If you are going to maintain a large national security state, there must be a threat to justify its continued existence. … For the security state to continue, there must sometimes be large terrorist acts in the U.S. The last thing the national security state wants is peace and no enemies.
~ Gurudas
[Ronald Lee Garman]
The New World Order’ – pg. 201
I was planning to make this blog bit a two-parter. In part one, I was going to
attempt the impossible: count up how many lies Barack Obama has told the American
People since he first campaigned for the presidency. But I ran out of fingers
and toes to count on, so I switched to my calculator until it melted into a
pool of plastic and little metallic bits due to overuse.
instead, I’m just going to post the second part, and this is it:
Where I
work, the computer is blocked from visiting many websites. Unfortunately, most
of the factual, trustworthy news sites (and there aren’t many of them) are included
in the blocking, although I am able to view some of the mainstream propaganda
news websites. Even that little bit of access, however, is good enough for a
blog bit, as you shall see. But first, a little refresher history course.
remember how right after 9/11, president George W(ish I had a brain) Bush said
he was going to get Osama bin Laden dead or alive? It was a really important component of “justice” that we get the man most responsible for the terrorist
attacks on New York City and The Pentagon. (Never mind the
fact that Osama was NOT the man most responsible for them.)
for the “W” administration, Osama died not long after 9/11 occurred. But that
information was not shared with the Americonned Sheeple because “W” and his
boys needed to keep us (U.S.) inflamed about “the war on
When time
passed and we heard no more (legitimate) messages from Osama, “W” was forced to
downgrade the importance of “getting Osama”.
a little bit of truth actually does leak out, even from the lips of liars. In
this interview, we find “W” saying more than he probably should have (not that
the Americonned Sheeple caught on, however).
it’s often necessary for ‘The Wizards Behind The Curtain’ to create new
monsters, new bogeymen for us to imagine we are fighting against as we move
step-by-step closer to the ‘New World Order’ global tyranny that The Wizards
have planned for us. And now that our pseudo-government has killed off Osama
(again), Barack Obama (the president who ordered the assassination of a dead
man) needs a new bogeyman to frighten us with so that we will give up more of
our liberties and overlook the un-Constitutional spying on us that Uncle Sam
has done and will continue to do.
The other
night, I was surfing the MSN News website and came across the article...
A Glimpse At The Next Bin
article was such BLATANT PROPAGANDA (right down to the "dangerously" red photograph) that I would have laughed out
loud while reading it except for the fact that 98% of the Americonned People
are going to fall hook, line and sinker for this bullshit. Below are some
Al-Qaida's new mastermind favors
small, opportunistic strikes over spectacular attacks. Are we scaling back the
NSA at the very moment we need it most?
Ever since the death of Osama bin Laden, President Obama and his
senior lieutenants have been telling war-weary Americans that the end of the
nation's longest conflict is within sight. "Core al-Qaida is a shell of
its former self," Obama said in a speech in May. "This war, like all
wars, must end." That was the triumphal tone of last year's reelection
campaign, too.
The truth is much grimmer. Intelligence officials and terrorism
experts today believe that the death of bin Laden and the decimation of the
Qaida "core" in Pakistan only set the stage
for a rebirth of al-Qaida as a global threat. Its tactics have morphed into
something more insidious and increasingly dangerous as safe havens multiply in
war-torn or failed states—at exactly the moment we are talking about curtailing
the National Security Agency's monitoring capability.
And the jihadist who many terrorism experts believe is al-Qaida
's new strategic mastermind, Abu Musab al-Suri (a nom de guerre that means
"the Syrian"), has a diametrically different approach that emphasizes
quantity over quality. ...
Whereas bin Laden preached big dramatic acts directed by him and
senior Qaida leaders, al-Suri urges the creation of self-generating cells of
lone terrorists or small groups in his 1,600-page Internet manifesto. They are
to keep up attacks, like multiplying fleas on a dog that finds itself endlessly
distracted—and ultimately dysfunctional. (A classic Western book on guerrilla
warfare called The War of the Flea reportedly influenced al-Suri.)
The attacks are to culminate, he hopes, in acts using weapons of mass
destruction. ...
"It's harder to track. Future attacks against the homeland
will be less sophisticated and less lethal, but there's just going to be more
of them," says Michael Hayden, the former NSA director who steered the
agency after 9/11 toward deep dives into Internet and telephonic data. Adds
Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, "I think
al-Qaida's capabilities for a strike into the United States are more dangerous
and more numerous than before 9/11." For better or worse, the only hope to
track them all is an exceptionally deep, organized, and free-ranging
intelligence apparatus, experts say. ...
All of which means that despite very legitimate questions about
whether the National Security Agency is going beyond what the law and
Constitution allow, Americans probably need the NSA now more than ever.
the next few days, I hope to post a long-planned major blog bit about WHO is MOST
responsible for Barack Obama’s presidency. (And it’s NOT who you think; it’s
not “ign’ant voters”.)
M-I-C, See you real soon! K-E-Y. Why? Because I like you!
M - O - U - S - E.
For bonus points, watch the following video. Alex Jones cracks
me up sometimes. I really do like this “ranting” dude:
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Oh Alex Jones, I know you're passionate about this, but must you always yell? At this point I don't think he actually has a whisper. He only has a small shout and A VERY LARGE SHOUT.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, it’s often necessary for ‘The Wizards Behind The Curtain’ to create new monsters, new bogeymen for us to imagine we are fighting against
I know this is the main topic of your blog bit, but I want to throw this out there as a tech geek/gadget guy. It feels like for this sort of thing, it's important to hit from all angles. Not just from the political angle. Not just from the "we vs the bogeyman" angle. There are those in my age group (20-30 somethings) who just don't give two wet farts about politics or world events in general, who would see information like this and say, "Yeah, so what?" They don't care who's president or what said president is doing. But they DO love their gadgets. Their video games. Their cell phones.
So what fascinates me is the mysterious direction these items are taking as of late. Look at Google, who just a few days ago patented a temporary throat tattoo that can be used as a blue tooth device for your cell phone. But the patent includes something interesting, because it can... also be used as a lie detector?
So now what you have is a device that connects to your neck and call tell if you're lying or not while talking into your cell phone. What possible use could that have for a regular person? Hmmm...
Or how about video games? The new video game platforms are coming out now (PS4 and Xbox One) and a while back the Xbox One in particular was called out because of another "interesting" feature. See, it uses a video camera to record your motion, and you become the controller. You theoretically set the camera on top of your TV in your living room, so if multiple people are playing it can capture all of you.
Well, these new gaming machines are required to be online at all times to play most games. What's more, Microsoft revealed the camera was still going to be running, even after you shut everything off. So it's just sitting there, recording your entire living room. Wait, what?
That's right, your harmless video game machine is recording your entire living room (including audio recording since it listens to voice commands like 'turn on') and it's constantly connected to the Internet and Microsoft's 300,000 servers. Microsoft has assured people they won't be stealing their information or spying on them, but it's interesting (as mentioned in the article above) that they've worked with the NSA before by allowing access to private Skype video and audio calls.
So while the bad guys are scaring us with all these threats of terrorism, don't forget that they're also flanking us from behind with the gadgets we use to "escape" these horrible "realities."
Looking forward to the next blog bit.
Postscript: Thanks again for the beers, and I'll let you know what I think after I'm done with them all. And while the mail experience with The Laziest Mailman was pretty crappy, there's a silver lining. At least the packing box was able to be recycled and turned into a home for a child in need.
>>... Thanks again for the beers, and I'll let you know what I think after I'm done with them all.
DeleteWHAT?! You mean you haven't finished them all yet? What the hell kind of an alcoholic writer are YOU?!
I'm always glad when I can help out someone less fortunate than I am. Kitty looks pretty content in that new home.
I appreciate your comment, 4-B, and the other angle you introduced to this blog bit. Especially since I am NOT a high-tech gadget / gamer, so this is not an area of expertise for me. (Technology is NOT our friend. Convenient? Entertaining? Yes. But our "friend"? No, sir! Soon, no one will be able to do a math problem in their head. Soon, no one will be able to balance a checkbook or read a simple road map. It's all part of the dumbing-down of America and spying on the Americonned Sheeple.)
Another article I read the other day at MSN News pertained to this young guy (17 to 19?) who was convicted of hacking the webcams of young females - including Miss Teen USA - and using their own webcams to take nude photos of them with which to blackmail them.
So... if some young stooge can do that, is it not safe to assume that government agents can do the same for spying purposes?
It's been awhile since I last read Orwell's '1984', but I seem to recall "television" screens in homes that were able to keep an eye on everything in the private living quarters of the innocent citizens. Hmmm... Hacking webcams; video games that watch and listen to you in your own home 24/7? Who said '1984' was "fiction"?
BEER: I'm curious to learn your "HONEST" opinion of those brews. Hopefully you'll find at least one winner in the bunch. Also hopefully nothing went "skunky" from the time I bought it and you received it. Let me know, Bro.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
DeleteOops! I forgot to mention that, in my opinion, the Alex Jones video is worth watching if for no other reason than when he talks about the "cowardly" Americans who can be frightened by "a sock puppet with a beard and a turban on it".
HA!-HA!-HA! I start laughing out loud all over again just by thinking about that. (I'm laughing as I type this!!!) "RAWWWRRRRR!" Ha!-Ha! Oh, damn, that is hysterically funny to me, 4-B!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I can tell you right now that I found a huge winner on my first try, and I'm looking forward to trying the rest. I may be an alcoholic, but I'd feel "wasteful" just shearing through them all in one night, so I had to pad last night's beer with another one of my own I had in the fridge.
DeleteAlso, to echo Robin's comment, I have to mention that I DID read your entire blog bit, AND watched the video (which I enjoyed). I'm sure you knew this, but I don't want to seem like that guy that skimmed everything just to spout his own crap.
I mean, you already know how I feel about this topic. You know I won't be nominating myself as president of the George Dubya OR the Barack Obama fan club any time soon.
I appreciate your comment, 4-B, and the other angle you introduced to this blog bit. Especially since I am NOT a high-tech gadget / gamer, so this is not an area of expertise for me.
And that's why I mentioned what I did above. Not to steal your thunder, of course. Any goober can say "nice post bro," but it's always nice to contribute to the conversation.
So to continue the contribution...
Soon, no one will be able to do a math problem in their head. Soon, no one will be able to balance a checkbook or read a simple road map.
DeleteThis was actually the entire premise for our Missing Link book. It's probably not your cup of tea, but the general idea is that one day the Internet goes down. For good. So the entire planet destroys itself because they don't know how to function without their technology. No one can get around because they don't understand maps. People can't do simple things like buy a loaf of bread with paper money because the cash register is controlled by an Internet-connected computer and won't open. And those who only have credit cards can't buy anything because their money is all on a computer somewhere. They don't have paper money. So people starve, and the world destroys itself. It's all satire, but really, our dependence on the Internet and technology is almost frightening.
So... if some young stooge can do that, is it not safe to assume that government agents can do the same for spying purposes?
Yes, exactly! The worst part of all of this is that it's not hard at all, not since we already have all of the technology in place to carry this kind of stuff out.
Do I think that if I went out and bought a new Xbox, set it up in my living room, and started playing a game that it would record every conversation and send it to the government right now? No, I don't. But with the technology already in place, it would take almost nothing to make that happen whenever they wanted it to happen. Just like I know the webcam attached to this laptop isn't recording what I'm doing, but with the right amount of work, it could be used against me as a spying tool. Just like it was used against those poor girls.
Another interesting trend as of late with technology is storing everything in "the cloud." This is the way technology is going. The future. If you're not familiar, that just means that everything is now being saved online. Rather than save your pictures and your documents on a hard drive, you save them in "the cloud." You save them online. Same with programs. Rather than installing some huge program locally on your hard drive, you run it via an Internet connection, where the program is stored on the software company's server. In fact, there are actually a lot of tech companies now where your computer is just an empty shell, and every program you run, every file you access is on the Internet. So basically, there may come a day when this is the norm. Where essentially your entire computer is run FROM the Internet. Where it can absolutely all be monitored.
And again, I use some of this stuff right now. I save my word docs online so I never lose any of my novels if my computer crashes (which you already know happens a lot). Do I think Dropbox, the company that I'm using to hold my word docs, is spying on me and my writing? No, not at all. But the technology is there, and it would take almost nothing to spy on all of my files.
And the best part? I would never have any way of knowing they were doing it.
By the way, you should be proud of Colorado PBS. Our local station not only broadcast this 9-11 video (experts speaking out on how it clearly appears to be controlled demolition), they also posted it on the national PBS site. Pretty cool if you ask me, especially since the video includes things that your typical Joe Schmo viewer might need to absorb this kind of info for the first time, such as (from the article):
"The film does not speculate, and empathizes with viewers by also presenting the most popular segment of the film, which introduces the professional perspectives of eight psychologists who explain some of the reasons why it is so hard for people to face the scientific evidence."
DeleteFirst and foremost... BEER! You are right to space them out so each one can “speak to you” individually. I was merely joking, of course, about drinking them all at once.
Also, I’m going to guess and say that the “huge winner” you found on your first try was (probably) ‘DAYTIME ALE’... or ‘HOP KNOT’. I’m guessing that you would first open one of those you had two of. My first guess is ‘DAYTIME’ because I fear you might find ‘HOP KNOT’ “too” something. Furthermore, I am HOPING it was ‘DayTime’ because that’s the one I was worried about being “skunky” when it reached you.
Now to address the comments... I THANK YOU!
“Grrrrreat!” comments.
You NEVER need to worry that I will think you are trying to “steal my thunder” – comments like yours are what I always hope for when I post a blog bit. And comments like yours are why I have so often said (and genuinely meant) that I have the best blog commenters and wouldn’t trade my small readership with ANYONE ELSE’S bigger readership.
For example, I like Alex Cavanaugh and having NOTHING against him (except for that silly nickname), but compare his massive number of comments to my small number and I seem to have lost big time. BUT... then compare the quality of the comments and... Ho!-Ho! Me heep big winnah! (I would have written “How!-How!” but that would have been Native-Americanly politically incorrect, and you know HOW much I want to be accepted and not stand out from the ‘In Crowd’.)
I just now watched the entire video (even though I should have been cleaning my bedroom) and it was “Grrrrreat!”.
I have read a number of books about 9/11 and watched a whole lotta documentaries about it, so I had actually encountered parts of that program before. In fact, on 4/5/2013, I even posted some of it on THIS blog, including the “psychologists” segment:
By no later than a week after 9/11/2001 (and probably even earlier) I was calling World Trade Center tower #7 the “smoking gun”, and I see that some of these architects agree with me.
The video produced a new thought in my mind, too. I knew about the two blue beams of light that New York shines into the sky to mark the memory of the Twin Towers. But how come it’s TWO rather than three, seeing as THREE skyscrapers fell that day, resulting in the deaths of innocent Americans?
Oh, yes... it’s TWO because The Wizards don’t want to remind the Americonned Sheeple that THREE buildings fell that day, and the THIRD one (Tower #7) is the “smoking gun” proving that 9/11 was an “inside, controlled demolition job”.
Let sleeping “ign’ants” lie.
Also, in that video, I loved the photograph of the family with an elephant in their dining room. Classic image!
Lemme know which beer was the big winner, 4-B.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
Yo, McCarthy. I see that you JUST posted another blog bit right as I was coming to comment, so I'm gonna leave this here and save your fresh post from the beer clutter.
DeleteFirst off, I completely agree. I'd never say anything bad about Alex. He's a great guy and a great blogger. But you definitely win when it comes to comments. I'm a big fan of quality over quantity, and I'd rather have 5 meaningful comments than 50 "nice post dude"s. I'd probably even say your comments are better than ours. Sure, our readers ARE actually reading our stuff, but they usually only drop a few sentences. Pretty much every one of your commenters leaves paragraphs (myself included).
That's pretty damn cool.
Now onto the beer stuffs. I finished those beers over the weekend, and I was sad to see them go. There wasn't a single one I disliked, and I think you really understand what I like in an IPA. So here's the breakdown of what I thought.
Firestone Union Jack: This wasn't a top ten, but it was still good. Enjoyed it from first sip to last. That's more than I can say for any typical IPA.
Ponderosa IPA: This one probably falls just outside of top ten. Close, but not quite. Still something I'd be happy to kick back on occasion.
Daytime Ale: Dammit, I think this one may have been just a tiny bit skunked. I thought it was okay but it wasn't great, and it wasn't until I had the second one that I noticed it had just a very slight sour aftertaste. I trust your judgment and I think our tastes in beer are fairly similar. With that said, the beer I tasted was not even close to dethroning Mirror Pond (it seemed to be lacking some flavor), so mayhaps a bit of skunkage occured?
Lastly, Hop Knot: Holy crap. This is easily my favorite IPA of all time. Hands down. Not only that, but I'd have to do a blind taste test to see, but it may very well be my #1 beer of all time. I tried the second one, and just slammed it without even thinking about it. I'm trying to savor it, but I look down one moment and it's there, the next and it's gone. Dangerous.
It's funny that Nappy and I share the same sentiment. I don't like my beers overly hoppy, but Hop Knot is definitely my favorite. The first thing that comes to mind, as you said over on my blog, is that it's floral tasting. I think that masks the hoppiness enough that I can taste the hops but taste that flowery taste a bit more.
Ready for another enigma? I had my wife taste Hop Knot, just to see what she thought. She liked it, but she thought it was "too sweet." I even had her taste it twice just to make sure. She confirmed, "Yeah, too sweet for me." This from a girl who likes to drink her juice with beer in it and not the other way around. This from the girl who loves pumpkin beers and blueberry beers and all those other sinkerator specials that you and I can't stand. So... I'm intrigued by that. I wouldn't call it sweet in the slightest. Then again, I wouldn't call it overly hoppy either... but I know it is.
What I'm saying is that Hop Knot is certainly one hell of a mystery beer on how it affects people. And I'm going to have to do some real hunting so I can acquire this beer on the regular.
DeleteThanks for the comment and interesting analysis. I shall return - probably sometime tomorrow - with a proper reply. Right now, ain't got nuff time, Homebrew... er--- I mean, Homeboy.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Part 1:
DeleteOLD SOUL 4-B ~
>>... I'd probably even say your comments are better than ours.
Ha! I KNOW my comments are better than yours! But of course when I say that, I am including YOUR own comments on my blog posts, which also increase the quality of the comments at my site over the quality at your site.
Also, to be fair, the difference in blog content is naturally going to give my blog an edge when it comes to comment quality. I mean, writing about political conspiracies and Spiritual Truths are naturally going to invite more in-depth, high quality commentary than are humorous cartoons about Amanda Bynes and ‘Fifty Shades Of Shit’.
>>... I think you really understand what I like in an IPA.
No, actually I don’t. I only know what I like in an IPA, which apparently and luckily is pretty much what you also like in an IPA.
>>... Firestone Union Jack: This wasn't a top ten, but it was still good. Enjoyed it from first sip to last. That's more than I can say for any typical IPA.
Since we last seriously yakked beer, I have been doing some thinking and have tweaked my Top Ten Beers list a wee bit.
If you don’t know much about baseball, then what I’m about to write probably won’t make a great deal of sense to you, but... In the same way that I think the ‘Righty/Lefty’ – ‘Pitcher/Batter’ match-up is overemphasized, I have always similarly believed that the Draft/Bottles-Cans match-up has been overemphasized and exaggerated. I have never found THAT MUCH of a difference, but for two notable exceptions:
The first time I ever tasted Firestone UNION JACK it was at ‘The Main Ingredient’ (TMI), where Nappy had ordered a glass of it, which they had on tap. I took one sip of his and ordered one for myself the next round. Loved it! And had it a few more times over the course of a month, from the tap at TMI.
Since then, I’ve also had it bottled a few times and... it’s NOT the same. I usually don’t find that much difference between a bottled or canned beer and the same beer from draft, but in this case I REALLY DO. When I put it on my Top Ten list, I was thinking of the flavor on tap at TMI. I still think it’s a fine ale bottled, but not the same, and not Top Ten. Top Ten if you can get it on tap; probably Top Twenty bottled.
The other beer I feel that way about is Bear Republic Brewing Co’s ‘HOP ROD RYE’. On tap at TMI it’s wonderful – not quite Top Ten, but still wonderful; bottled, it’s still my favorite rye beer, but not nearly as good. (I had to buy, like, 5 or 6 individual bottles, 5 or 6 different times at Total Wine & More before I could finally admit to myself that tap vs. bottled really made THAT much of a difference in its taste.)
Continued Below...
Part 2:
Delete>>... Ponderosa IPA: This one probably falls just outside of top ten. Close, but not quite. Still something I'd be happy to kick back on occasion.
That’s one I have had many times, fresh, on tap at the Prescott Brewing Company, and it’s another one that I think tastes better on draft than in the can, but not nearly as dramatically so as the two aforementioned ales. What you got in the can was a fair representation of it.
>>... Daytime Ale: Dammit, I think this one may have been just a tiny bit skunked. ... it had just a very slight sour aftertaste. … With that said, the beer I tasted was not even close to dethroning Mirror Pond (it seemed to be lacking some flavor), so mayhaps a bit of skunkage occured?
I was afraid of that. Lagunitas says it is a very limited release, but it’s been available here for months now. So I think much of what’s still on the shelves is a bit older, and was transported through hotter months. I really dig DayTime, but I have come across a few that seemed slightly “skunked” to me – a first for Lagunitas in my experience.
So I’m going to guess that’s what you, unfortunately, got. However, at the same time, even though I think it’s a HUGELY FLAVORFUL beer (at only 4.65 ABV), Brother Nappy is not a fan of it like I am and refers to it as “that vinegary beer”. So... that “slight sour aftertaste” you experienced might not actually have been due to “skunkage”, but a very real part of the flavor profile that appeals to me but not to you and Nappy. “Vinegary”, “slight sour aftertaste”? Yeah, I get that too, only I’d describe it more as “a refreshingly ‘sharp’ aftertaste” that I actually enjoy. Oh well.
However, I still say that ‘MIRROR POND’, in some ways is the PERFECT, ANY TIME, ANY OCCASION beer, and I can’t really bump it off my Top Ten list. (I’m drinking one now. HEY! It may be 8:28 AM, but I’ve been awake since 4 PM YESTERDAY, and worked all “graveyard” night as a security officer, so it’s damned sure HAPPY HOUR(!) right now. Besides, I have to stay awake until 9:30 AM in order to pray for someone about to undergo surgery, so I might as well drink ‘n’ type while I wait, eh? ‘Mirror Pond’, it’s not just a “breakfast beer” – you can enjoy it 24/7.)
>>... Lastly, Hop Knot: Holy crap. This is easily my favorite IPA of all time. Hands down. Not only that, but I'd have to do a blind taste test to see, but it may very well be my #1 beer of all time.
I’m surprised. I’d figure that living near all the great breweries in the Denver area, you’d be too spoiled to appreciate HOP KNOT. (Ha! Women!)
Continued Below...
Part 3:
Delete>>... It's funny that Nappy and I share the same sentiment. I don't like my beers overly hoppy, but Hop Knot is definitely my favorite. The first thing that comes to mind, as you said over on my blog, is that it's floral tasting. I think that masks the hoppiness enough that I can taste the hops but taste that flowery taste a bit more.
‘Hop Knot’... ‘DayTime Ale’... Hmmm... I’m thinking that your taste in beer is closer to my Brother’s than it is to mine (although we’re all in the same ballpark for the most part). Nappy also believes, as do I, that ‘Mirror Pond’ is sort of the perfect, anytime beer. So, we’re all tasting things in the same ballpark – even though I might occasionally be in Left Field while you and Nappy are hanging out in Center Field.
>>... Ready for another enigma? I had my wife taste Hop Knot, just to see what she thought. She liked it, but she thought it was "too sweet." ... I wouldn't call it sweet in the slightest. ... Hop Knot is certainly one hell of a mystery beer on how it affects people.
Beer Boy, that is REALLY wild! Because, NO!, it is not a sweet tasting beer. If it were, I wouldn’t love it. However... I’m wondering if the floral scent is fooling your wife’s taste buds into interpreting the flavor (and not just the smell) as “sweet”.
Because I admit, HOP KNOT has a very unique “flowery bouquet”, or “nose”, and based on the smell of it, one would EXPECT it to taste kind of sweet – but it DOESN’T! Very, very interesting and intriguing to me, Bro!
Did I tell you how I discovered that beer? It was while Nappy and I were in the midst of our BLIND BEER TASTE TESTING experiments. We had scheduled a taste testing for that night when he got home from work. Shortly before, I went out and decided to pick up a six-pack for drinking, not merely taste-testing.
In the liquor store I noticed Four Peaks ‘HOP KNOT’. We’d had 2 or 3 of their other beers before and found them all mediocre – nothing special (like ‘Kiltlifter’, ‘8th Street Ale’, etc.) But I decided to take a chance on something new and bought a six of ‘Hop Knot’. At home, I took one sip and went “WHOA!” So, when Nappy got home I showed it to him and told him to try one. He axed me, “Is it any good?” Not wanting to pre-color his own impression, I just said, “You tell me”. He took one sip, this huge smile came across his face and he said, “WHOA!”
So that night, we included it in the BBTT competition and it got all the way into the Final Four. Pretty impressive for a beer we’d never even heard of until that very day.
We are pretty spoiled here: 2 of the 3 Mom ‘N’ Pop liquor stores from 3 to 6 blocks from my house stock HOP KNOT on a regular basis (one of them also stocks BIG SKY IPA, and the other one stocks Lagunitas HOP STOOPID). And the store that doesn’t carry HOP KNOT, does regularly stock Lagunitas LITTLE SUMPIN’. Yeah, we really ARE kinda spoiled.
And by the way, according to a bloke at one of the Total Wine & More stores here, they expect their first shipment of Lagunitas ‘SUCKS’ on December 2ND. So, you should check with your big, Big, BIG liquor store and tell them to “get outta Denver” and get into ‘SUCKS’ while they have the opportunity. I don’t think Lagunitas produces it beyond the month of December.
I recently had a chance to try ‘BROWN SHUGGA’ – the beer that ‘SUCKS’ was created to replace one year. They are NUTTIN’ alike in the least! ‘BROWN SHUGGA’ was too thick, syrupy, and SWEEEEET! After the third sip, I was just trying to choke it down. Nappy thought it was good for a one 12-ounce drink, but no more than one per session. Me? I’d rather have ONE ‘Sucks’ than SIX ‘Brown Shuggas’.
[Well, I’ve done my praying and now I’m off to dreaming.]
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
I mean, writing about political conspiracies and Spiritual Truths are naturally going to invite more in-depth, high quality commentary than are humorous cartoons about Amanda Bynes and ‘Fifty Shades Of Shit’.
DeleteYou won't hear any arguments here! If we started posting conspiracies and spiritual truth I bet our readership would sink like a stone. If you want to know why, well, just ask those psychologists in that wonderful 9/11 video.
In regards to your draft vs bottle and can thoughts, I agree. Probably the only beer I can think of offhand that makes a difference is the Upslope beer that you might sometimes see us drinking on the blog. Draft? Heavenly. Buying it in cans? Meh, not bad. Not sure what they do with the draft variety, but it's much better. So if you ever see Upslope mentioned on the blog, that's something one of us had at a bar.
I actually didn't mind the slight sour/vinegary aftertaste of the DayTime, but wasn't sure if that was intended or if it was skunked. More than that, though, the taste was just a bit off. As mentioned, it wasn't very flavorful, and not in that "it's not intended to be a flavorful beer" type of way but more in that it felt flat, lifeless. Lacking. It may not be a top ten in prime condition, but what I drank would not have cracked top fifty.
So, I'm not sure if you ever mentioned this before, but on the topic of draft vs bottle/can, how do you prefer to drink your beers? Straight out of the can/bottle or in a glass? For me, I can only drink my beers in a nice frosted glass (I keep two in the freezer, ready to go at any time). Keeps them extra cold which, for me, helps retain the flavor. There's nothing I can't stand more than a warm beer.
I'll be on the look out for Sucks, and you'd better believe I'll be hounding the big, BIG liquor store to make sure they're going to get some in stock.
Oh, and if I don't talk to you till then, have a good Turkey day, should you guys celebrate that.
4-B ~
Delete>>... I mean, writing about political conspiracies and Spiritual Truths are naturally going to invite more in-depth, high quality commentary than are humorous cartoons about Amanda Bynes and ‘Fifty Shades Of Shit’.
>>... You won't hear any arguments here!
I'm sorry to hear that. At the very least you should have corrected my grammar!
Immediately after I published that comment, I re-read it and thought: DOH! It should have been... "...IS naturally going to invite more in-depth, high quality commentary..."
I don't pretend to be any English major, and I know my punctuation gets pretty sloppy at times (no one overuses commas like I do) but even I know better than to use "are" when I should be using "is". I be a bad blogger!
Seriously, Bryan, I know you must have noticed that. Thanks for not pointing it out and leaving that to me.
>>... Probably the only beer I can think of offhand that makes a difference is the Upslope beer that you might sometimes see us drinking on the blog. Draft? Heavenly. Buying it in cans? Meh, not bad.
I'd never even heard of 'Upslope' until I saw it mentioned on your blog. I don't think I've ever seen it out here, not even in BevMo or Total Wine & More.
I recently discovered another good beer: Ballast Point Brewing Company's 'SCULPIN IPA'. I wouldn't put it in my Top Ten, but it WOULD have been invited to "The Dance" (BBTT). It rates high at Beer Advocate too.
I'd bought a single can of it and let Nappy have a couple sips and we both thought it was a winner. The next time I went to TW&M I was going to pick up six... until I saw the price: $16.99 for a six-pack... at Total Wine & More? Sheee-it! How much would it cost at a regular liquor store?
And why is it so ridiculously expensive? Hell, they're only shipping it from San Diego, not from Mars!
>>... how do you prefer to drink your beers? Straight out of the can/bottle or in a glass? For me, I can only drink my beers in a nice frosted glass
Oh, NEVER straight out of the bottle or can! I pour all of mine in one of my two Tervis Tumblers (the 'Dogwood' design, or the smaller "Arizona: ...but it's a dry heat" Tervis Tumbler), which keeps them even colder than they'd be in a frosted glass (which would certainly be otherwise acceptable).
I rarely go to bars, but when I do, if the bartender brings me a beer without a glass, I ALWAYS request one.
Brother Beer Boy Bryan, beer is such a mysterious thing. So much depends upon the "Mood Du Jour".
For example: A little while ago I drank a Bear Republic 'RED ROCKET ALE' which I know for a fact is absolutely one of my Top Ten all-time favorite beers. But today it just seemed "too thickly syrupy, and maybe even too sweet". Yuck!
Now I'm drinking a 'DayTime Ale' and this bottle of porridge seems "just right".
>>... I'll be on the look out for Sucks, and you'd better believe I'll be hounding the big, BIG liquor store to make sure they're going to get some in stock.
According to employees at two TW&M in Phoenix, 'LAGUNITAS SUCKS' is expected on December 2nd. Of course, 'SUCKS' is coming from California and I'm only one (sucky) state away. Colorado might have a slightly longer wait.
Yeah, 4-B, we do the 'Thanksgiving' thang. And you have a great one too, Brother.
~ Stephen
You're not fooling me, McCarthy-I saw Oprah's interview!
ReplyDeleteYou're obviously a racist since you're criticizing Obama!
Alex is obviously a racist, too!
Of course the story of the raid changed over time!
The script for "Zero Dark Thirty" went through the same rewrite process as any other film!
Haven't you heard of a test screening before?
And you claim to have been in show biz...sheesh!
All I know about show bidnizz is that there's no bidnizz like it, no bidnizz I know.
DeleteYou gotta admit, these people are pretty good at what they do: We'll make a movie about the Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama. We'll have a Navy SEAL publish a book about his part in the assassination and then we'll even float a story that adds an element of controversy to it... We'll tell the mainstream media to tell the Americonned Sheeple that the Obama administration is unhappy that the Navy SEAL revealed things in his book that he shouldn't have. Bwah-Ha!-Ha!
And the Americonned nitwits eat it all up, the entire fairy tale, never once pausing to question ANYTHING. No body, no photographs (just the word of a known liar), no problem.
But then again, when you can get so many people to believe a fairy tale like macroevolution based on the Darwinian "theory", there's probably NO fairy tale you can't get Americans to believe in. Tell it enough times through various media outlets and over time, the Sheeple will baa-baa-baalieve it.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
The people so easily eat up the little stuff (like Obama's critics are all racist and it's the Repubs' fault the website didn't work) that spins and cover-ups on things like 9/11 do not surprise me-there's far too much thinking to be done there than the average American is willing (or able) to do.
DeleteWhy did building 7 collapse?
You have to think about that one.
Was Bin Laden alive when the "scripted" Seal raid happened a few years ago?
Might have to do some reading there.
Is it coincidence that Osama and Obama sound so much alike?
Yes. Obama is too frigging dumb to orchestrate something like 9/11.
>>... Obama is too frigging dumb to orchestrate something like 9/11.
DeleteCorrect! And so is George W. Bush. Certainly Bush knew that 9/11 was an "inside job", but he didn't orchestrate it; that was left to better brains than his.
And because "W" is so friggin' dumb, "they" couldn't even allow him to be questioned without Dick Cheney by his side. Bush would have blown it and accidentally given away the truth without a "handler" there to guide him through the questioning process.
You remember that one, right? "W" absolutely refused to answer the question why he wouldn't allow himself to be interviewed about 9/11 apart from Cheney's presence.
The Wizards always like it when they have easily manipulated dummies in the White House. And "W" and "O" are two of the biggest White House dummies we've seen in our lifetime.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
The site blocking at your workplace is interesting. You must work at a place similar to the Kaiser Healthcare facilities. This is the first place I encountered site blocking. A couple years back my wife was in the hospital so I took my laptop to look at while I was sitting with her. Some of the site feeds I get are from what are essentially anti-Islam websites. They were all blocked. Out out curiosity I checked out some of the vehemently radically blasphemous anti-Christian websites and found none of them to be blocked. Interesting.
ReplyDeleteal-Suri, Bin Laden, and all those terrorist groups are mostly getting the publicity as a distraction to draw our attention from what's happening on our own soil. Healthcare, welfare programs, bailouts (corporate and personal), immigration reform are the real culprits to fear. Dependency on government is setting up the people for an oppression unlike anything we've seen in this country.
I'll be interested to see what your Barack Obama presidency post is going to be about. I wonder if you'll be including any of the names that I casually listed in my "Iron Man Connection" experimental post a week or two ago. This sounds like it could be a long post if you really get into detail.
Tossing It Out
DeleteI don't believe there is any sort of political or religious agenda to the computer blocking system as set up where I work. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to how it works, what is accessible and what is not, and I think it's just a faulty system or a poorly designed one.
For examples: In less than 2 hours, everything I post here at F-FFF is available for me to see in a cached version, but I can't view any comments. I can get cached versions of the most recent postings at Far Away Series and A Beer For The Shower, the latter being the ONLY blog where I have access to the comments as well.
For Tossing It Out, Back In The USSR, and Tilting At Windmills, I can only get cached copies of OLDER blog bits - never the current ones.
I can see EVERYTHING at Ann Coulter's website, Amazon, Wikipedia, my local Fox News site, and MSN (except sports-related articles at MSN).
I can't see ANYTHING at World Net Daily or The New American, but I can see things at G. Edward Griffin's Reality Zone site, including his most recent copy of Unfiltered News (but the links are non-op).
There is no discernible pattern there, and I am pretty good at noticing patterns in things.
I agree with you about the terrorists and their groups, except I think they're not meant SOLELY as a distraction from the REAL issues, but also meant to keep us in fear and accepting further encroachments upon our freedom and accepting the need to kill foreigners in foreign lands with our military. SUPPORT THE TROOPS! ("Do you want to add a dollar to your Walgreen's charge to send a candy bar to one of our soldiers overseas?" Uh... NO!... Thank you.)
Actually, my future Obama post won't be anything new - just a new angle on it. I woke up this morning toying with the idea of making it a two-parter - the first part (which actually is germane to the concept) being a lesson on how to successfully debate atheists, liberals, and atheistic liberals. (I've had some good "luck" in doing that in the past.)
Be watching for an Email coming soon to a computer near you.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
I apologize in advance that this comment is not going to sound like I even read your blog. (For the record, I did. And I watched the Alex Jones video.) I also read the comments and found Beer For The Shower's contributions on technology enlightening. Even those folks who are trying to "escape" via gaming and other entertainment tech are worse off than those who are aware and don't allow that junk into their house. Of course, when are some of these "gadgets" going to go from optional to mandatory???
ReplyDeleteHere is my off the rails comments: I remember way back in high school (and I mean way back) when the fall of the Roman Empire was being studied in history class. At the time, I JUST KNEW that the U.S. was in the peak just before the decline. I also felt that I would see the fall of the US Empire in my lifetime. It was a creepy feeling. At that time, I was completely unaware of all things political, so it wasn't like I could say that I was this engaged person who knew history's ins and outs and was up on current events. I wasn't. I was like most teenagers whose world pretty much revolved around my grades and social life (and not necessarily in that order).
It is a bizarre thing watching it come to pass.
DeleteYour comment reminded me of something a guy I used to work with once told me:
He was from New York, and he told me that when he was young, he saw the twin World Trade Center towers being constructed. And somehow he knew, intuitively, that at some point later in his life he was going to see those two buildings come down.
I have no reason to doubt him, because I too have experienced plenty of unexplainable "spiritual" insights and visions over the course of my life.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
Of course, when are some of these "gadgets" going to go from optional to mandatory???
DeleteI just have to chime in here real quick and say that that's almost the sheer brilliance (albeit nasty and evil brilliance) behind Google's new device. It's completely optional. No one's putting a gun to your head and making you wear a lie detector. BUT... if you want the coolest new techology and the coolest new gadget, then you're going to have to wear this item and just "suck it up" that it has a built in lie detector.
So basically you introduce that into a society of people who are literally addicted to their own technology, who can't go 10 seconds without glancing down at their cellphones or updating their Facebook, and it almost doesn't have to be mandatory. You've actually made an entire population willingly wear it FOR you.
Bravo, Google, you evil motherf
*comment truncated*
Alex said "poop-bombs".
ReplyDeleteHilarious rant and recovery between 4:57 and 5:05.
The most compelling evidence that Bin Laden was killed years ago was W's little comment at the beginning of the Pelley interview. What I believe doesn't matter but I still think he was killed during that 2011 raid, and that there had been conflict between (American) groups that wanted to take him out (and had the opportunity in Afghanistan) and those that wanted him alive. The government has "Wagged The Dog" countless times but I'm not ready to put that one in "WTD" file. WMD's are in the "WTD" file, but OBL is not in the "WTD" file just yet, he's in the "WTF" file right now. Help, I've been acronymed.
I also think there are plenty of theories about 911 that are way over the top. I have trouble believing that a Dick Cheney monster was at the controls on the day of the attacks. I'm more inclined to believe that the seeds were planted years ago, cultivated along the way, and the devious control freaks of the world let nature take its course. Just like I don't need to conspire with someone to steal my car for the insurance money, I just need to throw the keys on the front seat, keep the doors unlocked, and park it in front of Juicy Lucy's.
The monster at the controls was long gone on September 11th. He took his 9/11 blueprint, bought his put options years ago and collected without a trace while the greedier ones bought their puts just prior to the events, and were left to fend for themselves; smart money versus dumb money, inner circle versus the outer circle, true bogeymen versus the bag holders.
Abu Musab al-Suri...not quite a household name yet but give it time. Red does give him a more satanic look. Perpetual bogeymen and mainstream media, the gifts that keeps on giving.
Delete>>... The most compelling evidence that Bin Laden was killed years ago was W's little comment at the beginning of the Pelley interview.
I would say the most compelling objective evidence that he died years ago (discounting American Intelligence sources that said he was dead) is the fact that he was WAY TOO SILENT for WAY TOO LONG. And... because he was known to have major health issues (kidneys) and one of the last known authentic videos of him (discounting of course the fake ones that Uncle Sam tried to pass off on us) showed him to be Twiggy-thin and whiter than I am. That is to say, he looked like he was ALREADY dead.
I’m not willing to speculate on exactly WHEN he died (I’ve seen at least 3 different reasonably possible dates), but I would wager that he was dead years before Obama “took him out”. (And that’s another thing... I don’t believe that our America-hating Muslim president would really take out another America-hating Muslim ally.)
>>... I still think he was killed during that 2011 raid
We allowed him to get away several times (both Clinton and Bush) and with our Intelligence capabilities, we could have had him any time we wanted... IF we wanted. So we waited until 2011, when Obama needed a boost? I think I’ll pass on that entrée and look for something else on the menu:
>>... I also think there are plenty of theories about 911 that are way over the top. I have trouble believing that a Dick Cheney monster was at the controls on the day of the attacks. I'm more inclined to believe that the seeds were planted years ago, cultivated along the way, and the devious control freaks of the world let nature take its course.
It seems we are in semi-agreement on that. My THEORY is too complex to try to explain here in detail but for sure, Cheney and Bush knew in advance what was coming, and the Cheney “stand-down” order seems very genuine to me. But bigger fish than Cheney, and smarter fish than Bush were really the masterminds of this. I’m also inclined to believe that some airlines were hijacked, but just when the hijackers thought they were in control of the situation, they found the planes being remotely flown with greater precision than they could ever duplicate. The job was too important to leave it in the hands of a bunch of sloppy Muslim terrorists who couldn’t even pass flight school training!
And aside from the planes, Towers 1, 2, and 7 had been rigged prior to 9/11 for controlled demolition. By no stretch of the imagination did a bunch of sloppy Muslim terrorists manage to do THAT! Uncle Sam’s Wizards knew the plan in advance and lent a hand – actually, several BIG HANDS – to make sure the job was done RIGHT.
>>... Abu Musab al-Suri...not quite a household name yet but give it time. Red does give him a more satanic look.
Ha! I know. Isn’t that PATHETIC? I mean, really, how obvious did they need to make this propaganda? But then again, I guess they figure the Americonned Sheeple are so stupid that if they don’t make it “over the top” and “color beyond the lines”, we just might not understand what a dire threat this is.
~ D-FensDogg
‘Loyal American Underground’
Regardless of when Osama bin Laden actually met his maker or by what means (Yeah right. 1. I believe that they didn't try to capture him alive to make a grand spectacle of the event. 2. Procuce a body to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Obama had actually got his man, Osama. And 3. Buried him at sea, so that no one could recover his body - This and many other 'strange anomolies' are a little to convenient for this dumb blonde to believe).
ReplyDeleteRegardless of the means by which the WTC (all three buildings) was brought crumbling to the ground on 9/11 (Yeah right. 1. Those poor schmucks managed to navigate those big commercial airliners into the precise point on the buildings to cause a total failure of the structure. 2. Buidling 7 came down as collateral dammage and a result of internal fires. And 3. After all the previous threats and feeble attempts at a major US terrorist attack this handful of insurgents were able to pull this off without any warning or prior knowledge of a superpower and it's intelligence. Again, another series of covenient lies half truths, untruths, or nothing close to the truth, for anyone with two brain cells rubbing together to believe.
Regardless of how many boogeymen the US seeks out and destroys the 'wizards' will always be able to produce a new and improved version. As you have stated over and over again; It's just another brick in the wall, nail in the coffin, piece of the puzzle. We are witness to events set in motion before anyone who comments here was even born, and make no mistake those boogeymen intend to see it through to the finish.
I find it interesting that 'the plan' no longers needs to warm the American people up to thier insidious means of taking away our freedoms, for 'we the people' are begging them to protect us through whatever means THEY deem necessary. Did someone mention 1984? I don't think even George Orwell imagined a people so conned/bamboozeled/completely deluded, that they would gladly hand over their very rights and freedoms to those who have planned from the beginning to enslave them.
You've got to love Alex Jones. "People, wake up!"
I reread those comments we talked about and you were right - my misunderstanding.
Also, want to say that I was 'on the floor' over Alex's 'sock puppet' remark and demonstration. I couldn't help but think of that comedian (whose name I can't remember) and the terrorist 'dummy' (Achmed - sp?)
DeleteFirst... THANK YOU!
Couldn't have said it better (even though I tried to).
>>... Also, want to say that I was 'on the floor' over Alex's 'sock puppet' remark
Oh, sheesh! Simply reading your words had me, literally, laughing out loud again. That was SO-OOOO funny! Damn, that was funny!!! I can still see the image in my mind and, gee, how cowardly ridiculous are the Americonned Sheeple that they can be frightened by a sock puppet with a beard and turban on it? [Shee-it, I'm laughing aloud again!]
Yes, yes, Jeff Dunham and 'Achmed the Dead Terrorist'. That guy is a -- er... "THOSE" guys are a riot. Did you see the one where "Walter" was running for president against Hillary "Nurse Ratched" Clinton? That was great!
Thanks again for yer 0.02 cents worth (which was worth a lot more than that).
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'