In my
recent blog bit titled Gun
Rights Vs. Gun Control (Or, Protect Your Teeth To Save Your Tongue) I
related the fact that on May 10, 1994, 300 Marines at the Twenty-Nine Palms
Marine Corps base were instructed by Lt. Commander Guy Cunningham to fill out a
46-question Combat Arms Survey which included a number of disturbing questions
including whether or not they would follow orders to fire upon U.S. citizens
who refused or resisted confiscation of firearms banned by the U.S. government.
Some of
my readers may have dismissed that as being so long ago that it’s really not
relevant anymore. WRONG!
Below, in
red, are quotes related to the Gun Control controversy that were posted by
various bloggers and which I’ve collected from blogs I’ve recently read here at
Blogspot. Following the quotes will be a very, Very, VERY interesting video for
y’all to watch. After watching the video, see if you still believe the May 10,
1994 survey administered to Marines at the Twenty-Nine Palms Marine Corps base
was so long ago that it’s no longer worth thinking about. Or, does it represent
a goal that Uncle Sam has been shooting for (pun intended) for a long time and
which Barack Obama seems especially dedicated to at this point?
As a society, we have shown that we can't play nicely with our gun toys, so we should have them taken away and locked up until such a point that we can show we are mature enough to handle them. Period.
Are you saying that if the US takes away their guns then the US government will round up all the pro gun citizens and have them exterminated? I think not.
People are the dysfunction, but why hold onto something we see and disdain in other parts of the world? (the brandishing of arms)
Automatic weapons should be banned in my opinion. … The fact that so many people feel they need one is what troubles me.
It really is time that America stopped having the 'Wild West' mentality. Check worldwide stats where there is gun control.
Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens?
As a society, we have shown that we can't play nicely with our gun toys, so we should have them taken away and locked up until such a point that we can show we are mature enough to handle them. Period.
Are you saying that if the US takes away their guns then the US government will round up all the pro gun citizens and have them exterminated? I think not.
People are the dysfunction, but why hold onto something we see and disdain in other parts of the world? (the brandishing of arms)
Automatic weapons should be banned in my opinion. … The fact that so many people feel they need one is what troubles me.
It really is time that America stopped having the 'Wild West' mentality. Check worldwide stats where there is gun control.
Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens?
Also in
my aforementioned blog bit Gun
Rights Vs. Gun Control (Or, Protect Your Teeth To Save Your Tongue) I wrote
the following:
For a
couple decades now, military and paramilitary exercises involving live ammunition
have been conducted at night in urban areas in various states across the
I’ll bet
you thought I was just bullshitting, huh? “Oh, don’t pay any attention to
Stephen, he’s just one of those tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy nut-jobs.” Is
that what you thought? Well, below are some more general quotes (in red) from
some of our fellow bloggers, followed by a video you really, Really, REALLY
need to watch:
In the face of the recent mass killings in your country, I think it's a little insulting to the victims to insist that you have the 'right' to own such a weapon. And to live in fear that your own government will turn against you?? sounds like a lot of paranoia to me.
I do have a problem with people owning assault rifles. Just what are they expecting?
Trying to defend the Second Amendment as a protection against a tyrannical Government is nonsense.
I cannot and will not accept the premise that the government is our enemy.
What concerns me … is the element of fear displayed by the NEED to bear arms - fear of your fellow man, but even more sinister: fear of your own government? Maybe I'm just naive, but I'm glad we don't have readily available firearms in my country.
There is absolutely no reason that civilians should have access to assault weapons.
There is no need for any private citizen to own an assault rifle or any weapon that has the potential of killing dozens of people in a burst of seconds.
I dunno...I guess I don't see what this "Enemy" is or can even begin to understand why you feel so threatened.
Machine gun fire from military helicopters flying over downtown Miami Fl.
In the face of the recent mass killings in your country, I think it's a little insulting to the victims to insist that you have the 'right' to own such a weapon. And to live in fear that your own government will turn against you?? sounds like a lot of paranoia to me.
I do have a problem with people owning assault rifles. Just what are they expecting?
Trying to defend the Second Amendment as a protection against a tyrannical Government is nonsense.
I cannot and will not accept the premise that the government is our enemy.
What concerns me … is the element of fear displayed by the NEED to bear arms - fear of your fellow man, but even more sinister: fear of your own government? Maybe I'm just naive, but I'm glad we don't have readily available firearms in my country.
There is absolutely no reason that civilians should have access to assault weapons.
There is no need for any private citizen to own an assault rifle or any weapon that has the potential of killing dozens of people in a burst of seconds.
I dunno...I guess I don't see what this "Enemy" is or can even begin to understand why you feel so threatened.
Machine gun fire from military helicopters flying over downtown Miami Fl.
Alright, m-m-m-ove along now. Th-th-there's nothing left to see
here. That's all folks. Hmmm... I like the sound of that... Th-th-th-that's
all, folks!
If you
pay close attention to the lyrics in the following song, you will discover that
they seem to include cloaked clues about what Uncle Sam is planning to do to We
The People in the very near future:
Helter Skelter by The Beatles lyircs
if I didn’t try to find a way to laugh about some of this stuffs I’d perhaps
lose what's left of my mind and go Postal Piggy.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Explains Special Ops Units Doing 'Urban Training'
This all makes me think of the song Bad Moon Rising by CCR. Dang. Maybe I should have saved that for next Thursday....
ReplyDeleteNobody else made a comment yet? Reeeeally? You cowards gonna make ME go first, huh? All righty, then.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'm getting to be old as dirt, so I've heard a lot of different conspiracy theories over the years... and some of them were about this very thing, that the president was planning on declaring martial law, the government would be confiscating our weapons, and the military would be firing on American citizens. Different presidents, different details, but essentially, the same story. Likewise, I received countless other "reworked" conspiracy theories, or outraged accusations over the years, too. (My favorites are the ones I received about the senior Bush, and then Clinton, and then Bush, the younger, and then Obama. Same exact content... only the names and dates were changed.)
Still, I looked this latest info up to see what I could find. LOTS of jabber on the internet about this topic... essentially the posting and reposting of the same report over and over... but I also found a couple of posts that raise reasonable questions about the reliability of "Dr." Garrow's claim... which allegedly came from an unnamed source... who got it from another unnamed source, etc. You may say Garrow's integrity is undisputed. I found info that suggested otherwise.
Bottom line, when it comes to this theory, I'm a doubting Thomasina.
On the helicopter fire? A group of us used to go up into the mountains to camp during amateur radio contests. We'd set up our radios, and spend the weekend making contacts and having fun. One time we were up there, a mess of military helicopters suddenly swooped down, and armed soldiers jumped out. Some adult beverages may have been involved, (hey! can't spend ALL our time on the radio!) which probably intensified our reactions to being "under assault", but it was "quite" an experience, to say the least. Nothing but training. Some of the soldiers even hung out with us for a while.
Okay, enough. Have a good weekend, dude.
Part 1:
DeleteSUSAN ~
Thanks for your comment, and I apologize for it taking me longer than usual to reply. Please always feel free to disagree with anything I post on this blog; I actually welcome beliefs that differ from mine as it gives me an opportunity to introduce even more evidence to support my viewpoints.
I agree that not all “conspiracy theories” are equal. Some are quite factual while others are often the result of sloppy research and even government disinformation campaigns meant to discredit all “conspiracy” ideas and condition the populace to dismiss them out-of-hand. Unfortunately, Uncle Sam’s disinformation activity works pretty well, but when a person has done as much in-depth research as I have, he or she learns to recognize most of the disinformation garbage fairly easily.
One of the bogus theories that has been floated out there and dredged up time and time again is that the sitting president is going to declare martial law whereby he will cancel all elections and remain in power indefinitely. I first heard this one during the Clinton presidency, it came up again while Bush was president, and again toward the end of Obama’s first term.
>> . . . I also found a couple of posts that raise reasonable questions about the reliability of "Dr." Garrow's claim... which allegedly came from an unnamed source... who got it from another unnamed source, etc. You may say Garrow's integrity is undisputed. I found info that suggested otherwise.
First, I commend you for doing some additional research into this issue. Good for you! I wish more Americans would spend more time investigating the world they live in and less time watching the Boob Tube.
Secondly, would you mind posting URLs to the sites you alluded to above? I would appreciate that, as I’d like very much to read them.
But, no, I definitely do NOT claim that Garrow’s integrity is indisputable. I don’t know much about the man, but some of the names he mentioned in his interview (posted here) are indeed relevant to the ‘New World Order’ conspiracy – a conspiracy that is an ABSOLUTE FACT (it’s even prophesied in The Holy Bible, although not by that name).
I’ll add that even with very limited knowledge about a person’s history and character, I am inclined to give more weight to the testimony of a man who has spent a great deal of time and effort saving the lives of children (female babies in China) than I am inclined to trust a man like Obama who is a staunch advocate of killing (aborting) babies. So, despite my lack of detailed study into this topic at this point, I think Garrow’s testimony should not be too quickly dismissed.
Continued Below . . .
Part 2:
DeleteThe United States government bans all non-sporting firearms with a 30-day amnesty period. After 30 days, would you follow orders to fire upon U.S. citizens who refused or resisted confiscation of firearms banned by the U.S. government?
Another thing that must be considered is THE FACT that this same basic question was posed to some of our military personnel in 1993 and ’94. So why would you find it difficult to believe that Obama might be posing essentially this same question to military commanders now? Because Obama is so much more forthright, moral and ethical than Clinton was?
Susan, I also want to say that what took place in Miami was NOT an isolated incident. That same sort of activity has been ongoing in many cities across the country since the early 1990s as shown in the excellent book I previously quoted from: ‘TREASON: The New World Order’ by Gurudas. The last I looked, the book was out of print and used copies were expensive, but I wish every American had a copy to read.
When I originally published this post, it was late (or very early) and I was very tired and made a mistake. I had intended for the “Link” at the bottom of this blog bit to connect to an article at WND pertaining to the military/police drills that are now occurring in populated places like Miami and Houston, and NOT to my older Gun Rights Vs. Gun Control post. I have since corrected that mistake, but I’m including that URL below this paragraph for you (and anyone else) to check out if so inclined:
MJTF drills like those that have been occurring for decades should be a concern to every single American who values their Constitutional rights (which have been largely eroded away already).
Susan, below is something pertaining to Executive Orders that I posted years ago on another blogger’s site:
Following is a list of some pre-Obama Presidential Executive Orders. Executive Orders become law if not voided by Congress within sixty days. Congress has never repealed an Executive Order. (Note: Executive Orders may have the appearance of law, and will be acted upon by the Feds as if they are law, but as Thomas Jefferson pointed out, the U.S. Constitution being the “supreme law of the land”, anything that contradicts it without having been Constitutionally amended is in fact no law at all. Tell that to the U.S. Federal Storm troopers when they knock down your front door.)
In times of emergency or civil unrest, the president’s security advisor may put into effect any of the following Executive Orders:
Continued Below . . .
Part 3:
Delete10995: All communications media seized by the federal government.
10997: Seizure of all electrical power and fuels, including gasoline and minerals.
10998: Seizure of all food resources, farms and farm equipment.
10999: Seizure of all transportation, including personal cars, and control of all highways and seaports.
11000: Seizure of all civilians for work under federal supervision.
11001: Federal takeover of all HEALTH, education and welfare.
11002: Postmaster General empowered to register every man, woman and child in the United States.
11003: Seizure of all aircraft and airports by the federal government.
11004: Housing and finance authority may shift population from one locality to another. Complete integration.
11005: Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways, and storage facilities.
11051: The Director of the Office of Emergency Planning is authorized to put executive orders into effect in “times of increased international tension OR FINANCIAL CRISIS.” He is also to perform such additional functions as the president may direct.
Oh yes, FEMA civilian work and internment camps have already been constructed. They are empty now but just waiting for customers. So, ask yourself, are you prepared to resist if the Feds institute a new socialized healthcare system? How about when they insist that for the overall protection of society, every man, woman and child receive a “Federally approved” Swine Flu vaccination, or a shot for some other (yet to be revealed) viral outbreak?
The Federal Government began preparing for the possibility of “civil war” years ago. The Elites know that a small number of Americans will resist. Most, however, will “take a number” (literally!), get in line and “stay in line.”
Susan, now I’m going to ask the obvious question: Why would Executive Orders like those above have been created if good ol’ Uncle Sam did not intend to activate them at some point?
History shows that there were plenty of advance signs in Nazi Germany to indicate what that government was preparing to do, but because people naturally tend to shy away from looking at evil of THAT magnitude, even long after Hitler’s Holocaust had begun, good people had a difficult time believing the “rumors” about what was actually happening.
In America today, the signs pointing to what is coming are all around us and OBVIOUS to anyone who is willing to believe that people with wicked minds are capable of doing all sorts of unspeakable wickedness to defenseless people. The voices of over 100 million human beings slaughtered by evil dictatorships in the 20th Century are screaming to be heard by us from the beyond.
“It can’t happen HERE;
that would never happen to ME.”
Those are words to suffer and die by.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
Yowza, when you respond to a comment, you respond to a comment.
DeleteAs I am watching the Super Bowl (Oh my God, are the 49ers gonna pull out another come from behind win??? Not that I care. The bums beat my Falcons.) Wait. Where was I? Oh yeah. (TOUCHDOWN! I can't believe that QB is a rookie.) Okay, watching the game and sipping an adult beverage, so trying to respond right now is kinda like trying to engage in a battle of wits while unarmed, if ya know what I mean.
Anyhow, you made a ton of good points. Unfortunately, I didn't write down any of the URLs, but all I did was google a bunch of stuff, and then wound my way farther and farther down the rabbit hole. I do admit, however, that the negative stuff I read about Garrow and his project, etc. should be swallowed with a considerable amount of salt... just like a lot of other stuff that can be found down that rabbit hole.
I'm outta here. Only five minutes left in the game, and I've gotta watch. Gonna be down to the wire... (Remember when the Super Bowl games were one-sided?)
Delete>> . . . Yowza, when you respond to a comment, you respond to a comment.
Well, there's an awful lot at stake here. And I DO NOT mean the survival of the United States and the preservation of our liberties. Those things were toast before Jesus was even crucified (the Bible tells me so).
What's at stake is the opportunity for many people to recognize that the world is shaping up EXACTLY as foretold in The Holy Bible. What's at stake is the ability for many people to align themselves with their Creator, their God, while they still have that chance. Because, as C.S. Lewis wrote in 'Mere Christianity', when God invades our world, "It will be too late then to choose your side. There is no use saying you choose to lie down when it has become impossible to stand up."
>> . . . As I am watching the Super Bowl (Oh my God, are the 49ers gonna pull out another come from behind win??? Not that I care. The bums beat my Falcons.)
I was rooting for your Falcons in that game. The Ravens very nearly committed the exact same error that your Falcons did: jumping out to a big lead on the 49ers and then coasting to a... loss.
I thank God that the Ravens got their act together just in time to win the Super Bowl. As it was, I think I suffered 3 or 4 heart attacks. I don't think I could have gone on living if the G.B. had both the World Series champion AND the Super Bowl champion.
>> . . . Anyhow, you made a ton of good points.
I always do. That's why Liberals stopped arguing with me.
>> . . . I do admit, however, that the negative stuff I read about Garrow and his project, etc. should be swallowed with a considerable amount of salt...
That's what I was guessing. I wanted to check out the sources for myself to see if they could pass my Bullshit Detector. I know Liberal spin when I read/hear it, and I ain't too bad at sniffing out Government Disinformation either.
Well, if you ever run across those specific URLs again, please post them for me. (You might be able to relocate them by looking into your computer's 'Search History'.)
>> . . . Remember when the Super Bowl games were one-sided?
Yep, I do. Super Bowls used to be more like "Super Blow-Outs". I love the close games now, but this is one that could have been a blow-out and I would have loved it anyway. Oh well, all's well that ends well.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
In the face of the recent mass killings in your country, I think it's a little insulting to the victims to insist that you have the 'right' to own such a weapon
ReplyDeleteBy this logic, in whatever country this reader is in, the next time there is a stabbing, unless all cutlery is immediately banned, that is simply an insult to the victim.
If this was written by a UK citizen, here's a news flash-our Constitution gives us that right because of the acts of a former king of YOUR country!
"Not the weapon but the hand"
-Steve Hogarth
"Blind faith in your leaders will get you killed"
-Bruce Springsteen
"I did not have sex with that woman"
-Bill Clinton
"I was born in Hawaii"
"I am not a Socialist"
"No one is pro-abortion."
-Barack Obama
All comments duly noted (and appreciated, as always).
ReplyDeleteResponses coming tomorrow 'cause I be too damned tired to respond tonight (it was a lo-ooo-ng week).
And one of yous is in trouble... (for not supporting my idea to "liquidate" Philadelphia's 'LIBERTY BELL' in the name of "Separation Of Church And State").
I'll yak with (and straighten out one of...) yous tomorrow.
"Yous" = I been watching episodes from my 'All In The Family' DVD collection.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Well, I am certain that I am the offending party. You hate CCR, right????
DeleteROBIN, regardless of how I feel about CCR, I am quickly falling in love with YOU! Not just your blog bits but the comments I find you leaving on other people's blog bits leave me feeling mo' & mo' impressed by you.
I assume (and hope) you were merely joking above, because you are hardly the offending party. But even "the offending party" I actually like.
ROBIN, you are really bright, politically, and obviously creative. Will you marry me? I don't mean right away. But maybe, like, next week? And I don't mean to pressure you at all, so if next week is too early, maybe we could push the wedding back to the Saturday before Easter Sunday? You know, why rush into something so important as a lifelong commitment?
All seriousness aside, my feelings about CCR? Well, when I was a wee little doggy, I liked 'em quite a bit. But later, my taste in music changed drastically - and largely toward Jazz - and suddenly Rock groups I previously LOVED (like The Beatles and CCR) sounded very simplistic, very minimalist, to me.
I do still like some basic Rock music, but probably 90% of the Beatles and CCR music I hear on the radio now will spur me to hit another pre-set button on my radio to see if I can find something more "adventurous" playing.
ROBIN, don't worry about missing an opportunity to post 'Bad Moon Rising', as I'm sure many of my posts will suggest even better possible links in the future. My themes are usually hard to miss. ("REBELLION" and "INDIVIDUALISM" will always be staples on this blog, along with "JESUS FREAKISM".)
Anyway, love yer stuffs and yer comments. Thanks!
~ Stephen J. McMarryme
Yes, that was me joking around with you.
DeleteAnd now you have me laughing. Hahahaha. All I can say is that you don't follow all of the blogs I follow or read all of the lamebrain comments I post! However, I shall be gracious and take this compliment.
I think next week is a bit soon for the wedding;)
Delete>> . . . I think next week is a bit soon for the wedding.
Well, OK then. After all, "Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself. Being true to anyone else or anything else is not only impossible, but the mark of a fake messiah."
Regardless, you can post endless lamebrain comments but that won't change my mind. Anyone who is a fan of Ron Paul and the book I borrowed the above quote from is someone I'm prepared to marry.
. . . Uhm . . . unless he's a "he", in which case he will have to settle for a hearty handclasp.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Yeah, I can stand behind that quote. Any time you are not true to yourself bad things happen. The person who wrote that book is not the only person who wrote about the importance of being true to yourself, though he or she is stating the necessity very emphatically. Shakespeare made a strong case for it in Hamlet. So, there you go.
DeleteAs I stated previously, I strongly admire Ron Paul for his consistency in upholding the Constitution at every voting opportunity, even when the choices were difficult. I stand behind that, too.
I am glad to see his son, Rand following in his footsteps. He hasn't had as long a time to prove himself, but he isn't afraid to be The Lone Voice in The Wilderness on the Senate Floor. I admire the crap out of that. Very rarely is the majority right. They need that Lone Voice to keep singing the song of reason, hope, liberty, justice, etc. Otherwise, we are lost.
As for the gender issue... let me pause to laugh for a moment... definitely female.
Delete>> . . . The person who wrote that book is not the only person who wrote about the importance of being true to yourself, though he or she is stating the necessity very emphatically. Shakespeare made a strong case for it in Hamlet.
Oh, I knows it. I may look like a maroon, I may think like a maroon, I may speak like a maroon, but I ain't no maroon (I ain't a "red" either).
I used a Shakespeare quote to begin my blog bit 'NUMBER 1 RULE OF SELFHOOD' on my now defunct blog 'STUFFS'.
I had to shut that blog down because more people liked it than liked this one - so I took it away from 'em.
If you don't eat your meat,
you can't have any pudding.
How can you have any pudding
if you don't eat your meat?
Too many people wanted the dessert without eating the meat, so I threw the dessert away and now I only serve the meat. They'll get meat or nuttin' at all!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
DeleteRobin, I forgot to mention that the "hearty handclasp" bit comes from a W.C. Fields movie. (My brother Nappy says he thinks it's the movie 'The Bank Dick', but I'm not sure.)
"I'll quote the truth wherever I find it, thank you", whether that truth comes from Snoopy the Dog or W.C. the Fields.
~ Stephen
I don't think you look anything like a maroon.
DeleteAnd I commented on your comment on my blog. I think if you put your "junk" (using your word choice) aside you will get what I am trying to say there. We are teaching our kids to be mediocre. Society is coaching them that all the farm animals must be equal. There really is no reason to strive to be better, try harder, do better than your peers. Our capitalist system is failing in this arena. Let's just throw it out and go for a better one like a Socialist one, where all the animals are exactly the same and everyone gets a ribbon. No winners. No losers. No one feels bad. We sure don't want to hurt any feelings. No one has any more talent than anyone else. No one is any smarter. No one is better at writing, spelling, or putting a thought together. No one is better at math, engineering, or design. We are all precisely equivalent.
It's all a BIG LIE.
Here is the truth: I blow at math. Anything that requires higher math in a job would not be a good fit for me. I really need to FAIL at that in order to know it. I also need to excel at writing, drama, music, public speaking, etc. in order to know what I might be GREAT at. I can then sift through various careers and try them on until I stumble on the right one. But being told I am AMAZING at everything, when I am not, does me no good at all. I NEED to fail. Failure is good. And that is the lens of the camera I hope you can read that post through when you come back again. (Notice I said "when" and not "if"... I believe in you:)
Robin, he means me, but he still does not know how to spell "youse."
ReplyDeleteAnd that's givin' me agita!
DeleteOh, so the "e" in youse is silent, eh? How was I to know? I've only heard Archie Bunker say it, but never seen him write it.
Your earlier comment here got me to thinking, so I decided to go back and find out who wrote the statement that you chose to respond to. I pulled all of the Gun Control related quotes used in this installment from 4 different blogs, so I figured I could relocate the statement easily enough, and I did.
It was posted by a woman living in British Columbia.
That's close enough for me to consider your response valid. Ha!-Ha!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I reread your last two bits, Stephen and I must be blinder than I thought.
DeleteI do not see your liberty bell comment (that you reference in your comment up above)-was that a joke or do I need to go back to sounding out words as I read?
No, BROTHER DISC DUDE, the 'Liberty Bell' comment is one I left on Susan's blog. Her most recent post pertains to Pennsylvania.
DeleteIncidentally, she has a very entertaining blog which you might find worth 'Following'. (She's also very good about responding to comments submitted to her blog.)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Well, look at that...I have a new apocalypse to write about. Yes, it's all very scary. Especially discourse on "Could you shoot on American people?" What's our military for again? Well, I guess they do mention foreign AND DOMESTIC, right? But I'm pretty sure it wasn't intended as shooting Farmer Ted because he doesn't want to surrender his coyote shooting rifle.
ReplyDeleteShannon at The Warrior Muse
DeleteYeah, "domestic" enemies are the ones we really have to worry about, and they are everywhere, from the White House to the Courthouse to the Outhouse (oh, wait, I already mentioned the White House, didn't I?)
Our country has been infiltrated and corrupted from within by traitors calling themselves "Democrats" and "Republicans", "Liberals" and "Conservatives", "Americans" and "World Citizens".
And the truth of the matter is that our presidents and Congressmen are merely puppets whose strings are pulled by International Bankers.
"The United States of America" died a long time ago. A lot of Americonned people STILL haven't gotten the memo.
Thanks for your comment.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I don't have any guns to forcibly take, and yet I don't feel any safer about the whole thing. :)
ReplyDeleteI don't have anything intelligent to add. I wish I did, but all I can do is go back to Mr. Google and keep doing more research. Sure, some of it's unfounded crap (and helps make you look like the guy with the shiny tinfoil hat) but it's amazing what you can find if you look hard enough.
DeleteYes, the amount of information that's now available via the Internet is astounding, but as you also noted, some of the stuffs is crap - some of it just lazy research (misinformation) and some deliberate disinformation.
One thing that I would recommend to a newbie just starting to investigate these things is to find one or two sources that you can trust and then let them lead you to other reliable sources. It worked for me.
I have posted an awful lot of reliable information on this very blog - information that I know is trustworthy and which is the result of nearly two decades of diligent study on my part. A lot of the best info will be found in the blog bits that I listed under the category 'DA BEST O'BLOG?' in the column at the left.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
And I have been reading a lot of this information. It's all good stuff, and very eye opening. I can't believe you've been blogging since 2008. Somehow I missed that.
DeleteAlso, I have to say a sincere thank you for your help with the tequila. Out of all of the people who submitted comments, yours was actually the most helpful. No, really, it was. I assumed plastic shrink wrap existed in the 1960s/70s, but a quick search says that shrink wrapped plastic was invented in 1980. The tequila was definitely purchased before I was born (both of my parents can confirm this), and I was born in 1983, so I'd say it was probably made in 1981 or 1982. Not as old as I'd thought, but still pretty damn old.
DeleteHey, Brother, glad to hear that my comment actually helped you to narrow down the years when your tequila was bottled.
You're not old enough to know about this, but the reason I was able to remember plastic shrink wrap first being utilized in commercial packaging in the 1980s is because of the 'TYLENOL POISONING'.
In late '82 the nation was shocked to learn that people had died from ingesting poisoned Tylenol capsules. This was a major national story. Here's a Wikipedia URL about it, in case you want to read a bit about it:
At that time, commercial packagers began getting very serious about sealing their boxes, bottles and bags against tampering. When some Excedrin was found to have been poisoned a few years later, the whole packaging industry went into overdrive with tamper-resistant seals and lids, etc., until it reached the point where even adults found it a pain trying to open products just purchased.
I can still remember the 1960s and '70s when there was no shrink wrap and very few sealed lids; you'd just buy a bottle of medicine, vitamins or booze, take it home and unscrew the lid and there the product would be (at most, underneath a big ball of cotton). Gee, I hope no one was peeing in our bourbon back then!
Yeah, your tequila is still old stuffs, but when I consider that the first time I threw-up from excessive beer-drinking (and ruined the porno movie for EVERYONE) it was a good seven or eight years prior to the bottling of your tequila, suddenly your cactus juice doesn't seem so old to me.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
You hardly need more reasons to keep writing. Look at all the people, and intelligent conversations your having. As always the blog was fantastic.
Br'er marc
DeleteThanks, Buddy! I appreciate you checking in and letting me know you did.
By the way, I read a few of your recent reviews at Amazon last weekend and registered my approval with my vote. (Yeah, BigBitch.com still lets me vote Helpful and Unhelpful.)
You have surpassed my number of reviews on that website, Brother. Whoda thunk it?
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
but I don't review anything really worth while anymore. I put almost no thought into the reviews (with some exceptions), and It's really just almost a habit anymore. Or, maybe I'm just avoiding the inevitable. I told myself I would stop reviewing over there once I was positive we were within a year of things "going down" so to speak. So where I wouldn't be surprised if it all went down tomorrow (nor do I think my reviews are personally keeping anything together) I am probably avoiding thinking about that too much. I guess in that regard I'm just praying that we will all be here bitching about Obama in cyberspace a year from now. Silly, but it helps me keep my sanity in a strange way.
Br'er Marc
P.S. I might have surpassed your reviews in number, but not in content or magnitude. I don't think I could achieve that if I wrote a thousand reviews.
DeleteWell, I disagree with your assessment regarding your reviews. In fact, when I was there recently, I provided you with your first "Helpful" vote on your review of Lee Strobel's 'The Case For The Real Jesus'.
I was in agreement with your review, by the way. I have the hardcover version of that book here in one of my bookcases. It wasn't as good as his 'The Case For Christ' or 'The Case For A Creator', but I still think it was a valuable book and that you did a good job of reviewing it.
So, regardless of WHY you're still writing Amazon reviews, I think you're still doing good work (no matter how much I detest BigBitch.com).
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Some of your posts seem to get past me and I don't find them until several days later. Maybe the government is hiding them from me, but more probably I'm just always behind and unorganized anymore.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I sense dark clouds on the horizon. I hope the storm doesn't hit too soon because if it does I'll be here in L.A. and I'd sure hate to be in L.A. if the sky starts falling.
And what's all this North Korea stuff? If they nuke the coast I hope they shoot for San Francisco and not L.A. Sure been a lot of buzz about North Korea in the past few days. And immigration reform.
We're heading for one big mess, no denying that. And now I'm starting to wonder about the whole rapture thing and am leaning more toward post trib thinking. I'm getting too old for all this hardship and persecution so I hope God holds it all off until I get older and am already gone. But God's will be done and all in His time.
A lot of issues on the table and it's not happy meal like Thanksgiving either.
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
DeleteYou probably miss my posts because you're following so many blogs that mine get buried on your Dashboard. I would guess that one hour after a new blog bit of mine gets published, it has been dog-piled on by 30 new posts on your Dashboard.
That's the main reason I only 'Follow" a limited number of blogs and rarely 'Follow' any blog where the blogger is posting more than 3 new installments a week. I don't want to miss the new posts of the blogs that I really, really like because several writers have "too much to say".
We should discuss the "Rapture" sometime. I have a fairly unique perspective on it. I think there WILL be a pre-Trib Rapture, in which God will remove some of His people, but it will be rather small, adding even more fuel to 'The Great Apostasy'.
Then there will also be a post-Trib Rapture, where God will remove from the Earth for 1,000 years all of His enemies who have not been killed during 'The Great Tribulation'. Just my opinion, based on how I read The Bible's verses concerning this topic.
Incidentally, I will be posting something new on this blog later tonight, after work - regarding the 'Sandy Hook' shooting - so you might want to check back. Then this coming weekend, there will be something new pertaining to Bible study and building our relationships with Jesus. So new stuffs on the way, and you've just seen "the coming attractions".
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'