what else you find.
DeleteYes, I was sure you didn't mean that Robbie Parker was LITERALLY "breaking down into tears". But because the lack of tears on the part of seemingly EVERYONE involved in the Sandy Hook episode was one of the points I highlighted in this blog bit, I wanted to make sure that point was clarified in regards to your previous comment.
When my Sister was really little, she used to suck her two middle fingers, so I can kind of overlook that "clue" a wee bit (even though the girl sucking her two middle fingers from the BACKSIDE does look unnaturally bizarre).
However, if it's the "devil's horn sign" you're looking for, look no further than the white-haired old man in the background of the photo showing the "murdered" Sandy Hook teacher Victoria Soto [go to the URL below and then scroll down]:
I've only skimmed that blog posting, but some of those photos supposedly showing other "players" in The 'Sandy Hook' Show look pretty convincing to me.
I'll have to return to that site sometime later and read it more carefully.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Another winning post that none of the losers out there will appreciate or probably even see.
ReplyDeleteI spend a few hours last Monday watching some of those Sandy Hook videos and I was amazed at the sheer quantity of other videos on the same topic were there that I didn't take time to watch. The evidence is very compelling and convincing. I was especially fascinated by the CT governor's news conference where he appears very uncomfortable as he states that he had been warned that he should be prepared for an incident like the shooting happening. Then there was the related classroom training for emergency responders that was happening at the same time as the so called shooting.
So many weird coincidences and situations. Why are parents and the media making a bigger deal out of this information being put on YouTube? Where are these parents anyway? Plenty of suspicious information with a huge movement to get the guns away from anyone who might be preparing to defend the people from a tyrannical government oppression.
I wonder what the next big thing will be? I'm waiting with great suspicion.
A Faraway View
An A to Z Co-host blog
DeleteThanks for the compliment, McBuddy!
I want to say how surprised and gratified ---
[Whoa! A serious moment of deja vu here, Lee!]
I want to say how surprised and gratified I feel to have received so many positive comments for this post.
Lee, you've known me for years now, so you know what an individualist I am. You know I will shout out what I am convinced is the truth regardless of whether 100% of the people agree with me or 0% of the people agree with me.
I felt no anxiety whatsoever about posting this blog bit, but I did think that most of the people who would take the time to comment would be in disagreement with me.
I knew some of my friends would submit comments, and I was pretty certain that one (for sure) or two would support my position on this. But I darn sure did NOT expect to find that the MAJORITY of this blog bit's readers would agree with it, or at least acknowledge that my viewpoint might very well be correct.
I feel a bit overwhelmed by the support, which I truly DID NOT expect. Maybe there's still hope for America (even though there really isn't).
>> . . . I was especially fascinated by the CT governor's news conference where he appears very uncomfortable as he states that he had been warned that he should be prepared for an incident like the shooting happening.
Sheesh, Lee! I don't think I've even seen that video yet. I'll have to do a YouTube search for it.
Well, anywhat'sit, I just wanna thank you for the support and the great compliment. I am fairly amazed to find how little I've had to argue my position against detractors. I expected (and, as always, was prepared) to have to spend a great deal of time and effort fighting for my case.
Damn, dude, da peoples be wakin' up!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
In case you haven't run across this video yet here is the link to save you from looking:
He sure seems awkward as he tries to find the right way to say this.
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
Thanks, LEE!
DeleteNo, I had not found that video yet and, yep, you're right, he seems to be fighting his higher self as he struggles to spew the B.S.
It's sorta like one of those old cartoons . . . you can almost see the little devil on one of his shoulders and the little angel on the other, each one trying to influence him to do what is wrong or right.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
FarAwayEyes ~
ReplyDeleteAsk and you shall receive:
Photo Of Parker Family submitted by Beer Boy Bryan.
Governor’s News Conference (Excerpt) submitted by Lee.
Photo Of Teacher Victoria Soto, “Devil’s Horns” Old Man In Background [Scroll Down] posted by me.
FAE, hopefully I’ll be Emailing something to you tonight.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
Thank you very much! Not only are those downright interesting, they border on being very scary.
DeleteI almost felt sorry for the CT Gov. He really did have a hard time choking that out. Makes you wonder, is he more filled with emotion that the grieving parents, or is he grieving himself for something entirely different.
Appreciate you and the time you've taken to address this issue and every comment so brilliantly. There is an awful lot of information to sort through. I'm so tired of the 'new math', where we are expected to start believing 2 + 2 (NOW) = 5
DeleteThank you!
The Governor's statement is actually puzzling because the first thought I had was: Why did he even mention that at all?
There was really no need for him to allude to a prior warning. That's information he had to know that Uncle Sam would NOT want broadcasted.
Was he trying to send a clue to the sheeple that things at Sandy Hook were not exactly as presented?
He struggled to get it out, and yet he could have avoided that struggle altogether by simply not mentioning anything about a prior warning. Just one more odd fact in a story that seems to be full of odd facts.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Stephen -
ReplyDeleteI hope that I am one person you knew would support your position on this stuffs.
From day one I have thought that something was not right about the whole matter, and the more I've looked into it, the more inexplicable are the holes in the story.
As you point out, it is difficult to say exactly what happened, but there are clearly aspects to the story that are simply not true. The reporter talking to the "nurse" and getting a bogus story about Lanza's mother, the two men who were chased by cops then found sitting in the FRONT of the police car with no further mention of them - ever, the "assault rifle" used... when the only long arm present was a shotgun (it is clearly not an assault rifle) in the trunk, the laughing (or drunk) medical examiner - joking after supposedly looking at the bodies of 20 dead children, the medical examiner saying that without question the children were killed with an assault weapon, the lack of tears of any parent, the superabundance of members of SAG among the "players", the official training taking place THAT MORNING only 20 MINUTES AWAY for JUST that sort of event - allowing a huge government team to be on the scene in mere minutes. Eric "Fast and Furious False Flag" Holder flying in to talk to the first responders shortly after the event. And finally the memorial pages on Facebook appearing BEFORE the people were dead.
I don't know exactly what happened, but I know when I am being fed a bunch of guano. And there is plenty of shizzle for everyone here.
Great post, yet again, Brother.
DeleteYes, I was sure you would be supporting this post. Having exchanged a couple Emails with you about it, I knew we were on the same page regarding some aspects about it, such as Robbie Parker's and the Medical Examiner's strange behavior, etc.
Thanks for voicing (er... typing) your support. I don't know if we will ever be certain what really happened at Sandy Hook. You know, the media is completely covering for Uncle Sam in this, and that includes the media that pretends to represent conservative viewpoints like Fox News (just the other side of the phony Divide And Conquer coin).
Since only independent researchers are willing to examine all the available evidence and speak out about it, Sandy Hook may remain a mystery for a very long time, if not forever. But... if I were somehow FORCED to bet money on it one way or the other - children killed or no children killed - based on what I know thus far, I would bet on the latter.
If there WERE children killed, where are their parents? Why has the lamestream media not paraded them before us in order for their genuine anguish to better sway our feelings against guns? Because at this point, I have not seen video footage of a single "parent" whom I believe really had a child murdered by anyone at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'