This is Part 2 Of 2. For Part 1, click HERE.
“Why do you see the splinter which is in your brother’s eye, and do
not feel the beam which is in your own eye?”
~ Jesus
“If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with
all men.”
~ Saint Paul
continued reading the ‘Short Little Rebel’ (SLR) blog written by Susan Shannon
(SS), attempting to discern all the negativity that my friends were seemingly
finding in her writing and the differences they seemed to see between the two
of us.
I was
about ready to give up again and write to my friends something like this:
“Well, thanks for the great compliments, but honestly I still don’t see where
the ‘Short Little Rebel’ blog and the ‘Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends’ blog are
all that much different.” But then, for a second time [the Biblical concept of
at least “two witnesses”], I felt that Voice inside of me say, “Wait and watch”.
So I waited longer and watched more – continuing to monitor the posts and
comments of SS on her SLR blog.
And then,
to my surprise, it seemed to me that SS was beginning to come unhinged; she was
becoming even more strident and more extremist than usual. And after submitting
one last comment to Susan Shannon’s ‘Short Little Rebel’ blog and getting
“yelled at” [her words] and slandered [my word], I sent an Email to SheFriend.
Although I am not a psychiatrist and I don’t even play one on this blog, I
wrote to SheFriend: “You
can color me ‘convinced’. I suspect that SS [is] almost certainly [suffering
from] paranoia – and she is using Jesus and The Bible to lash out at the rest
of the world.
"[HeFriend] was right, and so were you. ... She may be the worst ‘Know-It-All’ I’ve ever encountered. ... I have decided that, after having praised SLR in my 3-part blog bit, I now need to distance myself from her in no uncertain terms. May I quote you, anonymously?”
I had been reading, watching and waiting, and then finally she posted a response to one of her readers that I simply felt COMPELLED to question her about. In part, here’s how that exchange went:
"[HeFriend] was right, and so were you. ... She may be the worst ‘Know-It-All’ I’ve ever encountered. ... I have decided that, after having praised SLR in my 3-part blog bit, I now need to distance myself from her in no uncertain terms. May I quote you, anonymously?”
what was it that finally convinced me that my friends were right about SS and
that I had been wrong? Aside from her constant contentious, angry, and
humorless demeanor in general, it was the over-the-top post and comment
responses found here: “Love
the Sinner, Hate the Sin?” That’s Not What God or Jesus Do!.
I had been reading, watching and waiting, and then finally she posted a response to one of her readers that I simply felt COMPELLED to question her about. In part, here’s how that exchange went:
I would not dispute any piece of your arrangement of Scripture
quotes, nor any of your expositions of those quotes. I would only add a couple
of Scriptures and a bit of my own exposition. “God demonstrates His Own love
for us in this: while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” All your points
are well-made, but they belong in a context that includes this one too: the
whole motive behind salvation was a love of sinners by a God who hates sin. Nor
did he wait for an “I’m sorry” before he forgave: “Father, forgive them, for
they know not what they do” — just as none of us fully understands the impact
of our sin upon the heart of God. I would also caution any human being making
this critique of the “milktoast Church”: there is a difference
between God’s anger at sinners in the Word, and man’s anger expressed in
preaching of the Word. I already believe in, and accept, the reality of God’s
anger: but preachers (and bloggers) are subject to “man’s anger” that “does not
bring about the righteous life God desires” (James). To me, a passerby, this
article sounds a little angry with the anger of man.
Little Rebel says:
No, not true. He most certainly is waiting for an apology before
forgiveness. Is not repentance an apology? Do we not say, “Lord, please FORGIVE
me???” You are, literally, speaking a lie. If people don’t repent, Jesus himself
will send them to hell - or, at the very minimum, allow their life to be snuffed
out. He, himself, said, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate
and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But
small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find
it.”- a FEW! So, obviously repentance is a requirement.
If telling the TRUTH about the Bible ‘sounds angry’, what can I say?
I guess that is why Jesus, who spoke as lovingly as possible (when he called
the Pharisees and Sadducee ‘hypocrite!’, ‘you den of vipers!’, ‘false
teachers!’ ‘white washed sepulchers of death- full of dead men’s bones!’ and
then thrashed their friends at the Temple market) was condemned as a ‘liar’,
‘demonically possessed’, ‘trouble maker’, ‘evil’, ‘blasphemer’! right? Because
HE said it wrong! HIS words were ‘too full of anger’?
What you ‘hear’ from me is not anger- it is urgency and passion. You
attack my PERSON, but can not and do not contradict the article. Why? because
you can’t. God did say those things. It is our job to make sense of them.
I find it interesting that you call yourself a pastor, but do not
know your Bible. There is no ‘right’ way to deliver the word. The sower has
nothing to do with the germination of the seed- it is 100% about the QUALITY of
the soil it hits. Throw it hard, throw it soft. Doesn’t matter. ...
You simply want God to be packaged in a way you find comfortable.
One that will not make others hate YOU! One that won’t make people leave their
This article was to show that God is awesome in his power and might.
His personality can hate. Not my words. His. He doesn’t need to be apologized
for. Or sugar coated. HE said those words. Why do you, a supposed pastor, want
to say he didn’t?
God is our maker and we are his little, insignificant pots. He has
claimed his RIGHT to make us for special purposes, common purposes or to throw
us away as unworthy. That is what makes him God. Only when you understand his
full power in the matter can you APPRECIATE him when he has such patience, such
forbearance, such love and attention for each of us. Only when you can accept
his RIGHT to bless, hate or take away can we feel the incredible wonder of this
same God when he turns from his great anger and says, “come, let us reason
together…” ...
T. McCarthy says:
Siloampastor4huck is “literally, speaking a lie”? You mean he can’t possibly have (mistakenly?) arrived at a different interpretation from yours? There can be no honest disagreement? He is “literally lying”, as in deliberately twisting truth in order to maliciously present a falsehood in order to deceive others?
Siloampastor4huck is “literally, speaking a lie”? You mean he can’t possibly have (mistakenly?) arrived at a different interpretation from yours? There can be no honest disagreement? He is “literally lying”, as in deliberately twisting truth in order to maliciously present a falsehood in order to deceive others?
Little Rebel says:
as a pastor? come on, Stephen. If he is a pastor, he knows the Bible
and thus, yes, he is lying about the Bible. IF he is not a pastor, then he is
lying in his name. Many do. Your point? Ah. I know your point. Your point is to
personally criticize my personality, my motive, etc. Why should I answer you?
It seems to me that if my article was FALSE- as in, not supported biblically,
rather than attack me PERSONALLY, you and people like you would use the BIBLE-
(you know, that thing containing GOD’S WORD?), to show me the error of my ways,
my thinking and my conclusion. But you don’t- you just get personal. That would
make you a loser, wouldn’t it? I don’t like that, Stephen. Your motive is just
anger and frustration- as is mine right now. Only, I don’t try to HIDE it. Not
like you and your ilk do. Let’s evaluate THAT. I wrote and honest essay. It’s
biblically sound. There is no other way to be more sound than to be in
concurrence with God’s owns words. Don’t like his words? Take it up with him,
BUDDY!. Personally, I am sick to death with people like you. How’s that for
personal? Now, beat it off my page. You can go to Pastor Mr. Love & Cuddles
and the two of you can sit around making up more stuff about God and Jesus and
the Bible and teach it to others. Explain it later to God, alright?
Prosecution rests, your Honor. Occasionally the accused does all the work so
the prosecuting attorney doesn’t have to. The demeanor of Susan Shannon
resembles the Peace of God... only in that it “passeth
all understanding”.
Just to
make certain I wasn’t able to respond to what she had said, Susan Shannon
adjusted her blog so that I was unable to post any further comments in that particular
comment block. Censorship: the easiest way to win debates! It worked for the
Commie “Bullshitviks”, it worked for the Nazi SS, and it works for the SLR SS,
too. Now I understand how Susan Shannon was always able to “silence” her
woman seems overwound like a 1966 drug store wristwatch and about as stable as
a free neutron. Me and my “ilk”? I didn’t know I had an ilk; I thought I was
fairly darned unique... I mean, as individuals
go. That comes as quite a disappointment to suddenly learn – out of the clear
blue bullshit – that I am merely one member of an ilk. (Don’t shoot me, Susan!
It’s not ilk season!) Well, what are ya gonna do? If a self-professed
“Christian” sez it, it must be twue.
SS perceived my simple, honest question as an attack on her personality in the
same way that the pastor’s difference of opinion was “literally” a “lie”. Paranoid?
I’d say anyone who can’t discern their supporters from their enemies is
paranoid, and I apologize for having directed anyone to SS’s SLR blog.
I believe
that Truth is where you find it, therefore, I am not one to throw the baby out
with the bath water. Although I have great misgivings about the source of the
following quote, I nevertheless think it is one of the better things ever said
about The Holy Bible:
The Bible, the supreme spiritual Textbook of Life, is above all
creeds, dogmas, and differences in religious beliefs. It is written to meet the
needs of both the wise and the simple. There are surface truths, and wisdom
that is veiled. There is guidance to the spiritual life in its pages for every
degree of understanding. As consciousness unfolds, its revelations multiply. It
is indeed the Wonder Book of all time.
made by Jesus and Saint Paul allude to the fact that The Word Of God unfolds as
spiritual consciousness expands, and that has been proven to me personally over
two decades of earnest Bible study. Unfortunately, it seems to me that SS is
still dwelling in The Word Of God at the ‘Christian Legalism’ level; she seems
to be unaware of literary devices such as Metaphor and Metonymy utilized in
Scripture and unaware that much, if not most, if not all, of The New Testament
was originally written in Aramaic – the language our Lord and Savior spoke –
and not in Greek. So her strict, “legalistic” focus on the meaning of Greek
words is bound to lead her somewhat astray.
importantly, SS’s xxxtreme anger makes it difficult for me to believe she is
truly being led or guided by The Holy Spirit of God when it comes to her
understanding of Scripture. I am convinced that it is the Holy Spirit that
answers some of The Bible’s great mystery verses such as...
For I am the Lord your God. You shall therefore consecrate
yourselves, and you shall be holy; for I am holy.
What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You
visit him?
But He turned and rebuked them, and said, “You do not know what
manner of spirit you are of. For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s
lives but to save them.”
“Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may
take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself”.
answer to those mystery passages can be found in a Biblical verse often quickly
read and forgotten, as if it wasn’t loaded with the most profound
implications: “So God created man in His own image; in
the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
[Genesis 1:27]
[Genesis 1:27]
I am
certain that SS of the SLR blog has not even yet begun to wrap her mind around that verse in Genesis. And for
that reason, I would urge anyone to use caution when contemplating spiritual
teachings at her blog. In my opinion, there are better, more Spirit-inspired
resources available. Nevertheless, I do sincerely hope that SS will eventually
know the Peace of mind that God can make available to us.
so maybe SS wasn’t gracious enough to thank me for previously praising her and
encouraging others to ‘Follow’ her blog, but the very least
she could have done was thank me for correcting her embarrassing “milk toast”
February 19, 2013
Little Rebel:
What does a Christian ‘sound’ like? By your measure, neither John
the Baptist, nor Christ himself would qualify as Christians! Do you think those
two walked around like little milk toasts, smiling at every evil they see?
on... February 19, 2013
T. McCarthy:
I essentially said that I like your writing because you ‘don’t sound
like a Christian’ – the milquetoast Ned Flanders variety, anyway.
March 11,
Little Rebel:
The statement “love the sinner but hate the sin” is just one of many
lies being spread by this new Milquetoast Christianity.
March 13, 2013
Little Rebel:
They plotted to kill him - the very Son of God that these lukewarm,
milquetoast Christians claim to follow. ... Jesus was a radical in his day- he
was no milquetoast. Why do people insist on this lame version of our
awesome King?
By George, I think she’s got it. So, it was me, your Ferret-Faced Fascist Friend, who wised-up Susan Shannon when it comes to the term “milquetoast”. But I left it up to someone else to correct the Short Little Rebel about her “nick picking”.
By George, I think she’s got it. So, it was me, your Ferret-Faced Fascist Friend, who wised-up Susan Shannon when it comes to the term “milquetoast”. But I left it up to someone else to correct the Short Little Rebel about her “nick picking”.
Petty and The Heartbreakers - Even
The Losers
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Part one of two
ReplyDelete"I've run into many people in my life who want to use The Bible and particularly the Gospel of Jesus Christ to beat you into submission, rather that open your heart to truth and understanding."
"Your friend was right on here. That would make you a loser, wouldn’t it? I don’t like that, Stephen. Your motive is just anger and frustration- as is mine right now. Only, I don’t try to HIDE it. Not like you and your ilk do. Let’s evaluate THAT. I wrote and honest essay. It’s biblically sound. There is no other way to be more sound than to be in concurrence with God’s owns words. Don’t like his words? Take it up with him, BUDDY!."
Your former buddy SLR (is that her initials) shows her hand here. 'Your motive is just anger and frustration- and is mine right now.' This lady is consumed by her own anger. It blinds her, and because she is smarter than the average bear she is able to use God's word (most likely inappropriately in most cases)to feed her need for self gratification. I don't know the women and have never read her blog. Yet, I know you to be honest, and if you posted that she said that I believe it. The problem is that her personality flaw could actually be harming those on the bubble. I won't say she is not a christian, and in most cases she may very well be right in her interpretation. A former pastor of mine was correct in his interpretation of the bible most of the time too. Yet, he ruled his ministry with an iron fist (he was angry and vicious), drove many away who walked aimlessly trying to find another church, and many were too afraid to even get back into their bible after leaving for years. This is the guy that helped me find the works of Bullinger, and some of his teachings helped me at the time and actually brought me closer to Christ. Still, he was later found to be running a little brothel so to speak. He was seducing other mens wives, and if they questioned his integrity he had them expelled from the church as "possessed." He was later forced out of the church (fired) once his deeds came to light. Still, I have yet to find as gifted of a teacher. This man had skill, knowledge, and COULD have done much if it wasn't for his own anger, lecherous behavior, and his beat everyone with a hammer philosophy. Anger every time I've encountered it at this level is compensating for something.
Getting back to your former buddy, she might have been abused intellectually as a young christian or even prior to that. We will never know. What I can tell you is that almost everyone who is so passionate that their right usually are convinced that they are. What your former buddy doesn't understand is that most who are honestly seeking truth will flee such a personality. Many of which God has called. She could be right biblically and wrong spiritually at the same time (though I have never met anyone who doesn't have a fair share of humility to be consistantly accurate doctrinally). Plus, if she is reading anger into everything it is usually a good indication that she herself is an angry person. My guess is that she lashes out when she is challenged in areas of her personal life that she hasn't worked on. Too bad, she sounds brilliant. We should pray for her (I will).
By the way, the comment she left stating, "
ReplyDeleteIf telling the TRUTH about the Bible ‘sounds angry’, what can I say? I guess that is why Jesus, who spoke as lovingly as possible (when he called the Pharisees and Sadducee ‘hypocrite!’, ‘you den of vipers!’, ‘false teachers!’ ‘white washed sepulchers of death- full of dead men’s bones!’ and then thrashed their friends at the Temple market) was condemned as a ‘liar’, ‘demonically possessed’, ‘trouble maker’, ‘evil’, ‘blasphemer’! right? Because HE said it wrong! HIS words were ‘too full of anger’?"
This is taken out of context. The gospels also have Jesus saying to these same men that they are, "of their father the devil." Regardless of their personal belief they had given themselves over to the wrong god, the god of this world, the prince and power of the air. Jesus did say "Get behind me satan." to Peter when he didn't want Jesus to be crucified. Yet Jesus never said Peter's father was "the devil." Passages must be understood in their context. Jesus was speaking to people who had sold themselves out to the other side. In the case of Peter Jesus rebuked him, yet it is written (me paraphrasing) that God corrects all those whom he loves and has called. Sometimes reproof and correction are harsh when someone doesn't get it, keeps doing the sin when they know it's wrong, or in Peters case when Jesus has already told him what is going to take place and Peter refuses to understand Jesus words as absolute truth in that regard. We all stumble, we all fall. If we take scripture out of it's historic context things that are meant for good can be twisted to mean something evil. For example, there is a verse (I'm watching my kids and can't go grab my bible sorry) that states (paraphrasing again) that if we can give love for anger and by doing so "heap coals upon their head." If taken out of context this could mean that by being kind your actually making them angrier and in a way getting revenge. Yet pick up any manners and customs book and you will quickly understand that the jewish people used to use baskets with coals in them placed on their heads. They would bring them home to warm the house, and place them on top of their heads to keep them warm in their journey. So the verse (I am ashamed I can't recall where I read it) actually means that you can turn their anger and warm their hearts, not get revenge. But one can clearly see how that can be taken out of context.
Love ya in the name of our Lord,
P.S. Sorry if there are some typos as my daughter started climbing on the counters and I had to rescue her. My computer loves inserting things here and there, or flip flopping sentences and such. My lap top is a strange one.
Great comment, BR'ER MARC - I thanks ya for it!
DeleteYou packed a lot of wisdom in there. It's daunting to look at without any paragraph breaks, but I hope people will read it anyway.
>> . . . We should pray for her (I will).
I prayed for her before I had even finished composing this blog bit, and I will doubtlessly pray for her again. I hope others will do the same. This woman has a heart for God but there is no peace in that heart.
I think a good amount of her Biblical interpretation is correct. I also think some of it is wrong. And then I think some of it is both right AND wrong. What do I mean? I mean right at one basic level but wrong at a deeper, more profound spiritual level.
Example: Many of the Jews understood and followed "the letter of the law" without having grasped and embraced "the Spirit of the law". That's one reason many of them had such difficulty understanding where Jesus was coming from.
Did Moses give permission for the men to divorce their wives provided they wrote out a certificate of divorce? Yes. So then it was OK? Not really. As Jesus taught His disciples, Moses permitted what he did due to the hardness of the ancient Israelites' hearts, but it was never aligned with the Spirit of God, the higher calling.
As you know, there were times when Jesus illustrated the greater Spirit behind the letter of the law. So, the letter of the law may be correct, but the Spirit of the law is a better, higher, more advanced Way.
Unfortunately, I believe that SS of the SLR blog is choking on the letter of Christianity and hasn't yet had her mind opened to the Spirit of Christ's Love.
As for her anger (which she likes to think of as "passion"), your observation ["she might have been abused intellectually as a young Christian or even prior to that"] is probably not far off the mark, Marc.
I've read the story on her blog about how she finally found God and Jesus, and there was a lot of emotional trauma leading up to it.
Also, the way she was able to turn my simple question into a perceived attack on her "personality" and "motive" within her own mind, indicates to me that deep down in that mind she probably hasn't fully faced up to those things.
From 'WITNESS' by Whittaker Chambers; page 318:
"Russians are masters of confusion and one favorite tactic is to shift the blame for something they have done to their opposite numbers elsewhere."
From 'THE POLITICIAN' by Robert Welch; page 59:
By incredibly dirty steamroller tactics - always accusing the opposition of the exact crimes which you yourself are committing, according to time-tried Communist strategy - ..."
Of course I'm not accusing SS of being a communist, but I think she may be employing some of the same psychological tricks - and probably unknowingly. She seems never or rarely to have gotten a glimpse of herself the way others have seen her. I myself didn't see it for awhile (perhaps because I'm too much like her), but eventually what my friends were saying began to ring true, I began to see it myself. And then when she reacted to my sincere and honest question the way she did... well, what more did I need to see?
>> . . . I don't know the woman and have never read her blog. Yet, I know you to be honest, and if you posted that she said that, I believe it.
Yes, of course. I linked this blog bit to the comment section where she posted it and it's still on display there.
Thanks again for the tremendous comment, Brother.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
HA HA HA!! I caught the response you got (and you can see my take in this week's Sunday Message), and I knew that either this was coming, or there'd be an "that SLR, she's a great little kidder". The video you ended the whole thing with was incredibly appropriate.
ReplyDeleteWe're watching Dragnet right now, and the whole thing reminds me of Joe Friday's line, "And I'll bet your mother had a loud bark."
McCW ~
Delete"And I'll bet your mother had a loud bark" - Thanks for the laugh, man (I needed that!)
And thanks for the kind words about the video.
This made me chuckle also:
"...and I knew that ... this was coming,...
Ha! I guess my reputation is complete now. :-)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Yikes. I read a few recent posts by this woman and I'm not a fan. Maybe she was different before, but as you said, and as the others have said, she just seems so angry now. There's a difference between passion and anger. This woman is borderline venomous. It's like she's bestowed herself the title of being God's personal bouncer, sitting outside the VIP room with her arms crossed. "No, no, not you. YOU can't come in here. And you, YOU'LL never come in here like THAT. He HATES that. And you? What do you think you're doing here? YOU'RE definitely not coming in."
ReplyDeleteThere's a fine line between trying to spread the word of God and telling everyone that you know *exactly* what God's saying to a T and everyone else is dead wrong and going to spend an eternity in fire because of said wrongness. I may not be Christian of the year but one thing I've learned in my relatively few years is this: don't try to speak for God. He can speak for Himself just fine.
"Unfortunately, it seems to me that SS is still dwelling in The Word Of God at the ‘Christian Legalism’ level"
This made me laugh out loud. You know, it's amazing how someone can yell in your face that you're wrong for interpreting something differently than they did. As a writer, that's the beauty of the written word, how you can interpret multiple things within the same passage of text. In fact, that only shows the strength of the Bible and the strength in a person's own faith, by reading it again and finding a different interpretation or discovering metaphors they hadn't noticed before. When you say that the printed words are literal and have absolutely no other meaning, all you're doing is LIMITING God's word.
Not sure if you read her bio, but I checked it out and at one point it says this:
"For liberals who might be checking out my blog, I acknowledge that there are reasonable liberals who can support their arguments with facts and without hysterics or name calling. I welcome you to my blog! I am ready to learn more in this life. Show me why your positions on the economy, government, environment, religion, etc and let’s have a robust debate."
I genuinely do not believe this statement. Even as a non-liberal, I bet if I dropped by and left her a respectful comment that even slightly differed with her own opinion (or, gulp, her interpretation of a Bible passage) she'd cast me to hell before my finger had so much as lifted off of the Send button.
Good riddance, I say, and good on you for standing up for yourself.
On a lighter note, I'm glad to hear the Banana Rocketship arrived, and just the fact that it's in your reading queue has honored me greatly. Also, I loved the Jim Stafford video. I did not know that song, but you should be pleased to know that this old soul does in fact know who he is. The first song I ever heard of his was 'My Girl Bill,' and that was probably one of the defining songs that got me into comedy writing. It was funny, it was clever, and it packed a punch of a twist at the end. It showed me how clever one can be with such simple words by leaving them open to interpretation (I sense a pattern here), and then giving an ending that forces the reader to interpret what they've just read differently. I love that style of comedy, and I'm sure you've seen that in a few of our posts.
Delete>> . . . It's like she's bestowed herself the title of being God's Personal Bouncer
ding! Ding! DING!
You winnah! Winnah!-Winnah!
Chicken dinnah!
Son-Of-A... !
I wish there was some way I could get y'all to post yer comments BEFORE I post the blog bits. That way I could sift through the comments and steal all the best lines to include in my blog bit when I post it later.
"God's Personal Bouncer" is DEFINITELY one I would steal and use, giving you no credit for it whatsoever. (In the same way I gave Mark Twain no credit whatsoever for the “passeth all understanding” joke - 'ROUGHING IT', Chapter LI, Paragraph 1.)
>> . . . I genuinely do not believe this statement. Even as a non-liberal, I bet if I dropped by and left her a respectful comment that even slightly differed with her own opinion (or, gulp, her interpretation of a Bible passage) she'd cast me to hell before my finger had so much as lifted off of the Send button.
Yeah, I don't believe her either. Actually, I think she'd delete your comment before you even TOUCHED the 'Send' button.
Incidentally, my friend CWMartin (see above) relates on his Sunday blog post that Susan Shannon deleted a comment he had submitted to her blog which voiced a Biblically-based disagreement with her opinion.
She may win the debates by censorship, but she's no "Winnah!" No chicken dinnah for her!
Wasn't it Jesus who said, "He who lives by the delete button, shall die by the delete button"? (Hmmm... Actually, maybe that was Agnes DiPesto who said that. Or... Calvin Coolidge? What WAS it that Calvin Coolidge said?)
>> . . . Good riddance, I say, and good on you for standing up for yourself.
Well, thank you... Thank you very much! (There's a first time for EVERYTHING.)
'MY GIRL, BILL' - Yeah, a great example of the Jim Stafford-genius. Probably his most famous, most well remembered hit is 'Spiders And Snakes', but there are many Stafford songs I like better, including 'My Girl, Bill'.
Do you know 'Wildwood Weed'? Here's an excerpt
(I LOVE this kinda twist)...
I come to and my brother was there
And he said, "What's wrong with your eyes?"
I said, "I don't know, I was chewing on a weed".
He said, "Let me give it a try".
We spent the rest of that day and most of that night
Trying to find my brother, Bill
Caught up with him 'bout six o'clock the next mornin'
Naked, swinging on the windmill
He said he flew up there...
...I had to fly up and get him down;
He was about half-crazy.
Great comment, Bryan. Next time leave it BEFORE I post the blog bit so I can "borrow" the best stuffs for the damned blog bit, eh? Sheesh! (What good does a LATE comment do me?)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
After I left your blog I did check out hers. She does have a genuine passion for God. I have no doubt. I also picked up on her mind approaches things and her analysis of scripture. I don't blame you for liking her initially. She has some great stuff there. I even left a comment. To be honest she might be a hotter tempered and less self reflective version of you. I did find that she tends to over play one part of scripture while ignoring other aspects at least in that blog post. Her comments to you and the other blogger were very quick to judge others she doesn't know. That will diminish her impact on what she could do for Christ. Too bad she has a gift.
You stated, "She seems never or rarely to have gotten a glimpse of herself the way others have seen her. I myself didn't see it for awhile (perhaps because I'm too much like her), but eventually what my friends were saying began to ring true, I began to see it myself."
You are right in that you do have some things in common with her. At times I would say you have taken things in the direction of being a waste of time debating a knuckle head who is never going to get it. You have been very passionate when dealing with our local amazon socialists about senator McCarthy. However, I have never seen you attack someone who genuinely has an honest and sincere disagreement with you biblically. You have always done the check from the neck up spiritually so to speak. This could be because she is combining politics into her christian blog. What I don't think she understands is that one has a responsibility to be spiritually minded if your going to write a christian blog. Others seeking will quickly pick up on any obvious anger, knowledge, or other obvious flaws. In my opinion she is too quick with the sword before she has all the details. But hey, that's between her and God. I'm no where near as gifted of a debater as she is, and that is really more your strength than mine anyway. If she wouldn't talk to you about it, than I'm just wasting my time. As I said I posted one thing on there about her version of revenge. As I thought she over played it a bit and made it too much like human revenge, as opposed to Godly justice.
Peace in the name of God our father and Lord Jesus Christ.
Brer Marc
P.S. I was reading a review on amazon on a Neal Morse CD. It appears Morse is a christian non trinitarian. He was being attacked by a trinitarian on amazon.
If your unfamiliar with Morse I highly recommend his style of progressive rock. He used to be in a band called Spock's Beard prior to becoming a christian. Now he does solo stuff and a more traditional secular band called Transatlantic. This guy does 30 minute songs. Like a christian version of 70's Progressive Rock. I like it anyway.
DeleteI will respond more fully to your comment later, but for now, just this...
>> . . . Her comments to you and the other blogger were very quick to judge others she doesn't know. That will diminish her impact on what she could do for Christ.
Actually, Brother, I believe that aspect of her demeanor (and a couple other things I could mention) will not only "diminish" but TOTALLY NEGATE ANY impact on what she could do for Christ.
Unless she gets a better grip on herself, and The Holy Spirit Of God expands her understanding of Scripture, SS will never do anything but preach to the choir (i.e., those who are already in her 'Christian Legalism' camp).
I think my SheFriend put it exactly right:
"She is someone who is, quite possibly, doing more harm than good to the cause of spreading the Word of God and Truth about the New World Order."
You know, Br'er, Judas believed in Jesus too. The problem was that Judas had a certain idea about what Jesus was meant to do, and it was an idea that Jesus did not share.
And therein lies, in my opinion, the biggest problem that Susan Shannon has. She has an idea about Jesus that adheres to "the letter of the law", while Jesus was and is about "the Spirit of the law".
Good comment, Bro. More later, when time allows.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Delete>> . . . However, I have never seen you attack someone who genuinely has an honest and sincere disagreement with you biblically.
I thank you, sir. And that is true. Anytime I write something publicly, it is because I KNOW I can defend that statement against ANYONE!
You've seen me take on Atheists and Liberals and anti-McCarthyites. And you've even seen me take on a NeoCon once. (Remember that one? Maybe my all-time favorite debate, because that so-called "Conservative" was so full of it, and so loud, and so arrogant, and so mean and nasty!. You know how I feel about Senator McCarthy, and you know how defeating his haters was a labor of love for me. But even so, I think debating that loud-mouthed "Republican" and burying his ass was my Number 1 favorite debate over the decades. And it was YOU who directed me to his anti-Ron Paul comments that initiated that particular debate. So... I thanx ya, Brother!)
But, getting back to the point, I thank you for stating the fact: As big an Attack Dog as I can be, I have NEVER personally attacked someone for disagreeing with me about something. Unless my opponent decided to make it "personal", I have ALWAYS wanted to win the argument with facts alone. (When you KNOW you can win the argument with verifiable facts, there is NO REASON to stoop to personal slurs!)
Now, true, when my opponents have decided to get "personal and dirty", I have been very, Very, VERY willing to do that, because God gave me a gift when it comes to Wordslinging, and I've always been willing to bet that I can out-draw my opponent. (And so far, I'm still standing.)
However, Marc, what I am about to say is the God's-honest truth: I have ALWAYS HATED rolling around in the mud with my opponents! Not because I feared I might lose (my research is so thorough that I KNOW I WON'T LOSE), but because that's NOT the way it should be! Why can't minds be objective and accept the side that is supported by the preponderance of the evidence? Why does it need to become personal, and why does the one who can shoot the best bullets win?
I have been FORCED to change my mind, numerous times, when better, previously unknown evidence bested the best evidence I had been aware of. Why can't others approach life the same way?
Some might not believe this but, I wish every argument I've ever had against every Atheist, Communist, Liberal, Senator McCarthy-hater, God-hater, had NEVER occurred. I may have won those debates, but I wish they had never occurred because they were unnecessary.
I'm sure many, most, maybe all, outsiders and even some of my friends, think I have a big ego investment in winning debates. It's NOT true. I dislike them! I'm good at them, I have a talent for them, but I DISLIKE them! I SINCERELY wish they were NEVER necessary!
And, along those same lines, I would NEVER turn a disagreement into a "personal attack". If my opponent does it, so be it. But that would NEVER be my first choice.
Who will believe the truth?: I am essentially a quiet and easy-going guy.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
DeleteOops! I also meant to say that I am aware of both 'Spock's Beard' and the solo Neal Morse material - thanks to my blog buddy DiscConnected. Unfortunately, though, I do not like Prog Rock, whether secular or Christian.
I would choose to listen to Prog Rock over Rap, but not by a HUGE margin, and BOTH make me nervous and jittery.
YES, ELP, RUSH, et al.? Just say, "No!"
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Bravo Mr. McCarthy, BRAVO! It isn’t often that someone has the courage to openly proclaim the negative value of the soapbox preacher twisting and turning the Word of God to meet their own needs. I think most are afraid, I mean after all she is quoting scripture. As I read through the comments here I have to smile at the observations that SS of SLR has a ‘brilliant’ mind and she is ‘smarter than the average b ear’. Well if nobody else will say it, I will. So is Satan. He’s brilliant and is smarter than the average bear. He loves to use the Word of God to trip us up and make us think that he’s only pointing us in the direction of Our Father. Yeah right!
ReplyDeleteWhen I first read SLR, I too was fooled and in a mighty way. She comes across smart, articulate and very savvy about the world today. She has a command of the Scriptures that leaves me with my mouth hanging open, or does she? I’ll get to that in a minute. It wasn’t until you compared yourself to her that I saw the flashing red light and heard the siren.
‘Command of the Scriptures’ – Let me start by saying that I can paraphrase many scriptures and think I have somewhat of an understanding of them, but I am in awe of those people who can almost immediately quote chapter and verse the Words of the God. SLR can do this in her blog posts, but isn’t it interesting that she does NOT do it in the comment box. She insists that you must do it, if you want to comment and be responded to intelligently, but she doesn’t have to. Ah, that was my first clue that she does not have those chapters and verses written on her heart, but rather uses them out of context to prove her points and only her points.
Here’s a list of scriptures that came to mind as I read her last few posts and the comments including her replies. BTW, the first came to me paraphrased but I had to search for the rest. Yes, I do not have that kind of command of God’s Word, but I do know what’s there and have a general idea where to look.
Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Matthew 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Titus 1:16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Revelation 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. <>
That about sums up my feelings about SLR. If seems apparent to me that she IS trying to set herself up as a prophetess. (Interesting how she sidestepped the scriptural references to the ‘literal’ direction of women not preaching, and explained it away through historical content, which doesn’t seem to apply anywhere else. A little selective reasoning there, SLR, wouldn’t you say?)
My feelings about you are ones of gratitude. I appreciate your willingness to stand up to this type tyrant. (Ha, like you ever met a tyrant you wouldn’t stand up to.)My heart is light because you took the time to say right OUT LOUD, NO! I am not like her. I have seen, felt and understand Gods love of me and all of his children. Well done Stephen, in my humble opinion, very well done.
Now, it is my prayer that anyone who has turned away from God, Jesus Christ or The Holy Bible, or even those who are searching to be closer to the Truth (especially, those who have been turned off and away by the likes of SLR) will find these two blog posts, as well as your past three.
DeleteI thank you for this fine and very well thought-out comment. A full day of work calls me now, so a reply will have to wait. But I wanted to post your comment immediately, so others who wish to will be able to read and contemplate it right away.
Thanks again! And... Yak Later...
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Delete>> . . . (Interesting how she sidestepped the scriptural references to the ‘literal’ direction of women not preaching, and explained it away through historical content, which doesn’t seem to apply anywhere else. A little selective reasoning there, SLR, wouldn’t you say?)
ding! Ding! DING!
I caught that also, and I was SO prepared to expound on what you wrote here and expose her as one of those who choose the literal, exacting nth degree interpretation of words and verses when they "prove" the interpreter's favored interpretation; but they prefer to put those words and verses in "historical context" and yakkety-yak, bibbidi-bobbidi-boo when they seem to indicate an interpretation that is not politically correct or "personally correct".
That one example you zeroed in on here is PROOF that SS, for all her insistence on exacting nth degree adherence to The Word Of God, when it says what she wants it to say, is much more liberal, much more flexible when it does NOT say what she WANTS it to say.
You hit that one out of the park, and to dead center field! I'm pleased to know that someone else also saw through the 'Short Little Reinterpreter'.
There is more I could say about that - delving into some specific details - but I'll end it here.
GREAT POINT!!! (I used THREE exclamation points! I almost NEVER use more than one!)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I must admit, I've never read the angry young lady's blog, but I must confess to feeling a great sense of relief that the Susan you were about to lambaste wasn't ME. After reading your posts and all of the comments made thus far, it isn't likely that I'll ever visit her blog, either.
ReplyDeleteHonest disagreement and debate make for an interesting discussion, but if one party has a "my way or the highway" attitude, all discussion comes to a false and unsatisfactory end. I may not always agree with your take on something, but you have never insulted me for disagreeing. She, on the other hand, acting as God's bouncer, (LOVE that analogy!) apparently calls anyone who would dare to question her interpretations a liar. That strikes me as being at cross purposes to what I assume her intentions are supposed to be. Who would be persuaded to follow Jesus based on her angry words and narrow-mindedness?
Um, in other words, it sounds like her spiritual tank is only half full. (I thought you might like that...)
>> . . . I may not always agree with your take on something, but you have never insulted me for disagreeing.
DeleteExactly, SUSAN!
My goal is to persuade the person questioning me by the force of the evidence I have gathered and by logical analysis. The moment you start flinging ad hominem bombs, any chance you MIGHT have had of convincing your challenger is COMPLETELY GONE FOREVER.
I have always preferred to keep my debates on the intellectual level, where something positive might develop from them. Unfortunately, Liberals nearly always resort to the ad hominem approach when losing on the factual evidence. When Libs have started lobbing bombs at me, I have not hesitated to throw them back and roll around in the mud with them (it's a talent I have that God probably wishes I refrained from using), and then I win on BOTH fronts. But, as I said, at that point, nuttin' positive can result from the disagreement.
I have NEVER insulted anyone unless they insulted me FIRST. That's not my way, that's not my natural personality.
>> . . . Um, in other words, it sounds like her spiritual tank is only half full. (I thought you might like that...)
I "got it" and it made me laugh.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Stephen -
ReplyDeleteI finally took the time to visit and read SLR's blog. Although a Christian, this is not something that was high on my list of activities, but your blog bits here and the comments of others compelled me to learn for myself.
I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY with FAE's comments above. She said it better than I could myself, and I only want to add that - time after time in her comment sections - SLR refuses to answer a point left by a reader, or she just insults them and cuts them off, or she simply says: "you didn't read it my essay, read it again."
That technique has NO redeeming qualities. Either she is wrong and doesn't want to defend herself, or she wrote her point so poorly in the first place that the reader didn't get it and yet she hasn't the patience to explain it to them. She has a palpable anger. She emphasizes this quality in her own interpretation of scripture. And yes, it IS an interpretation of God's Word rather than God's Word itself. Upon reading that comment she would explode, insult me, tell me the she interprets NOTHING, then ban me from her precious blog. I will ban myself, thank you.
She says: "Do you feel persecuted like Jesus? Then you are doing a good job. There is no other way to be hated."
I think she meets her own criteria for doing a good job. She certainly strives to be hated.
Delete>> . . . And yes, it IS an interpretation of God's Word rather than God's Word itself. Upon reading that comment she would explode, insult me, tell me the she interprets NOTHING, then ban me from her precious blog. I will ban myself, thank you.
HA-HA-HA! I am literally Guffawing Out Loud (GOL)!
Jesus said, shortly before His crucifixion:
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
SS talks it, but I do NOT believe she's feeling it. No one could possibly feel, to any notable degree, the Love that Christ had for His brothers and sisters (i.e., us) and still have so much apparent anger exuding from her. She could not talk down to people like she does (e.g., me, for one) if she really felt even a modicum of the Love that Christ felt for His sinning flock.
I "get" the whole "this world" will hate you if you love Christ bit. That's true, that's Biblically accurate. But, man, when you are even PERSONALLY ridiculing and turning off others who share your love for God and Christ, something is SERIOUSLY WRONG with YOU (or your approach, at a very, Very, VERY bare minimum).
I feel certain that Susan Shannon does not yet know the love of Christ for man. I'll pray again that she finds it.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Well I declare, that was an interesting turn of events. I never bothered to go to her site and now I won't worry about it too much. If I get in a situation of having more time later maybe I will, but I don't know when that time will come.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a fan of censoring comments and you won't see it at my site unless they include suspicious links or if they ever became downright obscene or disrespectful to the extreme and thankfully that hasn't happened yet.
I wonder if she's read these latest installments about her? I hate to see divisiveness where there should be unity, but I guess these things happen now and then.
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
Delete>> . . . I wonder if she's read these latest installments about her?
She has. Somehow she found them (it was not I who informed her of them; she probably Googles her name A LOT) and she has submitted one 'Short Little Reply', which I will post and respond to, AFTER I have finished responding to my friends - you and the others.
Her 'Short Little Reply' comes with her usual amount of Christian Love just flowing from the heart of it.
She has decided to seize this opportunity to illustrate how misunderstood she was by y'all and by me, and to set the record straight about her wholehearted Christian Love. She has apologized for failing to even say, "Thanks for the many compliments, Stephen, and for helping to promote my blog." She has apologized for publicly calling me a "loser" when all I did was ask her to reconsider calling the pastor a "literal liar". And she has invited us all to supper at her house, where she will be serving fish and bread (ALL YOU CAN EAT!), and also honeycomb (WITHOUT the honey!)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Stephen, I see you are sadly licking your wounds. I always enjoy when a tiny man attempts to ride the coat tails of my name. MAYBE, just maybe.. if you keep using my search term, 'Short Little Rebel' long enough, you will climb far enough up the search term ratings that you can actually start accumulating readers based on your own thoughts. lol!
I SINCERELY thank you for submitting this comment, and for your Christian Love which shines through your every word.
I will reply in full to the above comment tomorrow, sometime after I get home from work. For now though, I just want it to sit there so all of my friends and readers can get a really good look at it. It's a "Short Little Reply" but it says A LOT, and I want everyone to read ALL that it has to say about you and your self-professed Christian worldview.
Don't bother to delete your comment, Susan, as I have already saved it in a Word File and could and would re-post it here.
Love ya, Sister!
See ya tomorrow, Dear.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
>> . . . Stephen, I see you are sadly licking your wounds. I always enjoy when a tiny man attempts to ride the coat tails of my name. MAYBE, just maybe.. if you keep using my search term, 'Short Little Rebel' long enough, you will climb far enough up the search term ratings that you can actually start accumulating readers based on your own thoughts. lol!
No, Susan, not licking my wounds. Praying for you.
It’s ironic (and kinda humorous in an unintended way, since humor clearly isn’t your strong suit) that someone who calls herself a “Short Little” Rebel is now trying to hurt me by calling me a “tiny man”.
And I would have thought that anyone who has been described as “smarter than the average bear” would have easily seen that not only am I NOT attempting to capitalize on your oh-so-very-famous name [Cough!-Cough!], but to the 180-degree contrary, I am attempting to retract my previously made compliments about you, which proved misguided.
Incidentally, in the same way that it’s “milquetoasts”, not “milk toasts”; and in the same way that it’s “nitpicking”, not “nick picking”; it’s “coattails”, not “coat tails”. Susan, I suggest you buy yourself a good dictionary to go along with your NIV Study Bible (which you need to study more often because you’re apparently skimming over the portions about God’s Love for man).
“Lol”, Susan? Did you really make a snide remark implying that I don’t have valuable original thoughts, and then follow it with “LOL!”? Ha!
Don’t walk, Susan – RUN! Run and maybe you’ll be able to catch up to a valuable original thought of your own that is “LOLLING” downhill.
“Personally, I am sick to death with people like you. How’s that for personal? Now, beat it off my page.”
Did those last three sentences seem familiar, Susan? They should have, because you DO reap what you sow.
ROMANS 12:18
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
This one really likes to show her true colors, doesn't she? Such a godly woman, boasting about her name and how great she is. I wonder what Jesus would have to say about such things.
DeleteAlso, if you see this, SLR, your website bounce rate is about 80%, which means that 4 out of 5 people who see your site never come back. That pretty much says everything. Search traffic means very little in regards to retaining readers, but as someone who's clearly inept at running a website, I wouldn't expect you to know that. But hey, if you ever want to see what a popular blog looks like, stop by our site. We've got a bounce rate of 30%, which means our readers actually like hanging around. Maybe we'll even mention The Little Rebel and boost that "big name" of yours.
DeleteHa!, Ha!, and Ha!
Ya know, Bro, The Holy Bible tells us that there is “the Name which is above every name”, and if I recall my Bible studies correctly, that name is not Susan Shannon.
I have no idea how you were able to calculate the website bounce rates like that (pretty impressive, you modern bloke!), as my computer skills are only one mustard seed better than my math skills.
But, whatever you do, DON'TCHA NEVER EVER tell me what MY blog's bounce rate is. I DON'T WANNA KNOW!
I don't skeer too easily, and as I told Sheboyganboy Six below, the Short Little Rebel sure don't skeer me. But learning the bounce rate of 'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'? THAT would skeer the bejabbers outta me.
Ignorance be bliss.
Thanks for the A-list support, Beer Boy!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Maybe her bounce rate is so high, because in the immortal words of 'Uncle Hugo' her page "smells of sulfur".
DeleteYou have all been very kind. Making excuses for SLR's bad behavior. But, her own words condemn her. There IS no excuse for bad behavior such as this, especially from someone who 'claims' to have such a perfect understanding of The Word of God.
Her arrogance and name calling are prime examples of every negative verse in The Bible regarding just how EVIL a woman can be. I stand by my original assessment; she's a charlatan, a wolf in sheep's clothing who cloaks herself in scripture and then screams like a devil.
Read 2 Timothy 3:1-7. Just another warning about the last days, silly women and those that are; "Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."
I never ask people to 'trust me' or 'take my word for it', in this case all you have to do is check back every few weeks and watch her unravel. Lucifer may reign on this world and he has many followers, even those who proclaim to come in the name of the Lord. But, God is still in charge and just like Satan, his followers always,trip and fall into their own pit.
Pray for her - sure. Turn her over to God and Jesus Christ to judge - always a good idea. But, in the end it's best not to dance with the devil and it's this woman's opinion that engaging with SLR would be doing exactly that.
Delete"Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." -- that was an exceptionally good verse to apply to SS of SLR. I think that's exactly right, she reads The Word but fails to understand the Big Picture, or The Spirit that inspired The Word.
To put it another way: She's a blind guide who would strain out a gnat and swallow a camel! Only in this case, the gnat that she strains out is The Still Small Voice of the Almighty Creator; and the camel she swallows (and then belches out afterwards) is all the fire and brimstone verses of The Creator's warnings. She loves the heat of the latter but avoids the Warmth of the former.
Also - although I myself am NOT claiming to believe this about her - it would be just like the devil to inspire phony Christians to go out into "this world" and behave the way SS does, solely in order to give ALL Christians, and Christianity in general, A BAD NAME.
People who are not schooled in what The Bible really does say and portrays might very well mistakenly think that a person like SS represents true Christianity, and thereby continue to avoid looking into it personally. [Reread the 'Christian Holocaust Memorial' segment in Tal Brooke's book 'One World', pages 144-148.]
A friend of mine wrote the following to me, and since there is nothing of a personal nature in it, I will share it with you. I am not familiar with this info, but apparently it can be found somewhere on Susan's blog:
"Ya know, SLR had an interesting story as a liberal through 9/11. She talks about her arrogance, her ability to think she was right even when she couldn't back up her own beliefs with facts, and even states that she used to walk away wagging the finger so to speak when she had no argument. It's right on her. She has been playing the role of bully with or without facts. It is in her nature, so to speak ... It is still the same game."
She was a stinkin' Lib up to 9/11? Hell, then she's still something of a newbie when it comes to Constitutional Conservatism. She's awfully LOUD for a baby. ...Well, then again, some babies really CAN wail.
>> . . . But, in the end it's best not to dance with the devil and it's this woman's opinion that engaging with SLR would be doing exactly that.
Well, thanks for the advice but... I would engage her in a battle of wits and knowledge from now until the end of time. Here on MY blog, 'The Wizardette Of Oz' does not have the Censorship Protection she's used to. Also, she's surrounded by people who are likewise very familiar with God's Word. And, lastly, she simply doesn't possess anywhere near enough wit or cleverness in Wordslinging to ever get the best of me.
I certainly have no intention of submitting any more comments to her blog, and I'm sure we've seen the last of her HERE. But if she wants to start flinging any more of her poo, I will not hesitate to "engage" her in Round 2.
Thanks for the comment, FAE.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
DeleteYou see? I told you that "DANIELLE" would not return to "THE LION'S DEN".
Oh, I'm SURE she has visited again (gotta know what people are saying about her), but she chooses to keep her thoughts to herself now, not being on her home turf where she has the power to silence other "voices".
Fortunately for her, I will (hopefully) be posting something new on this blog sometime late this weekend, and my spotlight on SLR will quickly fade into obscurity. Her fifteen minutes of fame on 'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends' is nearly over. I hope she enjoyed the spotlight's "warmth".
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I hope we see this new post soon! This lady doesn't deserve any more web attention. She's already getting way too much as it is.
DeleteAlso, fun fact, I didn't do any tech savvy sleuthing. She has a page counter on her blog that details all of these things. All I did was read it. I probably wouldn't be proud of listing such a thing on my page, but then again, I assume she doesn't know what it means.
"Like, 80% is a good thing, right? That's like a B!"
Delete>> . . . "Like, 80% is a good thing, right? That's like a B!"
I hear ya, Brother! I too am tired of seeing her face front and center. Unfortunately, EVERYTHING always takes longer than I anticipate it will.
Originally, I was planning to post a long blog bit (in the planning stage for quite awhile now) about how the Republican party has conspired with the Democrats and the media to keep Barack Obama in the White House.
Then I realized I wouldn't find time to complete such a lengthy piece this weekend and switched to the idea of posting something much shorter about my negative opinion of police officers.
Then even THAT idea got abandoned and I answered a couple of Emails instead. I may be slow but I'm... slow.
SOMETHING is coming here sooner than later though, because the Short Little Rebel is now up to seventeen minutes of fame on my blog and that simply WON'T DO!
Yak Later, Beer Buddy.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteone thing I didn't mention and should of is that I spent over 10 years in a christian legalism sect. They are very damaging. They kept track of how much you tithed, forced the letter of the law (if you were in debt you couldn't work for them), people were expelled from the church because they refused to sell their houses to get out of debt. They turned the new testament into THE LAW. I almost wasn't allowed to marry my wife because I wasn't spiritual enough. The pastor actually called my wife and told her that she should consider looking else where. I couldn't play music in the church because I was late twice by 10 minutes. You start to associate the legalism with God instead of the men who are doing it. I can also say that I have come across accounts from other (not related to my old church) legalistic churches and the cult like persona is very apparent. They also have a knack for cruelty toward their followers. After all your not meeting the letter of THE LAW. It becomes very legalistic, without forgiveness, without compassion, and WITHOUT GRACE OR ANY SPIRITUAL IMPACT in the lives of those in the ministry. Eventually when it get so bad people start dropping off, getting exiled, and the grip of control becomes more concentrated around those who remain. Also it is very VERY EASY to find another organization or church that has similar attributes to the one you left. Legalistic outfits are also very good at giving a "love explosion" to new followers initially. Not surprising, the majority of legalistic outfits also also considered cults by most. Having once been in one for ten years I know personally the damage they cause. I'm still recovering.
God Bless you brother.
P.S. I just read my previous comment. I want to clarify that I wasn't implying that your debates with others (especially those on amazon) were worthless. What I was trying to say is that there are times when I felt that you had made your point, the rascal was spinning in circles and stubbornly holding onto their position (and looking foolish in the process), and your time at that point was better spent else where. I was in no way implying that you are anywhere in the ball park of the vicious comments I read that SLR sent to you. I've never seen you lash out at someone with a genuine passion to understand something, or lovingly try to have an honest disagreement. SO I don't feel that I expressed my observation correctly in my prior post. Proof reading. I should do more of it.
Love ya brother,
Delete>> . . . I wasn't implying that your debates with others (especially those on amazon) were worthless. What I was trying to say is that there are times when I felt that you had made your point, the rascal was spinning in circles and stubbornly holding onto their position (and looking foolish in the process), and your time at that point was better spent elsewhere.
‘Don’t You Worry ‘Bout A Thing’, Brother! I FULLY understood what you meant, and I essentially agree wid ya.
In a comment to BEER BOY BRYAN in the 3rd part of my 3-Part blog bit about The Bible & A Reading Plan - the one where I prematurely complimented Susan Shannon (the majority of those compliments and references having since been deleted) - I actually explained my thinking behind why I spent so much time debating Liberals and/or Atheists long after the debates were won and they had not changed their minds.
In the comment section HERE, I told Bryan:
“Years ago, when I was a lot more naive than I am today, I used to believe that EVERYONE would accept the truth if only they were exposed to the facts about it. Like a maroon, I used to think that all you had to do was show a person a lot of A-list evidence that supports the truth, and expose the falsehoods used to deny the truth, and that person would, of course (just like I would do), accept the truth.
“But then I became an "adult" and discovered that sometimes the facts are 100% irrelevant to a person's chosen belief; they are going to believe what they WANT to believe, what they CHOOSE to believe, facts or no facts. ...
“It was a great deal of personal experience over many years and countless debates with Atheists and Liberals that finally caused me to adopt the attitude that my desire to win the debate should NOT be based on the premise that I will convince my opponent. Rather, it needs to be based on the idea that if I win convincingly, it may convince others later - others who stumble upon the debate but who have not yet made up their minds about God, Christ, and the validity of The Bible.”
So, BR’ER, all the time I spent arguing with Liberals/Atheists was not time spent trying to change THEIR minds; it was time spent attempting to convince FUTURE READERS that my viewpoint was superior to my opponent’s viewpoint – assuming that the debate would remain in the Blogosphere for some years.
Of course, I never figured that the websites hosting the debates would sooner than later delete my posts. Censorship is still the best way to mold minds and corrupt hearts.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
"Of course, I never figured that the websites hosting the debates would sooner than later delete my posts. Censorship is still the best way to mold minds and corrupt hearts.'
ReplyDeleteWere talking about amazon so we should have expected this. I just posted some info on mandell house for a guy who posted on my review of Talk Brookes One World. This guy just can't see it. He's a christian but can't see how tyranny, the end of our constitutional government as we know it, and a One World Government could happen. I'm not going to change his mind. He made it up long ago. i quoted from Dru, gave some history on house, used a quote from Tragedy and hope, and told him if he has a relationship with Christ he has the most important thing he needs anyway. Then, I surprised myself. I told him if he doesn't see it and can't believe it, good. I would really like nothing more than for him to be right (even though I know he's not). I honestly wish I could just refuse to believe obvious facts and ho hum through life sometimes. Must be nice in the here and now. How that serves them a couple years from now remains to be seen.
Br'er Marc
Oh, man, BR'ER, you just opened up a whole new can of worms with this comment.
DeleteI can't even remember now where I posted it, but I think it's on one of my more recent blog bits (maybe about 'Sandy Hook')... at any rate, someone on YouTube had left a comment saying that they wished they didn't know what they now DO know. And riffing on that idea, I said something similar.
The LAST thing I would ever want to erase is the knowledge of God's existence and The Messiah's sacrifice, but... all the rest of it... it is such a BURDEN to know all that I know about what is coming. The Illuminati, The New World Order, UFOs, The Beast, The Tribulation, The demonic Deception... What man is going to do to man very soon...
Somewhere on this blog, in a much older post, Sheboyganboy Six left a comment for me saying something like [very much paraphrasing here]:
Knowing what you do, it must be very difficult to relate to people on an ordinary, daily basis; carrying on normal conversations and just going about your routine duties during the course of a day.
Man, he was SO RIGHT. There's a part of my mind that I simply must shut off during the day, when I'm saying things like "A glorious Monday morning to you!" or "Thank God it's Friday!" and EVERYTHING in-between.
I'm sure it's the same for everyone who understands The Holy Bible and sees the things in "this world" falling right into perfect alignment with Daniel, Revelation, etc.
Life is... HARD!
It can be a little hard
In a world harder than it seems
When you live under a dark cloud
Embracing dreams
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteBeautiful poem. Yours? And your right life is hard. I partly envied the guy as I made my last post (I referenced him to your blog if he wanted to know more). But shutting my eyes to reality is not me. Even though I can't even do simple things I would like to do to prepare for say the first three months (after all my wife says I'm a f***in loon). I pray to God a lot now a days. I'm still a sinner, and it seems like I like to do the same stupid ones over and over again like your local boob who just can't get it. But I do love God, and I know God and my savior Jesus Christ know that. In the end I truly do have the most important thing I can have. God in Christ in me.
Love ya brother,
Br'er Marc
Thanks, BR'ER. Yeah, one of my very old "poems" - and the shortest. Immediately after I wrote "Life is... HARD!", that old "poem", with the same theme, popped into my mind, so I decided to include it.
DeleteThanks for mentioning my blog to the guy you were discussing things with. I will have to get over there and read the conversation you two were having.
Yak Late, McBuddy...
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Stephen, you replied:
ReplyDelete"I 'get' the whole 'this world' will hate you if you love Christ bit. That's true, that's Biblically accurate. But, man, when you are even PERSONALLY ridiculing and turning off others who share your love for God and Christ, something is SERIOUSLY WRONG with YOU (or your approach, at a very, Very, VERY bare minimum).
I feel certain that Susan Shannon does not yet know the love of Christ for man. I'll pray again that she finds it."
I get the "this world" bit too. But the ONE thing that she consistently proves in her own words - time after time after time after time - is that she is TRYING to make people hate her. That isn't what you do. You say the truth and that accrues the hatred of the "the world."
Gal. 1:10
"For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ."
Jesus spoke with love and kindness almost all the time. It is true that he overturned the moneychangers tables... but mostly he, as you say without fear of contradiction (except from some diminutive quarters) follow his own commandment which you quoted:
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
There is a lifetime of thought and practice that could be devoted to that.
DeleteYou must have been composing this comment at the exact same time I was composing an Email to YOU. (Check yer InBoxBoy.)
Well, what can I say but that THIS was a fantabulous comment; there is not a word of it that I would disagree with.
Maybe she should remove the word "Rebel" from her blog title (making it simply "Short Little"), so she doesn't feel some artificial need to make the whole world (including many fellow Christians) dislike her.
There is no question that "this world" will hate us for following Christ Yeshua. That's already evident everywhere and the hatred is becoming more obvious and more strident with every passing year. Follow Christ and "this world" WILL hate you - you hardly need to work at it. It's ALL plainly stated in The Bible. The Bible also tells us how it will all ultimately end, too (the haters lose).
But - SHEESH! - if you can't even get along with a majority of those people who also love the God and the Savior that you do, there's a real problem there, and the source of it is probably not to be found in the "majority of fellow Believers".
>> . . . as you say without fear of contradiction (except from some diminutive quarters)
Ha!-Ha! Actually, I don't even "fear" the contradiction of the "diminutive quarters".
I will NEVER censor the "Sanctimonious Lamsa Repudiator" (as you hilariously put it) on this blog, unless she tries to personally insult some of my Commenters. I would NEVER allow her to post nasty comments about any of my blog's readers, but she can say ANYTHING she wants to about me and I will post it... and... reply to it.
She may be "smarter than the average bear" but I have debated Libs and/or Atheists who were actually more witty than she is, and I didn't lose to them, so... she don't skeer me. I am completely prepared to go a full fifteen rounds with her, BUT...
...but - and I mean this SINCERELY - what I most want is for her to think about some of the impressions of her that have been expressed in this comment section by people who Love and Believe In our Holy King and Savior, and to step outside of her self-perception of herself and dive deep into her heart and mind to discern what might be there that would give so many Brothers and Sisters a negative impression of her.
I've not met too many people who have more of a heart for God than Susan does. However, ...well, the whole thing can be found in the story of Saul/Paul. I feel that "Christ" is to Susan what "God" was to Saul before he became Paul.
I KNOW that some people have said things like "I will pray for you" and have meant it as AN INSULT. But God as my witness, I HAVE prayed for Susan's Peace Of Mind more than once - probably will do it again - and I have NEVER done it or said it as any sort of "insult" to her.
If she wants to fight with me, I can give her more than she wants for the full fifteen rounds, but it will HURT me more than it does her (trite but true), and I won't stop praying for her no matter what she says to me.
That's just "The Way" it is.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteSusan Shannon,
I have to say your comment is vicious at the minimum. I'm would never ask anyone to sit back and allow other to beat them down. However, there has been nothing in Stephen's two installment blog bit that wasn't true. You really have made the comments he said you made. You really did cut him off from your blog for disagreeing with you. Not being vicious, just disagreeing with you. Since he publicly recommended your blog and your views it only makes sense for him to retract those recommendations when new information comes to light. It is not enough to understand the word of God Susan. You could know more bible and more about God than anyone else in this world. If you don't apply it, it doesn't do you or anyone else any good. True knowledge is applied.
May God bless you in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May God guide you in your life and your walk, and may your impact on those you touch and interact with glorify God and the wonderful news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Br'er Marc
Thanks for the comment, BR'ER!
DeleteAlthough it doesn't apply to anything you've said here, I want to clarify a point I made in my comment last night (just above).
I wrote:
If she [Susan Shannon] wants to fight with me, I can give her more than she wants for the full fifteen rounds, but it will HURT me more than it does her (trite but true)
The REASON why that's a fact is because I genuinely care about the way I speak to others, and Susan apparently does NOT.
That's why slapping her with words would hurt me. If someone "Calls Down The Thunder" then so be it; they deserve what they get. But it is not an authentic part of my personality to speak to others the way Susan does. I can do it. I'm pretty effective at it. But as I wrote elsewhere in this comment section, I have rarely ever genuinely enjoyed it. It's like betraying my real identity.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
This is off the topic a little bit, but reading this reminds me of the summer I was a counselor at this camp that I literally grew up at. It was a Christian Camp run through an organization called Pioneer Girls. I started going through my local church as a camper in the 7th grade, went through their counselor in training program, and then went on to be a counselor. We had a morning Bible Study before the campers got up every day. It has been so long ago that I can't remember what book we were studying, but I know it was something in the NT. I don't know what it was, but something struck me really profoundly about that passage on one particular morning that the *biggest thing working against Christianity were the people calling themselves Christians.* It actually struck me like a physical blow. Honestly, I am not sure which is worse: Being a Christian who is SO OFFENSIVE that you turn someone away from The Bible and learning about Jesus, or being a Sunday Christian and Good-Time Saturday night. I prefer to just live it and let people glean who I am. I don't yak yak yak it. And I am not going to argue it. I don't recall Jesus getting into smackdown arguments about how right he was versus how wrong everyone else was. (Yes, he tossed out the moneylenders. But that wasn't an argument. That was just a smackdown. No arguing.) He didn't debate. And neither will I.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment, ROBIN.
DeleteI have actually heard of The Pioneer Girls organization, although I myself was never a member.
Over a decade ago I wrote a fairly lengthy essay which I chose to humorously title (irony in mind) THE SHORT LIST OF REASONS I AM NOT A "CHRISTIAN".
Of course, I was not saying that I did not believe in all of the basic tenets of Christianity (Virgin Birth, Prophesied Messiahship Of Jesus, Sinless Life, Sacrificial Death On The Cross For Atonement Of Mankind's Sins, Resurrection, and Second Coming). I accept ALL of those basic tenets as absolute facts (although I have a somewhat different view of the Sacrifice / Atonement aspect of it that is not strictly aligned with the mainstream Christian dogma).
I have often written public pieces about my spiritual / religious views and have always been willing to discuss them with anyone who wanted to. And I even think "debate" - as long as it remains at the intellectual and respectful level - is a very good thing, because it can open minds to other views and theological possibilities that may not have been previously considered. So, when I use the word "debate", I mean it as a synonym for "back-and-forth discussion", NOT "an argument".
However, it might surprise a lot of people to know that in my daily life, I have never worn my spiritual / religious views on my sleeve; I am not one who goes around yakking about it to everyone.
As you know, I have sometimes asked a person about their own beliefs, but never to start a debate or argument, but merely to gain a better understanding of that person's worldview when it comes to spiritual / religious matters.
I really like this quote:
"Preach the gospel, and if necessary, use words."
~ attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi
Occasionally, people have noticed something about me (praying before eating, or maybe a book I'm reading) and will bring up the topic of spirituality / religion. And in those cases I'm always pleased to discuss it with them.
~ Stephen
I call that Living It. If someone notices you Living It and asks, then it is a conversation. And I love your quote. Saint Francis was a pretty smart fellow:)
DeleteAnd my comments were directed more at your pal you were blogging about than at YOU. Remember, I said "after reading this" and you were writing about a very contentious person who habitually smacks down anyone who disagrees with her interpretation of The Bible. And then goes one further by removing their ability to comment...
I am very sorry that this situation happened... particularly that you referred everyone to her blog. I suppose that if you hadn't done that, these blogs wouldn't even exist. You would have just quietly walked away, recognizing that you were not birds of a feather. I call these sorts of things Life Lessons and hope that I recognize The Truth of The Matter sooner next time.
Delete>> . . . particularly that you referred everyone to her blog. I suppose that if you hadn't done that, these blogs wouldn't even exist. You would have just quietly walked away
Yeah, probably so . . . even though a lot of things I don't do "quietly" ...including sleeping ("ZZZzzzz!")
Everything depends upon the circumstances, and situations alter cases. But it is certainly not unheard of for me to walk away from an altercation.
From time to time, Robin, when someone has done or said something that offended me, I have indeed quietly gone away, never even explaining to that person the reason for my sudden disappearance, so as to avoid any further confrontation.
As I said elsewhere in this comment section: "Who will believe the truth? I am essentially a quiet and easy-going guy." [The "quiet" part referring to my "real-life" voice, not my blogging "voice".]
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Hey STM,
ReplyDeleteMr Breeze just blowing through again and taking in all of this SLR vs STM drama. Very interesting, and I think you know where I stand.
I'll just leave you with this...
The Lord used you more than just a little bit to bring me back into the fold of fellowship with him. More than only a couple of others in my entire life.
Some people, and maybe even yourself may find that odd considering we've never met in person, and our relationship over the net has been somewhat feast or famine. Mostly famine as of late.
One never realizes how much, or how little of what one says, or the ATTITUDE in which they say it affects or influences others. Or how God may use any interaction we have with others for his purpose.
When our paths crossed many years ago on Amazon, God used you to speak to me because he knew for me to even listen, certain things had to be said to me in a certain way.
Keep on bein you my man. Whooooosh!
Delete>> . . . The Lord used you more than just a little bit to bring me back into the fold of fellowship with him.
Well, my ol' friend, that is an EXTRAORDINARY compliment which I think will get you a permanent place in the 'What People Are Saying About Stephen T. McCarthy And His ‘Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends’ Blog' column at the left side of my Home Page.
I may even try to create that "image quote" tonight, if I have time. (Susan Shannon is going to be memorialized there too, because I like to include both positive AND negative comments. Should I go with her "loser" remark or her "tiny man" remark? I wonder...)
>> . . . One never realizes how much, or how little of what one says, or the ATTITUDE in which they say it affects or influences others.
I like how you put the word "attitude" in all caps. (Hmmm... I'm gonna go way out on a limb here and guess that you're voting for STM in the "SLR vs STM Drama".)
>> . . . When our paths crossed many years ago on Amazon, God used you to speak to me because he knew for me to even listen, certain things had to be said to me in a certain way.
Brother, you have NEVER elaborated on that for me, and I would LOVE to know EXACTLY what you mean by it. What things had to be said to you, and in what way did they have to be said? In what way(s) did I meet the requirements?
But I don't expect ever to get that answered, since you never return (anymore) once you've left a comment. And also because... if you've STILL never told me the mofoin' "WITCH STORY", what chance do I have of getting anything ELSE outta ya? (I really should ban you from commenting on my blog 'til I get the mofoin' "Witch Story".)
Love Ya, Man
(J.W.! - J.W.! ...F### C.E.),
~ Stephen
POSTSCRIPT: Alright, I'm walking down to Taco Bell now, because I'm hungry and nothing but a wee li'l Chihuahua dog rolled up in a flour tortilla will satisfy this hungry man!
ReplyDeleteI saw these statements on SLR's blog in the about me section. I remembered reading them before I posted my last comment, and meant to comment on them here. Here they are.
My name is Susan Shannon. I am basically a conservative, Independent, news junkie . I love to know what is going on around me. But it wasn’t always this way- I used to blithely go about my day spouting uber-liberal opinions around San Francisco, CA without having watched a single day of news in the entirety my 25 years of life. I was a single issue voter (abortion rights) that rejected all conservative thought because of it. I have always been very religious (Christian), but felt the need to be a ‘cool’, ‘informed’ and ‘intelligent’ Christian to my liberal friends. I abhorred all those ‘ignorant, red necked, embarrassing’ people that claimed to be Christians. I was absolutely shocked at the Republican landslide in 1994- I actually felt America had been overtaken by ignorant farmers!
The result is that I am now a staunch conservative. I marvel at my earlier arrogance and ignorance, but am glad I experienced it. Now I understand how the youth blindly follows Obama. I also see beneath the thinly supported outbursts of most liberals. I, too, used to just call people ‘ignorant’, ‘racist’, and acted as if the conservative scum before me was simply beneath my attention- I did this as I flounced off with my middle finger in the air behind me. What no one saw was my immense relief to be away from that conservative. I knew I had no actual proof for my opinion- I also had not understood the news reference he had used for his argument (as I never watched the news). I simply ‘knew’ I was right and he was wrong. Period. Oh, I laugh when I see liberals do this now! I KNOW why they flounce away. Why they need to just call names, degrade conservatives, and especially, why they always LEAVE the argument. They know they will look like idiots if they stay. But deep down inside, they do actually believe they are right. Been there, done that.
To be honest she really says it all right there. Old habits die hard. Where I would say she is better informed for sure. Ms. Shannon is still waving her middle finger in arrogance. I doubt she sees this, and it actually hurts me to even write this (seriously I'm questioning myself) because truthfully I feel enough has been written. There is a thin line between reproof, stating fact, and gossip sometimes. That being said after careful consideration I think it shows that her hostility towards others has been there for awhile. She admits to being liberal at one time, unable to support her view points, and that she arrogantly still believed that she was right. If Ms. Shannon ever reads this I would just like to say that I didn't write this to hurt her. I did it to wake her up. Cutting people off of your blog because you didn't like what they said is really not any different than wagging your middle finger at conservatives in the San Francisco area when you were a liberal. Especially when the two people you venomously attacked were trying to give you gentle reproof. Regardless if you think they were correct Ms. Shannon they were actually just trying to help you. They were not trying to attack you.
Br'er Marc
DeleteThanks for going back for the info on my behalf. Actually though, a couple days ago I returned to her blog to see if I could locate what you had referred to, and I found it quickly.
Interestingly, I also noticed a few other things: A couple of her recent posts (one pertaining to the Aramaic language and Barack Obama, and another one suggesting that the USA may be "that great city Babylon" as mentioned in 'Revelation') may have been inspired by links and comments on F-FFF. Perhaps just a coincidence, but I wonder... Two in such a short period of time that have corresponding references here on my blog?
The other thing I noticed is that one person suggested she was a hypocrite, and not only did she post the comment but she responded without EXPLODING!
I KNOW she has visited this comment section - probably several times - and maybe she is trying to take to heart some of the observations about her attitude and demeanor that were noted here. We can hope.
>> . . . after careful consideration I think it shows that her hostility towards others has been there for awhile.
Well, I agree with that. I think she found some Truth and started displaying her hostility toward her former Liberals-In-Crime as well as at those people who have a different understanding of what God's Word says and conveys.
Nevertheless, I also agree with you that she has been more than beaten up enough here - in my blog bits and in this comment section - and it's time for all of us to just let it go and pray that SS finds the Peace Of God and is guided by His Holy Spirit.
I really have nothing else to add here. I truly do want her to Bless And Be Blessed.
Thanks for all your A-list comments, Br'er!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
ReplyDeleteGiven recent events, this is all just sad. Something within me just strongly feels the child abuse committed against Ms Shannon and her brother reported by another blogger are likely true. But who knows.
Adrian Rogers has a sermon about the three kinds of people that the book of Proverbs says are unwise. 1. Scorner: those that believe their always right; 2. Fool; and 3. The simple, those who believe everything.
Now we can all fall into one of those categories at times, but Ms. Shannon, in my opinion, appears to be a scorner. She did not accept gentle reproof.
Regardless, she is in a bad place right now. We should pray for her.
DeleteIndeed she is a Scorner, with a capital "S".
Everyone is familiar with the old saying that "There is nothing worse than a reformed _____."
One can fill in the blank with any number of things. Most often it's prostitute or smoker. In many cases we can also include "sinner", "liberal", etc.
At the time I did finally see Susan Shannon for what she really was -- a person with extremist traits -- I recognized her as simply having gone from one extreme (angry, San Francisco area liberal) to another extreme (angry, self-professed "Christian" misanthrope). Like a pendulum she had merely swung to the other side, without having truly experienced the Love of Christ and the indwelling of The Holy Spirit.
You are right about praying for her, and that is something I HAVE done.
~ D-FensDogG
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