"As a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11
~ Proverbs 26:11
Chauncey Holt –
News Blast From The Past
There was NO
live TV coverage of the first [World Trade Center] attack. There COULD NOT have been. Video of that first plane hitting the tower
taken by security cameras did not air publicly until DAYS AFTERWARDS.
We have received repeated claims by many that they 'remember'
seeing the FIRST plane impact
LIVE on The Today Show, Fox
& Friends and/or CNN... but none of these news organizations lay claim to
having been on LIVE when the
first plane hit the first tower or feature any exclusive of first impact
footage, other than amateur footage, retrieved AFTER the fact; not broadcast live at all. Many people
appear to be layering their memories of the second impact, and replays of the
first impact, out of sequence in time.
If anyone has definitive proof that any broadcasting news
facility was on LIVE and
aimed at the twin towers to catch the first impact, please send that proof
here! We cannot find any such proof ourselves. Remember -- it has to have been
a LIVE broadcast of the first
plane impact and have been a national broadcast for Bush to have seen the first
plane hit while in Florida.
9/11 was an Inside Job –
TOTAL PROOF (part 3)
Chauncey Marvin Holt Dallas
Interview –
Lois Gibson Forensics - Dallas, TX
Psychologists Help 9/11 Truth
Accept The Facts
Spooks, Hoods & The Hidden
9/11: Explosive Evidence –
Experts Speak Out
(Free 1-hour version)
a dog returns to his own vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly."
~ Proverbs 26:11
~ Proverbs 26:11
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem
attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read:
"posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com,
so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
I promise to be back with a proper comment, BUT when I read this sentence;
ReplyDelete'If anyone has definitive proof that any broadcasting news facility was on LIVE and aimed at the twin towers to catch the first impact--'
I mentally finished it off with this
'they had better find a big cave to hide in and take that broadcast news facility with them because their life isn't worth a plug nickle'.
A few of those 9/11 conspiracies could use a "Chauncey Holt". Maybe another death bed confession is just around the corner.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt that there was foreknowledge of the events of 9/11 that goes beyond a band of Arabs and Osama Bin Laden. I'd bet a large sum on that only because of the pre-9/11 put buying. When 20% of all options for UAL and American Airlines, over the previous two years, are bought a day or two prior to 9/11 with 90 times the normal volume, this equates to about a 1% random chance. (from Poteshman's research). Tie in a character like Buzzy Krongard (Deutsche Bank, CIA) and then having the entire issue dismissed with a footnote in the 9/11 Commission Report. It's almost like betting on a horse race with one horse running.
"Dubya" doesn't do himself any favors (once again) when he speaks, but who knows who exactly had knowledge and why. He either spilled the beans again or his brain has been fried so long that he doesn't remember yesterday. I have an opinion that the Bushes are all guilty, in some way, regarding events surrounding 9/11, and everything else come to think of it.
References like nadir.org don't look too credible. Brilliant deductions like, " What's more: there is NO reason bush would have thought a passenger jet hitting the WTC in perfectly clear, calm weather was due to any kind of "pilot error." What's that, mind reading? It's just noise backed up by nothing.
And WTC7? I keep an open mind but like I've stated before, I know more about the physical structure of that buildings foundation than I do about super-thermite or whatever was supposedly used to bring it down. I can play Silverstein's comments over and over and watch the building implode from all available angles but it's not enough to sway me 100%. Need facts, and those are in short supply. Who wired the place with explosives, Jason Bourne? Could the place have been rigged? Sure, but the only bet I'm making is the one that has to do with pre-9/11 puts because I have quantifiable data.
As a juror, I'd be a prosecutor's nightmare, I know.
As for the government and all of the resource-rich "national security" agencies, I doubt they are as competent or as omnipotent as most people think; friggin' bull in a china shop. There's plenty about 9/11 that's been covered up, it's the degree of government involvement regarding specific events on that date that have not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Put another way, I wouldn't bet the farm on it.
By the way, did I ever tell you how much I have appreciated your insight on all subjects, including this one? (Rhetorical question, no need to reply to that.) You keep your "Thompson gun", I'll keep the "Smith and Wesson". No matter, they can both be smoking guns.
(Didn't Malcolm X say that to MLK?)
Finally, I had the time to finish all of the videos (except for the one that is 58 minutes long, but I watched that a few days ago when it was first published in your comment section). I had never heard of Mr. Holt and he sure tells an interesting story, BUT I never needed any more convincing that JFK was an inside job. There are a few too many indicators for anyone with two brain cells rubbing together inside of their noggin' to think that Oswald was, in fact, a lone gunman. Add in the Jack Ruby factor and the televised event of those Texas Rangers quite literally holding Oswald steady for execution, and you have to be pretty deep in de-nile (like over your head) to still think these are all unrelated, un-choreographed events.
ReplyDeleteAs for 9/11 I think I made myself clear in the last comment box.
I did find the segment by the psychologists interesting as they addressed why the average American must live, at least, neck deep in de-nile. The US has been ruled by fear and intimidation for a long, long time. What did you recently tell me - 'fear is sin'? My what a wicked and adulterous generation we have become. The day of the 'Coming of the Lord' will be a great (for some) and terrible (for many) day. The real question for everyone to ask is -- what kind of day will it be for me?
I have 4 dogs. I can indeed confirm that vomit thing. Gross.
ReplyDeleteI'm always flattered when I see something I shared with you posted up on a blog bit. As I mentioned before, the psychologists explaining why we can't accept this still remains one of the most fascinating parts to me. Because what they describe sounds like my mother to a T.
Blind fear. She knows something's up. She's not stupid. But when you ask her about this kind of stuff she just kind of clams up and says, "Oh, I'd just rather not know about it. I'm sure it happened like they said it did, but even so, I'd just rather not know about it." AKA I know the truth deep down, but I'm just going to pretend it doesn't exist because I can't handle it.
It's easy for us to accept that someone who's completely different from us that hates us because of who we are and what we stand for attacked us. But the thought that we attacked ourselves, and the next time one of us dies it could actually be because we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time to coincide with a government plan to keep us in check for another few years? The thought that we as individuals don't actually matter? No one wants to have to think about that.
Doesn't make it any less true, though. Just like I can stare at this Shiner Bock (only thing left in the house) as hard as I can and try to pretend I'm drinking a Hop Knot, but I'm afraid that's just Knot how it works.
I'm really late in replying to comments here. Sorry, ALL, but been kinda busy working and sleeping. Seems that's about all I do anymore since these "graveyard" shifts started. This is no way to go through life!
ReplyDelete---- TOO SIG NIGHT ----
>>... I have an opinion that the Bushes are all guilty, in some way, regarding events surrounding 9/11, and everything else come to think of it.
Ha! Yeah, I think I can go along with that as well.
>>... References like nadir.org don't look too credible. Brilliant deductions like, " What's more: there is NO reason bush would have thought a passenger jet hitting the WTC in perfectly clear, calm weather was due to any kind of "pilot error." What's that, mind reading? It's just noise backed up by nothing.
I TOTALLY agree with you on that, and I had a similar thought the first time I read it. It was a really stupid comment.
I posted the link because I had quoted a few (better, relevant, important) sentences from them and wanted to show my source. I hope that everyone understands that when I post links and videos, that does not automatically signify that I personally agree with EVERYTHING in the video or at the site. I don't always agree with ANYONE, including folks like Ron Paul and Alex Jones, who get linked and mentioned here at F-FFF fairly regularly. I diverge from everyone at certain points when it comes to highly detailed, multi-faceted subjects like politics and religion. Sometimes I don't even agree with everything I say.
>>... And WTC7? ... Who wired the place with explosives, Jason Bourne?
Actually, that wouldn't have been nearly as difficult a job to pull off as a lot of people think - once the blueprints had been studied by a controlled demolitions expert. Also, there is already one pretty good suspect, but I'd have to go searching through one of my 9/11 documentaries in order to give the info correctly, and I'm just too tired, lazy, and busy to do that now.
>>... As for the government and all of the resource-rich "national security" agencies, I doubt they are as competent or as omnipotent as most people think
I believe they are generally pretty sloppy in a bureaucratically sloppy way much of the time. But when they really choose to focus on a target, they can do so with pinpoint precision. So I think much depends on the level of importance Uncle Sam assigns to the project.
9/11 was such a big crime that it left a lot of loose ends and enigmas unanswered. It was such a big crime that I think in this case we have at least TWO SMOKING GUNS: The United and American Airlines stock market action just prior to "that fateful day", AND the WTC 7 collapse. I think both of those items deserve the "smoking gun" label.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'
---- FAE ----
ReplyDelete>>... The US has been ruled by fear and intimidation for a long, long time. What did you recently tell me - 'fear is sin'? My what a wicked and adulterous generation we have become. The day of the 'Coming of the Lord' will be a great (for some) and terrible (for many) day. The real question for everyone to ask is -- what kind of day will it be for me?
I like the way you worked my "fear is sin" line into your comment. Good job, Sister!
And I loved that last sentence in your comment! You hit that nail squarely on the head.
---- 4-B OLD SOUL ----
I think most Americans are similar to your Mom: Refusing to objectively analyze the evidence of a conspiracy because deep down they fearfully suspect that their nice, mentally-comfortable worldview could not survive a serious examination of the facts.
People are generally afraid to face the awful truth that the White Hats are not really in control of their world and that the Black Hats possess both control and black hearts.
Me, I can face the truth because I believe in the reliability and faithfulness of The Author of The Book. "God don't make no promises that He don't keep!"
>>... I'm always flattered when I see something I shared with you posted up on a blog bit.
That was the first time I had seen the '9/11 Architects And Engineers' video in its entirety. I'd probably seen 50% to 60% of it in excerpted formats in 9/11 documentaries and at YouTube.
I had, however, seen the entire '9/11 Psychologists' video before - only a portion of which appeared at the end of the 'Architects And Engineers' program.
So really what I wanted to do here was simply store BOTH programs in their entirety someplace where I knew I could find them again when I wanted. So that's what this blog bit was all about, and the reason there's so little text.
But then I got the idea, since the JFK Assassination is the hot topic nowadays, to post videos about that also and alternate them with 9/11 videos. Doing a "back and forth" conspiracy weaving kind of thing. And I went with videos pertaining to Chauncey Holt because of all the books I've read and documentaries I've seen about the JFK Assassination, I feel that the full-length 120-minute documentary 'SPOOKS, HOODS, AND THE HIDDEN ELITE' made more sense of the Assassination than did anything else I've yet encountered.
So, a simple "storage place" for the video you linked me to turned into a simple 9/11-JFK double feature.
Not much to this one, but it served my personal purpose and contains some thought-provoking stuffs as well.
Thanks for the link and the comment.
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'