[This is Part 1 Of A 3-Part Blog Bit]
We Have Fallen Asleep In God’s Embrace,
Having A Nightmare That We Are Elsewhere.
~ photo
by Anne Geddes
"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to
pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear
you to pieces.”
~ Jesus
not a dog, are you? You’re not a pig, are you?
Good -
pleased to hear it. Then I shall proceed . . .
In The Park’, ‘Rikki Don’t Lose That Number’, ‘Good Vibrations’, ‘Summer’,
‘Reminiscing’, ‘Walking In Rhythm’, ‘Like To Get To Know You’, ‘Up-Up And
Away’, ‘Moonlight Feels Right’, ‘Pagan Streams’, and many more. But maybe none
more so than this one:
I still
remember that day in early 1994, shortly after I had been Baptized by Jesus
with The Holy Spirit. I was in my Los Angeles apartment, staring out of a
second floor window and listening to my cassette tape of great old songs I
loved. I had titled the tape ‘INNOCENCE LOST’ because those 29
songs all reminded me of my former, innocent, carefree days when life was good
and sweet.
While ‘Hot
Fun In The Summertime’ by Sly And The Family Stone was playing it suddenly hit
me how bizarre, how surrealistic it seemed that The Biblical End-Times were
probably going to occur in my own lifetime. How could the seven-year
Tribulation period happen on the Earth in the same lifetime that saw me spending
all of my Summer days in 1974 body-surfing at the beach? How could it happen in
the same lifetime that saw me playing second base for the Sunset Little League
Yankees and spending Summer evenings listening to Vin Scully describe the
Dodger game through a transistor radio on my front porch? How could it happen
when . . .
Good times I remember [?] . . .
Fun days
Filled with simple pleasures
Drive-in movies
Comic books and blue jeans
Howdy Doody
Baseball cards and birthdays
Take me back
To a world gone away.
Seem like yesterday
Fun days
Filled with simple pleasures
Drive-in movies
Comic books and blue jeans
Howdy Doody
Baseball cards and birthdays
Take me back
To a world gone away.
Seem like yesterday
~ ‘Old
Days’ by Chicago [1975]
And yet,
I now had this intuitive sense, an inner “almost knowing” that what Jesus
warned the world about was not too far off on the horizon. However, even in
1994, the necessary changes that would need to occur in order to bring about
the conditions for the coming of a satanic, global, anti-Christ dictator seemed
nearly impossible.
And here
I am today in 2013 – I look around me and I think: Damn! It’s all set up: the
necessary technology (e.g., GPS satellites, electronic surveillance, armed
drones, etc.) has been invented and is functioning; the socialistic mental
conditioning has taken place; God’s New Testament contains “hate speech”; the world’s
economies have been artificially merged; the DELIBERATE
destruction of America’s economy perpetrated by both major political parties is
now in the bottom of the ninth inning and the dollar will soon be replaced as
the world’s primary reserve currency. The ONLY thing now holding back
the Global Tyranny of the Biblical “Beast” – the “New World Order” – is the
Second Amendment in the U.S.A., and by demonic deception and
manipulation, that too is being gradually dismantled now.
hundreds of years people have believed they were living in the Biblical
“End-Times”; even some of Christ’s earliest followers (likely including Saint Paul) believed that His return was
imminent, but the technology and the conditions were not ripe for the Beast’s
worldwide reign of totalitarian terror. However, now, in our time, the
stage is set, and I sincerely believe the wait is nearly over. How ironic that
it should happen in a lifetime that once seemed so good and sweet and free to
me. “Innocence Lost” indeed.
Now as
[Jesus] sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter, James, John, and Andrew asked
Him privately, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign
when all these things will be fulfilled?”
Jesus, answering them, began to say: “Take heed that no
one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He,’ and will
deceive many. But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled;
for such things must happen, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise
against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in
various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the
beginnings of sorrows (or, the beginning of
birth pangs).”
We have
not yet entered “the Tribulation” period, but I feel certain we are currently
experiencing “the beginnings of sorrows” or “the beginning of birth pangs” as spoken of by Jesus
earthquake greater than 6.0 on the Richter Scale is considered a “Killer
Quake”. Did you know that from 1890 to 1970 there were a total of 39 Killer
Quakes worldwide, but from 1970 to 1989 there were 137 of them? And in the
first three and a half years of the 1990s over 100 more Killer Earthquakes had
already occurred.
“And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be
famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows.”
~ Jesus
“The current decade is unprecedented in terms of the disasters that
have occurred: the most costly earthquake and hurricane; record tornado
seasons; the worst floods; the worst blizzards and ice storms; the costliest
wildfire damage.”
~ Los Angeles Times; April
28, 1997
And yet,
as alarmed as the Los Angeles Times writer was even back then . . . Compared with the last decade of the 20th century, disaster
deaths rose by 39% in the 2000-10 period. The number of people affected by
disasters also rose, by 10%. According to THIS SITE, the data comes from
the Cred EM-DAT database, run out of the School of Public Health at Belgium's Catholic University of Louvain.
EM-DAT compiles core data on the occurrence and impact of more than 18,000
disasters, stretching as far back as 1900.
to the TipTopTens website, following are the top ten worst disasters of the
last ten years:
10. 2001 Gujarat earthquake (Death toll: 19,727)
09. 2011
Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (Death toll: 18,400)
08. 2003
European heat wave (Death toll: 40,000)
07. 2003 Iran earthquake (Death toll 43,000)
06. 2010
Russian heat wave (Death toll: 56,000)
05. 2008 Sichuan earthquake (Death toll: 69,197)
04. 2005 Kashmir earthquake (Death toll: 86,000)
03. 2008
Cyclone Nargis (Death toll: 146,000)
02. 2004
Indian Ocean Tsunami (Death toll: 230,000)
01. 2010 Haiti earthquake (Death toll: 316,000)
Our own Hurricane
Katrina, responsible for 1,300 fatalities in August of 2005, was barely even a
blip when assessed strictly by the death toll.
from the New American Standard version:]
“For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not
occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. Unless
those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake
of the elect those days will be cut short.”
~ Jesus
(Matthew 24)
think about that for a minute before moving on. First of all, until relatively
recently it was not really possible for man to wipe out all life on the planet,
but now with nuclear missiles and biological weapons . . .
said the Great Tribulation will be the worst time in Earth’s history; worse
than anything that has happened before it. Let’s quickly review what happened
in the 20th Century alone:
USSR: 61 million people murdered,
Army: 3.4 million people murdered, 1923-1949
CHINA: 35.2 million people murdered, 1949-2007
Nazi GERMANY: 20 million people murdered,
POLAND: 1.6 million people murdered,
CAMBODIA: 2 million people murdered,
VIETNAM: 1.6 million murdered, 1945-1975
YUGOSLAVIA: 1 million murdered, 1944-1987
Anti-Christian MEXICAN
Revolution: 1.4 million, 1900-1920
TURKEY: 1.8 million, 1900-1918
PAKISTAN: 1.5 million, 1958-1987
JAPAN: 5.9 million, 1936-1945
about 170 million human beings murdered by their governments and it doesn’t
even count the number of people killed in the wars that were initiated by those
governments. Now think about how terrible the anti-Christ Beast’s Tribulation
period is going to be if it represents the very worst point in Earth’s history!
Do you think your guns and ammo, stockpiled food and generators are going to
help you get through The Beast’s Tribulation? Pshaw!
Then he [the
Beast] opened his mouth in blasphemy against God,
to blaspheme His name … It was granted to him to make war with the saints and
to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and
nation. All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not
been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb [Jesus] slain from the foundation of the world.
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no
one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or
the number of his name. Here is wisdom.
Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the
number of a man: His number is 666.
'Revelation', chapter 13
But as
sure as I am sitting here typing this, Jesus Christ will keep
His promise and return for His people, and your ONLY hope
is to be one of His people before He arrives.
“For false christs and false prophets will arise and will show
great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I [Jesus] have told you in advance. … For just
as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the
coming of the Son of Man be.”
“ . . . the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky,
and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the
SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory. And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET
and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.”
~ Jesus
Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering
together to Him, that you not be quickly shaken from your composure
or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message
or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the
day of the Lord has come. Let no one in any way
deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy
comes first, and the man of lawlessness
is revealed, the son of destruction [The Beast], who opposes and exalts himself above every
so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying
himself as being God.
~ Saint Paul
Thessalonians 2:1-4
there is NOT a spiritual world and a secular world. “This world” we’re
living in is a spiritual school and a spiritual battleground and EVERYTHING
in it serves either God and His Son or satan and his Beast. With your every
thought, word, and deed, you are choosing sides in spiritual warfare.
A fascinating
book that I would recommend to you (and to everyone else) regarding the
Biblical End-Times is ‘ONE WORLD’ by Christian writer Tal Brooke.
I once wrote a review of it [This
Ain't No Babbling Brooke!] in which I recounted the following moment of
I can
still clearly recall that night, sitting at my desk and believing that I was
engaged in two separate studies: religion and politics. And then suddenly, in a
moment, it was as if the curtain on the stage was pulled back to reveal all of
the props, the painted backgrounds, and the costumed players who were acting
out the play called, "The New World Order", just as it had been
penned by the unseen playwright, the Prince Of Darkness. I was astounded to
realize that all of the different scenes actually formed acts, and that the
acts formed a unified but very dark story. I found there were no independent
nor secular parts; they all coalesced into a single production. And to carry
this analogy one step further, one could argue that The Holy Bible is the
review written by a Critic [God] who has seen the dress rehearsal. He
says it's a bad show and it will close before its scheduled run is completed.
And since the Critic owns the theater, we can take His Word for it.
But do
you have to check your intellect at the door in order to believe in The Holy
Bible and follow Yeshua (Jesus Christ)? Is it necessary to accept The Word Of
God on “blind faith”? Do you have to be a dope to have hope? Nope!
who knows me knows that I have zero tolerance for “blind faith”; “blind faith”
has been one of the most destructive forces in mankind’s history. I SPIT ON “BLIND
FAITH”! Show me someone who accepts anything on “blind faith” and
I’ll show you an A-list idiot! I also believe that anyone who knows me also
knows that I’m no dummy (no Howdy Doody or Charlie McCarthy) despite my
Straight C report cards in high school. If I were a dummy, the Liberals would
have surely kicked my butt in debates. They didn’t ...because they couldn’t.
I believe
in “Jesus” but I DO NOT believe in “blind faith”. Go to
Part 2 in this blog bit series and I will share with you some of my ideas about
how to become a follower of Jesus WITHOUT checking your brain at the
door, without turning your back on logic, science, and archaeology. There’s no
need to tremble before the Liberals and/or the Atheists! There’s no need to
stumble in the darkness of ignorance regarding God and Christ!
an idea from a woman’s
Bible-themed blog, I will suggest a Bible version and a reading plan
for you that might well open your eyes to many wonders you’ve never
previously imagined. Let
your amazing spiritual journey begin TODAY!
To start
that journey, go to Part 2 by clicking HERE.
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Very well done, both sections! I agree with you on most everything, with one caveat- that perhaps, as well as our present age fits into all the end-time prophecy, others before us thought they did, too, and it may be that a future time will fit even better. After all, I have heard that the pre-flood population of the world was possibly 20 million, and out of that, 8 were believers (more or less, in Ham's case)- scaling that up to this world, you'd be able to fit all believers in a small arena, and we're not to that point yet. Of course, no one said we HAD to be.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I do think you are right. The concept of blind faith is very thought provoking, and more than a few probably would take offense right there without following the logic. Preach on!
DeleteHey, thanks a lot for the comment and the compliment - they are much appreciated.
>> . . . Very well done, both sections!
Both sections? There are three sections. But I see you've just submitted a comment to the third installment, so unless you somehow missed the second, I guess you're aware at this point that this blog bit consists of three installments (but each with a different title).
I can't argue against your suggestion that global societies in a future time could fit even better within the Biblical End-Time scenario. That's certainly possible. It's also possible that our "global village" will be even more perfectly orchestrated for the Beast's arrival in THIS generation but 50 years yet further on down the road.
But what inclines me to think that we are close now is the rapid rate in which I have seen the "signs" or "clues" fall into place in just my own 53 years. I mean, as I alluded to in this segment, thinking back on my own childhood (which doesn't seem so long ago), there were so many "tools" that the Beast could use to maintain his evil dictatorship that didn't yet exist.
Yet, SUDDENLY, so many technological advances have EXPLODED on the scene that can be used against us. "They" can track us down to within just a few feet of wherever we're standing on the planet. They can identify us with computer recognition systems. They can kill us on the streets without even sending a soldier to confront us.
And as soon as the Mark Of The Beast is instituted (which if it does turn out to be an implanted computer chip, it's already developed and ready for use), EVERYTHING the Beast needs to control the planet will be available.
Of course I realize that the Beast will also be energized by satanic supernatural power, so in some cases, man's technology may not even be necessary in some aspects of the End-Time scenario.
>> . . . scaling that up to this world, you'd be able to fit all believers in a small arena
Maybe. Maybe not. I don't think using the ratio of believers in the time of Noah to estimate the percentage of believers today, however, would necessarily provide an accurate account.
There are other things to consider, and one of them being the possibility of The Holy Spirit's increased activity as we move through "the beginnings of sorrows" toward the actual Tribulation period.
There is reason to suspect that God might speed up His Holy Spirit's work of sealing His own the closer we get to The End.
So, yes, there are many factors to consider and none of us can REALLY claim to KNOW. But many of the signs Jesus said to watch for are manifesting. Will there be more? Will they increase? Are we still a ways off from The Tribulation? Perhaps. But I and some other Followers of Christ whom I know have this "inner sense" that the ticking of the clock is growing increasingly louder.
Thanks again for reading and commenting, my Friend.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I'm going to consolidate my comments for all 3 parts into 1, and say that the world is full of a lot of bad people doing bad things, and it looks like it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. And believe me, the thought that I can be tracked to within a few feet is a horrifying thought in this context. I hate that now Christians are so constantly attacked. I mean, we now even live in an age where an intelligent man or woman can't possibly be a Christian, or can't even just believe in Intelligent Design. You have to be an "idiot" to believe such a thing. It's dumbed down into "you believe in a magic man in the sky?" which of course sounds stupid. And no, I don't believe in a magic man wearing a cartoonish white robe floating in the clouds like someone might lounge in a pool.
ReplyDeleteLike you, I've had my own so-called "supernatural" experiences. Things that brought me around on my own. I was born and raised in the Catholic church and while God was always a part of my upbringing, I didn't really think anything of it. It was blind faith. God was around because I'd always been told He was around. That's how it was. But as I got older I had my questions, and my doubts, and my tough times, and my answers always led back to Him. Plus, like I said, I have those few otherworldly instances that no Atheist can explain. Well, other than, "you just think you saw that" or "you just think you heard that" or "you just think you caught that scent."
I think of it almost like when you're a child, and magic is real and the impossible is possible. Then, when you get older and life beats you over the head and says, hey dummy, no it's not, then people lose that. They can't feel it anymore. Don't want to feel it anymore because it's "stupid." Likewise, I bet people see more signs from God than they think they do, they just can't see it anymore because they don't WANT to see it.
(part 2)
ReplyDeleteA story for you. An experience. This one even involves a cat, and trust me, I never thought that one of my biggest religious experiences would involve a cat. We always believe that God's just going to part the clouds and walk right up to us and slap us in the face Himself and say, "Hey, this is a sign!" But I think we all know it doesn't work like that. My slap in the face that told me there's much more to this world than what we see came from a stray cat.
So I had a stray cat when I was living with my parents, biggest cat I've ever seen to this day, as tall as a medium sized dog. He was white with black spots, and even if he was gigantic, he was a gentle giant and wouldn't hurt a soul. He mostly lived in the backyard, but when I'd get home from school or work I'd open the door, and right as I was about to step inside he'd rocket underneath my leg and cut me off, heading straight down the stairs to the basement, where his dish was, so I could feed him. I loved that cat like you wouldn't believe.
So I left him at my parents' house when I moved out (couldn't accommodate him in a dinky apartment), and about five years later he died, very suddenly, but of natural causes. This was about 2 months before I met my wife. Then I met her. We started dating, hit things off, and I wanted her to meet my parents. Keep in mind I'd never shown her a picture of this cat, never even mentioned him since the pain was still a bit fresh. I brought her over to my parents' house, opened the door, and suddenly my wife just screams. I turn around and ask, "What? What happened?" She says, "The cat almost took my feet off." I ask, "What are you talking about?" She says, "That cat, as soon as you opened the door he ran right underneath your legs and bolted downstairs." I ask her, "What did he look like?" She says, "I don't know, he was really big. White with black spots." I ask, "And you said he went under MY legs?" She says, "Yeah, you didn't feel him brushing against you? He looked really happy to see you."
Still gives me chills to think of it.
I once told this story to an ex-friend who became a hardcore Atheist. His response? "I'm sure she just thought she saw something but didn't, and the description is a lucky coincidence."
And yet I'm just the guy who believes in the floating magic man in the clouds, right? ;)
Part 1 Of 2:
First and foremost . . . thanks for a truly EPIC(!) comment. And thanks so much for sharing your cat story with me and my readers. I gots ta know . . . What was the cat’s name?
That was a GREAT story that I have no trouble believing! I have seen a few gigantic cats, but by your description, I think yours probably has ‘em all beat.
>> . . . We always believe that God's just going to part the clouds and walk right up to us and slap us in the face Himself and say, "Hey, this is a sign!" But I think we all know it doesn't work like that.
Yeah, usually not. God’s more subtle than that, but . . . sometimes even in His subtlety I’ve been ABSOLUTELY FLOORED by His Creativity. I have had a couple experiences where my jaw dropped not so much by the realization that I had just been contacted by God, but by the “creativity” He used to get His message to me.
However, there are also what I call “The Sledgehammer Effect” messages that I’ve gotten from God. These are the ones that are so obvious I couldn’t possibly miss them. Even a “Pinball Wizard” would notice. Once or twice I’ve even asked God to answer my prayer with “The Sledgehammer”, because it was so important to me and, being a C Student, I feared God would answer but I’d be too dull to pick up on it.
And guess what. Right! On those couple occasions where I asked for “The Sledgehammer”, I’ve gotten it! (Fortunately for me, so far God hasn’t actually used a REAL sledgehammer to get my attention. What good is a Divine message to a dead man, eh?)
I’m reminded of that really funny early scene in the movie ‘Bruce Almighty’, where Jim Carrey’s character is pleading, BEGGING God to send him a sign . . . all the while he’s driving behind a city truck overloaded with road signs saying things like, “Wrong Way”, “Stop”, “Dead End”, etc. Pretty funny stuffs!
>> . . . Likewise, I bet people see more signs from God than they think they do, they just can't see it anymore because they don't WANT to see it.
Well, that’s exactly it, Brother! “There are none so blind as...” and you know the rest. The people who don’t find God, don’t find Him because they simply don’t care about finding Him (because prime time TV is just SO FASCINATING!), or because they are actively, willfully rebelling against God.
ALL of the really loud, obnoxious, proud-of-their-unbelief atheists fall into the latter group. There are in truth, very, Very, VERY few authentic atheists. A huge percentage of self-avowed atheists are not God-disbelievers but God-haters. I’ve written an entire blog bit about that subject which, if you’re interested, you can find here:
Continued Below . . .
Part 2 Of 2:
DeleteI’m about to share with you a comment I posted recently on the SHORT LITTLE REBEL blog. [I may not attempt posting anything else on her blog because I’ve had too many problems already in trying to submit comments to her WordPress site. I thought Blogspot was buggy but - after several failed attempts to submit comments at ‘Short Little Rebel’ – I’m suddenly and unexpectedly glad I chose Blogspot as my “place 2 blog”.] Anyway, here’s a slightly edited version of what I did (manage to) post at SLR:
I do not debate Atheists / Liberals with the goal of changing their mind; most of them are willfully rebellious and facts mean zero to them – and I don’t believe I have ever changed a pseudo-atheist’s mind. My reason for publicly kicking Atheist / Liberal booty has always been this: So that other readers, later, will come across the debate and see that the Jesus-loving Constitutionalist trounced his Atheist / Liberal opponent. That will cause them to begin rethinking their agnosticism (“Gee, maybe there REALLY is something to The Bible.”)
The devil hates to be mocked, and so do his minions. But when I’ve mocked and defeated them publicly, it has NOT been a prideful thing. I’ve done it to show the on-the-fence observers that the argument for God and Jesus is better than the argument for... nothing, and big, secular government.
For me, it’s always been about putting up a good Godly defense to help turn more of my Brothers and Sisters toward The Creator and their Savior. And, as the saying goes, “the best defense is a good offense”. So that’s why I’m sometimes so offensive.
Bryan, thanks again for your FANTASTIC comment! It is totally appreciated. (Now I’m off to reply to your comment on Part 3.)
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
The cat's name was Gateway. I named him back when Gateway computers were popular, since their logo was a big cow-colored box.
DeleteI read your "You're a Mean One, Atheist" post and just had to laugh because the ex-friend I mentioned above who's now an 'Atheist' fits into this category to a T. It has nothing to do with science or logic or reasoning and everything to do with hating God, but this one's in quite a literal sense. See, his family likes to call themselves 'hardcore Christians', but really they're extremely abusive, angry, violent, etc, and he always attributed that to the 'Christianity.' You know, dad says I'm beating you because Jesus says I should. Or don't have fun because that's against God's law. Now in his 30s he's decided he's a hardcore Atheist and God surely doesn't exist and anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot, blah blah blah, even though I've seen nothing to believe he knows anything past high school level science. But he sure fits the Atheist stereotype by being loud and obnoxious about it, and making sure everyone he meets knows exactly how he feels about it (and how he feels about anyone who believes in God). He literally hates God. Your post could not have said it any better.
In fact, he loves to site the great astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson as one of his reasons for becoming an Atheist, and Tyson is... ready? Not an Atheist. One of the most brilliant scientific minds of our generation is not an Atheist. He's an agnostic. And the reason I mention that is because Tyson has a GREAT video basically slamming Atheism and saying, in not so many words, that no matter what they want to say, it really is a 'religion,' and an 'agenda,' and not something he's interested in being associated with at all.
A great video all the way through, but 2:24 to the end is my favorite part. "Why is Atheist even a word? I don't play golf. Do they have a word for non-golf players? Do they all assemble and talk about how much they don't like golfing?"
I hear someone from a completely neutral stance say something like this, and it just reaffirms what you said. 95% of Atheists aren't genuine Atheists. They just hate God.
"Ah, yes, Atheism, a religion dedicated to its own sense of smug superiority." - Stephen Colbert
Oh, and regarding your comment on our blog, we've had some problems with comments lately ever since we changed our comment settings. See, Overlord Google, who once did a great job of filtering out spam comments, was starting to let all of them through. So each post would contain 4-5 comments saying something like 'ANONYMOUS sez: would you like a bigger penis please click this link' (how could Google not catch that?) and we'd have to manually trash them. So we changed a lot of our settings, and now simple comments like 'this was hilarious' and also some long comments (like yours) have been been going to spam. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, right? But I think we're getting it all sorted out, so things SHOULD be fixed going forward.
DeleteGateway was an appropriate name for a reason even beyond his appearance. In a sense, he was a gateway that led you into a deeper faith in a reality beyond just the one we can see, hear, touch, etc.
>> . . . But he sure fits the Atheist stereotype by being loud and obnoxious about it, and making sure everyone he meets knows exactly how he feels about it (and how he feels about anyone who believes in God). He literally hates God. Your post could not have said it any better.
Well, thanks. Here’s the deal: Going back quite a number of years, I knew a couple different people with whom I had good relationships. (They did not know each other; these were two very separate friendships separated by some years.)
Eventually, just as a matter of course in our discussions, I was surprised to suddenly learn, after a lengthy friendship, that these two persons did not believe in God. They weren’t crowing or boasting about it; they just happened to mention it because, I suppose, I had made some comment about the Divine in the natural course of a discussion.
Those couple of experiences are what first caused me to begin formulating my idea about the very few Authentic Atheists Vs. the many God-hating Pseudo-Atheists. I realized that the genuine atheists didn’t feel any need to wear their atheism on their sleeves, while the fake, God-hating atheists can never pass up an opportunity to make sure everyone else knows that they are “unbelievers”.
The situation regarding your former friend is kinda sad, because his “hardcore” pseudo-atheism seems to be a result of having been exposed to pseudo-Christianity which distorted his understanding of true Christianity. He seems like the sort of person I should pray for and ask for Enlightenment on his behalf. It’s not really necessary, but would you mind providing me with just his first name?
Thanks for the YouTube URL. I will definitely check it out soon!
>> . . . "Why is Atheist even a word? I don't play golf. Do they have a word for non-golf players? Do they all assemble and talk about how much they don't like golfing?"
Ha-Ha! Oh, man, that is CLASSIC! I laughed out loud and then read it to my brother, Nappy. See, I wasted a lot of words trying to get that sort of idea across in my ‘You’re A Mean One, Atheist’ blog bit, but this guy gets right to the point with humor and a minimum of words. Thanks so much for quoting that – I LOVED it!
>> . . . So each post would contain 4-5 comments saying something like 'ANONYMOUS sez: would you like a bigger penis please click this link'
Bryan, in the future, would you mind forwarding those links to me? Thanks!
Regarding the comments: Yes, I’m experiencing similar problems. Some submitted comments that are obviously spam are getting through to my Dashboard, whereas in times past, they would go directly to the ‘Spam’ file.
But my comment problem on YOUR blog (which I’ve now also experienced on Arlee Bird’s blog and the ‘Missed Periods’ blog), is not that what I submitted got dumped into your ‘Spam’ file. Actually, my comment POSTED on your blog. It was there, published (I even doubled back and rechecked, like I often do), but many hours later, it was suddenly GONE WITHOUT A TRACE!
So, I can (sorta) understand a bug that mistakenly dumps a legitimate comment into the ‘Spam’ file. Or, conversely, sends a Spam comment to the blogger’s Dashboard. But a legitimate comment that gets posted and then later erased without a trace... well, that’s a bit more disturbing to me. I put a significant amount of time into some of my comments, and I don’t like the idea that they can be arbitrarily deleted later by a buggy system.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
His name is Jason, and I'd be happy if you prayed for him. It's exactly as you say. He blames the false sense of Christianity for ruining his early life rather than genuine faith. What's worse is that he's unemployed and still lives with his family (he's 35 and still living at home. See, he's always gotten into financial messes one way or another that bring him back to living with his family) so he never leaves the true problem. He always comes marching back to them no matter how many times they screw him over or crush him and he just always blames it on their so-called Christianity. He's unwilling to admit that it's his family that's the problem, not their so-called 'religion.'
DeleteIt's tough, because we used to be really close. But it's not just the Atheism. He's just become a huge dick in general. Not just to me, but even to my wife (they used to work together). He lost his job because of it, and it only made him even MORE miserable. But misery loves company, right? And so it's hard to hang out with someone who does nothing but drag you down. So I don't talk to him anymore. On one hand, I feel bad, because it's like I "deserted him", but on the other hand, I don't think I could save him. Not right now, at least. He's in too deep. And it's like how you say in your Atheist post, you don't try to change their minds because they don't want their minds changed. No amount of me spouting off my religious or spiritual views would change his mind. In the meanwhile, I won't hang out with him, but at the very least I pray for him.
Also, I don't understand the comment deletion either. We actually just got an e-mail from a fellow blogger yesterday who wanted to let us know that our comment had been removed from her blog but she had gotten it earlier in the day in an e-mail, so she had read it, but it was gone, and wanted to let us know she hadn't deleted it. So I don't understand why comments are being removed (mine included), but I hope it stops. We already lost 3 comments on our latest post, yours included. It shouldn't be hard for Google to figure out the difference between a well, thought out comment from a blogger who's already left 50+ comments on someone's blog and an anonymous 1 line comment with a suspicious link attached to the end.
DeleteThanks for the response, my friend. I have said a prayer for Jason - as good as I can pray 'em.
Years ago, when I was a lot more naive than I am today, I used to believe that EVERYONE would accept the truth if only they were exposed to the facts about it. Like a maroon, I used to think that all you had to do was show a person a lot of A-list evidence that supports the truth, and expose the falsehoods used to deny the truth, and that person would, of course (just like I would do), accept the truth.
But then I became an "adult" and discovered that sometimes the facts are 100% irrelevant to a person's chosen belief; they are going to believe what they WANT to believe, what they CHOOSE to believe, facts or no facts.
And it's not just about God and Christ I'm referring to. I've spent nearly two decades studying in incredible detail the 'New World Order' conspiracy that I so often mention on this blog. NO ONE can spend two decades studying a topic without learning A SHITLOAD about it!
I can prove the existence of the New World Order conspiracy in 12 different ways, 12 times Monday through Saturday and 24 times on Sundays! And yet I've still encountered people who will call my evidence my "opinion" and choose to ignore it all, saying I'm just a whack job, tinfoil hat-wearing screwball.
It was a great deal of personal experience over many years and countless debates with Atheists and Liberals that finally caused me to adopt the attitude that my desire to win the debate should NOT be based on the premise that I will convince my opponent. Rather, it needs to be based on the idea that if I win convincingly, it may convince others later - others who stumble upon the debate but who have not yet made up their minds about God, Christ, and the validity of The Bible.
Anyway... I fear I'm starting to ramble. But, in some instances (like perhaps with your former friend Jason), it requires a genuine Act Of God to change a person's mind and heart. The good news is that accounts of just such Acts Of God are very numerous. So, there's no reason for me not to pray for another one of God's kids.
The comment thing is really weird - a bug that I hope Blogger finds and corrects soon. As far as I know, I haven't yet had a person's published comment disappear from this blog, and I hope it NEVER happens. My readers are few, but you guys leave some seriously great comments and I would hate to lose them just as much as I'd hate to lose the post they're attached to!
Yak Later, Bro.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
POSTSCRIPT: Have you tried Boulder's 'Flashback' yet? It's a kind of hybrid - part IPA, part Brown Ale. It doesn't rate really high on the Beer Advocate or Rate Beer websites, but I really liked it. I'm not a big fan of dark beers, but being brewed as half-IPA, I thought it was unique and good.
I don't want to clutter up your wonderful comment thread, but I just wanted to say that I needed to make a beer run this weekend and I actually snagged some of that Flashback. I like it as well. I think half IPA and half Brown Ale works well together. And I'm the opposite of you. I like dark beers, but I only like certain IPAs.
DeleteUnless a beer is just universally slammed as being terrible, I don't always listen to Beer Rating websites. I've seen them give full merits to a beer that I later thought tasted like paint thinner (wish I remembered the name. Unfortunately, I don't. It was a very small one-off craft style beer). I let my own palate do the deciding. It still thinks that Coors Light tastes like a dog's water bowl, so it must be doing something right.
Also, admittedly, some times I do miss the Stuffs blog. As you said earlier, you can always add stuff here if you feel like it. So don't be afraid to exercise that, eh?
Jesus turned water into wine, but if he lived in this day and age, I'm pretty sure he'd turn water into craft beer.
DeleteA little later than usual replying to yer comment. Sorry 'bout that.
Hey, no need to EVER apologize about ANY comment you submit. I love the conversation, whether we're yakking about A-list spiritual experiences or A-list beer!
>> . . . I let my own palate do the deciding. It still thinks that Coors Light tastes like a dog's water bowl, so it must be doing something right.
Why, if I may axe, did you ever drink out of a dog's water bowl? Just so you could authentically write about a dog's life later? Good man; dedicated artist!
>> . . . Also, admittedly, some times I do miss the Stuffs blog. As you said earlier, you can always add stuff here if you feel like it. So don't be afraid to exercise that, eh?
Thanks, Bro! I realize that I sometimes need to lighten the mood on this heavy blog, and I attempt it by occasionally dropping in some lightweight references (i.e., in this blog series, a reference to James Bond and the movie 'Guys And Dolls' in the same sentence).
But maybe I should post more silliness more often. (I fear I may be losing my sense of humor though - and if THAT'S not a sign of the Apocalypse I don't know what is!)
>> . . . Jesus turned water into wine, but if he lived in this day and age, I'm pretty sure he'd turn water into craft beer.
Glad to learn that my 'Flashback' recommendation didn't steer you wrong. I thought it was a pretty excellent hybrid.
I enjoy a fairly wide range of beer styles, but Porters, Stouts, and Hefeweizens are at the bottom for me. You may be pleased to know, however, that I think my very favorite brewery overall is Odell in your state of Colorado.(If I were forced to select only one beer to drink for the rest of my life, it might well be Odell 'Red Ale'.) But Lagunitas in California is a brewing company that's right on Odell's heels (I love their 'Little Sumpin' - a wheat ale - and their 'Hop Stoopid' is pretty darned excellent too, despite the stoopid name).
I do visit the Beer Advocate and Rate Beer websites just because I'm curious to see what others are saying about this or that beer. But I disagree with the consensus as often as I agree with it. In fact, on both sites 'Big Sky IPA' - which was the collective winner in the Blind Beer Taste Tests my Brother and I conducted - does not rate particularly high. But we both agreed that the hops/malt balance made 'Big Sky IPA' a perfect "anytime" beer.
So I do occasionally check out those websites, but as often as not I leave them thinking that those reviewers are "Knuckleheads!"
Have you ever had the opportunity to try 'Pliny The Elder'? It rates a score of 100 across the board on both of the aforementioned beer websites. Nappy and I had a chance to try it (on two different occasions) during our last trip to California. We both thought it was pretty good, but was too heavy of a 'Hop Bomb' - we could both still taste that beer in our mouths 20 minutes after consuming it! Fairly good but... OVERRATED!
Anyway, Beer Brother, I'm happy to report that the Banana-Flavored Rocketship is winging its way to me as I type these words. I better like it or I'm going to expose you on my blog as a total fraud and teetotaler - even if I have to lie.
~ Stephen
You're saying stuff I've heard all my life. My father used to talk about end times and all from the time I was a kid. Every year the things he said got truer and truer and he kept realizing more and more until he passed on in 1990.
ReplyDeleteHe wouldn't be at all surprised where we are now and neither am I. What you're saying is totally true in my Book and that Book is a good Book worth trusting.. I'm just amazed that more people don't see this, but the majority of the world has always been blind to the things that have been spoken about and shown to them throughout history.
Keep preaching it, brother. You've done a good job so far. To most you're still a voice in the wilderness, but maybe a few more will come your way and hear what you're saying, and then more importantly, believe what you're saying or at least be inspired to investigate more.
It's what we're told to do.
I'll catch up on the next installments tomorrow. I've been a bit under the weather this past weekend and totally missed that you'd posted this. I'm running in a very low gear right now.
Writers Workshop
An A to Z Co-host blog
DeleteTruly sorry to learn you're not feeling real well and I hope you're back to "flying high" again soon.
For sure I have not proposed any new idea here. I have merely taken a fact that is as old as Israel, selected a few angles of that fact to examine in the light of our times, and then wrapped it in my particular "style", if I may use that word.
>> . . . maybe a few more will come your way and hear what you're saying, and then more importantly, believe what you're saying or at least be inspired to investigate more. It's what we're told to do.
That's entirely right, Lee. It would come as a surprise to most people - particularly people who have never really studied The Bible (which is certainly MOST people) - to learn that The Bible doesn't actually urge people to believe it all merely on "blind faith".
God knows that His Word can easily stand up to scrutiny, since it was inspired by the Eternal Author of Truth.
That's why in Acts 17:10-12, people living in Berea were in fact praised for having studied the ancient Scriptures to determine whether or not Jesus could have been the prophesied Messiah. And finding that the Scriptures pointed to Him, they accepted their Salvation through His Atonement.
There is NO REASON for anyone to have to accept the message of The Holy Bible on blind faith, nor are we asked to do that. God invites us to seriously, objectively study what He has said so that we can be ready to give the rest of "this world" convincing answers for the reason behind our faith in Christ (just as Saint Peter told us we ought to be ready and able to do).
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I LOVE Beerboy's story!
ReplyDeleteAll of us who are Christians can point to many experiences that reveal the truth of God's existence and power. And it is clear that love of matter and personal egotism are often what clouds our vision from seeing God's goodness in our daily lives.
I have decided that your decision to stop the "Stuffs" blog was a good idea. I mean, LOOK at the fine comments deep discussion going on here now! And yet, you still stick in a nice, light Stuffs sort of piece occasionally, anyway.
DeleteThanks, Brother!
Agreed completely! What does it say in 'James'? "Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?"
I must confess that there have been a few times where I've felt a pang of regret about having shut down 'Stuffs', because I wanted to post something funny 'n' frivolous.
But since this blog's themes from the very beginning were 'Politics & Product Reviews' (which certainly includes Spirituality, since all politics are ultimately rooted in spiritual/religious beliefs), I have had a pretty wide latitude with 'Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends'.
Anything I REALLY WANT to post, I could find a way of posting it here by somehow formulating it as "a product review".
And, yes, I have all y'all to thank for the fine comments I receive on my F-FFF posts. I've said it many times: My blog may be one of those with the fewest Followers, but those Followers it DOES have post the BEST comments. (And I REALLY DO believe that!)
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I read a lot of my blogs, and I must say, you probably put more time and effort into your posts than just about anybody. I understand your motivation and respect your convictions.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny... peculiar-funny, not funny-haha... how differently Christian beliefs can manifest themselves in different people. Without going into detail, there were some pretty rough things about my childhood, and I actively sought God on my own, and found refuge and peace there. To this day, my faith brings me the "peace that passeth all understanding." Are the end times close? Maybe so, maybe not, but what will be, will be. I'll not tear my clothes and cover myself with ashes and feel angst over what's to come. The way I see it, we are in this world, but not OF it. Whatever happens here, no matter how horrid... it will pass, and what remains is God, and our salvation. What can I say? Joy lives inside me. Even in the midst of abject grief, I am always assured that the joy will return. Love lives inside me, and I'm much more likely to give my enemy a hug and a smile than to speak harshly to him.
On the matter of blind faith, I agree. I taught Sunday school for many years, and some of the parents of my teenage class were less than pleased with me because I told the kids "inherited faith" was meaningless. Going through the motions of believing something simply because a parent believes isn't enough. I pushed the kids to read and study and pray and find their own way. I took them to other churches so they could see how other Christians practiced their faith. In the end, it worked out well, because the kids gained a better understanding of their personal beliefs, and their faith became stronger for it.
By the way, I responded to you about that "NOW" clock. If you do a Google search, you'll find lots of sources to buy one. Cafepress has quite a variety of them, and they're very reasonable, too.
DeleteThanks for the comment. (And thanks for the further info about the NOW Clock. I'll have to go back and see what you wrote.)
>> . . . Are the end times close? Maybe so, maybe not...
In presenting some evidence that the Biblical 'End-Times' are probably pretty close now, I barely even scratched the tip of the iceberg. However, I hoped that I presented enough stuffs to ponder in a limited space (three blog bits!) to inspire some folks to dig deeper. That's all a blogger can do - plant a seed.
>> . . . but what will be, will be.
Well, on one hand, I do agree that "what will be, will be". I've said several times (including on this blog) that what "is written" in The Holy Bible will, absolutely, positively, unequivocally come to pass, and there is NOTHING that can alter The Word Of God when it has been put in writing.
On the other hand, although it's a debatable point, there are a number of clues in The Bible that seem to indicate that our collective free-will choices can actually alter the timing of the events that have been written. In other words, the end result CANNOT be changed, but WHEN it occurs might be susceptible to some of our collective free-will decisions.
So . . . I have always suggested that, should that "timing principle" be an accurate one, it behooves anyone with children and grandchildren to make the effort to change the minds of people and point them toward the commandments of The God of The Bible. If the Tribulation period of satan's "Beast" can be delayed, it might be a very good thing in the lives of children living today and in the lives of their grandchildren who will be present in "this world" in the next generation.
I never married, never had children, so I personally do not really have a dog in this fight, and I find it odd how I often seem to be more concerned about holding back - for as long as possible - the Tribulation period, than are many other adults who DO have children and grandchildren living today.
I guess that's just part of my calling from God.
~ Stephen
As one of those horrid atheists and skeptics, I plead the 5th on commenting re signs, etc. But I do want to say that visiting your blog is a wonderful experience every time. Nothing like opposing views to broaden cognitive horizons :)
ReplyDeleteHi, GUILIE ~
DeletePlease note that I never said that all atheists are "horrid". I've said that there are very, Very, VERY few genuine atheists; most of the self-professed atheists are in fact God-hating, pseudo-atheists. And, yes, I think the pseudo-atheists are pretty horrid.
The pseudo-atheists are easy to recognize because they find it nearly impossible to pass up any opportunity to let others know that they are athe... uh... ists. Er... uhm... hmmm... never mind.
>> . . . Nothing like opposing views to broaden cognitive horizons
Ahh, Guilie, I am so pleased to learn that my nearly 20 years of Bible study has broadened your cognitive horizons! Thanks for the good news, Sister!
Incidentally, I do not believe that ANY objective, intellectually-honest person could read the books I've recommended in this 3-part blog bit and retain their atheistic world-view. Just sayin'...
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Hehehehehehee... One of these days I'll take you up on that reading challenge :) And no, you've never referred to atheists as horrid--that was just me being overly dramatic.
ReplyDeleteI do have one belief, a pretty strong one, although I don't think it qualifies as religious--lacks dogma, you see. What I believe is that everyone is entitled to their own belief. Religious discussions with me tend to turn a bit boring, because I refuse to debate it. You believe what you believe, and that's all good with me.
As a byproduct of that belief of mine, though, I tend to get my back all up, knotted and stiff, when others try to impose beliefs on me--or on anyone, really. Thus I keep coming back to your blog to learn, because religious thought, to me, is a deeply interesting aspect of the human condition. I won't debate, no. And I'm very grateful that you choose to share your 20 years of theological study :)
DeleteThanks for your follow-up comment. And I certainly hope that you WILL take me up on that reading challenge. The books I've recommended - other than The Bible - all appear with brief descriptions in Part 3 of this series (titled 'Somebody's Coming Who Don't Need Your Vote'). I assumed you realized that, but I wanted to make certain since you have only commented on THIS first installment of the series.
>> . . . What I believe is that everyone is entitled to their own belief.
Ironically, Guilie, the God who created you shares that very same belief with you. He who created our world and everything that lives in it, and His Son who allowed Himself to be crucified and then rose from the dead three days later, They both certainly possess the power to make every single person on this planet believe in Them and to do everything They command them to do. And yet They don't, because they value our free will and allow us to keep it, HOPING that we freely choose to follow Them.
Guilie, one last thing here for now: If you and I were face to face, having a very personal, private conversation in a coffee shop (better yet, a bar), it would surprise you no end to learn of some of the strong beliefs I hold that I have NOT expressed in this 3-part series.
This series was meant to expose the basics and point some readers in the direction of literature that will prove to them that there is plenty of evidence they've never even considered which indicates that The Bible was Divinely inspired and is essentially accurate.
However, deep theological exploration - all of it encompassed by the Old and New Testaments - allows for a surprising flexibility of thought. I originally referred to myself as a "Christian Mystic"; later I tossed out every label including "Christian", because I hold too many beliefs that orthodox, mainstream Christian churches consider anathema. Nevertheless, all of my beliefs can be supported by Bible study and have been taught and/or validated for me by The Holy Spirit of God.
I'm just saying that if you ever do decide to take a good, hard, serious look at Christian Apologetics and The Holy Bible, you might be extremely surprised by some of the many fantastic, spiritually exciting discoveries you will make - some of them perhaps outside of current mainstream Christian thought.
Thanks again for the good comment.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I absolutely agree with you. The spiritual longing humanity possesses has developed into some very interesting trends of thought throughout our existence. I haven't read as much as I'd like about all religions, but what I've learned so far is truly amazing and--quite honestly--beautiful. The gnostics, for example, or parts of Sufi theory. Buddhism fascinates me for its simplicity. Hinduism, for its multifaceted unity--which sort of resembles the prehispanic pantheons, and thus speaks to my DNA. I classify myself as an atheist because I lack the faith to believe in intelligent design, but I'm definitely a fan of anything that delves into the crux of humanity. The mind, the soul, the Holy Ghost, the kammic force, however you prefer to call it, is a fascinating--and central--part of any study on humanity.
DeletePerhaps one day we'll get the chance for that cup of coffee face to face :)
Part 1 Of 2:
DeleteGUILIE ~
It might interest you to know that I fully endorse the idea that people ought to study ALL religious/spiritual beliefs, and not just the one they were raised to believe in.
In the course of my own studies, I have read religious writings such as the Bhagavad Gita, many portions of the Qur'an, and even 'It Takes A Village' by Hillary Clinton. (Don't kid yourself - Socialism/Communism is every bit as much a religion as is Hinduism.)
As a matter of fact, as I type these very words, on one of my bookshelves can be found a book on Buddhism titled 'Being Nobody, Going Nowhere' by Ayya Khema.
I can prove I have the book by telling you that on page 68 is the following sentence: "Meditation has one object only, namely to prepare the mind to get out of all suffering, to prepare it for liberation."
At the bottom of that page, I wrote a correction to that sentence, based on what The Holy Bible says: "Meditation has one object only, namely to... realize the presence of God, that we may enter into HIS Kingdom within us."
So I totally agree that people ought not ASSUME that they were luckily born into the right religion. They ought to learn what other religions say and let the evidence alone lead them to The Ultimate Truth.
I assure you I did not emerge from the womb knowing The Truth. It took me years of trial and error; years of being misled and inadvertently misleading others; and years of embarrassment and of starting over again - going back to the drawing board - before I was finally led, by Christ, to The Spiritual Reality.
Sometimes it's a rocky road (as it was for Tal Brooke and for me), but as The Bible says: He who seeks, finds; to him who knocks, the Door is opened. Intellectually-honest, objective seeking is the only thing a person really needs. God recognizes it and enters into that heart, mind, and spirit.
>> . . . I classify myself as an atheist because I lack the faith to believe in intelligent design
Interestingly, I classify myself as A Child Of God because I lack the faith to believe in Evolution (or, Descent With Modification, or Random Mutations And Natural Selection).
Continued Below . . .
Part 2 Of 2:
DeleteDoctor Stephen Meyer may have put it best in his 561-page tome 'SIGNATURE IN THE CELL: DNA And The Evidence For Intelligent Design':
According to scientific materialism, reality is ultimately impersonal: matter and energy determine all things and, in the end, only matter matters.
"In the beginning were particles. And the particles became complex stuff. And the complex stuff reacted with other stuff and became alive. As the living stuff evolved, it eventually became conscious and self-aware... but only for a time."
According to the materialist credo, matter and energy are the fundamental realities from which all else comes, but also the entities into which all that exists, including our minds and conscious awareness, ultimately dissolves. Mind and personhood are merely temporary "epiphenomena," a restless foam effervescing for a time atop a deep ocean of impersonality.
Though this view of existence proved initially liberating in that it released humans from any sense of obligation to an externally imposed system of morality, it has also proven profoundly and literally dispiriting. If the conscious realities that comprise our personhood have no lasting existence, if life and mind are nothing more than unintended ephemera of the material cosmos, then, as the existential philosophers have recognized, our lives can have no lasting meaning or ultimate purpose.
Without a purpose-driven universe, there can be no "purpose-driven life".
The Bible, on the other hand, opens with this:
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
If a person's intellectually-honest, in-depth study leads him or her to objectively determine that life is nothing more than a lotta lucky accidents, then so be it. But it would be a shame if anyone accepted that view without first doing their own serious investigation into the matter and making up their own individual mind about it.
>> . . . Perhaps one day we'll get the chance for that cup of coffee face to face
Stranger things have happened. You buy. I'll have a Martini, shaken - not stirred.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Sorry I've been gone for so long brother. Food poisoning almost hospitalized all of us a couple weeks back. Busy with kids and all. I hardly have time to read. Very poignant and very accurate blog entry here brother. I'll be reading the rest of the entries as time allows.
ReplyDeleteBrer Marc
DeleteI know how busy you are with work, wife, and life, so I was not fretting your absence; I was sure we'd get in touch again eventually, my friend.
Food poisoning - ooh, bad stuffs! It happened to me once or twice and it does feel like death is on the doorstep. Glad to know you're back in the saddle.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Hmm..signs of the times..2nd coming of Christ impending..I've heard this before. Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqZXy0A5AY0 and skip to 4:50. Adam nails it perfectly.
ReplyDeleteAdam has a problem – I mean, one beyond just the fact that he has not yet corrected the disastrous decision he made in the Garden of Eden.
DeleteAdam wants to pretend that he’s interested in an intelligent, back-and-forth dialogue, but it becomes evident pretty quickly that what he really wants is to simply shout down and steamroll his ideological opponent, stooping to the use of words like “poisoned” and “retarded” in the course of his loud, curiously angry monologue.
Other than the “time” factor – which The Bible prophetically addressed (see quote at bottom) – Adam doesn’t offer any insight into the reasons for his disbelief. Nor does he seem aware that certain factors related to the timing of the Second Coming did not exist until our era. The technology is here; it’s only a matter of the various nations getting on the same page, and that we see advancing more and more, month after month.
It’s a given that Adam has not read all (or probably ANY) of the books I recommended in this blog series. And the person who examines a controversial topic from one angle only does not need anyone to brainwash him, because he is automatically brainwashing himself.
The Bible said there would be “Adams” right up until the end and the Second Coming of Christ:
...knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”
~ 2 Peter 3: 3 & 4
New King James Version (NKJV)
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
It was easy for the men writing the bible to predict there'd be 'scoffers' since it wasn't a prediction: the scoffers have been there for the last 1900+ years. See here: http://www.logicallyfallacious.com/index.php/logical-fallacies/162-shoehorning
DeleteThat's what you're doing.
You're also conveniently ignoring all the failed prophecies the Bible made, such as Isaiah 19:4-5 'And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts. And the waters shall fail from the sea, and the river shall be wasted and dried up.'
Nile river still looks pretty wet to me. Maybe when the sun expands into a red giant and burns up the earth millions of years from now it'll dry up. Plenty more failed prophecies here: http://faithskeptic.50megs.com/prophecies.htm
Carolla is exactly right in saying that 50 years ago, 100 ago, and 1,000 years ago, there was a version of you, saying the end is near, that Jesus was coming to condemn the heathens to hell any day now. And oh look: nothing happened. Fred Phelps claims the coming was nigh in 1994. Since then: it's all a big game of moving the goal posts. 70 years from now, Fundamentalists will still be moving the goalposts.
I can't speak for Adam Carolla, but I can speak for myself. My reasons for disbelief are quite simple: The Bible purports a 6-10,000 year old earth. This has been thoroughly disproved by physical science. See here: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/101_evidences_for_a_young_age_of_the_Earth_and_the_universe
and here: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Branches_of_science_you_have_to_ignore_to_believe_in_Young_Earth_Creationism
Bible also claims Pi (as in, the circumference : diameter ratio of a circle) is exactly 3.0. We know from simple measurement that Pi is an irrational number starting with 3.14159.
Knowing this, why should I believe anything about 'The End' just because it's in the Bible?
As a final clarification: Adam may be an atheist, but I'm actually an agnostic, maybe even a Deist. I think there is a god, but I don't claim to know so since I can't prove it. What I don't believe in is anything purported by major organized religions, because there is overwhelming scientific evidence against them all.
Part 1:
DeleteANON ~
Before I respond to your comment, I have some questions for ya:
There are a few things I’m contemplating right now and I think I need a little “outside input”.
1: Which movie soundtrack album would you say is better, ‘BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S’ by Henry Mancini, or ‘ONE FROM THE HEART’ by Tom Waits?
2: Which Jazz/Pop Male Vocalist album would you say is better, ‘THE ART OF TEA’ by Michael Franks, or ‘CELEBRATE ME HOME’ by Kenny Loggins?
3: Which album cover photo do you like better, ‘WHIPPED CREAM & OTHER DELIGHTS’ by Herb Alpert’s Tijuana Brass, or ‘HONEY’ by The Ohio Players?
Those are some tough questions, aren’t they?
I’m assuming you’re a guy, but if you’re not, you can ignore question #3.
First, I want to address the following...
>>... Carolla is exactly right in saying that 50 years ago, 100 ago, and 1,000 years ago, there was a version of you, saying the end is near, that Jesus was coming to condemn the heathens to hell any day now.
Carolla is an embarrassment, and no thinking person like you should ever refer someone else to what he’s said; he is not a good reflection on you. (Incidentally, his anger gives him away as a “pseudo-atheist” – a topic I have covered on this blog.)
But more importantly, at the risk of seeming boastful (I’m not, really), I’d appreciate it if you’d refrain from using phrases like “a version of you” when addressing me. There are probably very few more “outside-the-box”, independent-thinking persons than I am.
In fact, due to my “outside-the-box”, independent-thinking about The Bible, there is not a mainstream Christian church in this country that would welcome me. If you thought you were dealing with a “typical, orthodox Christian”, you couldn’t have been more wrong. And, I’ll follow that statement with THIS belief: I do not think Jesus is coming to condemn the heathens to hell. Hell is not a place, and Jesus will never condemn any soul anywhere for eternity.
So are we clear now that you need to drop any preconceived ideas about my ideas?
Now... the verse about scoffers was indeed a prediction, since it was written nearly 2,000 years ago, before there had been time enough for scoffers to question “...the promise of His coming?” And to use the long elapsed time as evidence for the justification of their disbelief as expressed in “For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”
The scoffers verse was a prediction in the same way that Mary’s statement in Luke 1:48 was a fulfilled prophecy:
For He [God] has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant;
For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.
The Mother of Jesus has indeed been considered blessed by every generation for about 2,000 years. Had the Christian movement died out at any point over the last 2,000 years (as many religious movements have), that would have been a failed prophecy.
And we’ve not yet even begun to scratch the surface of fulfilled Biblical prophecies.
>>... You're also conveniently ignoring all the failed prophecies the Bible made, such as Isaiah 19:4-5
I have never conveniently ignored ANYTHING about The Bible. There are unfulfilled prophecies, but many of them (like, I suspect, the one you mentioned above) will be fulfilled during the ‘Apocalyptic’ or ‘End-Time’ scenario.
Continued Below...
Part 2:
DeleteFor the record, many mainstream Christians refer to The Holy Bible as “the inerrant Word of God”. That is preposterous and any serious, objective student of it (like me: 20 years; 20 readings, multiple translations) knows better. In fact, at one point early on, I began recording the Biblical Discrepancies I encountered. Examples:
Genesis 32:30 vs. 1 John 4:12
Deut. 18:20 vs. Jonah 3:1+
Matthew 27:5 vs. Acts 1:18, 19
After awhile, I stopped noting them because there were too many. If a person wants to foolishly assume that some discrepancies that have found their way into The Bible over thousands and thousands of years of copying and recopying disqualifies the entire Book from any Divine Inspiration and/or Authorship, then let the fools go on their foolish way.
Also, for the record, I want to point out that (despite the fact Jesus gave us signs that would indicate the End was near), The Bible warns us against trying to determine precisely when the Second Coming of Jesus would occur. So those who try to pin it down and declare specific dates are not only fools, but are deliberately acting in contradiction to what their beloved Word Of God tells them.
However, I understand it to some degree, because there are so many clues and the curious mind is naturally going to try to conceive mathematical theories about it.
n his massive and excellent book ‘END-TIME PROPHECIES OF THE BIBLE’, author David Haggith notes that Jesus said in connection with His Second Coming, “But of that DAY and HOUR no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” Haggith wrote that some Christians have believed that the words of Jesus did not exclude some of His followers from believing that they might still be able to determine the YEAR and the MONTH of His Second Coming.
I’m undecided about that. What I do know – based on clear clues in The Bible – is that Jesus will return EARLY or during the “morning hours” of the 21st Century. My lifetime? A little later? I don’t know. But it will be in the “morning” of the 21st Century. Based on something Haggith wrote in his fine tome, I marked “2029” in the margin of page 383 of my copy. But not being one of God’s prophets, I wouldn’t bet on that year.
I also want you to know that from my two decades of extensive research into God’s Holy Bible, I believe that even some of Christ’s apostles (maybe all but one) believed that the Second Coming of Jesus would occur in their own lifetime. I’m sure Saint Paul thought that; the only apostle who I am certain KNEW that Jesus would not return again for 2,000+ years was Saint Peter.
Continued Below...
Part 3:
DeleteSo, if even the closest friends of Jesus were confused about the timing of His Second Coming, is it any surprise that for 2,000 years common Christians have been confused about it and keep “moving the goal posts”?
I would argue that most modern Christians don’t really even understand the “Big Picture” that Jesus was attempting to show them (Susan Shannon is absolutely CLUELESS! She’s an “anti-Christ”.). But YOU are expecting them to understand the timing of His “Second Coming”? Fuhgeddaboudit!
>>... My reasons for disbelief are quite simple: The Bible purports a 6-10,000 year old earth.
Oh. Is that what The Bible says?
Or are you just telling me what some other people say The Bible says?
And what if some very serious and exceedingly intelligent students of The Bible say that The Bible does NOT say that?
In my blog bit titled ‘Womanolatry & The Beast (Part 1 Of 2)’, which can be found HERE, I wrote that I consider E. W. Bullinger to be the ONLY genuine “Bible scholar” I’ve ever found. And bear in mind that I have read TONS of books by brilliant Christians, including at least half a dozen by C.S. Lewis who I have no doubt was smarter than you and me combined!
In his book ‘HOW TO ENJOY THE BIBLE’, E. W. Bullinger wrote – based on his understanding of God’s Word – that The Holy Bible does NOT say the Earth is 6-10,000 years old. I’m only going to copy a passage from page 352:
“When Geologists have settled how many years they require between the first and second verses of Genesis 1, there is ample room for all they want, and a large margin beside.”
Bullinger, the Christian “scholar”, died in 1913.
One of the books I specifically recommended in this Biblical blog bit series was ‘EVIDENCE FOR FAITH’ edited by John Warwick Montgomery. In Part 2, Chapter 4, titled ‘COSMOGONY, GENESIS 1, AND THE ORIGIN OF THE EARTH’, Dr. Robert C. Newman begins his chapter thus:
“To many moderns, one of the main stumbling blocks to accepting the Bible as God’s word is the apparent conflict they see between the findings of modern science and the account of creation narrated in the first two chapters of Genesis. Science is seen as postulating a universe which has always existed, or at least one which is billions of years old. By contrast, they see the Bible as picturing a universe which is created and only a few thousand years old. Science is viewed as describing a universe which developed slowly, with life and its diversity arising and evolving by natural processes. The Bible, however, is seen as describing the origin of the universe and all its life in the space of one literal week, less than two hundred hours.”
On pages 95 & 96, Dr. Newman continues:
“I agree that science gives every indication that we live in a universe some ten to twenty billion years old on a planet four to five billion years old. ... Does the Bible really teach that the earth is only a few thousand years old and only a few days older than mankind? This is the prima facie view, but it overlooks Biblical evidence that points in another direction...”
I’m not going to reinvent the wheel here. But I would urge you to acquire a copy of ‘EVIDENCE FOR FAITH’ and read Dr. Newman’s chapter, as well as the entire book.
Continued Below...
Part 4:
DeleteIs it possible that you have spent a lot of time listening ONLY to those people who have the agenda of convincing you that The Bible is a hoax, and have not spent as much time studying the arguments of those who have the agenda of convincing you that The Bible is largely a communication from God to YOU?
Are there not TWO sides to every coin, and MULTIPLE engravings on each side of that coin? Let us not come to any important conclusions until we have investigated in an objectively and intellectually honest way the MULTIPLE arguments on BOTH sides of the question!
>>... Bible also claims Pi (as in, the circumference : diameter ratio of a circle) is exactly 3.0. We know from simple measurement that Pi is an irrational number starting with 3.14159. Knowing this, why should I believe anything about 'The End' just because it's in the Bible?
Does The Bible, in fact, claim that Pi is 3.0? Or are you just taking someone else’s word for that? Are you trusting too much in people who hate the idea of a God who rules over them, and giving their arguments too much credence before investigating the arguments of their opponents? Just a Q for U.
To begin with, in the ancient Israelite world, the cubit was not a mathematically precise measurement (how could a measurement that related to the average man’s forearm be anything more than “relative”?) What was a “cubit”? It depends on who you talk to. Pick a Biblical “expert”. Or pick G. Edward Griffin in his documentary about the discovery of Noah’s Ark. Or pick the world famous psychic Edgar Cayce who said that 27.5 inches was considered a cubit. Or pick Bill Cosby, speaking for God, who said: “A cubit? Let’s see... I used to know what a cubit was. ...Well, never mind that... just build it!...”
In an effort to be less flippant and a little more “scientific”, I will urge you to fully read the article ‘DOES THE BIBLE SAY PI EQUALS 3.0?’ by Russell Grigg, found HERE. (If a video appears at the top the first time you visit the site, just scroll down to the article.)
Also, in the name of “objective research”, you should click on that article’s link to the “DR. MATH” explanation and read it from the top to the very bottom.
>>... As a final clarification: Adam may be an atheist, but I'm actually an agnostic, maybe even a Deist. I think there is a god, but I don't claim to know so since I can't prove it. What I don't believe in is anything purported by major organized religions, because there is overwhelming scientific evidence against them all.
There’s hope for you yet!
Continued Below...
Part 5:
DeleteAs I said above, I would not be welcomed in any “organized” Christian church, but that’s irrelevant. I KNOW that God and Christ ARE, and if you will objectively examine ALL of the evidence in an intellectually honest way, I have ZERO DOUBT that you will come to the same conclusion.
So many people (including mainstream “Christians”) think that a person must accept God and Christ solely on “blind faith”. In my whole life, I have NEVER accepted ANYTHING on blind faith. As I wrote in this blog bit series:
Anyone who knows me knows that I have zero tolerance for “blind faith”; “blind faith” has been one of the most destructive forces in mankind’s history. I SPIT ON “BLIND FAITH”! Show me someone who accepts anything on “blind faith” and I’ll show you an A-list idiot!
ANON, I do NOT want you to accept ANYTHING I say on blind faith; even less do I want you to accept on blind faith anything that Adam Carolla says. Sheesh! I can tell by your comments alone that you are light years ahead of Adam Carolla in intelligence. Why would you even refer to him?!
Fuck the “Adam Carollas” – few if any of them will EVER examine objectively, intellectually honestly, the evidence for God and Christ. He’s a “pseudo-atheist”, whereas I think you are an “authentic agnostic”.
I’m asking you to spend AS MUCH time studying evidence FOR The Bible as you do cherry-picking things you think disprove The Bible. I would urge someone like you to start with the book ‘EVIDENCE FOR FAITH: Deciding The God Question’, edited by John Warwick Montgomery.
The “God Question” is way too important to leave to Wikipedia and the Adam Carollas.
Bless And Be Blessed, My Friend.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
POSTSCRIPT: Damn! I gotta get my ass to bed!
Dude, I've been following your discourse with our dear agnostic, here. I by no means want to add to it, you do a marvelous job, as informed as you are, and most commenters such as this usually shake their heads at this point and go away. I will be interested to see what happens next.
ReplyDeleteI will say, I never knew the Bible said anything about Pi (and don't know why it would), but one thing to consider is like in your cubit example, the Bible often puts in qualifiers like "the cubit of the Temple" or somesuch. Does it on money too, thus acknowledging that measurements will vary as man varies his measurements. BUT.... I did want to put in my two cents about your "contradiction verses. Two of the sets I see no contradiction. The first involves Jacob having wrestled the pre-incarnate Christ. As the Angel of the Lord, Melchizadek, and Jesus, His face HAS been seen often by mortal man. Note that Jacob's word for "god" was elohim, not Yahweh. The Father, however, has NEVER been seen- even Moses only got to see "the back of His hand" as He passed. No conflict there.
Second set, the word translated "die" can be used literally or figuratively- just as God used it with Adam and Eve in the garden. It is not physical death, it is soul-death the false prophet needs worry about.
The third one, I'll give half points on. Most Biblical experts (and myself) agree that the double death was on account that, not taking time to build a gallows or borrow a horse, Judas most likely had the rope attached overlooking a high valley or drop off- and since he already blew his money on the priests, his cheap rope likely broke and he got the benefit of dying without the opportunity to choose the manner of said death. Which, I might add, would be appropriate IMHO.
Frankly, I do believe there is both enough evidence for a young earth and enough wiggle room for an old one, whether you subscribe to gap theory or not (which I don't.) But that would be a long story to tell, plus I admit again I'm not an expert, and third it's not a salvation-or-damnation question.
Oh, and I don't think our favorite "SOB" is an anti-Christ- but sometimes I think she'd have preferred a female Savior. Again, just my humble opinion.
Part 1:
Thanks for your comment. I had no idea anyone else was following this discussion.
>>... one thing to consider is like in your cubit example, the Bible often puts in qualifiers like "the cubit of the Temple" or some such. Does it on money too, thus acknowledging that measurements will vary as man varies his measurements.
In the DR. MATH article, “Doctor Rick” wrote the following...
“Whenever we work with pi we are rounding it to some number of digits, so all such calculations are incorrect! The only issue is how much accuracy we need for a particular application."
That’s correct, and for The Bible’s application in regards to the 1 Kings 7:23 verse, absolute, mathematically precise accuracy was not necessary. I have seen plenty of other such examples in The Bible.
For example, there are places where the families from the various tribes of Israel are numbered and every number ends in either 5 or 0, indicating that the scribe had rounded the number up or down. In other places in The Bible, I have seen the people numbered very precisely, with totals ending in 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., etc. So a great deal DOES depend (as “Doctor Rick” wrote) on how much accuracy is needed “for a particular application”.
>>... The first involves Jacob having wrestled the pre-incarnate Christ. As the Angel of the Lord, Melchizadek, and Jesus, His face HAS been seen often by mortal man. Note that Jacob's word for "god" was elohim, not Yahweh. The Father, however, has NEVER been seen- even Moses only got to see "the back of His hand" as He passed. No conflict there.
Your Elohim / Yahweh comparison is interesting. (Reminder: I am decidedly NOT a Trinitarian.) I’m not sure that I would necessarily agree, however, that Jacob wrestled with the pre-incarnate Christ. I don’t think we can automatically assume that because Jacob uses ANY word for “Lord” (whether one that would indicate The Son or The Father) that he was correct in his assumption that he had encountered God or Christ face-to-face.
We need to keep in mind the sometimes flawed human perspective of an event, occasionally even portrayed in The Bible (e.g., how Job attributed his trials to the activity of God when we know that they were really the activity of “the Adversary”.)
But your remark about Elohim / Yahweh inspired me to look the verse up in two favored Bible translations: NAS and Lamsa’s translation from the Aramaic. In the latter, which is my #1 choice, I found it interesting that the verse is translated: “I have seen an angel face to face, and my life is preserved.” In other words, “angel” is used in place of “God” (Elohim OR Yahweh). According to that version, you are definitely right about there being no contradiction with the 1st John verse.
>>... Second set, the word translated "die" can be used literally or figuratively- just as God used it with Adam and Eve in the garden. It is not physical death, it is soul-death the false prophet needs worry about.
Agreed. But I actually screwed up when I cited the Deuteronomy passage. It was late and I was working fast, so instead of rereading the verses I used, I merely copied them from old Bible notes. And I didn’t realize that I had used a sort of “shorthand” with the Deut. verse – it was only meant to get me in the ballpark of the contradiction.
So, I really wasn’t referring to a false prophet’s death at all. What I really meant to illustrate (which is found in Deut. 18:22) was the “litmus test” for a prophet. You know the commonly repeated bit about a true prophet (a person speaking to the people on behalf of God) needing to have a 100% accuracy rate, otherwise he is a false prophet?
Continued Below...
Part 2:
DeleteWell, Jonah never uses a qualifier like “Unless you repent...” or “Unless you change your ways...” Jonah – GENUINELY speaking on behalf of God – says, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!”
Of course, we know that Nineveh repented, changed its ways, and God did not bring destruction on the city. I am NOT denying that Jonah was a true prophet of The Lord – he WAS – but I meant to illustrate that if one holds to a very strict interpretation of Deuteronomy 18:22 (as most mainstream Christians do), then Jonah appears to be a false prophet. One could actually use Deut. 18:22 to accuse him of being a false prophet. He declared a prophecy, giving no wiggle-room, and his 40-day prophecy was NOT fulfilled.
>>... The third one... Most Biblical experts (and myself) agree that the double death was on account that, not taking time to build a gallows or borrow a horse, Judas most likely had the rope attached overlooking a high valley or drop off- and ... his cheap rope likely broke...
Of course, I have encountered that explanation several times before. But I speak often about “intellectual honesty”, and I must confess that my conscience does not permit me to “stretch the rope” that far. I am more inclined to chalk that up to a genuine “contradiction” than I am inclined to “speculate” and “imagine the scenario” to that extent. That scenario you described is indeed within the realm of possibility, but my own sense of “intellectual honesty” does not permit me to grasp at that straw.
>>... Frankly, I do believe there is both enough evidence for a young earth and enough wiggle room for an old one, whether you subscribe to gap theory or not (which I don't.) But that would be a long story to tell...
Agreed. Neither do I have an “etched in stone” opinion on that. Most people assume that if you argue for a “Young Earth” you are a scientific dolt. I have studied both theories enough to know that there is scientific evidence to support BOTH sides of that argument, without becoming a scientific dolt.
I was not personally taking sides on that issue, but merely pointing out that even some highly intelligent Christians from long ago (e.g., E.W. Bullinger, born in 1837) have argued that The Bible does NOT necessarily say that the Earth is only 6,000-10,000 years old.
>>... Oh, and I don't think our favorite "SOB" is an anti-Christ- but sometimes I think she'd have preferred a female Savior. Again, just my humble opinion.
HA! Well, I meant “anti-Christ” in a strictly literal sense – not as a reference to a demonically-possessed person who consciously opposes Christ.
I know for a (verifiable) fact that Susan Shannon (the “Short Little Rebel”) DOES deliberately deceive her readers. I also firmly believe that she does more damage to the Name and ministry of Jesus Christ than she does to promote them. In my opinion, Susan Shannon does as much, if not more, to turn people away from Jesus Christ and His true message than Jim and Tammy Bakker did. As far as I’m concerned, that is an “anti-Christ”.
Thanks again for submitting a comment, Brother Martin. It made me think. What more could I hope for in a blog comment?
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
Just wanted to let you know that I'm still following this and have been fascinated. I've nothing to add since you are way beyond me in your studies.
ReplyDeleteExcellent manna for thought.
A Faraway View
>>... Excellent manna for thought.
DeleteHA! What a clever comment (which no Biblically-ign'ant person would "get").
Thanks, LEE, my dear friend!!!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
'Loyal American Underground'amazing
ReplyDeleteALITA, are you familiar with the origin of that "L.A.U." expression?
Delete~ D-FensDogg