James Bond”; Batman; Aurora; Hurricane Sandy; ‘Sandy Hook Lingerie Party Massacre’; Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting; and “THEY Broke
The Law”.
At what
point do coincidences become something else entirely? I don’t know. You’ll need
to answer that yourself. I am not a big believer in coincidences. Oh, I
definitely know that coincidences do occur, so I don’t like to “jump the
gun” (pardon the pun).
But I
tend to be especially skeptical about coincidences when it comes to spiritual
matters. If there is an ETERNAL God, and that God created EVERYTHING
that has been created, then everything is somehow linked to the ONE. If my
starting point of reasoning is correct (i.e., that there is an ETERNAL Creator)
then my conclusion is plain enough, isn’t it? [Special Note To FAE - Coming
soon in SES #11: “You cannot have an Eternal God and anything
else.” To be explained soon enough.]
I told
myself I wasn’t going to spend much time investigating the Sandy Hook
Elementary School shooting in Connecticut on December 14, 2012 (do I really
need any more reason to distrust my government?), but every time I go to
YouTube and look up one video, it leads to no less than two hours of video
viewing. I gotta break this addiction, damn it! (“Just
when I thought I was out... they pull me back in”.)
While I’m
practicing ‘Sandy
Hook’ abstinence,
let me share with you the highlights
of what my hours of YouTube surfing unearthed earlier last week. A lot of
coincidences? Maybe. YOU be the judge. Below are videos accompanied by
some comments (in red) submitted to YouTube by
viewers whom I do not know.
At no point in the Batman movie is the "Aurora" sign shown. That
screencap is from [the James Bond movie] ‘SKYFALL’.
Actually the southern section of Gotham City was previously named South Hinkley in ‘BATMAN BEGINS’, not
It does seem very far-fetched but I have to admit, it is all a bit
strange. Not only has the southern section of Gotham City been changed from
South Hinkley to Sandy Hook and is pointed to as the strike zone, but as someone pointed out, you
count the red circles and squares and there are 26... 26 people died. Then the
guy who was in charge of props for the movie happens to die last year even
though his injuires were supposedly non-life threatening. Something doesn't sit
Well I just looked on my blue ray copy of this movie. I managed to find the "Sandy Hook" map. and YES it
IS THERE! I’m kinda freaked out... I wasn’t able to find the aurora building.
“Seven Strippers, A Deadly Hurricane,
A Haunted Lighthouse, Hanky Panky, And Of Course Blood, Gore And MURDER”
"MASSACARE"? Really? Is we exspected to beleeve that the promotur of this moovy really misspelld the word "massacre" on his moovy pose(t)ur? Or do this be mo' United Sucks Government disinfo'mation?
"Sandy Hook Party Lingerie Massacre"
(2000 = 2012)
Below is
the opening portion of a review of the movie ‘SANDY HOOK LINGERIE PARTY MASSACRE’
(2000) posted by Luisito Joaquín González (whoever that is) on July 20, 2012... the
same date of the Aurora, Colorado, movie theatre shooting during a showing of the
Batman movie ‘The Dark Knight Rises’:
So here we have Sandy Hook Lingerie Party Massacre. Let’s say that
again, SANDY HOOK LINGERIE PARTY MASSACRE! What do you think of when you see
that combination of words? What’s in a title anyway? Does it have a cryptic
meaning? Who is Sandy Hook? What on earth am I writing about? Let’s move
Ok this is another of the many party-massacre flicks that includes
the likes of: Bikini Party Massacre (Not to be confused with Bikini Girls on
Ice), Bachelor Party Massacre, Rock Party Massacre, Pajama Party Massacre and
the daddy of them all, Slumber Party Massacre.
Very hard to find on any format (I picked up mine in Moscow), . . .
Click below to see the (presumably) original review:
MUST see! SANDY HOOK's Stephen
Barton Shot in BATMAN movie! FROM Sandy Hook!!?
Newtown Father Speaks out on Gun
Mattioli, father of one of the Newtown Sandy Hook shooting victims, testifies
before a gun violence task force in Hartford, Connecticut on 1/28/2013.
“Criminals, by definition, break the law. What we experienced in Sandy Hook, did they break
the law? Of course they broke the law.”
Pardon me
for asking but, who is the “they” who broke the law? Adam Lanza and . .
. who else?
I can so
well relate to the person who posted the following comment at YouTube:
You know, sometimes I would almost trade anything to go back to not
knowing or caring. Literally feels like the weight of the world on your
shoulders when you know too much about what is going on, then you feel as the
mad man or Cassandra when you try and share it with people. The programming is
just too thick.
me, dude, I feel that same “weight of the world” on my shoulders. Wish I could
shrug it off, but I can’t.
People think Sandy Hook is a hoax: Why?
Was that
for real? Did CNN really broadcast that edited clip? I find that
hard to believe (and believe me, people, I can believe almost anything
when it comes to our demonically-possessed government!)
at YouTube wrote:
CNN looks like sat. nite live show.
How many of you have seen the 1997 movie ‘WAG THE DOG’
starring Dustin Hoffman and Robert De Niro, and directed by Barry Levinson?
I’ve seen it twice. If you’ve NEVER seen it, you should put it on your NetFlix queue and
bump it up to the #1 position . . . and I mean RIGHT
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
I can understand why you KEEP deciding why you're done with this one. You know that something isn't right, but you don't know what, and it's fair to say that we might not ever know precisely what happened. Truth be told, it's enough for me to know that something is rotten. After your initial post, I smelled something fishy and it was confirmed for me with the escalation of "incidents" after there being NONE for so long. Suddenly, everyone wants to shoot up schools and kill children so that our President has a platform for his Gun Control Agenda???? I smell a rat.
ReplyDeleteAnd so do a lot of people. Hence, the sales of more guns and ammo. Have you been tracking THAT??? Every legit gun owner sees the handwriting on the wall and is stocking up on ammo and is thinking about another handgun or rifle. This isn't turning out the way the President and all his minions anticipated. As I posted recently, one of the men selling guns here at a Gun Expo said on our local news station, "The President is the best gun salesman ever." Hahahahaha.
Delete>> . . . Hence, the sales of more guns and ammo. Have you been tracking THAT??? ... As I posted recently, one of the men selling guns here at a Gun Expo said on our local news station, "The President is the best gun salesman ever." Hahahahaha.
Yes, indeed I have been tracking that. In fact, just last Friday, 4 guys at the office were standing around yakking about guns and ammo. One person, MG, was telling the others about a great place to make purchases. He said that the gun shop owner told him that he had sold an entire year's worth of guns and ammo in just the last month alone and is having the best business year he's EVER had.
The shop owner can't order fast enough to keep his shelves filled. And the other guys listening - a couple of them whom I would have guessed by their appearance would have been afraid to be within a block of a loaded gun - were asking questions and making mental notes.
A couple of them said they'd be making more purchases this weekend. MG said, "They are really afraid of us." I replied, "Our current president is the greatest gun salesman in the history of the world." Everyone laughed and agreed.
I now realize that I "stole" that line from you because, due to your comment here, I suddenly remember having read that on YOUR blog.
Thanks for the great line; it went over really well at work last Friday.
[;-) }
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Stephen-you wrote:
ReplyDeletedo I really need any more reason to distrust my government?
And I must say I am a little surprised by your naivete.
Of course you can trust your government.
In fact, the incumbent president is THE MOST TRUSTWORTHY president of the last thirty years or so.
You know EXACTLY what his agenda is and what he is going to do.
He's not hiding a thing...except maybe a birth certificate and a galabiyya...you can trust him to keep furthering his socialist/CFR agenda RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN!
Trust your government, my friend....just don't bend over when they're behind you!
DeleteYou make a very valid point in the midst of your humor.
Barack Obama promised the Americonned People the most "transparent" administration in history. In some ways, he has given us the LEAST transparent administration, lying like a bad toupee.
He has lied about where he was born, he has lied about who his biological father really was, he has lied about his social security number and his selective service registration, he has lied about his religious beliefs, and in one respect his marriage to MicHELLe might even be considered a lie.
And yet, in another very ironic way, Obama may have indeed given us the most "transparent" administration in history. Because anyone who can't see what political ideology he really supports, and can't see what he is in the process of doing to our Constitutional Republic, that person couldn't see through a spotless window.
Thanks for the humorously ironic spin on that, LC.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I too think at times that it just isn't worth all the effort and stress to try and get others to see the truth - but I can't help it. It's hard to imagine that people can be so dense as to not see what is going on right in front of us and the kicker is it can be proven that other countries have followed the same path. Your theories above are well researched and well presented but I am just not ready to read as much into it as seems to be there from your perspective. Keep up the good fight and keep us all thinking Stephen.
DeleteThanks for reading, watching, and commenting.
I always choose my words very carefully. In this particular blog bit, I did not propose any hard and fast conclusions because some of it is just too weird. Intriguing, but weird. That's why I wrote, "YOU be the judge."
But here are a few thoughts I'm entertaining about some of the stuffs posted in this blog bit:
The "Aurora" building in the James Bond movie does nothing for me. The word is way too common and I suspect that is nothing more than a coincidence.
The name "Sandy Hook" on the map in the Batman movie is another thing entirely. (I've never seen a single Batman movie, and the video quality is too poor for me to make out the words "Sandy Hook" on the map, so I'm trusting that the YouTube commenters are being honest about it really being there. I would love it if one of my blog's readers could confirm it for me. Any 'Batman' movie fans out there?)
If "Sandy Hook" really appears on the map in 'The Dark Knight Rises', I find that maybe too odd to be coincidental. The name alone wouldn't necessarily mean much, but if in fact that same area of Gotham City was truly changed from South Hinkley (in an older Batman installment) to Sandy Hook (in the latest installment), now I'm extremely suspicious. Why the change?
Furthermore, the person who would be MOST knowledgeable about why the area's name was changed would be the movie's PROP MASTER - who would have provided the map for the shooting. Did the Prop Master from 'The Black Knight Rises' REALLY die suspiciously, after suffering supposedly non-life-threatening injuries? Someone needs to investigate THAT.
My gut instinct is that the movie poster for 'SANDY HOOK LINGERIE PARTY MASSACRE' (or, "Massacare") and the very bizarre review posted by one Luisito Joaquín González, in which he seems to be hinting about something nefarious concerning the movie's title, is likely part of a U.S. government disinformation campaign.
It's true that the URL for the review shows the date of the Aurora, Colorado, theatre shooting, but perhaps that was a set-up. I'm quite certain that the creeps working for Uncle Sam would have no problem creating a URL with that date in it AFTER the tragic event.
As for Mark Mattioli's use of the word "they" when he should have said "he" - it's worth pondering but could be explained away easily enough.
The other two videos above - the one about Stephen Barton and the Alex Jones analysis - well, they both clearly show that there is a lot of government (and mainstream media) bovine excrement behind the Sandy Hook "show".
How much of the 'Sandy Hook' tragedy is true, I can't say. Were ANY children actually killed there? I can't say, other than to state that so far I have still found NO conclusive evidence of a single murder having occurred at the elementary school. That doesn't mean there weren't any, and it doesn't mean that Uncle Sam won't show us some genuine evidence later, when it suits Uncle Sam's agenda to do so.
The ONE thing that is NOT in dispute though, is that the mainstream media, in conjunction with the U.S. government, has told us some deliberate lies regarding whatever really did happen in Newtown, Connecticut.
Some of the LIES are totally obvious to anyone with even two brain cells to rub together.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Yes, right, you were watching the Sandy Hook Lingerie Party for "research..." ;)
ReplyDeleteSo after reading this blog a lot lately, it's nice to see that you include information about the things you discredit. Like the Aurora thing in Skyfall. I thought the same thing when I first heard of it. The Sandy Hook thing in Batman - eerie. Having the word Aurora appear (even in Batman, as was initially reported) - not really that jaw-dropping. Aurora is an extremely common city name. I think there's about 15-16 different Auroras just here in the US.
It's important to rely only on strong evidence. You start finding tiny coincidences like these, and well, out comes the tin foil hat. Besides, the media and the government are already doing a great enough job of poking holes in their stories. We don't need to rely on silly coincidences just to prove a point, right?
Look at me. It practically sounds like I'm learning something. It won't happen again.
DeleteHa-Ha! Yeah, avoid learning at all costs; it leads to nothing constructive and will give ya a case of the Blues. (Looky wha' happened to me! You don't wanna turn into the next Stephen T. McCarthy, son.)
Because of all the years I've been at this, I've learned to instinctively smell "fishy" stuffs - both legitimate fishy and illegitimate fishy.
Our Uncle likes to muddy up the waters after the fact in order to discredit all of the genuine evidence of his wrongdoing along with the disinfo that he, our Uncle, has planted. Then, a lot of skeptics throw the baby out with the bath water and accuse researchers of wearing tin foil hats.
I prefer to strain the bath water before throwing it out, to make sure first that there isn't a baby mixed in there with it somewhere.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Brother.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteThanks for watching all those videos. Your research is saving me a lot of time! I've watched quite a few, but it is overwhelming how many have appeared. And they appear because clearly we are not being told the whole story. That the government is keeping much from us about Sandy Hook is simply indisputable.
An example was included in the most recent RealityZone.com news compilation. There was a story listed quoting the DA's office about why they want to keep the information sealed. He states specifically that it is to protect witnesses from potential harm from other suspects, because the investigation is ongoing.
HA! That tells us a lot right there. Unless that is all disinformation, too.
DeleteI have spent so much time commenting on other bloggers' blogs the last few days that I have neglected the comment section of my own blog.
I was at work today, in an office building, and while waiting for an elevator at about 15:35 it suddenly hit me: DOH! I forgotted to respond to Six and Lee's comments. [Whoa! Major deja vu just now.]
So here I be. Yeah, that article - "other suspects", eh? So suddenly they're alluding to the possibility that Adam Lanza didn't act alone (if in fact he acted at all).
One commenter on that website page called it "a cover-up for the cover-up". Ha!
I imagine the scum behind the scenes is scrambling to get its story straight before speaking anymore about it publicly.
I think I'm done looking into Sandy Hook now. But then I thought that before, too - right after thinking that I wasn't going to look into Hook at all. (My "CONSPIRIOSITY" gets the best of me.)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Damn it!
ReplyDeleteIt would be a great favor to me for you to put a couple of carriage returns between the "comment" link and the "lumpy grits" button! This is at least twice now that I have accidentally hit the grits bit when all I was trying to do was comment.
Better still, just REMOVE the "Lumpy Grits" choice entirely!
SBB-6 ~
DeleteI couldn't possibly remove the "Lumpy Grits" choice entirely. How would my haters then voice their displeasure?
You know what's funny?... Just a couple weeks ago my Brother discovered that he had been the one voting "Lumpy Grits" on my blog. When he'd go to expand the page on his Nook, he would accidentally touch the "Lumpy Grits" box and register a negative vote.
Truthfully, I don't care at all about votes. In fact, I'm a little sorry I don't get MORE "Lumpy Grits" votes, as they are a good indicator that I'm doing something right.
I hardly ever even notice the tally, and when I do, it's just by dumb luck because it catches my eye while I'm responding to comments.
So, don't worry about accidentally voting "LG" - it's no bother, Brother.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
The one that has been striking me lately as more and more odd is the Christopher Dorner story--the California shooter currently in the news. You start looking at a the military connections, the corrupt L.A police, and the racial overtones of the story.
ReplyDeleteThe other night I was half listening to the police news conference when they said they were consolidating all news about the case to a centralized dispensary called JIC. The way these white cops kept pronouncing JIC so that it almost sounded like the acronym ended with a "G" sound caught my attention.
This story is starting to sound like a strange conspiracy to me. I think I'm getting conspiracies on the brain.
Tossing It Out
DeleteWell, everyone now knows, Dorner is dead. Or is he? Burned up, eh? No body to see? Just like Osama - "Dead, gone, trust us."
I've read some of his "manifesto" and that was some strange sh*t for a guy who seemed to be pretty sharp in attacking and eluding the police.
I haven't investigated this story much at all, and I hope I don't. There was one question though that IMMEDIATELY leaped from my lips when I first learned about Dorner from a guy operating a parking lot kiosk: If he's angry about how he was treated 3 or 4 years ago, why is he only JUST NOW seeking revenge?
That was the first question I asked upon learning about this Christopher Dorner character. I still haven't heard a good answer.
You take this conspiracy, Lee, and let me know what you find -- 'cause my head hurts from all the studying and questioning I've been doing for two decades.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Hey there, Mr. McCarthy, when are you gonna post about something positive on here? That lady-I-absolutely-don't-know Julie and I would like to see you happy for a change.
ReplyDeleteOkay, not gonna happen, huh? You're really getting on my nerves, ya know. As if I don't spend enough time down the Internet's rabbit hole, I read your posts and end up diving in to wander around some more. (If I never get my book published, I'll blame it all on you.)
Anyhow, I did find one thing you may find interesting. Like anything else on the Internet, no telling how accurate it is. Nonetheless, here it is:
Smile. (It doesn't hurt... really!)
Part 1 Of 2:
DeleteSUSAN (or should I say... JULIE?) ~
>> . . . when are you gonna post about something positive on here?
Posting positive things is YOUR job - your job and Julie's job [Wink!-Wink!]. My job is to post the negative (and we're both good at what we do).
I like to think of myself as the Blogosphere's PINK FLOYD. Did you ever hear a positive, emotionally upbeat song from Pink Floyd? Exactly! I'm the Blogosphere's version of Pink Floyd. You play or read us to get yerself bummed out. There AIN'T no 'HAPPY MEALS' here, damn it! You need to go to that bright yellow place for ‘Happy Meals’.
Seriously... I used to operate a blog called 'STUFFS' - which is still viewable via my Profile Page - and that was an all-purpose blog where I posted a lot more upbeat... “stuffs”. You would have liked that blog better'n this one.
But the subjects here at ‘Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends’ are politics (and by extension, religion / spirituality) and product reviews. I have posted a few humorous, upbeat product reviews on this blog, but they're (dead and) buried.
>> . . . As if I don't spend enough time down the Internet's rabbit hole, I read your posts and end up diving in to wander around some more.
Aww, c'mon and admit it - you KNOW it's fascinating! The more one starts digging deep, the more astounding and unbelievable the truth becomes.
Thanks for the URL! You did exactly what I WANT my readers to do: individual investigation. I went to the website and read the whole thing.
I want to reiterate that I have NOT made a statement of fact regarding the supposedly fake CNN broadcast from Saudi Arabia. But the whole thing looked really, Really, REALLY fake to me.
Finding that Alex Jones video recently was the FIRST I'd ever heard about fake CNN broadcasts during the first Gulf War. I may have even seen that broadcast when it originally aired. In 1991, I was as oblivious to the New World Order agenda and to the degree of government deceit as the average American is now. I could have watched that CNN broadcast and bought it hook, line, and sinker.
Today, I'm a lot more knowledgeable and I know what to look for; I know which questions to ask; and I know when the answers I receive are illogical and unsatisfactory.
As I said, I read that entire page, and at first blush, Debunker Mick seems to have done a good job in debunking the idea that CNN’s broadcast was not really from Saudi Arabia. But . . . Alex Jones (in the video I posted) said that CNN later “quietly” admitted that the broadcast was not really from Saudi Arabia. He did not quote his source, so I don’t know. (I assume you didn’t find anything that confirmed Jones’ statement.)
But I will say that my “Spidey-Sense” tells me it is probably fake. First, the jocularity seems inappropriate for a dangerous situation (although people deal with stress in various ways). Second, the way Rochelle comes sauntering into view looks RIDICULOUS! It really does look like a Saturday Night Live skit. His hair is all mussed up, like he’s just come in from the field. Sorry, but the “talent” likes to look good on TV, and hairdressers and make-up people are ALWAYS there to make you look your best before you appear in front of the camera – in the studio or on location.
Third, their performances look EXACTLY LIKE “performances”. And I mean “bad” performances.
Continued Below . . .
Part 2 Of 2:
Delete“Fourthly” and Finally . . . Debunker Mick’s photos of the hotel in Saudi Arabia seems to clinch the idea that this video was truly filmed there. However, we can be sure that CNN knew what that hotel looked like, and it would have been very easy to put up a fake background that would match the Saudi Arabian hotel style. The footage shows only maybe 20 feet of background.
I did see one photo that seemed to show a slightly extended view to the left of the background, with city lights in the distance. They may or may not have really been city lights. A fake background with city lights in the distance can be easily created by any Hollywood artist (one wouldn’t have even needed a “blue screen” to hoax that).
Susan, is it fair for me to assume that you have seen some episodes of the old TV show M*A*S*H? If so, I’m guessing you may have seen some scenes that were external shots of the M*A*S*H camp at night. If so, did they look “fake” to you?
The reason I ask is because ALL of the EXTERNAL night shots in the M*A*S*H camp were done indoors, on a sound stage (Stage 9 at 20th Century Fox studio). It looked just like it was outdoors in Korea, didn’t it?
I know very well what Hollyweird is capable of doing; I know about the artistry that goes into making something fake look real. In my opinion, that CNN broadcast looks VERY fake; much less realistic than ANY episode of M*A*S*H “in Korea” looked.
I’m not making any bold statement of fact. I can only say that if I were FORCED to bet $500. of my own hard-earned money on whether or not that CNN broadcast was genuinely filmed in Saudi Arabia, I would bet against it.
If you uncover any more evidence one way or another, please share it here with me, Susan. Thanks!
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
Lots of stuff in your response, but since I took yesterday off, I am WAY behind in responding to more recent comments on my blog, so I'll keep this fairly short.
ReplyDeleteFirst, I'd compare your blog more to Nine Inch Nails than to Pink Floyd. (minus the nasty language)
Yeah, you're right; I'm an information and trivia junkie, so I DO enjoy winding my way through the Internet's maze. But I also get annoyed at myself for spending time reading story after story on there, when I should be spending more time polishing my OWN story.
No, I didn't find anything to confirm what Jones said about CNN admitting fraud.
As for what you considered to be inappropriate jocularity in the video, that is exactly how some people cope with danger and stress. I do. When I had to visit the morgue or abbatoir for my job, I coped by making jokes. When I was being wheeled into the operating room for a life-threatening condition, I gave the people wielding the gurney a hard time for having such long faces... and made them laugh. When I delivered my mother's eulogy, there were some tears involved, but I also made people remember the good stuff... and made them smile and laugh. I could give you lots more examples, but you get the idea.
And of course, I watched M*A*S*H. In fact, there was a time we were watching it multiple times a day... and even had a trivia game based entirely on the program. Yeah, some of the sets "looked real", or as real as I imagined Korea to be, but I'm not foolish enough that I ever believed it was actually filmed in Korea.
If I come up with anything else about this, I'll letcha know.
DeleteI've heard OF Nine Inch Nails, but have never actually heard their "music". Too new for me, plus I could probably never get past that name.
Regarding the jocularity, I wrote: "...the jocularity seems inappropriate for a dangerous situation (although people deal with stress in various ways)."
So, yes, I was acknowledging that the jocularity by itself didn't really prove anything. It's just one of several factors to consider; it's just MAYBE a little more weight, just one small piece of evidence to add to the rest.
I have never watched an episode of Alex Jones' TV show, although I've seen videos from segments of it. And I have seen, and even own, some of his documentaries. Over the years I have found him to be a good, reliable source. A lot of people have said that he can't be trusted but I've never seen a shred of evidence indicating that.
If he says CNN admitted faking some broadcasts "from Saudi Arabia", I'm inclined to think he's probably right. But I'd like to know the source of that statement all the same. (I prefer to confirm things for myself.)
I think you missed the point I was making about the M*A*S*H sets. I was not implying that you or ANYONE else might have been foolish enough to think the show was filmed in Korea. Of course it wasn't.
I was specifically referring only to the OUTDOOR M*A*S*H compound shots at night. Whether it's the characters walking through the compound talking, at night. Or a truck carrying wounded soldiers pulling up, at night. EVERYTHING that took place OUTDOORS but at night was actually filmed indoors on the Stage 9 set. (Exterior shots in the DAYLIGHT really were filmed outdoors, on the set in the Malibu hills.)
My point was that Hollywood can make viewers believe that they're seeing action that was filmed OUTDOORS, when it was really filmed INDOORS, under controlled conditions.
Therefore, it would have been a very simple matter to put up a small piece of "background" that appeared to match the hotel's exterior in Saudi Arabia, and tell viewers it WAS filmed at the hotel in Saudi Arabia when it was really filmed outdoors (or indoors) in Atlanta or anywhere else.
In other words, the photos of the hotel's exterior in Saudi Arabia that Debunker Mick posted on that website do NOT at all prove the CNN footage was filmed there, just because the background seems to match in terms of color and style.
It may or may not have been filmed there - I don't know. I'm just saying that Mick's photos don't actually prove anything. (In fact, the background of the footage looked a little "funky" to me. But that's just a vague impression and not worth trying to describe.)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Hello fellow Beer Brother,
ReplyDeleteI saw your comment and wanted to drop by to offer our purchasing advice. We both discussed it and figured that you'd probably like my solo novel best, "Demetri and the Banana Flavored Rocketship." It's a good combination of heart and comedy and sticking it to the man while being deliciously fucked up. Right up your alley, right?
Also, I loved the post on the Chinese liquor that looks and tastes like transmission fluid. It reminds me a bit of my grandfather's tequila. See, recently some guy stopped by that post about me trying to identify the tequila and he said it was some crappy Mexican brand, and it tasted like gasoline, and was only for stupid Americans, and he wouldn't start his lawnmower with it, etc, and I just thought, well, the post never said otherwise. Also, I don't know anything about tequila, but one thing I'm pretty certain is that they all taste like gasoline. I have not yet had any form of tequila that I can sip and say, "Ahh, that hits the ol' spot." I have no doubt in my mind that my grandfather's aged turpentine is no different, and I never expected to sell it for a small fortune. It's murky and brown and looks like shit. Sometimes you don't have to taste shit to know it tastes like shit.
DeleteThanks for the book recommendation. That's definitely the one I'll buy then. It may take me a few days to get around to ordering it (I always have so many irons in the fire at one time), but you have my word that I WILL be ordering my copy sooner than later.
As for Tequila . . . I'm with you. I do enjoy a good Margarita once in awhile (and by "good" I mean straight up and preferably made at Warren Zevon's favorite Margarita watering hole: El Coyote in L.A.). But Tequila ain't good for nuttin' else.
They're trying now to "create" the sense that there are some really fine, expensive, connoisseur Tequilas "for the discriminating, cultured gentleman" (attempting to duplicate, I think, the explosion in the "craft beer" market), but I ain't buying it.
Cactus Juice is Cactus Juice and it's only good for getting "crazy juiced".
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Dude, I accidentally gave you lumpy grits again. I tried to press the comments section, but inadvertantly hit the lumpy grits. You deserve lumpy grits for having them so close together. My mother was the same way; she hated the comments and lumpy grits sections so close together.
ReplyDeleteANONYMOUS ~
DeleteI heard your Mother also hated for other people to wear her hats. Any truth to that?
I have no control over the space between the 'Lumpy Grits' and the 'Comment Section' as that is dictated by the Blogspot template I'm using.
However, I don't mind you giving me Lumpy Grits. A serving of Lumpy Grits (in conjunction with an ice cold beer - the best breakfast beverage) is a great way to start the day.
Now why don't you go down to the filling station and get a bottle of pop!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'