So, my
friend Robin and I were yakking. She was telling me about a guy she knows who
is very active in the Republican party and devoted to its supposed fight against
the Democrat party. When she Emailed the man a link to one of my “New World
Order” Global Government conspiracy posts – exposing International Bankers and
Elite Insiders as the true enemies of America – he quickly dismissed this
truth, stating “he knew all about the Bilderberg
Conspiracy talk, but just couldn't waste any more time on it. It detracted from
the ‘real issues’.” Robin was shocked by his response.
ROBIN: The problem is that too many people are blinded by the Dog and Pony
Show and have no clue who the enemy is. It makes it difficult to win a war when
you don't know who the enemy is!
totally agree with you. Very few Americans even recognize the real enemy. They
all think “it’s that OTHER political party!”
ROBIN: So, I think his "research" of the Bilderbergers actually
equated to "I've heard of that and someone like Glenn Beck said it was a
conspiracy and I dumped it in File 13." Of course, he did NOT say that,
but I suspect that is the TRUTH.
STMcC: For
most mainstream “thinkers”, that’s usually enough for them to base their
opinion on. If someone they believe they can trust, someone who makes a lot of
money to keep them informed, makes a pronouncement about something, they take
it as gospel and never research it deeper for themselves. And it NEVER
occurs to them that the “great American” they’ve been listening to on talk
radio for 15 years might actually be an Insider who is deliberately deceiving,
dividing, and conquering them. The Americonned Sheeple are such trusting little
lambs who are being led right to the slaughterhouse.
It would
be totally illogical to think that persons whose very livelihoods are earned in
the political arena and who rub elbows regularly with policymakers and other
important political figures DO NOT really know about the ‘New World Order’
conspiracy. As “The Congressman” said, it is not possible to climb as high on
the political ladder as he had without learning the underLYING truth -
without learning about “The Wizards Behind The Curtain”.
And I would argue that people like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin are every bit as high on this country’s political ladder as any single 5-term Congressman from one state.
And I would argue that people like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin are every bit as high on this country’s political ladder as any single 5-term Congressman from one state.
ROBIN: Everyone is aware of the disenfranchisement. However, you are SO
RIGHT: it is Republican vs. Democrat, Black vs White. In fact, this George
Zimmerman trial highlights the race issue which has been blown out of
proportion since Obama took office. They made the dude a "White
Hispanic" in the media in order for it to be filled with racial tension
and hate... instead of two minorities, which is what it is. I understand that
the DOJ has even used their resources to stir the pot and the President (early
on) made the comment that if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin.
STMcC: The
whole "divisiveness" aspect is the MAIN CLUE to the entire
trial. There's much more to this than the mainstream media wants the
Americonned People to realize. (And when I use the term "mainstream
media", I am ALWAYS also
including the pseudo-conservative media outlets like Fox News and talk radio.)
I was listening
to Sean Hannity yesterday and yelling at the radio because his deliberate
refusal to tell his listeners WHY the liberal media has spun the trial
into a "racial" issue was really pissing me off.
night, I was thinking about writing something about Obama's real worldview,
tying it into the reason the pseudo-conservatives routinely tell their listeners
only half of the story. Now that you've pretty much PUSHED me into the topic...,
I have decided to make it a part of my next F-FFF blog bit.
And so,
my “Magnificent Seven”, that’s where Robin and I left off, and what follows are
my further, deeper thoughts on this issue:
how many people understand that the International Bankers of the “New World
Order” conspiracy, the Communists, and the Socialists all share the same
essential goal? It is Totalitarian Global Control.
Only the
means of getting there differ. The International Bankers use stealth and the power
of their funding to manufacture a Global Government which they – representing
monetary control – will rule over. Communists foment violent revolution to
create a Global Government that (only theoretically) the people in general will
control. [It might be argued that the only true idealistic communist ever in a
leadership position was Nikolai Bukharin. He was executed for his devotion to
the real Communist ideal and his growing disenchantment with the State
Dictatorship.] And the Socialists use “Gradualism” or “Incrementalism” to
create a Global Government in which private property and production in private
hands are not completely outlawed, but all of it is overseen and dictated by
the State. Why own it when you can utterly control it? That is every bit as
totalitarian delicious!
All these
political factions are thematically interlocked by what author John Stormer
refers to as a “conspiracy of shared values”. All
three seek the same end result: a Totalitarian, Fascistic Global Government.
proves that it was the International Bankers (primarily American Bankers and
European Bankers using agents in the USA) who supported, propped up, and
resuscitated Communism around the globe.
have used garden variety liberals as “useful idiots”, and International Bankers
have used communists as “useful idiots”. As John Stormer accurately noted in
his book ‘NONE DARE CALL IT TREASON ...25 YEARS later’: "Every Communist country in the world literally has a 'Made In The
USA' stamp."
and widening natural fissures in social strata and fomenting violent reactions
to the divisions has been the bread ‘n’ butter tactic of Communism. Communists
seek to completely raze the old world in order to rebuild on the smoking embers
their own communistic new world. For that reason, communists love the potential
that violent reactions provide them with. Marxism is very clear:
Karl Marx's
‘Communist Manifesto’ says:
Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that
their ends can be attained only by the FORCIBLE OVERTHROW OF ALL EXISTING
As I said
years ago in my book review titled Will
We Wake Up Now, Or Wait Until The Mourning?, I consider ‘NONE DARE CALL IT
TREASON ...25 YEARS LATER’ by John Stormer to be truly one of the most
important political publications of all time. (The “Dynamic Duo” is Stormer’s
book coupled with ‘THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND’ by G. Edward Griffin.
Thoroughly learn those two books and you’ll never lose a political debate again
as long as you live.)
Stormer writes:
That Communists work to exploit and aggravate racial tensions and
rioting and terrorism in America’s cities is no surprise
to any student of Communist theory and tactics. Communists seek to exploit any
differences – between black and white, rich and poor, labor and management,
Catholic and Protestant, or Democrat and Republican. In 1902, Lenin wrote this
guide for future Communists:
“We must go among all classes of people as theoreticians, as
propagandists, as agitators, and as organizers … The principal thing, of
course, is propaganda and agitation among all strata of people.”
Following the 1989 ‘National Organization for Women’ convention in Cincinnati, Gus Hall, in his weekly
cassette tape message to ‘Communist Party U.S.A.’ members and fellow
travelers, said:
“’s clear from many of the speeches that they more clearly now
see the struggle for the equality of women as related to the class struggle.
That is a very important step in the political arena. ... Women are the advance
force [of the
revolution] in the present day period. ... As the
Communist Central Committee report said, ‘We will appeal to women on the basis
of their aspirations as women’.”
Bankers do NOT want to see Communism truly die, because Communism and its
sister Socialism have been very useful tools in moving us toward the “New World
Order” Banker-controlled Global Government via the ‘Divide & Conquer’
tactic so commonly used by the communists and their sister. And the Bankers
always get what they want.
Americans have been deliberately misled into believing that Communism is mostly
dead. However, despite the "appearance" of Communism's collapse in
the Soviet Union, you should know that this new democratic "false
front" and even the demolition of the Berlin Wall was foretold by the
top-level KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn in his book, 'NEW LIES FOR OLD.' The
communists are not gone, just working underground a bit more these days. The
same hard-liners are still in power and “playing nice” to lull us into a false
sense of complacency. And they are STILL being supported by the International
It has
been beneficial to the International Bankers to have the Communists working
more by stealth (as the Bankers also do), and so they have allowed the
Americonned Sheeple to believe that the threat of Communism is gone, and
through their mouthpieces, the pseudo-conservative celebrities of Fox News and
talk radio, they speak only in vague and fuzzy terms (using words like “Liberals”
and “Socialism”). They never really come out and call a communist a
from having the #1 all-time greatest book cover ever conceived, ‘YOU CAN STILL
TRUST THE COMMUNISTS TO BE COMMUNISTS (Socialists And Progressives Too)’ by
Fred Schwarz and David Noebel (published 2010) contains a wealth of valuable information
about Communism’s history and its presence in current-day America (even if the book too often
refers to communists as socialists).
pages 288 and 289 comes the following:
Most Americans are totally unaware that the US House of Representatives
crawls with a large, well-organized assembly of Socialist organizations. These
organizations are dedicated to (a) bringing about the destruction of the
Capitalist economic system (portrayed as greedy, conservative, religious,
and/or filthy rich) and (b) slowly but surely bringing production, education,
food, and health care under the complete control and regulation of the federal
government. …
The legislators involved in this Socialistic undertaking belong to
one or more radical House organizations: the Progressive Democrats of America
(6 House members), the Congressional Progressive Caucus (83 House members), the
Congressional Black Caucus (42 House members), and the Democratic Socialists of
America who do not identify their House members since they consider all members
of the Congressional Progressive Caucus part of their membership due to the
fact that they both shared operative social democratic politics.
Now, I
argue that many of those “socialists” are in fact communists, but
to use the word “communist” would tip off the Americonned People and blow their
“undercover” work.
take, for example, Barack Obama. You know the saying, “If it looks like a duck,
swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.” Well,
Barack Oliar has always surrounded himself with communists, and if you listen
closely to what he says, he’s frequently yakking communist ideals (“to fundamentally transform America” ... “spread
the wealth”, et al.)
To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends
carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign
students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural
feminists and punk-rock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes and wore
leather jackets. At night, in the dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Franz
Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy. When we ground out our cigarettes
in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake,
we were resisting bourgeois society's stifling conventions. We
weren't indifferent or careless or insecure. We were alienated.
~ Barack
Surely I
don’t need to explain what “Marxist professors”
profess, nor explain the implications in the words “bourgeois
society”. Barack Obama is and always has been a Marxist (read:
“Communist”). If he believes in any god at all (other than himself) it is allah
– which would make Obama a Marxist/Muslim hybrid. [Do you remember Obama’s
‘Freudian slip’ when in a TV interview he said, “my
Muslim faith”? If not, go to YouTube.]
remains as president of the U.S.A. at the pleasure of the International
Bankers who own that “White Black” slave (and at the pleasure of the
International Bankers’ agents at the “other” end of the political spectrum –
namely, Republican celebrities such as Limbaugh, Beck, O’Reilly, and Hannity).
Oliar still chooses his friends carefully – like communists Bill Ayers and Van
Jones. Do you remember those words of Lenin?... “We
must go among all classes of people as … propagandists, as agitators, and as
organizers.” ...Oliar learned his trade as a “community organizer”
by studying communist Saul Alinsky’s writings. And contrary to what you’ve
heard, Barack Oliar’s biological father was NOT a Kenyan goat-herder,
but a card-carrying communist propagandist and Jazz aficionado named Frank
Marshall Davis.
back up to that photograph of the ‘YOU CAN STILL TRUST THE COMMUNISTS...’ book
cover. You see the Black man just above and between John Lennon
and Karl Marx who is in the gold band uniform and holding the horn? That man is
Frank Marshall Davis, official communist, father and mentor to YOUR
president, Barack Obama!
You won’t
hear that from Lush Limboob and Sean “Bad American” Hannity. Why not? Because
Frank and his son Barack were/are both COMMUNISTS; because Rush and Sean
work for the International Bankers; because the International Bankers
appreciate having a “useful idiot” communist like Barack in the White House.
Limbaugh and Hannity began telling the Americonned People the truth – that Barack
is not just a “liberal” with “socialistic” ideas, but a full-fledged
“communist” just like his father was – even the brainwashed Americonned Sheeple
might wake up and demand that White Black communistic president’s removal from
the White House.
Friday, I listened to Sean Hannity’s radio program, and he repeatedly stated
that he couldn’t understand why the Liberal media focused so intently on the
Zimmerman / Martin situation when so many Blacks are being shot and killed in
other places like Chicago. Hannity was lying. He knows
perfectly well that the “Liberal media” is crawling with communists, and the
communists can’t exploit a Black on Black situation. But if they can label
Zimmerman a “White Hispanic”, they can “aggravate
racial tensions and” encourage “rioting and
terrorism in America’s cities.” [Why does the media never refer to
Obama as a “White Black”, when his mother was Caucasian?]
Monday, Rush Limboob said on his radio program that Liberalism “is what it is”. Later, he defined it more narrowly as
a push for “big government”? Is that all
Liberalism is? A desire for bigger government? (If that’s so, then by that definition
most “Republicans” are also Liberals. Which, in fact, they ARE!) And
why would Liberals want a bigger government? That’s really the $64,000
Tuesday, Limboob said that the reason Liberals want to confiscate your guns is
so that you will have to rely solely on the police; they are conditioning you
to believe that Big Brother Government is the answer to your every need.
BULLSHIT! That’s just surfing the surface.
What they REALLY want is what communists have ALWAYS wanted: to
establish Global Communism. And as long as you have guns, they would have a
very difficult time doing that.
To recap:
Liberals and Socialists have the same goal as Communists: to create a Totalitarian
Global Government. Many influential “Liberals” and “Socialists” are crypto
Communists. The Communists have gone “underground”, but are still supported and
protected by International Bankers. The goal of the International Bankers is to
create a Totalitarian Global Government. Most influential Republicans are
agents for the International Bankers. And no one wants to call a communist a
“communist”, because doing so might get the “communists” ousted - and that
would be unfortunate because “communists” are such “useful idiots” for the
International Bankers.
EVERYTHING these influential Democrats
promote – from racial strife to gun control to open borders to “green” energy
to wasting taxpayer money to Socialized health care to removal of Christ and the
Biblical God from the public square – is predictable from the Communist worldview
Mainstream Media, honeycombed with communists, conditions the Americonned
people to accept and even embrace these agendas. While the influential, phony,
pseudo-conservative Republicans pretend to fight back against the Democrats and
the Liberal media, they deliberately, gradually give into the Communist goals
inch by inch, measure by measure, bill by bill, year by year. And the
International Banker Wall Street Magician Corporate Thug Fascists are behind it
all! They control BOTH sides of the fake fight!
Wake up,
Americans! This is how your country really operates. And once a person
finally understands the ultimate objective, seemingly nonsensical political
moves make perfect sense.
“conservatives” are “Constitutionalists”, NOT “Republicans”. Most
“Constitutionalists” are registered as Independents.
On those
very rare occasions when genuine Constitutionalists (like Ron Paul) come along,
International Banker agents like the balloon known as “Rush Limbaugh” nearly
have strokes while trying to discredit them. (If you can’t detect Rush
Limbaugh’s fear in the following video, you are asleep at the monitor.)
And then,
sadly, sometimes it takes a stoopid Liberal to prove that Republicans are not
“conservatives”... [In this next clip, Limbaugh is speechless; he has no
reasonable answer. Later, he disconnects the caller and then rambles on and on,
trying to recover from the whuppin’ he just received. Many years ago, I also
called in to a political talk radio program, and when the so-called
“conservative” Republican talk show host realized that I was destroying him on
his own program, he disconnected me and pulled a “Rush Limboob” ramble ‘n’
recover act. These fake conservative talk radio hosts do it all the time.]
As one
viewer commented:
Rush: Where do you get this silly notion that Reagan raised Social Security
Rush about three minutes later: Reagan was forced to raise Social Security
What is it, Rush? A silly notion or did he actually do it?
If much
of the information in this blog bit was news to you, don’t feel embarrassed.
Back when David Caruso and I were Irish-American gangbangers in Any City, U.S.A., I was “Americonned” too. But “I
got better.” And so can you...
![]() |
David Caruso puts the "ham" in The Shamrocks. |
![]() |
Stephen T. McCarthy (upper right corner) protesting Reagan's Social Security tax increase! |
Beer: Anything
except the Boston Beer Company’s
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Couple non in-depth things... first, the "You can trust a communist thing reminded me of my yesterday post on Anthea Butler, who certainly revealed herself. Second, shouldn't your musical selection be, "Anyone but Springsteen or Stevie Wonder"?
DeleteHa! Yeah, that approach with the "Music" label would have worked well. That idea never even occurred to me.
But I went with 'The American Way' for a few reasons: It addresses the power and influence of money; it's funny; the first two lines allude to the Boston blue bloods, and that tied in with my beer label remark about Boston Brewing Company's 'Samuel Adams'.
Putting together this blog bit took up most of my computer time recently, so I have missed a few blogs I normally read. I will definitely make it a point to get over there and read the post you mentioned, Bro.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
The fact that NONE of our representatives feel safe enough to call the spade a spade speaks volumes. Instead, even Ron Paul speaks loudly about the need for protecting our Constitutional Rights at every turn, BUT he doesn't say that the wolves are already occupying MANY seats in Congress, the Senate, the media. If all of the people in Congress would get together and say "this is what it is" the sheeple might wake up. But no one does.
ReplyDeleteRon Paul is about to launch an internet broadcast in a few months. I get his newsletter when it comes out. He has been promoting his son Rand's upcoming proposed bill to Audit the Fed. I hope that doesn't get killed before it ever happens. I can't imagine that bill is popular with the International Banker types.
I do think that Rand is planning to run for President in 2016. He has been doing things that indicate that is a possibility. I cannot imagine that he is the choice of the International Bankers. Thus far, the media has "seemed" to like him in interviews, but we all know that can turn on a dime. I honestly don't know what to think about that...
As for your post... it all just makes me sad. I don't completely agree with your voter registration theory. I agree with the part about Independent voters (mostly). Many Republican voters believe that they are voting conservative and are trying to preserve the Constitution. They simply don't understand that The Fix is in. And not all liberals are socialists. In fact, many would be shocked that their party has been taken over by socialists. They see themselves as more compassionate people. The folks who care about others. The Democrat party is the party of the middle class vs the Republicans are the party of the rich guy. They see it as being that cut and dry. Socialism/communism isn't part of their thinking at all. If they knew it was, it would change EVERYTHING.
In fact, many black people are church going, Christian people. They are Bible loving, Jesus loving, Church on Sunday people. If they had any idea that Barack Obama was a communist with the intention of taking away their church, their God, their religion... they would see the man very differently. The media has done an excellent job of keeping the image of who he really is vs who the country wants to see in place. If that curtain should ever rip and the country get a good look, his presidency would come crumbling down. And it wouldn't be the angry white conservatives calling for his resignation. At least, not just them. There is a fine line... the things that divide can also be the things that bring people together.
That being said, so long as The Federal Reserve is in place and the International Bankers are running The Show, even if BO was impeached, we would just get a different puppet. Same story, different face. People must understand how BIG it all is for there to be any REAL CHANGES.
Part 1:
ReplyDeleteROBIN ~
>>... Rand's upcoming proposed bill to Audit the Fed. I hope that doesn't get killed before it ever happens.
It will NEVER happen! Certainly not in any serious, meaningful way. Some baseball player will finish a season with a .400 batting average again BEFORE the Federal Reserve ever gets truly audited (and NO player will ever hit .400 again!)
If Congress ever REALLY audits The Fed, then every political thing I've ever said is wrong. (Besides, most Congressmen don't even understand economics well enough to meaningfully audit The Fed. Bernanke would just go into Greenspanspeak mode and Congress would be utterly confused inside of 10 minutes.)
>>... Thus far, the media has "seemed" to like him in interviews, but we all know that can turn on a dime. I honestly don't know what to think about that...
Yeah, I agree - I think Rand Paul is giving genuine thought to a presidential run. I don't think he's the same principled Constitutionalist his Dad was/is, but he's probably better than anyone else in Congress.
As soon as the Mainstream Media has a Democrat candidate to champion, it will turn on Rand like a pack of starving dogs tearing into hot meatloaf.
>>>... Many Republican voters believe that they are voting conservative and are trying to preserve the Constitution.
Yes, most if not all registered Republicans think they're voting for the Constitution when they punch their ticket for the candidate with the "R" next to his/her name.
But... I doubt very many of those registered Republicans really have a working knowledge of the Constitution.
When I said that Constitutionalists are registered as Independents, I was referring not to people who simply say they believe in defending the Constitution; who say they want smaller government. I had in mind people who have THOROUGHLY STUDIED The Constitution; who can instantly recognize transgressions against it because they have a solid understanding of its original intent as ratified by the states.
Sadly, not one American in a hundred has even read The Constitution from beginning to end, let alone truly studied all the clauses and the various viewpoints about them. A lot of Independents likely have a copy of The Constitution and some books about it on their bookshelves. I would bet that's not true of most registered Republicans.
In short, I'm trying to say that I think most voters who are authentically passionate about the U.S. Constitution and its original intent, stop linking their names to the Republican party at the point where they realize the Republican party isn't seriously devoted to upholding The Constitution.
Continued Below...
Part 2:
Delete>>... And not all liberals are socialists. In fact, many would be shocked that their party has been taken over by socialists. They see themselves as more compassionate people.
That's true, because Liberals are ignorant about the principles this country was founded upon. I would ask the Liberal who thinks he/she is not a Socialist to explain to me the differences between their beliefs and the general beliefs of the Socialists. There is little if any difference. Non-Communistic Liberals ARE Socialists, even if they can't adequately define "Socialism".
>>... Socialism/communism isn't part of their thinking at all. If they knew it was, it would change EVERYTHING.
I don't share your optimism about the Liberals. I think if you showed them how their beliefs are in fact the same as the Socialists, most of them would probably adopt the Socialist label before they would do a 180. Most of them would probably respond, "Well... I guess I AM a Socialist then."
>>... In fact, many black people are church going, Christian people. ... If they had any idea that Barack Obama was a communist with the intention of taking away their church, their God, their religion... they would see the man very differently.
Maybe. Sadly, a lot of people identify themselves by their race before, over and above anything else.
The vast, vast majority of Black voters voted for Obama. That includes the majority of Black self-professed "Christians". How could that be, considering Obama's almost religious fervor about protecting legalized abortion?
It seems that in many cases, B.O.'s race trumped everything else, including the voter's "Christian" faith. Even Obama's disgusting dedication to abortion doesn't seem to matter to a lot of Black "Christians" because... he is half Black.
I voted for a Black president once - Alan Keyes. If Keyes had been Pro-Choice, he never would have gotten my vote.
>>... even if BO was impeached, we would just get a different puppet.
Exactly right! "Meet the new boss - same as the old boss."
~ Stephen
DeleteI felt compelled to add a kind of 'Addendum' to the comment I left for you.
In truth, what I'm about to write, I actually considered writing as part of my original comment, but decided it wasn't really necessary.
The other day, however, I encountered some new information about astronaut Edgar Mitchell again making the claim that many astronauts have seen and are convinced of the existence of UFOs and an extraterrestrial race.
That new "close encounter" convinced me to return and amend slightly the comment I left for you.
Regarding an audit of the Federal Reserve, I wrote:
"It will NEVER happen! Certainly not in any serious, meaningful way."
That's entirely true, and I stand by it. BUT... there is ONE scenario (and one scenario ONLY) in which The Fed might be audited in a serious and meaningful way. That would be if... was decided by the International Bankers to let go of their old way of controlling and manipulating national economies (i.e., The Federal Reserve System and their World Bank and International Monetary Fund), and institute a new way of manipulating money and finance, after their own interests and power have already been established in the next phase of economic control.
For example, the International Bankers might allow their Federal Reserve System to be exposed and discredited IF they had already established themselves as "The Wizards Behind The Curtain" in the system that would replace The Fed (e.g., an entirely global and computerized monetary scheme).
"They" will never give up The Fed until they have something better to replace it with - "better" meaning more centralized, more efficient, and in their controlling hands.
The reason I mention this is because UFO sightings seem to have increased, some well-connected and respected people have openly stated that extraterrestrial aliens exist and governments (especially Uncle Sam) have covered that truth up.
Many have speculated that the Elite will utilize fear of extraterrestrial aliens to unify the countries of the world and create a Global Government for the sake of surviving against mankind's common enemy, the aliens.
A scenario like that IS in fact possible, and it would theoretically make sense within the realm of Biblical interpretation.
So, yes, someday The Fed might be audited and dissolved. But only when the International Bankers are ready to move us into their next economic system, which they will have already established within their control.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Communists have used garden variety liberals as “useful idiots”, and International Bankers have used communists as “useful idiots”.
ReplyDeleteWhy do for yourself what a gaggle of idiots will do for you happily, if you make them feel passionate enough about it?
Aside from having the #1 all-time greatest book cover ever conceived
You will not hear me disagree with this.
EVERYTHING these influential Democrats promote – from racial strife to gun control to open borders to “green” energy to wasting taxpayer money to Socialized health care to removal of Christ and the Biblical God from the public square – is predictable from the Communist worldview paradigm.
The Mainstream Media, honeycombed with communists, conditions the Americonned people to accept and even embrace these agendas.
Okay, so here's something I wanted to pick your brain about, because it doesn't just seems like the whole removal of church and state thing anymore.
I've read a lot of sites that say that atheism is being promoted by the media for one (evil) reason or another and curious your thoughts on this topic, or if you've looked into this at all.
One thing I know for sure that always strikes me as odd is this: global surveys show that atheists make up about 5 percent of the world population. In America, consensus says about 6% of Americans are atheists. So then why, when I go to a popular news site, or a popular picture site, or a popular video site, are so many sections littered with atheism? I'll give you an example. For the past FOUR DAYS STRAIGHT, this article was on the front page of FOUR. DAYS. - The Six Types of Atheists
Before that, I can name a slew of CNN articles that have graced the front page relating to that same topic: a list of celebrity atheists. "The mom that gave up God." "Americans turning less to God."
Oh, and on that note, let's not forget that story from a few months back, after that disastrous Oklahoma tornado, where CNN's own Wolf Blitzer asked a woman if she "thanked the lord she made it through" and she replied "I'm an atheist." That held CNN's front page for weeks and was spun into a mind-blowing variety of articles.
ReplyDeleteNow let's look at the flip side. As of right now there is nothing religion related on the front page. And, I kid you not, Stephen, they recently had a list of celebrities who were "born again" after they put up the celebrity atheist list, and let me just tell you that the celebrity atheist list was full of prominent A-list celebrities and it boasted all of their wonderful achievements. This article about born again Christians, meanwhile, was full of nothing but Hollywood z-list celebrity idiots. Some notable examples: "Chris Tucker is a devout Christian. But he also just went to jail recently." Or my favorite: "Stephen Baldwin is a born again Christian. In March, the actor pleaded guilty to repeated failure to file income taxes for three years and will pay $300,000 in back taxes within the next year."
That quote was lifted DIRECTLY from the site. Gee, what do their past failures have to do with their Christianity? Oh right, it's almost as if they WANT to make Christians look stupid. So what do CNN readers see when they go to this site? Atheists - smart, successful celebrities. Christians - stupid, unpopular celebrities who go to jail. Who do I want to be like?
Now let's look at a recent event. There was some fairly big news about the new pope not wanting to use the popemobile in Brazil (aka one of the most dangerous murder capitals of the world). He wants to forego his own safety so he can have a more personal experience with the youth at World Youth Day. Now, say what you will about the pope or Catholicism, but I find this to be an interesting bit of news, especially since he seems to really be "cleaning house" and returning to a more humble, man-of-the-people image. You will then note that CNN did not report on this... at all. I even did a Google search for Popemobile on and the most recent article was about the last pope RAT(face)zinger using it, and of course it was full of comments of "The Catholic church is driving a Mercedes and building huge churches while the people of the world starve."
Again, think what you will about the pope, but really, what's more newsworthy? The new pope, for the first time in ages, deciding not to use a bulletproof vehicle so he can be with the youth, even if that means being shot at, or the list of top 40 celebrity atheists?
So it's just amazing to me how blatantly CNN pushes atheist agenda, which you can see sewn into every religious related article - if it's about atheists, they'll shine a positive light. If it's about the religious, they'll either make them look stupid or won't report on it at all. It's just ridiculous.
Apologies for the word vomit, but I've been reading for the past month simply to study this, and more than anything I was just annoyed by it. Again, statistics say that atheism makes up 5% of the world and 6% of our nation. So why is this all continually front page news for CNN if not being pushed out as an agenda?
DeleteGreat comment, my Brother! I just read the article you linked me to, and also a number of the comments posted after the article by the various atheists and believers.
Your comment deserves an A-list answer, or my best reasonable facsimile thereof... (Side effects may include bleeding, belching, brawling, or death. The STMcC Company is not responsible for any hangovers, monetary loss incurred by this advice, or any wardrobe malfunctions that may occur. Money back guarantee; no salesman will visit your door!)
Brother Beer Boy Bryan... in all seriousness, I will return to answer. But you deserve a better response than I could give right now, on a Friday after hell week at work.
I think your comment indicates that you already know everything I'm gonna say, but I'll say it anyway. Later. Maybe tomorrow. Either way... soon.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I do think I know the answer, but I also think it's an answer worth reading. And I have to tell you, if that comment of mine sounds a little on the frustrated side, it's because I am. Not because of CNN (I could give a flying fart about them and their idea of "news") but because I see that same kind of BS all over my favorite Internet sites, which means even just funny picture sites and funny video sites. And as a comedian who just wants to laugh and be inspired in his comedy, the last thing I want to see is a constant, neverending religious debate or a slew of pictures/videos that's nothing more than "Anyone who believes in (X) is a f***ing idiot" on a site where I SHOULD be laughing and having fun.
DeleteIn the meanwhile, just know that I saw the link you sent me on our page, and it was hilarious. I especially loved the Zevon mention. You know that both of us love Zevon, but the lyrics in "The Factory"... what was he thinking? The thought of him as an infant working in a factory is just awkward and funny in all the wrong ways.
Also, I realized in my comment above, I forgot to mention that I got a kick out of seeing the Hill Street Blues screencap I gave you. I'm just glad to see it's going to good use. Someone with proper photoshop skills needs to crop out "angry Stephen" and put him at an Obama rally or something.
Take your time, and I'm lookin' forward to seeing you chime in on this.
Part 1:
Delete4-B OLD SOUL ~
I’m a little later getting back here than I anticipated, but here I B, Boy! Got Dave Brubeck’s ‘Time Further Out’ playing and I’m ready to Rock ‘N’ R--- er, ...ready to Swing!
>>... I saw the link you sent me on our page, and it was hilarious. ... You know that both of us love Zevon, but the lyrics in "The Factory"... what was he thinking?
I think he was thinking that he needed another mug of straight vodka. (And apparently he was right.)
I’m glad you liked it. I was pretty sure you would, based on the fact that we had both zeroed in on that embarrassing Steve Miller rhyme. Now, what was HE thinking?
>>... I got a kick out of seeing the Hill Street Blues screencap I gave you. I'm just glad to see it's going to good use.
Actually, you inspired that even more than you know. This blog bit was so heavy that I wanted to find a way to end it on a lighter note. I thought about something you had said to FarAwayEyes in the comment section of Part 1: “I'll tell you, I was pretty ‘Americonned’ myself for the longest time. Took a while to accept it, but once I did and my eyes were opened, wow. It's a real life changer.”
Well, you know, every one of us was “Americonned” until someone or some book or some article came along and got us pointed in the right direction. I was “Americonned” until my friend Dean started yakking about the ‘New World Order’ conspiracy in 1990 or ’91. Then in early ’94, another friend, Don, gave me a book and that ended my own “Americonned” daze.
So, after reading your comment to FAE, I was thinking back on when I was also “Americonned”, and it occurred to me that I was in that condition the entire time I was working in Hollyweird. I was certainly “conservative” even then (and did NOT like the liberalism of M*A*S*H even while I was working on it), but I was Republican pseudo-conservative Americonned back then.
That reminded me of the ‘Hill Street Blues’ screencap photo you had created, which I’d saved in a file but for no particular reason. So I put all of those thoughts together and came up with a way of poking fun at myself during my own “Americonned” phase. I thought it was a nice lighthearted way to end a heavy blog bit.
[By the way, I have no idea what David Caruso was like later, after he had become a big name; but when I knew him, at the early stage of his career, he was a cool guy. Other than the fact I’ve always hated the band he loved and recommended to me – U2 – I have nothing negative to say about Caruso. The “ham” remark was just meant to be funny and not malevolent.]
‘FAR MORE DRUMS’ is playing as I type these words. Damn, Joe Morello was freakin’ GREAT!!!
>>... I've read a lot of sites that say that atheism is being promoted by the media for one (evil) reason or another and curious your thoughts on this topic, or if you've looked into this at all.
Have I looked into it at all? One cannot fully understand the ‘New World Order’ (NWO) conspiracy until he/she understands the spiritual angle of it.
Continued Below...
Part 2:
DeleteOne of the best books is ‘ONE WORLD’ by Tal Brooke:
I don’t know if you ever read my review of that book, but there’s a passage in the review where I wrote the following:
I can still clearly recall that night, sitting at my desk and believing that I was engaged in two separate studies: religion and politics. And then suddenly, in a moment, it was as if the curtain on the stage was pulled back to reveal all of the props, the painted backgrounds, and the costumed players who were acting out the play called, "The New World Order", just as it had been penned by the unseen playwright, the Prince Of Darkness.
Bryan, I then go on further developing that “Broadway play” analogy for all it’s worth. But the main point is that I had probably been studying the NWO for a good three years before - in a moment of revelation or insight - it suddenly hit me that religion/spirituality and the NWO are organically intertwined and there wouldn’t be the latter without the former.
Now, please understand that I am NOT saying every single atheist, atheism promoter (whether an organization or an individual), nor even every single NWO conspirator secretly knows that the atheism/anti-God, anti-Christ agenda is the very foundation of the NWO. Some of the NWO conspirators are conscious satan-worshipers, others have no idea that they are doing the devil’s work.
At times, there is a great deal of truth in John Stormer’s “conspiracy of shared values” concept. I believe there is more of a centralized conspiracy to the NWO than Stormer realizes. But I also know that some of the fabric is composed of various threads that only share “values” with one another, and it takes a lot of study to learn to identify which parts belong to the conscious conspiracy and which threads are just sharing “values” with the other threads. (You even begin to develop a “sorta sixth sense” about it, which usually proves correct.)
>>... One thing I know for sure that always strikes me as odd is this: global surveys show that atheists make up about 5 percent of the world population. In America, consensus says about 6% of Americans are atheists. So then why, when I go to a popular news site, or a popular picture site, or a popular video site, are so many sections littered with atheism?
Well, I’ll point to two things: 1: This country was essentially founded by Christians upon Christian principles. They were not perfect Christians, but most of them did believe in the Biblical God and Christ.
Continued Below...
Part 3:
DeleteIf the goal is to raze America in order to build a “New World Order”, it’s important to get at the FOUNDATION of the country and tear it to pieces. Mock it, denigrate it. That is why so many news sites promote atheism. Behind most mainstream news organs you will find the Council on Foreign Relations. Behind the Council on Foreign Relations you will find the International Bankers.
2: Those who promote atheism wrap it in a false coat of intellectualism. In so doing, they appeal to the egos of those persons who wish to think of themselves as intellectually superior to the “unwashed masses” that believe in “fairy tales” and “Santa Claus gods”, like the one in The Bible. The ego-driven, intellectual wannabes embrace this false atheistic narrative because it is so often portrayed as the “educated” response to “ignorant” Christian beliefs.
Of course, Marxism seeks to remove God and replace Him with the State, which becomes the god of The People.
On page 36 of the book I mentioned in this blog bit, ‘YOU CAN STILL TRUST THE COMMUNISTS...’, it says: “Communism utilizes four things to recruit the young intellectual. These are: Disenchantment with Capitalism; Materialist philosophy; Intellectual pride; Unfulfilled religious need.”
That is why so many mainstream news organs promote atheism, and why so many individual atheists are drawn to those sites and get so worked up about... NOTHING. (If they really believed NOTHINGNESS existed where you and I say God exists, why do they get so damned emotional about it? It would be like me getting pissed off because so many little kids believe in Santa Claus. How does their belief in Santa hurt me? I have addressed this whole issue in another blog bit that really called them on their pseudo-atheism.)
So the atheists are the “useful idiots” of Communism, and Communism is the “useful idiot” of International Bankers, and the International Bankers are the “useful idiots” of Beelzebub. Everyone has their “useful idiot”.
Christ, however, has “freedom for those who obey” (to quote Michael Card).
>>... CNN's own Wolf Blitzer asked a woman if she "thanked the lord she made it through" and she replied "I'm an atheist." That held CNN's front page for weeks and was spun into a mind-blowing variety of articles.
Ha! I remember that. I wouldn’t even be surprised if that exchange had been set up in advance. (Maybe not. Maybe CNN just got lucky.)
>>... That quote was lifted DIRECTLY from the site. Gee, what do their past failures have to do with their Christianity? Oh right, it's almost as if they WANT to make Christians look stupid.
Brother, that is EXACTLY what they want to do – no “almost” about it (you knew that). Only you, being smarter than the average bear, were able to see through the manipulation. Unfortunately, most Americans are not that smart, and they will eat everything that is spoon-fed to them by their mainstream media gods.
Continued Below...
Part 4:
DeleteBryan, never lose sight of the fact that the Old Testament AND the New Testament (including Jesus Himself) say that the devil is the ruler of “this world” – meaning Earth in the condition which it currently exists. Both Testaments also tell us that before the End comes and Jesus returns, satan will be worshipped to the point that when God’s two witnesses are murdered, the planet will rejoice over their dead bodies. [Revelation, chapter 11]
What the references to The Beast and his False Prophet in The Bible’s ‘Revelation’ tells us is that eventually all atheists will actually become believers... in a FALSE god!
How’s that for a kicker? If the End-Time arrives in our lifetime, many of the strident atheists you currently encounter on the websites you visit will come to realize that YOU are right... there IS a god. Only they’ll STILL get it wrong, by worshipping the satanic counterfeit god.
Considering that, it’s not surprising that so often we find that it is not just the idea of a god that is publicly attacked, but it is a PARTICULAR God who is attacked: The God of The Bible and His Son, Yeshua.
Just as I have favorite brewing companies (Lagunitas and Odell), I have a favorite publishing company: Regnery. Regnery has published so many excellent books with a conservative worldview. (Their ‘Politically Incorrect Guide’ series is what first made me take notice of Regnery.)
My friend The Kansas Kid (guess where he lives) sent me a book a number of years ago. It was originally published in hard cover by Regnery, then an updated paperback was published by Perennial in 2004. The book is titled ‘PERSECUTION: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christianity’. Considering who the author was – lawyer David Limbaugh, brother of Rush Limboob – I really wasn’t expecting much from the book. I’m pleased to announce that it was surprisingly good and one I can definitely recommend. (Credit where it’s due!)
Naturally, I don’t agree with every single point made in the book, but overall it did a really fine job of arguing its position.
Continued Below...
Part (Finally) Five:
DeleteIn chapter ten, ‘The Media And Hollywood Wars Against Christianity’, Limbaugh writes about a 2002 two-hour documentary titled ‘MUHAMMAD: Legacy Of A Prophet’, which was shown on the Public Broadcast Service (PBS), the tax-supported national television broadcast company.
Limbaugh wrote that PBS presented Islam as the “latest revelation of the one true God.” And then he points out that “nary a church/state separationist could be seen protesting this taxpayer-funded propaganda apologetic for another religion.”
There are many similar examples that could be used to illustrate that it is not so much the idea of god and religion that most atheists and atheistic organizations and media outlets detest; it is one PARTICULAR God and His Son that they protest against.
Why would that be? I’ll give two quick, valid answers. 1: Because the God and His Son as portrayed in The Bible is THE TRUTH! 2: This country was principally founded upon The Truth, and this country has to be buried in order to rebuild on it Beelzebub’s “New World Order”.
False gods can sometimes be tolerated – because Beelzebub, Lucifer, Satan – is also a false god, and he will eventually be worshipped worldwide. But the REAL God is unacceptable to the NWO elite and their “useful idiots”.
Incidentally, I don’t completely agree with that article you linked me to. Other than genuine agnostics (#3), I think there are really only two types of atheists: true atheists and pseudo-atheists (the latter comprises the vast majority). I would combine #5 and #6 in the True Atheist category, and I would combine #1, #2, and #4 in the Pseudo-Atheist category. To divide them any more than that is simply splitting hairs.
Also, I will say now what I have said many times before: Regardless of how we group them - #1 through #6, or True Atheists and Pseudo-Atheists – there is NO SUCH THING as an “INTELLECTUALLY HONEST Atheist”. Show me an atheist of any stripe, and I’ll show you someone who has not objectively and in sufficient detail researched The Holy Bible and the evidence for Intelligent Design.
Atheists only seriously examine the things they believe will confirm their atheism for them; they look only at what they WANT to see; they diligently study only ONE side of the coin. Atheism is an ignorant worldview embraced by the rebelliously, willfully ignorant.
The one thing that the “tolerant” cannot tolerate is Christianity, which they would like to brand as being intolerant.
~ David Limbaugh
(‘PERSECUTION’ – 2004, page 334)
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
What a great reply. I expected no less.
Delete2: Those who promote atheism wrap it in a false coat of intellectualism. In so doing, they appeal to the egos of those persons who wish to think of themselves as intellectually superior to the “unwashed masses” that believe in “fairy tales” and “Santa Claus gods”, like the one in The Bible. The ego-driven, intellectual wannabes embrace this false atheistic narrative because it is so often portrayed as the “educated” response to “ignorant” Christian beliefs.
Remember my friend that I told you about before, Jason? This is him to a T. He reads all of this stuff on the Internet and assumes it makes him intelligent for being an atheist. He's not a grown man that believes in the "big invisible man in the sky," so he's more intellectual than those who do. He can't tell you any of the science behind atheism, or The Big Bang, or the process of evolution transforming single celled organisms into humans, but man can he tell you how idiotic it is to believe in a bearded dude that floats in the sky on a big throne.
He also complains about Christianity brainwashing people, while swallowing this garbage hook, line, and sinker. And can I just say that if you dumb ANYTHING down, it sounds ridiculous? Not sure if you ever watch South Park, but this was a pretty good jab (albeit crude) at atheism and macroevolution beginning/transforming life on earth. Look how moronic it sounds when you dumb it down.
And contrary to popular belief, the creators of South Park are actually not atheists just because they make fun of religion on their show.
Creator Trey Parker: "Basically ... out of all the ridiculous religion stories, the silliest one I've ever heard is, 'Yeah ... there's this big giant universe and it's expanding, it's all gonna collapse on itself and we're all just here just 'cause ... just 'cause'. That, to me, is the most ridiculous explanation ever."
Isn't it funny how "magic man in the sky" sounds so stupid but we're expected to believe that "the world exploded for no reason whatsoever and now we're all just kinda here for no reason at all" sounds intelligent?
Part two:
DeleteThat is why so many individual atheists are drawn to those sites and get so worked up about... NOTHING. (If they really believed NOTHINGNESS existed where you and I say God exists, why do they get so damned emotional about it? It would be like me getting pissed off because so many little kids believe in Santa Claus. How does their belief in Santa hurt me? I have addressed this whole issue in another blog bit that really called them on their pseudo-atheism.)
I just gotta say 2 things to this. First, that atheists always seem to be "morally offended" by religion because they say it promotes war and violence. And yet, for all of this war and violence, I don't know a single Christian in my life who's ever murdered someone else in the name of Christianity. Or even on a lesser scale, have you ever beat up a gay person just because they were gay? I know I sure haven't, and I don't know anyone in my life (personal or impersonal) that has. And yet simply by believing in something greater than ourselves it's like we're going to go on some warpath and leave a trail of blood behind us.
Second, my brother-in-law has a friend who's Raelian, and I met him and his two "girlfriends" at a party. Strangest dude I've ever met. Guy has long hair that covers his ears because he believes it "blocks out the radio signals" (seriously). He believes that aliens created earth, and he believes we should all have sex with each other because it's freeing and spiritual. He asked the wife and I for a threesome (or fivesome, I guess, with this two girlfriends?), and we politely declined before ducking away and laughing.
And wouldn't you know it, throughout it all, I had no desire to scream in his face that he was a f***ing idiot that believed in something completely wrong and that he morally offended me because he asked us for sex that I don't believe in (outside of my marriage). On top of that, I had no desire to seek out other Raelians in chat rooms, and forums, and Internet news sites and debate them on why they were so stupid and wrong. Go figure, right?
That's some good reading you mentioned, btw, and if I can find a copy of either of those books, I'll give them a quick read.
Part 1:
Delete4-B ~
I’m pleased that the reply met with your approval, Brother.
>>... Remember my friend that I told you about before, Jason? This is him to a T. ... He can't tell you any of the science behind atheism, or The Big Bang, or the process of evolution transforming single celled organisms into humans, but man can he tell you how idiotic it is to believe in a bearded dude that floats in the sky on a big throne.
Ha! Yeah, I remember about Jason. (I prayed for him.) I think it’s idiotic to believe in a bearded dude that floats in the sky on a big throne, too. (I saw it in a Monty Python movie... which is why I question that interpretation of God.) Now... all the angels and saints playing harps all day atop clouds? I still believe in that!
The funny thing is, there is no “science behind atheism or the process of evolution”.
In an old blog bit, I explained all of the science of Macro-Evolution in the form of a recipe:
Combine in one bowl, 6 pounds of Theory, 6 ounces of authoritative-sounding liquified Lies, and 6 tablespoons of powdered Bat Wings.
Mix on high until this has a whipped, loose-stool consistency.
Pour this mixture into a Conjecture Crust and bake at 666 degrees for 151 years.
Remove from the oven, allow to cool, then sprinkle with sugar ‘n’ cinnamon and serve. For a really fancy presentation, you can top the pie with eye of newt.
[Serving suggestion: Evolution Pie goes great with a Cambrian Explosion cocktail – shaken, not stirred, of course!]
There you have it, 4-B: ALL of the science that supports the concept of Darwinian Evolution!
Ann Coulter put it much more succinctly than I did:
“Liberals’ creation myth is Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, which is about one notch above Scientology in scientific rigor.”
~ ‘Godless’, page 199
>>... Not sure if you ever watch South Park, but this was a pretty good jab (albeit crude) at atheism and macroevolution beginning/transforming life on earth. Look how moronic it sounds when you dumb it down.
I’ve never watched South Park, although I’m aware of it. And, yes, it does sound moronic when it’s dumbed down. Unfortunately, it sounds just as moronic (only without the word “butt-sex”) when it’s smartened up.
Continued Below...
Part 2:
Delete>>... Isn't it funny how "magic man in the sky" sounds so stupid but we're expected to believe that "the world exploded for no reason whatsoever and now we're all just kinda here for no reason at all" sounds intelligent?
I think that guy, Kent Hovind, is really funny! Not only that, but he’s pretty darned informed, too.
According to the propagandist site Wikipedia...
Hovind has made controversial remarks regarding conspiracies, science, creation, equal rights, religion, and government over the years. Hovind's creationist presentations have asserted that the reason creationism based on the Genesis creation narrative is not taught in public schools is tied to "an international conspiracy" of "'The New World Order’ (NWO) […]
Hovind has several conspiracy theories about the U.S. government. He believes that the cyanide-releasing compound Laetrile is a "cancer cure" and argues that the US government is conspiring to suppress a cure for cancer. On his radio program, he has said that the U.S. government was behind the 9/11 attacks, killing nearly 3000 people … He also believes the Oklahoma City bombing was carried out by the government. [Hovind]: "Did you know the Federal Government blew up their own building to blame it on the militias…?”
4-B, I hope Hovind really does believe all those things, because they’re true. I know they’re true! And he also scores a lot of good points in that video presentation I linked to above.
>>... atheists always seem to be "morally offended" by religion because they say it promotes war and violence. And yet, for all of this war and violence, I don't know a single Christian in my life who's ever murdered someone else in the name of Christianity.
A couple years ago, a couple of New Agers were giving my friend Arlee Bird a bad time in the comment section of their blog. They were promoting the idea that religion – even highlighting Christianity – had been responsible for more wars and murders in history than any other single factor.
Continued Below...
Part 3:
DeleteUnfortunately for the New Agers, I understood perfectly where they were coming from with their spiritual worldview because, as I told them (quoting Bob Dylan’s ‘Positively 4th Street’), “I used to be among the crowd you're in with.”
Also, unfortunately for them, I have read and own R.J. Rummel’s ‘DEATH BY GOVERNMENT’ - considered the most in-depth, authoritative study of government sanctioned and perpetrated murder ever undertaken. Utilizing statistics from Rummel’s study, I simply blew their anti-religion / anti-Christianity falsehood to pieces. Some so-called “Christian” “witch hunts”? Pshaw! Let’s talk about murder in the name of Godless Communism!
That New Age couple has since deleted their blog ...and I’d like to think I had something to do with that. Ha!
>>... Guy has long hair that covers his ears because he believes it "blocks out the radio signals" (seriously).
Damn! Even Kent Hovind doesn’t believe THAT!
>>...He believes that aliens created earth,…
Who created the aliens?
>>... he believes we should all have sex with each other because it's freeing and spiritual.
OK... I’m listening.
Actually, how is doing something physical, like sex, “spiritual”?
That reminds me of the time Ms. Venus told me that the show ‘The Biggest Loser’ was a great, spiritual program. Uhm... Hmmm...? Well, if a contestant lost so much weight that their physical body literally disappeared... THEN it would be spiritual!
>>... On top of that, I had no desire to seek out other Raelians in chat rooms, and forums, and Internet news sites and debate them on why they were so stupid and wrong. Go figure, right?
Right! It’s because they’re fools, and it would make you an even bigger fool to argue with them about it. There probably ARE a few people out there who believe in ‘The Great Pumpkin’. I’m not going to waste my limited time arguing with them. Their Great Pumpkin belief doesn’t wreck my life. So I say, “Great Pumpkinites of all countries, UNITE!”
~ Stephen
Who created the aliens?
DeleteMore aliens?
Really though, he only touched on it, but apparently they don't believe in the afterlife. They just believe the aliens are going to come back and resurrect all of the people who were good through some kind of cloning process.
Actually, how is doing something physical, like sex, “spiritual”?
It's not just that or The Biggest Loser. I've heard people say eating can be a spiritual experience, smoking cigarettes can be a spiritual experience, eating mushrooms, sniffing paint, etc. etc. etc. I'm not sure people really understand what "spiritual" actually means...
(Though I will say, I always have spiritual experiences when my brother-in-law is driving. I just pray to Jesus we make it to our destination without him killing us...)
There probably ARE a few people out there who believe in ‘The Great Pumpkin’. I’m not going to waste my limited time arguing with them. Their Great Pumpkin belief doesn’t wreck my life.
I assume they believe this because of massive brain damage. After years of trying to kick a football, having it ripped away at the last moment, and landing straight on your head, you'd be amazed what kind of things suddenly make sense to you...
>>... More aliens?
DeleteNo. MO' aliens!
I mean, "No mo' aliens!"
>>... They just believe the aliens are going to come back and resurrect all of the people who were good through some kind of cloning process.
Oh, I saw THAT movie, man!
"You'll be bahk."
>>... I'm not sure people really understand what "spiritual" actually means...
For years I meditated daily, and I thought THAT was a "spiritual" experience until I realized it wasn't physical enough to qualify.
>>... After years of trying to kick a football, having it ripped away at the last moment, and landing straight on your head, you'd be amazed what kind of things suddenly make sense to you...
I've heard that can even lead to a psychological disorder known as 'Doglusions Of Grandeur' - where you actually believe your Beagle when he tells you that he's really a World War I flying ace.
~ Stephen
My sincere apologies for being so late to this party. Far too often life gets in my way from doing the things I really want.
ReplyDeleteI really don’t have much to add to this excellent tutorial on the goal of Totalitarian Global Control. Of course, it’s a battle as old as time with Lucifer leading the charge. While the Socialists, Communists and the International Bankers may all have the same goal, none of them care of the wants and needs of the other, but only their own selfish desire for control. I do believe that the ‘$$$ Consortium’ (International Bankers) have no real concern for any particular ‘ism’ other than how it will serve to further their personal greed for ultimate power. Most everyone and every organization are thought of as a pawn in their ruthless game.
Today in the world ‘Socialism’ seems to be the new black –– anyone can wear it and nobody seems to mind. How long will it be before the world population accepts Communism as just another benevolent grandfather, trying to protect us all? HA! I used to think education was the cure. Wake the people up, help them to see the ‘writing on the wall’ and maybe they will do something. Today, I’m not sure what they would/could/should do other than start a revolution AND that seems to be exactly what the wizards want. I think it might be best to try and help teach people to pray, for therein lies the only answer.
It’s easy for me to see these forces of evil behind just about everything in the news that promotes hate, anger and frustration with various different races, religions, and ideological entities. Keep people at each other’s throats and they are more likely to look the other way at the ‘little indiscretions’ of the people providing the jobs/food stamps/ healthcare/you name it. Nobody wants to ‘rock the boat’ and lose their meal ticket.
I hate to sound like ‘the harpy of no hope’, but basically I don’t think there is much chance of change in the government of the US or the world. Like I said earlier prayer and faith in a loving Heavenly Father and His Son are about it for me.
For not really having much to add, I sure do go on, don’t I? I can’t leave this page without commenting on your five part answer to Bryan regarding the promotion of atheism in (particularly) America. After all it was you who taught me that most atheists are NOT True Unbelievers, but rather persons who are angry with God. I fear the stylishness of calling oneself an atheist in today’s society is once again another tool of the wizards. Just as fashion designers have ‘conned’ the populace (OK, primarily women) into wearing the most uncomfortable and outrageous attire, I do believe that the wizards have ‘conned’ those same poor little sheep (that meaning both sexes) into donning the cloak of an apostate to appear hip. Another excellent Blog Bit right there in the comment section. Thank you Mr. McCarthy.
>>... My sincere apologies for being so late to this party.
DeleteNo need to apologize, FAE
Whenever you're here, it's a good DAY.
Thanks for the complimentary comment!
>>... Of course, it’s a battle as old as time with Lucifer leading the charge.
Exactly right. This story goes back to The Garden. (Actually, I think it goes back even further than that, but why open a whole new can of worms when THIS can is controversial enough.)
>>... I do believe that the ‘$$$ Consortium’ (International Bankers) have no real concern for any particular ‘ism’ other than how it will serve to further their personal greed for ultimate power.
Well, I could go along with this: "the Fascism of their Globalism" - 2 isms in 1.
>>... Most everyone and every organization are thought of as a pawn in their ruthless game.
Yep. As we all learned playing 'Monopoly': The person who controls the most money wins the game.
>>... Today, I’m not sure what they would/could/should do other than start a revolution AND that seems to be exactly what the wizards want.
Yeah, they have definitely brought about and/or used revolutions in the past to advance their cause. But I think it depends upon where the revolution occurs and what causes are being fought for, which determines when/if The Wizards want a revolution.
They are playing a very complex, dicey game, and despite their wealth, they know they must move slowly and cautiously most of the time.
I am SURE 'The Wizards Behind The Curtain' do NOT want a revolution in America based on an anti-totalitarian fight to regain freedom from evil Uncle Sam. Despite what Crazy J. Jackass thinks, there are TOO MANY guns in America for The Wizards to win that revolution.
But even if they did win it, victory would probably take over a decade and there would be nothing left worth fighting for when the revolution was put down. The last thing they want is for Armed Americans to wake the hell up to what is being deliberately done to them.
According to many accounts, The Wizards really wanted to have their New World Order Global Government already established by now. But they have been forced to move slower than they'd like. And I suspect all the information that's now on the Internet is making them quite nervous.
In 1994, I felt almost like a lone nut (and you were onto it even before I was). Now, many people have heard about the NWO.
The Wizards probably want to increase the speed on the process, but worry about too many people waking up and educating others. If they move too fast, they tip their hand; if they move too slowly, they risk an armed awakening and resistance. They're in a tough spot.
However, when all the analysis is said and done, we know what The Bible says: they get what they want, for a short but unprecedentedly brutal time.
>>... After all it was you who taught me that most atheists are NOT True Unbelievers, but rather persons who are angry with God.
Oh, is that right? I learned you that? I've always figured you already knew all this stuffs I yak about.
Thanks again for the nice comment, FAE/NWB.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
After I read one (or in this case, two) of your posts, I usually feel like a mouth-breather... you know, one of those people with her mouth hanging open, just taking it all in. For me to attempt much of a comment would be like the poor slob taking a knife to a gunfight, if you know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteAll I will say is you and Robin would make a formidable team.
Thanks, SUSAN.
DeleteMe, I'm the poor slob who takes a gun to a "Fat Man" fight.
I don't know that Robin would have me as a teammate, because there's no "Stephen" in "Team".
[Yeah, I'm a little wacky. Drinkin' beer to relax my back muscles after today's car wreck. ...Surprisingly, NOT my fault.]
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Often - and this is true with this blog bit - I enjoy the blog itself but find that the meatiest bites, the triple-decker-bacon-cheeseburgers, are in the comment section.
ReplyDeleteThis comment section is one of the best of all of your fabulous comment sections. Your dear readers pitch you 98 mph fast balls, and you smack them outta the park. The 5-part reply to Beer Boy is FAN-tastic, and BB's comments are superb, as well.
You said:
"So the atheists are the “useful idiots” of Communism, and Communism is the “useful idiot” of International Bankers, and the International Bankers are the “useful idiots” of Beelzebub. Everyone has their “useful idiot”.
Christ, however, has “freedom for those who obey”"
Boy is that true! This is clear as day, once you put it that way. Anyone who disagrees with that is a nincompoop or a useful idiot.
Your writing and ideas in this section here are as good as anything you've written in a long time. And that is saying something!
SHEBOYGANBOY SIX (The Man, not the number) ~
DeleteHey, thanks so much, my dear friend!
You are not the only one who thinks as you do. FarAwayEyes has also said a few times that very often her favorite part of my posts is the back-and-forth exchange of ideas in the comment sections.
I've said this many times before but... my favorite part of writing is the "Spontaneous Magic" that sometimes occurs. I know most of what I'm going to say when I sit down at the computer keyboard, but fairly often something I had not at all preconceived presents itself to my mind as I'm writing. I usually follow that loose end (of magic) to see where it goes, and it often ends up being da best bit O' da bit.
Those are the things I look back at later and realize that The Spirit of God was working through me.
In your comment, you zeroed in on one of those "magic moments". When I was typing that bit about "useful idiots", I really had no idea how I would conclude it. But after I got finished illustrating how each group uses another group as their own "useful idiots", the "magic" happened.
Right after I typed "Everyone has their “useful idiot”, the word "HAS" somehow led me to the next sentence: "Christ, however, has “freedom for those who obey”.
I had NO IDEA that I was leading up to that final sentence in that train of thought. But when I needed the denouement, the word "has" suddenly reminded me of that line in a Michael Card song.
Less than two months after I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, Michael Card released a greatest hits compilation titled "Joy In The Journey". The Countess turned me onto it.
To this day, I think Michael Card is one of the best lyricists Christian music has ever produced. Man, that guy can really turn a phrase!
When you think about it, "freedom for those who obey" seems like a paradox, but the spiritual person understands what the secular person can not wrap their mind around.
In a totally different song, Card mentions "the power of paradox". (Most songwriters could not conjure up an expression like that.) There is a such a thing - a power of paradox - and God IS that power. We see "The Power Of Paradox" working all through The Holy Bible - Old and New Testaments alike.
We in our weakness believed we were strong
He became helpless to show we were wrong
For the power of paradox opens your eyes
And blinds those who say they can see
~ Michael Card; "God's Own Fool"
That Michael Card album I'm quoting from ALWAYS reminds me of my new-found Faith in God and His Fool, Christ Yeshua. All of the songs on that collection tend to re-energize me spiritually.
That 1994 Greatest Hits album contained 4 new recordings, one of them titled "WHY?" It includes the following lines:
And why did they nail His feet and hands
When His Love would have held Him there?
The day I understood that lyric, is the day I knew I understood HIS mission.
Michael Card's 'JOY IN THE JOURNEY: 10 Years Of Greatest Hits' - great stuffs, Brother 6, great stuffs!
And thanks again for your A-list complimentary comment.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Stephen- The first time I read this you already had a book's worth of comments, and now you are up to two volumes.
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing I could say that has not been covered far more thoroughly than I would cover it.
So with all this material the show them the truth, am I the only one still surprised (and freakin' disgusted) that the unwashed masses are still buying into the liberal atheist Marxist Kenyan bull-loney?
Dude, you have been telling me for years that it is written and it's right around the corner, and I've poo-poohed your timeline.
But now I'm coming to the conclusion that I really don't see much more room for the human race to sink to-we've simply reached the all-time low.
Kudos to all your commenters-this took a while to get through but was worth the time.
LC ~
DeleteThanks for checking in here, buddy. It seems you 'Don't Come Around Here No More'. (To be accurate, I would have said something like "your F-FFF visits are less frequent", but that would have wrecked the Tom Pettyness.)
One thing YOU have been saying for a long time that it took me awhile to fully accept is that a large segment of the Americonned People DON'T want liberty; they actually prefer to be slaves to their government via the welfare handouts.
Of course, they have been conditioned to think that way over several decades. But the fact that some of us would still prefer liberty over handouts (stolen from our fellow taxpayers) means that the sickness is still something they are guilty of, something they chose to accept because of a weakness in their character.
I have another (A-list) blog bit coming soon (been in the planning stages for, like, six weeks) which will again focus on the total fraud known as Barack Obama, and will illustrate why the Republican party is more to blame than anyone else for the fact that we have a full-fledged communist in the White House.
In other words, I ain't done with Oliar and the Repugnantcans yet, Bro.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'